* Allow for multiple notes. A tabbed interface would be really useful,
  since there are no titles for notes. Not all objects would necessarily
  need multiple notes. Determine which ones should and shouldn't.
* Speed up the reading of the database. The python XML routines are not
  as fast as I would like, and it can take a minute or so to read a
  large database. This is way too slow.
* Finish the generic load of revision control interfaces to allow a
  revision control plugin system. Most of the work is already done.
* Disable the save buttons if gramps database is marked read-only. Disable 
  the adding of media objects as well, since this will cause gramps to
  try to create a thumbnail in a readonly database.
* Startup tips.
* Add sequence number to childlist in family view
* Add string substitutions for web page generation (name, report name,
  date, etc).
* Add support for sources of the parent/child relation
* Add support for storing reliability (confidence) of the marriage information; 
  see http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3066997&forum_id=1993 
  and http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3134931&forum_id=1993
  for the details.
* Work out the model and the interface for the completeness of a person,
  see http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3127454&forum_id=1993
  and http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3134932&forum_id=1993
  for the details.
* Presense of Notes for a person/event/whatever_else. RFE 747527 suggested 
  either a column in the People View or something like boldfaces "Notes" 
  tab title. I like the latter because it can be uniformly applied to 
  any notes, not only people's. Not so hard to implement. 
* Replace ListModel with the TreeModel
* Work out BookReport dialog so that resize is not necessary
* Work out name capitalization options
* Make Date parsing locale dependent, like relationship calculator
* And a whole lot more....