diff --git a/src/plugins/view/geoview.py b/src/plugins/view/geoview.py
index 7fb924b57..9f516cd6f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/view/geoview.py
+++ b/src/plugins/view/geoview.py
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ from gui.views.pageview import PageView
from gui.editors import EditPlace
from gui.selectors.selectplace import SelectPlace
from Filters.SideBar import PlaceSidebarFilter, EventSidebarFilter
+from gui.views.navigationview import NavigationView
+import Bookmarks
+from Utils import navigation_label
@@ -109,6 +113,23 @@ from htmlrenderer import HtmlView
GEOVIEW_SUBPATH = unicode(Utils.get_empty_tempdir('geoview'), sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+MRU_SIZE = 10
+MRU_TOP = [
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ]
# Javascript template
@@ -301,6 +322,18 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
self.dbstate = dbstate
self.uistate = uistate
self.dbstate.connect('database-changed', self._new_database)
+ self.fwd_action = None
+ self.back_action = None
+ self.book_action = None
+ self.other_action = None
+ self.active_signal = None
+ self.mru_signal = None
+ self.nav_group = 0
+ self.mru_active = DISABLED
+ self.uistate.register(dbstate, self.navigation_type(), self.nav_group)
+ self.bookmarks = Bookmarks.PersonBookmarks(self.dbstate, self.uistate,
+ dbstate.db.get_bookmarks(), self.goto_handle)
def build_widget(self):
self.no_network = False
@@ -861,6 +894,10 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
self.key_active_changed = self.dbstate.connect('active-changed',
+ hobj = self.get_history()
+ self.active_signal = hobj.connect('active-changed', self._goto_active_person)
+ self.mru_signal = hobj.connect('mru-changed', self.update_mru_menu)
+ self.update_mru_menu(hobj.mru)
self.filter.hide() # hide the filter
self.active = True
@@ -1044,6 +1081,11 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
@@ -1052,6 +1094,52 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
Required define_actions function for PageView. Builds the action
group information required.
+ #NavigationView.define_actions(self)
+ #self.bookmark_actions()
+ self.book_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Bookmark')
+ self.book_action.add_actions([
+ ('AddBook', 'gramps-bookmark-new', _('_Add Bookmark'),
+ 'd', None, self.add_bookmark),
+ ('EditBook', 'gramps-bookmark-edit',
+ _("%(title)s...") % {'title': _("Organize Bookmarks")},
+ 'b', None,
+ self.edit_bookmarks),
+ ])
+ self._add_action_group(self.book_action)
+ #self.navigation_actions()
+ # add the Forward action group to handle the Forward button
+ self.fwd_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Forward')
+ self.fwd_action.add_actions([
+ ('Forward', gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, _("_Forward"),
+ "Right", _("Go to the next person in the history"),
+ self.fwd_clicked)
+ ])
+ # add the Backward action group to handle the Forward button
+ self.back_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Backward')
+ self.back_action.add_actions([
+ ('Back', gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, _("_Back"),
+ "Left", _("Go to the previous person in the history"),
+ self.back_clicked)
+ ])
+ self._add_action('HomePerson', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("_Home"),
+ accel="Home",
+ tip=_("Go to the default person"), callback=self.home)
+ self.other_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/PersonOther')
+ self.other_action.add_actions([
+ ('SetActive', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("Set _Home Person"), None,
+ None, self.set_default_person),
+ ])
+ self._add_action_group(self.back_action)
+ self._add_action_group(self.fwd_action)
+ self._add_action_group(self.other_action)
+ # geoview actions
self._add_action('AddPlace', 'geo-place-add',
_('_Add Place'),
@@ -1103,6 +1191,210 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
config.connect('interface.filter', self.filter_toggle)
+ ####################################################################
+ ####################################################################
+ def add_bookmark(self, obj):
+ """
+ Add a bookmark to the list.
+ """
+ from gen.display.name import displayer as name_displayer
+ active_handle = self.uistate.get_active('Person')
+ active_person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(active_handle)
+ if active_person:
+ self.bookmarks.add(active_handle)
+ name = name_displayer.display(active_person)
+ self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate,
+ _("%s has been bookmarked") % name)
+ else:
+ from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
+ WarningDialog(
+ _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"),
+ _("A bookmark could not be set because "
+ "no one was selected."))
+ def edit_bookmarks(self, obj):
+ """
+ Call the bookmark editor.
+ """
+ self.bookmarks.edit()
+ def bookmark_actions(self):
+ """
+ Define the bookmark menu actions.
+ """
+ self.book_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Bookmark')
+ self.book_action.add_actions([
+ ('AddBook', 'gramps-bookmark-new', _('_Add Bookmark'),
+ 'd', None, self.add_bookmark),
+ ('EditBook', 'gramps-bookmark-edit',
+ _("%(title)s...") % {'title': _("Organize Bookmarks")},
+ 'b', None,
+ self.edit_bookmarks),
+ ])
+ self._add_action_group(self.book_action)
+ ####################################################################
+ ####################################################################
+ def set_default_person(self, obj):
+ """
+ Set the default person.
+ """
+ active = self.uistate.get_active('Person')
+ if active:
+ self.dbstate.db.set_default_person_handle(active)
+ def home(self, obj):
+ """
+ Move to the default person.
+ """
+ defperson = self.dbstate.db.get_default_person()
+ if defperson:
+ self.change_active(defperson.get_handle())
+ def jump(self):
+ """
+ A dialog to move to a Gramps ID entered by the user.
+ """
+ dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Jump to by Gramps ID'), None,
+ dialog.set_border_width(12)
+ label = gtk.Label('%s' %
+ _('Jump to by Gramps ID'))
+ label.set_use_markup(True)
+ dialog.vbox.add(label)
+ dialog.vbox.set_spacing(10)
+ dialog.vbox.set_border_width(12)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s: " % _('ID')), False)
+ text = gtk.Entry()
+ text.set_activates_default(True)
+ hbox.pack_start(text, False)
+ dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False)
+ dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
+ dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ dialog.vbox.show_all()
+ if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ gid = text.get_text()
+ handle = self.get_handle_from_gramps_id(gid)
+ if handle is not None:
+ self.change_active(handle)
+ self.goto_handle(handle)
+ else:
+ self.uistate.push_message(
+ self.dbstate,
+ _("Error: %s is not a valid Gramps ID") % gid)
+ dialog.destroy()
+ def get_handle_from_gramps_id(self, gid):
+ """
+ Get an object handle from its Gramps ID.
+ Needs to be implemented by the inheriting class.
+ """
+ pass
+ def goto_handle(self, handle):
+ self.change_person(handle)
+ def fwd_clicked(self, obj):
+ """
+ Move forward one object in the history.
+ """
+ hobj = self.get_history()
+ hobj.lock = True
+ if not hobj.at_end():
+ hobj.forward()
+ self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate)
+ self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
+ self.back_action.set_sensitive(True)
+ hobj.lock = False
+ def back_clicked(self, obj):
+ """
+ Move backward one object in the history.
+ """
+ hobj = self.get_history()
+ hobj.lock = True
+ if not hobj.at_front():
+ hobj.back()
+ self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate)
+ self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
+ self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(True)
+ hobj.lock = False
+ def navigation_group(self):
+ """
+ Return the navigation group.
+ """
+ return self.nav_group
+ def navigation_type(self):
+ return 'Person'
+ def get_history(self):
+ """
+ Return the history object.
+ """
+ return self.uistate.get_history(self.navigation_type(),
+ self.navigation_group())
+ ####################################################################
+ # MRU functions
+ ####################################################################
+ def mru_disable(self):
+ """
+ Remove the UI and action groups for the MRU list.
+ """
+ if self.mru_active != DISABLED:
+ self.uistate.uimanager.remove_ui(self.mru_active)
+ self.uistate.uimanager.remove_action_group(self.mru_action)
+ self.mru_active = DISABLED
+ def mru_enable(self):
+ """
+ Enables the UI and action groups for the MRU list.
+ """
+ if self.mru_active == DISABLED:
+ self.uistate.uimanager.insert_action_group(self.mru_action, 1)
+ self.mru_active = self.uistate.uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.mru_ui)
+ self.uistate.uimanager.ensure_update()
+ def update_mru_menu(self, items):
+ """
+ Builds the UI and action group for the MRU list.
+ """
+ self.mru_disable()
+ nav_type = self.navigation_type()
+ hobj = self.get_history()
+ menu_len = min(len(items) - 1, MRU_SIZE)
+ entry = ''
+ data = [entry % (nav_type, index) for index in range(0, menu_len)]
+ self.mru_ui = "".join(MRU_TOP) + "".join(data) + "".join(MRU_BTM)
+ mitems = items[-MRU_SIZE - 1:-1] # Ignore current handle
+ mitems.reverse()
+ data = []
+ for index, handle in enumerate(mitems):
+ name, obj = navigation_label(self.dbstate.db, nav_type, handle)
+ data.append(('%s%02d'%(nav_type, index), None, name,
+ "%d" % index, None,
+ _make_callback(hobj.push, handle)))
+ self.mru_action = gtk.ActionGroup(nav_type)
+ self.mru_action.add_actions(data)
+ self.mru_enable()
+ ####################################################################
+ # End MRU functions
+ ####################################################################
def go_back(self, button): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
Go to the previous loaded url.
@@ -1130,7 +1422,13 @@ class GeoView(HtmlView):
4. set icon and label of the menutoolbutton now that it is realized
5. store label so it can be changed when selection changes
- PageView.change_page(self)
+ hobj = self.get_history()
+ self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
+ self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
+ self.other_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly)
+ self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate)
+ #PageView.change_page(self)
+ self.uistate.clear_filter_results()
self._savezoomandposition(500) # every 500 millisecondes
self.endinit = True