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PolyMC is a custom launcher for Minecraft that focuses on predictability, long term stability and simplicity. This is a **fork** of the MultiMC Launcher and not endorsed by MultiMC. The PolyMC community felt that the maintainer was not acting in the spirit of Free Software so this fork was made. Read "[Why was this fork made?](https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/wiki/FAQ)" on the wiki for more details. ## Packages Several source build packages are available, along with experimental pre-built generic packages. Download on Flathub
[![AUR package](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/polymc-git)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/polymc-git/) - A [Nix](packages/nix/NIX.md) derivation is available in repo. - A Gentoo ebuild is available in the [swirl](https://git.swurl.xyz/swirl/ebuilds) overlay, named `games-action/polymc`. Check the README for instructions on how to add the overlay. - The Flatpak can be built using [this source](https://github.com/flathub/org.polymc.PolyMC). - An RPM package is available on [COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sentry/polymc/), or can be built by going to the `packages/rpm` directory and running `rpmbuild -bb polymc.spec`. - Generic, prebuilt packages (archived by version) can be found [here](https://packages.polymc.org/) ([latest](https://packages.polymc.org/latest)). - Last build status: https://jenkins.polymc.org/job/PolyMC/lastBuild/ - [Linux (AMD64) System](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/lin64-system/lin64-system.tar.zst) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/lin64-system/lin64-system.tar.zst.sha256)) - this is a generic system package intended to be used as a base for making distro-specific packages. - [Windows (32-bit)](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/win32/win32.zip) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/win32/win32.zip.sha256)) - this is a portable package, you can extract it anywhere and run it. This package needs testing. - [Debian (AMD64)](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/deb/polymc-amd64.deb) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/deb/polymc-amd64.deb.sha256)) - this is intended to be installed with `dpkg -i`. Alternatively, you may build the `.deb` yourself, by going to `packages/debian` and running `./makedeb.sh`. - [AppImage (AMD64)](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/appimage/PolyMC-latest-x86_64.AppImage) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/appimage/PolyMC-latest-x86_64.AppImage.sha256)) - `chmod +x` must be run on this file before usage. This should work on any distribution. - [Arch Linux (AMD64)](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/arch/polymc-bin-latest-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/arch/polymc-bin-latest-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.sha256) - this is intended to be installed with `pacman -U`. This is an alternative if building the AUR package is not desired. - MacOS currently does not have any packages. We are still working on setting up MacOS packaging. ## Development If you want to contribute to PolyMC you might find it useful to join [#development:polymc.org on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#development:polymc.org) or join [our Discord server](https://discord.gg/xq7fxrgtMP), which is bridged with the PolyMC Matrix rooms. Thank you! ### Building If you want to build PolyMC yourself, check [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) for build instructions. You can build the flatpak using [this source](https://github.com/flathub/org.polymc.PolyMC). ### Code formatting Just follow the existing formatting. In general, in order of importance: * Make sure your IDE is not messing up line endings or whitespace and avoid using linters. * Prefer readability over dogma. * Keep to the existing formatting. * Indent with 4 space unless it's in a submodule. * Keep lists (of arguments, parameters, initializers...) as lists, not paragraphs. It should either read from top to bottom, or left to right. Not both. ## Translations TODO ## Forking/Redistributing/Custom builds policy Do whatever you want, we don't care. Just follow the license. If you have any questions about this feel free to ask in an issue. ## Help & Support Feel free to create an issue if you need help. However, you might find it easier to ask in the Discord server. [![PolyMC Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/923671181020766230?label=PolyMC%20Discord)](https://discord.gg/xq7fxrgtMP) For people who don't want to use Discord, we have a Matrix Space which is bridged to the Discord server: [![PolyMC Space](https://img.shields.io/matrix/polymc:polymc.org?label=PolyMC%20Space&server_fqdn=matrix.polymc.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#polymc:polymc.org) If there are any issues with the space or you are using a client that does not support the feature here are the individual rooms: [![Support](https://img.shields.io/matrix/support:polymc.org?label=%23support&server_fqdn=matrix.polymc.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#support:polymc.org) [![Discussion](https://img.shields.io/matrix/discussion:polymc.org?label=%23discussion&server_fqdn=matrix.polymc.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#discussion:polymc.org) [![Development](https://img.shields.io/matrix/development:polymc.org?label=%23development&server_fqdn=matrix.polymc.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#development:polymc.org) [![News](https://img.shields.io/matrix/news:polymc.org?label=%23news&server_fqdn=matrix.polymc.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#news:polymc.org)