# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2001 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import string import os #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gobject import gtk import gtk.gdk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RelLib import Utils import GrampsCfg import const import ImageSelect import RelImage from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog, ErrorDialog #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # internationalization # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MediaView # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MediaView: def __init__(self,db,glade,update): self.db = db self.list = glade.get_widget("media_list") self.mid = glade.get_widget("mid") self.mtype = glade.get_widget("mtype") self.mdesc = glade.get_widget("mdesc") self.mpath = glade.get_widget("mpath") self.mdetails = glade.get_widget("mdetails") self.preview = glade.get_widget("preview") self.column_headers = [(_('Title'),4,350), (_('ID'),1,50), (_('Type'),2,70), ('Path',3,150), ('',4,0) ] self.id2col = {} self.selection = self.list.get_selection() colno = 0 for title in self.column_headers: renderer = gtk.CellRendererText () column = gtk.TreeViewColumn (title[0], renderer, text=colno) colno = colno + 1 column.set_clickable (gtk.TRUE) if title[0] == '': column.set_visible(gtk.FALSE) else: column.set_resizable(gtk.TRUE) column.set_visible(gtk.TRUE) if title[1] >= 0: column.set_sort_column_id(title[1]) column.set_min_width(title[2]) self.list.append_column(column) self.list.set_search_column(0) self.model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) self.list.set_model(self.model) self.list.get_column(0).clicked() t = [ ('STRING', 0, 0), ('text/plain',0,0), ('text/uri-list',0,2), ('application/x-rootwin-drop',0,1)] self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON3_MASK, t,gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.list.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, t,gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY|gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE) self.update = update self.list.connect('button-press-event',self.on_button_press_event) self.selection.connect('changed',self.on_select_row) def change_db(self,db): self.db = db def on_select_row(self,obj): fexists = 1 store,iter = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter: return id = store.get_value(iter,1) mobj = self.db.findObjectNoMap(id) type = mobj.getMimeType() type_name = Utils.get_mime_description(type) path = mobj.getPath() thumb_path = Utils.thumb_path(self.db.getSavePath(),mobj) pexists = os.path.exists(path) if pexists and os.path.exists(thumb_path): self.preview.set_from_pixbuf(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(thumb_path)) else: icon_image = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Utils.find_icon(type)) self.preview.set_from_pixbuf(icon_image) if not pexists: fexists = 0 self.mid.set_text(mobj.getId()) self.mtype.set_text(type_name) self.mdesc.set_text(mobj.getDescription()) if len(path) == 0 or fexists == 0: self.mpath.set_text(_("The file no longer exists")) elif path[0] == "/": self.mpath.set_text(path) else: self.mpath.set_text("") self.mdetails.set_text(Utils.get_detail_text(mobj,0)) def on_button_press_event(self,obj,event): store,iter = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter: return id = store.get_value(iter,1) object = self.db.findObjectNoMap(id) if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: ImageSelect.GlobalMediaProperties(self.db,object,self.load_media) elif event.button == 3: menu = gtk.Menu() menu.set_title(_("Media Object")) self.obj = object Utils.add_menuitem(menu,_("View in the default viewer"),None,self.popup_view_photo) if object.getMimeType()[0:5] == "image": Utils.add_menuitem(menu,_("Edit with the GIMP"),\ None,self.popup_edit_photo) Utils.add_menuitem(menu,_("Edit Object Properties"),None, self.popup_change_description) if object.getLocal() == 0: Utils.add_menuitem(menu,_("Convert to local copy"),None, self.popup_convert_to_private) menu.popup(None,None,None,0,0) def popup_view_photo(self, obj): Utils.view_photo(self.obj) def popup_edit_photo(self, obj): if os.fork() == 0: os.execvp(const.editor,[const.editor, self.obj.getPath()]) def popup_convert_to_private(self, obj): path = self.db.getSavePath() id = self.obj.getId() name = RelImage.import_media_object(self.obj.getPath(),path,id) if name: self.obj.setPath(name) self.obj.setLocal(1) def popup_change_description(self, obj): ImageSelect.GlobalMediaProperties(self.db,self.obj,self.load_media) def load_media(self): self.model.clear() self.id2col = {} objects = self.db.getObjectMap().values() for src in objects: title = src.getDescription() id = src.getId() type = Utils.get_mime_description(src.getMimeType()) if src.getLocal(): path = "" else: path = src.getPath() stitle = string.upper(title) iter = self.model.append() self.id2col[id] = iter self.model.set(iter, 0, title, 1, id, 2, type, 3, path, 4, stitle) # if index > 0: # self.list.select_row(current_row,0) # self.list.moveto(current_row) # self.preview.show() # else: # self.mid.set_text("") # self.mtype.set_text("") # self.mdesc.set_text("") # self.mpath.set_text("") # self.mdetails.set_text("") # self.preview.hide() # if current_row < self.list.rows: # self.list.moveto(current_row) # else: # self.list.moveto(0) # self.list.thaw() def on_add_clicked(self,obj): """Add a new media object to the media list""" import AddMedia AddMedia.AddMediaObject(self.db,self.load_media) def on_edit_clicked(self,obj): """Edit the properties of an existing media object in the media list""" list_store, iter = self.selection.get_selected() if iter: id = list_store.get_value(iter,1) object = self.db.getObject(id) ImageSelect.GlobalMediaProperties(self.db,object,self.load_media) def on_delete_clicked(self,obj): store,iter = self.selection.get_selected() if not iter: return id = store.get_value(iter,1) mobj = self.db.getObject(id) if self.is_object_used(mobj): ans = ImageSelect.DeleteMediaQuery(mobj,self.db,self.update) QuestionDialog(_('Delete Media Object?'), _('This media object is currently being used. ' 'If you delete this object, it will be removed ' 'from the database and from all records that ' 'reference it.'), _('_Delete Media Object?'), ans.query_response) else: self.db.removeObject(mobj.getId()) Utils.modified() self.update(0) def is_object_used(self,mobj): for p in self.db.getFamilyMap().values(): for o in p.getPhotoList(): if o.getReference() == mobj: return 1 for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): p = self.db.getPerson(key) for o in p.getPhotoList(): if o.getReference() == mobj: return 1 for key in self.db.getSourceKeys(): p = self.db.getSource(key) for o in p.getPhotoList(): if o.getReference() == mobj: return 1 for key in self.db.getPlaceKeys(): p = self.db.getPlace(key) for o in p.getPhotoList(): if o.getReference() == mobj: return 1 return 0 def on_drag_data_get(self,w, context, selection_data, info, time): if info == 1: return d = w.get_row_data(w.focus_row) id = d.getId() selection_data.set(selection_data.target, 8, id) def on_drag_data_received(self,w, context, x, y, data, info, time): import urlparse if data and data.format == 8: d = string.strip(string.replace(data.data,'\0',' ')) protocol,site,file, j,k,l = urlparse.urlparse(d) if protocol == "file": name = file mime = Utils.get_mime_type(name) photo = RelLib.Photo() photo.setPath(name) photo.setMimeType(mime) description = os.path.basename(name) photo.setDescription(description) self.db.addObject(photo) Utils.modified() w.drag_finish(context, 1, 0, time) self.load_media() if GrampsCfg.mediaref == 0: name = RelImage.import_media_object(name, self.db.getSavePath(), photo.getId()) if name: photo.setPath(name) photo.setLocal(1) Utils.modified() if GrampsCfg.globalprop: ImageSelect.GlobalMediaProperties(self.db,photo,self.load_media) elif protocol != "": import urllib u = urllib.URLopener() try: tfile,headers = u.retrieve(d) except IOError, msg: ErrorDialog(_('Image import failed'),str(msg)) return mime = Utils.get_mime_type(tfile) photo = RelLib.Photo() photo.setMimeType(mime) photo.setDescription(d) photo.setLocal(1) photo.setPath(tfile) self.db.addObject(photo) oref = RelLib.ObjectRef() oref.setReference(photo) try: id = photo.getId() path = self.db.getSavePath() name = RelImage.import_media_object(tfile,path,id) if name: photo.setLocal(1) photo.setPath(name) except: photo.setPath(tfile) w.drag_finish(context, 1, 0, time) return Utils.modified() if GrampsCfg.globalprop: ImageSelect.GlobalMediaProperties(self.db,photo,None) else: w.drag_finish(context, 0, 0, time)