#!/bin/sh # Basic start script for running MultiMC with the libs packaged with it. MMC_DIR=`dirname "$0"` cd "${MMC_DIR}" echo "MultiMC Dir: ${MMC_DIR}" # Set up env export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${MMC_DIR}/bin":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export QT_PLUGIN_PATH="${MMC_DIR}/plugins" export QT_FONTPATH="${MMC_DIR}/fonts" # Detect missing dependencies... DEPS_LIST=`ldd "${MMC_DIR}"/plugins/*/*.so | grep "not found" | awk -vORS=", " '{ print $1 }'` if [ -z $DEPS_LIST ]; then # We have all our dependencies. Run MultiMC. echo "No missing dependencies found." # Just to be sure... chmod +x "${MMC_DIR}/bin/MultiMC" # Run MultiMC "${MMC_DIR}/bin/MultiMC" -d "${MMC_DIR}" $@ # Exit with MultiMC's exit code. exit $? else echo "Error: MultiMC is missing the following libraries that it needs to work correctly:" echo "\t${DEPS_LIST}" echo "Please install them from your distribution's package manager." exit 1 fi