#include #include #include #include "logger/QsLog.h" #include "logic/minecraft/VersionFile.h" #include "logic/minecraft/OneSixLibrary.h" #include "logic/minecraft/VersionFinal.h" #include "logic/minecraft/JarMod.h" #include "ParseUtils.h" #include "logic/MMCJson.h" using namespace MMCJson; #include "VersionBuildError.h" #define CURRENT_MINIMUM_LAUNCHER_VERSION 14 int findLibrary(QList haystack, const QString &needle) { int retval = -1; for (int i = 0; i < haystack.size(); ++i) { QString chunk = haystack.at(i)->rawName(); if (QRegExp(needle, Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::WildcardUnix).indexIn(chunk) != -1) { // only one is allowed. if (retval != -1) return -1; retval = i; } } return retval; } VersionFilePtr VersionFile::fromJson(const QJsonDocument &doc, const QString &filename, const bool requireOrder, const bool isFTB) { VersionFilePtr out(new VersionFile()); if (doc.isEmpty() || doc.isNull()) { throw JSONValidationError(filename + " is empty or null"); } if (!doc.isObject()) { } QJsonObject root = doc.object(); if (requireOrder) { if (root.contains("order")) { out->order = ensureInteger(root.value("order")); } else { // FIXME: evaluate if we don't want to throw exceptions here instead QLOG_ERROR() << filename << "doesn't contain an order field"; } } out->name = root.value("name").toString(); out->fileId = root.value("fileId").toString(); out->version = root.value("version").toString(); out->mcVersion = root.value("mcVersion").toString(); out->filename = filename; auto readString = [root](const QString & key, QString & variable) { if (root.contains(key)) { variable = ensureString(root.value(key)); } }; auto readStringRet = [root](const QString & key)->QString { if (root.contains(key)) { return ensureString(root.value(key)); } return QString(); } ; // FIXME: This should be ignored when applying. if (!isFTB) { readString("id", out->id); } readString("mainClass", out->mainClass); readString("appletClass", out->appletClass); readString("processArguments", out->processArguments); readString("minecraftArguments", out->overwriteMinecraftArguments); readString("+minecraftArguments", out->addMinecraftArguments); readString("-minecraftArguments", out->removeMinecraftArguments); readString("type", out->type); if (out->isVanilla()) { parse_timestamp(readStringRet("releaseTime"), out->m_releaseTimeString, out->m_releaseTime); parse_timestamp(readStringRet("time"), out->m_updateTimeString, out->m_updateTime); } readStringRet("time"); readString("assets", out->assets); if (root.contains("minimumLauncherVersion")) { out->minimumLauncherVersion = ensureInteger(root.value("minimumLauncherVersion")); } if (root.contains("tweakers")) { out->shouldOverwriteTweakers = true; for (auto tweakerVal : ensureArray(root.value("tweakers"))) { out->overwriteTweakers.append(ensureString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("+tweakers")) { for (auto tweakerVal : ensureArray(root.value("+tweakers"))) { out->addTweakers.append(ensureString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("-tweakers")) { for (auto tweakerVal : ensureArray(root.value("-tweakers"))) { out->removeTweakers.append(ensureString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("+traits")) { for (auto tweakerVal : ensureArray(root.value("+traits"))) { out->traits.insert(ensureString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("libraries")) { // FIXME: This should be done when applying. out->shouldOverwriteLibs = !isFTB; for (auto libVal : ensureArray(root.value("libraries"))) { auto libObj = ensureObject(libVal); auto lib = RawLibrary::fromJson(libObj, filename); // FIXME: This should be done when applying. if (isFTB) { lib->hint = "local"; lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Prepend; out->addLibs.prepend(lib); } else { out->overwriteLibs.append(lib); } } } if (root.contains("+jarMods")) { for (auto libVal : ensureArray(root.value("+jarMods"))) { QJsonObject libObj = ensureObject(libVal); // parse the jarmod auto lib = Jarmod::fromJson(libObj, filename); // and add to jar mods out->jarMods.append(lib); } } if (root.contains("+libraries")) { for (auto libVal : ensureArray(root.value("+libraries"))) { QJsonObject libObj = ensureObject(libVal); QJsonValue insertVal = ensureExists(libObj.value("insert")); // parse the library auto lib = RawLibrary::fromJson(libObj, filename); // TODO: utility functions for handling this case. templates? QString insertString; { if (insertVal.isString()) { insertString = insertVal.toString(); } else if (insertVal.isObject()) { QJsonObject insertObj = insertVal.toObject(); if (insertObj.isEmpty()) { throw JSONValidationError("One library has an empty insert object in " + filename); } insertString = insertObj.keys().first(); lib->insertData = insertObj.value(insertString).toString(); } } if (insertString == "apply") { lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Apply; } else if (insertString == "prepend") { lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Prepend; } else if (insertString == "append") { lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Prepend; } else if (insertString == "replace") { lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Replace; } else { throw JSONValidationError("A '+' library in " + filename + " contains an invalid insert type"); } if (libObj.contains("MMC-depend")) { const QString dependString = ensureString(libObj.value("MMC-depend")); if (dependString == "hard") { lib->dependType = RawLibrary::Hard; } else if (dependString == "soft") { lib->dependType = RawLibrary::Soft; } else { throw JSONValidationError("A '+' library in " + filename + " contains an invalid depend type"); } } out->addLibs.append(lib); } } if (root.contains("-libraries")) { for (auto libVal : ensureArray(root.value("-libraries"))) { auto libObj = ensureObject(libVal); out->removeLibs.append(ensureString(libObj.value("name"))); } } return out; } OneSixLibraryPtr VersionFile::createLibrary(RawLibraryPtr lib) { std::shared_ptr out(new OneSixLibrary(lib->name)); if (!lib->url.isEmpty()) { out->setBaseUrl(lib->url); } out->setHint(lib->hint); if (!lib->absoluteUrl.isEmpty()) { out->setAbsoluteUrl(lib->absoluteUrl); } out->setAbsoluteUrl(lib->absoluteUrl); out->extract_excludes = lib->excludes; for (auto native : lib->natives) { out->addNative(native.first, native.second); } out->setRules(lib->rules); out->finalize(); return out; } bool VersionFile::isVanilla() { return fileId == "org.multimc.version.json"; } bool VersionFile::hasJarMods() { return !jarMods.isEmpty(); } void VersionFile::applyTo(VersionFinal *version) { if (minimumLauncherVersion != -1) { if (minimumLauncherVersion > CURRENT_MINIMUM_LAUNCHER_VERSION) { throw LauncherVersionError(minimumLauncherVersion, CURRENT_MINIMUM_LAUNCHER_VERSION); } } if (!version->id.isNull() && !mcVersion.isNull()) { if (QRegExp(mcVersion, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard).indexIn(version->id) == -1) { throw MinecraftVersionMismatch(fileId, mcVersion, version->id); } } if (!id.isNull()) { version->id = id; } if (!mainClass.isNull()) { version->mainClass = mainClass; } if (!appletClass.isNull()) { version->appletClass = appletClass; } if (!processArguments.isNull()) { if (isVanilla()) { version->vanillaProcessArguments = processArguments; } version->processArguments = processArguments; } if(isVanilla()) { if (!type.isNull()) { version->type = type; } if (!m_releaseTimeString.isNull()) { version->m_releaseTimeString = m_releaseTimeString; version->m_releaseTime = m_releaseTime; } if (!m_updateTimeString.isNull()) { version->m_updateTimeString = m_updateTimeString; version->m_updateTime = m_updateTime; } } if (!assets.isNull()) { version->assets = assets; } if (minimumLauncherVersion >= 0) { if(version->minimumLauncherVersion < minimumLauncherVersion) version->minimumLauncherVersion = minimumLauncherVersion; } if (!overwriteMinecraftArguments.isNull()) { if (isVanilla()) { version->vanillaMinecraftArguments = overwriteMinecraftArguments; } version->minecraftArguments = overwriteMinecraftArguments; } if (!addMinecraftArguments.isNull()) { version->minecraftArguments += addMinecraftArguments; } if (!removeMinecraftArguments.isNull()) { version->minecraftArguments.remove(removeMinecraftArguments); } if (shouldOverwriteTweakers) { version->tweakers = overwriteTweakers; } for (auto tweaker : addTweakers) { version->tweakers += tweaker; } for (auto tweaker : removeTweakers) { version->tweakers.removeAll(tweaker); } version->jarMods.append(jarMods); version->traits.unite(traits); if (shouldOverwriteLibs) { QList libs; for (auto lib : overwriteLibs) { libs.append(createLibrary(lib)); } if (isVanilla()) version->vanillaLibraries = libs; version->libraries = libs; } for (auto lib : addLibs) { switch (lib->insertType) { case RawLibrary::Apply: { // QLOG_INFO() << "Applying lib " << lib->name; int index = findLibrary(version->libraries, lib->name); if (index >= 0) { auto library = version->libraries[index]; if (!lib->url.isNull()) { library->setBaseUrl(lib->url); } if (!lib->hint.isNull()) { library->setHint(lib->hint); } if (!lib->absoluteUrl.isNull()) { library->setAbsoluteUrl(lib->absoluteUrl); } if (lib->applyExcludes) { library->extract_excludes = lib->excludes; } if (lib->applyNatives) { library->clearSuffixes(); for (auto native : lib->natives) { library->addNative(native.first, native.second); } } if (lib->applyRules) { library->setRules(lib->rules); } library->finalize(); } else { QLOG_WARN() << "Couldn't find" << lib->name << "(skipping)"; } break; } case RawLibrary::Append: case RawLibrary::Prepend: { // QLOG_INFO() << "Adding lib " << lib->name; const int startOfVersion = lib->name.lastIndexOf(':') + 1; const int index = findLibrary( version->libraries, QString(lib->name).replace(startOfVersion, INT_MAX, '*')); if (index < 0) { if (lib->insertType == RawLibrary::Append) { version->libraries.append(createLibrary(lib)); } else { version->libraries.prepend(createLibrary(lib)); } } else { auto otherLib = version->libraries.at(index); const Util::Version ourVersion = lib->name.mid(startOfVersion, INT_MAX); const Util::Version otherVersion = otherLib->version(); // if the existing version is a hard dependency we can either use it or // fail, but we can't change it if (otherLib->dependType == OneSixLibrary::Hard) { // we need a higher version, or we're hard to and the versions aren't // equal if (ourVersion > otherVersion || (lib->dependType == RawLibrary::Hard && ourVersion != otherVersion)) { throw VersionBuildError( QObject::tr( "Error resolving library dependencies between %1 and %2 in %3.") .arg(otherLib->rawName(), lib->name, filename)); } else { // the library is already existing, so we don't have to do anything } } else if (otherLib->dependType == OneSixLibrary::Soft) { // if we are higher it means we should update if (ourVersion > otherVersion) { auto library = createLibrary(lib); if (Util::Version(otherLib->minVersion) < ourVersion) { library->minVersion = ourVersion.toString(); } version->libraries.replace(index, library); } else { // our version is smaller than the existing version, but we require // it: fail if (lib->dependType == RawLibrary::Hard) { throw VersionBuildError(QObject::tr( "Error resolving library dependencies between %1 and %2 in %3.") .arg(otherLib->rawName(), lib->name, filename)); } } } } break; } case RawLibrary::Replace: { QString toReplace; if (lib->insertData.isEmpty()) { const int startOfVersion = lib->name.lastIndexOf(':') + 1; toReplace = QString(lib->name).replace(startOfVersion, INT_MAX, '*'); } else toReplace = lib->insertData; // QLOG_INFO() << "Replacing lib " << toReplace << " with " << lib->name; int index = findLibrary(version->libraries, toReplace); if (index >= 0) { version->libraries.replace(index, createLibrary(lib)); } else { QLOG_WARN() << "Couldn't find" << toReplace << "(skipping)"; } break; } } } for (auto lib : removeLibs) { int index = findLibrary(version->libraries, lib); if (index >= 0) { // QLOG_INFO() << "Removing lib " << lib; version->libraries.removeAt(index); } else { QLOG_WARN() << "Couldn't find" << lib << "(skipping)"; } } }