/* Copyright 2013-2021 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "BuildConfig.h" #include "ui_AboutDialog.h" #include #include "Application.h" #include "BuildConfig.h" #include #include #include "HoeDown.h" namespace { QString getLink(QString link, QString name) { return QString("<%2>").arg(link).arg(name); } QString getWebsite(QString link) { return getLink(link, QObject::tr("Website")); } QString getGitHub(QString username) { return getLink("https://github.com/" + username, "GitHub"); } // Credits // This is a hack, but I can't think of a better way to do this easily without screwing with QTextDocument... QString getCreditsHtml() { QString output; QTextStream stream(&output); stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); stream << "
\n"; //: %1 is the name of the launcher, determined at build time, e.g. "PolyMC Developers" stream << "

" << QObject::tr("%1 Developers", "About Credits").arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME) << "

\n"; stream << QString("

LennyMcLennington %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("LennyMcLennington")); stream << QString("

Sefa Eyeoglu (Scrumplex) %1

\n") .arg(getWebsite("https://scrumplex.net")); stream << QString("

dada513 %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("dada513")); stream << QString("

txtsd %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("txtsd")); stream << QString("

timoreo %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("timoreo22")); stream << QString("

Ezekiel Smith (ZekeSmith) %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("ZekeSmith")); stream << QString("

cozyGalvinism %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("cozyGalvinism")); stream << "
\n"; //: %1 is the name of the launcher, determined at build time, e.g. "PolyMC Contributors" stream << "

" << QObject::tr("%1 Contributors", "About Credits").arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME) << "

\n"; stream << QString("

DioEgizio %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("DioEgizio")); stream << QString("

flowln %1

\n") .arg(getGitHub("flowln")); stream << QString("

swirl %1

\n") .arg(getWebsite("https://swurl.xyz/")); stream << "
\n"; // TODO: possibly retrieve from git history at build time? //: %1 is the name of the launcher, determined at build time, e.g. "PolyMC Developers" stream << "

" << QObject::tr("%1 Developers", "About Credits").arg("MultiMC") << "

\n"; stream << "

Andrew Okin <forkk@forkk.net>

\n"; stream << QString("

Petr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>

\n"); stream << "

Sky Welch <multimc@bunnies.io>

\n"; stream << "

Jan (02JanDal) <02jandal@gmail.com>

\n"; stream << "

RoboSky <@RoboSky_>

\n"; stream << "
\n"; stream << "

" << QObject::tr("With thanks to", "About Credits") << "

\n"; stream << "

Orochimarufan <orochimarufan.x3@gmail.com>

\n"; stream << "

TakSuyu <taksuyu@gmail.com>

\n"; stream << "

Kilobyte <stiepen22@gmx.de>

\n"; stream << "

Rootbear75 <@rootbear75>

\n"; stream << "

Zeker Zhayard <@Zeker_Zhayard>

\n"; stream << "

Everyone else who contributed!

\n"; stream << "
\n"; stream << "
\n"; return output; } QString getLicenseHtml() { HoeDown hoedown; QFile dataFile(":/documents/COPYING.md"); dataFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString output = hoedown.process(dataFile.readAll()); return output; } } AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::AboutDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); QString launcherName = BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME; setWindowTitle(tr("About %1").arg(launcherName)); QString chtml = getCreditsHtml(); ui->creditsText->setHtml(chtml); QString lhtml = getLicenseHtml(); ui->licenseText->setHtml(lhtml); ui->urlLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(true); ui->icon->setPixmap(APPLICATION->getThemedIcon("logo").pixmap(64)); ui->title->setText(launcherName); ui->versionLabel->setText(BuildConfig.printableVersionString()); if (!BuildConfig.BUILD_PLATFORM.isEmpty()) ui->platformLabel->setText(tr("Platform") +": " + BuildConfig.BUILD_PLATFORM); else ui->platformLabel->setVisible(false); if (BuildConfig.VERSION_BUILD >= 0) ui->buildNumLabel->setText(tr("Build Number") +": " + QString::number(BuildConfig.VERSION_BUILD)); else ui->buildNumLabel->setVisible(false); if (!BuildConfig.VERSION_CHANNEL.isEmpty()) ui->channelLabel->setText(tr("Channel") +": " + BuildConfig.VERSION_CHANNEL); else ui->channelLabel->setVisible(false); QString urlText("


"); ui->urlLabel->setText(urlText.arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_GIT)); QString copyText("© 2021-2022 %1"); ui->copyLabel->setText(copyText.arg(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_COPYRIGHT)); connect(ui->closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); connect(ui->aboutQt, &QPushButton::clicked, &QApplication::aboutQt); } AboutDialog::~AboutDialog() { delete ui; }