<RCC version="1.0">
    <qresource prefix="/icons/multimc">
		<!-- Logo. Our own. -->

		<!-- OK console icon. Our own -->

		<!-- REDDIT logo icon, needs reddit license! -->

		<!-- ERROR console icon. Our own -->

		<!-- A proxy icon. Our own. SSSsss -->

		<!-- Java icon. From Oracle, fixed because it was derpy. -->

		<!-- Star, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons.-->

		<!-- "folder-remote", CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. Used for the worlds folder-->

		<!-- Minecraft icon. Source: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/show-your-creation/fan-art/1574882-icon-better-minecraft-icon -->

		<!-- About dialog. GPLv2, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/actions/help-contents.png -->

		<!-- Report bug. Our own. -->

		<!-- Screenshots. Our own. -->
		<!-- frame is adapted and simplified from http://www.wpclipart.com/page_frames/picture_frames/golden_picture_frame.png.html -->

		<!-- Patron logo. (C) 2014 Patreon, Inc., http://www.patreon.com/toolbox?ftyp=media -->

		<!-- The cat button. Freeware, http://findicons.com/icon/73096/black_cat -->

		<!-- Show mods folder. CC-BY-SA 3.0 http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/places/oxygen-style/folder-favorites.png -->

		<!-- Update. GPLv2, https://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors/ -->

		<!-- copy instance. CC-BY-SA 3.0, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/actions/edit-copy-6.png -->

		<!-- Help. CC-BY-SA 3.0, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/actions/help.png -->

		<!-- New instance. GPLv2, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/actions/document-new-3.png -->

		<!-- Open news. Our own. -->

		<!-- Bad status. Our own. -->

		<!-- Good status. Our own. -->

		<!-- Yellow status. Whatever that means... Our own. -->

		<!-- Plugin (blue recolor), CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. -->

		<!-- Plugin (red recolor), CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. -->

		<!-- Plugin (green original), CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. -->

		<!-- Resource packs, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. -->

		<!-- Refresh, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Oxygen icons. -->

		<!-- Settings, LGPL-2.1, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/apps/system-settings-3.png -->

		<!-- Same, used for instance settings -->

		<!-- View folder. CC-BY-SA 3.0, http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/gallery2/?./Icons/actions/document-open-folder.png -->

		<!-- Default minecraft skin, desaturated, cutout of head, Mojang -->

		<!-- Log file, LGPL, http://www.iconarchive.com/show/crystal-clear-icons-by-everaldo/Mimetype-text-icon.html -->

		<!-- Hour glass, CC-BY, http://findicons.com/icon/84653/hourglass?id=360551 -->

		<!-- placeholder when loading screenshot images -->