// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only /* * PolyMC - Minecraft Launcher * Copyright (C) 2022 Sefa Eyeoglu * Copyright (C) 2022 Lenny McLennington * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and * permission notice: * * Copyright 2013-2021 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Application.h" #include "BuildConfig.h" #include "net/PasteUpload.h" #include "ui/MainWindow.h" #include "ui/InstanceWindow.h" #include "ui/instanceview/AccessibleInstanceView.h" #include "ui/pages/BasePageProvider.h" #include "ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/JavaPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/LanguagePage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/APIPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/CustomCommandsPage.h" #include "ui/themes/ITheme.h" #include "ui/themes/SystemTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/DarkTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/BrightTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/CustomTheme.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/PasteWizardPage.h" #include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h" #include "ui/pagedialog/PageDialog.h" #include "ApplicationMessage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "InstanceList.h" #include #include "icons/IconList.h" #include "net/HttpMetaCache.h" #include "java/JavaUtils.h" #include "updater/UpdateChecker.h" #include "tools/JProfiler.h" #include "tools/JVisualVM.h" #include "tools/MCEditTool.h" #include #include "settings/INISettingsObject.h" #include "settings/Setting.h" #include "translations/TranslationsModel.h" #include "meta/Index.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #endif #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) static const QLatin1String liveCheckFile("live.check"); using namespace Commandline; #define MACOS_HINT "If you are on macOS Sierra, you might have to move the app to your /Applications or ~/Applications folder. "\ "This usually fixes the problem and you can move the application elsewhere afterwards.\n"\ "\n" namespace { void appDebugOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { const char *levels = "DWCFIS"; const QString format("%1 %2 %3\n"); qint64 msecstotal = APPLICATION->timeSinceStart(); qint64 seconds = msecstotal / 1000; qint64 msecs = msecstotal % 1000; QString foo; char buf[1025] = {0}; ::snprintf(buf, 1024, "%5lld.%03lld", seconds, msecs); QString out = format.arg(buf).arg(levels[type]).arg(msg); APPLICATION->logFile->write(out.toUtf8()); APPLICATION->logFile->flush(); QTextStream(stderr) << out.toLocal8Bit(); fflush(stderr); } QString getIdealPlatform(QString currentPlatform) { auto info = Sys::getKernelInfo(); switch(info.kernelType) { case Sys::KernelType::Darwin: { if(info.kernelMajor >= 17) { // macOS 10.13 or newer return "osx64-5.15.2"; } else { // macOS 10.12 or older return "osx64"; } } case Sys::KernelType::Windows: { // FIXME: 5.15.2 is not stable on Windows, due to a large number of completely unpredictable and hard to reproduce issues break; /* if(info.kernelMajor == 6 && info.kernelMinor >= 1) { // Windows 7 return "win32-5.15.2"; } else if (info.kernelMajor > 6) { // Above Windows 7 return "win32-5.15.2"; } else { // Below Windows 7 return "win32"; } */ } case Sys::KernelType::Undetermined: case Sys::KernelType::Linux: { break; } } return currentPlatform; } } Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) { #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 // attach the parent console if(AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { // if attach succeeds, reopen and sync all the i/o if(freopen("CON", "w", stdout)) { std::cout.sync_with_stdio(); } if(freopen("CON", "w", stderr)) { std::cerr.sync_with_stdio(); } if(freopen("CON", "r", stdin)) { std::cin.sync_with_stdio(); } auto out = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD written; const char * endline = "\n"; WriteConsole(out, endline, strlen(endline), &written, NULL); consoleAttached = true; } #endif setOrganizationName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME); setOrganizationDomain(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DOMAIN); setApplicationName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME); setApplicationDisplayName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME); setApplicationVersion(BuildConfig.printableVersionString()); setDesktopFileName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DESKTOPFILENAME); startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // Don't quit on hiding the last window this->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Commandline parsing QHash args; { Parser parser(FlagStyle::GNU, ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals); // --help parser.addSwitch("help"); parser.addShortOpt("help", 'h'); parser.addDocumentation("help", "Display this help and exit."); // --version parser.addSwitch("version"); parser.addShortOpt("version", 'V'); parser.addDocumentation("version", "Display program version and exit."); // --dir parser.addOption("dir"); parser.addShortOpt("dir", 'd'); parser.addDocumentation("dir", "Use the supplied folder as application root instead of the binary location (use '.' for current)"); // --launch parser.addOption("launch"); parser.addShortOpt("launch", 'l'); parser.addDocumentation("launch", "Launch the specified instance (by instance ID)"); // --server parser.addOption("server"); parser.addShortOpt("server", 's'); parser.addDocumentation("server", "Join the specified server on launch (only valid in combination with --launch)"); // --profile parser.addOption("profile"); parser.addShortOpt("profile", 'a'); parser.addDocumentation("profile", "Use the account specified by its profile name (only valid in combination with --launch)"); // --alive parser.addSwitch("alive"); parser.addDocumentation("alive", "Write a small '" + liveCheckFile + "' file after the launcher starts"); // --import parser.addOption("import"); parser.addShortOpt("import", 'I'); parser.addDocumentation("import", "Import instance from specified zip (local path or URL)"); // parse the arguments try { args = parser.parse(arguments()); } catch (const ParsingError &e) { std::cerr << "CommandLineError: " << e.what() << std::endl; if(argc > 0) std::cerr << "Try '" << argv[0] << " -h' to get help on command line parameters." << std::endl; m_status = Application::Failed; return; } // display help and exit if (args["help"].toBool()) { std::cout << qPrintable(parser.compileHelp(arguments()[0])); m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } // display version and exit if (args["version"].toBool()) { std::cout << "Version " << BuildConfig.printableVersionString().toStdString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Git " << BuildConfig.GIT_COMMIT.toStdString() << std::endl; m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } } m_instanceIdToLaunch = args["launch"].toString(); m_serverToJoin = args["server"].toString(); m_profileToUse = args["profile"].toString(); m_liveCheck = args["alive"].toBool(); m_zipToImport = args["import"].toUrl(); // error if --launch is missing with --server or --profile if((!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty() || !m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) && m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { std::cerr << "--server and --profile can only be used in combination with --launch!" << std::endl; m_status = Application::Failed; return; } QString origcwdPath = QDir::currentPath(); QString binPath = applicationDirPath(); { // Root path is used for updates and portable data #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(binPath, "..")); // typically portable-root or /usr m_rootPath = foo.absolutePath(); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) m_rootPath = binPath; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(binPath, "../..")); m_rootPath = foo.absolutePath(); // on macOS, touch the root to force Finder to reload the .app metadata (and fix any icon change issues) FS::updateTimestamp(m_rootPath); #endif #ifdef LAUNCHER_JARS_LOCATION m_jarsPath = TOSTRING(LAUNCHER_JARS_LOCATION); #endif } QString adjustedBy; QString dataPath; // change folder QString dirParam = args["dir"].toString(); if (!dirParam.isEmpty()) { // the dir param. it makes multimc data path point to whatever the user specified // on command line adjustedBy = "Command line"; dataPath = dirParam; } else { QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation), "..")); dataPath = foo.absolutePath(); adjustedBy = "Persistent data path"; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // TODO: this should be removed in a future version // TODO: provide a migration path similar to macOS migration QDir bar(FS::PathCombine(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation), "polymc")); if (bar.exists()) { dataPath = bar.absolutePath(); adjustedBy = "Legacy data path"; } #endif #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS if (QFile::exists(FS::PathCombine(m_rootPath, "portable.txt"))) { dataPath = m_rootPath; adjustedBy = "Portable data path"; } #endif } if (!FS::ensureFolderPathExists(dataPath)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder could not be created.", QString( "The launcher data folder could not be created.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have the right permissions to the launcher data folder and any folder needed to access it.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } if (!QDir::setCurrent(dataPath)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder could not be opened.", QString( "The launcher data folder could not be opened.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have the right permissions to the launcher data folder.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } /* * Establish the mechanism for communication with an already running PolyMC that uses the same data path. * If there is one, tell it what the user actually wanted to do and exit. * We want to initialize this before logging to avoid messing with the log of a potential already running copy. */ auto appID = ApplicationId::fromPathAndVersion(QDir::currentPath(), BuildConfig.printableVersionString()); { // FIXME: you can run the same binaries with multiple data dirs and they won't clash. This could cause issues for updates. m_peerInstance = new LocalPeer(this, appID); connect(m_peerInstance, &LocalPeer::messageReceived, this, &Application::messageReceived); if(m_peerInstance->isClient()) { int timeout = 2000; if(m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { ApplicationMessage activate; activate.command = "activate"; m_peerInstance->sendMessage(activate.serialize(), timeout); if(!m_zipToImport.isEmpty()) { ApplicationMessage import; import.command = "import"; import.args.insert("path", m_zipToImport.toString()); m_peerInstance->sendMessage(import.serialize(), timeout); } } else { ApplicationMessage launch; launch.command = "launch"; launch.args["id"] = m_instanceIdToLaunch; if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { launch.args["server"] = m_serverToJoin; } if(!m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) { launch.args["profile"] = m_profileToUse; } m_peerInstance->sendMessage(launch.serialize(), timeout); } m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } } // init the logger { static const QString logBase = BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME + "-%0.log"; auto moveFile = [](const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) { QFile::remove(newName); QFile::copy(oldName, newName); QFile::remove(oldName); }; moveFile(logBase.arg(3), logBase.arg(4)); moveFile(logBase.arg(2), logBase.arg(3)); moveFile(logBase.arg(1), logBase.arg(2)); moveFile(logBase.arg(0), logBase.arg(1)); logFile = std::unique_ptr(new QFile(logBase.arg(0))); if(!logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder is not writable!", QString( "The launcher couldn't create a log file - the data folder is not writable.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have write permissions to the data folder.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } qInstallMessageHandler(appDebugOutput); qDebug() << "<> Log initialized."; } { qDebug() << BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME << ", (c) 2013-2021 " << BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_COPYRIGHT; qDebug() << "Version : " << BuildConfig.printableVersionString(); qDebug() << "Git commit : " << BuildConfig.GIT_COMMIT; qDebug() << "Git refspec : " << BuildConfig.GIT_REFSPEC; if (adjustedBy.size()) { qDebug() << "Work dir before adjustment : " << origcwdPath; qDebug() << "Work dir after adjustment : " << QDir::currentPath(); qDebug() << "Adjusted by : " << adjustedBy; } else { qDebug() << "Work dir : " << QDir::currentPath(); } qDebug() << "Binary path : " << binPath; qDebug() << "Application root path : " << m_rootPath; if(!m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "ID of instance to launch : " << m_instanceIdToLaunch; } if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Address of server to join :" << m_serverToJoin; } qDebug() << "<> Paths set."; } if(m_liveCheck) { QFile check(liveCheckFile); if(check.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { auto payload = appID.toString().toUtf8(); if(check.write(payload) == payload.size()) { check.close(); } else { qWarning() << "Could not write into" << liveCheckFile << "!"; check.remove(); // also closes file! } } else { qWarning() << "Could not open" << liveCheckFile << "for writing!"; } } // Initialize application settings { m_settings.reset(new INISettingsObject(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_CONFIGFILE, this)); // Updates m_settings->registerSetting("UpdateChannel", BuildConfig.VERSION_CHANNEL); m_settings->registerSetting("AutoUpdate", true); // Theming m_settings->registerSetting("IconTheme", QString("pe_colored")); m_settings->registerSetting("ApplicationTheme", QString("system")); // Remembered state m_settings->registerSetting("LastUsedGroupForNewInstance", QString()); m_settings->registerSetting("MenuBarInsteadOfToolBar", false); QString defaultMonospace; int defaultSize = 11; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 defaultMonospace = "Courier"; defaultSize = 10; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) defaultMonospace = "Menlo"; #else defaultMonospace = "Monospace"; #endif // resolve the font so the default actually matches QFont consoleFont; consoleFont.setFamily(defaultMonospace); consoleFont.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace); consoleFont.setFixedPitch(true); QFontInfo consoleFontInfo(consoleFont); QString resolvedDefaultMonospace = consoleFontInfo.family(); QFont resolvedFont(resolvedDefaultMonospace); qDebug() << "Detected default console font:" << resolvedDefaultMonospace << ", substitutions:" << resolvedFont.substitutions().join(','); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleFont", resolvedDefaultMonospace); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleFontSize", defaultSize); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleMaxLines", 100000); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleOverflowStop", true); // Folders m_settings->registerSetting("InstanceDir", "instances"); m_settings->registerSetting({"CentralModsDir", "ModsDir"}, "mods"); m_settings->registerSetting("IconsDir", "icons"); // Editors m_settings->registerSetting("JsonEditor", QString()); // Language m_settings->registerSetting("Language", QString()); // Console m_settings->registerSetting("ShowConsole", false); m_settings->registerSetting("AutoCloseConsole", false); m_settings->registerSetting("ShowConsoleOnError", true); m_settings->registerSetting("LogPrePostOutput", true); // Window Size m_settings->registerSetting({"LaunchMaximized", "MCWindowMaximize"}, false); m_settings->registerSetting({"MinecraftWinWidth", "MCWindowWidth"}, 854); m_settings->registerSetting({"MinecraftWinHeight", "MCWindowHeight"}, 480); // Proxy Settings m_settings->registerSetting("ProxyType", "None"); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyAddr", "ProxyHostName"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ProxyPort", 8080); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyUser", "ProxyUsername"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyPass", "ProxyPassword"}, ""); // Memory m_settings->registerSetting({"MinMemAlloc", "MinMemoryAlloc"}, 512); m_settings->registerSetting({"MaxMemAlloc", "MaxMemoryAlloc"}, 4096); m_settings->registerSetting("PermGen", 128); // Java Settings m_settings->registerSetting("JavaPath", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaTimestamp", 0); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaArchitecture", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaVersion", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaVendor", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("LastHostname", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JvmArgs", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("IgnoreJavaCompatibility", false); m_settings->registerSetting("IgnoreJavaWizard", false); // Native library workarounds m_settings->registerSetting("UseNativeOpenAL", false); m_settings->registerSetting("UseNativeGLFW", false); // Game time m_settings->registerSetting("ShowGameTime", true); m_settings->registerSetting("ShowGlobalGameTime", true); m_settings->registerSetting("RecordGameTime", true); // Minecraft launch method m_settings->registerSetting("MCLaunchMethod", "LauncherPart"); // Minecraft offline player name m_settings->registerSetting("LastOfflinePlayerName", ""); // Wrapper command for launch m_settings->registerSetting("WrapperCommand", ""); // Custom Commands m_settings->registerSetting({"PreLaunchCommand", "PreLaunchCmd"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting({"PostExitCommand", "PostExitCmd"}, ""); // The cat m_settings->registerSetting("TheCat", false); m_settings->registerSetting("InstSortMode", "Name"); m_settings->registerSetting("SelectedInstance", QString()); // Window state and geometry m_settings->registerSetting("MainWindowState", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("MainWindowGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleWindowState", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleWindowGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("SettingsGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("PagedGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("NewInstanceGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("UpdateDialogGeometry", ""); // HACK: This code feels so stupid is there a less stupid way of doing this? { m_settings->registerSetting("PastebinURL", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("PastebinType", PasteUpload::PasteType::Mclogs); m_settings->registerSetting("PastebinCustomAPIBase", ""); QString pastebinURL = m_settings->get("PastebinURL").toString(); bool userHadDefaultPastebin = pastebinURL == "https://0x0.st"; if (!pastebinURL.isEmpty() && !userHadDefaultPastebin) { m_settings->set("PastebinType", PasteUpload::PasteType::NullPointer); m_settings->set("PastebinCustomAPIBase", pastebinURL); m_settings->reset("PastebinURL"); } bool ok; int pasteType = m_settings->get("PastebinType").toInt(&ok); // If PastebinType is invalid then reset the related settings. if (!ok || !(PasteUpload::PasteType::First <= pasteType && pasteType <= PasteUpload::PasteType::Last)) { m_settings->reset("PastebinType"); m_settings->reset("PastebinCustomAPIBase"); } } m_settings->registerSetting("CloseAfterLaunch", false); m_settings->registerSetting("QuitAfterGameStop", false); // Custom MSA credentials m_settings->registerSetting("MSAClientIDOverride", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("CFKeyOverride", ""); // Init page provider { m_globalSettingsProvider = std::make_shared(tr("Settings")); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); } qDebug() << "<> Settings loaded."; } #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY QAccessible::installFactory(groupViewAccessibleFactory); #endif /* !QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY */ // initialize network access and proxy setup { m_network = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QString proxyTypeStr = settings()->get("ProxyType").toString(); QString addr = settings()->get("ProxyAddr").toString(); int port = settings()->get("ProxyPort").value(); QString user = settings()->get("ProxyUser").toString(); QString pass = settings()->get("ProxyPass").toString(); updateProxySettings(proxyTypeStr, addr, port, user, pass); qDebug() << "<> Network done."; } // load translations { m_translations.reset(new TranslationsModel("translations")); auto bcp47Name = m_settings->get("Language").toString(); m_translations->selectLanguage(bcp47Name); qDebug() << "Your language is" << bcp47Name; qDebug() << "<> Translations loaded."; } // initialize the updater if(BuildConfig.UPDATER_ENABLED) { auto platform = getIdealPlatform(BuildConfig.BUILD_PLATFORM); auto channelUrl = BuildConfig.UPDATER_BASE + platform + "/channels.json"; qDebug() << "Initializing updater with platform: " << platform << " -- " << channelUrl; m_updateChecker.reset(new UpdateChecker(m_network, channelUrl, BuildConfig.VERSION_CHANNEL, BuildConfig.VERSION_BUILD)); qDebug() << "<> Updater started."; } // Instance icons { auto setting = APPLICATION->settings()->getSetting("IconsDir"); QStringList instFolders = { ":/icons/multimc/32x32/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/50x50/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/128x128/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/scalable/instances/" }; m_icons.reset(new IconList(instFolders, setting->get().toString())); connect(setting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged,[&](const Setting &, QVariant value) { m_icons->directoryChanged(value.toString()); }); qDebug() << "<> Instance icons intialized."; } // Icon themes { // TODO: icon themes and instance icons do not mesh well together. Rearrange and fix discrepancies! // set icon theme search path! auto searchPaths = QIcon::themeSearchPaths(); searchPaths.append("iconthemes"); QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(searchPaths); qDebug() << "<> Icon themes initialized."; } // Initialize widget themes { auto insertTheme = [this](ITheme * theme) { m_themes.insert(std::make_pair(theme->id(), std::unique_ptr(theme))); }; auto darkTheme = new DarkTheme(); insertTheme(new SystemTheme()); insertTheme(darkTheme); insertTheme(new BrightTheme()); insertTheme(new CustomTheme(darkTheme, "custom")); qDebug() << "<> Widget themes initialized."; } // initialize and load all instances { auto InstDirSetting = m_settings->getSetting("InstanceDir"); // instance path: check for problems with '!' in instance path and warn the user in the log // and remember that we have to show him a dialog when the gui starts (if it does so) QString instDir = InstDirSetting->get().toString(); qDebug() << "Instance path : " << instDir; if (FS::checkProblemticPathJava(QDir(instDir))) { qWarning() << "Your instance path contains \'!\' and this is known to cause java problems!"; } m_instances.reset(new InstanceList(m_settings, instDir, this)); connect(InstDirSetting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged, m_instances.get(), &InstanceList::on_InstFolderChanged); qDebug() << "Loading Instances..."; m_instances->loadList(); qDebug() << "<> Instances loaded."; } // and accounts { m_accounts.reset(new AccountList(this)); qDebug() << "Loading accounts..."; m_accounts->setListFilePath("accounts.json", true); m_accounts->loadList(); m_accounts->fillQueue(); qDebug() << "<> Accounts loaded."; } // init the http meta cache { m_metacache.reset(new HttpMetaCache("metacache")); m_metacache->addBase("asset_indexes", QDir("assets/indexes").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("asset_objects", QDir("assets/objects").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("versions", QDir("versions").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("libraries", QDir("libraries").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("minecraftforge", QDir("mods/minecraftforge").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("fmllibs", QDir("mods/minecraftforge/libs").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("liteloader", QDir("mods/liteloader").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("general", QDir("cache").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("ATLauncherPacks", QDir("cache/ATLauncherPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("FTBPacks", QDir("cache/FTBPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("ModpacksCHPacks", QDir("cache/ModpacksCHPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("TechnicPacks", QDir("cache/TechnicPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("FlamePacks", QDir("cache/FlamePacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("ModrinthPacks", QDir("cache/ModrinthPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("root", QDir::currentPath()); m_metacache->addBase("translations", QDir("translations").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("icons", QDir("cache/icons").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("meta", QDir("meta").absolutePath()); m_metacache->Load(); qDebug() << "<> Cache initialized."; } // now we have network, download translation updates m_translations->downloadIndex(); //FIXME: what to do with these? m_profilers.insert("jprofiler", std::shared_ptr(new JProfilerFactory())); m_profilers.insert("jvisualvm", std::shared_ptr(new JVisualVMFactory())); for (auto profiler : m_profilers.values()) { profiler->registerSettings(m_settings); } // Create the MCEdit thing... why is this here? { m_mcedit.reset(new MCEditTool(m_settings)); } connect(this, &Application::aboutToQuit, [this](){ if(m_instances) { // save any remaining instance state m_instances->saveNow(); } if(logFile) { logFile->flush(); logFile->close(); } }); { setIconTheme(settings()->get("IconTheme").toString()); qDebug() << "<> Icon theme set."; setApplicationTheme(settings()->get("ApplicationTheme").toString(), true); qDebug() << "<> Application theme set."; } if(createSetupWizard()) { return; } performMainStartupAction(); } bool Application::createSetupWizard() { bool javaRequired = [&]() { bool ignoreJavaWizard = m_settings->get("IgnoreJavaWizard").toBool(); if(ignoreJavaWizard) { return false; } QString currentHostName = QHostInfo::localHostName(); QString oldHostName = settings()->get("LastHostname").toString(); if (currentHostName != oldHostName) { settings()->set("LastHostname", currentHostName); return true; } QString currentJavaPath = settings()->get("JavaPath").toString(); QString actualPath = FS::ResolveExecutable(currentJavaPath); if (actualPath.isNull()) { return true; } return false; }(); bool languageRequired = [&]() { if (settings()->get("Language").toString().isEmpty()) return true; return false; }(); bool pasteInterventionRequired = settings()->get("PastebinURL") != ""; bool wizardRequired = javaRequired || languageRequired || pasteInterventionRequired; if(wizardRequired) { m_setupWizard = new SetupWizard(nullptr); if (languageRequired) { m_setupWizard->addPage(new LanguageWizardPage(m_setupWizard)); } if (javaRequired) { m_setupWizard->addPage(new JavaWizardPage(m_setupWizard)); } if (pasteInterventionRequired) { m_setupWizard->addPage(new PasteWizardPage(m_setupWizard)); } connect(m_setupWizard, &QDialog::finished, this, &Application::setupWizardFinished); m_setupWizard->show(); return true; } return false; } void Application::setupWizardFinished(int status) { qDebug() << "Wizard result =" << status; performMainStartupAction(); } void Application::performMainStartupAction() { m_status = Application::Initialized; if(!m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { auto inst = instances()->getInstanceById(m_instanceIdToLaunch); if(inst) { MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverToJoin = nullptr; MinecraftAccountPtr accountToUse = nullptr; qDebug() << "<> Instance" << m_instanceIdToLaunch << "launching"; if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: validate the server string serverToJoin.reset(new MinecraftServerTarget(MinecraftServerTarget::parse(m_serverToJoin))); qDebug() << " Launching with server" << m_serverToJoin; } if(!m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) { accountToUse = accounts()->getAccountByProfileName(m_profileToUse); if(!accountToUse) { return; } qDebug() << " Launching with account" << m_profileToUse; } launch(inst, true, nullptr, serverToJoin, accountToUse); return; } } if(!m_mainWindow) { // normal main window showMainWindow(false); qDebug() << "<> Main window shown."; } if(!m_zipToImport.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "<> Importing instance from zip:" << m_zipToImport; m_mainWindow->droppedURLs({ m_zipToImport }); } } void Application::showFatalErrorMessage(const QString& title, const QString& content) { m_status = Application::Failed; auto dialog = CustomMessageBox::selectable(nullptr, title, content, QMessageBox::Critical); dialog->exec(); } Application::~Application() { // Shut down logger by setting the logger function to nothing qInstallMessageHandler(nullptr); #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 // Detach from Windows console if(consoleAttached) { fclose(stdout); fclose(stdin); fclose(stderr); FreeConsole(); } #endif } void Application::messageReceived(const QByteArray& message) { if(status() != Initialized) { qDebug() << "Received message" << message << "while still initializing. It will be ignored."; return; } ApplicationMessage received; received.parse(message); auto & command = received.command; if(command == "activate") { showMainWindow(); } else if(command == "import") { QString path = received.args["path"]; if(path.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Received" << command << "message without a zip path/URL."; return; } m_mainWindow->droppedURLs({ QUrl(path) }); } else if(command == "launch") { QString id = received.args["id"]; QString server = received.args["server"]; QString profile = received.args["profile"]; InstancePtr instance; if(!id.isEmpty()) { instance = instances()->getInstanceById(id); if(!instance) { qWarning() << "Launch command requires an valid instance ID. " << id << "resolves to nothing."; return; } } else { qWarning() << "Launch command called without an instance ID..."; return; } MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverObject = nullptr; if(!server.isEmpty()) { serverObject = std::make_shared(MinecraftServerTarget::parse(server)); } MinecraftAccountPtr accountObject; if(!profile.isEmpty()) { accountObject = accounts()->getAccountByProfileName(profile); if(!accountObject) { qWarning() << "Launch command requires the specified profile to be valid. " << profile << "does not resolve to any account."; return; } } launch( instance, true, nullptr, serverObject, accountObject ); } else { qWarning() << "Received invalid message" << message; } } std::shared_ptr Application::translations() { return m_translations; } std::shared_ptr Application::javalist() { if (!m_javalist) { m_javalist.reset(new JavaInstallList()); } return m_javalist; } std::vector Application::getValidApplicationThemes() { std::vector ret; auto iter = m_themes.cbegin(); while (iter != m_themes.cend()) { ret.push_back((*iter).second.get()); iter++; } return ret; } bool Application::isFlatpak() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX return QFile::exists("/.flatpak-info"); #else return false; #endif } void Application::setApplicationTheme(const QString& name, bool initial) { auto systemPalette = qApp->palette(); auto themeIter = m_themes.find(name); if(themeIter != m_themes.end()) { auto & theme = (*themeIter).second; theme->apply(initial); } else { qWarning() << "Tried to set invalid theme:" << name; } } void Application::setIconTheme(const QString& name) { XdgIcon::setThemeName(name); } QIcon Application::getThemedIcon(const QString& name) { if(name == "logo") { return QIcon(":/org.polymc.PolyMC.svg"); } return XdgIcon::fromTheme(name); } bool Application::openJsonEditor(const QString &filename) { const QString file = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(filename); if (m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString().isEmpty()) { return DesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file)); } else { //return DesktopServices::openFile(m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString(), file); return DesktopServices::run(m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString(), {file}); } } bool Application::launch( InstancePtr instance, bool online, BaseProfilerFactory *profiler, MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverToJoin, MinecraftAccountPtr accountToUse ) { if(m_updateRunning) { qDebug() << "Cannot launch instances while an update is running. Please try again when updates are completed."; } else if(instance->canLaunch()) { auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instance->id()]; auto & window = extras.window; if(window) { if(!window->saveAll()) { return false; } } auto & controller = extras.controller; controller.reset(new LaunchController()); controller->setInstance(instance); controller->setOnline(online); controller->setProfiler(profiler); controller->setServerToJoin(serverToJoin); controller->setAccountToUse(accountToUse); if(window) { controller->setParentWidget(window); } else if(m_mainWindow) { controller->setParentWidget(m_mainWindow); } connect(controller.get(), &LaunchController::succeeded, this, &Application::controllerSucceeded); connect(controller.get(), &LaunchController::failed, this, &Application::controllerFailed); addRunningInstance(); controller->start(); return true; } else if (instance->isRunning()) { showInstanceWindow(instance, "console"); return true; } else if (instance->canEdit()) { showInstanceWindow(instance); return true; } return false; } bool Application::kill(InstancePtr instance) { if (!instance->isRunning()) { qWarning() << "Attempted to kill instance" << instance->id() << ", which isn't running."; return false; } auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instance->id()]; // NOTE: copy of the shared pointer keeps it alive auto controller = extras.controller; if(controller) { return controller->abort(); } return true; } void Application::closeCurrentWindow() { if (focusWindow()) focusWindow()->close(); } void Application::addRunningInstance() { m_runningInstances ++; if(m_runningInstances == 1) { emit updateAllowedChanged(false); } } void Application::subRunningInstance() { if(m_runningInstances == 0) { qCritical() << "Something went really wrong and we now have less than 0 running instances... WTF"; return; } m_runningInstances --; if(m_runningInstances == 0) { emit updateAllowedChanged(true); } } bool Application::shouldExitNow() const { return m_runningInstances == 0 && m_openWindows == 0; } bool Application::updatesAreAllowed() { return m_runningInstances == 0; } void Application::updateIsRunning(bool running) { m_updateRunning = running; } void Application::controllerSucceeded() { auto controller = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(!controller) return; auto id = controller->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; // on success, do... if (controller->instance()->settings()->get("AutoCloseConsole").toBool()) { if(extras.window) { extras.window->close(); } } extras.controller.reset(); subRunningInstance(); // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { m_status = Status::Succeeded; exit(0); } } void Application::controllerFailed(const QString& error) { Q_UNUSED(error); auto controller = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(!controller) return; auto id = controller->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; // on failure, do... nothing extras.controller.reset(); subRunningInstance(); // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { m_status = Status::Failed; exit(1); } } void Application::ShowGlobalSettings(class QWidget* parent, QString open_page) { if(!m_globalSettingsProvider) { return; } emit globalSettingsAboutToOpen(); { SettingsObject::Lock lock(APPLICATION->settings()); PageDialog dlg(m_globalSettingsProvider.get(), open_page, parent); dlg.exec(); } emit globalSettingsClosed(); } MainWindow* Application::showMainWindow(bool minimized) { if(m_mainWindow) { m_mainWindow->setWindowState(m_mainWindow->windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); m_mainWindow->raise(); m_mainWindow->activateWindow(); } else { m_mainWindow = new MainWindow(); m_mainWindow->restoreState(QByteArray::fromBase64(APPLICATION->settings()->get("MainWindowState").toByteArray())); m_mainWindow->restoreGeometry(QByteArray::fromBase64(APPLICATION->settings()->get("MainWindowGeometry").toByteArray())); if(minimized) { m_mainWindow->showMinimized(); } else { m_mainWindow->show(); } m_mainWindow->checkInstancePathForProblems(); connect(this, &Application::updateAllowedChanged, m_mainWindow, &MainWindow::updatesAllowedChanged); connect(m_mainWindow, &MainWindow::isClosing, this, &Application::on_windowClose); m_openWindows++; } return m_mainWindow; } InstanceWindow *Application::showInstanceWindow(InstancePtr instance, QString page) { if(!instance) return nullptr; auto id = instance->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; auto & window = extras.window; if(window) { window->raise(); window->activateWindow(); } else { window = new InstanceWindow(instance); m_openWindows ++; connect(window, &InstanceWindow::isClosing, this, &Application::on_windowClose); } if(!page.isEmpty()) { window->selectPage(page); } if(extras.controller) { extras.controller->setParentWidget(window); } return window; } void Application::on_windowClose() { m_openWindows--; auto instWindow = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(instWindow) { auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instWindow->instanceId()]; extras.window = nullptr; if(extras.controller) { extras.controller->setParentWidget(m_mainWindow); } } auto mainWindow = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(mainWindow) { m_mainWindow = nullptr; } // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { exit(0); } } void Application::updateProxySettings(QString proxyTypeStr, QString addr, int port, QString user, QString password) { // Set the application proxy settings. if (proxyTypeStr == "SOCKS5") { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, addr, port, user, password)); } else if (proxyTypeStr == "HTTP") { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, addr, port, user, password)); } else if (proxyTypeStr == "None") { // If we have no proxy set, set no proxy and return. QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)); } else { // If we have "Default" selected, set Qt to use the system proxy settings. QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration(true); } qDebug() << "Detecting proxy settings..."; QNetworkProxy proxy = QNetworkProxy::applicationProxy(); m_network->setProxy(proxy); QString proxyDesc; if (proxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy) { qDebug() << "Using no proxy is an option!"; return; } switch (proxy.type()) { case QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy: proxyDesc = "Default proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy: proxyDesc = "Socks5 proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy: proxyDesc = "HTTP proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy: proxyDesc = "HTTP caching: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy: proxyDesc = "FTP caching: "; break; default: proxyDesc = "DERP proxy: "; break; } proxyDesc += QString("%1:%2") .arg(proxy.hostName()) .arg(proxy.port()); qDebug() << proxyDesc; } shared_qobject_ptr< HttpMetaCache > Application::metacache() { return m_metacache; } shared_qobject_ptr Application::network() { return m_network; } shared_qobject_ptr Application::metadataIndex() { if (!m_metadataIndex) { m_metadataIndex.reset(new Meta::Index()); } return m_metadataIndex; } QString Application::getJarsPath() { if(m_jarsPath.isEmpty()) { return FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), "jars"); } return FS::PathCombine(m_rootPath, m_jarsPath); } QString Application::getMSAClientID() { QString clientIDOverride = m_settings->get("MSAClientIDOverride").toString(); if (!clientIDOverride.isEmpty()) { return clientIDOverride; } return BuildConfig.MSA_CLIENT_ID; } QString Application::getCurseKey() { QString keyOverride = m_settings->get("CFKeyOverride").toString(); if (!keyOverride.isEmpty()) { return keyOverride; } return BuildConfig.CURSEFORGE_API_KEY; }