import{S as me,i as we,s as de,e as r,t as l,k as f,c as n,a as u,h as i,d as t,m as y,b as oe,g as a,G as s,n as ae}from"../chunks/index-61db2223.js";function be(ve){let p,F,W,w,L,I,d,Y,M,b,N,j,_,Q,A,x,R,O,c,z,m,J,K,P,E,U,q,h,V,S,X,Z,D,H,$,G,v,g,k,ee,te;return{c(){p=r("h1"),F=l(he),W=f(),w=r("h2"),L=l("Who is the project owner?"),I=f(),d=r("p"),Y=l("Orignally: Midou (Sysadmin) and Mrlerien (Hoster), but now Odyssey346 (Game Server Sysadmin, webdev and social media manager) and Devnol (Hoster) are with us."),M=f(),b=r("h1"),N=l("Hold on, what if Devnol decides to backstab you?"),j=f(),_=r("p"),Q=l("I highly doubt he will, but in any case this happens, critical services will stay up. So only extra (non important services) running on the server will be gone, but you should be aware of that anyways."),A=f(),x=r("h1"),R=l("One of your services contains toxic people!"),O=f(),c=r("p"),z=l("You can contact us by mail or Matrix and we can figure this out with you. But we recommend that you put most of these requests in our support channel at "),m=r("a"),J=l(""),K=l(` on Matrix. If it\u2019s something personal, just say that you have a report against someone on one of our services and you\u2019d like to be contacted by an admin and we\u2019ll constact you ASAP. We have no lives so we\u2019re quite active.`),P=f(),E=r("h1"),U=l("How can I trust your services?"),q=f(),h=r("p"),V=l("Well, you really can\u2019t. We don\u2019t make our logs or anything public, however, if you would like the data we have on you, please contact us. If you\u2019re paranoid, "),S=r("strong"),X=l("you are allowed to use Tor on our services"),Z=l(", but we don\u2019t host any .onion links."),D=f(),H=r("h1"),$=l("Which ways do you prefer to communicate?"),G=f(),v=r("p"),g=l("Look at "),k=r("a"),ee=l("Contact"),te=l("."),this.h()},l(e){p=n(e,"H1",{});var o=u(p);F=i(o,he),o.forEach(t),W=y(e),w=n(e,"H2",{});var se=u(w);L=i(se,"Who is the project owner?"),se.forEach(t),I=y(e),d=n(e,"P",{});var le=u(d);Y=i(le,"Orignally: Midou (Sysadmin) and Mrlerien (Hoster), but now Odyssey346 (Game Server Sysadmin, webdev and social media manager) and Devnol (Hoster) are with us."),le.forEach(t),M=y(e),b=n(e,"H1",{});var ie=u(b);N=i(ie,"Hold on, what if Devnol decides to backstab you?"),ie.forEach(t),j=y(e),_=n(e,"P",{});var re=u(_);Q=i(re,"I highly doubt he will, but in any case this happens, critical services will stay up. So only extra (non important services) running on the server will be gone, but you should be aware of that anyways."),re.forEach(t),A=y(e),x=n(e,"H1",{});var ne=u(x);R=i(ne,"One of your services contains toxic people!"),ne.forEach(t),O=y(e),c=n(e,"P",{});var C=u(c);z=i(C,"You can contact us by mail or Matrix and we can figure this out with you. But we recommend that you put most of these requests in our support channel at "),m=n(C,"A",{href:!0,rel:!0});var ue=u(m);J=i(ue,""),ue.forEach(t),K=i(C,` on Matrix. If it\u2019s something personal, just say that you have a report against someone on one of our services and you\u2019d like to be contacted by an admin and we\u2019ll constact you ASAP. We have no lives so we\u2019re quite active.`),C.forEach(t),P=y(e),E=n(e,"H1",{});var fe=u(E);U=i(fe,"How can I trust your services?"),fe.forEach(t),q=y(e),h=n(e,"P",{});var T=u(h);V=i(T,"Well, you really can\u2019t. We don\u2019t make our logs or anything public, however, if you would like the data we have on you, please contact us. If you\u2019re paranoid, "),S=n(T,"STRONG",{});var ye=u(S);X=i(ye,"you are allowed to use Tor on our services"),ye.forEach(t),Z=i(T,", but we don\u2019t host any .onion links."),T.forEach(t),D=y(e),H=n(e,"H1",{});var pe=u(H);$=i(pe,"Which ways do you prefer to communicate?"),pe.forEach(t),G=y(e),v=n(e,"P",{});var B=u(v);g=i(B,"Look at "),k=n(B,"A",{href:!0});var ce=u(k);ee=i(ce,"Contact"),ce.forEach(t),te=i(B,"."),B.forEach(t),this.h()},h(){oe(m,"href",""),oe(m,"rel","nofollow"),oe(k,"href","/contact")},m(e,o){a(e,p,o),s(p,F),a(e,W,o),a(e,w,o),s(w,L),a(e,I,o),a(e,d,o),s(d,Y),a(e,M,o),a(e,b,o),s(b,N),a(e,j,o),a(e,_,o),s(_,Q),a(e,A,o),a(e,x,o),s(x,R),a(e,O,o),a(e,c,o),s(c,z),s(c,m),s(m,J),s(c,K),a(e,P,o),a(e,E,o),s(E,U),a(e,q,o),a(e,h,o),s(h,V),s(h,S),s(S,X),s(h,Z),a(e,D,o),a(e,H,o),s(H,$),a(e,G,o),a(e,v,o),s(v,g),s(v,k),s(k,ee),s(v,te)},p:ae,i:ae,o:ae,d(e){e&&t(p),e&&t(W),e&&t(w),e&&t(I),e&&t(d),e&&t(M),e&&t(b),e&&t(j),e&&t(_),e&&t(A),e&&t(x),e&&t(O),e&&t(c),e&&t(P),e&&t(E),e&&t(q),e&&t(h),e&&t(D),e&&t(H),e&&t(G),e&&t(v)}}}const _e={title:"FAQ"},{title:he}=_e;class Ee extends me{constructor(p){super(),we(this,p,null,be,de,{})}}export{Ee as default,_e as metadata};