* Allow for multiple notes. A tabbed interface would be really useful,
  since there are no titles for notes. Not all objects would necessarily
  need multiple notes. Determine which ones should and shouldn't.
* Date calculator.
  See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3252078&forum_id=1993
* Add string substitutions for web page generation (name, report name,
  date, etc).
* Add support for sources of the parent/child relation
* Add support for storing reliability (confidence) of the marriage information; 
  see http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3066997&forum_id=1993 
  and http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3134931&forum_id=1993
  for the details.
* Add autofill feature for City, Church parish, County, State and Country? 
* Move LDS temple info out of const.py and into an XML file
* Enhanced web page generator
* Make the descendant graph adapt to the page size, not stuck with the current
  3 entries per page.
* Add slideshow generation ability to web page generator
* Add parameter definition of Filter Rules to the filter itself, so it can be
  removed from the filter editor and used by PeopleView.
* And a whole lot more....