#include "MMCStrings.h"

/// TAKEN FROM Qt, because it doesn't expose it intelligently
static inline QChar getNextChar(const QString &s, int location)
    return (location < s.length()) ? s.at(location) : QChar();

/// TAKEN FROM Qt, because it doesn't expose it intelligently
int Strings::naturalCompare(const QString &s1, const QString &s2, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
    for (int l1 = 0, l2 = 0; l1 <= s1.count() && l2 <= s2.count(); ++l1, ++l2)
        // skip spaces, tabs and 0's
        QChar c1 = getNextChar(s1, l1);
        while (c1.isSpace())
            c1 = getNextChar(s1, ++l1);
        QChar c2 = getNextChar(s2, l2);
        while (c2.isSpace())
            c2 = getNextChar(s2, ++l2);

        if (c1.isDigit() && c2.isDigit())
            while (c1.digitValue() == 0)
                c1 = getNextChar(s1, ++l1);
            while (c2.digitValue() == 0)
                c2 = getNextChar(s2, ++l2);

            int lookAheadLocation1 = l1;
            int lookAheadLocation2 = l2;
            int currentReturnValue = 0;
            // find the last digit, setting currentReturnValue as we go if it isn't equal
            for (QChar lookAhead1 = c1, lookAhead2 = c2;
                 (lookAheadLocation1 <= s1.length() && lookAheadLocation2 <= s2.length());
                 lookAhead1 = getNextChar(s1, ++lookAheadLocation1),
                       lookAhead2 = getNextChar(s2, ++lookAheadLocation2))
                bool is1ADigit = !lookAhead1.isNull() && lookAhead1.isDigit();
                bool is2ADigit = !lookAhead2.isNull() && lookAhead2.isDigit();
                if (!is1ADigit && !is2ADigit)
                if (!is1ADigit)
                    return -1;
                if (!is2ADigit)
                    return 1;
                if (currentReturnValue == 0)
                    if (lookAhead1 < lookAhead2)
                        currentReturnValue = -1;
                    else if (lookAhead1 > lookAhead2)
                        currentReturnValue = 1;
            if (currentReturnValue != 0)
                return currentReturnValue;
        if (cs == Qt::CaseInsensitive)
            if (!c1.isLower())
                c1 = c1.toLower();
            if (!c2.isLower())
                c2 = c2.toLower();
        int r = QString::localeAwareCompare(c1, c2);
        if (r < 0)
            return -1;
        if (r > 0)
            return 1;
    // The two strings are the same (02 == 2) so fall back to the normal sort
    return QString::compare(s1, s2, cs);