# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id:PageView.py 9912 2008-01-22 09:17:46Z acraphae $ """ Provide the base classes for GRAMPS' DataView classes """ #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # python modules # #---------------------------------------------------------------- import cPickle as pickle import time import logging _LOG = logging.getLogger('.pageview') #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # gtk # #---------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import pango #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS # #---------------------------------------------------------------- import Config import TreeTips import Bookmarks import Errors from Filters import SearchBar import Utils from gui.utils import add_menuitem import const from widgets.menutoolbuttonaction import MenuToolButtonAction from TransUtils import sgettext as _ from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog, QuestionDialog2 NAVIGATION_NONE = -1 NAVIGATION_PERSON = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # PageView # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PageView(object): """ The PageView class is the base class for all Data Views in GRAMPS. All Views should derive from this class. The ViewManager understands the public interface of this class """ def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate): self.title = title self.dbstate = dbstate self.uistate = uistate self.action_list = [] self.action_toggle_list = [] self.action_toolmenu_list = [] self.action_toolmenu = {} #easy access to toolmenuaction and proxies self.action_group = None self.additional_action_groups = [] self.additional_uis = [] self.widget = None self.model = None self.ui_def = '' self.dbstate.connect('no-database', self.disable_action_group) self.dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.enable_action_group) self.dirty = True self.active = False self.handle_col = 0 self.selection = None self.func_list = {} def call_function(self, key): """ Calls the function associated with the key value """ self.func_list.get(key)() def post(self): pass def set_active(self): """ Called with the PageView is set as active. If the page is "dirty", then we rebuild the data. """ self.active = True if self.dirty: self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(True) self.build_tree() self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(False) def set_inactive(self): """ Marks page as being active (currently displayed) """ self.active = False def build_tree(self): """ Rebuilds the current display. This must be overridden by the derived class. """ raise NotImplementedError def navigation_type(self): """ Indictates the navigation type. Currently, we only support navigation for views that are Person centric. """ return NAVIGATION_NONE def ui_definition(self): """ returns the XML UI definition for the UIManager """ return self.ui_def def additional_ui_definitions(self): """ Return any additional interfaces for the UIManager that the view needs to define. """ return self.additional_uis def disable_action_group(self): """ Turns off the visibility of the View's action group, if defined """ if self.action_group: self.action_group.set_visible(False) def enable_action_group(self, obj): """ Turns on the visibility of the View's action group, if defined """ if self.action_group: self.action_group.set_visible(True) def get_stock(self): """ Return image associated with the view, which is used for the icon for the button. """ return gtk.STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE def get_title(self): """ Return the title of the view. This is used to define the text for the button, and for the tab label. """ return self.title def get_display(self): """ Builds the graphical display, returning the top level widget. """ if not self.widget: self.widget = self.build_widget() return self.widget def build_widget(self): """ Builds the container widget for the interface. Must be overridden by the the base class. Returns a gtk container widget. """ raise NotImplementedError def define_actions(self): """ Defines the UIManager actions. Called by the ViewManager to set up the View. The user typically defines self.action_list and self.action_toggle_list in this function. Derived classes must override this function. """ raise NotImplementedError def __build_action_group(self): """ Create an UIManager ActionGroup from the values in self.action_list and self.action_toggle_list. The user should define these in self.define_actions """ self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title) if len(self.action_list) > 0: self.action_group.add_actions(self.action_list) if len(self.action_toggle_list) > 0: self.action_group.add_toggle_actions(self.action_toggle_list) for action_toolmenu in self.action_toolmenu_list: self.action_toolmenu[action_toolmenu[0]] = \ MenuToolButtonAction(action_toolmenu[0], #unique name action_toolmenu[1], #label action_toolmenu[2], #tooltip action_toolmenu[3], #callback action_toolmenu[4] #arrow tooltip ) self.action_group.add_action( self.action_toolmenu[action_toolmenu[0]]) def _add_action(self, name, stock_icon, label, accel=None, tip=None, callback=None): """ Add an action to the action list for the current view. """ self.action_list.append((name, stock_icon, label, accel, tip, callback)) def _add_toggle_action(self, name, stock_icon, label, accel=None, tip=None, callback=None, value=False): """ Add a toggle action to the action list for the current view. """ self.action_toggle_list.append((name, stock_icon, label, accel, tip, callback, value)) def _add_toolmenu_action(self, name, label, tooltip, callback, arrowtooltip): self.action_toolmenu_list.append((name, label, tooltip, callback, arrowtooltip)) def get_actions(self): """ Return the actions that should be used for the view. This includes the standard action group (which handles the main toolbar), along with additional action groups. If the action group is not defined, we build it the first time. This allows us to delay the intialization until it is really needed. The ViewManager uses this function to extract the actions to install into the UIManager. """ if not self.action_group: self.__build_action_group() return [self.action_group] + self.additional_action_groups def _add_action_group(self, group): """ Allows additional action groups to be added to the view. """ self.additional_action_groups.append(group) def change_page(self): """ Called when the page changes. """ self.uistate.clear_filter_results() def edit(self, obj): """ Template function to allow the editing of the selected object """ raise NotImplementedError def remove(self, handle): """ Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle """ raise NotImplementedError def remove_selected_objects(self): """ Function to remove selected objects """ prompt = True if len(self.selected_handles()) > 1: q = QuestionDialog2( _("Remove selected items?"), _("More than one item has been selected for deletion. " "Ask before deleting each one?"), _("Yes"), _("No")) prompt = q.run() if not prompt: self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) for handle in self.selected_handles(): (query, is_used, object) = self.remove_object_from_handle(handle) if prompt: if is_used: msg = _('This item is currently being used. ' 'Deleting it will remove it from the database and ' 'from all other items that reference it.') else: msg = _('Deleting item will remove it from the database.') msg = "%s %s" % (msg, Utils.data_recover_msg) #descr = object.get_description() #if descr == "": descr = object.get_gramps_id() self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) QuestionDialog(_('Delete %s?') % descr, msg, _('_Delete Item'), query.query_response) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) else: query.query_response() if not prompt: self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) def remove_object_from_handle(self, handle): """ Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle """ raise NotImplementedError def add(self, obj): """ Template function to allow the adding of a new object """ raise NotImplementedError def _key_press(self, obj, event): #act if no modifier, and allow Num Lock as MOD2_MASK if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ): if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter): self.edit(obj) return True return False def blist(self, store, path, node, sel_list): handle = store.get_value(node, self.handle_col) sel_list.append(handle) def selected_handles(self): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) return mlist def first_selected(self): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) if mlist: return mlist[0] else: return None def on_delete(self): """ Method called on shutdown. Data views should put code here that should be called when quiting the main application. """ pass class BookMarkView(PageView): def __init__(self, title, state, uistate, bookmarks, bm_type): PageView.__init__(self, title, state, uistate) self.bm_type = bm_type self.setup_bookmarks(bookmarks) def goto_handle(self, obj): raise NotImplementedError def setup_bookmarks(self, bookmarks): self.bookmarks = self.bm_type( self.dbstate, self.uistate, bookmarks, self.goto_handle) def add_bookmark(self, obj): from BasicUtils import name_displayer if self.dbstate.active: self.bookmarks.add(self.dbstate.active.get_handle()) name = name_displayer.display(self.dbstate.active) self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate, _("%s has been bookmarked") % name) else: from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog WarningDialog( _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"), _("A bookmark could not be set because " "no one was selected.")) def set_active(self): PageView.set_active(self) self.bookmarks.display() def set_inactive(self): PageView.set_inactive(self) self.bookmarks.undisplay() def edit_bookmarks(self, obj): self.bookmarks.edit() def enable_action_group(self, obj): PageView.enable_action_group(self, obj) def disable_action_group(self): PageView.disable_action_group(self) def define_actions(self): self.book_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Bookmark') self.book_action.add_actions([ ('AddBook', 'gramps-bookmark-new', _('_Add Bookmark'), 'd', None, self.add_bookmark), ('EditBook', 'gramps-bookmark-edit', _("%(title)s...") % {'title': _("Organize Bookmarks")}, 'b', None, self.edit_bookmarks), ]) self._add_action_group(self.book_action) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # PersonNavView # #---------------------------------------------------------------- class PersonNavView(BookMarkView): def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, callback=None): BookMarkView.__init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, dbstate.db.get_bookmarks(), Bookmarks.Bookmarks) def navigation_type(self): return NAVIGATION_PERSON def define_actions(self): # add the Forward action group to handle the Forward button BookMarkView.define_actions(self) self.fwd_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Forward') self.fwd_action.add_actions([ ('Forward', gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, _("_Forward"), "Right", _("Go to the next person in the history"), self.fwd_clicked) ]) # add the Backward action group to handle the Forward button self.back_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Backward') self.back_action.add_actions([ ('Back', gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, _("_Back"), "Left", _("Go to the previous person in the history"), self.back_clicked) ]) self._add_action('HomePerson', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("_Home"), accel="Home", tip=_("Go to the default person"), callback=self.home) self._add_action('FilterEdit', None, _('Person Filter Editor'), callback=self.filter_editor) self.other_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/PersonOther') self.other_action.add_actions([ ('SetActive', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("Set _Home Person"), None, None, self.set_default_person), ]) self._add_action_group(self.back_action) self._add_action_group(self.fwd_action) self._add_action_group(self.other_action) def disable_action_group(self): """ Normally, this would not be overridden from the base class. However, in this case, we have additional action groups that need to be handled correctly. """ BookMarkView.disable_action_group(self) self.fwd_action.set_visible(False) self.back_action.set_visible(False) def enable_action_group(self, obj): """ Normally, this would not be overridden from the base class. However, in this case, we have additional action groups that need to be handled correctly. """ BookMarkView.enable_action_group(self, obj) self.fwd_action.set_visible(True) self.back_action.set_visible(True) hobj = self.uistate.phistory self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end()) self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front()) def set_default_person(self, obj): active = self.dbstate.active if active: self.dbstate.db.set_default_person_handle(active.get_handle()) def home(self, obj): defperson = self.dbstate.db.get_default_person() if defperson: self.dbstate.change_active_person(defperson) def jump(self): dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'), None, gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR) dialog.set_border_width(12) label = gtk.Label('%s' % _('Jump to by GRAMPS ID')) label.set_use_markup(True) dialog.vbox.add(label) dialog.vbox.set_spacing(10) dialog.vbox.set_border_width(12) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s: " % _('ID')), False) text = gtk.Entry() text.set_activates_default(True) hbox.pack_start(text, False) dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False) dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.vbox.show_all() if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: gid = text.get_text() person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) if person: self.dbstate.change_active_person(person) else: self.uistate.push_message( self.dbstate, _("Error: %s is not a valid GRAMPS ID") % gid) dialog.destroy() def filter_editor(self, obj): from FilterEditor import FilterEditor try: FilterEditor('Person', const.CUSTOM_FILTERS, self.dbstate, self.uistate) except Errors.WindowActiveError: return def fwd_clicked(self, obj, step=1): hobj = self.uistate.phistory hobj.lock = True if not hobj.at_end(): try: handle = hobj.forward() self.dbstate.change_active_handle(handle) self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate) hobj.mhistory.append(hobj.history[hobj.index]) self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end()) self.back_action.set_sensitive(True) except: hobj.clear() self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False) self.back_action.set_sensitive(False) else: self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False) self.back_action.set_sensitive(True) hobj.lock = False def back_clicked(self, obj, step=1): hobj = self.uistate.phistory hobj.lock = True if not hobj.at_front(): try: handle = hobj.back() self.active = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate) self.dbstate.change_active_handle(handle) hobj.mhistory.append(hobj.history[hobj.index]) self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front()) self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(True) except: hobj.clear() self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False) self.back_action.set_sensitive(False) else: self.back_action.set_sensitive(False) self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(True) hobj.lock = False def handle_history(self, handle): """ Updates the person history information It will push the person at the end of the history if that person is not present person """ hobj = self.uistate.phistory if handle and not hobj.lock and not (handle == hobj.present()): hobj.push(handle) self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end()) self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front()) def change_page(self): hobj = self.uistate.phistory self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end()) self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front()) self.other_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # ListView # #---------------------------------------------------------------- class ListView(BookMarkView): ADD_MSG = "" EDIT_MSG = "" DEL_MSG = "" QR_CATEGORY = -1 def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, columns, handle_col, make_model, signal_map, get_bookmarks, bm_type, multiple=False, filter_class=None): BookMarkView.__init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, get_bookmarks, bm_type) self.filter_class = filter_class self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.sort_col = 0 self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.columns = [] self.colinfo = columns self.handle_col = handle_col self.make_model = make_model self.model = None self.signal_map = signal_map self.multiple_selection = multiple self.generic_filter = None dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.change_db) def build_filter_container(self, box, filter_class): self.filter_sidebar = filter_class(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.filter_clicked) self.filter_pane = self.filter_sidebar.get_widget() hpaned = gtk.HBox() hpaned.pack_start(self.vbox, True, True) hpaned.pack_end(self.filter_pane, False, False) self.filter_toggle(None, None, None, None) return hpaned def filter_toggle(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): if Config.get(Config.FILTER): self.search_bar.hide() self.filter_pane.show() else: self.search_bar.show() self.filter_pane.hide() def post(self): if self.filter_class: if Config.get(Config.FILTER): self.search_bar.hide() self.filter_pane.show() else: self.search_bar.show() self.filter_pane.hide() def filter_clicked(self): self.generic_filter = self.filter_sidebar.get_filter() self.build_tree() def add_bookmark(self, obj): mlist = [] self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist) if mlist: self.bookmarks.add(mlist[0]) else: from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog WarningDialog( _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"), _("A bookmark could not be set because " "nothing was selected.")) def jump(self): dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'), None, gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR) dialog.set_border_width(12) label = gtk.Label('%s' % _('Jump to by GRAMPS ID')) label.set_use_markup(True) dialog.vbox.add(label) dialog.vbox.set_spacing(10) dialog.vbox.set_border_width(12) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s: " % _('ID')), False) text = gtk.Entry() text.set_activates_default(True) hbox.pack_start(text, False) dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False) dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.vbox.show_all() if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: gid = text.get_text() handle = self.get_handle_from_gramps_id(gid) if handle: self.goto_handle(handle) else: self.uistate.push_message( self.dbstate, _("Error: %s is not a valid GRAMPS ID") % gid) dialog.destroy() def drag_info(self): return None def drag_begin(self, widget, context): widget.drag_source_set_icon_stock(self.get_stock()) return True def column_order(self): """ Must be set by children. The method that obtains the column order to be used. Format: see ColumnOrder. """ raise NotImplementedError def column_ord_setfunc(self, clist): """ Must be set by children. The method that stores the column order given by clist (result of ColumnOrder class). """ raise NotImplementedError def set_column_order(self, clist): """ change the order of the columns to that given in clist """ self.column_ord_setfunc(clist) #now we need to rebuild the model so it contains correct column info self.dirty = True #make sure we sort on first column. We have no idea where the # column that was sorted on before is situated now. self.sort_col = 0 self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING self.build_tree() def build_widget(self): """ Builds the interface and returns a gtk.Container type that contains the interface. This containter will be inserted into a gtk.Notebook page. """ self.vbox = gtk.VBox() self.vbox.set_border_width(4) self.vbox.set_spacing(4) self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.search_build_tree) filter_box = self.search_bar.build() self.list = gtk.TreeView() self.list.set_rules_hint(True) self.list.set_headers_visible(True) self.list.set_headers_clickable(True) self.list.set_fixed_height_mode(True) self.list.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press) self.list.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press) if self.drag_info(): self.list.connect('drag_data_get', self.drag_data_get) self.list.connect('drag_begin', self.drag_begin) scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrollwindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) scrollwindow.add(self.list) self.vbox.pack_start(filter_box, False) self.vbox.pack_start(scrollwindow, True) self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.inactive = False self.columns = [] self.build_columns() self.selection = self.list.get_selection() if self.multiple_selection: self.selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) self.selection.connect('changed', self.row_changed) self.setup_filter() if self.filter_class: return self.build_filter_container(self.vbox, self.filter_class) else: return self.vbox def search_build_tree(self): self.build_tree() def row_changed(self, obj): """Called with a row is changed. Check the selected objects from the person_tree to get the IDs of the selected objects. Set the active person to the first person in the list. If no one is selected, set the active person to None""" if self.drag_info(): selected_ids = self.selected_handles() if len(selected_ids) == 1: self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [self.drag_info().target()], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) def drag_data_get(self, widget, context, sel_data, info, time): selected_ids = self.selected_handles() if selected_ids: data = (self.drag_info().drag_type, id(self), selected_ids[0], 0) sel_data.set(sel_data.target, 8 , pickle.dumps(data)) return True def setup_filter(self): """Build the default filters and add them to the filter menu.""" cols = [] for pair in [pair for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]: cols.append((self.colinfo[pair[1]], pair[1])) self.search_bar.setup_filter(cols) def goto_handle(self, handle): if not handle or self.inactive: return # mark inactive to prevent recursion self.inactive = True # select the handle in the view try: path = self.model.on_get_path(handle) self.selection.unselect_all() self.selection.select_path(path) self.list.scroll_to_cell(path, None, 1, 0.5, 0) except KeyError: self.selection.unselect_all() # disable the inactive flag self.inactive = False def __display_column_sort(self): for i in xrange(len(self.columns)): enable_sort_flag = (i==self.sort_col) self.columns[i].set_sort_indicator(enable_sort_flag) self.columns[self.sort_col].set_sort_order(self.sort_order) def column_clicked(self, obj, data): cput = time.clock() same_col = False if self.sort_col != data: order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING else: same_col = True if (self.columns[data].get_sort_order() == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING or not self.columns[data].get_sort_indicator()): order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING else: order = gtk.SORT_DESCENDING self.sort_col = data self.sort_order = order handle = self.first_selected() if Config.get(Config.FILTER): search = (True, self.generic_filter) else: search = (False, self.search_bar.get_value()) if same_col: self.model.reverse_order() else: self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col, self.sort_order, search=search, sort_map=self.column_order()) self.list.set_model(self.model) self.__display_column_sort() if handle: self.goto_handle(handle) # set the search column to be the sorted column search_col = self.column_order()[data][1] self.list.set_search_column(search_col) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' column_clicked ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') def build_columns(self): for column in self.columns: self.list.remove_column(column) self.columns = [] index = 0 for pair in [pair for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]: name = self.colinfo[pair[1]] if self.model and 'marker_color_column' in self.model.__dict__: mcol = self.model.marker_color_column column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, self.renderer, text=pair[1], foreground=mcol) else: column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, self.renderer, text=pair[1]) column.connect('clicked', self.column_clicked, index) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) column.set_fixed_width(pair[2]) column.set_clickable(True) self.columns.append(column) self.list.append_column(column) index += 1 def build_tree(self): if self.active: cput = time.clock() if Config.get(Config.FILTER): filter_info = (True, self.generic_filter) else: filter_info = (False, self.search_bar.get_value()) if self.dirty or self.model is None \ or not self.model.node_map.full_srtkey_hndl_map(): self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col, search=filter_info, sort_map=self.column_order()) else: #the entire data to show is already in memory. #run only the part that determines what to show self.list.set_model(None) self.model.set_search(filter_info) self.model.rebuild_data() self.build_columns() self.list.set_model(self.model) self.__display_column_sort() if const.USE_TIPS and self.model.tooltip_column is not None: self.tooltips = TreeTips.TreeTips( self.list, self.model.tooltip_column, True) self.dirty = False self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) _LOG.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ' build_tree ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') else: self.dirty = True def object_build(self): """callback, for if tree must be rebuilt and bookmarks redrawn """ self.dirty = True if self.active: self.bookmarks.redraw() self.build_tree() def filter_toggle_action(self, obj): if obj.get_active(): self.search_bar.hide() self.filter_pane.show() active = True else: self.search_bar.show() self.filter_pane.hide() active = False Config.set(Config.FILTER, active) self.build_tree() def filter_editor(self, obj): from FilterEditor import FilterEditor try: FilterEditor(self.FILTER_TYPE , const.CUSTOM_FILTERS, self.dbstate, self.uistate) except Errors.WindowActiveError: return def change_db(self, db): for sig in self.signal_map: db.connect(sig, self.signal_map[sig]) self.bookmarks.update_bookmarks(self.get_bookmarks()) if self.active: #force rebuild of the model on build of tree self.dirty = True self.build_tree() self.bookmarks.redraw() else: self.dirty = True def row_add(self, handle_list): if self.active: cput = time.clock() for handle in handle_list: self.model.add_row_by_handle(handle) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_add ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) else: self.dirty = True def row_update(self, handle_list): if self.model: self.model.prev_handle = None if self.active: cput = time.clock() for handle in handle_list: self.model.update_row_by_handle(handle) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_update ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') else: self.dirty = True def row_delete(self, handle_list): if self.active: cput = time.clock() for handle in handle_list: self.model.delete_row_by_handle(handle) _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_delete ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) else: self.dirty = True def define_actions(self): """ Required define_actions function for PageView. Builds the action group information required. We extend beyond the normal here, since we want to have more than one action group for the PersonView. Most PageViews really won't care about this. """ BookMarkView.define_actions(self) self.edit_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/ChangeOrder') self.edit_action.add_actions([ ('Add', gtk.STOCK_ADD, _("_Add..."), "Insert", self.ADD_MSG, self.add), ('Remove', gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, _("_Remove"), "Delete", self.DEL_MSG, self.remove), ('ExportTab', None, _('Export View...'), None, None, self.export), ]) self._add_action_group(self.edit_action) self._add_action('Edit', gtk.STOCK_EDIT, _("action|_Edit..."), accel="Return", tip=self.EDIT_MSG, callback=self.edit) self._add_toggle_action('Filter', None, _('_Filter'), callback=self.filter_toggle_action) def _column_editor(self, obj): """ Causes the View to display a column editor. This should be overridden by any class that provides columns (such as a list based view) """ raise NotImplemented def _button_press(self, obj, event): if not self.dbstate.open: return False from QuickReports import create_quickreport_menu if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: self.edit(obj) return True elif event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3: menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup') #construct quick reports if needed if menu and self.QR_CATEGORY > -1 : qr_menu = self.uistate.uimanager.\ get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').get_submenu() if qr_menu : self.uistate.uimanager.\ get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').remove_submenu() reportactions = [] if menu and self.dbstate.active: (ui, reportactions) = create_quickreport_menu( self.QR_CATEGORY, self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.first_selected()) if len(reportactions) > 1 : qr_menu = gtk.Menu() for action in reportactions[1:] : add_menuitem(qr_menu, action[2], None, action[5]) self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').\ set_submenu(qr_menu) if menu: menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True return False def _key_press(self, obj, event): if not self.dbstate.open: return False if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ): if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter): self.edit(obj) return True return False def change_page(self): if self.model: self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate, self.model.displayed(), self.model.total()) self.edit_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly) def key_delete(self): self.remove(None) def export(self, obj): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Export View as Spreadsheet"), self.uistate.window, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) chooser.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) combobox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() label = gtk.Label(_("Format:")) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(label, True, True, padding=12) box.pack_start(combobox, False, False) combobox.append_text(_('CSV')) combobox.append_text(_('Open Document Spreadsheet')) combobox.set_active(0) box.show_all() chooser.set_extra_widget(box) while True: value = chooser.run() fn = chooser.get_filename() fl = combobox.get_active() if value == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if fn: chooser.destroy() break else: chooser.destroy() return self.write_tabbed_file(fn, fl) def write_tabbed_file(self, name, type): """ Write a tabbed file to the specified name. The output file type is determined by the type variable. """ from docgen import CSVTab, ODSTab ofile = None data_cols = [pair[1] for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]] column_names = [self.colinfo[i] for i in data_cols] if type == 0: ofile = CSVTab(len(column_names)) else: ofile = ODSTab(len(column_names)) ofile.open(name) ofile.start_page() ofile.start_row() for name in column_names: ofile.write_cell(name) ofile.end_row() for row in self.model: ofile.start_row() for index in data_cols: ofile.write_cell(row[index]) ofile.end_row() ofile.end_page() ofile.close()