# main.py # # Copyright 2023 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import sys import gi import time gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0') gi.require_version('Adw', '1') gi.require_version('Xdp', '1.0') gi.require_version('XdpGtk4', '1.0') gi.require_version('GtkSource', '5') from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio, Adw, Xdp, XdpGtk4, GLib from .views.window import BavarderWindow from .views.about_window import AboutWindow from .views.preferences_window import PreferencesWindow from .constants import app_id from .providers import PROVIDERS import json from gpt4all import GPT4All import os user_config_dir = os.environ.get( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.environ["HOME"] + "/.config" ) user_data_dir = os.environ.get( "XDG_DATA_HOME", os.environ["HOME"] + "/.local/share" ) user_cache_dir = os.environ.get( "XDG_CACHE_HOME", os.environ["HOME"] + "/.cache" ) model_path = os.path.join(user_cache_dir, "bavarder", "models") class BavarderApplication(Adw.Application): """The main application singleton class.""" model_name = "ggml-model-gpt4all-falcon-q4_0.bin" models = set() model = None action_running_in_background = False number_of_win = 0 def __init__(self): super().__init__(application_id='io.github.Bavarder.Bavarder', flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.DEFAULT_FLAGS) self.create_action("quit", self.on_quit, ["q"]) self.create_action('about', self.on_about_action) self.create_action('preferences', self.on_preferences_action, ['comma']) self.create_action('new_chat', self.on_new_chat_action, ["n"]) self.create_action('ask', self.on_ask, ["Return"]) self.create_action('new_window', self.on_new_window, ["w"]) self.data_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, "bavarder") if not os.path.exists(self.data_path): os.makedirs(self.data_path) if not os.path.exists(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path) self.data_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, "data.json") self.data = { "chats": [], "providers": {} } if os.path.exists(self.data_path): try: with open(self.data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.data = json.load(f) except Exception: # if there is an error, we use a plain config pass self.settings = Gio.Settings(schema_id=app_id) self.local_mode = self.settings.get_boolean("local-mode") self.current_provider = self.settings.get_string("current-provider") self.model_name = self.settings.get_string("model") self.create_stateful_action( "set_provider", GLib.VariantType.new("s"), GLib.Variant("s", self.current_provider), self.on_set_provider_action ) self.create_stateful_action( "set_model", GLib.VariantType.new("s"), GLib.Variant("s", self.model_name), self.on_set_model_action ) self.bot_name = self.settings.get_string("bot-name") self.user_name = self.settings.get_string("user-name") def on_set_provider_action(self, action, *args): self.current_provider = args[0].get_string() Gio.SimpleAction.set_state(self.lookup_action("set_provider"), args[0]) def on_set_model_action(self, action, *args): previous = self.model_name self.model_name = args[0].get_string() if previous != self.model_name: # reset model for loading the new one self.model = None Gio.SimpleAction.set_state(self.lookup_action("set_model"), args[0]) def save(self): with open(self.data_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for name, d in self.data["providers"].items(): print(d) self.data = json.dump(self.data, f) self.settings.set_boolean("local-mode", self.local_mode) self.settings.set_string("current-provider", self.current_provider) self.settings.set_string("model", self.model_name) self.settings.set_string("bot-name", self.bot_name) self.settings.set_string("user-name", self.user_name) def on_quit(self, action, *args, **kwargs): """Called when the user activates the Quit action.""" if self.number_of_win == 1: self.save() self.quit() else: self.win.destroy() self.number_of_win -= 1 def on_new_chat_action(self, widget, _): chat_id = 0 for chat in self.data["chats"]: if chat["id"] > chat_id: chat_id = chat["id"] chat_id += 1 chat = { "id": chat_id, "title": "New Chat " + str(chat_id), "starred": False, "content": [], } self.data["chats"].append(chat) self.win.load_threads() def do_activate(self): """Called when the application is activated. We raise the application's main window, creating it if necessary. """ self.new_window() @property def win(self): """The application's main window.""" return self.props.active_window def new_window(self, window=None): if window: win = self.props.active_window else: win = BavarderWindow(application=self) self.number_of_win += 1 win.connect("close-request", self.on_quit) self.providers = {} for provider in PROVIDERS: p = provider(self, win) self.providers[p.slug] = p win.load_model_selector() win.load_provider_selector() win.present() def on_new_window(self, widget, _): self.new_window() def on_about_action(self, widget, _): """Callback for the app.about action.""" about = AboutWindow(self.win) about.present() def on_preferences_action(self, widget, _): """Callback for the app.preferences action.""" preferences = PreferencesWindow(self.win) preferences.present() def create_action(self, name, callback, shortcuts=None): """Add an application action. Args: name: the name of the action callback: the function to be called when the action is activated shortcuts: an optional list of accelerators """ action = Gio.SimpleAction.new(name, None) action.connect("activate", callback) self.add_action(action) if shortcuts: self.set_accels_for_action(f"app.{name}", shortcuts) def create_stateful_action(self, name, parameter_type, initial_state, callback, shortcuts=None): """Add a stateful application action.""" action = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( name, parameter_type, initial_state) action.connect("activate", callback) self.add_action(action) if shortcuts: self.set_accels_for_action(f"app.{name}", shortcuts) def on_ask(self, widget, _): try: print("ASK-APP") self.win.on_ask() except AttributeError: pass def ask(self, prompt, chat): if self.local_mode: if not self.setup_chat(): # NO MODELS: return _("Please download a model from Preferences by clicking on the Dot Menu at the top!") else: for p in ["Hi", "Hello"]: if p.lower() in prompt.lower(): return _("Hello, I am Bavarder, a Chit-Chat AI") system_template = """A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant.""" with self.model.chat_session(system_template): self.model.current_chat_session = chat["content"].copy() response = self.model.generate(prompt=prompt, top_k=1) else: l = list(self.providers.values()) for p in l: if p.enabled and p.slug == self.current_provider: response = self.providers[self.current_provider].ask(prompt, chat) break else: response = _("Please enable a provider from the Dot Menu") return response def setup_chat(self): if not self.models: self.list_models() if not self.models: return False else: if self.model is None: if self.model_name not in self.models: self.download_model(self.model_name) self.model = GPT4All(self.model_name, model_path=model_path) return True def download_model(self, model=None): if model: self.model_name = model GPT4All.retrieve_model(self.model_name, model_path=model_path, verbose=True) self.models.add(self.model_name) def list_models(self): self.models = set() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(model_path): for model in files: self.models.add(model) def delete_model(self, model): os.remove(os.path.join(model_path, model)) self.list_models() def check_network(self): return False def clear_all_chats(self): self.data["chats"] = [] self.win.load_threads() def load_bot_and_user_name(self): print(self.bot_name) print(self.user_name) def main(version): """The application's entry point.""" app = BavarderApplication() return app.run(sys.argv)