#include "FolderInstanceProvider.h" #include "settings/INISettingsObject.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "minecraft/MinecraftInstance.h" #include "minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.h" #include "NullInstance.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const static int GROUP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1; struct WatchLock { WatchLock(QFileSystemWatcher * watcher, const QString& instDir) : m_watcher(watcher), m_instDir(instDir) { m_watcher->removePath(m_instDir); } ~WatchLock() { m_watcher->addPath(m_instDir); } QFileSystemWatcher * m_watcher; QString m_instDir; }; FolderInstanceProvider::FolderInstanceProvider(SettingsObjectPtr settings, const QString& instDir) : BaseInstanceProvider(settings) { // Create aand normalize path if (!QDir::current().exists(instDir)) { QDir::current().mkpath(instDir); } // NOTE: canonicalPath requires the path to exist. Do not move this above the creation block! m_instDir = QDir(instDir).canonicalPath(); m_watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); connect(m_watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, &FolderInstanceProvider::instanceDirContentsChanged); m_watcher->addPath(m_instDir); } QList< InstanceId > FolderInstanceProvider::discoverInstances() { QList out; QDirIterator iter(m_instDir, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDot | QDir::NoDotDot | QDir::Readable | QDir::Hidden, QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks); while (iter.hasNext()) { QString subDir = iter.next(); QFileInfo dirInfo(subDir); if (!QFileInfo(FS::PathCombine(subDir, "instance.cfg")).exists()) continue; // if it is a symlink, ignore it if it goes to the instance folder if(dirInfo.isSymLink()) { QFileInfo targetInfo(dirInfo.symLinkTarget()); QFileInfo instDirInfo(m_instDir); if(targetInfo.canonicalPath() == instDirInfo.canonicalFilePath()) { qDebug() << "Ignoring symlink" << subDir << "that leads into the instances folder"; continue; } } auto id = dirInfo.fileName(); out.append(id); qDebug() << "Found instance ID" << id; } return out; } InstancePtr FolderInstanceProvider::loadInstance(const InstanceId& id) { if(!m_groupsLoaded) { loadGroupList(); } auto instanceRoot = FS::PathCombine(m_instDir, id); auto instanceSettings = std::make_shared(FS::PathCombine(instanceRoot, "instance.cfg")); InstancePtr inst; instanceSettings->registerSetting("InstanceType", "Legacy"); QString inst_type = instanceSettings->get("InstanceType").toString(); if (inst_type == "OneSix" || inst_type == "Nostalgia") { inst.reset(new MinecraftInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instanceRoot)); } else if (inst_type == "Legacy") { inst.reset(new LegacyInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instanceRoot)); } else { inst.reset(new NullInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instanceRoot)); } inst->init(); inst->setProvider(this); auto iter = groupMap.find(id); if (iter != groupMap.end()) { inst->setGroupInitial((*iter)); } connect(inst.get(), &BaseInstance::groupChanged, this, &FolderInstanceProvider::groupChanged); qDebug() << "Loaded instance " << inst->name() << " from " << inst->instanceRoot(); return inst; } void FolderInstanceProvider::saveGroupList() { WatchLock foo(m_watcher, m_instDir); QString groupFileName = m_instDir + "/instgroups.json"; QMap> reverseGroupMap; for (auto iter = groupMap.begin(); iter != groupMap.end(); iter++) { QString id = iter.key(); QString group = iter.value(); if (group.isEmpty()) continue; if (!reverseGroupMap.count(group)) { QSet set; set.insert(id); reverseGroupMap[group] = set; } else { QSet &set = reverseGroupMap[group]; set.insert(id); } } QJsonObject toplevel; toplevel.insert("formatVersion", QJsonValue(QString("1"))); QJsonObject groupsArr; for (auto iter = reverseGroupMap.begin(); iter != reverseGroupMap.end(); iter++) { auto list = iter.value(); auto name = iter.key(); QJsonObject groupObj; QJsonArray instanceArr; groupObj.insert("hidden", QJsonValue(QString("false"))); for (auto item : list) { instanceArr.append(QJsonValue(item)); } groupObj.insert("instances", instanceArr); groupsArr.insert(name, groupObj); } toplevel.insert("groups", groupsArr); QJsonDocument doc(toplevel); try { FS::write(groupFileName, doc.toJson()); } catch (const FS::FileSystemException &e) { qCritical() << "Failed to write instance group file :" << e.cause(); } } void FolderInstanceProvider::loadGroupList() { QSet groupSet; QString groupFileName = m_instDir + "/instgroups.json"; // if there's no group file, fail if (!QFileInfo(groupFileName).exists()) return; QByteArray jsonData; try { jsonData = FS::read(groupFileName); } catch (const FS::FileSystemException &e) { qCritical() << "Failed to read instance group file :" << e.cause(); return; } QJsonParseError error; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData, &error); // if the json was bad, fail if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qCritical() << QString("Failed to parse instance group file: %1 at offset %2") .arg(error.errorString(), QString::number(error.offset)) .toUtf8(); return; } // if the root of the json wasn't an object, fail if (!jsonDoc.isObject()) { qWarning() << "Invalid group file. Root entry should be an object."; return; } QJsonObject rootObj = jsonDoc.object(); // Make sure the format version matches, otherwise fail. if (rootObj.value("formatVersion").toVariant().toInt() != GROUP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION) return; // Get the groups. if it's not an object, fail if (!rootObj.value("groups").isObject()) { qWarning() << "Invalid group list JSON: 'groups' should be an object."; return; } groupMap.clear(); // Iterate through all the groups. QJsonObject groupMapping = rootObj.value("groups").toObject(); for (QJsonObject::iterator iter = groupMapping.begin(); iter != groupMapping.end(); iter++) { QString groupName = iter.key(); // If not an object, complain and skip to the next one. if (!iter.value().isObject()) { qWarning() << QString("Group '%1' in the group list should " "be an object.") .arg(groupName) .toUtf8(); continue; } QJsonObject groupObj = iter.value().toObject(); if (!groupObj.value("instances").isArray()) { qWarning() << QString("Group '%1' in the group list is invalid. " "It should contain an array " "called 'instances'.") .arg(groupName) .toUtf8(); continue; } // keep a list/set of groups for choosing groupSet.insert(groupName); // Iterate through the list of instances in the group. QJsonArray instancesArray = groupObj.value("instances").toArray(); for (QJsonArray::iterator iter2 = instancesArray.begin(); iter2 != instancesArray.end(); iter2++) { groupMap[(*iter2).toString()] = groupName; } } m_groupsLoaded = true; emit groupsChanged(groupSet); } void FolderInstanceProvider::groupChanged() { // save the groups. save all of them. auto instance = (BaseInstance *) QObject::sender(); auto id = instance->id(); groupMap[id] = instance->group(); emit groupsChanged({instance->group()}); saveGroupList(); } void FolderInstanceProvider::instanceDirContentsChanged(const QString& path) { Q_UNUSED(path); emit instancesChanged(); } void FolderInstanceProvider::on_InstFolderChanged(const Setting &setting, QVariant value) { QString newInstDir = QDir(value.toString()).canonicalPath(); if(newInstDir != m_instDir) { if(m_groupsLoaded) { saveGroupList(); } m_instDir = newInstDir; m_groupsLoaded = false; emit instancesChanged(); } } template static void clamp(T& current, T min, T max) { if (current < min) { current = min; } else if(current > max) { current = max; } } // List of numbers from min to max. Next is exponent times bigger than previous. class ExponentialSeries { public: ExponentialSeries(unsigned min, unsigned max, unsigned exponent = 2) { m_current = m_min = min; m_max = max; m_exponent = exponent; } void reset() { m_current = m_min; } unsigned operator()() { unsigned retval = m_current; m_current *= m_exponent; clamp(m_current, m_min, m_max); return retval; } unsigned m_current; unsigned m_min; unsigned m_max; unsigned m_exponent; }; /* * WHY: the whole reason why this uses an exponential backoff retry scheme is antivirus on Windows. * Basically, it starts messing things up while MultiMC is extracting/creating instances * and causes that horrible failure that is NTFS to lock files in place because they are open. */ class FolderInstanceStaging : public Task { Q_OBJECT const unsigned minBackoff = 1; const unsigned maxBackoff = 16; public: FolderInstanceStaging ( FolderInstanceProvider * parent, Task * child, const QString & stagingPath, const QString& instanceName, const QString& groupName ) : backoff(minBackoff, maxBackoff) { m_parent = parent; m_child.reset(child); connect(child, &Task::succeeded, this, &FolderInstanceStaging::childSucceded); connect(child, &Task::failed, this, &FolderInstanceStaging::childFailed); connect(child, &Task::status, this, &FolderInstanceStaging::setStatus); connect(child, &Task::progress, this, &FolderInstanceStaging::setProgress); m_instanceName = instanceName; m_groupName = groupName; m_stagingPath = stagingPath; m_backoffTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_backoffTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FolderInstanceStaging::childSucceded); } protected: virtual void executeTask() override { m_child->start(); } QStringList warnings() const override { return m_child->warnings(); } private slots: void childSucceded() { unsigned sleepTime = backoff(); if(m_parent->commitStagedInstance(m_stagingPath, m_instanceName, m_groupName)) { emitSucceeded(); return; } // we actually failed, retry? if(sleepTime == maxBackoff) { emitFailed(tr("Failed to commit instance, even after multiple retries. It is being blocked by something.")); return; } qDebug() << "Failed to commit instance" << m_instanceName << "Initiating backoff:" << sleepTime; m_backoffTimer.start(sleepTime * 500); } void childFailed(const QString & reason) { m_parent->destroyStagingPath(m_stagingPath); emitFailed(reason); } private: ExponentialSeries backoff; QString m_stagingPath; FolderInstanceProvider * m_parent; unique_qobject_ptr m_child; QString m_instanceName; QString m_groupName; QTimer m_backoffTimer; }; #include "InstanceTask.h" Task * FolderInstanceProvider::wrapInstanceTask(InstanceTask * task) { auto stagingPath = getStagedInstancePath(); task->setStagingPath(stagingPath); task->setParentSettings(m_globalSettings); return new FolderInstanceStaging(this, task, stagingPath, task->name(), task->group()); } QString FolderInstanceProvider::getStagedInstancePath() { QString key = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); QString relPath = FS::PathCombine("_MMC_TEMP/" , key); QDir rootPath(m_instDir); auto path = FS::PathCombine(m_instDir, relPath); if(!rootPath.mkpath(relPath)) { return QString(); } return path; } bool FolderInstanceProvider::commitStagedInstance(const QString& path, const QString& instanceName, const QString& groupName) { QDir dir; QString instID = FS::DirNameFromString(instanceName, m_instDir); { WatchLock lock(m_watcher, m_instDir); QString destination = FS::PathCombine(m_instDir, instID); if(!dir.rename(path, destination)) { qWarning() << "Failed to move" << path << "to" << destination; return false; } groupMap[instID] = groupName; emit groupsChanged({groupName}); emit instancesChanged(); } saveGroupList(); return true; } bool FolderInstanceProvider::destroyStagingPath(const QString& keyPath) { return FS::deletePath(keyPath); } #include "FolderInstanceProvider.moc"