# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2003 Tim Waugh # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import const import Report import BaseDoc import RelLib import Errors import Plugins from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ComprehensiveAncestorsReport # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report): def __init__(self,database,person,max,pgbrk,cite,doc,output,newpage=0): self.map = {} self.database = database self.start = person self.max_generations = max self.pgbrk = pgbrk self.opt_cite = cite self.doc = doc self.sources = [] self.sourcerefs = [] self.newpage = newpage self.RelClass = Plugins.relationship_class self.relationship = self.RelClass(database) table = BaseDoc.TableStyle () table.set_column_widths ([15, 85]) table.set_width (100) doc.add_table_style ("AR-PersonNoSpouse", table) table = BaseDoc.TableStyle () table.set_column_widths ([10, 15, 75]) table.set_width (100) doc.add_table_style ("AR-ChildNoSpouse", table) for nspouse in range (1, 3): table = BaseDoc.TableStyle () table.set_width (100) widths = [15, 100 - 15 * (nspouse + 1)] widths.extend ([15] * nspouse) table.set_column_widths (widths) doc.add_table_style ("AR-PersonWithSpouse%d" % nspouse, table) table = BaseDoc.TableStyle () table.set_width (100) widths = [10, 15, 90 - 15 * (nspouse + 1)] widths.extend ([15] * nspouse) table.set_column_widths (widths) doc.add_table_style ("AR-ChildWithSpouse%d"% nspouse, table) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle () cell.set_padding (1) # each side makes 2cm, the size of the photo doc.add_cell_style ("AR-PaddedCell", cell) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle () cell.set_padding (0.1) cell.set_left_border (1) cell.set_top_border (1) cell.set_right_border (1) cell.set_bottom_border (1) doc.add_cell_style ("AR-NoPhoto", cell) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle () cell.set_padding (0.1) doc.add_cell_style ("AR-Photo", cell) cell = BaseDoc.TableCellStyle () cell.set_padding (0.1) doc.add_cell_style ("AR-Entry", cell) if output: self.standalone = 1 self.doc.open(output) self.doc.init() else: self.standalone = 0 def write_report(self): if self.newpage: self.doc.page_break() self.sources = [] name = self.person_name (self.start.get_handle()) self.doc.start_paragraph("AR-Title") title = _("Ancestors of %s") % name self.doc.write_text(title) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph ("AR-Heading") self.doc.write_text (_("Generation 1")) self.doc.end_paragraph () self.write_paragraphs (self.person (self.start.get_handle(), suppress_children = 1, needs_name = 1)) family_handles = [self.start.get_main_parents_family_handle ()] if len (family_handles) > 0: self.generation (self.max_generations, family_handles, [], [self.start.get_handle()]) if len (self.sources) > 0: self.doc.start_paragraph ("AR-Heading") self.doc.write_text (_("Sources")) self.doc.end_paragraph () i = 1 for source_handle in self.sources: source = self.database.get_source_from_handle(source_handle) self.doc.start_paragraph ("AR-Entry") self.doc.write_text ("[%d] %s" % (i, source.get_title ())) author = source.get_author () pubinfo = source.get_publication_info () extra = author if pubinfo: if extra: extra += ', ' extra += pubinfo if extra: self.doc.write_text ('; %s' % extra) self.doc.end_paragraph () note = source.get_note () format = source.get_note_format () if note: self.doc.write_note (note, format, "AR-Details") i += 1 if self.standalone: self.doc.close() return def write_paragraphs (self, paragraphs): for (fn, params) in paragraphs: if len (params) == 0: fn () elif len (params) == 1: fn (params[0]) elif len (params) == 2: fn (params[0], params[1]) elif len (params) == 3: fn (params[0], params[1], params[2]) elif len (params) == 4: fn (params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) else: self.doc.write_text ("Call to %s with params %s" % (str (fn), str (params))) def family (self, family_handle, already_described): ret = [] family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if not family: return ret father_handle = family.get_father_handle () mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle () father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) if father: ret.extend (self.person (father_handle, short_form = father_handle in already_described, already_described = already_described, needs_name = not mother, from_family = family)) if mother: ret.extend (self.person (mother_handle, short_form = mother_handle in already_described, already_described = already_described, needs_name = not father, from_family = family)) children_ids = family.get_child_handle_list () if len (children_ids): ret.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-ChildTitle'])) ret.append ((self.doc.write_text, [_('Their children:')])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) for child_handle in children_ids: child = self.database.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) ret.extend (self.person (child_handle, suppress_children = 1, short_form=child_handle in already_described, already_described = already_described, needs_name = 1, from_family = family)) return ret def generation (self, generations, pfamily_handles, mfamily_handles, already_described, thisgen = 2): if generations > 1 and (len (pfamily_handles) + len (mfamily_handles)): people = [] for family_handle in pfamily_handles: people.extend (self.family (family_handle, already_described)) if thisgen > 2 and len (mfamily_handles): for self.gp in [self.database.get_family_from_handle(mfamily_handles[0]).get_father_handle (), self.database.get_family_from_handle(mfamily_handles[0]).get_mother_handle ()]: if self.gp: break relstring = self.relationship.get_grandparents_string (self.start, self.database.get_person_from_handle(self.gp))[0] heading = _("%(name)s's maternal %(grandparents)s") % \ { 'name': self.first_name_or_nick (self.start), 'grandparents': relstring } people.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Heading'])) people.append ((self.doc.write_text, [heading])) people.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) for family_handle in mfamily_handles: people.extend (self.family (family_handle, already_described)) if len (people): if self.pgbrk: self.doc.page_break() self.doc.start_paragraph ("AR-Heading") family_handles = pfamily_handles family_handles.extend (mfamily_handles) for self.gp in [self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handles[0]).get_father_handle (), self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handles[0]).get_mother_handle ()]: if self.gp: break relstring = self.relationship.get_grandparents_string (self.start, self.database.get_person_from_handle(self.gp))[0] if thisgen == 2: heading = _("%(name)s's %(parents)s") % \ { 'name': self.first_name_or_nick (self.start), 'parents': relstring } else: heading = _("%(name)s's paternal %(grandparents)s") % \ { 'name': self.first_name_or_nick (self.start), 'grandparents': relstring } self.doc.write_text (heading) self.doc.end_paragraph () self.write_paragraphs (people) next_pfamily_handles = [] next_mfamily_handles = [] for family_handle in family_handles: family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) father_handle = family.get_father_handle () father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) if father: already_described.append (father_handle) father_family_handle = father.get_main_parents_family_handle () father_family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(father_family_handle) if father_family: next_pfamily_handles.append (father_family_handle) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle () mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) if mother: already_described.append (mother_handle) mother_family_handle = mother.get_main_parents_family_handle () mother_family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(mother_family_handle) if mother_family: next_mfamily_handles.append (mother_family_handle) self.generation (generations - 1, next_pfamily_handles, next_mfamily_handles, already_described, thisgen + 1) def person (self, person_handle, suppress_children = 0, short_form = 0, already_described = [], needs_name = 0, from_family = None): ret = [] person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) name = self.person_name (person_handle) if name: photos = person.get_media_list () bits = '' bits += self.short_occupation (person) bits += self.long_born_died (person) if not suppress_children: bits += self.parents_of (person_handle) else: bits += '.' bits += self.married_whom (person, from_family, suppress_children) bits += self.inline_notes (person) longnotes = self.long_notes (person, suppress_children, already_described) if (bits != '.' or longnotes or photos or suppress_children or needs_name): # We have something to say about this person. spouse = [] if from_family: from_family_father = from_family.get_father_handle () from_family_mother = from_family.get_mother_handle () else: from_family_father = from_family_mother = None for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list (): family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) for partner_id in [family.get_father_handle (), family.get_mother_handle ()]: partner = self.database.get_person_from_handle(partner_id) if partner_id == person_handle or not partner: continue if (suppress_children or (partner != from_family_father and partner != from_family_mother)): for media_ref in partner.get_media_list ()[:1]: object_handle = media_ref.get_reference_handle() mobject = self.database.get_object_from_handle(object_handle) if mobject.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image": spouse.append ((self.doc.add_media_object, [mobject.get_path (), 'right', 2, 2])) if suppress_children and len (already_described): style = "AR-Child" else: style = "AR-Person" if len (spouse): style += "WithSpouse%d" % len (spouse) else: style += "NoSpouse" ret.append ((self.doc.start_table, [style, style])) ret.append ((self.doc.start_row, [])) if suppress_children and len (already_described): # Can't do proper formatting with BaseDoc, so cheat. ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-PaddedCell"])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, [])) if len (photos) == 0: ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-NoPhoto"])) ret.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ["AR-NoPhotoText"])) ret.append ((self.doc.write_text, [_("(no photo)")])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, [])) else: ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-Photo"])) for media_ref in photos[:1]: object_handle = media_ref.get_reference_handle() mobject = self.database.get_object_from_handle(object_handle) if mobject.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image": ret.append ((self.doc.add_media_object, [mobject.get_path (), 'left', 2, 2])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, [])) ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-Entry"])) ret.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ["AR-Entry"])) ret.append ((self.doc.write_text, [name])) if short_form: ret.append ((self.doc.write_text, [_(" (mentioned above).")])) else: ret.append ((self.doc.write_text, [bits])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, [])) for s in spouse: ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-Photo"])) ret.append (s) ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, [])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_row, [])) ret.append ((self.doc.end_table, [])) if not short_form: ret.extend (longnotes) return ret def short_occupation (self, person): occupation = '' for event_handle in person.get_event_list (): if not event_handle: continue event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event.get_name () == 'Occupation': if occupation: return '' occupation = event.get_description () if occupation: return ' (%s)' % occupation return '' def event_info (self, event): info = '' name = event.get_name () description = event.get_description () if name != 'Birth' and name != 'Death' and name != 'Marriage': info += const.display_pevent (name) if description: info += ': ' + description description = None dateobj = event.get_date_object () if dateobj: text = dateobj.get_text() if text: info += ' ' + text[0].lower() + text[1:] elif dateobj.get_valid (): if dateobj.is_range (): info += ' ' + dateobj.get_date () elif (dateobj.get_day_valid () and dateobj.get_month_valid () and dateobj.get_year_valid ()): info += _(' on %(specific_date)s') % \ {'specific_date': dateobj.get_date ()} else: info += _(' in %(month_or_year)s') % \ {'month_or_year': dateobj.get_date ()} placename = self.database.get_place_from_handle(event.get_place_handle()).get_title() if placename: info += _(' in %(place)s') % {'place': placename} note = event.get_note () note_format = event.get_note_format () inline_note = note and (note_format == 0) if inline_note or description: info += ' (' if description: info += description if note: if description: info += '; ' info += note info += ')' info += self.cite_sources (event.get_source_references ()) return info def address_info (self, address): info = _('Address:') + ' %s %s %s %s' % (address.get_street (), address.get_city (), address.get_state (), address.get_country ()) info = info.rstrip () date = address.get_date () if date: info += ', ' + date info += self.cite_sources (address.get_source_references ()) return info def abbrev_born_died (self, person): ret = '' birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle () if birth_handle: birth = self.database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle) date = birth.get_date () if date: ret += _(" b. %(date)s") % {'date': date} ret += self.cite_sources (birth.get_source_references ()) death_handle = person.get_death_handle () if death_handle: death = self.database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle) date = death.get_date () if date: ret += _(" d. %(date)s)") % {'date': date} ret += self.cite_sources (death.get_source_references ()) return ret def long_born_died (self, person): ret = '' birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle () if birth_handle: birth = self.database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle) born_info = self.event_info (birth) if born_info: ret = ", " + _("born") + born_info death_handle = person.get_death_handle() if death_handle: death = self.database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle) died_info = self.event_info (death) if died_info: if born_info: ret += '; ' else: ret += ', ' ret += _('died') + died_info return ret def parents_of (self, person_handle): ret = '. ' person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) gender = person.get_gender () family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle () if family_handle: family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) fathername = mothername = None father_handle = family.get_father_handle () if father_handle: #father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) fathername = self.person_name (father_handle) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle () if mother_handle: #mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) mothername = self.person_name (mother_handle) if not mother_handle and not father_handle: pass elif not father_handle: if gender == RelLib.Person.female: ret += _("She is the daughter of %(mother)s.") % \ {'mother': mothername} else: ret += _("He is the son of %(mother)s.") % \ {'mother': mothername} elif not mother_handle: if gender == RelLib.Person.female: ret += _("She is the daughter of %(father)s.") % \ {'father': fathername} else: ret += _("He is the son of %(father)s.") % \ {'father': fathername} else: if gender == RelLib.Person.female: ret += \ _("She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s.")%\ {'father': fathername, 'mother': mothername} else: ret +=_("He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s.") % \ {'father': fathername, 'mother': mothername} return ret def first_name_or_nick (self, person): nickname = person.get_nick_name () if nickname: return nickname name = person.get_primary_name ().get_first_name () return name.split (' ')[0] def title (self, person): name = person.get_primary_name () t = name.get_title () if t: return t gender = person.get_gender () if gender == RelLib.Person.female: if name.get_type () == 'Married Name': return _('Mrs.') return _('Miss') elif gender == RelLib.Person.male: return _('Mr.') else: return _('(gender unknown)') def cite_sources (self, sourcereflist): citation = "" if self.opt_cite: for ref in sourcereflist: if ref in self.sourcerefs: continue self.sourcerefs.append (ref) source_handle = ref.get_base_handle () if source_handle in self.sources: ind = self.sources.index (source_handle) + 1 else: self.sources.append (source_handle) ind = len (self.sources) citation += "[%d" % ind comments = ref.get_comments () if comments and comments.find ('\n') == -1: # Work around rstrip('.') which is not working # with python2.2.1 and earlier #citation += " - %s" % comments.rstrip ('.') comments = comments.rstrip() if comments[-1] == '.': comments = comments[:-1] citation += " - %s" % comments citation += "]" return citation def person_name (self, person_handle): person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) primary = person.get_primary_name () name = primary.get_title () if name: name += ' ' first = primary.get_first_name () last = primary.get_surname () first_replaced = first.replace ('?', '') if first_replaced == '': name += self.title (person) else: name += first nick = person.get_nick_name () if nick: #nick = nick.strip ('"') # Work around strip('"') which is not working # with python2.2.1 and earlier nick = nick.strip() if nick[0] == '"': nick = nick[1:] if nick[-1] == '"': nick = nick[:-1] name += ' ("%s")' % nick if last.replace ('?', '') == '': if first_replaced == '': name += _(' (unknown)') else: name += ' ' + last suffix = primary.get_suffix () if suffix: name += ', ' + suffix type = primary.get_type () if type != 'Birth Name': name += ' (%s)' % const.NameTypesMap.find_value (type) name += self.cite_sources (primary.get_source_references ()) return name def married_whom (self, person, from_family, listing_children = 0): gender = person.get_gender () first_marriage = 1 ret = '' for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list (): family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle () mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) for spouse_id in [family.get_father_handle (), mother_handle]: spouse = self.database.get_person_from_handle(spouse_id) if spouse_id == person.get_handle() or not spouse_id: continue children = '' childlist = family.get_child_handle_list () child_count = len (childlist) if ((listing_children or family != from_family) and child_count > 0): if child_count == 1: children = _(', and they had a child named ') else: children += _(', and they had %d children: ') % \ child_count count = 1 for child_handle in childlist: child = self.database.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) children += self.first_name_or_nick (child) children += self.cite_sources (child.get_primary_name (). get_source_references ()) children += self.abbrev_born_died (child) if child_count - count > 1: children += ', ' elif child_count - count == 1: children += _(' and ') count += 1 for event_handle in family.get_event_list(): if event_handle: event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event.get_name() == "Marriage": marriage = event break else: continue #marriage = family.get_marriage () if not first_marriage: if gender == RelLib.Person.female: ret += _(' She later married %(name)s') % \ {'name': self.person_name (spouse_id)} else: ret += _(' He later married %(name)s') % \ {'name': self.person_name (spouse_id)} if marriage: ret += self.event_info (marriage) ret += children + '.' elif (listing_children or spouse_id == mother_handle or family_handle != from_family.get_handle()): if gender == RelLib.Person.female: ret += _(' She married %(name)s') % \ {'name': self.person_name (spouse_id)} else: ret += _(' He married %(name)s') % \ {'name': self.person_name (spouse_id)} if marriage: ret += self.event_info (marriage) ret += children + '.' first_marriage = 0 return ret def inline_notes (self, person): name_note = person.get_primary_name ().get_note () if not (name_note == '' or name_note.find ('\n') != -1): return _(' Note about their name: ') + name_note note = person.get_note () if not (person.get_note_format () != 0 or note == '' or note.find ('\n') != -1): return ' ' + note return '' def long_details (self, note, paras): para_end = note.find ('\n') if para_end != -1: paras = self.long_details (note[note.find ('\n') + 1:], paras) else: para_end = len (note) paras.insert (0, (self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) paras.insert (0, (self.doc.write_text, [note[:para_end]])) paras.insert (0, (self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Details'])) return paras def long_notes (self, person, suppress_children = 0, already_described = []): note = person.get_note () format = person.get_note_format () if format != 0: paras = [ (self.doc.write_note, [note, format, 'AR-Details']) ] elif note != '' and note.find ('\n') != -1: paras = self.long_details (note, []) else: paras = [] names = person.get_alternate_names () event_handles = person.get_event_list () addresses = person.get_address_list () if (len (event_handles) + len (addresses) + len (names)) > 0: paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-SubEntry'])) paras.append ((self.doc.write_text, [_("More about %(name)s:") % {'name': self.first_name_or_nick (person)}])) paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) for name in names: paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Details'])) paras.append ((self.doc.write_text, [const.NameTypesMap.find_value(name.get_type ()) + ': ' + name.get_regular_name ()])) paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) for event_handle in [person.get_birth_handle (), person.get_death_handle ()]: if not event_handle: continue event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) note = event.get_note () note_format = event.get_note_format () if note and (note_format != 0): paras.append ((self.doc.write_note, [note, format, 'AR-Details'])) for event_handle in event_handles: if not event_handle: continue event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Details'])) paras.append ((self.doc.write_text, [self.event_info (event)])) paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) note = event.get_note () note_format = event.get_note_format () if note and (note_format != 0): paras.append ((self.doc.write_note, [note, format, 'AR-Details'])) for address in addresses: paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Details'])) paras.append ((self.doc.write_text, [self.address_info (address)])) paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, [])) return paras def _make_default_style(default_style): """Make the default output style for the Comprehensive Ancestors report.""" font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=16,bold=1,italic=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(1) para.set_alignment(BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_description(_('The style used for the title of the page.')) default_style.add_style("AR-Title",para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=14,italic=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(2) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_alignment(BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_description(_('The style used for the generation header.')) default_style.add_style("AR-Heading",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(lmargin=1.0,pad=0.25) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_style("AR-Entry",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle () para.set_description(_('Text style for missing photo.')) default_style.add_style("AR-NoPhotoText", para) details_font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() details_font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=8,italic=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(lmargin=2.7,pad=0,font = details_font) para.set_description(_('Style for details about a person.')) default_style.add_style("AR-Details",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(lmargin=2.5,pad=0.25) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) para.set_header_level (4) default_style.add_style("AR-SubEntry",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(pad=0.05) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_style("AR-Endnotes",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(lmargin=1.0,pad=0.05) para.set_description(_('Introduction to the children.')) para.set_header_level (3) default_style.add_style("AR-ChildTitle",para) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReportDialog(Report.TextReportDialog): report_options = {} def __init__(self,database,person): Report.TextReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person,self.report_options) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Customization hooks # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def doc_uses_tables (self): return 1 def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - %s - GRAMPS" % (_("Comprehensive Ancestors Report"), _("Text Reports")) def get_header(self, name): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents""" return _("Ancestors for %s") % name def get_target_browser_title(self): """The title of the window created when the 'browse' button is clicked in the 'Save As' frame.""" return _("Save Ancestor Report") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save styles for this report.""" return "ancestors_report.xml" def make_default_style(self): _make_default_style(self.default_style) def add_user_options (self): self.cb_cite = gtk.CheckButton (_("Cite sources")) self.cb_cite.set_active (gtk.TRUE) self.add_option ('', self.cb_cite) def parse_report_options_frame (self): # Call base class Report.ReportDialog.parse_report_options_frame (self) self.opt_cite = self.cb_cite.get_active () def make_report(self): """Create the object that will produce the Comprehensive Ancestors Report. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: MyReport = ComprehensiveAncestorsReport(self.db, self.person, self.max_gen, self.pg_brk, self.opt_cite, self.doc, self.target_path) MyReport.write_report() except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Standalone report function # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def report(database,person): ComprehensiveAncestorsReportDialog(database,person) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up sane defaults for the book_item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _style_file = "ancestors_report.xml" _style_name = "default" _person_handle = "" _max_gen = 10 _pg_brk = 0 _opt_cite = 1 _options = ( _person_handle, _max_gen, _pg_brk, _opt_cite ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Book Item Options dialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ComprehensiveAncestorsBareReportDialog(Report.BareReportDialog): def __init__(self,database,person,opt,stl): self.options = opt self.db = database if self.options[0]: self.person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(self.options[0]) else: self.person = person self.style_name = stl Report.BareReportDialog.__init__(self,database,self.person) self.max_gen = int(self.options[1]) self.pg_brk = int(self.options[2]) self.opt_cite = int(self.options[3]) self.new_person = None self.generations_spinbox.set_value(self.max_gen) self.pagebreak_checkbox.set_active(self.pg_brk) self.cb_cite.set_active(self.opt_cite) self.window.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Customization hooks # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_default_style(self): _make_default_style(self.default_style) def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - GRAMPS Book" % (_("Comprehensive Ancestors Report")) def get_header(self, name): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents""" return _("Comprehensive Ancestors Report for GRAMPS Book") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save styles for this report.""" return _style_file def add_user_options (self): self.cb_cite = gtk.CheckButton (_("Cite sources")) self.add_option ('', self.cb_cite) def parse_report_options_frame (self): # Call base class Report.BareReportDialog.parse_report_options_frame (self) self.opt_cite = self.cb_cite.get_active () def on_cancel(self, obj): pass def on_ok_clicked(self, obj): """The user is satisfied with the dialog choices. Parse all options and close the window.""" # Preparation self.parse_style_frame() self.parse_report_options_frame() if self.new_person: self.person = self.new_person self.options = ( self.person.get_handle(), self.max_gen, self.pg_brk, self.opt_cite ) self.style_name = self.selected_style.get_name() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Function to write Book Item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_book_item(database,person,doc,options,newpage=0): """Write the Comprehensive Ancestors Report using options set. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: if options[0]: person = database.get_person_from_handle(options[0]) max_gen = int(options[1]) pg_brk = int(options[2]) opt_cite = int(options[3]) return ComprehensiveAncestorsReport(database, person, max_gen, pg_brk, opt_cite, doc, None, newpage) except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plugins.register_report( report, _("Comprehensive Ancestors Report"), category=_("Text Reports"), status=(_("Beta")), description= _("Produces a detailed ancestral report."), author_name="Tim Waugh", author_email="twaugh@redhat.com" ) # (name,category,options_dialog,write_book_item,options,style_name,style_file,make_default_style) Plugins.register_book_item( _("Comprehensive Ancestors Report"), _("Text"), ComprehensiveAncestorsBareReportDialog, write_book_item, _options, _style_name, _style_file, _make_default_style )