# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gary Burton # Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Cheramy # Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Export to GEDCOM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard Python Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gen.ggettext import gettext as _ import os import time #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.lib import const import libgedcom import Errors from ExportOptions import WriterOptionBox from gen.updatecallback import UpdateCallback from Utils import media_path_full from PlaceUtils import conv_lat_lon #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GEDCOM tags representing attributes that may take a parameter, value or # description on the same line as the tag # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEEDS_PARAMETER = set( ["CAST", "DSCR", "EDUC", "IDNO", "NATI", "NCHI", "NMR", "OCCU", "PROP", "RELI", "SSN", "TITL"]) LDS_ORD_NAME = { gen.lib.LdsOrd.BAPTISM : 'BAPL', gen.lib.LdsOrd.ENDOWMENT : 'ENDL', gen.lib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_PARENTS : 'SLGC', gen.lib.LdsOrd.SEAL_TO_SPOUSE : 'SLGS', gen.lib.LdsOrd.CONFIRMATION : 'CONL', } LDS_STATUS = { gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_BIC : "BIC", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CANCELED : "CANCELED", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CHILD : "CHILD", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_CLEARED : "CLEARED", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_COMPLETED : "COMPLETED", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_DNS : "DNS", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_INFANT : "INFANT", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_PRE_1970 : "PRE-1970", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_QUALIFIED : "QUALIFIED", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_DNS_CAN : "DNS/CAN", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_STILLBORN : "STILLBORN", gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_SUBMITTED : "SUBMITTED" , gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_UNCLEARED : "UNCLEARED", } LANGUAGES = { 'cs' : 'Czech', 'da' : 'Danish', 'nl' : 'Dutch', 'en' : 'English', 'eo' : 'Esperanto', 'fi' : 'Finnish', 'fr' : 'French', 'de' : 'German', 'hu' : 'Hungarian', 'it' : 'Italian', 'lt' : 'Latvian', 'lv' : 'Lithuanian', 'no' : 'Norwegian', 'po' : 'Polish', 'pt' : 'Portuguese', 'ro' : 'Romanian', 'sk' : 'Slovak', 'es' : 'Spanish', 'sv' : 'Swedish', 'ru' : 'Russian', } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME2GED = { "image/bmp" : "bmp", "image/gif" : "gif", "image/jpeg" : "jpeg", "image/x-pcx" : "pcx", "image/tiff" : "tiff", "audio/x-wav" : "wav" } QUALITY_MAP = { gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_VERY_HIGH : "3", gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_HIGH : "2", gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_LOW : "1", gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_VERY_LOW : "0", } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # sort_by_gramps_id # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sort_by_gramps_id(first, second): """ Sort objects by their Gramps ID. """ return cmp(first.gramps_id, second.gramps_id) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # sort_handles_by_id # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sort_handles_by_id(handle_list, handle_to_object): """ Sort a list of handles by the Gramps ID. The function that returns the object from the handle needs to be supplied so that we get the right object. """ sorted_list = [] for handle in handle_list: obj = handle_to_object(handle) if obj: data = (obj.get_gramps_id(), handle) sorted_list.append (data) sorted_list.sort() return sorted_list #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # breakup # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def breakup(txt, limit): """ Break a line of text into a list of strings that conform to the maximum length specified, while breaking words in the middle of a word to avoid issues with spaces. """ if limit < 1: raise ValueError("breakup: unexpected limit: %r" % limit) data = [] while len(txt) > limit: # look for non-space pair to break between # do not break within a UTF-8 byte sequence, i. e. first char >127 idx = limit while (idx>0 and (txt[idx-1].isspace() or txt[idx].isspace() or ord(txt[idx-1]) > 127)): idx -= 1 if idx == 0: #no words to break on, just break at limit anyway idx = limit data.append(txt[:idx]) txt = txt[idx:] if len(txt) > 0: data.append(txt) return data #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # event_has_subordinate_data # may want to compare description w/ auto-generated one, and # if so, treat it same as if it were empty for this purpose # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def event_has_subordinate_data(event, event_ref): if event and event_ref: return (event.get_description().strip() or not event.get_date_object().is_empty() or event.get_place_handle() or event.get_attribute_list() or event_ref.get_attribute_list() or event.get_note_list() or event.get_source_references() or event.get_media_list()) else: return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GedcomWriter class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomWriter(UpdateCallback): """ The GEDCOM writer creates a GEDCOM file that contains the exported information from the database. It derives from UpdateCallback so that it can provide visual feedback via a progress bar if needed. """ def __init__(self, database, cmd_line=0, option_box=None, callback=None): UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback) self.dbase = database self.cmd_line = cmd_line self.dirname = None self.gedcom_file = None # The number of different stages other than any of the optional filters # which the write_gedcom_file method will call. self.progress_cnt = 5 self.setup(option_box) def setup(self, option_box): """ If the option_box is present (GUI interface), then we check the "private", "restrict", and "cfilter" arguments to see if we need to apply proxy databases. """ if option_box: option_box.parse_options() self.dbase = option_box.get_filtered_database(self.dbase, self) def write_gedcom_file(self, filename): """ Write the actual GEDCOM file to the specified filename. """ self.dirname = os.path.dirname (filename) self.gedcom_file = open(filename, "w") self.__header(filename) self.__submitter() self.__individuals() self.__families() self.__sources() self.__repos() self.__notes() self.__writeln(0, "TRLR") self.gedcom_file.close() return True def __writeln(self, level, token, textlines="", limit=72): """ Write a line of text to the output file in the form of: LEVEL TOKEN text If the line contains newlines, it is broken into multiple lines using the CONT token. If any line is greater than the limit, it will broken into multiple lines using CONC. """ assert(token) if textlines: # break the line into multiple lines if a newline is found textlist = textlines.split('\n') token_level = level for text in textlist: # make it unicode so that breakup below does the right thin. text = unicode(text) if limit: prefix = "\n%d CONC " % (level + 1) txt = prefix.join(breakup(text, limit)) else: txt = text self.gedcom_file.write("%d %s %s\n" % (token_level, token, txt)) token_level = level + 1 token = "CONT" else: self.gedcom_file.write("%d %s\n" % (level, token)) def __header(self, filename): """ Write the GEDCOM header. HEADER:= n HEAD {1:1} +1 SOUR {1:1} +2 VERS {0:1} +2 NAME {0:1} +2 CORP {0:1} # Not used +3 <> {0:1} # Not used +2 DATA {0:1} # Not used +3 DATE {0:1} # Not used +3 COPR {0:1} # Not used +1 DEST {0:1*} # Not used +1 DATE {0:1} +2 TIME {0:1} +1 SUBM @XREF:SUBM@ {1:1} +1 SUBN @XREF:SUBN@ {0:1} +1 FILE {0:1} +1 COPR {0:1} +1 GEDC {1:1} +2 VERS {1:1} +2 FORM {1:1} +1 CHAR {1:1} +2 VERS {0:1} +1 LANG {0:1} +1 PLAC {0:1} +2 FORM {1:1} +1 NOTE {0:1} +2 [CONT|CONC] {0:M} """ local_time = time.localtime(time.time()) (year, mon, day, hour, minutes, sec) = local_time[0:6] date_str = "%d %s %d" % (day, libgedcom.MONTH[mon], year) time_str = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hour, minutes, sec) rname = self.dbase.get_researcher().get_name() self.__writeln(0, "HEAD") self.__writeln(1, "SOUR", "Gramps") self.__writeln(2, "VERS", const.VERSION) self.__writeln(2, "NAME", "Gramps") self.__writeln(1, "DATE", date_str) self.__writeln(2, "TIME", time_str) self.__writeln(1, "SUBM", "@SUBM@") self.__writeln(1, "FILE", filename, limit=255) self.__writeln(1, "COPR", 'Copyright (c) %d %s.' % (year, rname)) self.__writeln(1, "GEDC") self.__writeln(2, "VERS", "5.5") self.__writeln(2, "FORM", 'LINEAGE-LINKED') self.__writeln(1, "CHAR", "UTF-8") # write the language string if the current LANG variable # matches something we know about. lang = os.getenv('LANG') if lang and len(lang) >= 2: lang_code = LANGUAGES.get(lang[0:2]) if lang_code: self.__writeln(1, 'LANG', lang_code) def __submitter(self): """ n @@ SUBM {1:1} +1 NAME {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} # not used +1 LANG {0:3} # not used +1 RFN {0:1} # not used +1 RIN {0:1} # not used +1 <> {0:1} # not used """ owner = self.dbase.get_researcher() name = owner.get_name() addr = owner.get_address() city = owner.get_city() state = owner.get_state() ctry = owner.get_country() post = owner.get_postal_code() phon = owner.get_phone() mail = owner.get_email() if not name : name = u'Not Provided' if not addr : addr = u'Not Provided' self.__writeln(0, "@SUBM@", "SUBM") self.__writeln(1, "NAME", name) self.__writeln(1, "ADDR", addr) if city and state and post: self.__writeln(2, "CONT", "%s, %s %s" % (city, state, post)) else: self.__writeln(2, "CONT", u"Not Provided") if city: self.__writeln(2, "CITY", city) if state: self.__writeln(2, "STAE", state) if post: self.__writeln(2, "POST", post) if ctry: self.__writeln(2, "CTRY", ctry) if phon: self.__writeln(1, "PHON", phon) if mail: self.__writeln(1, "EMAIL", mail) def __individuals(self): """ Write the individual people to the gedcom file. Since people like to have the list sorted by ID value, we need to go through a sorting step. We need to reset the progress bar, otherwise, people will be confused when the progress bar is idle. """ self.reset(_("Writing individuals")) self.progress_cnt += 1 self.update(self.progress_cnt) phandles = self.dbase.iter_person_handles() sorted_list = [] for handle in phandles: person = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(handle) if person: data = (person.get_gramps_id(), handle) sorted_list.append(data) sorted_list.sort() for data in sorted_list: self.__person(self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(data[1])) def __person(self, person): """ Write out a single person. n @XREF:INDI@ INDI {1:1} +1 RESN {0:1} # not used +1 <> {0:M} +1 SEX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 ALIA @@ {0:M} +1 ANCI @@ {0:M} +1 DESI @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} ,* +1 <> {0:M} +1 RFN {0:1} +1 AFN {0:1} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ if person is None: return self.__writeln(0, "@%s@" % person.get_gramps_id(), "INDI") self.__names(person) self.__gender(person) self.__person_event_ref('BIRT', person.get_birth_ref()) self.__person_event_ref('DEAT', person.get_death_ref()) self.__remaining_events(person) self.__attributes(person) self.__lds_ords(person, 1) self.__child_families(person) self.__parent_families(person) self.__assoc(person, 1) self.__person_sources(person) self.__addresses(person) self.__photos(person.get_media_list(), 1) self.__url_list(person, 1) self.__note_references(person.get_note_list(), 1) self.__change(person.get_change_time(), 1) def __assoc(self, person, level): """ n ASSO @@ {0:M} +1 RELA {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} """ for ref in person.get_person_ref_list(): person = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(ref.ref) if person: self.__writeln(level, "ASSO", "@%s@" % person.get_gramps_id()) self.__writeln(level+1, "RELA", ref.get_relation()) self.__note_references(ref.get_note_list(), level+1) self.__source_references(ref.get_source_references(), level+1) def __note_references(self, notelist, level): """ Write out the list of note handles to the current level. We use the Gramps ID as the XREF for the GEDCOM file. """ for note_handle in notelist: note = self.dbase.get_note_from_handle(note_handle) if note: self.__writeln(level, 'NOTE', '@%s@' % note.get_gramps_id()) def __names(self, person): """ Write the names associated with the person to the current level. Since nicknames are now separate from the name structure, we search the attribute list to see if we can find a nickname. Because we do not know the mappings, we just take the first nickname we find, and add it to the primary name. All other names are assumed to not have a nickname, even if other nicknames exist in the attribute list. """ nicknames = [ attr.get_value() for attr in person.get_attribute_list() if int(attr.get_type()) == gen.lib.AttributeType.NICKNAME ] if len(nicknames) > 0: nickname = nicknames[0] else: nickname = "" self.__person_name(person.get_primary_name(), nickname) for name in person.get_alternate_names(): self.__person_name(name, "") def __gender(self, person): """ Write out the gender of the person to the file. If the gender is not male or female, simply do not output anything. The only valid values are M (male) or F (female). So if the geneder is unknown, we output nothing. """ if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: self.__writeln(1, "SEX", "M") elif person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: self.__writeln(1, "SEX", "F") def __lds_ords(self, obj, level): """ Simply loop through the list of LDS ordinances, and call the function that writes the LDS ordinance structure. """ for lds_ord in obj.get_lds_ord_list(): self.write_ord(lds_ord, level) def __remaining_events(self, person): """ Output all events associated with the person that are not BIRTH or DEATH events. Because all we have are event references, we have to extract the real event to discover the event type. """ for event_ref in person.get_event_ref_list(): event = self.dbase.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) etype = int(event.get_type()) # if the event is a birth or death, skip it. if etype in (gen.lib.EventType.BIRTH, gen.lib.EventType.DEATH): continue role = int(event_ref.get_role()) # if the event role is not primary, skip the event. if role != gen.lib.EventRoleType.PRIMARY: continue val = libgedcom.personalConstantEvents.get(etype, "").strip() if val and val.strip(): if val in NEEDS_PARAMETER: if event.get_description().strip(): self.__writeln(1, val, event.get_description()) else: self.__writeln(1, val) else: if event_has_subordinate_data(event, event_ref): self.__writeln(1, val) else: self.__writeln(1, val, 'Y') if event.get_description().strip(): self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', event.get_description()) else: self.__writeln(1, 'EVEN') if val.strip(): self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', val) else: self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', str(event.get_type())) descr = event.get_description() if descr: self.__writeln(2, 'NOTE', "Description: " + descr) self.__dump_event_stats(event, event_ref) self.__adoption_records(person) def __adoption_records(self, person): """ Write Adoption events for each child that has been adopted. n ADOP +1 <> +1 FAMC @@ +2 ADOP """ adoptions = [] for family in [ self.dbase.get_family_from_handle(fh) for fh in person.get_parent_family_handle_list() ]: if family is None: continue for child_ref in [ ref for ref in family.get_child_ref_list() if ref.ref == person.handle ]: if child_ref.mrel == gen.lib.ChildRefType.ADOPTED \ or child_ref.frel == gen.lib.ChildRefType.ADOPTED: adoptions.append((family, child_ref.frel, child_ref.mrel)) for (fam, frel, mrel) in adoptions: self.__writeln(1, 'ADOP', 'Y') self.__writeln(2, 'FAMC', '@%s@' % fam.get_gramps_id()) if mrel == frel: self.__writeln(3, 'ADOP', 'BOTH') elif mrel == gen.lib.ChildRefType.ADOPTED: self.__writeln(3, 'ADOP', 'WIFE') else: self.__writeln(3, 'ADOP', 'HUSB') def __attributes(self, person): """ Write out the attributes to the GEDCOM file. Since we have already looked at nicknames when we generated the names, we filter them out here. We use the GEDCOM 5.5.1 FACT command to write out attributes not built in to GEDCOM. """ # filter out the nicknames attr_list = [ attr for attr in person.get_attribute_list() if attr.get_type() != gen.lib.AttributeType.NICKNAME ] for attr in attr_list: attr_type = int(attr.get_type()) name = libgedcom.personalConstantAttributes.get(attr_type) key = str(attr.get_type()) value = attr.get_value().strip().replace('\r', ' ') if key in ("AFN", "RFN", "REFN", "_UID"): self.__writeln(1, key, value) continue if key == "RESN": self.__writeln(1, 'RESN') continue if name and name.strip(): self.__writeln(1, name, value) elif value: self.__writeln(1, 'FACT', value) self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', key) else: continue self.__note_references(attr.get_note_list(), 2) self.__source_references(attr.get_source_references(), 2) def __source_references(self, ref_list, level): """ Loop through the list of source references, writing the information to the file. """ for srcref in ref_list: self.__source_ref_record(level, srcref) def __addresses(self, person): """ Write out the addresses associated with the person as RESI events. """ for addr in person.get_address_list(): self.__writeln(1, 'RESI') self.__date(2, addr.get_date_object()) self.__writeln(2, "ADDR", addr.get_street()) if addr.get_city(): self.__writeln(3, 'CITY', addr.get_city()) if addr.get_state(): self.__writeln(3, 'STAE', addr.get_state()) if addr.get_postal_code(): self.__writeln(3, 'POST', addr.get_postal_code()) if addr.get_country(): self.__writeln(3, 'CTRY', addr.get_country()) if addr.get_phone(): self.__writeln(2, 'PHON', addr.get_phone()) self.__note_references(addr.get_note_list(), 2) self.__source_references(addr.get_source_references(), 2) def __photos(self, media_list, level): """ Loop through the list of media objects, writing the information to the file. """ for photo in media_list: self.__photo(photo, level) def __child_families(self, person): """ Write the Gramps ID as the XREF for each family in which the person is listed as a child. """ # get the list of familes from the handle list family_list = [ self.dbase.get_family_from_handle(hndl) for hndl in person.get_parent_family_handle_list() ] for family in family_list: if family: self.__writeln(1, 'FAMC', '@%s@' % family.get_gramps_id()) def __parent_families(self, person): """ Write the Gramps ID as the XREF for each family in which the person is listed as a parent. """ # get the list of familes from the handle list family_list = [ self.dbase.get_family_from_handle(hndl) for hndl in person.get_family_handle_list() ] for family in family_list: if family: self.__writeln(1, 'FAMS', '@%s@' % family.get_gramps_id()) def __person_sources(self, person): """ Loop through the list of source references, writing the information to the file. """ for srcref in person.get_source_references(): self.__source_ref_record(1, srcref) def __url_list(self, obj, level): """ n OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM {1:1} +1 TITL {0:1} +1 FILE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} """ for url in obj.get_url_list(): self.__writeln(level, 'OBJE') self.__writeln(level+1, 'FORM', 'URL') if url.get_description(): self.__writeln(level+1, 'TITL', url.get_description()) if url.get_path(): self.__writeln(level+1, 'FILE', url.get_path(), limit=255) def __families(self): """ Write out the list of families, sorting by Gramps ID. """ self.reset(_("Writing families")) self.progress_cnt += 1 self.update(self.progress_cnt) # generate a list of (GRAMPS_ID, HANDLE) pairs. This list # can then be sorted by the sort routine, which will use the # first value of the tuple as the sort key. sorted_list = sort_handles_by_id(self.dbase.get_family_handles(), self.dbase.get_family_from_handle) # loop through the sorted list, pulling of the handle. This list # has already been sorted by GRAMPS_ID for family_handle in [hndl[1] for hndl in sorted_list]: self.__family(self.dbase.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)) def __family(self, family): """ n @@ FAM {1:1} +1 RESN {0:1) +1 <> {0:M} +1 HUSB @@ {0:1} +1 WIFE @@ {0:1} +1 CHIL @@ {0:M} +1 NCHI {0:1} +1 SUBM @@ {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 REFN {0:M} """ if family is None: return gramps_id = family.get_gramps_id() self.__writeln(0, '@%s@' % gramps_id, 'FAM' ) self.__family_reference('HUSB', family.get_father_handle()) self.__family_reference('WIFE', family.get_mother_handle()) self.__lds_ords(family, 1) self.__family_events(family) self.__family_attributes(family.get_attribute_list(), 1) self.__family_child_list(family.get_child_ref_list()) self.__source_references(family.get_source_references(), 1) self.__photos(family.get_media_list(), 1) self.__note_references(family.get_note_list(), 1) self.__change(family.get_change_time(), 1) def __family_child_list(self, child_ref_list): """ Write the child XREF values to the GEDCOM file. """ child_list = [ self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(cref.ref).get_gramps_id() for cref in child_ref_list] for gid in child_list: if gid is None: continue self.__writeln(1, 'CHIL', '@%s@' % gid) def __family_reference(self, token, person_handle): """ Write the family reference to the file. This is either 'WIFE' or 'HUSB'. As usual, we use the Gramps ID as the XREF value. """ if person_handle: person = self.dbase.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if person: self.__writeln(1, token, '@%s@' % person.get_gramps_id()) def __family_events(self, family): """ Output the events associated with the family. Because all we have are event references, we have to extract the real event to discover the event type. """ for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = self.dbase.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event is None: continue etype = int(event.get_type()) val = libgedcom.familyConstantEvents.get(etype) if val: if event_has_subordinate_data(event, event_ref): self.__writeln(1, val) else: self.__writeln(1, val, 'Y') if event.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: self.__family_event_attrs(event.get_attribute_list(), 2) if event.get_description().strip() != "": self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', event.get_description()) else: self.__writeln(1, 'EVEN') the_type = str(event.get_type()) if the_type: self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', the_type) descr = event.get_description() if descr: self.__writeln(2, 'NOTE', "Description: " + descr) self.__dump_event_stats(event, event_ref) def __family_event_attrs(self, attr_list, level): """ Write the attributes associated with the family event. The only ones we really care about are FATHER_AGE and MOTHER_AGE which we translate to WIFE/HUSB AGE attributes. """ for attr in attr_list: if attr.get_type() == gen.lib.AttributeType.FATHER_AGE: self.__writeln(level, 'HUSB') self.__writeln(level+1, 'AGE', attr.get_value()) elif attr.get_type() == gen.lib.AttributeType.MOTHER_AGE: self.__writeln(level, 'WIFE') self.__writeln(level+1, 'AGE', attr.get_value()) def __family_attributes(self, attr_list, level): """ Write out the attributes associated with a family to the GEDCOM file. Since we have already looked at nicknames when we generated the names, we filter them out here. We use the GEDCOM 5.5.1 FACT command to write out attributes not built in to GEDCOM. """ for attr in attr_list: attr_type = int(attr.get_type()) name = libgedcom.familyConstantAttributes.get(attr_type) value = attr.get_value().replace('\r', ' ') if attr_type in ("AFN", "RFN", "REFN", "_UID"): self.__writeln(1, attr_type, value) continue if name and name.strip(): self.__writeln(1, name, value) continue else: self.__writeln(1, 'FACT', value) self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', str(attr.get_type())) self.__note_references(attr.get_note_list(), level+1) self.__source_references(attr.get_source_references(), level+1) def __sources(self): """ Write out the list of sources, sorting by Gramps ID. """ self.reset(_("Writing sources")) self.progress_cnt += 1 self.update(self.progress_cnt) sorted_list = sort_handles_by_id(self.dbase.get_source_handles(), self.dbase.get_source_from_handle) for (source_id, handle) in sorted_list: source = self.dbase.get_source_from_handle(handle) if source is None: continue self.__writeln(0, '@%s@' % source_id, 'SOUR') if source.get_title(): self.__writeln(1, 'TITL', source.get_title()) if source.get_author(): self.__writeln(1, "AUTH", source.get_author()) if source.get_publication_info(): self.__writeln(1, "PUBL", source.get_publication_info()) if source.get_abbreviation(): self.__writeln(1, 'ABBR', source.get_abbreviation()) self.__photos(source.get_media_list(), 1) for reporef in source.get_reporef_list(): self.__reporef(reporef, 1) break self.__note_references(source.get_note_list(), 1) self.__change(source.get_change_time(), 1) def __notes(self): """ Write out the list of notes, sorting by Gramps ID. """ self.reset(_("Writing notes")) self.progress_cnt += 1 self.update(self.progress_cnt) sorted_list = sort_handles_by_id(self.dbase.get_note_handles(), self.dbase.get_note_from_handle) for note_handle in [hndl[1] for hndl in sorted_list]: note = self.dbase.get_note_from_handle(note_handle) if note is None: continue self.__note_record(note) def __note_record(self, note): """ n @@ NOTE {1:1} +1 [ CONC | CONT] {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ if note: self.__writeln(0, '@%s@' % note.get_gramps_id(), 'NOTE ' + note.get()) def __repos(self): """ Write out the list of repositories, sorting by Gramps ID. REPOSITORY_RECORD:= n @@ REPO {1:1} +1 NAME {1:1} +1 <> {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 REFN {0:M} +2 TYPE {0:1} +1 RIN {0:1} +1 <> {0:1} """ self.reset(_("Writing repositories")) self.progress_cnt += 1 self.update(self.progress_cnt) sorted_list = sort_handles_by_id(self.dbase.get_repository_handles(), self.dbase.get_repository_from_handle) # GEDCOM only allows for a single repository per source for (repo_id, handle) in sorted_list: repo = self.dbase.get_repository_from_handle(handle) if repo is None: continue self.__writeln(0, '@%s@' % repo_id, 'REPO' ) if repo.get_name(): self.__writeln(1, 'NAME', repo.get_name()) for addr in repo.get_address_list(): self.__writeln(1, "ADDR", addr.get_street()) if addr.get_city(): self.__writeln(2, 'CITY', addr.get_city()) if addr.get_state(): self.__writeln(2, 'STAE', addr.get_state()) if addr.get_postal_code(): self.__writeln(2, 'POST', addr.get_postal_code()) if addr.get_country(): self.__writeln(2, 'CTRY', addr.get_country()) if addr.get_phone(): self.__writeln(1, 'PHON', addr.get_phone()) self.__note_references(repo.get_note_list(), 1) def __reporef(self, reporef, level): """ n REPO [ @XREF:REPO@ | ] {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 CALN {0:M} +2 MEDI {0:1} """ if reporef.ref is None: return repo = self.dbase.get_repository_from_handle(reporef.ref) if repo is None: return repo_id = repo.get_gramps_id() self.__writeln(level, 'REPO', '@%s@' % repo_id ) self.__note_references(reporef.get_note_list(), level+1) if reporef.get_call_number(): self.__writeln(level+1, 'CALN', reporef.get_call_number() ) if reporef.get_media_type(): self.__writeln(level+2, 'MEDI', str(reporef.get_media_type())) def __person_event_ref(self, key, event_ref): """ Write out the BIRTH and DEATH events for the person. """ if event_ref: event = self.dbase.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event_has_subordinate_data(event, event_ref): self.__writeln(1, key) else: self.__writeln(1, key, 'Y') if event.get_description().strip() != "": self.__writeln(2, 'TYPE', event.get_description()) self.__dump_event_stats(event, event_ref) def __change(self, timeval, level): """ CHANGE_DATE:= n CHAN {1:1} +1 DATE {1:1} +2 TIME {0:1} +1 <> # not used """ self.__writeln(level, 'CHAN') time_val = time.localtime(timeval) self.__writeln(level+1, 'DATE', '%d %s %d' % ( time_val[2], libgedcom.MONTH[time_val[1]], time_val[0])) self.__writeln(level+2, 'TIME', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % ( time_val[3], time_val[4], time_val[5])) def __dump_event_stats(self, event, event_ref): """ Write the event details for the event, using the event and event reference information. GEDCOM does not make a distinction between the two. """ dateobj = event.get_date_object() self.__date(2, dateobj) place = None if event.get_place_handle(): place = self.dbase.get_place_from_handle(event.get_place_handle()) self.__place(place, 2) for attr in event.get_attribute_list(): attr_type = attr.get_type() if attr_type == gen.lib.AttributeType.CAUSE: self.__writeln(2, 'CAUS', attr.get_value()) elif attr_type == gen.lib.AttributeType.AGENCY: self.__writeln(2, 'AGNC', attr.get_value()) for attr in event_ref.get_attribute_list(): attr_type = attr.get_type() if attr_type == gen.lib.AttributeType.AGE: self.__writeln(2, 'AGE', attr.get_value()) elif attr_type == gen.lib.AttributeType.FATHER_AGE: self.__writeln(2, 'HUSB') self.__writeln(3, 'AGE', attr.get_value()) elif attr_type == gen.lib.AttributeType.MOTHER_AGE: self.__writeln(2, 'WIFE') self.__writeln(3, 'AGE', attr.get_value()) self.__note_references(event.get_note_list(), 2) self.__source_references(event.get_source_references(), 2) self.__photos(event.get_media_list(), 2) if place: self.__photos(place.get_media_list(), 2) def write_ord(self, lds_ord, index): """ LDS_INDIVIDUAL_ORDINANCE:= [ n [ BAPL | CONL ] {1:1} +1 DATE {0:1} +1 TEMP {0:1} +1 PLAC {0:1} +1 STAT {0:1} +2 DATE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} p.39 | n ENDL {1:1} +1 DATE {0:1} +1 TEMP {0:1} +1 PLAC {0:1} +1 STAT {0:1} +2 DATE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} | n SLGC {1:1} +1 DATE {0:1} +1 TEMP {0:1} +1 PLAC {0:1} +1 FAMC @@ {1:1} +1 STAT {0:1} +2 DATE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} ] """ self.__writeln(index, LDS_ORD_NAME[lds_ord.get_type()]) self.__date(index + 1, lds_ord.get_date_object()) if lds_ord.get_family_handle(): family_handle = lds_ord.get_family_handle() family = self.dbase.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if family: self.__writeln(index+1, 'FAMC', '@%s@' % family.get_gramps_id()) if lds_ord.get_temple(): self.__writeln(index+1, 'TEMP', lds_ord.get_temple()) if lds_ord.get_place_handle(): self.__place( self.dbase.get_place_from_handle(lds_ord.get_place_handle()), 2) if lds_ord.get_status() != gen.lib.LdsOrd.STATUS_NONE: self.__writeln(2, 'STAT', LDS_STATUS[lds_ord.get_status()]) self.__note_references(lds_ord.get_note_list(), index+1) self.__source_references(lds_ord.get_source_references(), index+1) def __date(self, level, date): """ Write the 'DATE' GEDCOM token, along with the date in GEDCOM's expected format. """ start = date.get_start_date() if start != gen.lib.Date.EMPTY: cal = date.get_calendar() mod = date.get_modifier() quality = date.get_quality() if mod == gen.lib.Date.MOD_SPAN: val = "FROM %s TO %s" % ( libgedcom.make_gedcom_date(start, cal, mod, quality), libgedcom.make_gedcom_date(date.get_stop_date(), cal, mod, quality)) elif mod == gen.lib.Date.MOD_RANGE: val = "BET %s AND %s" % ( libgedcom.make_gedcom_date(start, cal, mod, quality), libgedcom.make_gedcom_date(date.get_stop_date(), cal, mod, quality)) else: val = libgedcom.make_gedcom_date(start, cal, mod, quality) self.__writeln(level, 'DATE', val) elif date.get_text(): self.__writeln(level, 'DATE', date.get_text()) def __person_name(self, name, nick): """ n NAME {1:1} +1 NPFX {0:1} +1 GIVN {0:1} +1 NICK {0:1} +1 SPFX {0:1} +1 NSFX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} """ gedcom_name = name.get_gedcom_name() firstname = name.get_first_name().strip() patron = name.get_patronymic().strip() if patron: firstname = "%s %s" % (firstname, patron) surname = name.get_surname().replace('/', '?') surprefix = name.get_surname_prefix().replace('/', '?') suffix = name.get_suffix() title = name.get_title() self.__writeln(1, 'NAME', gedcom_name) if firstname: self.__writeln(2, 'GIVN', firstname) if surprefix: self.__writeln(2, 'SPFX', surprefix) if surname: self.__writeln(2, 'SURN', surname) if name.get_suffix(): self.__writeln(2, 'NSFX', suffix) if name.get_title(): self.__writeln(2, 'NPFX', title) if nick: self.__writeln(2, 'NICK', nick) self.__source_references(name.get_source_references(), 2) self.__note_references(name.get_note_list(), 2) def __source_ref_record(self, level, ref): """ n SOUR @@ /* pointer to source record */ {1:1} +1 PAGE {0:1} +1 EVEN {0:1} +2 ROLE {0:1} +1 DATA {0:1} +2 DATE {0:1} +2 TEXT {0:M} +3 [ CONC | CONT ] {0:M} +1 QUAY {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} ,* +1 <> {0:M} """ src_handle = ref.get_reference_handle() if src_handle is None: return src = self.dbase.get_source_from_handle(src_handle) if src is None: return # Reference to the source self.__writeln(level, "SOUR", "@%s@" % src.get_gramps_id()) if ref.get_page() != "": # PAGE can not have CONC lines. # WHERE_WITHIN_SOURCE:= {Size=1:248} # Maximize line to 248 and set limit to 248, for no line split self.__writeln(level+1, 'PAGE', ref.get_page()[0:248], limit=248) conf = min(ref.get_confidence_level(), gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_VERY_HIGH) if conf != gen.lib.SourceRef.CONF_NORMAL and conf != -1: self.__writeln(level+1, "QUAY", QUALITY_MAP[conf]) if not ref.get_date_object().is_empty(): self.__writeln(level+1, 'DATA') self.__date(level+2, ref.get_date_object()) if len(ref.get_note_list()) > 0: note_list = [ self.dbase.get_note_from_handle(h) for h in ref.get_note_list() ] note_list = [ n for n in note_list if n.get_type() == gen.lib.NoteType.SOURCE_TEXT] if note_list: ref_text = note_list[0].get() else: ref_text = "" if ref_text != "" and ref.get_date_object().is_empty(): self.__writeln(level+1, 'DATA') if ref_text != "": self.__writeln(level+2, "TEXT", ref_text) note_list = [ self.dbase.get_note_from_handle(h) for h in ref.get_note_list() ] note_list = [ n.handle for n in note_list if n and n.get_type() != gen.lib.NoteType.SOURCE_TEXT] self.__note_references(note_list, level+1) def __photo(self, photo, level): """ n OBJE {1:1} +1 FORM {1:1} +1 TITL {0:1} +1 FILE {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} """ photo_obj_id = photo.get_reference_handle() photo_obj = self.dbase.get_object_from_handle(photo_obj_id) if photo_obj: mime = photo_obj.get_mime_type() form = MIME2GED.get(mime, mime) path = media_path_full(self.dbase, photo_obj.get_path()) if not os.path.isfile(path): return self.__writeln(level, 'OBJE') if form: self.__writeln(level+1, 'FORM', form) self.__writeln(level+1, 'TITL', photo_obj.get_description()) self.__writeln(level+1, 'FILE', path, limit=255) self.__note_references(photo_obj.get_note_list(), level+1) def __place(self, place, level): """ PLACE_STRUCTURE:= n PLAC {1:1} +1 FORM {0:1} +1 FONE {0:M} # not used +2 TYPE {1:1} +1 ROMN {0:M} # not used +2 TYPE {1:1} +1 MAP {0:1} +2 LATI {1:1} +2 LONG {1:1} +1 <> {0:M} """ if place is None: return place_name = place.get_title() self.__writeln(level, "PLAC", place_name.replace('\r', ' ')) longitude = place.get_longitude() latitude = place.get_latitude() if longitude and latitude: (latitude, longitude) = conv_lat_lon(latitude, longitude, "GEDCOM") if longitude and latitude: self.__writeln(level+1, "MAP") self.__writeln(level+2, 'LATI', latitude) self.__writeln(level+2, 'LONG', longitude) # The Gedcom standard shows that an optional address structure can # be written out in the event detail. # http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/gedcom/55gcch2.htm#EVENT_DETAIL location = place.get_main_location() if location and not location.is_empty(): self.__writeln(level, "ADDR", location.get_street()) if location.get_city(): self.__writeln(level + 1, 'CITY', location.get_city()) if location.get_state(): self.__writeln(level + 1, 'STAE', location.get_state()) if location.get_postal_code(): self.__writeln(level + 1, 'POST', location.get_postal_code()) if location.get_country(): self.__writeln(level + 1, 'CTRY', location.get_country()) if location.get_phone(): self.__writeln(level, 'PHON', location.get_phone()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def export_data(database, filename, msg_callback, option_box=None, callback=None): """ External interface used to register with the plugin system. """ ret = False try: ged_write = GedcomWriter(database, 0, option_box, callback) ret = ged_write.write_gedcom_file(filename) except IOError, msg: msg2 = _("Could not create %s") % filename msg_callback(msg2, str(msg)) except Errors.DatabaseError, msg: msg_callback(_("Export failed"), str(msg)) return ret