#! /usr/bin/env python # # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # $Id: check_po,v 2006/04/22 18:30:33 rshura Exp $ import sys import re f = open('gramps.pot') template_total = 0 for line in f.xreadlines(): try: if (line.split()[0] == 'msgid'): template_total += 1 except: pass f.close() NONE = 0 MSGID = 1 MSGSTR = 2 all_total = {} all_fuzzy = {} all_untranslated = {} all_percent_s = {} all_named_s = {} all_bnamed_s = {} all_context = {} all_coverage = {} all_template_coverage = {} def strip_quotes(st): if len(st.strip()) > 2: return st.strip()[1:-1] else: return "" args = sys.argv while len(args) > 1: args = args[1:] f = open(args[0],"r") mode = NONE fuzzy = False fuzzy_count = 0 string_map = {} current_msgid = "" current_msgstr = "" for line in f.xreadlines(): data = line.split(None,1) if mode == NONE: if len(data) > 0 and data[0] == "msgid": mode = MSGID if len(data) > 1: current_msgid = strip_quotes(data[1]) elif (len(data) > 0) and (data[0] == "#,") \ and (data[1] == 'fuzzy\n'): fuzzy = True elif mode == MSGID: if data[0][0] == '"': current_msgid += strip_quotes(line) elif data[0] == "msgstr": mode = MSGSTR if len(data) > 1: current_msgstr = strip_quotes(data[1]) elif mode == MSGSTR: if line == "" or line[0] == "#": mode = NONE if fuzzy: fuzzy = False fuzzy_count += 1 else: string_map[current_msgid] = current_msgstr elif len(data) > 0 and data[0][0] == '"': current_msgstr += strip_quotes(line) f.close() named = re.compile('%\((\w+)\)\d*s') bnamed = re.compile('%\((\w+)\)\d*[^sd]') total = len(string_map) + fuzzy_count untranslated = 0 percent_s = 0 percent_s_list = [] named_s = 0 named_s_list = [] bnamed_s = 0 bnamed_s_list = [] context = 0 context_list = [] for (msgid,msgstr) in string_map.items(): if msgstr == "": untranslated += 1 continue cnt1 = msgid.count('%s') cnt2 = msgstr.count('%s') if cnt1 != cnt2: percent_s += 1 percent_s_list.append(msgid) list1 = named.findall(msgid) list2 = named.findall(msgstr) if len(list1) != len(list2): percent_s += 1 percent_s_list.append(msgid) list1.sort() list2.sort() if list1 != list2: named_s += 1 named_s_list.append(msgid) match = bnamed.match(msgstr) if match: bnamed_s +=1 bnamed_s_list.append(msgstr) has_context1 = (msgid.count('|') > 0) has_context2 = (msgstr.count('|') > 0) if has_context1 and has_context2 and (msgid != msgstr): context += 1 context_list.append(msgid) coverage = (1.0 - (float(untranslated)/float(total))) * 100 template_coverage = coverage * float(total) / float(template_total) print "File: %s" % args[0] print "Template total: %d" % template_total print "PO total: %d" % total all_total[args[0]] = total print "Fuzzy: %d" % fuzzy_count all_fuzzy[args[0]] = fuzzy_count print "Untranslated: %d" % untranslated all_untranslated[args[0]] = untranslated print "%%s mismatches: %d" % percent_s all_percent_s[args[0]] = percent_s print "%%()s mismatches: %d" % named_s all_named_s[args[0]] = named_s print "%%() missing s/d: %d" % bnamed_s all_bnamed_s[args[0]] = bnamed_s print "Runaway context: %d" % context all_context[args[0]] = context print "PO Coverage: %5.2f%%" % coverage all_coverage[args[0]] = coverage print "Template Coverage: %5.2f%%" % template_coverage all_template_coverage[args[0]] = coverage if percent_s: print "\n-------- %s mismatches --------------" for i in percent_s_list: print "'%s' : '%s'" % (i, string_map[i]) if named_s: print "\n-------- %()s mismatches ------------" for i in named_s_list: print "'%s' : '%s'" % (i, string_map[i]) if bnamed_s: print "\n-------- %() missing s or d ---------" for i in bnamed_s_list: print "'%s' : '%s'" % (i, string_map[i]) if context: print "\n-------- Runaway context in translation ---------" for i in context_list: print "'%s' : '%s'" % (i, string_map[i]) print "" if len(sys.argv) > 2: print "\n\nFile \tTotal \tFuzzy \tUntranslated \t%s mismatch \t%()s mismatch \tmissing s/d \tcontext \tCoverage" for pofile in sys.argv[1:]: print "%s \t%5d \t%7d \t%7d \t%7d \t%7d \t%7d \t%7d \t%3.2f%% \t%3.2f%%" %\ (pofile, all_total[pofile], all_fuzzy[pofile], all_untranslated[pofile], all_percent_s[pofile], all_named_s[pofile], all_bnamed_s[pofile], all_context[pofile], all_coverage[pofile], all_template_coverage[pofile] ) f = open("used_strings.txt","w") keys = string_map.keys() keys.sort() for i in keys: f.write(i + "\n") f.close()