#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SkinUploadDialog.h" #include "ui_SkinUploadDialog.h" #include "ProgressDialog.h" #include "CustomMessageBox.h" void SkinUploadDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected() { close(); } void SkinUploadDialog::on_buttonBox_accepted() { QString fileName; QString input = ui->skinPathTextBox->text(); QRegExp urlPrefixMatcher("^([a-z]+)://.+$"); bool isLocalFile = false; // it has an URL prefix -> it is an URL if(urlPrefixMatcher.exactMatch(input)) { QUrl fileURL = input; if(fileURL.isValid()) { // local? if(fileURL.isLocalFile()) { isLocalFile = true; fileName = fileURL.toLocalFile(); } else { CustomMessageBox::selectable( this, tr("Skin Upload"), tr("Using remote URLs for setting skins is not implemented yet."), QMessageBox::Warning )->exec(); close(); return; } } else { CustomMessageBox::selectable( this, tr("Skin Upload"), tr("You cannot use an invalid URL for uploading skins."), QMessageBox::Warning )->exec(); close(); return; } } else { // just assume it's a path then isLocalFile = true; fileName = ui->skinPathTextBox->text(); } if (isLocalFile && !QFile::exists(fileName)) { CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Skin Upload"), tr("Skin file does not exist!"), QMessageBox::Warning)->exec(); close(); return; } SkinUpload::Model model = SkinUpload::STEVE; if (ui->steveBtn->isChecked()) { model = SkinUpload::STEVE; } else if (ui->alexBtn->isChecked()) { model = SkinUpload::ALEX; } ProgressDialog prog(this); SequentialTask skinUpload; skinUpload.addTask(shared_qobject_ptr(new SkinUpload(this, m_acct->accessToken(), FS::read(fileName), model))); auto selectedCape = ui->capeCombo->currentData().toString(); if(selectedCape != m_acct->accountData()->minecraftProfile.currentCape) { skinUpload.addTask(shared_qobject_ptr(new CapeChange(this, m_acct->accessToken(), selectedCape))); } if (prog.execWithTask(&skinUpload) != QDialog::Accepted) { CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Skin Upload"), tr("Failed to upload skin!"), QMessageBox::Warning)->exec(); close(); return; } CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Skin Upload"), tr("Success"), QMessageBox::Information)->exec(); close(); } void SkinUploadDialog::on_skinBrowseBtn_clicked() { auto filter = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName("image/png").filterString(); QString raw_path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select Skin Texture"), QString(), filter); if (raw_path.isEmpty() || !QFileInfo::exists(raw_path)) { return; } QString cooked_path = FS::NormalizePath(raw_path); ui->skinPathTextBox->setText(cooked_path); } SkinUploadDialog::SkinUploadDialog(MinecraftAccountPtr acct, QWidget *parent) :QDialog(parent), m_acct(acct), ui(new Ui::SkinUploadDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); // FIXME: add a model for this, download/refresh the capes on demand auto &data = *acct->accountData(); int index = 0; ui->capeCombo->addItem(tr("No Cape"), QVariant()); auto currentCape = data.minecraftProfile.currentCape; if(currentCape.isEmpty()) { ui->capeCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); } for(auto & cape: data.minecraftProfile.capes) { index++; if(cape.data.size()) { QPixmap capeImage; if(capeImage.loadFromData(cape.data, "PNG")) { QPixmap preview = QPixmap(10, 16); QPainter painter(&preview); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, capeImage.copy(1, 1, 10, 16)); ui->capeCombo->addItem(capeImage, cape.alias, cape.id); if(currentCape == cape.id) { ui->capeCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); } continue; } } ui->capeCombo->addItem(cape.alias, cape.id); if(currentCape == cape.id) { ui->capeCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); } } }