# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """ ChooseParents interface allows users to select the paretns of an individual. """ __author__ = "Donald N. Allingham" __version__ = "$Revision$" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # internationalization # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk.glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RelLib import const import Utils import GrampsCfg import ListModel _titles = [(_('Name'),3,200),(_('ID'),1,50),(_('Birth date'),4,50),('',0,50),('',0,0)] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ChooseParents # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ChooseParents: """ Displays the Choose Parents dialog box, allowing the parents to be edited. """ def __init__(self,db,person,family,family_update,full_update): """ Creates a ChoosePerson dialog box. db - database associated the person person - person whose parents we are selecting family - current family family_update - task that updates the family display full_update - task that updates the main display """ self.db = db self.person = person self.family = family self.family_update = family_update self.full_update = full_update self.old_type = "" self.type = "" self.date = person.getBirth().getDateObj() if self.family: self.father = self.family.getFather() self.mother = self.family.getMother() else: self.mother = None self.father = None self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile,"familyDialog") self.top = self.glade.get_widget("familyDialog") text = _("Choose the Parents of %s") % GrampsCfg.nameof(self.person) Utils.set_titles(self.top,self.glade.get_widget('title'), text,_('Choose Parents')) self.mother_rel = self.glade.get_widget("mrel") self.father_rel = self.glade.get_widget("frel") self.fcombo = self.glade.get_widget("prel_combo") self.prel = self.glade.get_widget("prel") self.title = self.glade.get_widget("chooseTitle") self.father_list = self.glade.get_widget("father_list") self.mother_list = self.glade.get_widget("mother_list") self.flabel = self.glade.get_widget("flabel") self.mlabel = self.glade.get_widget("mlabel") self.showallf = self.glade.get_widget('showallf') self.showallm = self.glade.get_widget('showallm') self.fcombo.set_popdown_strings(const.familyRelations) self.fmodel = ListModel.ListModel(self.father_list, _titles, self.father_list_select_row) self.mmodel = ListModel.ListModel(self.mother_list, _titles, self.mother_list_select_row) for (f,mr,fr) in self.person.getParentList(): if f == self.family: self.mother_rel.set_text(_(mr)) self.father_rel.set_text(_(fr)) break else: self.mother_rel.set_text(_("Birth")) self.father_rel.set_text(_("Birth")) if self.family: self.type = self.family.getRelationship() else: self.type = "Married" self.prel.set_text(_(self.type)) self.redrawf() self.redrawm() self.glade.signal_autoconnect({ "on_save_parents_clicked" : self.save_parents_clicked, "on_add_parent_clicked" : self.add_parent_clicked, "on_prel_changed" : self.parent_relation_changed, "on_showallf_toggled" : self.showallf_toggled, "on_showallm_toggled" : self.showallm_toggled, "destroy_passed_object" : Utils.destroy_passed_object }) def redrawf(self): """Redraws the potential father list""" self.fmodel.clear() self.fmodel.new_model() pkey = self.person.getId() if self.father: fid = self.father.getId() else: fid = None bday = self.person.getBirth().getDateObj() dday = self.person.getDeath().getDateObj() person_list = [] for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): if pkey == key: continue person = self.db.getPerson(key) if person.getGender() != person.male: continue if not self.showallf.get_active(): pdday = person.getDeath().getDateObj() pbday = person.getBirth().getDateObj() if bday.getYearValid(): if pbday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents birthdate + 10 > child birthdate if pbday.getLowYear()+10 > bday.getHighYear(): continue # reject if parents birthdate + 90 < child birthdate if pbday.getHighYear()+90 < bday.getLowYear(): continue if pdday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents birthdate + 10 > child deathdate if pbday.getLowYear()+10 > dday.getHighYear(): continue if dday.getYearValid(): if pbday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents deathday + 3 < childs birth date if pdday.getHighYear()+3 < bday.getLowYear(): continue if pdday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents deathday + 150 < childs death date if pdday.getHighYear() + 150 < dday.getLowYear(): continue person_list.append(person.getId()) for idval in person_list: d = self.db.getPersonDisplay(idval) info = [d[0],d[1],d[3],d[5],d[6]] if self.type == "Partners": self.fmodel.add(info,None,fid==d[1]) elif d[2] == const.male: self.fmodel.add(info,None,fid==d[1]) if self.type == "Partners": self.flabel.set_label("%s" % _("Parent")) else: self.flabel.set_label("%s" % _("Father")) self.fmodel.connect_model() def redrawm(self): """Redraws the potential mother list""" self.mmodel.clear() self.mmodel.new_model() pkey = self.person.getId() if self.mother: mid = self.mother.getId() else: mid = None bday = self.person.getBirth().getDateObj() dday = self.person.getDeath().getDateObj() person_list = [] for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): if pkey == key: continue person = self.db.getPerson(key) if person.getGender() != person.female: continue person = self.db.getPerson(key) if not self.showallm.get_active(): pdday = person.getDeath().getDateObj() pbday = person.getBirth().getDateObj() if bday.getYearValid(): if pbday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents birthdate + 10 > child birthdate if pbday.getLowYear()+10 > bday.getHighYear(): continue # reject if parents birthdate + 90 < child birthdate if pbday.getHighYear()+90 < bday.getLowYear(): continue if pdday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents birthdate + 10 > child deathdate if pbday.getLowYear()+10 > dday.getHighYear(): continue if dday.getYearValid(): if pbday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents deathday + 3 < childs birth date if pdday.getHighYear()+3 < bday.getLowYear(): continue if pdday.getYearValid(): # reject if parents deathday + 150 < childs death date if pdday.getHighYear() + 150 < dday.getLowYear(): continue person_list.append(person.getId()) for idval in person_list: d = self.db.getPersonDisplay(idval) info = [d[0],d[1],d[3],d[5],d[6]] if self.type == "Partners": self.mmodel.add(info,None,mid==d[1]) elif d[2] == const.female: self.mmodel.add(info,None,mid==d[1]) if self.type == "Partners": self.mlabel.set_label("%s" % _("Parent")) else: self.mlabel.set_label("%s" % _("Mother")) self.mmodel.connect_model() def parent_relation_changed(self,obj): """Called everytime the parent relationship information is changegd""" self.old_type = self.type self.type = const.save_frel(obj.get_text()) if self.old_type == "Partners" or self.type == "Partners": self.redrawf() self.redrawm() def showallf_toggled(self,obj): self.redrawf() def showallm_toggled(self,obj): self.redrawm() def find_family(self,father,mother): """ Finds the family associated with the father and mother. If one does not exist, it is created. """ if not father and not mother: return None families = self.db.getFamilyMap().values() for family in families: if family.getFather() == father and family.getMother() == mother: return family elif family.getFather() == mother and family.getMother() == father: return family family = self.db.newFamily() family.setFather(father) family.setMother(mother) family.addChild(self.person) if father: father.addFamily(family) if mother: mother.addFamily(family) return family def mother_list_select_row(self,obj): """Called when a row is selected in the mother list. Sets the active mother based off the id associated with the row.""" model, iter = self.mmodel.get_selected() if iter: id = model.get_value(iter,1) self.mother = self.db.getPerson(id) else: self.mother = None def father_list_select_row(self,obj): """Called when a row is selected in the father list. Sets the active father based off the id associated with the row.""" model, iter = self.fmodel.get_selected() if iter: id = model.get_value(iter,1) self.father = self.db.getPerson(id) else: self.father = None def save_parents_clicked(self,obj): """ Called with the OK button nis pressed. Saves the selected people as parents of the main perosn. """ try: mother_rel = const.childRelations[self.mother_rel.get_text()] except KeyError: mother_rel = const.childRelations["Birth"] try: father_rel = const.childRelations[self.father_rel.get_text()] except KeyError: father_rel = const.childRelations["Birth"] if self.father or self.mother: if self.mother and not self.father: if self.mother.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: self.father = self.mother self.mother = None self.family = self.find_family(self.father,self.mother) elif self.father and not self.mother: if self.father.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: self.mother = self.father self.father = None self.family = self.find_family(self.father,self.mother) elif self.mother.getGender() != self.father.getGender(): if self.type == "Partners": self.type = "Unknown" if self.father.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: x = self.father self.father = self.mother self.mother = x self.family = self.find_family(self.father,self.mother) else: self.type = "Partners" self.family = self.find_family(self.father,self.mother) else: self.family = None Utils.destroy_passed_object(obj) if self.family: self.family.setRelationship(self.type) self.change_family_type(self.family,mother_rel,father_rel) self.family_update(None) def add_new_parent(self,person): """Adds a new person to either the father list or the mother list, depending on the gender of the person.""" id = person.getId() self.type = const.save_frel(self.prel.get_text()) dinfo = self.db.getPersonDisplay(id) rdata = [dinfo[0],dinfo[1],dinfo[3],dinfo[5],dinfo[6]] if self.type == "Partners": self.parent_relation_changed(self.prel) elif person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: self.fmodel.add(rdata,None,1) self.fmodel.center_selected() else: self.mmodel.add(rdata,None,1) self.mmodel.center_selected() self.full_update() def add_parent_clicked(self,obj): """Called with the Add New Person button is pressed. Calls the QuickAdd class to create a new person.""" import QuickAdd QuickAdd.QuickAdd(self.db,"male",self.add_new_parent) def change_family_type(self,family,mother_rel,father_rel): """ Changes the family type of the specified family. If the family is None, the the relationship type shoud be deleted. """ if self.person not in family.getChildList(): family.addChild(self.person) for fam in self.person.getParentList(): if family == fam[0]: if mother_rel == fam[1] and father_rel == fam[2]: return if mother_rel != fam[1] or father_rel != fam[2]: self.person.removeAltFamily(family) self.person.addAltFamily(family,mother_rel,father_rel) break else: self.person.addAltFamily(family,mother_rel,father_rel) Utils.modified() class ModifyParents: def __init__(self,db,person,family,family_update,full_update): """ Creates a ChoosePerson dialog box. db - database associated the person person - person whose parents we are selecting family - current family family_update - task that updates the family display full_update - task that updates the main display """ self.db = db self.person = person self.family = family self.family_update = family_update self.full_update = full_update self.father = self.family.getFather() self.mother = self.family.getMother() self.glade = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile,"modparents") self.top = self.glade.get_widget("modparents") self.title = self.glade.get_widget("title") title = _("Modify the Parents of %s") % GrampsCfg.nameof(self.person) Utils.set_titles(self.top, self.title, title, _("Modify Parents")) self.mother_rel = self.glade.get_widget("mrel") self.father_rel = self.glade.get_widget("frel") self.flabel = self.glade.get_widget("flabel") self.mlabel = self.glade.get_widget("mlabel") self.orig_mrel = _("Birth") self.orig_frel = _("Birth") for (f,mr,fr) in self.person.getParentList(): if f == self.family: self.orig_mrel = _(mr) self.orig_frel = _(fr) self.mother_rel.set_text(self.orig_mrel) self.father_rel.set_text(self.orig_frel) self.glade.signal_autoconnect({ "on_save_parents_clicked" : self.save_parents_clicked, "destroy_passed_object" : self.quit, }) self.title.set_use_markup(gtk.TRUE) if self.family.getRelationship() == "Partners": self.mlabel.set_label('%s' % _("Parent")) self.flabel.set_label('%s' % _("Parent")) else: self.mlabel.set_label('%s' % _("Mother")) self.flabel.set_label('%s' % _("Father")) if self.father: fname = self.father.getPrimaryName().getName() self.glade.get_widget("fname").set_text(fname) else: self.father_rel.set_sensitive(0) if self.mother: mname = self.mother.getPrimaryName().getName() self.glade.get_widget("mname").set_text(mname) else: self.mother_rel.set_sensitive(0) self.pref = self.glade.get_widget('preferred') if len(self.person.getParentList()) > 1: self.glade.get_widget('pref_label').show() self.pref.show() if family == self.person.getParentList()[0]: self.pref.set_active(1) else: self.pref.set_active(0) self.top.show() def quit(self,obj): self.top.destroy() def save_parents_clicked(self,obj): """ Called with the OK button nis pressed. Saves the selected people as parents of the main perosn. """ mother_rel = const.childRelations[self.mother_rel.get_text()] father_rel = const.childRelations[self.father_rel.get_text()] mod = 0 Utils.destroy_passed_object(self.top) if mother_rel != self.orig_mrel or father_rel != self.orig_frel: self.person.removeAltFamily(self.family) self.person.addAltFamily(self.family,mother_rel,father_rel) mod = 1 Utils.modified() if len(self.person.getParentList()): make_pref = self.pref.get_active() plist = self.person.getParentList() if make_pref: if self.family != plist[0]: self.person.setMainParents(self.family) Utils.modified() mod = 1 else: if self.family == plist[0]: self.person.setMainParents(plist[0]) Utils.modified() mod = 1 if mod: self.family_update(None)