0 HEAD 1 CHAR UTF-8 1 SOUR REGISTERED_SOURCE_NAME 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 NOTE UTF-8 transmission test. 2 CONT The transmission does NOT start with a byte order mark (BOM) 2 CONT Each line is terminated using line feed. 2 CONT This GEDCOM transmission contains a charcter set test. It consists 2 CONT of a single family (two parents, many children). The parents are used 2 CONT to test the cyrillic and greek letters. In both 'persons' the 2 CONT BIRT.PLAC tag contains some capital and the DEAT.PLAC tag some 2 CONT small letters of alphabet. 2 CONT The children contain some combined letters and special charcters. 2 CONT The NAME tag of each 'person' is the name of the characters tested 2 CONT within the person. 2 CONT The first children contain some special characters. Here the strings 2 CONT given in BIRT.PLAC and DEAT.PLAC are 'character name (test character), ...' 2 CONT where 'character name'is the name of the character (like 'british pound') 2 CONT and 'test character' is a single byte representing this character 2 CONT in ANSEL. 2 CONT The last children contain some combined characters. The name tag gives 2 CONT the name of the non-spacing character tested within the 'person'. 2 CONT Within the name the hex-values of the non-spacing character is given 2 CONT UNICODE. The DEAT.PLAC tag contains all latin characters which are 2 CONT combined with the non-spacing character tested here and which have 2 CONT a UNICODE code point. The BIRT.PLAC tag contain the same letters 2 CONT without the non-spacing part. 2 CONT Example: One 'person' is named 'ring above'. The BIRT.PLAC 2 CONT tag contains all latin letters which have a UNICODE code point if 2 CONT combined with a ring above. The DEAT.PLAC tag contain the same 2 CONT charcters combined with this ring. 2 CONT Note: Not all charcters can be displayed on all computers. 2 CONT This strongly depends on the installed fonts and codepages. 2 CONT This file based on the following source: 2 CONT www.unicode.org delivered the connection from the code point names 2 CONT to the actual values. Note, that much more UNICODE characters are 2 CONT possible (like the chinese alphabet). 1 SUBM @SUBMITTER@ 1 DATE 20 JAN 1998 0 @SUBMITTER@ SUBM 1 NAME /H. Eichmann/ 1 ADDR email: h.eichmann@@gmx.de 0 @FATHER@ INDI 1 NAME /cyrillic/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1 DEAT 2 PLAC абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя 1 SEX M 1 FAMS @FAMILY@ 0 @MOTHER@ INDI 1 NAME /greek/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ 1 DEAT 2 PLAC αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω 1 SEX F 1 FAMS @FAMILY@ 0 @CHILD0@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME /Special Characters 0/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC capital L with stroke (Ł), capital O with stroke (Ø), capital D with stroke (Đ), capital thorn (Þ) 1 DEAT 2 PLAC capital AE (Æ), capital ligature OE (Œ), modified prime (ʹ), middle dot (·), music flat sign (♭) 0 @CHILD1@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME /Special Characters 1/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC registered sign (®), plus-minus sign (±), capital O with horn (Ơ), capital U with horn (Ư) 1 DEAT 2 PLAC modifier right half ring (ʾ), modifier left half ring (ʿ), small L with stroke (ł), small O with stroke (ø), small D with stroke (đ) 0 @CHILD2@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME /Special Characters 2/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC small thorn (þ), small AE (æ), small ligature OE (œ), modified double prime (ʺ) 1 DEAT 2 PLAC small dotless i (ı), pound sign (£), small eth (ð), small O with horn (ơ), small U with horn (ư) 0 @CHILD3@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME /Special Characters 3/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC degree sign (°), script small L (ℓ), sound recording copyright (℗), copyright sign (©) 1 DEAT 2 PLAC music sharp sign (♯), inverted question mark (¿), inverted exclamation mark (¡), small sharp S (ß) 0 @CHILD4@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0309/HOOK ABOVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEIOU,Yaeio,uy 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ẢẺỈỎỦ,Ỷảẻỉỏ,ủỷ 0 @CHILD5@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0300/GRAVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEIOU,WYaei,ouwy 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÀÈÌÒÙ,ẀỲàèì,òùẁỳ 0 @CHILD6@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0301/ACUTE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC ACEGI,KLMNO,PRSUW,YZace,giklm,noprs,uwyz 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÁĆÉǴÍ,ḰĹḾŃÓ,ṔŔŚÚẂ,ÝŹáćé,ǵíḱĺḿ,ńóṕŕś,úẃýź 0 @CHILD7@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0302/CIRCUMFLEX/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC ACEGH,IJOSU,WYZac,eghij,osuwy,z 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÂĈÊĜĤ,ÎĴÔŜÛ,ŴŶẐâĉ,êĝĥîĵ,ôŝûŵŷ,ẑ 0 @CHILD8@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0303/TILDE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEINO,UVYae,inouv,y 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÃẼĨÑÕ,ŨṼỸãẽ,ĩñõũṽ,ỹ 0 @CHILD9@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0304/MACRON/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEGIO,Uaegi,ou 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ĀĒḠĪŌ,Ūāēḡī,ōū 0 @CHILD10@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0306/BREVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEGIO,Uaegi,ou 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ĂĔĞĬŎ,Ŭăĕğĭ,ŏŭ 0 @CHILD11@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0307/DOT ABOVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC BCDEF,GHIMN,PRSTW,XYZbc,defgh,mnprs,twxyz 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ḂĊḊĖḞ,ĠḢİṀṄ,ṖṘṠṪẆ,ẊẎŻḃċ,ḋėḟġḣ,ṁṅṗṙṡ,ṫẇẋẏż 0 @CHILD12@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0308/DIAERESIS/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEHIO,UWXYa,ehiot,uwxy 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÄËḦÏÖ,ÜẄẌŸä,ëḧïöẗ,üẅẍÿ 0 @CHILD13@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 030C/CARON/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC ACDEG,IKLNO,RSTUZ,acdeg,ijkln,orstu,z 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ǍČĎĚǦ,ǏǨĽŇǑ,ŘŠŤǓŽ,ǎčďěǧ,ǐǰǩľň,ǒřšťǔ,ž 0 @CHILD14@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 030A/RING ABOVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AUauw,y 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÅŮåůẘ,ẙ 0 @CHILD15@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: FE20/LIGATURE LEFT HALF/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD16@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: FE21/LIGATURE RIGHT HALF/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD17@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0315/COMMA ABOVE RIGHT/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD18@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 030B/DOUBLE ACUTE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC OUou 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ŐŰőű 0 @CHILD19@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0310/CANDRABINDU/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD20@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0327/CEDILLA/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC CDGHK,LNRST,cdghk,lnrst 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ÇḐĢḨĶ,ĻŅŖŞŢ,çḑģḩķ,ļņŗşţ 0 @CHILD21@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0328/OGONEK/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC AEIOU,aeiou 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ĄĘĮǪŲ,ąęįǫų 0 @CHILD22@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0323/DOT BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC ABDEH,IKLMN,ORSTU,VWYZa,bdehi,klmno,rstuv,wyz 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ẠḄḌẸḤ,ỊḲḶṂṆ,ỌṚṢṬỤ,ṾẈỴẒạ,ḅḍẹḥị,ḳḷṃṇọ,ṛṣṭụṿ,ẉỵẓ 0 @CHILD23@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0324/DIAERESIS BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC Uu 1 DEAT 2 PLAC Ṳṳ 0 @CHILD24@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0325/RING BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC Aa 1 DEAT 2 PLAC Ḁḁ 0 @CHILD25@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0333/DOUBLE LOW LINE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD26@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0332/LINE BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC BDKLN,RTZbd,hklnr,tz 1 DEAT 2 PLAC ḆḎḴḺṈ,ṞṮẔḇḏ,ẖḵḻṉṟ,ṯẕ 0 @CHILD27@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0326/COMMA BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD28@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 031C/LEFT HALF RING BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD29@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 032E/BREVE BELOW/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC Hh 1 DEAT 2 PLAC Ḫḫ 0 @CHILD30@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: FE22/DOUBLE TILDE LEFT HALF/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD31@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: FE23/DOUBLE TILDE RIGHT HALF/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @CHILD32@ INDI 1 FAMC @FAMILY@ 1 NAME code: 0313/COMMA ABOVE/ 1 BIRT 2 PLAC - none - 1 DEAT 2 PLAC - none - 0 @FAMILY@ FAM 1 HUSB @FATHER@ 1 WIFE @MOTHER@ 1 CHIL @CHILD0@ 1 CHIL @CHILD1@ 1 CHIL @CHILD2@ 1 CHIL @CHILD3@ 1 CHIL @CHILD4@ 1 CHIL @CHILD5@ 1 CHIL @CHILD6@ 1 CHIL @CHILD7@ 1 CHIL @CHILD8@ 1 CHIL @CHILD9@ 1 CHIL @CHILD10@ 1 CHIL @CHILD11@ 1 CHIL @CHILD12@ 1 CHIL @CHILD13@ 1 CHIL @CHILD14@ 1 CHIL @CHILD15@ 1 CHIL @CHILD16@ 1 CHIL @CHILD17@ 1 CHIL @CHILD18@ 1 CHIL @CHILD19@ 1 CHIL @CHILD20@ 1 CHIL @CHILD21@ 1 CHIL @CHILD22@ 1 CHIL @CHILD23@ 1 CHIL @CHILD24@ 1 CHIL @CHILD25@ 1 CHIL @CHILD26@ 1 CHIL @CHILD27@ 1 CHIL @CHILD28@ 1 CHIL @CHILD29@ 1 CHIL @CHILD30@ 1 CHIL @CHILD31@ 1 CHIL @CHILD32@ 0 TRLR