/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors * * Authors: Orochimarufan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "MinecraftProcess.h" #include #include #include //#include #include #include "BaseInstance.h" #include "osutils.h" #include "pathutils.h" #include "cmdutils.h" #define IBUS "@im=ibus" // constructor MinecraftProcess::MinecraftProcess(BaseInstance *inst) : m_instance(inst) { connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(finish(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); // prepare the process environment QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); #ifdef LINUX // Strip IBus if (env.value("XMODIFIERS").contains(IBUS)) env.insert("XMODIFIERS", env.value("XMODIFIERS").replace(IBUS, "")); #endif // export some infos env.insert("INST_NAME", inst->name()); env.insert("INST_ID", inst->id()); env.insert("INST_DIR", QDir(inst->instanceRoot()).absolutePath()); this->setProcessEnvironment(env); m_prepostlaunchprocess.setProcessEnvironment(env); // std channels connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), SLOT(on_stdErr())); connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(on_stdOut())); } void MinecraftProcess::setArguments(QStringList args) { m_args = args; } void MinecraftProcess::setWorkdir(QString path) { QDir mcDir(path); this->setWorkingDirectory(mcDir.absolutePath()); m_prepostlaunchprocess.setWorkingDirectory(mcDir.absolutePath()); } QString MinecraftProcess::censorPrivateInfo(QString in) { if(!m_account) return in; QString sessionId = m_account->sessionId(); QString accessToken = m_account->accessToken(); QString clientToken = m_account->clientToken(); in.replace(sessionId, ""); in.replace(accessToken, ""); in.replace(clientToken, ""); auto profile = m_account->currentProfile(); if(profile) { QString profileId = profile->id; QString profileName = profile->name; in.replace(profileId, ""); in.replace(profileName, ""); } auto i = m_account->user().properties.begin(); while (i != m_account->user().properties.end()) { in.replace(i.value(), "<" + i.key().toUpper() + ">"); ++i; } return in; } // console window void MinecraftProcess::on_stdErr() { QByteArray data = readAllStandardError(); QString str = m_err_leftover + QString::fromLocal8Bit(data); m_err_leftover.clear(); QStringList lines = str.split("\n"); bool complete = str.endsWith("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size() - 1; i++) { QString &line = lines[i]; emit log(censorPrivateInfo(line), getLevel(line, MessageLevel::Error)); } if (!complete) m_err_leftover = lines.last(); } void MinecraftProcess::on_stdOut() { QByteArray data = readAllStandardOutput(); QString str = m_out_leftover + QString::fromLocal8Bit(data); m_out_leftover.clear(); QStringList lines = str.split("\n"); bool complete = str.endsWith("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size() - 1; i++) { QString &line = lines[i]; emit log(censorPrivateInfo(line), getLevel(line, MessageLevel::Message)); } if (!complete) m_out_leftover = lines.last(); } // exit handler void MinecraftProcess::finish(int code, ExitStatus status) { if (!killed) { if (status == NormalExit) { //: Message displayed on instance exit emit log(tr("Minecraft exited with exitcode %1.").arg(code)); } else { //: Message displayed on instance crashed emit log(tr("Minecraft crashed with exitcode %1.").arg(code)); } } else { //: Message displayed after the instance exits due to kill request emit log(tr("Minecraft was killed by user."), MessageLevel::Error); } m_prepostlaunchprocess.processEnvironment().insert("INST_EXITCODE", QString(code)); // run post-exit if (!m_instance->settings().get("PostExitCommand").toString().isEmpty()) { m_prepostlaunchprocess.start(m_instance->settings().get("PostExitCommand").toString()); m_prepostlaunchprocess.waitForFinished(); if (m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitStatus() != NormalExit) { emit postlaunch_failed(m_instance, m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitCode(), m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitStatus()); } } m_instance->cleanupAfterRun(); emit ended(m_instance, code, status); } void MinecraftProcess::killMinecraft() { killed = true; kill(); } void MinecraftProcess::launch() { if (!m_instance->settings().get("PreLaunchCommand").toString().isEmpty()) { m_prepostlaunchprocess.start(m_instance->settings().get("PreLaunchCommand").toString()); m_prepostlaunchprocess.waitForFinished(); if (m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitStatus() != NormalExit) { m_instance->cleanupAfterRun(); emit prelaunch_failed(m_instance, m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitCode(), m_prepostlaunchprocess.exitStatus()); return; } } m_instance->setLastLaunch(); emit log(QString("Minecraft folder is: '%1'").arg(workingDirectory())); QString JavaPath = m_instance->settings().get("JavaPath").toString(); emit log(QString("Java path: '%1'").arg(JavaPath)); QString allArgs = m_args.join("' '"); emit log(QString("Arguments: '%1'").arg(censorPrivateInfo(allArgs))); start(JavaPath, m_args); if (!waitForStarted()) { //: Error message displayed if instace can't start emit log(tr("Could not launch minecraft!"), MessageLevel::Error); m_instance->cleanupAfterRun(); emit launch_failed(m_instance); return; } } MessageLevel::Enum MinecraftProcess::getLevel(const QString &line, MessageLevel::Enum level) { if (line.contains("[INFO]") || line.contains("[CONFIG]") || line.contains("[FINE]") || line.contains("[FINER]") || line.contains("[FINEST]")) level = MessageLevel::Message; if (line.contains("[SEVERE]") || line.contains("[STDERR]")) level = MessageLevel::Error; if (line.contains("[WARNING]")) level = MessageLevel::Warning; if (line.contains("Exception in thread") || line.contains(" at ")) level = MessageLevel::Fatal; if (line.contains("[DEBUG]")) level = MessageLevel::Debug; return level; }