# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Graphical Reports/Ancestor Chart" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import string import math import types import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import GrampsCfg import BaseDoc import Report import Errors import FontScale from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from SubstKeywords import SubstKeywords from gettext import gettext as _ _BORN = _('b.') _DIED = _('d.') def log2(val): return int(math.log10(val)/math.log10(2)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # pt2cm - convert points to centimeters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def pt2cm(pt): return (float(pt)/72.0)*(254.0/100.0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # cm2pt - convert centimeters to points # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def cm2pt(cm): return (float(cm)/2.54)*72 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Layout class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GenChart : def __init__(self,generations): self.generations = generations self.size = (2**(generations)) self.array = [None]*(self.size) self.map = {} self.compress_map = {} for i in range(0,(self.size)): self.array[i] = [0]*generations self.max_x = 0 self.ad = (self.size,generations) def set(self,index,value): x = log2(index) y = index - (2**x) delta = int((self.size/(2**(x)))) new_y = int((delta/2) + (y)*delta) self.array[new_y][x] = (value,index) self.max_x = max(x,self.max_x) self.map[value] = (new_y,x) def index_to_xy(self,index): if index: x = log2(index) ty = index - (2**x) delta = int(self.size/(2**x)) y = int(delta/2 + ty*delta) else: x = 0 y = self.size/2 if len(self.compress_map) > 0: return (x,self.compress_map[y]) else: return (x,y) def get(self,index): try: (x,y) = self.index_to_xy(index) return self.array[y][x] except: return None def get_xy(self,x,y): return self.array[y][x] def set_xy(self,x,y,value): self.array[y][x] = value def dimensions(self): return (len(self.array),self.max_x+1) def compress(self): new_map = {} new_array = [] old_y = 0 new_y = 0 for i in self.array: if i and self.not_blank(i): self.compress_map[old_y] = new_y new_array.append(i) x = 0 for entry in i: if entry: new_map[entry] = (new_y,x) x =+ 1 new_y += 1 old_y += 1 self.array = new_array self.map = new_map self.ad = (new_y,self.ad[1]) def display(self): index = 0 for i in self.array: print "%04d" % index,i index=index+1 def not_blank(self,line): for i in line: if i and type(i) == types.TupleType: return 1 return 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # AncestorChart # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AncestorChart: def __init__(self,database,person,max,display,doc,output,scale,compress, title,newpage=0): self.doc = doc self.title = title.strip() self.doc.creator(database.get_researcher().get_name()) self.map = {} self.text = {} self.start = person self.max_generations = max self.output = output self.box_width = 0 self.box_height = 0 self.lines = 0 self.display = display self.newpage = newpage self.force_fit = scale self.compress = compress if output: self.doc.open(output) self.standalone = output self.font = self.doc.style_list["AC2-Normal"].get_font() self.tfont = self.doc.style_list["AC2-Title"].get_font() self.filter(self.start,1) keys = self.map.keys() keys.sort() max_key = log2(keys[-1]) self.genchart = GenChart(max_key+1) for key in self.map.keys(): self.genchart.set(key,self.map[key]) self.calc() def filter(self,person,index): """traverse the ancestors recursively until either the end of a line is found, or until we reach the maximum number of generations that we want to deal with""" if person == None or index >= 2**self.max_generations: return self.map[index] = person self.text[index] = [] subst = SubstKeywords(person) for line in self.display: self.text[index].append(subst.replace(line)) for line in self.text[index]: self.box_width = max(self.box_width,FontScale.string_width(self.font,line)) self.lines = max(self.lines,len(self.text[index])) family = person.get_main_parents_family_id() if family: self.filter(family.get_father_id(),index*2) self.filter(family.get_mother_id(),(index*2)+1) def write_report(self): if self.newpage: self.doc.page_break() generation = 1 done = 0 page = 1 (maxy,maxx) = self.genchart.dimensions() maxh = int(self.uh/self.box_height) if self.force_fit: self.print_page(0,maxx,0,maxy,0,0) else: starty = 0 coly = 0 while starty < maxy-1: startx = 0 colx = 0 while startx < maxx-1: stopx = min(maxx,startx+self.generations_per_page) stopy = min(maxy,starty+maxh) self.print_page(startx,stopx,starty,stopy,colx,coly) colx += 1 startx += self.generations_per_page coly += 1 starty += maxh if self.standalone: self.doc.close() def calc(self): """ calc - calculate the maximum width that a box needs to be. From that and the page dimensions, calculate the proper place to put the elements on a page. """ self.add_lines() if self.compress: self.genchart.compress() self.box_pad_pts = 10 if self.title and self.force_fit: self.offset = pt2cm(1.25* self.tfont.get_size()) else: self.offset = 0 self.uh = self.doc.get_usable_height() - self.offset uw = self.doc.get_usable_width()-pt2cm(self.box_pad_pts) calc_width = pt2cm(self.box_width + self.box_pad_pts) + 0.2 self.box_width = pt2cm(self.box_width) self.box_height = self.lines*pt2cm(1.25*self.font.get_size()) self.scale = 1 if self.force_fit: (maxy,maxx) = self.genchart.dimensions() bw = calc_width/(uw/maxx) bh = self.box_height/(self.uh/maxy) self.scale = max(bw,bh) self.box_width = self.box_width/self.scale self.box_height = self.box_height/self.scale self.box_pad_pts = self.box_pad_pts/self.scale maxh = int(self.uh/self.box_height) maxw = int(uw/calc_width) if log2(maxh) < maxw: self.generations_per_page = int(log2(maxh)) else: self.generations_per_page = maxw acty = 2**self.generations_per_page # build array of x indices xstart = 0 ystart = self.offset-self.box_height/2.0 self.delta = pt2cm(self.box_pad_pts) + self.box_width + 0.2 if not self.force_fit: calc_width = self.box_width + 0.2 + pt2cm(self.box_pad_pts) remain = self.doc.get_usable_width() - ((self.generations_per_page)*calc_width) self.delta += remain/(self.generations_per_page) self.font.set_size(self.font.get_size()/self.scale) g = BaseDoc.GraphicsStyle() g.set_height(self.box_height) g.set_width(self.box_width) g.set_paragraph_style("AC2-Normal") g.set_shadow(1,0.2/self.scale) g.set_fill_color((255,255,255)) self.doc.add_draw_style("box",g) g = BaseDoc.GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("AC2-Title") g.set_color((255,255,255)) g.set_fill_color((255,255,255)) g.set_line_width(0) g.set_width(self.doc.get_usable_width()) self.doc.add_draw_style("title",g) g = BaseDoc.GraphicsStyle() self.doc.add_draw_style("line",g) if self.standalone: self.doc.init() def print_page(self,startx,stopx,starty,stopy,colx,coly): self.doc.start_page() if self.title and self.force_fit: self.doc.center_text('title',self.title,self.doc.get_usable_width()/2,0) phys_y = 0 for y in range(starty,stopy): phys_x = 0 for x in range(startx,stopx): value = self.genchart.get_xy(x,y) if value: if type(value) == types.TupleType: (person,index) = value text = string.join(self.text[index],"\n") self.doc.draw_box("box",text,phys_x*self.delta, phys_y*self.box_height+self.offset) elif value == 2: self.doc.draw_line("line", phys_x*self.delta+self.box_width*0.5, phys_y*self.box_height+self.offset, phys_x*self.delta+self.box_width*0.5, (phys_y+1)*self.box_height+self.offset) elif value == 1: x1 = phys_x*self.delta+self.box_width*0.5 x2 = (phys_x+1)*self.delta y1 = phys_y*self.box_height+self.offset+self.box_height/2 y2 = (phys_y+1)*self.box_height+self.offset self.doc.draw_line("line",x1,y1,x1,y2) self.doc.draw_line("line",x1,y1,x2,y1) elif value == 3: x1 = phys_x*self.delta+self.box_width*0.5 x2 = (phys_x+1)*self.delta y1 = (phys_y)*self.box_height+self.offset+self.box_height/2 y2 = (phys_y)*self.box_height+self.offset self.doc.draw_line("line",x1,y1,x1,y2) self.doc.draw_line("line",x1,y1,x2,y1) phys_x +=1 phys_y += 1 if not self.force_fit: self.doc.draw_text('box', '(%d,%d)' % (colx+1,coly+1), self.doc.get_usable_width()+0.5, self.doc.get_usable_height()+0.75) self.doc.end_page() def add_lines(self): (my,mx) = self.genchart.dimensions() for y in range(0,my): for x in range(0,mx): value = self.genchart.get_xy(x,y) if not value: continue if type(value) == types.TupleType: (person,index) = value if self.genchart.get(index*2): (px,py) = self.genchart.index_to_xy(index*2) self.genchart.set_xy(x,py,1) for ty in range(py+1,y): self.genchart.set_xy(x,ty,2) if self.genchart.get(index*2+1): (px,py) = self.genchart.index_to_xy(index*2+1) self.genchart.set_xy(px-1,py,3) for ty in range(y+1,py): self.genchart.set_xy(x,ty,2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _make_default_style(default_style): """Make the default output style for the Ancestor Chart report.""" f = BaseDoc.FontStyle() f.set_size(9) f.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_style("AC2-Normal",p) f = BaseDoc.FontStyle() f.set_size(16) f.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) p.set_description(_('The basic style used for the title display.')) default_style.add_style("AC2-Title",p) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # AncestorChartDialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AncestorChartDialog(Report.DrawReportDialog): report_options = {} def __init__(self,database,person): Report.DrawReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person,self.report_options) def add_user_options(self): self.title=gtk.Entry() self.title.set_text(self.get_header(self.person.get_primary_name().get_name())) self.title.show() self.add_option(_('Title'),self.title) self.compress = gtk.CheckButton(_('Co_mpress chart')) self.compress.set_active(1) self.compress.show() self.add_option('',self.compress) self.scale = gtk.CheckButton(_('Sc_ale to fit on a single page')) self.scale.set_active(1) self.scale.show() self.add_option('',self.scale) def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - %s - GRAMPS" % (_("Ancestor Chart"),_("Graphical Reports")) def get_header(self, name): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents.""" return _("Ancestor Chart for %s") % name def get_target_browser_title(self): """The title of the window created when the 'browse' button is clicked in the 'Save As' frame.""" return _("Save Ancestor Chart") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save user defined styles for this report.""" return _style_file def get_report_generations(self): """Default to 10 generations, no page breaks.""" return (10, 0) def get_report_extra_textbox_info(self): """Label the textbox and provide the default contents.""" return (_("Display Format"), "$n\n%s $b\n%s $d" % (_BORN,_DIED), _("Allows you to customize the data in the boxes in the report")) def make_default_style(self): _make_default_style(self.default_style) def make_report(self): """Create the object that will produce the Ancestor Chart. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: MyReport = AncestorChart(self.db, self.person, self.max_gen, self.report_text, self.doc,self.target_path, self.scale.get_active(), self.compress.get_active(), self.title.get_text() ) MyReport.write_report() except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # entry point # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def report(database,person): AncestorChartDialog(database,person) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up sane defaults for the book_item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _style_file = "ancestor_chart.xml" _style_name = "default" _person_id = "" _max_gen = 10 _disp_format = [ "$n", "%s $b" % _BORN, "%s $d" % _DIED ] _compress = 1 _title = None _options = ( _person_id, _max_gen, _disp_format, _compress, _title ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Book Item Options dialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class AncestorChartBareDialog(Report.BareReportDialog): def __init__(self,database,person,opt,stl): self.options = opt self.db = database if self.options[0]: self.person = self.db.get_person(self.options[0]) else: self.person = person self.style_name = stl Report.BareReportDialog.__init__(self,database,self.person) self.max_gen = int(self.options[1]) self.disp_format = string.join(self.options[2],'\n') self.do_compress = int(self.options[3]) if self.options[4] is not None: self.the_title = self.options[4] else: self.the_title = self.get_the_title(self.person) self.new_person = None self.generations_spinbox.set_value(self.max_gen) self.extra_textbox.get_buffer().set_text( self.disp_format,len(self.disp_format)) self.compress.set_active(self.do_compress) self.title.set_text(self.the_title) self.window.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Customization hooks # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def add_user_options(self): self.title=gtk.Entry() self.title.set_text(self.get_the_title(self.person)) self.title.show() self.add_option(_('Title'),self.title) self.compress = gtk.CheckButton(_('Co_mpress chart')) self.compress.set_active(1) self.compress.show() self.add_option('',self.compress) def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - GRAMPS Book" % (_("Ancestor Chart")) def get_the_title(self,person): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents.""" return _("Ancestor Chart for %s") % person.get_primary_name().get_name() def get_header(self,name): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents""" return _("Ancestor Chart for GRAMPS Book") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save styles for this report.""" return _style_file def get_report_generations(self): """Default to 10 generations, no page breaks.""" return (10, 0) def get_report_extra_textbox_info(self): """Label the textbox and provide the default contents.""" return (_("Display Format"), "$n\n%s $b\n%s $d" % (_BORN,_DIED), _("Allows you to customize the data in the boxes in the report")) def make_default_style(self): _make_default_style(self.default_style) def parse_report_options_frame (self): # Call base class Report.BareReportDialog.parse_report_options_frame (self) self.do_compress = self.compress.get_active() self.the_title = self.title.get_text() def on_center_person_change_clicked(self,obj): import SelectPerson sel_person = SelectPerson.SelectPerson(self.db,_('Select Person')) new_person = sel_person.run() if new_person: self.new_person = new_person self.the_title = self.get_the_title(self.new_person) self.title.set_text(self.the_title) new_name = new_person.getPrimaryName().getRegularName() if new_name: self.person_label.set_text( "%s" % new_name ) self.person_label.set_use_markup(gtk.TRUE) def on_cancel(self, obj): pass def on_ok_clicked(self, obj): """The user is satisfied with the dialog choices. Parse all options and close the window.""" # Preparation self.parse_style_frame() self.parse_report_options_frame() if self.new_person: self.person = self.new_person self.options = ( self.person.get_id(), self.max_gen, self.report_text, self.do_compress, self.the_title ) self.style_name = self.selected_style.get_name() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Function to write Book Item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_book_item(database,person,doc,options,newpage=0): """Write the Ancestor Chart using options set. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: if options[0]: person = database.get_person(options[0]) max_gen = int(options[1]) disp_format = options[2] compress = int(options[3]) if options[4] is not None: title = options[4] else: title = "" return AncestorChart(database, person, max_gen, disp_format, doc, None, 1, compress, title, newpage ) except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_xpm_image(): return [ "48 48 85 1", " c None", ". c #887D6C", "+ c #8C8A87", "@ c #787775", "# c #766D5F", "$ c #67655F", "% c #5E5A54", "& c #55524C", "* c #BBBAB8", "= c #B7AFA2", "- c #A9A5A0", "; c #99948A", "> c #FAFAFA", ", c #F8F6F2", "' c #F6F2EC", ") c #E6E5E5", "! c #D2CCBF", "~ c #C7C6C3", "{ c #413F3F", "] c #DCD9D4", "^ c #322E2B", "/ c #4F4E4C", "( c #908F8D", "_ c #989897", ": c #8A8986", "< c #898885", "[ c #F5EEE5", "} c #F5F5F5", "| c #979695", "1 c #888784", "2 c #8B8A87", "3 c #1A1A1A", "4 c #858582", "5 c #949390", "6 c #858480", "7 c #92918E", "8 c #8F8E8B", "9 c #8E8D8A", "0 c #797773", "a c #7B7975", "b c #81807C", "c c #817F7C", "d c #989796", "e c #807E7B", "f c #8C8B88", "g c #E3CAA5", "h c #F2EADF", "i c #DDCDB4", "j c #8E8E8B", "k c #888785", "l c #EFE4D2", "m c #969694", "n c #9F9F9D", "o c #E6D4B7", "p c #A5967E", "q c #8A8987", "r c #EBDCC4", "s c #878683", "t c #9B9995", "u c #9A9892", "v c #807F7B", "w c #7E7C79", "x c #8E8C88", "y c #8F8E8C", "z c #8D8B88", "A c #B59871", "B c #878581", "C c #8E8B87", "D c #848480", "E c #898785", "F c #8A8886", "G c #7D7B77", "H c #8D8C89", "I c #8B8A86", "J c #918F8B", "K c #989795", "L c #BBA382", "M c #8D8B86", "N c #868480", "O c #8E8C87", "P c #8E8B86", "Q c #8A8985", "R c #807F7A", "S c #8D8A84", "T c #898884", " ", " ", " .+....@@#####$$$%$%&$@ ", " .**************=*-;+%%@ ", " .*>>,>>>>>>,>>>>')!*..;& ", " .*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,)!=@~;{ ", " .*,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,]]%)~+^ ", " .*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>))/>)~+^ ", " .*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(_/>>)~+^ ", " .*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:>/)>>)~+{ ", " @*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><>/]'>>)~;& ", " @*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:>/~][>>)~;$ ", " #*>>>>>>>>>}}|1<<2>:>/33^{{%$@$@ ", " .*>>>>>>>>>4:<<<<<56>)~*-;+@$%{$ ", " #*>>>>>>>>><>|<1<7>8>>)!~=-;+@&{ ", " #*>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>9>>,]!~*-;+${ ", " #*>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>8>>,))~~*-;@^ ", " #*>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>:>(000a!~*-@^ ", " #*>>>>>>>>>1>>>>>>>b2<<<1c]~~*.^ ", " #*>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>,>de<>>>>>>>><>>>>>>,,,''[h]]ii~+^ ", " $*>>jkkkkj><>>>>>,>'''[[hl]]ig;^ ", " $*>>mkkkkjn<>>>>>,,'''h[hl]o!!p^ ", " $*>>jkkkkq><>>>>,'''[)[hhll]i!p^ ", " $*>>>>>>>>><>>>,,'),[hh)llrro!p^ ", " $*>>>>>>>>><>>,,'''h[hhhllrriip^ ", " $*>>>>>>>>><>,'''h[hhlllllrroip^ ", " %*>>>>>>>>><,''''[[hh|>>>>>>>><'''hhh)tu<>>>>>>>,<''['[[hxly<<>>>>>>,,<'hh)hhlxllrrrrrroiA^ ", " %*>>>>>>,''1[[[[hllxlrlrroooooA^ ", " %*>>>>>,,''>>>,'''hDEF<<>>,,'''h)hJ<1>,''[[h[[hllllrlCroroooggogA^ ", " &*>,,''[h[hlhllrlrrCroooooggggA^ ", " &=,''[[[[hlhllllrrrMoqkk1NogggL^ ", " &*''''h)hhlllrrrrrrOPQ