# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GNOME modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gtk.glade import gobject import gnome try: from gnomevfs import get_mime_type except: from gnome.vfs import get_mime_type #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Utils import const import QuestionDialog import PluginMgr import GrampsBSDDB import GrampsXMLDB import GrampsGEDDB import GrampsKeys import RecentFiles import ReadGrdb import WriteGrdb import WriteXML import WriteGedcom #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DbPrompter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DbPrompter: """Make sure a database is opened""" def __init__(self,parent,want_new,parent_window=None): self.parent = parent self.parent_window = parent_window opendb = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile, "opendb","gramps") top = opendb.get_widget('opendb') if parent_window: top.set_transient_for(parent_window) title = opendb.get_widget('title') Utils.set_titles(top,title,_('Open a database')) new = opendb.get_widget("new") new.set_active(want_new) while 1: top.show() response = top.run() top.hide() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if new.get_active(): prompter = NewNativeDbPrompter(self.parent,self.parent_window) else: prompter = ExistingDbPrompter(self.parent,self.parent_window) if prompter.chooser(): break elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: break elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_HELP: try: gnome.help_display('gramps-manual','choose-db-start') except gobject.GError,msg: QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog(_('Help not available'),msg) top.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: gtk.main_quit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ExistingDbPrompter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExistingDbPrompter: """ This class allows to open an existing database. Any data format is allowed. The available formats are obtained from the plugins. If the selected format is non-native (non-grdb) then the call is made to set up a new native grdb database. """ def __init__(self,parent,parent_window=None): self.parent = parent self.parent_window = parent_window def chooser(self): """ Select the new file. Return 1 when selection is made and 0 otherwise. """ choose = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_('GRAMPS: Open database'), self.parent_window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) choose.set_local_only(gtk.FALSE) # Always add automatic (macth all files) filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('All files')) mime_filter.add_pattern('*') choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS XML databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps_xml) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GEDCOM files')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gedcom) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Add more data type selections if opening existing db for (importData,mime_filter,mime_type,native_format) in PluginMgr.import_list: if not native_format: choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Suggested folder: try last open file, last import, last export, # then home. default_dir = os.path.split(GrampsKeys.get_lastfile())[0] + os.path.sep if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_import_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_export_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = '~/' choose.set_current_folder(default_dir) response = choose.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = choose.get_filename() filetype = get_mime_type(filename) (the_path,the_file) = os.path.split(filename) choose.destroy() if open_native(self.parent,filename,filetype): return True # The above native formats did not work, so we need to # look up the importer for this format # and create an empty native database to import data in for (importData,mime_filter,mime_type,native_format) in PluginMgr.import_list: if filetype == mime_type or the_file == mime_type: QuestionDialog.OkDialog( _("Opening non-native format"), _("New gramps database has to be set up " "when opening non-native formats. The " "following dialog will let you select " "the new database."), self.parent_window) prompter = NewNativeDbPrompter(self.parent,self.parent_window) if prompter.chooser(): importData(self.parent.db,filename) self.parent.import_tool_callback() return True else: return False QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Could not open file: %s") % filename, _('The type "%s" is not in the list of known file types') % filetype ) choose.destroy() return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ImportDbPrompter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImportDbPrompter: """ This class allows to import a database. The data is imported into the currently opened database, so we don't have to worry about setting up the native database. Any data format is allowed. The available formats are obtained from the plugins. """ def __init__(self,parent,parent_window=None): self.parent = parent self.parent_window = parent_window def chooser(self): """ Select the new file. Return 1 when selection is made and 0 otherwise. """ choose = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_('GRAMPS: Import database'), self.parent_window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) choose.set_local_only(gtk.FALSE) # Always add automatic (macth all files) filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('All files')) mime_filter.add_pattern('*') choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Add more data type selections if opening existing db for (importData,mime_filter,mime_type,native_format) in PluginMgr.import_list: choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Suggested folder: try last open file, import, then last export, # then home. default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_import_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = os.path.split(GrampsKeys.get_lastfile())[0] + os.path.sep if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_export_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = '~/' choose.set_current_folder(default_dir) response = choose.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = choose.get_filename() filetype = get_mime_type(filename) if filetype == 'application/x-gramps': choose.destroy() ReadGrdb.importData(self.parent.db,filename) self.parent.import_tool_callback() return True (the_path,the_file) = os.path.split(filename) GrampsKeys.save_last_import_dir(the_path) for (importData,mime_filter,mime_type,native_format) in PluginMgr.import_list: if filetype == mime_type or the_file == mime_type: choose.destroy() importData(self.parent.db,filename) self.parent.import_tool_callback() return True QuestionDialog.ErrorDialog( _("Could not open file: %s") % filename, _('The type "%s" is not in the list of known file types') % filetype ) choose.destroy() return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NewNativeDbPrompter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NewNativeDbPrompter: """ This class allows to set up a new empty native (grdb) database. The filename is forced to have an '.grdb' extension. If not given, it is appended. """ def __init__(self,parent,parent_window=None): self.parent = parent self.parent_window = parent_window def chooser(self): """ Select the new file. Suggest the Untitled_X.grdb name. Return 1 when selection is made and 0 otherwise. """ choose = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_('GRAMPS: Create GRAMPS database'), self.parent_window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) self.parent.clear_database() # Always add automatic (macth all files) filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('All files')) mime_filter.add_pattern('*') choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Suggested folder: try last open file, import, then last export, # then home. default_dir = os.path.split(GrampsKeys.get_lastfile())[0] + os.path.sep if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_import_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_export_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = '~/' new_filename = Utils.get_new_filename('grdb',default_dir) choose.set_current_folder(default_dir) choose.set_current_name(os.path.split(new_filename)[1]) while (True): response = choose.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = choose.get_filename() if filename == None: continue if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != ".grdb": filename = filename + ".grdb" choose.destroy() try: self.parent.db.close() except: pass self.parent.db = GrampsBSDDB.GrampsBSDDB() self.parent.read_file(filename) # Add the file to the recent items RecentFiles.recent_files(filename,const.app_gramps) self.parent.build_recent_menu() return True else: choose.destroy() return False choose.destroy() return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NewSaveasDbPrompter # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NewSaveasDbPrompter: """ This class allows to select a new empty InMemory database and then to save current data into it and then continue editing it. """ def __init__(self,parent,parent_window=None): self.parent = parent self.parent_window = parent_window def chooser(self): """ Select the new file. Suggest the Untitled_X.grdb name. Return 1 when selection is made and 0 otherwise. """ choose = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_('GRAMPS: Select filename for a new database'), self.parent_window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) choose.set_local_only(gtk.FALSE) # Always add automatic (macth all files) filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('All files')) mime_filter.add_pattern('*') choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GRAMPS XML databases')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gramps_xml) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Always add native format filter mime_filter = gtk.FileFilter() mime_filter.set_name(_('GEDCOM files')) mime_filter.add_mime_type(const.app_gedcom) choose.add_filter(mime_filter) # Suggested folder: try last open file, import, then last export, # then home. default_dir = os.path.split(GrampsKeys.get_lastfile())[0] + os.path.sep if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_import_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = GrampsKeys.get_last_export_dir() if len(default_dir)<=1: default_dir = '~/' new_filename = Utils.get_new_filename('grdb',default_dir) choose.set_current_folder(default_dir) choose.set_current_name(os.path.split(new_filename)[1]) while (True): response = choose.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = choose.get_filename() if filename == None: continue os.system('touch %s' % filename) filetype = get_mime_type(filename) (the_path,the_file) = os.path.split(filename) choose.destroy() if filetype == const.app_gramps: WriteGrdb.exportData(self.parent.db,filename,None,None) self.parent.db.close() self.parent.db = GrampsBSDDB.GrampsBSDDB() elif filetype == const.app_gramps_xml: WriteXML.exportData(self.parent.db,filename,None,None) self.parent.db.close() self.parent.db = GrampsXMLDB.GrampsXMLDB() elif filetype == const.app_gedcom: WriteGedcom.exportData(self.parent.db,filename,None,None) self.parent.db.close() self.parent.db = GrampsGEDDB.GrampsGEDDB() self.parent.read_file(filename) # Add the file to the recent items RecentFiles.recent_files(filename,const.app_gramps) self.parent.build_recent_menu() return True else: choose.destroy() return False choose.destroy() return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Helper function # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def open_native(parent,filename,filetype): """ Open native database and return the status. """ (the_path,the_file) = os.path.split(filename) GrampsKeys.save_last_import_dir(the_path) success = False if filetype == const.app_gramps: parent.db = GrampsBSDDB.GrampsBSDDB() msgxml = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile, "load_message","gramps") msg_top = msgxml.get_widget('load_message') msg_label = msgxml.get_widget('message') def update_msg(msg): msg_label.set_text("%s" % msg) msg_label.set_use_markup(True) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() parent.read_file(filename,update_msg) msg_top.destroy() success = True elif filetype == const.app_gramps_xml: parent.db = GrampsXMLDB.GrampsXMLDB() parent.read_file(filename) success = True elif filetype == const.app_gedcom: parent.db = GrampsGEDDB.GrampsGEDDB() parent.read_file(filename) success = True if success: # Add the file to the recent items RecentFiles.recent_files(filename,filetype) parent.build_recent_menu() return success