{% extends "view_page_detail.html" %} {% load my_tags %} {% block content %}
{% include "detail_breadcrumb.html" %}


{% comment %} 2 cols {% endcomment %} {% if sourceform.errors %}

The following fields have errors. Please correct and try again.


{% endif %} {% csrf_token %}
{{sourceform.title.label}}: {% render sourceform.title user action %}
{{sourceform.gramps_id.label}}: {% render sourceform.gramps_id user action %}
{{sourceform.abbrev.label}}: {% render sourceform.abbrev user action %}
{{sourceform.pubinfo.label}}: {% render sourceform.pubinfo user action %}
{% if user.is_superuser %} {% if action == "edit" %} {% make_button "Cancel" "/source/%s" source.handle args %} {% else %} {% ifequal action "add" %} {% make_button "Cancel" "/source/" args %} {% else %}
{% make_button "+Add Source" "/source/add" args %} {% make_button "?Edit Source" "/source/%s/edit" source.handle args %} {% make_button "-Delete Source" "/source/%s/delete" source.handle args %}
{% endifequal %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% note_table source user action "/note/$act/source/%s" source.handle %}
{% media_table source user action "/media/$act/source/%s" source.handle %}
{% data_table source user action "/data/add/source/%s" source.handle %}
{% repository_table source user action "/repository/$act/source/%s" source.handle %}
{% source_reference_table source user action %}
{% history_table source user action %}
{% endblock %}