# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # "Generate files/Descendant Report" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import string #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GTK/GNOME modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import GraphLayout import FontScale import DrawDoc import Report import TextDoc import Errors from SubstKeywords import SubstKeywords from gettext import gettext as _ from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog _BORN = _('b.') _DIED = _('d.') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _sep = 0.5 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # pt2cm - convert points to centimeters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def pt2cm(pt): return (float(pt)/72.0)*2.54 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # DescendantReport # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DescendantReport: def __init__(self,database,display,person,output,doc): self.doc = doc self.doc.creator(database.getResearcher().getName()) self.map = {} self.text = {} self.start = person self.output = output self.box_width = 0 self.height = 0 self.lines = 0 self.display = display plist = database.getPersonMap().values() self.layout = GraphLayout.DescendLine(plist,person) (self.v,self.e) = self.layout.layout() self.text = {} for (p,x,y) in self.v: self.text[p.getId()] = [] subst = SubstKeywords(p) for line in self.display: self.text[p.getId()].append(subst.replace(line)) self.font = self.doc.style_list["Normal"].get_font() for line in self.text[p.getId()]: new_width = FontScale.string_width(self.font,line) self.box_width = max(self.box_width,new_width) self.lines = max(self.lines,len(self.text[p.getId()])) def write_report(self): self.calc() maxx,maxy = self.layout.max_size() maxx = int(maxx) maxy = int(maxy) cols = ((maxx-1)/self.maxx) rows = ((maxy-1)/self.maxy) self.pg = [] self.ln = [] for i in range(rows+1): self.pg.append([None]*(cols+1)) self.ln.append([None]*(cols+1)) for (p,x,y) in self.v: r = int((y-1)/self.maxy) c = int((x-1)/self.maxx) nx = x - (self.maxx)*c ny = y - (self.maxy)*r l = self.pg[r] if l[c] == None: l[c] = [(p,nx,ny)] else: l[c].append((p,nx,ny)) for (x1,y1,x2,y2) in self.e: r1 = int((y1-1)/self.maxy) c1 = int((x1-1)/self.maxx) r2 = int((y2-1)/self.maxy) c2 = int((x2-1)/self.maxx) nx1 = x1 - (self.maxx)*c1 nx2 = x2 - (self.maxx)*c2 ny1 = y1 - (self.maxy)*r1 ny2 = y2 - (self.maxy)*r2 if r1 == r2: if c1 == c2: l = self.ln[r1][c1] if l == None: self.ln[r1][c1] = [(nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2)] else: l.append((nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2)) else: l1 = self.ln[r1][c1] l2 = self.ln[r2][c2] if l1 == None: self.ln[r1][c1] = [(nx1,ny1,-nx2,ny2)] else: l1.append((nx1,ny1,-nx2,ny2)) if l2 == None: self.ln[r2][c2] = [(-nx2,ny2,nx2,ny2)] else: l2.append((-nx2,ny2,nx2,ny2)) for c in range(c1+1,c2): if self.ln[r1][c]: self.ln[r1][c].append((nx1,-ny1,nx2,-ny2)) else: self.ln[r1][c] = [(nx1,-ny1,nx2,-ny2)] else: if c1 == c2: l1 = self.ln[r1][c1] l2 = self.ln[r2][c2] if l1 == None: self.ln[r1][c1] = [(nx1,ny1,nx2,-ny2)] else: l1.append((nx1,ny1,nx2,-ny2)) if l2 == None: self.ln[r2][c2] = [(nx1,-ny2,nx2,ny2)] else: l2.append((nx1,-ny2,nx2,ny2)) for r in range(r1+1,r2): if self.ln[r][c1]: self.ln[r][c1].append((nx1,-ny1,nx2,-ny2)) else: self.ln[r][c1] = [(nx1,-ny1,nx2,-ny2)] else: l1 = self.ln[r1][c1] l2 = self.ln[r2][c2] l3 = self.ln[r2][c1] if l1 == None: self.ln[r1][c1] = [(nx1,ny1,-nx2,-ny2)] else: l1.append((nx1,ny1,-nx2,-ny2)) if l2 == None: self.ln[r2][c2] = [(-nx1,ny2,nx2,ny2)] else: l2.append((-nx1,ny2,nx2,ny2)) if l3 == None: self.ln[r2][c1] = [(nx1,-ny2,-nx2,ny2)] else: l3.append((nx1,-ny2,-nx2,ny2)) try: self.doc.open(self.output) except: Errors.ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.output) for r in range(len(self.pg)): for c in range(len(self.pg[r])): self.print_page(self.pg[r][c],self.ln[r][c],r,c) try: self.doc.close() except: Errors.ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.output) def calc(self): """calc - calculate the maximum width that a box needs to be. From that and the page dimensions, calculate the proper place to put the elements on a page.""" self.height = self.lines*pt2cm(1.25*self.font.get_size()) self.box_width = pt2cm(self.box_width+20) self.maxx = int(self.doc.get_usable_width()/(self.box_width+_sep)) self.maxy = int(self.doc.get_usable_height()/(self.height+_sep)) g = DrawDoc.GraphicsStyle() g.set_height(self.height) g.set_width(self.box_width) g.set_paragraph_style("Normal") g.set_shadow(1) self.doc.add_draw_style("box",g) g = DrawDoc.GraphicsStyle() self.doc.add_draw_style("line",g) def print_page(self, plist,elist,r,c): self.doc.start_page() delta = self.doc.get_usable_width()/(self.maxx) top = 0 bottom = self.doc.get_usable_height() left = 0 right = self.doc.get_usable_width() - (2*_sep) if plist: for (p,x,y) in plist: name = string.join(self.text[p.getId()],"\n") x = (x-1)*delta + left + _sep y = (y-1)*(self.height+_sep)+top self.doc.draw_box("box",name,x,y) if elist: for (x1,y1,x2,y2) in elist: if x1 < 0: nx1 = left else: nx1 = (x1-1) * delta + left + self.box_width + _sep if x2 < 0: nx2 = right + _sep else: nx2 = (x2-1) * delta + left + _sep if y1 < 0: ny1 = top else: ny1 = (y1-1)*(self.height+_sep)+ top + self.height/2.0 if y2 < 0: ny2 = bottom else: ny2 = (y2-1)*(self.height+_sep) + top + self.height/2.0 if y1 < 0 and y2 < 0: half = (nx1+nx2)/2.0 print x1,x2,y1,y2,nx1,nx2,half self.doc.draw_line("line",half,ny1,half,ny2) elif ny1 != ny2: if x1 == -x2: self.doc.draw_line("line",nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2) else: half = (nx1+nx2)/2.0 if y1 > 0: self.doc.draw_line("line",nx1,ny1,half,ny1) self.doc.draw_line("line",half,ny1,half,ny2) if y2 > 0: self.doc.draw_line("line",half,ny2,nx2,ny2) else: self.doc.draw_line("line",nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2) y = bottom + (self.doc.get_bottom_margin()/2.0) if r or c: self.doc.write_at("Normal","(%d,%d)" % (r,c), right, y) self.doc.end_page() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # DescendantReportDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DescendantReportDialog(Report.DrawReportDialog): def __init__(self,database,person): Report.DrawReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person) def get_title(self): return "%s - %s - GRAMPS" % (_("Descendant Graph"),_("Graphical Reports")) def get_header(self,name): return _("Descendant Graph for %s") % name def get_target_browser_title(self): return _("Save Descendant Graph") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): return "descendant_graph.xml" def get_report_generations(self): """Default to 10 generations, no page breaks.""" return (0, 0) def get_report_extra_textbox_info(self): """Label the textbox and provide the default contents.""" return (_("Display Format"), "$n\n%s $b\n%s $d" % (_BORN,_DIED), _("Allows you to customize the data in the boxes in the report")) def make_default_style(self): """Make the default output style for the Ancestor Chart report.""" f = TextDoc.FontStyle() f.set_size(9) f.set_type_face(TextDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = TextDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) self.default_style.add_style("Normal",p) def make_report(self): """Create the object that will produce the Descendant Graph. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: MyReport = DescendantReport(self.db,self.report_text, self.person, self.target_path, self.doc) MyReport.write_report() except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def report(database,person): DescendantReportDialog(database,person) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_xpm_image(): return [ "48 48 33 1", " c None", ". c #1A1A1A", "+ c #7E7C76", "@ c #918E8A", "# c #B6AEA2", "$ c #E2CAA6", "% c #E6D6B6", "& c #322E2A", "* c #423E3E", "= c #EADEC6", "- c #F2EADE", "; c #4E4E4E", "> c #56524E", ", c #5E5A56", "' c #F6EEE6", ") c #9A968A", "! c #66665E", "~ c #F6F2EE", "{ c #C6C6C1", "] c #A6967E", "^ c #8D8A86", "/ c #736D62", "( c #E6E6E6", "_ c #FAFAF9", ": c #DEDAD6", "< c #AAA6A2", "[ c #EEE6D2", "} c #BABABA", "| c #878680", "1 c #8A7E6E", "2 c #78756F", "3 c #B89D78", "4 c #D9CEB9", " ", " ", " 1^111122/////!!!,!,>!2 ", " 1}}}}}}}}}}}}}}#}<)^,,2 ", " 1}__~___________~(4}11)> ", " 1}_______________~(4#+{)* ", " 1}~_______________~::,({^& ", " 1}_________________((;_({^& ", " 1}__|++++___+2//2___+;__({^& ", " 1}__++++2|||///2/|2|2;(__({^* ", " +}__|++++_@_+2/22_^_+;:~__({)> ", " 2}________@_______|__;{:'__({)! 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Allingham", author_email="dallingham@users.sourceforge.net" )