diff --git a/src/BaseDoc.py b/src/BaseDoc.py
index a419a96aa..e25dfa802 100644
--- a/src/BaseDoc.py
+++ b/src/BaseDoc.py
@@ -1405,41 +1405,13 @@ class BaseDoc(object):
# TextDoc
-def noescape(text):
- return text
class TextDoc(object):
Abstract Interface for text document generators. Output formats for
text reports must implment this interface to be used by the report
- BOLD = 0
- ITALIC = 1
- ESCAPE_FUNC = lambda x: noescape
- #Map between styletypes and internally used values. This map is needed
- # to make TextDoc officially independant of gen.lib.styledtexttag
- }
- #STYLETAGTABLE to store markup for write_markup associated with style tags
- BOLD : ("", ""),
- ITALIC : ("", ""),
- UNDERLINE : ("", ""),
- SUPERSCRIPT : ("", ""),
- }
def page_break(self):
"Forces a page break, creating a new page"
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -1592,159 +1564,6 @@ class TextDoc(object):
@param h_cm: height in centimeters
raise NotImplementedError
- def find_tag_by_stag(self, s_tag):
- """
- @param s_tag: object: assumed styledtexttag
- @param s_tagvalue: None/int/str: value associated with the tag
- A styled tag is type with a value.
- Every styled tag must be converted to the tags used in the corresponding
- markup for the backend, eg text for bold in html.
- These markups are stored in STYLETAG_MARKUP. They are tuples for begin
- and end tag
- If a markup is not present yet, it is created, using the
- _create_xmltag method you can overwrite
- """
- type = s_tag.name
- if not self.STYLETYPE_MAP or \
- self.CLASSMAP <> type.__class__.__name__ :
- self.CLASSMAP == type.__class__.__name__
- self.STYLETYPE_MAP[type.__class__.BOLD] = self.BOLD
- typeval = int(s_tag.name)
- s_tagvalue = s_tag.value
- tag_name = None
- if type.STYLE_TYPE[typeval] == bool:
- return self.STYLETAG_MARKUP[self.STYLETYPE_MAP[typeval]]
- elif type.STYLE_TYPE[typeval] == str:
- tag_name = "%d %s" % (typeval, s_tagvalue)
- elif type.STYLE_TYPE[typeval] == int:
- tag_name = "%d %d" % (typeval, s_tagvalue)
- if not tag_name:
- return None
- tags = self.STYLETAG_MARKUP.get(tag_name)
- if tags is not None:
- return tags
- #no tag known yet, create the markup, add to lookup, and return
- tags = self._create_xmltag(self.STYLETYPE_MAP[typeval], s_tagvalue)
- self.STYLETAG_MARKUP[tag_name] = tags
- return tags
- def _create_xmltag(self, type, value):
- """
- Create the xmltags for the backend.
- Overwrite this method to create functionality with a backend
- """
- if type not in self.SUPPORTED_MARKUP:
- return None
- return ('', '')
- def _add_markup_from_styled(self, text, s_tags, split=''):
- """
- Input is plain text, output is text with markup added according to the
- s_tags which are assumed to be styledtexttags.
- When split is given the text will be split over the value given, and
- tags applied in such a way that it the text can be safely splitted in
- pieces along split
- @param text : str, a piece of text
- @param s_tags : styledtexttags that must be applied to the text
- @param split : str, optional. A string along which the output can
- be safely split without breaking the styling.
- As adding markup means original text must be escaped, ESCAPE_FUNC is
- used
- This can be used to convert the text of a styledtext to the format
- needed for a document backend
- Do not call this method in a report, use the write_markup method
- @note: the algorithm is complex as it assumes mixing of tags is not
- allowed: eg text here not is assumed invalid
- as markup. If the s_tags require such a setup, what is returned
- is text here not
- overwrite this method if this complexity is not needed.
- """
- FIRST = 0
- LAST = 1
- tagspos = {}
- for s_tag in s_tags:
- tag = self.find_tag_by_stag(s_tag)
- if tag is not None:
- for (start, end) in s_tag.ranges:
- if start in tagspos:
- tagspos[start] += [(tag, FIRST)]
- else:
- tagspos[start] = [(tag, FIRST)]
- if end in tagspos:
- tagspos[end] += [(tag, LAST)]
- else:
- tagspos[end] = [(tag, LAST)]
- start = 0
- end = len(text)
- keylist = tagspos.keys()
- keylist.sort()
- keylist = [x for x in keylist if x<=len(text)]
- opentags = []
- otext = u"" #the output, text with markup
- lensplit = len(split)
- for pos in keylist:
- #write text up to tag
- if pos > start:
- if split:
- #make sure text can split
- splitpos = text[start:pos].find(split)
- while splitpos <> -1:
- otext += self.ESCAPE_FUNC()(text[start:start+splitpos])
- #close open tags
- for opentag in reversed(opentags):
- otext += opentag[1]
- #add split text
- otext += self.ESCAPE_FUNC()(split)
- #open the tags again
- for opentag in opentags:
- otext += opentag[0]
- #obtain new values
- start = start + splitpos + lensplit
- splitpos = text[start:pos].find(split)
- otext += self.ESCAPE_FUNC()(text[start:pos])
- #write out tags
- for tag in tagspos[pos]:
- #close open tags starting from last open
- for opentag in reversed(opentags):
- otext += opentag[1]
- #if start, add to opentag in beginning as first to open
- if tag[1] == FIRST:
- opentags = [tag[0]] + opentags
- else:
- #end tag, is closed already, remove from opentag
- opentags = [x for x in opentags if not x == tag[0] ]
- #now all tags are closed, open the ones that should open
- for opentag in opentags:
- otext += opentag[0]
- start = pos
- #add remainder of text, no markup present there
- otext += self.ESCAPE_FUNC()(text[start:end])
- #opentags should be empty. If not, user gave tags on positions that
- # are over the end of the text. Just close the tags still open
- if opentags:
- print 'WARNING: TextDoc : More style tags in text than length '\
- 'of text allows.\n', opentags
- for opentag in reversed(opentags):
- otext += opentag[1]
- return otext
diff --git a/src/plugins/docgen/LaTeXDoc.py b/src/plugins/docgen/LaTeXDoc.py
index ee66a8f8d..220468229 100644
--- a/src/plugins/docgen/LaTeXDoc.py
+++ b/src/plugins/docgen/LaTeXDoc.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ from gettext import gettext as _
import BaseDoc
+from docbackend.latexbackend import LateXBackend, latexescape
from gen.plug import PluginManager, DocGenPlugin
import ImgManip
import Errors
@@ -128,81 +129,18 @@ class TexFont(object):
-def latexescape(text):
- """
- change text in text that latex shows correctly
- special characters: \& \$ \% \# \_ \{ \}
- """
- text = text.replace('&','\\&')
- text = text.replace('$','\\$')
- text = text.replace('%','\\%')
- text = text.replace('#','\\#')
- text = text.replace('_','\\_')
- text = text.replace('{','\\{')
- text = text.replace('}','\\}')
- return text
-def latexescapeverbatim(text):
- """
- change text in text that latex shows correctly respecting whitespace
- special characters: \& \$ \% \# \_ \{ \}
- Now also make sure space and newline is respected
- """
- text = text.replace('&', '\\&')
- text = text.replace('$', '\\$')
- text = text.replace('%', '\\%')
- text = text.replace('#', '\\#')
- text = text.replace('_', '\\_')
- text = text.replace('{', '\\{')
- text = text.replace('}', '\\}')
- text = text.replace(' ', '\\ ')
- text = text.replace('\n', '\\newline\n')
- #spaces at begin are normally ignored, make sure they are not.
- #due to above a space at begin is now \newline\n\
- text = text.replace('\\newline\n\\ ', '\\newline\n\\hspace*{0.1cm}\\ ')
- return text
class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
"""LaTeX document interface class. Derived from BaseDoc"""
- # overwrite base class attributes, they become static var of LaTeXDoc
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.BOLD,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ITALIC,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.UNDERLINE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTFACE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.SUPERSCRIPT ]
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.BOLD : ("\\textbf{", "}"),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ITALIC : ("\\textit{", "}"),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.UNDERLINE : ("\\underline{", "}"),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.SUPERSCRIPT : ("\\textsuperscript{", "}"),
- }
- ESCAPE_FUNC = lambda x: latexescape
def page_break(self):
"Forces a page break, creating a new page"
- self.f.write('\\newpage ')
+ self._backend.write('\\newpage ')
- def open(self,filename):
+ def open(self, filename):
"""Opens the specified file, making sure that it has the
extension of .tex"""
- if filename[-4:] != ".tex":
- self.filename = filename + ".tex"
- else:
- self.filename = filename
- try:
- self.f = open(self.filename,"w")
- except IOError,msg:
- errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg)
- raise Errors.ReportError(errmsg)
- except:
- raise Errors.ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename)
+ self._backend = LateXBackend(filename)
+ self._backend.open()
# Font size control seems to be limited. For now, ignore
# any style constraints, and use 12pt has the default
@@ -229,45 +167,45 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
# Use the article template, T1 font encodings, and specify
# that we should use Latin1 and unicode character encodings.
- self.f.write('\\documentclass[%s]{article}\n' % options)
- self.f.write('\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n')
- self.f.write('%\n% We use latin1 encoding at a minimum by default.\n')
- self.f.write('% GRAMPS uses unicode UTF-8 encoding for its\n')
- self.f.write('% international support. LaTeX can deal gracefully\n')
- self.f.write('% with unicode encoding by using the ucs style invoked\n')
- self.f.write('% when utf8 is specified as an option to the inputenc\n')
- self.f.write('% package. This package is included by default in some\n')
- self.f.write('% installations, but not in others, so we do not make it\n')
- self.f.write('% the default. Uncomment the second line if you wish to use it\n')
- self.f.write('% (If you do not have ucs.sty, you may obtain it from\n')
- self.f.write('% http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/unicode/)\n')
- self.f.write('%\n')
- self.f.write('\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n')
- self.f.write('%\\usepackage[latin1,utf8]{inputenc}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\documentclass[%s]{article}\n' % options)
+ self._backend.write('\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\n% We use latin1 encoding at a minimum by default.\n')
+ self._backend.write('% GRAMPS uses unicode UTF-8 encoding for its\n')
+ self._backend.write('% international support. LaTeX can deal gracefully\n')
+ self._backend.write('% with unicode encoding by using the ucs style invoked\n')
+ self._backend.write('% when utf8 is specified as an option to the inputenc\n')
+ self._backend.write('% package. This package is included by default in some\n')
+ self._backend.write('% installations, but not in others, so we do not make it\n')
+ self._backend.write('% the default. Uncomment the second line if you wish to use it\n')
+ self._backend.write('% (If you do not have ucs.sty, you may obtain it from\n')
+ self._backend.write('% http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/unicode/)\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\\usepackage[latin1,utf8]{inputenc}\n')
# add packages (should be standard on a default installation)
# for finer output control. Put comments in file for user to read
- self.f.write('\\usepackage{graphicx} % Extended graphics support\n')
- self.f.write('\\usepackage{longtable} % For multi-page tables\n')
- self.f.write('\\usepackage{calc} % For margin indents\n')
- self.f.write('%\n% Depending on your LaTeX installation, the')
- self.f.write(' margins may be too\n% narrow. ')
- self.f.write(' This can be corrected by uncommenting the following\n')
- self.f.write('% two lines and adjusting the width appropriately.')
- self.f.write(' The example\n% removes 0.5in from each margin.')
- self.f.write(' (Adds 1 inch to the text)\n')
- self.f.write('%\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{-0.5in}\n')
- self.f.write('%\\addtolength{\\textwidth}{1.0in}\n%\n')
- self.f.write('% Create a margin-adjusting command that allows LaTeX\n')
- self.f.write('% to behave like the other gramps-supported output formats\n')
- self.f.write('\\newlength{\\leftedge}\n')
- self.f.write('\\setlength{\\leftedge}{\\parindent}\n')
- self.f.write('\\newlength{\\grampstext}\n')
- self.f.write('\\setlength{\\grampstext}{\\textwidth}\n')
- self.f.write('\\newcommand{\\grampsindent}[1]{%\n')
- self.f.write(' \\setlength{\\parindent}{\\leftedge + #1}%\n')
- self.f.write(' \\setlength{\\textwidth}{\\grampstext - #1}%\n')
- self.f.write('}\n\n')
- self.f.write('\\begin{document}\n\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\usepackage{graphicx} % Extended graphics support\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\usepackage{longtable} % For multi-page tables\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\usepackage{calc} % For margin indents\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\n% Depending on your LaTeX installation, the')
+ self._backend.write(' margins may be too\n% narrow. ')
+ self._backend.write(' This can be corrected by uncommenting the following\n')
+ self._backend.write('% two lines and adjusting the width appropriately.')
+ self._backend.write(' The example\n% removes 0.5in from each margin.')
+ self._backend.write(' (Adds 1 inch to the text)\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{-0.5in}\n')
+ self._backend.write('%\\addtolength{\\textwidth}{1.0in}\n%\n')
+ self._backend.write('% Create a margin-adjusting command that allows LaTeX\n')
+ self._backend.write('% to behave like the other gramps-supported output formats\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\newlength{\\leftedge}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\setlength{\\leftedge}{\\parindent}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\newlength{\\grampstext}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\setlength{\\grampstext}{\\textwidth}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\newcommand{\\grampsindent}[1]{%\n')
+ self._backend.write(' \\setlength{\\parindent}{\\leftedge + #1}%\n')
+ self._backend.write(' \\setlength{\\textwidth}{\\grampstext - #1}%\n')
+ self._backend.write('}\n\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\begin{document}\n\n')
self.in_list = 0
self.in_table = 0
@@ -351,15 +289,15 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
def close(self):
"""Clean up and close the document"""
if self.in_list:
- self.f.write('\\end{enumerate}\n')
- self.f.write('\n\\end{document}\n')
- self.f.close()
+ self._backend.write('\\end{enumerate}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\n\\end{document}\n')
+ self._backend.close()
if self.open_req:
- Utils.open_file_with_default_application(self.filename)
+ Utils.open_file_with_default_application(self._backend.filename)
def end_page(self):
"""Issue a new page command"""
- self.f.write('\\newpage')
+ self._backend.write('\\newpage')
def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
"""Paragraphs handling - A Gramps paragraph is any
@@ -378,11 +316,11 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
if self.indent is not None and not self.in_table:
myspace = '%scm' % str(self.indent)
- self.f.write('\\grampsindent{%s}\n' % myspace)
+ self._backend.write('\\grampsindent{%s}\n' % myspace)
self.fix_indent = 1
if leader is not None and not self.in_list:
- self.f.write('\\begin{enumerate}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\begin{enumerate}\n')
self.in_list = 1
if leader is not None:
# try obtaining integer
@@ -394,22 +332,22 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
num = int(leader_1)
except ValueError:
num = 1
- self.f.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\arabic{enumi}}')
+ self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\arabic{enumi}}')
# roman, set the case correctly
if leader_1.islower():
- self.f.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\roman{enumi}}')
+ self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\roman{enumi}}')
- self.f.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\Roman{enumi}}')
+ self._backend.write(' \\renewcommand\\theenumi{\\Roman{enumi}}')
- self.f.write(' \\setcounter{enumi}{%d} ' % num)
- self.f.write(' \\addtocounter{enumi}{-1}\n')
- self.f.write(' \\item ')
+ self._backend.write(' \\setcounter{enumi}{%d} ' % num)
+ self._backend.write(' \\addtocounter{enumi}{-1}\n')
+ self._backend.write(' \\item ')
if leader is None and not self.in_list and not self.in_table:
- self.f.write('\n')
+ self._backend.write('\n')
- self.f.write('%s ' % self.fbeg)
+ self._backend.write('%s ' % self.fbeg)
def end_paragraph(self):
"""End the current paragraph"""
@@ -417,30 +355,30 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
if self.in_list:
self.in_list = 0
- self.f.write('\n\\end{enumerate}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\n\\end{enumerate}\n')
newline = ''
elif self.in_table:
newline = ('')
- self.f.write('%s%s' % (self.fend, newline))
+ self._backend.write('%s%s' % (self.fend, newline))
if self.fix_indent == 1:
self.fix_indent = 0
- self.f.write('\\grampsindent{0cm}\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\grampsindent{0cm}\n')
def start_bold(self):
"""Bold face"""
- self.f.write('\\textbf{')
+ self._backend.write('\\textbf{')
def end_bold(self):
"""End bold face"""
- self.f.write('}')
+ self._backend.write('}')
def start_superscript(self):
- self.f.write('\\textsuperscript{')
+ self._backend.write('\\textsuperscript{')
def end_superscript(self):
- self.f.write('}')
+ self._backend.write('}')
def start_table(self, name,style_name):
"""Begin new table"""
@@ -453,13 +391,13 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
self.numcols = self.tblstyle.get_columns()
tblfmt = '*{%d}{l}' % self.numcols
- self.f.write('\n\n\\begin{longtable}[l]{%s}\n' % tblfmt)
+ self._backend.write('\n\n\\begin{longtable}[l]{%s}\n' % tblfmt)
def end_table(self):
"""Close the table environment"""
self.in_table = 0
# Create a paragraph separation below the table.
- self.f.write('\\end{longtable}\n\\par\n')
+ self._backend.write('\\end{longtable}\n\\par\n')
def start_row(self):
"""Begin a new row"""
@@ -471,14 +409,14 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
def end_row(self):
"""End the row (new line)"""
- self.f.write('\\\\ ')
+ self._backend.write('\\\\ ')
if self.doline == 1:
if self.skipfirst == 1:
- self.f.write('\\cline{2-%d}\n' % self.numcols)
+ self._backend.write('\\cline{2-%d}\n' % self.numcols)
- self.f.write('\\hline \\\\ \n')
+ self._backend.write('\\hline \\\\ \n')
- self.f.write('\n')
+ self._backend.write('\n')
def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
"""Add an entry to the table.
@@ -513,14 +451,14 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
self.skipfirst = 1
if self.tborder != 0:
- self.f.write('\\hline\n')
- self.f.write ('\\multicolumn{%d}{%s}{' % (span,cellfmt))
+ self._backend.write('\\hline\n')
+ self._backend.write ('\\multicolumn{%d}{%s}{' % (span,cellfmt))
def end_cell(self):
"""Prepares for next cell"""
- self.f.write('} ')
+ self._backend.write('} ')
if self.curcol < self.numcols:
- self.f.write('& ')
+ self._backend.write('& ')
def add_media_object(self, name,pos,x,y):
"""Add photo to report"""
@@ -538,11 +476,11 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
# x and y will be maximum width OR height in units of cm
mysize = 'width=%dcm, height=%dcm,keepaspectratio' % (x,y)
if pos == "right":
- self.f.write('\\hfill\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}\n' % (mysize,picf))
+ self._backend.write('\\hfill\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}\n' % (mysize,picf))
elif pos == "left":
- self.f.write('\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}\\hfill\n' % (mysize,picf))
+ self._backend.write('\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}\\hfill\n' % (mysize,picf))
- self.f.write('\\centerline{\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}}\n' % (mysize,picf))
+ self._backend.write('\\centerline{\\includegraphics[%s]{%s}}\n' % (mysize,picf))
def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
"""Write the text to the file"""
@@ -552,7 +490,7 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
#hard coded replace of the underline used for missing names/data
text = text.replace('\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_',
- self.f.write(text)
+ self._backend.write(text)
def write_styled_note(self, styledtext, format, style_name):
@@ -569,72 +507,34 @@ class LaTeXDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
s_tags = styledtext.get_tags()
if format == 1:
#preformatted, use different escape function
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ESCAPE_FUNC = lambda x: latexescapeverbatim
+ self._backend.setescape(True)
- markuptext = self._add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags)
+ markuptext = self._backend.add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags)
#there is a problem if we write out a note in a table. No newline is
# possible, the note runs over the margin into infinity.
# A good solution for this ???
# A quick solution: create a minipage for the note and add that always
# hoping that the user will have left sufficient room for the page
- self.f.write("\\begin{minipage}{{0.8\\linewidth}}\n")
+ self._backend.write("\\begin{minipage}{{0.8\\linewidth}}\n")
- self.f.write(markuptext)
+ self._backend.write(markuptext)
#end the minipage, add trick to have a white line at bottom of note,
# we assume here a note should be distinct from its surrounding.
- self.f.write("\n\\vspace*{0.5cm} \n\end{minipage}\n")
+ self._backend.write("\n\\vspace*{0.5cm} \n\end{minipage}\n\n")
if format == 1:
#preformatted finished, go back to normal escape function
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ESCAPE_FUNC = lambda x: latexescape
- def _create_xmltag(self, type, value):
- """
- overwrites the method in BaseDoc.TextDoc.
- creates the latex tags needed for non bool style types we support:
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE : use different \large denomination based
- on size
- : very basic, in mono in the font face
- then we use {\ttfamily }
- """
- if type not in self.SUPPORTED_MARKUP:
- return None
- elif type == BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE:
- #translate size in point to something LaTeX can work with
- if value >= 22:
- return ("{\\Huge ", "}")
- elif value >= 20:
- return ("{\\huge ", "}")
- elif value >= 18:
- return ("{\\LARGE ", "}")
- elif value >= 16:
- return ("{\\Large ", "}")
- elif value >= 14:
- return ("{\\large ", "}")
- elif value < 8:
- return ("{\\scriptsize ", "}")
- elif value < 10:
- return ("{\\footnotesize ", "}")
- elif value < 12:
- return ("{\\small ", "}")
- else:
- return ("", "")
- elif type == BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTFACE:
- if 'MONO' in value.upper():
- return ("{\\ttfamily ", "}")
- elif 'ROMAN' in value.upper():
- return ("{\\rmfamily ", "}")
- return None
+ self._backend.setescape(False)
def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
"""Write the note's text to the file, respecting the format"""
if format == 1:
- self.f.write('\\begin{verbatim}')
+ self._backend.write('\\begin{verbatim}')
if format == 1:
- self.f.write('\\end{verbatim}')
+ self._backend.write('\\end{verbatim}')
diff --git a/src/plugins/docgen/PdfDoc.py b/src/plugins/docgen/PdfDoc.py
index 92f2a23ce..bf9547cb2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/docgen/PdfDoc.py
+++ b/src/plugins/docgen/PdfDoc.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class PdfDoc(libcairodoc.CairoDoc):
top_margin = self.paper.get_top_margin() * DPI / 2.54
# create cairo context and pango layout
- surface = cairo.PDFSurface(self._filename, paper_width, paper_height)
+ surface = cairo.PDFSurface(self._backend.filename, paper_width, paper_height)
surface.set_fallback_resolution(300, 300)
cr = pangocairo.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surface))
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class PdfDoc(libcairodoc.CairoDoc):
# load the result into an external viewer
if self.open_req:
- Utils.open_file_with_default_application(self._filename)
+ Utils.open_file_with_default_application(self._backend.filename)
diff --git a/src/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py b/src/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py
index 6486ca4d7..ea1350607 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py
+++ b/src/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
from gettext import gettext as _
from math import radians
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ import BaseDoc
from ReportBase import ReportUtils
from Errors import PluginError
from gen.plug import PluginManager, Plugin
+from docbackend import CairoBackend
@@ -1200,37 +1200,11 @@ class CairoDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc, BaseDoc.TextDoc, BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
page style.
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTCOLOR : 'foreground',
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.HIGHLIGHT : 'background',
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTFACE : 'face',
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE : 'size',
- }
- # overwrite base class attributes, they become static var of CairoDoc
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.BOLD,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ITALIC,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.UNDERLINE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTFACE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTCOLOR,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.HIGHLIGHT,
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.SUPERSCRIPT ]
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.BOLD : ("", ""),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.ITALIC : ("", ""),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.UNDERLINE : ("", ""),
- BaseDoc.TextDoc.SUPERSCRIPT : ("", ""),
- }
- ESCAPE_FUNC = lambda x: escape
# BaseDoc implementation
def open(self, filename):
- self._filename = filename
+ self._backend = CairoBackend(filename)
self._doc = GtkDocDocument()
self._active_element = self._doc
self._pages = []
@@ -1303,21 +1277,6 @@ class CairoDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc, BaseDoc.TextDoc, BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
def end_cell(self):
self._active_element = self._active_element.get_parent()
- def _create_xmltag(self, type, value):
- """
- overwrites the method in BaseDoc.TextDoc.
- creates the pango xml tags needed for non bool style types
- """
- if type not in self.SUPPORTED_MARKUP:
- return None
- if type == BaseDoc.TextDoc.FONTSIZE:
- #size is in thousandths of a point in pango
- value = str(1000 * value)
- return ('' % (self.STYLETAG_TO_PROPERTY[type],
- self.ESCAPE_FUNC()(value)),
- '')
def write_note(self, text, format, style_name):
Method to write the note objects text on a
@@ -1358,7 +1317,8 @@ class CairoDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc, BaseDoc.TextDoc, BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
s_tags = styledtext.get_tags()
#FIXME: following split should be regex to match \n\s*\n instead?
- markuptext = self._add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags, split='\n\n')
+ markuptext = self._backend.add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags,
+ split='\n\n')
if format == 1:
#preformatted, retain whitespace. Cairo retains \n automatically,
@@ -1391,7 +1351,7 @@ class CairoDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc, BaseDoc.TextDoc, BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
# calls. This way we save the markup created by the report
# The markup in the note editor is not in the text so is not
# considered. It must be added by pango too
- text = escape(text)
+ text = self._backend.ESCAPE_FUNC()(text)
def write_text(self, text, mark=None):
@@ -1411,7 +1371,7 @@ class CairoDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc, BaseDoc.TextDoc, BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
@param s_tags: assumed to be list of styledtexttags to apply to the
- markuptext = self._add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags)
+ markuptext = self._backend.add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags)
self.__write_text(text, markup=True)
def add_media_object(self, name, pos, x_cm, y_cm):