where where filename.gedfilename.ged is the name
of the file you want to open/import.
2.2. Running GRAMPS for the first time for the first time
@@ -789,8 +790,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>2.2.1. Choosing a database on startup2.2.1. Choosing a database on startup
If 2.2.2. Optional ZODB support2.2.2. Optional ZODB support
If either StandaloneZODB or Zope is installed on your system,
3. Main Window3. Main Window
When you open a database (either existing or brand new),
the following window is displayed.
3.1. Views3.1. Views
Views are the various ways to display different aspects of
genealogical information, as described below. Since the relevant
@@ -1048,8 +1049,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>3.1.1. Switching Views and Viewing Modes3.1.1. Switching Views and Viewing Modes
Depending on the state of the 3.1.2. People View3.1.2. People View
When Filters3.1.2.1. Filters
Genealogical databases may contain huge numbers of people.
Since the long lists are hard for humans to handle,
@@ -1305,8 +1306,8 @@ CLASS="sect4"
> Alphabetical Tabs3.1.2.2. Alphabetical Tabs
3.1.3. Family View3.1.3. Family View
Family View displays the Family information of a currently
selected (or Active) person. Specifically, this view shows the
@@ -1461,8 +1462,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>3.1.4. Pedigree View3.1.4. Pedigree View
Pedigree View helps to visualize the place of the Active
person in the tree of its ancestors. Pedigree View shows four
@@ -1513,8 +1514,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>3.1.5. Sources View3.1.5. Sources View
Sources View lists the sources of information stored in the
database. This can include various documents (birth, death, and
@@ -1542,8 +1543,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>3.1.6. Places View3.1.6. Places View
Places View lists the geographical places in which the events
of the database took place. These could be places of birth, death,
@@ -1582,8 +1583,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>3.1.7. Media View3.1.7. Media View
Media View is a list of Media Objects used in the database.
Media Objects are any files that relate somehow to the stored
@@ -1602,8 +1603,8 @@ CLASS="sect1"
>4. Usage4. Usage
As commonly encountered in everyday life, in
4.1. Opening Database4.1. Opening Database
To open a database, either choose 4.2. Starting New Database4.2. Starting New Database
To start a new database, choose 4.3. Saving Database4.3. Saving Database
To save changes made to your database, choose on the Toolbar. The Status line will then
display Saving Saving filenamefilename...
message, and the progress bar will advance as the saving progresses.
4.4. Importing GEDCOM Data4.4. Importing GEDCOM Data
Importing GEDCOM data allows you to incorporate the data created in
other genealogical programs into your currently
@@ -1813,8 +1812,8 @@ CLASS="sect2"
>4.5. Exporting GEDCOM Data4.5. Exporting GEDCOM Data
Exporting GEDCOM data allows you to share any portion of you
4.6. Importing and Exporting GRAMPS Packages Packages
Editing any portion of data allows you to amend and/or
modify information stored in the database. The available editing
@@ -2030,8 +2029,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>4.7.1. To Add a Person4.7.1. To Add a Person
To add a person to the database, switch to the People View
(4.7.2. To Specify a Relationship4.7.2. To Specify a Relationship
To specify a relationship, first switch to the Family View
(4.7.3. To Specify Parents4.7.3. To Specify Parents
To specify parents of an active person, first switch to the
Family View (4.7.4. To Specify Children4.7.4. To Specify Children
To specify children of an active person, switch to the
Family View (4.7.5. To Add Images4.7.5. To Add Images
You can add images (as well as other media objects) to
individual people, events, sources, places, as well as images
@@ -2312,8 +2311,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>4.7.6. To Edit Sources and Places4.7.6. To Edit Sources and Places
To add a source or a place to the database, switch to
the appropriate Sources or Places View (4.8. Editing Data: Complete Description4.8. Editing Data: Complete Description
4.8.1. Edit Personal Information
4.8.1. Edit Personal Information
Editing of personal data can be performed in the
following ways.
4.8.2. Edit Relationship Data4.8.2. Edit Relationship Data
Editing of relationship data is performed in the following
4.8.3. Edit Source Data4.8.3. Edit Source Data
To edit source data, switch to the Sources View and select the
desired entry in the list of sources. Double-clik on that entry or
@@ -3465,8 +3464,8 @@ CLASS="sect3"
>4.8.4. Edit Place Data4.8.4. Edit Place Data
To edit place data, switch to the Places View and select the
desired entry in the list of places. Double-clik on that entry or
@@ -3648,7 +3647,7 @@ CLASS="guibutton"
- to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a a source reference
+ to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
to this place. Note that Edit...4.8.5. Edit Media Data4.8.5. Edit Media Data
To edit media data, switch to the Media View and select the
desired entry in the list of sources. Double-clik on that entry or
@@ -3875,8 +3874,8 @@ CLASS="guilabel"
General tab allows the title which labels this
- object in the database. The title can be typed in the appropriate
+> tab allows to edit the title which labels
+ this object in the database. The title can be typed in the appropriate
text entry field. If the object is not local (i.e. the corresponding
file does not reside under 4.8.6. Edit Events4.8.6. Edit Events
Events are edited through the following Event
+ Editor dialog:
Figure 16. Event Editor dialog
The top of the window shows the dialog title including the name
+ of the person whose event is being edited. The central part of the
+ window displays four notebook tabs containing different categories of
+ available information. You can bring any tab to the top for viewing or
+ editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading. The bottom part has
+ OK and Cancel buttons.
+ Clicking OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
The tabs provide the following information categories of
+ the event data:
+ General tab allows editing of the most general
+ information about the event: its type, date, place, cause, adn
+ description. The type can be selected from available types listed
+ in the Event type drop-down menu. The rest
+ of the information can be typed in the appropriate text entry fields.
+ Check the Private record box to mark this event
+ record as private. This will give you a chance to omit this event from
+ being included in the reports, if you choose so among the report
+ generation options.
+ Sources tab displays information about sources
+ relevant to this event and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such sources references
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
+ to this event. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a source reference is selected from the list.
Note tab displays any notes concerning
+ the event. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the
+ text in the text entry field.
+ Witnesses tab displays information about witnesses
+ relevant to this event and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such witnesses
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a witness reference
+ to this event. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a witness reference is selected from the list.
4.8.7. Edit Source Information4.8.7. Edit Source Information
When adding source references to events, places, etc.,
+ the following dialog appears:
Figure 17. Source Information dialog
The top of the window shows the dialog title. The central part
+ displays the source information. The bottom part has
+ OK and Cancel buttons.
+ Clicking OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
Note that this dialog does not let you
+ modify sources or create new sources. It only allows you to make a
+ reference to the existing source. To add or modify a source, switch to
+ the Sources View and click Add or
+ Edit on the toolbar, as appropriate.
The source can be selected from available sources listed in the
+ Title drop-down menu. You can also set the
+ details specific for this particular reference: confidence,
+ volume/file/page. date, text, and comments. Choose the confidence
+ level from the Confidence drop-down menu.
+ The rest of the details can be typed in the appropriate text entry
+ fields.
Alternate names are edited through the following
+ Alternate Names Editor dialog:
Figure 18. Alternate Names Editor dialog
The top of the window shows the dialog title including the name
+ of the person whose alternate name is being edited. The central part
+ of the window displays three notebook tabs containing different
+ categories of available information. You can bring any tab to the
+ top for viewing or editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading.
+ The bottom part has OK and
+ Cancel buttons. Clicking
+ OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
The tabs provide the following information categories of
+ the alternate name data:
+ General tab allows editing of the most general
+ information about the alternate name: given name, family name, family
+ prefix, suffix, title, and type of the name. The information can be
+ typed in the appropriate text entry fields. The family name and the
+ type can be also selected from available choices listed in the
+ appropriate drop-down menus.
+ Check the Private record box to mark this name
+ record as private. This will give you a chance to omit this event from
+ being included in the reports, if you choose so among the report
+ generation options.
+ Sources tab displays information about sources
+ relevant to this name and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such sources references
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
+ to this name. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a source reference is selected from the list.
Note tab displays any notes concerning
+ the name. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the
+ text in the text entry field.
5.1.3. Researcher Information5.1.3. Researcher Information
5.1.4. Data Guessing5.1.4. Data Guessing
5.2. Display5.2. Display
5.2.1. General5.2.1. General
5.2.2. Dates and Calendar5.2.2. Dates and Calendar
5.2.3. Tool and Status Bars5.2.3. Tool and Status Bars
5.3. Database5.3. Database
5.3.1. General5.3.1. General
5.3.2. Media Objects5.3.2. Media Objects
5.3.3. GRAMPS internal IDs internal IDs
5.3.4. Revision Control5.3.4. Revision Control
6. About GRAMPS
GRAMPS was written by Donald N. Allingham
- (<dallingham@users.sourceforge.net>>).
To find more information about Edit on the toolbar to invoke the
following Place Editor dialog:
Place Editor dialogAdd...,
Edit..., and Delete allow
- to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a a source reference
+ to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
to this place. Note that Edit... and
Delete buttons become available only when
a source reference is selected from the list.
@@ -1621,8 +1621,8 @@
- General tab allows the title which labels this
- object in the database. The title can be typed in the appropriate
+ General tab allows to edit the title which labels
+ this object in the database. The title can be typed in the appropriate
text entry field. If the object is not local (i.e. the corresponding
file does not reside under &app; database directory), the
Make a local copy button is available.
@@ -1680,27 +1680,215 @@
Edit Events
+ Events are edited through the following Event
+ Editor dialog:
+ Event Editor dialog
+ Shows Event Editor dialog.
+ The top of the window shows the dialog title including the name
+ of the person whose event is being edited. The central part of the
+ window displays four notebook tabs containing different categories of
+ available information. You can bring any tab to the top for viewing or
+ editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading. The bottom part has
+ OK and Cancel buttons.
+ Clicking OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
+ The tabs provide the following information categories of
+ the event data:
+ General
+ General tab allows editing of the most general
+ information about the event: its type, date, place, cause, adn
+ description. The type can be selected from available types listed
+ in the Event type drop-down menu. The rest
+ of the information can be typed in the appropriate text entry fields.
+ Check the Private record box to mark this event
+ record as private. This will give you a chance to omit this event from
+ being included in the reports, if you choose so among the report
+ generation options.
+ Sources
+ Sources tab displays information about sources
+ relevant to this event and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such sources references
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
+ to this event. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a source reference is selected from the list.
+ Note
+ Note tab displays any notes concerning
+ the event. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the
+ text in the text entry field.
+ Witnesses
+ Witnesses tab displays information about witnesses
+ relevant to this event and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such witnesses
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a witness reference
+ to this event. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a witness reference is selected from the list.
Edit Source Information
+ When adding source references to events, places, etc.,
+ the following dialog appears:
+ Source Information dialog
+ Shows Source Information dialog.
+ The top of the window shows the dialog title. The central part
+ displays the source information. The bottom part has
+ OK and Cancel buttons.
+ Clicking OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
+ Note that this dialog does not let you
+ modify sources or create new sources. It only allows you to make a
+ reference to the existing source. To add or modify a source, switch to
+ the Sources View and click Add or
+ Edit on the toolbar, as appropriate.
+ The source can be selected from available sources listed in the
+ Title drop-down menu. You can also set the
+ details specific for this particular reference: confidence,
+ volume/file/page. date, text, and comments. Choose the confidence
+ level from the Confidence drop-down menu.
+ The rest of the details can be typed in the appropriate text entry
+ fields.
Edit Alternate Names
+ Alternate names are edited through the following
+ Alternate Names Editor dialog:
+ Alternate Names Editor dialog
+ Shows Alternate Names Editor dialog.
+ The top of the window shows the dialog title including the name
+ of the person whose alternate name is being edited. The central part
+ of the window displays three notebook tabs containing different
+ categories of available information. You can bring any tab to the
+ top for viewing or editing by clicking on the appropriate tab heading.
+ The bottom part has OK and
+ Cancel buttons. Clicking
+ OK at any time will apply all the
+ changes made in all tabs and close the dialog window. Clicking
+ Cancel at any time will close the window without
+ applying any changes. If any of the data in any tab was modified,
+ the alert window will appear with the choices of closing the dialog
+ without saving changes, canceling the initial cancel request, or saving
+ the changes.
+ The tabs provide the following information categories of
+ the alternate name data:
+ General
+ General tab allows editing of the most general
+ information about the alternate name: given name, family name, family
+ prefix, suffix, title, and type of the name. The information can be
+ typed in the appropriate text entry fields. The family name and the
+ type can be also selected from available choices listed in the
+ appropriate drop-down menus.
+ Check the Private record box to mark this name
+ record as private. This will give you a chance to omit this event from
+ being included in the reports, if you choose so among the report
+ generation options.
+ Sources
+ Sources tab displays information about sources
+ relevant to this name and the controls allowing its modification.
+ The central part displays the list of all such sources references
+ stored in the database. The buttons Add...,
+ Edit..., and Delete
+ allow to correspondingly add, modify, and remove a source reference
+ to this name. Note that Edit... and
+ Delete buttons become available only when
+ a source reference is selected from the list.
+ Note
+ Note tab displays any notes concerning
+ the name. To add a note or modify existing notes simply edit the
+ text in the text entry field.
@@ -1714,8 +1902,18 @@
+ Edit Witnesses