""" This module provides a progess dialog for displaying the status of long running operations. """ import gtk class _GtkProgressBar(object): """This is just a structure to hold the visual elements of a progress indicator.""" def __init__(self): self.pbar = None self.label = None self.pbar_max = 0 self.pbar_index = 0.0 self.old_val = -1 class _GtkProgressDialog(gtk.Dialog): """A gtk window to display the status of a long running process.""" def __init__(self, title): gtk.Dialog.__init__(self) self.connect('delete_event', self.warn) self.set_has_separator(False) self.set_title(title) self.set_border_width(12) self.vbox.set_spacing(10) lbl = gtk.Label('%s' % title) lbl.set_use_markup(True) self.vbox.pack_start(lbl) #self.set_size_request(350,125) self.set_resize_mode(gtk.RESIZE_IMMEDIATE) self.show_all() self._progress_bars = [] def add(self,long_op_status): # Create a new progress bar pbar = _GtkProgressBar() pbar.lbl = gtk.Label(long_op_status.get_msg()) pbar.lbl.set_use_markup(True) self.vbox.set_border_width(24) pbar.pbar = gtk.ProgressBar() self.vbox.pack_start(pbar.lbl, expand=False, fill=False) self.vbox.pack_start(pbar.pbar, expand=False, fill=False) if long_op_status.get_msg() == '': pbar.lbl.hide() pbar.pbar_max = (long_op_status.get_total_steps()/ long_op_status.get_interval()) pbar.pbar_index = 0.0 pbar.pbar.set_fraction((float(long_op_status.get_total_steps())/ (float(long_op_status.get_interval())))/ 100.0) pbar.lbl.show() pbar.pbar.show() self.resize_children() self.process_events() self._progress_bars.append(pbar) return len(self._progress_bars)-1 def remove(self, pbar_idx): pbar = self._progress_bars[pbar_idx] self.vbox.remove(pbar.pbar) self.vbox.remove(pbar.lbl) del self._progress_bars[pbar_idx] def step(self, pbar_idx): """Click the progress bar over to the next value. Be paranoid and insure that it doesn't go over 100%.""" pbar = self._progress_bars[pbar_idx] pbar.pbar_index = pbar.pbar_index + 1.0 if pbar.pbar_index > pbar.pbar_max: pbar.pbar_index = pbar.pbar_max try: val = int(100*pbar.pbar_index/pbar.pbar_max) except ZeroDivisionError: val = 0 if val != pbar.old_val: pbar.pbar.set_text("%d%%" % val) pbar.pbar.set_fraction(val/100.0) pbar.old_val = val self.process_events() def process_events(self): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() def show(self): gtk.Dialog.show(self) self.process_events() def hide(self): gtk.Dialog.hide(self) self.process_events() def warn(self): return True def close(self): self.destroy() class _StatusObjectFacade(object): """This provides a simple structure for recording the information needs about a status object.""" def __init__(self, status_obj, heartbeat_cb_id=None, end_cb_id=None): self.status_obj = status_obj self.heartbeat_cb_id = heartbeat_cb_id self.end_cb_id = end_cb_id self.pbar_idx = None self.active = False class ProgressDialog(object): """A dialog for displaying the status of long running operations. It will work with L{GrampsDb.LongOpStatus} objects to track the progress of long running operations. If the operations is going to take longer than I{popup_time} it will pop up a dialog with a progress bar so that the user gets some feedback about what is happening. """ __default_popup_time = 5 # seconds def __init__(self, popup_time = None): self._popup_time = popup_time if self._popup_time == None: self._popup_time = self.__class__.__default_popup_time self._status_stack = [] # list of current status objects self._dlg = None def _get_dlg(self): if self._dlg == None: self._dlg = _GtkProgressDialog("Long running operation.") self._dlg.show() return self._dlg def add_op(self, op_status): facade = _StatusObjectFacade(op_status) self._status_stack.append(facade) idx = len(self._status_stack)-1 # wrap up the op_status object idx into the callback calls def heartbeat_cb(): self._heartbeat(idx) def end_cb(): self._end(idx) facade.heartbeat_cb_id = op_status.connect('op-heartbeat', heartbeat_cb) facade.end_cb_id = op_status.connect('op-end', end_cb) def _heartbeat(self, idx): # check the estimated time to complete to see if we need # to pop up a progress dialog. facade = self._status_stack[idx] if facade.status_obj.estimated_secs_to_complete() > self._popup_time: facade.active = True if facade.active: dlg = self._get_dlg() if facade.pbar_idx == None: facade.pbar_idx = dlg.add(facade.status_obj) dlg.step(facade.pbar_idx) def _end(self, idx): # hide any progress dialog # remove the status object from the stack facade = self._status_stack[idx] if facade.active: dlg = self._get_dlg() if len(self._status_stack) == 1: dlg.hide() dlg.remove(facade.pbar_idx) facade.status_obj.disconnect(facade.heartbeat_cb_id) facade.status_obj.disconnect(facade.end_cb_id) del self._status_stack[idx] if __name__ == '__main__': import time from GrampsDb import LongOpStatus def test(a,b): d = ProgressDialog() s = LongOpStatus("Doing very long operation", 100, 10) d.add_op(s) for i in xrange(0, 99): time.sleep(0.1) if i == 30: t = LongOpStatus("doing a shorter one", 100, 10) d.add_op(t) for j in xrange(0, 99): time.sleep(0.1) t.heartbeat() t.end() if i == 60: t = LongOpStatus("doing another shorter one", 100, 10) d.add_op(t) for j in xrange(0, 99): time.sleep(0.1) t.heartbeat() t.end() s.heartbeat() s.end() w = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) w.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) button = gtk.Button("Test") button.connect("clicked", test, None) w.add(button) button.show() w.show() gtk.main() print 'done'