using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template $SaveDialog : Adw.MessageDialog { response => $handle_response(); responses [ cancel: _("Cancel"), disacard: _("Discard") destructive, save: _("Save") suggested disabled, ] close-response: "cancel"; modal: true; heading: _("Export Thread?"); // body: _(""); extra-child: Box { margin-top: 12; orientation: vertical; spacing: 24; ListBox { selection-mode: none; styles ["boxed-list"] Adw.EntryRow filename { title: _("File Name"); entry-activated => $on_entry_activated(); } } Box { orientation: vertical; ListBox { selection-mode: none; styles ["boxed-list"] Adw.ActionRow location { title: _("Location"); subtitle: "Select Location"; activatable-widget: button_location; Button button_location { icon-name: "folder-symbolic"; valign: center; styles ["flat"] clicked => $on_location_button_clicked(); } } } Label { margin-start: 12; margin-top: 12; halign: start; label: _("The export of the Thread will be saved in this directory."); styles ["dim-label", "caption"] justify: left; } } }; } Gtk.FileDialog file_chooser { title: _("Choose a directory"); modal: true; //action: open; //response => $on_filechooser_response(); }