Alex Roitman,,,/home/cristina/gramps/master/example/grampsBirthBirth of Warner, Sarah SuzanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Howard LaneBirthBirth of Schultz, JohnDeathDeath of Schultz, JohnBurialBurial of Schultz, JohnBirthBirth of Sanders, HenryDeathDeath of Sanders, HenryBirthBirth of Spencer, AnnDeathDeath of Spencer, AnnBirthBirth of Foster, ThomasDeathDeath of Foster, ThomasBirthBirth of Black, JaneBirthBirth of Abbott, FrancesBirthBirth of Кириллов, ??BirthBirth of Jones, HughBirthBirth of Jones, AnnBirthBirth of Смирнов, EudoBirthBirth of Rios, AgnesBirthBirth of Reeves, JamesDeathDeath of Reeves, JamesBurialBurial of Reeves, JamesBirthBirth of Смирнов, RibaldDeathDeath of Смирнов, RibaldBirthBirth of Gray, BeatrixDeathDeath of Gray, BeatrixBirthBirth of Rodríguez, AgathaDeathDeath of Rodríguez, AgathaBirthBirth of Пономарев, RalphDeathDeath of Пономарев, RalphBirthBirth of Hanson, RobertDeathDeath of Hanson, RobertBirthBirth of Schwartz, HelewisaDeathDeath of Schwartz, HelewisaBirthBirth of Knudsen, RobertDeathDeath of Knudsen, RobertBirthBirth of Copeland, MaryBirthBirth of Knudsen, RanulfDeathDeath of Knudsen, RanulfBirthBirth of Huff, BertramaBirthBirth of Meyer, CatherineDeathDeath of Meyer, CatherineBurialBurial of Meyer, CatherineBirthBirth of Knudsen, RalphDeathDeath of Knudsen, RalphBirthBirth of Walton, Theophania(Tiffany)BirthBirth of Knudsen, RalphDeathDeath of Knudsen, RalphBirthBirth of Huff, IsabelBirthBirth of Knudsen, JohnDeathDeath of Knudsen, JohnBirthBirth of Чернов, MaudBirthBirth of Knudsen, JohnDeathDeath of Knudsen, JohnBirthBirth of Massey, JohnBirthBirth of Мальцев, JoanBirthBirth of Christiansen, JohnDeathDeath of Christiansen, JohnBirthBirth of Klein, Alma KatherineDeathDeath of Klein, Alma KatherineBurialBurial of Klein, Alma KatherineBirthBirth of Gomez, CulthbertBirthBirth of Christiansen, ChristopherDeathDeath of Christiansen, ChristopherBirthBirth of Gomez, Jane JoaneDeathDeath of Gomez, Jane JoaneBirthBirth of Foster, JohnBirthBirth of Ryan, ElizabethBirthBirth of Foster, ThomasDeathDeath of Foster, ThomasBirthBirth of Kozłowski, MargretDeathDeath of Kozłowski, MargretBirthBirth of Foster, JohnDeathDeath of Foster, JohnBirthBirth of Garner, Margaret AnnDeathDeath of Garner, Margaret AnnBirthBirth of Garner, JosephDeathDeath of Garner, JosephBirthBirth of Gibbs, ConnieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Melissa SueLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Martín, Tyler WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Heather JoLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Regina LynneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Jason RichardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Edwards, LucyDeathDeath of Edwards, LucyBurialBurial of Edwards, LucyBirthBirth of Garner, Vanichia ElaineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Michael ChristopherLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Megan AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Díez, William George Jr.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Сергеев, Jon DennisLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Holloway, John(?)DeathDeath of Holloway, John(?)BirthBirth of Garner, Robert W.DeathDeath of Garner, Robert W.BurialBurial of Garner, Robert W.BirthBirth of Сергеев, Adria MariaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Сергеев, Jacqueline DeniseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Сергеев, Joshua DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Allison ReneeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Amy ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hill, Jo LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hill, Leigh AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hill, Sean MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Zieliński, Phoebe EmilyDeathDeath of Zieliński, Phoebe EmilyBurialBurial of Zieliński, Phoebe EmilyBirthBirth of Mullins, Robert?DeathDeath of Mullins, Robert?BurialBurial of Mullins, Robert?BirthBirth of Houston, EllenderDeathDeath of Houston, EllenderBurialBurial of Houston, EllenderBirthBirth of Орлов, Margaret(?)DeathDeath of Орлов, Margaret(?)BirthBirth of Holloway, SarahDeathDeath of Holloway, SarahBirthBirth of Weaver, Steven MatthewBirthBirth of Weaver, Justin MatthewLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Matthews, Nicholas IanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, JenniferMae(Ganoe)LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Willis, Matea ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Poulsen, Cole RandallLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hayes, LeAnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, Madeleine ChristineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of West, Kevin WayneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, JefferyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Nicole LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Phillips, Anita IreneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Willis, Mattea ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Brooks, William WallerDeathDeath of Brooks, William WallerBirthBirth of Васильев, LucyDeathDeath of Васильев, LucyBirthBirth of Brooks, Marquis IVDeathDeath of Brooks, Marquis IVBirthBirth of Marín, Mary AnneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Christopher ArthurLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Guzman, IsabellaDeathDeath of Guzman, IsabellaBirthBirth of Brooks, Guillaume deBirthBirth of Garner, LewisDeathDeath of Garner, LewisBurialBurial of Garner, LewisBirthBirth of Garner, AndersonDeathDeath of Garner, AndersonBurialBurial of Garner, AndersonBirthBirth of Тимофеев, Willoughby M.DeathDeath of Тимофеев, Willoughby M.BurialBurial of Тимофеев, Willoughby M.BirthBirth of Тимофеев, Mary AnnDeathDeath of Тимофеев, Mary AnnBurialBurial of Тимофеев, Mary AnnBirthBirth of Warner, Michael EdwardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Тимофеев, John P.BirthBirth of Тимофеев, Sarah JaneBirthBirth of ТимофеевBirthBirth of Garner, PhebeDeathDeath of Garner, PhebeBirthBirth of Garner, Mary J.DeathDeath of Garner, Mary J.BurialBurial of Garner, Mary J.BirthBirth of Garner, Mary M.DeathDeath of Garner, Mary M.BurialBurial of Garner, Mary M.BirthBirth of Garner, Rebecca CatharineDeathDeath of Garner, Rebecca CatharineBurialBurial of Garner, Rebecca CatharineBirthBirth of Carr, Zelpha JosephineDeathDeath of Carr, Zelpha JosephineBurialBurial of Carr, Zelpha JosephineBirthBirth of Flores, Jamie LeeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Iola Elizabeth BettyDeathDeath of Garner, Iola Elizabeth BettyBurialBurial of Garner, Iola Elizabeth BettyBirthBirth of Garner, Robert F.DeathDeath of Garner, Robert F.BurialBurial of Garner, Robert F.BirthBirth of Garner, Emma A.DeathDeath of Garner, Emma A.BurialBurial of Garner, Emma A.BirthBirth of Garner, AnettaDeathDeath of Garner, AnettaBurialBurial of Garner, AnettaBirthBirth of Garner, AntoinetteDeathDeath of Garner, AntoinetteBirthBirth of Rhodes, CatherineDeathDeath of Rhodes, CatherineBirthBirth of Warner, Melissa LeeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, EdwardDeathDeath of Reed, EdwardBirthBirth of Reed, EllenBirthBirth of Reed, SarahBirthBirth of Reed, CatherineDeathDeath of Reed, CatherineBirthBirth of Reed, PatrickDeathDeath of Reed, PatrickDeathDeath of 伊藤, MaryBirthBirth of Казанцев, KatherineDeathDeath of Казанцев, KatherineBirthBirth of Gosselin, Martin KellyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Bernier, MargaretBirthBirth of Kowalski, HannahDeathDeath of Kowalski, HannahBirthBirth of Kowalski, JohnDeathDeath of Kowalski, JohnBirthBirth of Wells, AliceDeathDeath of Wells, AliceBirthBirth of Kowalski, ThomasBirthBirth of Santos, AliceBirthBirth of Ramos, JohnBirthBirth of Gosselin, David MartinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Curtis, MargaretBirthBirth of Gibbs, MargaretBirthBirth of Molina, RobertBirthBirth of Guerrero, RobertBirthBirth of Guerrero, RobertBirthBirth of Guerrero, WalterBirthBirth of Guerrero, WalterBirthBirth of Gosselin, Joel ThomasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Vaughn, Mary MeriwetherDeathDeath of Vaughn, Mary MeriwetherBirthBirth of Murray, SusannahBirthBirth of Mazur, ElizabethDeathDeath of Mazur, ElizabethBirthBirth of Mazur, WilliamBirthBirth of Crawford, MargaretDeathDeath of Crawford, MargaretBirthBirth of Reynolds, JohnDeathDeath of Reynolds, JohnBirthBirth of Ковалев, SarahDeathDeath of Ковалев, SarahBirthBirth of Goodman, RalphBurialBurial of Goodman, RalphBirthBirth of Gosselin, Andrea LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Powell, MarthaBurialBurial of Powell, MarthaBirthBirth of Reynolds, JohnBirthBirth of Stevens, ElizabethBirthBirth of Murray, NicholasBirthBirth of Дмитриев, WilliamDeathDeath of Дмитриев, WilliamBirthBirth of Дмитриев, CharlesDeathDeath of Дмитриев, CharlesBirthBirth of Дмитриев, MaryBirthBirth of Hale, Lawrence PaulLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Дмитриев, LucyBirthBirth of Дмитриев, IsaacDeathDeath of Дмитриев, IsaacBirthBirth of Дмитриев, LazarusDeathDeath of Дмитриев, LazarusBirthBirth of Дмитриев, JamesDeathDeath of Дмитриев, JamesBirthBirth of Bishop, QuirinusDeathDeath of Bishop, QuirinusBirthBirth of Simmons, MariaBirthBirth of Hale, Joseph BrendanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Swanson, WilliamDeathDeath of Swanson, WilliamBirthBirth of Swanson, RichardDeathDeath of Swanson, RichardBirthBirth of Warner, Arthur MauriceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hale, Michael PatrickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Diaz, William (Rev.)DeathDeath of Diaz, William (Rev.)DeathDeath of Diaz, JohnBirthBirth of Hale, Gina MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hale, Jeffrey BrianLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, SallieBirthBirth of Webb, MaryBirthBirth of Webb, MaryBirthBirth of Webb, William JohnDeathDeath of Webb, William JohnBirthBirth of George, ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Sarah MargariteBirthBirth of Webb, Charles Leroy BoydBirthBirth of Webb, John McCreaBirthBirth of Webb, James McPheetersBirthBirth of Webb, Newton KitridgeDeathDeath of Webb, Newton KitridgeBurialBurial of Webb, Newton KitridgeBirthBirth of Макаров, JosephBirthBirth of Webb, James MarshallDeathDeath of Webb, James MarshallBurialBurial of Webb, James MarshallBirthBirth of Garner, Stephen GerardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Charles EdwardBirthBirth of Ballard, Judith EllenDeathDeath of Ballard, Judith EllenBirthBirth of Webb, William HermanDeathDeath of Webb, William HermanBirthBirth of Webb, Noble A.DeathDeath of Webb, Noble A.BirthBirth of Garner, Daniel PatrickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, unnamed girlDeathDeath of Warner, unnamed girlBirthBirth of Warner, Michael WarrenDeathDeath of Warner, Michael WarrenBirthBirth of Warner, David LutherLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Farmer, JacobBirthBirth of Морозов, Mary ElizabethBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann SimonBirthBirth of Григорьев, Anna MariaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann MichaelBirthBirth of López, Anna ElisabethBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann SimonBirthBirth of Warner, Donald LouisDeathDeath of Warner, Donald LouisBirthBirth of Holland, Anna MargarethaBirthBirth of Farmer, SimonDeathDeath of Farmer, SimonBirthBirth of Баранов, SusanBirthBirth of Farmer, CarolineBirthBirth of Farmer, MagdalenaBirthBirth of Farmer, ValentineDeathDeath of Farmer, ValentineBirthBirth of Warner, Robert EugeneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bradley, MaryBirthBirth of Farmer, SusannaBirthBirth of Taylor, JacobBirthBirth of Farmer, Anna MarieBirthBirth of Farmer, Peter SimonDeathDeath of Farmer, Peter SimonBirthBirth of Farmer, ElizabethBirthBirth of Warner, Fred LorenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Richard KennethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Farmer, EvaDeathDeath of Farmer, EvaBirthBirth of Farmer, CatharineBirthBirth of Farmer, MichaelBirthBirth of Dubé, ElizabethBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann AdamBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann ValentinBirthBirth of Morgan, Elisabeth MargarethaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann FranciskusDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Johann FranciskusBirthBirth of Walker, Andrew VincentLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Barnett, Anna GertrudeBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna MariaDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna MariaBirthBirth of Hicks, Anna EvaDeathDeath of Hicks, Anna EvaBirthBirth of Frazier, Johann AdamBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna MargarethaDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna MargarethaBirthBirth of Frazier, Johann WalterBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna ElisabethDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna ElisabethBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann ValentinDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Johann ValentinBirthBirth of Frazier, Maria MargarethaBirthBirth of Lessard, Dorothy LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna CatharinaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna MariaDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna MariaBirthBirth of Hardy, JakobBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann AdamDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Johann AdamBirthBirth of Michaud, Anna EvaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann TheobaldDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Johann TheobaldBirthBirth of Sutton, Anna MariaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna OttiliaDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna OttiliaBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna EvaDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Anna EvaBirthBirth of Lessard, Mary AliceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Michaud, ValentinBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Anna MargarethaBirthBirth of Александров, Johann AdamBirthBirth of Beaulieu, Johann SimonDeathDeath of Beaulieu, Johann SimonBirthBirth of Александров, Anna MargarethaDeathDeath of Александров, Anna MargarethaBirthBirth of Garner, Alecia "Allie" ClareLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lessard, Emma JaneDeathDeath of Lessard, Emma JaneBirthBirth of Marín, Elizabeth ThereseDeathDeath of Marín, Elizabeth ThereseBurialBurial of Marín, Elizabeth ThereseBirthBirth of Jiménez, Amanda E.DeathDeath of Jiménez, Amanda E.BurialBurial of Jiménez, Amanda E.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Nathan M.DeathDeath of Jiménez, Nathan M.BurialBurial of Jiménez, Nathan M.BirthBirth of Jiménez, James T.DeathDeath of Jiménez, James T.BurialBurial of Jiménez, James T.BirthBirth of Jiménez, John T. L.DeathDeath of Jiménez, John T. L.BurialBurial of Jiménez, John T. L.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Mary C.DeathDeath of Jiménez, Mary C.BurialBurial of Jiménez, Mary C.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Nancy E.BirthBirth of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, Richard? CorneliusBirthBirth of Jiménez, LucindaBirthBirth of Domínguez, ZoradaBirthBirth of Lévesque, James W.DeathDeath of Lévesque, James W.BirthBirth of Lessard, IzoraDeathDeath of Lessard, IzoraBirthBirth of Boyd, Charles NewtonDeathDeath of Boyd, Charles NewtonBirthBirth of Lévesque, OliveBirthBirth of Lévesque, JennieBirthBirth of Lévesque, WilmaBirthBirth of Garner, John RogerLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lévesque, ElsieBirthBirth of Lévesque, MaryBirthBirth of Lévesque, John C.BirthBirth of Lévesque, ClarenceBirthBirth of Lévesque, HowardBirthBirth of Jiménez, Sarah M.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Mary C.BirthBirth of Warner, Julia AngelineDeathDeath of Warner, Julia AngelineBurialBurial of Warner, Julia AngelineBirthBirth of Jiménez, Armand E.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Tolbert A.BirthBirth of Jiménez, Lincoln F.BirthBirth of Jiménez, PhilipBirthBirth of Jiménez, George H.BirthBirth of Domínguez, MahalaBirthBirth of Page, ElizabethDeathDeath of Page, ElizabethBirthBirth of Neal, JamesBirthBirth of Neal, AndrewBirthBirth of Neal, BelleDeathDeath of Neal, BelleBirthBirth of Warner, Mary Grace ElizabethDeathDeath of Warner, Mary Grace ElizabethBurialBurial of Warner, Mary Grace ElizabethBirthBirth of Neal, JamesBirthBirth of Neal, JohnDeathDeath of Neal, JohnBirthBirth of Neal, MargaretBirthBirth of Neal, MatildaDeathDeath of Neal, MatildaBirthBirth of Waters, WilliamDeathDeath of Waters, WilliamBurialBurial of Waters, WilliamBirthBirth of Neal, DavidBirthBirth of Page, RobertDeathDeath of Page, RobertBirthBirth of Page, MargaretDeathDeath of Page, MargaretBurialBurial of Page, MargaretBirthBirth of Marín, Joseph WilliamDeathDeath of Marín, Joseph WilliamBurialBurial of Marín, Joseph WilliamBirthBirth of Jankowski, GeorgeDeathDeath of Jankowski, GeorgeBurialBurial of Jankowski, GeorgeBirthBirth of Jankowski, RobertDeathDeath of Jankowski, RobertBurialBurial of Jankowski, RobertBirthBirth of Jankowski, SarahDeathDeath of Jankowski, SarahBirthBirth of Sanz, JohnDeathDeath of Sanz, JohnBirthBirth of Jankowski, WillieDeathDeath of Jankowski, WillieBirthBirth of Jankowski, JohnDeathDeath of Jankowski, JohnBurialBurial of Jankowski, JohnBirthBirth of Jankowski, Isabella BelleDeathDeath of Jankowski, Isabella BelleBirthBirth of Jankowski, George Jr.DeathDeath of Jankowski, George Jr.BurialBurial of Jankowski, George Jr.BirthBirth of Jankowski, MatildaDeathDeath of Jankowski, MatildaBirthBirth of Warner, Marcia JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Osborne, Dwight BillingtonLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jankowski, DavidDeathDeath of Jankowski, DavidBurialBurial of Jankowski, DavidBirthBirth of Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie"DeathDeath of Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie"BirthBirth of Черкашин, ThomasDeathDeath of Черкашин, ThomasBirthBirth of Jankowski, MinnieDeathDeath of Jankowski, MinnieBirthBirth of Page, John JamesDeathDeath of Page, John JamesBurialBurial of Page, John JamesBirthBirth of Mcdaniel, MargaretBirthBirth of Adkins, MinnieBirthBirth of Page, FerneDeathDeath of Page, Robert FrancisBirthBirth of Page, FlorenceDeathDeath of Page, FlorenceBirthBirth of Page, George Kenneth (Red)DeathDeath of Page, George Kenneth (Red)BurialBurial of Page, George Kenneth (Red)BirthBirth of Page, Everett Glenn (Ezra)BirthBirth of Page, MildredBirthBirth of Page, MaudeDeathDeath of Page, MaudeBurialBurial of Page, MaudeBirthBirth of Pearson, Eileen RuthLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, AnnaBirthBirth of Cross, ThomasBirthBirth of Cross, Alta M.DeathDeath of Cross, Alta M.BurialBurial of Cross, Alta M.DeathDeath of Peters, Frank O.BirthBirth of Cross, Ralph (Scotty)BirthBirth of Cross, Loraine (Fanny)BirthBirth of Cross, EvelynBirthBirth of Мельников, MarylouLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cross, LouiseBirthBirth of Cross, JohnBirthBirth of Cross, GertrudeDeathDeath of Cross, GertrudeBurialBurial of Cross, GertrudeBirthBirth of Armstrong, Teddy C.DeathDeath of Armstrong, Teddy C.BirthBirth of Page, MaryDeathDeath of Page, MaryBirthBirth of Page, RebeccaDeathDeath of Page, RebeccaBirthBirth of Page, BelleDeathDeath of Page, BelleDeathDeath of MorinBirthBirth of Page, MatildaDeathDeath of Page, MatildaDeathDeath of Moss, ChristyBirthBirth of Barber, Mary ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Waters, CecilDeathDeath of Waters, CecilBirthBirth of Waters, Cecil GlennLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Robbins, Merida LoreneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Schneider, Belle IreneDeathDeath of Schneider, Belle IreneBirthBirth of Neal, Helen M.BirthBirth of Bélanger, DonaldBirthBirth of Bélanger, Amy JoLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, Jacob W.DeathDeath of Alvarado, Jacob W.BirthBirth of Alvarado, JohnBirthBirth of Alvarado, ElizaBirthBirth of Alvarado, FranklinBirthBirth of Alvarado, WilliamBirthBirth of Alvarado, Thomas C.BirthBirth of Черных, Mary HelenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, MarshallBirthBirth of Alvarado, JamesDeathDeath of Alvarado, JamesBirthBirth of Douglas, WilliamDeathDeath of Douglas, WilliamBirthBirth of Douglas, Eliza JaneDeathDeath of Douglas, Eliza JaneBirthBirth of Douglas, CharlesBirthBirth of Douglas, JacobBirthBirth of Douglas, WilliamBirthBirth of Douglas, FrankBirthBirth of Warner, Michael LouisLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Douglas, ArthurBirthBirth of Alvarado, CharlesDeathDeath of Alvarado, CharlesBirthBirth of Alvarado, MarshaDeathDeath of Alvarado, MarshaBirthBirth of Douglas, ElizabethBirthBirth of Warner, Betty LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gauthier, JuliusBirthBirth of Douglas, JacobDeathDeath of Douglas, JacobBirthBirth of Douglas, CatherineBirthBirth of Douglas, AlfredDeathDeath of Douglas, AlfredBirthBirth of Douglas, EllenBirthBirth of Douglas, Lucinda J.BirthBirth of Douglas, SamuelBirthBirth of Douglas, SusanBirthBirth of Douglas, JohnDeathDeath of Douglas, JohnBirthBirth of Parent, MontgomeryBirthBirth of Garner, Barry JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, John WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Beverly AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Rogers, BarbaraDeathDeath of Rogers, BarbaraBirthBirth of Павлов, ThomasBirthBirth of Павлов, CalvinDeathDeath of Larson, Christena WisemanBurialBurial of Larson, Christena WisemanBirthBirth of Warner, David WarrenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Harold LowellLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of James, RobertBirthBirth of James, WilliamBirthBirth of James, MaryBirthBirth of James, MarthaBirthBirth of James, JaneBirthBirth of James, JohnBirthBirth of Warner, Martha EllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of JamesBirthBirth of James, Hugh Jr.DeathDeath of James, Hugh Jr.BirthBirth of James, MollyBirthBirth of James, JosephDeathDeath of James, JosephBirthBirth of James, ThomasBirthBirth of James, IsaacBirthBirth of James, Walter CrockettBirthBirth of Warner, Margaret RuthLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Nancy ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Sarah JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Mary ChristineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Benson, Thomas StewartBirthBirth of Benson, JohnBirthBirth of Benson, James EdwinBirthBirth of Benson, Jason SpotswoodBirthBirth of Benson, ElizabethBirthBirth of Benson, Martha EllenBirthBirth of Benson, JamesBirthBirth of Benson, Robert WatkinsBirthBirth of Warner, Stephanie SueLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Benson, Louise DeSoixBirthBirth of Benson, Mary FrancesBirthBirth of Benson, ElizabethBirthBirth of 山本, Gabriel GustavDeathDeath of Benson, RobertBirthBirth of Benson, Samuel Sr.BirthBirth of Garner, Anne ThereseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Stephen PaulLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, Polly MaryBirthBirth of Jiménez, ElizabethDeathDeath of Jiménez, ElizabethBirthBirth of Warner, Stuart BogarteLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, AndrewBirthBirth of Jiménez, JohnDeathDeath of Jiménez, JohnBirthBirth of Jiménez, SarahBirthBirth of Jiménez, RebeccaBirthBirth of Warner, Stanley LouisLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, CorneliusDeathDeath of Jiménez, CorneliusBirthBirth of Blair, JaneDeathDeath of Blair, JaneBirthBirth of Hébert, Mr.BirthBirth of Moss, FredBirthBirth of Moss, ThomasBirthBirth of Moss, HenryBirthBirth of Moss, MaryBirthBirth of Moss, FlorenceBirthBirth of Moss, MattieBirthBirth of Page, MargaretBirthBirth of Walker, Sharon LynetteLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, MatildaBirthBirth of Page, JohnDeathDeath of Nowak, John H.DeathDeath of Егоров, Dr. Charles J.BirthBirth of Page, DavidDeathDeath of Page, DavidBirthBirth of Warner, Thomas FrederickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Черкашин, LouisDeathDeath of Page, Richard C.BirthBirth of Floyd, NancyDeathDeath of Floyd, NancyBirthBirth of Warner, Shirley KayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Waters, EdithBirthBirth of Waters, NellieBirthBirth of Waters, LolaBirthBirth of Waters, WilliamBirthBirth of Waters, EverettBirthBirth of Warner, Robert DouglasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Kenneth FritzLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Brandon KellyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Joseph LeRoyBirthBirth of Webb, Lucinda E.BirthBirth of Delgado, CatherineBirthBirth of Serrano, ArchibaldDeathDeath of Serrano, ArchibaldBurialBurial of Serrano, ArchibaldBirthBirth of Serrano, JosephDeathDeath of Serrano, JosephBurialBurial of Serrano, JosephBirthBirth of Serrano, JosephBirthBirth of Данилов, Kathryn LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Quinn, AbrahamDeathDeath of Quinn, AbrahamBirthBirth of Quinn, Elizabeth MariumDeathDeath of Quinn, Elizabeth MariumBirthBirth of Serrano, AbrahamDeathDeath of Blanco, HenryBirthBirth of Данилов, Elaine SuzanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Johansen, JohnDeathDeath of Johansen, JohnBirthBirth of Blanco, SamuelDeathDeath of Blanco, SamuelBirthBirth of Blanco, DanielDeathDeath of Blanco, DanielBirthBirth of Serrano, CarrieBirthBirth of Serrano, DotBirthBirth of Данилов, Darrell EdwinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Ernest ArlingtonDeathDeath of Webb, Ernest ArlingtonBirthBirth of Webb, JamesBirthBirth of Webb, David FestusDeathDeath of Webb, David FestusBirthBirth of Webb, James LeslieDeathDeath of Webb, James LeslieBirthBirth of Garner, Gerard StephenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Данилов, Barbara JoanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Michael ChristieDeathDeath of Webb, Michael ChristieBirthBirth of Webb, Anna MabelDeathDeath of Webb, Anna MabelBirthBirth of Webb, Mary RuthDeathDeath of Webb, Mary RuthBirthBirth of Webb, Harry NobleDeathDeath of Webb, Harry NobleBirthBirth of Webb, Frances MaeDeathDeath of Webb, Frances MaeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Данилов, Lucinda ElinorLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Rodriquez, JohnBirthBirth of Поляков, EveDeathDeath of Поляков, EveBirthBirth of Rodriquez, William FrederickBirthBirth of Rodriquez, JohnBirthBirth of Rodriquez, AlvinBirthBirth of Rodriquez, Elizabeth JaneBirthBirth of Rodriquez, William M.BirthBirth of Rodriquez, Barbara AnnDeathDeath of Rodriquez, Barbara AnnBirthBirth of Rodriquez, OmaBirthBirth of Rodriquez, Mary AnnBirthBirth of Osborne, Paul DanielLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Rodriquez, Maria LouisaBirthBirth of Rodriquez, Michael MordicaBirthBirth of Rodriquez, PeterBirthBirth of Rodriquez, MaryBirthBirth of Rodriquez, MordicaDeathDeath of Rodriquez, MordicaBirthBirth of Казаков, JaneDeathDeath of Казаков, JaneBirthBirth of Воронов, KatherineBirthBirth of Rodriquez, CharlesBirthBirth of Rodriquez, JamesBirthBirth of Osborne, Julia MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Rodriquez, RichardBirthBirth of Rodriquez, MargaretBirthBirth of Rodriquez, ThomasBirthBirth of Rodriquez, ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of LessardBirthBirth of Boucher, Mary JosephineBirthBirth of Pelletier, JosephineDeathDeath of Pelletier, JosephineBirthBirth of Boucher, PatrickDeathDeath of Dennis, SusanBirthBirth of Bush, JamesBirthBirth of Bush, PatrickBirthBirth of Boucher, Michael ShannonBirthBirth of Garner, Francis WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, Bishop PatrickBirthBirth of Hamilton, JohnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Richard EugeneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Brady, RoisinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Caldwell, ColmLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Caldwell, NiallLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Caldwell, FerglLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Michael StanleyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hart, RaymondLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, TonyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Noah StuartLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Barbara JoLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Fernandez, MichaelBirthBirth of McCoy, Thomas MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Howell, MaryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of McCoy, Celine BridgetLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Stokes, GabrielLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Stokes, Liam MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of McCoy, Canice OliverLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of McCoy, PaulaDeathDeath of McCoy, PaulaBirthBirth of Obrien, Kieran ThomasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, David WalterLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Kathryn MaryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of McCoy, Orla SarahLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of McCoy, FrancisDeathDeath of McCoy, FrancisBirthBirth of Reed, SarahDeathDeath of Reed, SarahBirthBirth of Reed, MatthewDeathDeath of Reed, MatthewDeathDeath of Gibbs, MaryDeathDeath of Reed, MichaelBirthBirth of Reed, PeterDeathDeath of Reed, PeterDeathDeath of Кузнецов, HanoraBirthBirth of Reed, TerrenceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, JoanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Peter GeorgeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, PeggyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, CarmelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, NoreenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of DuncanBirthBirth of Duncan, MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, BernadetteLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Reed, PatrickBurialBurial of Reed, PatrickBirthBirth of Reed, AnastasiaBirthBirth of Reed, CatherineDeathDeath of Reed, CatherineBirthBirth of Garner, Louella MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, JaneDeathDeath of Reed, JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, HannahLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, CeciliaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Gibbs, ElizabethBirthBirth of Reed, Peter James?BirthBirth of Reed, OwenBirthBirth of Reed, Bridget AnnDeathDeath of Reed, Bridget AnnBirthBirth of Reed, NorahLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, TerenceBirthBirth of Garner, Mark GerardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, PeterBirthBirth of Reed, MaryBirthBirth of ReedBirthBirth of Reed, Terrence (TyNed)DeathDeath of Reed, Terrence (TyNed)BirthBirth of Reed, MichaelBirthBirth of Garner, John JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Reed, JennyBirthBirth of Reed, MinnieBirthBirth of Reed, KateBirthBirth of Reed, MichaelDeathDeath of Reed, MichaelBirthBirth of Lessard, Ralph RaymondDeathDeath of Lessard, Ralph RaymondLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Gibbs, JennieBirthBirth of Reed, MichaelDeathDeath of LoveBirthBirth of Lessard, Susanna MarieDeathDeath of Lessard, Susanna MarieBirthBirth of Payne, FieldingBirthBirth of Payne, WinifredBirthBirth of Lessard, Helen BelleDeathDeath of Lessard, Helen BelleBirthBirth of Payne, JamesBirthBirth of Дмитриев, GeorgeDeathDeath of Дмитриев, GeorgeBirthBirth of Garner, Thomas JamesLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lessard, Laura EloiseDeathDeath of Lessard, Laura EloiseBirthBirth of Diaz, JamesDeathDeath of Diaz, JamesBurialBurial of Diaz, JamesBirthBirth of Дмитриев, TravisDeathDeath of Дмитриев, TravisBirthBirth of Payne, ElizabethDeathDeath of Payne, ElizabethBirthBirth of Дмитриев, WilliamDeathDeath of Дмитриев, WilliamBirthBirth of Wood, PollyDeathDeath of Wood, PollyBirthBirth of Webb, Lucy MabelDeathDeath of Webb, Lucy MabelBurialBurial of Webb, Lucy MabelBirthBirth of Дмитриев, Margaret JaneDeathDeath of Дмитриев, Margaret JaneBirthBirth of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr.DeathDeath of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr.BirthBirth of Woods, Mary PollyDeathDeath of Woods, Mary PollyBirthBirth of Diaz, Mary PollyDeathDeath of Diaz, Mary PollyBirthBirth of Doyle, Robert GoveBirthBirth of Webb, John RaymondDeathDeath of Webb, John RaymondBurialBurial of Webb, John RaymondBirthBirth of Osborne, Madeline KathleenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Lewis I.DeathDeath of Webb, Lewis I.BurialBurial of Webb, Lewis I.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Reeves, AnnDeathDeath of Gagné, ThomasDeathDeath of Reeves, CatherineBirthBirth of Page, Andrew VincentDeathDeath of Page, Andrew VincentBurialBurial of Page, Andrew VincentBirthBirth of Ryan, ElizabethDeathDeath of Ryan, ElizabethBirthBirth of Foster, DavidBirthBirth of Warner, GeorgeDeathDeath of Warner, GeorgeBirthBirth of Warner, MaryBirthBirth of Dixon, ThomasBirthBirth of Warner, HannahBirthBirth of Warner, DanielBirthBirth of Higgins, CharityBirthBirth of Page, Eleanor MaudeDeathDeath of Page, Eleanor MaudeBurialBurial of Page, Eleanor MaudeBirthBirth of Warner, ElizabethBirthBirth of Лебедев, TrustumBirthBirth of Warner, GeorgeBirthBirth of Nichols, ElizabethDeathDeath of Nichols, ElizabethBirthBirth of Warner, JohnathonDeathDeath of Warner, JohnathonBirthBirth of Montgomery, MaryBirthBirth of Page, Edith MaeDeathDeath of Page, Edith MaeBurialBurial of Page, Edith MaeBirthBirth of Ball, Robert LeeBirthBirth of Ball, Maude WaldonBurialBurial of Ball, Maude WaldonBirthBirth of Ball, Katie E.DeathDeath of Ball, Katie E.BirthBirth of Ball, Lucy A.BirthBirth of Ball, Ida B.BirthBirth of Ball, MargaretBirthBirth of Ball, JaneBirthBirth of Ball, MarthaDeathDeath of Snyder, Ann LouisaBirthBirth of Osborne, Anita JuneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ball, MatthiasBirthBirth of Gill, AveryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Morris, RolandBirthBirth of Morris, CarlisleDeathDeath of Marín, FrankBurialBurial of Marín, FrankBirthBirth of Morris, CyrusBirthBirth of Morris, RobertBirthBirth of Morris, MarthaBirthBirth of Morris, MaryBirthBirth of Morris, JohnBirthBirth of Marín, Frances CoppageDeathDeath of Marín, Frances CoppageBurialBurial of Marín, Frances CoppageBirthBirth of Nadeau, John FranklinBirthBirth of Marín, AlbertDeathDeath of Marín, AlbertBurialBurial of Marín, AlbertBirthBirth of Munoz, Moses Romulus?BirthBirth of Munoz, RobertBirthBirth of Munoz, Willis E.BirthBirth of Norris, WilliamBirthBirth of Allen, MaryBirthBirth of Allen, EnosDeathDeath of Allen, EnosBirthBirth of Allen, SarahDeathDeath of Allen, SarahBirthBirth of Allen, JohnDeathDeath of Allen, JohnBirthBirth of Warner, James JeffreyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Martin BogarteDeathDeath of Warner, Martin BogarteBurialBurial of Warner, Martin BogarteBirthBirth of Marín, Thomas WillisDeathDeath of Marín, Thomas WillisBurialBurial of Marín, Thomas WillisBirthBirth of Новиков, SarahBirthBirth of Allen, AbigailBirthBirth of Allen, JosephBirthBirth of Allen, JobBirthBirth of Allen, RachelDeathDeath of Allen, RachelDeathDeath of Marín, WilburBurialBurial of Marín, WilburBirthBirth of Allen, LydiaBirthBirth of Allen, BenjaminDeathDeath of Allen, BenjaminBirthBirth of Allen, LediahDeathDeath of Allen, LediahBirthBirth of Norris, ElizabethDeathDeath of Norris, ElizabethBurialBurial of Norris, ElizabethBirthBirth of Allen, JonathanDeathDeath of Allen, JonathanBirthBirth of Allen, GershomDeathDeath of Allen, GershomBirthBirth of Marín, Lilla EstellaDeathDeath of Marín, Lilla EstellaBirthBirth of Boyd, Carmen AlbertaDeathDeath of Boyd, Carmen AlbertaBirthBirth of Boyd, Lauretta EstherBirthBirth of Jones, Martha ElizabethBirthBirth of Gutiérrez, Walter HarmonBirthBirth of Gutiérrez, Virginia ElizabethBirthBirth of Gutiérrez, Dorothy JeanBirthBirth of Gutiérrez, Joan ArleneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hawkins, William MelvinDeathDeath of Hawkins, William MelvinBurialBurial of Hawkins, William MelvinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Thornton, Arthur OttoLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Andrew JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Moreno, Thomas H.BirthBirth of Moreno, Joseph McDowellDeathDeath of Moreno, Joseph McDowellBirthBirth of Thornton, James ArthurDeathDeath of Thornton, James ArthurBurialBurial of Thornton, James ArthurBirthBirth of Moreno, DariusBirthBirth of Moreno, Green P.BirthBirth of Moreno, DelilahDeathDeath of Moreno, DelilahBirthBirth of Andersen, SamuelDeathDeath of Andersen, SamuelBirthBirth of Moreno, Mary H.BirthBirth of Moreno, Cyrus W.BirthBirth of Thornton, Dorothy EleanorLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Moreno, MinervaBirthBirth of Moreno, SolonBirthBirth of Lane, Joseph RobertDeathDeath of Lane, Joseph RobertBurialBurial of Lane, Joseph RobertBirthBirth of Moreno, Phebe J.BirthBirth of Moreno, Lelia L.BirthBirth of Moreno, Flora E.BirthBirth of Moreno, Martha A.BirthBirth of Moreno, Lydia M.BirthBirth of Lane, Joseph EdwardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Moreno, JohnBirthBirth of Moreno, AbsalomDeathDeath of Moreno, AbsalomBurialBurial of Moreno, AbsalomBirthBirth of Moreno, LeahDeathDeath of Moreno, LeahBirthBirth of Warner, Warren W.DeathDeath of Warner, Warren W.BurialBurial of Warner, Warren W.BirthBirth of Moreno, EsauBirthBirth of Moreno, Enoch T.BirthBirth of Cruz, EverettBirthBirth of Cruz, Paul EugeneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lambert, MargueriteDeathDeath of Lambert, MargueriteBurialBurial of Lambert, MargueriteBirthBirth of Cruz, Thomas EverettLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Linda HelenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Dale EugeneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Arthur RayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Robbins, MyrabelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Gerald RayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ball, AbigailDeathDeath of Ball, AbigailBurialBurial of Ball, AbigailBirthBirth of Cruz, Janis MarleneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, James RichardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Ivan WayneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gagnon, Bettie LouLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, David WayneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, William EverettLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hawkins, Ellen MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Joyce MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Judy DeniseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, William WalkerBirthBirth of Warner, NoahDeathDeath of Warner, NoahBurialBurial of Warner, NoahBirthBirth of Garrett, Carmen EloiseDeathDeath of Garrett, Carmen EloiseBirthBirth of Лопатин, Raymond A.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Лопатин, Carmen DianaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Лопатин, Donna ElaineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, William ForestLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Perkins, Wilma MaeBirthBirth of Garrett, Doris MaeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, Keith WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, Lloyd WillisLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Russell, NormanDeathDeath of Russell, NormanBurialBurial of Russell, NormanBirthBirth of Burns, MargaretDeathDeath of Burns, MargaretBirthBirth of Russell, Melvin GlenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Russell, Janet GailLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Marín, Willis H.DeathDeath of Marín, Willis H.BurialBurial of Marín, Willis H.BirthBirth of Marín, Nancy H.BirthBirth of Fox, DavidDeathDeath of Fox, DavidBurialBurial of Fox, DavidBirthBirth of Floyd, John S.DeathDeath of Floyd, John S.BurialBurial of Floyd, John S.BirthBirth of Coleman, MaryDeathDeath of Coleman, MaryBurialBurial of Coleman, MaryBirthBirth of Landry, Michael EdwardDeathDeath of Landry, Michael EdwardBurialBurial of Landry, Michael EdwardBirthBirth of Landry, Theresa A.BirthBirth of Landry, Mary A.DeathDeath of Landry, Mary A.BirthBirth of Landry, Maurice T.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Charles M.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Catherine M.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Green, FrancesDeathDeath of Green, FrancesBurialBurial of Green, FrancesBirthBirth of Landry, John AnthonyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, SarahDeathDeath of Couture, HonoraBirthBirth of Landry, AliceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Josephine GraceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Helen MargaretDeathDeath of Landry, Helen MargaretBirthBirth of Ball, Matthias, Jr.DeathDeath of Ball, Matthias, Jr.BurialBurial of Ball, Matthias, Jr.BirthBirth of Landry, Maurice, Jr.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Charles DoyleLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Eleanor JeanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, John ChandlerLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Michael DouglasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Moreno, Abigail ChapmanDeathDeath of Moreno, Abigail ChapmanBurialBurial of Moreno, Abigail ChapmanBirthBirth of Warner, Michelle LorraineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Darin KaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lopez, Lee WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lopez, John WarrenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Andrea SusanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Deirdra DeniseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Watson, Alvin E.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Watson, Mary GraceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Зыков, JohnDeathDeath of Зыков, JohnBurialBurial of Зыков, JohnBirthBirth of Simpson, Geraldine AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Sheryl AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Robert WarrenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Powers, Nancy LouLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Belle MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Curtis AndrewDeathDeath of Warner, Curtis AndrewBurialBurial of Warner, Curtis AndrewBirthBirth of Warner, Douglas LowellLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of French, Jimmy MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of French, Kevin WayneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of French, Erin JennyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Carl ThomasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hopkins, Mary EveDeathDeath of Hopkins, Mary EveBurialBurial of Hopkins, Mary EveBirthBirth of Warner, Laura GailLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Haynes, Marc W.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Haynes, Michael WalterLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Haynes, Elizabeth EllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Haynes, David William SigfredLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ward, David J.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ward, Michael DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ward, Catherine MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Киселев, Dennis JohnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Киселев, Timothy AndrewLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Piatt D.DeathDeath of Warner, Piatt D.BurialBurial of Warner, Piatt D.BirthBirth of Киселев, Aaron D.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Mortensen, DanielLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Mortensen, Robert AlanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Mortensen, Maria ChristineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Watkins, Bruce EdwardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Watkins, Laura KathrynLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Long, Elisa AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Martin B.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Fox, Julia ColvilleDeathDeath of Fox, Julia ColvilleBurialBurial of Fox, Julia ColvilleBirthBirth of Poirier, Janelle MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Poirier, Jeffrey AlanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Nguyen, John HarryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Nguyen, Laurie AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Nguyen, Elizabeth DianeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, James AndrewLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Cindy LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Carter, Debra J.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, Jack D.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ball, JasperDeathDeath of Ball, JasperBurialBurial of Ball, JasperBirthBirth of Alvarado, Michelle LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, Douglas DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, Andrew DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Alvarado, Matthew VincentLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Norton, ChristinaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Amber LynneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bates, William RobertLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bates, Timothy ChristianLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bates, Stephen MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bates, John AllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Зыков, AngelineDeathDeath of Зыков, AngelineBurialBurial of Зыков, AngelineBirthBirth of Floyd, Robert WilliamLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Floyd, Gregory ScottDeathDeath of Floyd, Gregory ScottBirthBirth of Floyd, Christopher RandallLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Floyd, Joan LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Данилов, Rebecca Kristine RamosLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garza, Jeffrey Adam RamosLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Harrison, Paul AllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Harrison, Benjamin AllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, MichaelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, Jeremy QuentinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lessard, Carl TolbertDeathDeath of Lessard, Carl TolbertBurialBurial of Lessard, Carl TolbertBirthBirth of Todd, Flora BelleDeathDeath of Todd, Flora BelleBurialBurial of Todd, Flora BelleBirthBirth of Todd, Robert ArthurDeathDeath of Todd, Robert ArthurBirthBirth of Todd, George WalterDeathDeath of Todd, George WalterBirthBirth of Todd, Jesse ElmerDeathDeath of Todd, Jesse ElmerBirthBirth of Todd, Lena ViolaDeathDeath of Todd, Lena ViolaBurialBurial of Todd, Lena ViolaBirthBirth of Todd, Irene FrancesDeathDeath of Todd, Irene FrancesBurialBurial of Todd, Irene FrancesBirthBirth of Todd, Cora OliveDeathDeath of Todd, Cora OliveBurialBurial of Todd, Cora OliveBirthBirth of Todd, Benjamin HarrisonDeathDeath of Todd, Benjamin HarrisonBurialBurial of Todd, Benjamin HarrisonBirthBirth of Todd, Percy HayeDeathDeath of Todd, Percy HayeBurialBurial of Todd, Percy HayeBirthBirth of Farmer, Sarah JaneBirthBirth of Webb, Luella FlorenceDeathDeath of Webb, Luella FlorenceBurialBurial of Webb, Luella FlorenceBirthBirth of Farmer, Mary AnnBirthBirth of Farmer, Susanne DelilahBirthBirth of Farmer, Winfield ScottBirthBirth of Farmer, Miranda KeziahBirthBirth of Farmer, Cyrus MelvilleBirthBirth of Farmer, Flora AliceBirthBirth of Farmer, JohnBirthBirth of Cruz, Melinda LouLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Joan LorindaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Marilyn JeanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Clara BelleDeathDeath of Page, Clara BelleBurialBurial of Page, Clara BelleBirthBirth of Webb, Nancy LouDeathDeath of Webb, Nancy LouBirthBirth of Webb, James LeeDeathDeath of Webb, James LeeBurialBurial of Webb, James LeeBirthBirth of Webb, Richard L.DeathDeath of Webb, Richard L.BurialBurial of Webb, Richard L.BirthBirth of Boucher, Nora A.DeathDeath of Boucher, Nora A.BirthBirth of Boucher, Michael J.BirthBirth of Boucher, Thomas W.DeathDeath of Boucher, Thomas W.BirthBirth of Boucher, JamesDeathDeath of Gutierrez, CatherineBurialBurial of Gutierrez, CatherineBirthBirth of Page, DavidDeathDeath of Page, DavidBurialBurial of Page, DavidBirthBirth of Boucher, ThomasDeathDeath of Boucher, ThomasDeathDeath of Boucher, William C.BirthBirth of Douglas, ElizabethDeathDeath of Douglas, ElizabethBurialBurial of Douglas, ElizabethDeathDeath of Boucher, MichaelBirthBirth of Berry, HonorahDeathDeath of Berry, HonorahBirthBirth of Boucher, CatherineDeathDeath of Boucher, CatherineBirthBirth of Boucher, WilliamDeathDeath of Boucher, WilliamBirthBirth of Boucher, BridgetDeathDeath of Boucher, BridgetBirthBirth of Reeves, MaryDeathDeath of Reeves, MaryBirthBirth of Warner, John AllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lessard, Ira WillisDeathDeath of Lessard, Ira WillisBurialBurial of Lessard, Ira WillisBirthBirth of Reeves, MargaretDeathDeath of Reeves, MargaretBirthBirth of Reeves, HonoraDeathDeath of Reeves, HonoraDeathDeath of Floyd, Sarah (Sally)BurialBurial of Floyd, Sarah (Sally)BirthBirth of Ford, Lorinda CatherineDeathDeath of Ford, Lorinda CatherineBurialBurial of Ford, Lorinda CatherineBirthBirth of Ильин, GaryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ильин, Eric ScottLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, Lucinda EllenDeathDeath of Jiménez, Lucinda EllenBurialBurial of Jiménez, Lucinda EllenBirthBirth of Ильин, Timothy RyanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gill, LawrenceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gill, Lorie AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Данилов, Daniel James RamosLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ross, Evelyn AlmazonLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Mcbride, PaulLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Harrison, Douglas GlennLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jørgensen, JeffreyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Webb, Francis IrvinDeathDeath of Webb, Francis IrvinBurialBurial of Webb, Francis IrvinBirthBirth of Lessard, IsaacBirthBirth of Domínguez, Mary E.DeathDeath of Domínguez, Mary E.BurialBurial of Domínguez, Mary E.BirthBirth of Rasmussen, Marilyn JoanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Joella LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Jill SuzanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Gayle JoanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Joy LeanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Максимов, Rodney HermanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Максимов, Heather MichelleLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Максимов, Hyla RaeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Todd, Louella JaneDeathDeath of Todd, Louella JaneBurialBurial of Todd, Louella JaneBirthBirth of Morales, Penelope MargotLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Briggs, Joyce InezDeathDeath of Briggs, Joyce InezBirthBirth of Welch, Paul AllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gill, LindaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Nunez, Barbara AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of West, Ronald DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Peters, John C.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bell, Gary RichardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Patti JoLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Krawczyk, DouglasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Lewis AndersonDeathDeath of Garner, Lewis AndersonBurialBurial of Garner, Lewis AndersonBirthBirth of Cruz, Ann LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Jane ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, Lisa DawnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Poulsen, Randall LeeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, Christopher PaulLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Laura JoyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Susan MargueriteLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Marsha AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Karla SueLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Karen KayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Martel, Luella JacquesDeathDeath of Martel, Luella JacquesBurialBurial of Martel, Luella JacquesBirthBirth of West, Erin KathleenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Peters, Elissa MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bell, William AustinLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bell, Brandy NicholeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Poulsen, Chelsea DawnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Poulsen, Curtis TheobaldLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Vernett GailDeathDeath of Page, Vernett GailBirthBirth of Page, Eleanor IreneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of ReeseBurialBurial of ReeseBirthBirth of Osborne, Andrew ColeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Eugene StanleyDeathDeath of Garner, Eugene StanleyBurialBurial of Garner, Eugene StanleyDeathDeath of Bergeron, John HenryBurialBurial of Bergeron, John HenryBurialBurial of Wright, Dr. Charles J.BirthBirth of Jiménez, George, Sr.DeathDeath of Jiménez, George, Sr.BurialBurial of Jiménez, George, Sr.BirthBirth of Blake, GeorgeDeathDeath of Blake, GeorgeBurialBurial of Blake, GeorgeBirthBirth of Cunningham, Sally SarahDeathDeath of Cunningham, Sally SarahBurialBurial of Cunningham, Sally SarahBirthBirth of Blake, ConradDeathDeath of Blake, ConradBirthBirth of Ruiz, CatherineDeathDeath of Ruiz, CatherineBurialBurial of Ruiz, CatherineBirthBirth of Cunningham, William PhilipDeathDeath of Cunningham, William PhilipBurialBurial of Cunningham, William PhilipDeathDeath of Park, SusannahBirthBirth of Cunningham, Peter Sr.DeathDeath of Cunningham, Peter Sr.BurialBurial of Cunningham, Peter Sr.BirthBirth of Reed, Francis VincentDeathDeath of Reed, Francis VincentBurialBurial of Reed, Francis VincentBirthBirth of Douglas, AbrahamDeathDeath of Douglas, AbrahamBurialBurial of Douglas, AbrahamBirthBirth of Alvarado, NancyDeathDeath of Alvarado, NancyBirthBirth of Alvarado, Col. CharlesDeathDeath of Alvarado, Col. CharlesBurialBurial of Alvarado, Col. CharlesBirthBirth of Parent, EleanorDeathDeath of Parent, EleanorBurialBurial of Parent, EleanorBirthBirth of Parent, Capt.Jacob C.DeathDeath of Parent, Capt.Jacob C.BurialBurial of Parent, Capt.Jacob C.BirthBirth of James, JaneDeathDeath of James, JaneBirthBirth of James, Thomas Sr.DeathDeath of James, Thomas Sr.BirthBirth of Benson, Martha Ellen M.DeathDeath of Benson, Martha Ellen M.BirthBirth of James, Hugh Sr.DeathDeath of James, Hugh Sr.BirthBirth of Тихонов, Catherine VirginiaDeathDeath of Тихонов, Catherine VirginiaBurialBurial of Тихонов, Catherine VirginiaBirthBirth of Serrano, CarolineDeathDeath of Serrano, CarolineBirthBirth of Warner, Monica JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jørgensen, Molly MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gosselin, Craig RichardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lachance, HelenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cruz, Jesse ChristopherLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, ThomasDeathDeath of Boucher, ThomasBurialBurial of Boucher, ThomasBirthBirth of Boucher, SeanDeathDeath of Boucher, SeanBurialBurial of Boucher, SeanBirthBirth of Boucher, MichaelDeathDeath of Boucher, MichaelBurialBurial of Boucher, MichaelBirthBirth of Boucher, JohnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Marín, Moses WallaceDeathDeath of Marín, Moses WallaceBurialBurial of Marín, Moses WallaceBirthBirth of Thornton, Phillip JamesLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lane, Anthony DavidLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lane, Donna ElizabethLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BurialBurial of Howell, MarieBirthBirth of Boucher, William J.DeathDeath of Boucher, William J.BurialBurial of Boucher, William J.BirthBirth of Boucher, SharonDeathDeath of Boucher, SharonBirthBirth of Warner, Allen CarlLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) ThereseDeathDeath of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) ThereseBurialBurial of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) ThereseBirthBirth of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M.DeathDeath of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M.BurialBurial of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M.BirthBirth of Warner, Capt. GeorgeDeathDeath of Warner, Capt. GeorgeBurialBurial of Warner, Capt. GeorgeBirthBirth of Alvarez, MaryDeathDeath of Alvarez, MaryBirthBirth of Warner, Capt. AndrewDeathDeath of Warner, Capt. AndrewBurialBurial of Warner, Capt. AndrewBirthBirth of Boucher, William BernardDeathDeath of Boucher, William BernardBurialBurial of Boucher, William BernardBirthBirth of Warner, EdwardDeathDeath of Warner, EdwardBurialBurial of Warner, EdwardBirthBirth of Anderson, Mary MollyDeathDeath of Anderson, Mary MollyBirthBirth of Warner, AndrewDeathDeath of Warner, AndrewBirthBirth of Maldonado, EuniceDeathDeath of Maldonado, EuniceBurialBurial of Maldonado, EuniceBirthBirth of Fox, SamuelDeathDeath of Fox, SamuelBurialBurial of Fox, SamuelBirthBirth of Fox, DavidDeathDeath of Fox, DavidBurialBurial of Fox, DavidBirthBirth of Fox, Jacob, Sr.DeathDeath of Fox, Jacob, Sr.BirthBirth of Reeves, MariaDeathDeath of Reeves, MariaBurialBurial of Reeves, MariaDeathDeath of Palmer, SarahBirthBirth of Christiansen, ChristopherDeathDeath of Christiansen, ChristopherBurialBurial of Christiansen, ChristopherBirthBirth of Barrett, AnneBirthBirth of Thomas, Elder ThomasDeathDeath of Thomas, Elder ThomasBirthBirth of Christiansen, EdwardDeathDeath of Christiansen, EdwardBurialBurial of Christiansen, EdwardBirthBirth of Christiansen, EdwardDeathDeath of Christiansen, EdwardBirthBirth of Thomas, ElizabethDeathDeath of Thomas, ElizabethBirthBirth of Grenier, MaryDeathDeath of Grenier, MaryBirthBirth of Christiansen, NathanielDeathDeath of Christiansen, NathanielBirthBirth of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe)DeathDeath of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe)BurialBurial of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe)BirthBirth of Christiansen, SamuelDeathDeath of Christiansen, SamuelBirthBirth of Alvarado, MaryDeathDeath of Alvarado, MaryBirthBirth of Lefebvre, Rev. John L.DeathDeath of Lefebvre, Rev. John L.BirthBirth of Lefebvre, JosephBirthBirth of Green, EdwardDeathDeath of Green, EdwardBirthBirth of Lefebvre, MaryBirthBirth of González, ElizabethBirthBirth of Marín, Walter MatthewDeathDeath of Marín, Walter MatthewBurialBurial of Marín, Walter MatthewBirthBirth of Christiansen, JosephDeathDeath of Christiansen, JosephDeathDeath of Максимов, ChristinaBirthBirth of Green, EdwardDeathDeath of Green, EdwardBirthBirth of Mitchell, MaryDeathDeath of Mitchell, MaryBirthBirth of Davis, JonathanDeathDeath of Davis, JonathanDeathDeath of Christiansen, FrancesBirthBirth of Green, JamesDeathDeath of Green, JamesBirthBirth of Green, RandolphDeathDeath of Green, RandolphBurialBurial of Green, RandolphBirthBirth of Davis, SabraDeathDeath of Davis, SabraBurialBurial of Davis, SabraDeathDeath of Burns, JonathanBirthBirth of Boucher, Mary CeciliaDeathDeath of Boucher, Mary CeciliaBurialBurial of Boucher, Mary CeciliaDeathDeath of Rubio, DorcasBirthBirth of Adkins, Robert Sr.BirthBirth of Adkins, JohnDeathDeath of Adkins, JohnBirthBirth of Adams, JaneDeathDeath of Adams, JaneBirthBirth of Злобин, Col. JosephDeathDeath of Злобин, Col. JosephBurialBurial of Злобин, Col. JosephBirthBirth of Rice, Virginia MargaretDeathDeath of Rice, Virginia MargaretBurialBurial of Rice, Virginia MargaretBirthBirth of Ball, EzekielDeathDeath of Ball, EzekielBirthBirth of Adkins, MarthaDeathDeath of Adkins, MarthaBurialBurial of Adkins, MarthaDeathDeath of Moreno, HermanBirthBirth of Злобин, Joseph Jr.DeathDeath of Злобин, Joseph Jr.BirthBirth of Bass, MaryDeathDeath of Bass, MaryBirthBirth of Шадрин, MaryBirthBirth of Ball, ThomasBirthBirth of Злобин, MarthaDeathDeath of Злобин, MarthaBurialBurial of Злобин, MarthaBirthBirth of Ball, Matthias Sr.DeathDeath of Ball, Matthias Sr.BirthBirth of Hopkins, JosephDeathDeath of Hopkins, JosephBirthBirth of Moreno, Johann HenrichDeathDeath of Moreno, Johann HenrichBirthBirth of Clark, SarahBirthBirth of Douglas, Hans PeterDeathDeath of Douglas, Hans PeterBurialBurial of Douglas, Hans PeterBirthBirth of Douglas, John Sr.DeathDeath of Douglas, John Sr.BurialBurial of Douglas, John Sr.BirthBirth of Moran, AndrewDeathDeath of Moran, AndrewBurialBurial of Moran, AndrewBirthBirth of Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley"DeathDeath of Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley"BirthBirth of Douglas, John Jr.DeathDeath of Douglas, John Jr.BirthBirth of Moreno, Christian, IDeathDeath of Moreno, Christian, IBurialBurial of Moreno, Christian, IBirthBirth of Kristensen, Mary ElizabethDeathDeath of Kristensen, Mary ElizabethDeathDeath of Pope, JohnBirthBirth of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina"DeathDeath of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina"BurialBurial of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina"BirthBirth of Kristensen, Catherine VirginiaDeathDeath of Kristensen, Catherine VirginiaBirthBirth of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick"DeathDeath of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick"BirthBirth of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch"DeathDeath of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch"BurialBurial of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch"BirthBirth of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy"DeathDeath of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy"BurialBurial of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy"BirthBirth of Kristensen, Anna JuneDeathDeath of Kristensen, Anna JuneBurialBurial of Kristensen, Anna JuneBirthBirth of Moreno, Johann Christian IIDeathDeath of Moreno, Johann Christian IIBurialBurial of Rhodes, William Sr.BirthBirth of Russell, Beth AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Manning, Judith AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Côté, Raymond PatrickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Russell, Bruce LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Rodriquez, William M.DeathDeath of Rodriquez, William M.BurialBurial of Rodriquez, William M.BirthBirth of Rodriquez, MariamDeathDeath of Rodriquez, MariamBurialBurial of Rodriquez, MariamBirthBirth of Blanco, RufusDeathDeath of Blanco, RufusBurialBurial of Blanco, RufusBirthBirth of Garner, Rita MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Moreno, Maj. ChristopherDeathDeath of Moreno, Maj. ChristopherBirthBirth of Meyer, P.D.DeathDeath of Meyer, P.D.BurialBurial of Meyer, P.D.BirthBirth of Reeves, JohnDeathDeath of Reeves, JohnBurialBurial of Reeves, JohnBirthBirth of McCarthy, MaryDeathDeath of McCarthy, MaryBurialBurial of McCarthy, MaryDeathDeath of Johnson, ElizabethBirthBirth of Douglas, JosephDeathDeath of Douglas, JosephBurialBurial of Douglas, JosephBirthBirth of Carroll, Matthias Sr.DeathDeath of Carroll, Matthias Sr.BirthBirth of Carroll, GraceDeathDeath of Carroll, GraceBurialBurial of Carroll, GraceBirthBirth of Alvarado, CadwalladerDeathDeath of Alvarado, CadwalladerBirthBirth of Mendez, MarthaDeathDeath of Mendez, MarthaBurialBurial of Mendez, MarthaBirthBirth of Moreno, AaronDeathDeath of Moreno, AaronBurialBurial of Moreno, AaronBirthBirth of Oliver, Harmonas IDeathDeath of Oliver, Harmonas IBurialBurial of Oliver, Harmonas IDeathDeath of Oliver, Harmonas IIBirthBirth of Oliver, ElizabethDeathDeath of Oliver, ElizabethDeathDeath of Morris, AdamBirthBirth of Morris, CyrusDeathDeath of Morris, CyrusBurialBurial of Morris, CyrusBirthBirth of Graves, MarthaDeathDeath of Graves, MarthaBurialBurial of Graves, MarthaBirthBirth of Henderson, Cathy SueLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Russell, Nicholas GlenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Russell, Casey JohnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, JohnDeathDeath of Page, JohnBurialBurial of Page, JohnBirthBirth of Жуков, ScottBirthBirth of Жуков, Curtis DaleBirthBirth of Davidson, BerniceDeathDeath of Davidson, BerniceBirthBirth of Garner, Jesse V.DeathDeath of Garner, Jesse V.BurialBurial of Garner, Jesse V.BirthBirth of Garner, Raymond E.DeathDeath of Garner, Raymond E.BirthBirth of Garner, Jennie S.DeathDeath of Garner, Jennie S.BurialBurial of Garner, Jennie S.BirthBirth of Garner, Walter E.DeathDeath of Garner, Walter E.BurialBurial of Garner, Walter E.BirthBirth of Garner, Daniel WebsterDeathDeath of Garner, Daniel WebsterBurialBurial of Garner, Daniel WebsterBirthBirth of Garner, Bertha P.DeathDeath of Garner, Bertha P.BurialBurial of Garner, Bertha P.BirthBirth of Garner, ElizabethBurialBurial of Garner, ElizabethBirthBirth of Kaczmarek, IsabellaDeathDeath of Kaczmarek, IsabellaBurialBurial of Kaczmarek, IsabellaBirthBirth of Jackson, Cora EllenBurialBurial of Jackson, Cora EllenBirthBirth of Garner, Cecile ElizabethDeathDeath of Garner, Cecile ElizabethBurialBurial of Garner, Cecile ElizabethBirthBirth of Garner, Helen BerniceLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Bernetha EllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Daniel BurtonDeathDeath of Garner, Daniel BurtonBurialBurial of Garner, Daniel BurtonBirthBirth of Garner, Raymond WebsterLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Betty JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Johnson, Richard F.DeathDeath of Johnson, Richard F.BurialBurial of Johnson, Richard F.DeathDeath of Andrews, HaroldDeathDeath of Wójcik, ArnoldBurialBurial of Wójcik, ArnoldBirthBirth of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr.DeathDeath of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr.BurialBurial of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr.BirthBirth of Bélanger, JamesDeathDeath of Bélanger, JamesBurialBurial of Bélanger, JamesBurialBurial of Яковлев, GeorgeBirthBirth of Silva, MildredDeathDeath of Silva, MildredBurialBurial of Silva, MildredBurialBurial of García, MaudeBurialBurial of Robinson, ClarenceBirthBirth of Andrews, William ArthurLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Jiménez, George Henry, IIIDeathDeath of Jiménez, George Henry, IIIBirthBirth of Wójcik, SuzanneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wójcik, RichardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wójcik, PatriciaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wójcik, JamesLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wójcik, Arnold ClarkLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wójcik, Daniel BurtonLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bélanger, Linda EllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Bélanger, Pamela AnnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Blake, M. SusannahDeathDeath of Blake, M. SusannahBurialBurial of Blake, M. SusannahBirthBirth of Garner, Jane McClellanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garner, Raymond ScottLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Foster, WilliamBirthBirth of Sanders, MaryBirthBirth of Брюханов, Violet LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Christiansen, JosephDeathDeath of Christiansen, JosephBirthBirth of Allen, JoannaBirthBirth of Christiansen, HannahDeathDeath of Christiansen, HannahBirthBirth of Webb, Livingstone MartinDeathDeath of Webb, Livingstone MartinBurialBurial of Webb, Livingstone MartinBirthBirth of Anderson, Rev. JohnDeathDeath of Anderson, Rev. JohnBirthBirth of Christiansen, MarthaDeathDeath of Christiansen, MarthaBirthBirth of Fox, WilliamDeathDeath of Fox, WilliamBurialBurial of Fox, WilliamBirthBirth of Sanchez, JohnDeathDeath of Sanchez, JohnBirthBirth of Lefebvre, RobertDeathDeath of Lefebvre, RobertBirthBirth of Wise, ThomasDeathDeath of Wise, ThomasBirthBirth of Blanco, Lucinda CatherineDeathDeath of Blanco, Lucinda CatherineBurialBurial of Blanco, Lucinda CatherineBirthBirth of Зыков, ???????BirthBirth of Wallace, AbrahamDeathDeath of Todd, WayneBurialBurial of Todd, WayneBirthBirth of Todd, LucilleDeathDeath of Todd, LucilleBurialBurial of Todd, LucilleBirthBirth of Warner, George EdwardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Patrick, RobertBirthBirth of Adams, WilliamDeathDeath of Adams, WilliamBurialBurial of Adams, WilliamBirthBirth of Aguilar, EleanorDeathDeath of Aguilar, EleanorBirthBirth of Mann, AgnesBirthBirth of Матвеев, ElizabethDeathDeath of Матвеев, ElizabethBirthBirth of Reed, HughDeathDeath of Reed, HughBirthBirth of Reed, JohnDeathDeath of Reed, JohnBirthBirth of Reed, BridgetteDeathDeath of Reed, BridgetteBirthBirth of Reed, MaryDeathDeath of Reed, MaryBirthBirth of Тихонов, MylesBirthBirth of Warner, ElizabethBirthBirth of Тихонов, JohnBirthBirth of Тихонов, Mary EllenBirthBirth of Rhodes, William Jr.BirthBirth of Rhodes, Donald E.DeathDeath of Rhodes, Donald E.BurialBurial of Rhodes, Donald E.BirthBirth of Rhodes, Mary JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Evans, James PatrickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Evans, Patricia KayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Evans, Michael PatrickLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Piotrowski, JohnDeathDeath of Piotrowski, JohnBirthBirth of Evans, Christian AnneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Evans, Heather LeeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Payne, Jane CoppageDeathDeath of Payne, Jane CoppageBurialBurial of Payne, Jane CoppageBirthBirth of Piotrowski, Sir JohnDeathDeath of Piotrowski, Sir JohnBirthBirth of Piotrowski, Sir MichaelDeathDeath of Piotrowski, Sir MichaelDeathDeath of Todd, HodgesBirthBirth of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.)DeathDeath of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.)BurialBurial of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.)BirthBirth of Richard, JeanneDeathDeath of Richard, JeanneBurialBurial of Richard, JeanneBirthBirth of Frank, ???BirthBirth of Warner, Capt. FrancisDeathDeath of Warner, Capt. FrancisBirthBirth of Ingram, MaryDeathDeath of Ingram, MaryBirthBirth of Тихонов, Miles?DeathDeath of Тихонов, Miles?BirthBirth of Smith, Anastasia?DeathDeath of Smith, Anastasia?BirthBirth of Sharp, ???DeathDeath of Sharp, ???BurialBurial of Sharp, ???DeathDeath of Piotrowski, John Jr.BirthBirth of Anderson, ThomasDeathDeath of Anderson, ThomasBirthBirth of Carpenter, SarahBirthBirth of Anderson, SamuelDeathDeath of Anderson, SamuelBirthBirth of Филиппов, ElizabethDeathDeath of Филиппов, ElizabethBirthBirth of Christiansen, JohnDeathDeath of Christiansen, JohnBirthBirth of Harmon, MarthaBirthBirth of Todd, HardyDeathDeath of Todd, HardyBirthBirth of Norris, JohnDeathDeath of Norris, JohnBurialBurial of Norris, JohnBirthBirth of Howell, Mary (Sarah)DeathDeath of Howell, Mary (Sarah)BurialBurial of Howell, Mary (Sarah)BirthBirth of Grenier, JosephDeathDeath of Grenier, JosephBurialBurial of Grenier, JosephBirthBirth of Peters, RoseDeathDeath of Peters, RoseBurialBurial of Peters, RoseBirthBirth of Гончаров, EllenDeathDeath of Гончаров, EllenBirthBirth of Ramos, MaryDeathDeath of Ramos, MaryBurialBurial of Ramos, MaryBirthBirth of Злобин, JohnDeathDeath of Злобин, JohnBirthBirth of Ferguson, Lord SamuelBirthBirth of Webster, Johanne(John)DeathDeath of Webster, Johanne(John)DeathDeath of Cole, SusannahBirthBirth of Saunders, UrsulaDeathDeath of Saunders, UrsulaBirthBirth of 斎藤, Zariakius CyriacusDeathDeath of 斎藤, Zariakius CyriacusBirthBirth of Bishop, Anna BarbaraDeathDeath of Bishop, Anna BarbaraBirthBirth of Carroll, Jacob A.DeathDeath of Carroll, Jacob A.BirthBirth of Николаев, Maria CatharinaBirthBirth of 山本, Antoine Desaure PerronettBirthBirth of Benson, Joseph Louis(Sr.)BirthBirth of Simard, SarahBirthBirth of Simard, ThomasBirthBirth of Todd, CharlesDeathDeath of Todd, CharlesBirthBirth of Benson, Col. JosephBirthBirth of Benson, WilliamBirthBirth of Benson, DavidDeathDeath of Benson, DavidBirthBirth of Benson, JohnBirthBirth of Benson, Col. DavidDeathDeath of Benson, Col. DavidBirthBirth of Wheeler, Richard MaxLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Cole, EurydiceBirthBirth of Wheeler, Lynnett DianeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Wheeler, Jason EarlLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Kelly, Ashley DianeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, Terry LeeDeathDeath of Garrett, Terry LeeBirthBirth of Holloway, GailLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Garrett, Wayne AllenDeathDeath of Garrett, Wayne AllenBirthBirth of Rodgers, Shawna MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Todd, JohnDeathDeath of Todd, JohnBirthBirth of Rodgers, Crystal MaeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Герасимов, JohnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lane, RemoDeathDeath of Lane, RemoBurialBurial of Lane, RemoBirthBirth of Barnes, ErnestinaDeathDeath of Barnes, ErnestinaBurialBurial of Barnes, ErnestinaBirthBirth of Webb, ClarenceDeathDeath of Webb, ClarenceBurialBurial of Webb, ClarenceBirthBirth of Webb, LawrenceDeathDeath of Webb, LawrenceBurialBurial of Webb, LawrenceBurialBurial of Dunn, Margaret Mary?BirthBirth of Lessard, Elinor JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Henry, ElizabethDeathDeath of Henry, ElizabethBurialBurial of Henry, ElizabethBirthBirth of Boucher, DavidDeathDeath of Boucher, DavidBurialBurial of Boucher, DavidBirthBirth of Morrison, NancyDeathDeath of Morrison, NancyBurialBurial of Morrison, NancyBirthBirth of Boucher, CatherineDeathDeath of Boucher, CatherineBurialBurial of Boucher, CatherineBirthBirth of Boucher, PatrickDeathDeath of Boucher, PatrickBurialBurial of Boucher, PatrickBirthBirth of Boucher, BridgetBirthBirth of Boucher, WilliamDeathDeath of Boucher, WilliamBurialBurial of Boucher, WilliamBirthBirth of Никитин, MonicaDeathDeath of Никитин, MonicaBirthBirth of Boucher, FlannanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, MireadLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Todd, WilliamDeathDeath of Todd, WilliamBurialBurial of Todd, WilliamBirthBirth of Boucher, MichaelBirthBirth of Boucher, WilliamDeathDeath of Boucher, WilliamBurialBurial of Boucher, WilliamBirthBirth of Boucher, WilliamDeathDeath of Boucher, WilliamBurialBurial of Boucher, WilliamBirthBirth of Boucher, Stephen FrancisDeathDeath of Boucher, Stephen FrancisBurialBurial of Boucher, Stephen FrancisBirthBirth of Boucher, Rose MaryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hansen, ThomasLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hansen, NoelLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hansen, NulaBirthBirth of Hansen, IreneBirthBirth of Hansen, MonicaBirthBirth of 渡辺, Mary (Polly)DeathDeath of 渡辺, Mary (Polly)BurialBurial of 渡辺, Mary (Polly)BirthBirth of Карпов, DamianBirthBirth of Карпов, SarahLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Ramirez, HelenBirthBirth of Hansen, BarryBirthBirth of Hansen, KevinBirthBirth of Alonso, JosephBirthBirth of Alonso, RoisineBirthBirth of Alonso, LauraBirthBirth of Boucher, AnneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, MaryLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Todd, George W.DeathDeath of Todd, George W.BurialBurial of Todd, George W.BirthBirth of Boucher, MarthaLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, BridgetLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, AgnesLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, NoreneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Fields, Bridget M.DeathDeath of Fields, Bridget M.BurialBurial of Fields, Bridget M.BirthBirth of Thompson, BridgetDeathDeath of Thompson, BridgetBurialBurial of Thompson, BridgetBirthBirth of Gardner, MaryDeathDeath of Gardner, MaryBurialBurial of Gardner, MaryBirthBirth of Gil, NoraDeathDeath of Gil, NoraBurialBurial of Gil, NoraBirthBirth of Savard, HonoraDeathDeath of Savard, HonoraBurialBurial of Savard, HonoraBirthBirth of Morris, JaneDeathDeath of Morris, JaneBurialBurial of Morris, JaneBirthBirth of Boucher, Fr. PatrickBirthBirth of Boucher, Fr. Daniel GabrielDeathDeath of Boucher, Fr. Daniel GabrielBirthBirth of Boucher, Prof. William JosephDeathDeath of Boucher, Prof. William JosephBirthBirth of Boucher, William DonelBirthBirth of Gardner, MichaelBirthBirth of Warner, ThomasBirthBirth of Warner, Rev. EdmundDeathDeath of Warner, Rev. EdmundBirthBirth of Warner, Sir FrancisDeathDeath of Warner, Sir FrancisBurialBurial of Warner, Sir FrancisDeathDeath of Green, YelvertonDeathDeath of Robertson, ElizabethBirthBirth of Todd, John M.DeathDeath of Todd, John M.BurialBurial of Todd, John M.BirthBirth of Peters, George Sr.DeathDeath of Peters, George Sr.BurialBurial of Peters, George Sr.BirthBirth of Welch, Irwin ArthurDeathDeath of Welch, Irwin ArthurBurialBurial of Welch, Irwin ArthurBirthBirth of Welch, Russell EugeneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Norton, DorothyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Walsh, PenelopeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Welch, Annabelle ElaineLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Brock, StephenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Farmer, Benjamin H.DeathDeath of Farmer, Benjamin H.BurialBurial of Farmer, Benjamin H.BirthBirth of Welch, Rosalie JaneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Sánchez, David AndrewLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Brock, Lance EdwardLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Brock, Celeste EllenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Sánchez, Roxanne MarieLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Sánchez, Jonathan AndrewLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Hawkins, Jennifer LeighLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Zimmerman, Edith IreneDeathDeath of Zimmerman, Edith IreneBurialBurial of Zimmerman, Edith IreneBirthBirth of Warner, Jeffrey GeorgeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Mills, IsabellaDeathDeath of Mills, IsabellaBurialBurial of Mills, IsabellaBirthBirth of Vázquez, April LynnLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5DeathDeath of Gardner, Mary JaneBurialBurial of Gardner, Mary JaneBirthBirth of Walters, MaryDeathDeath of Walters, MaryBurialBurial of Walters, MaryBirthBirth of Blanco, MalvinaDeathDeath of Blanco, MalvinaBurialBurial of Blanco, MalvinaBirthBirth of Blanco, John W.BirthBirth of Blanco, Mary F.BirthBirth of Blanco, ParisBirthBirth of Quinn, AbramDeathDeath of Quinn, AbramBurialBurial of Quinn, AbramBirthBirth of Blanco, StephenDeathDeath of Blanco, StephenBurialBurial of Blanco, StephenBirthBirth of Blanco, MiltonBirthBirth of Farmer, Elizabeth EllenDeathDeath of Farmer, Elizabeth EllenBurialBurial of Farmer, Elizabeth EllenBirthBirth of Blanco, L. J.BirthBirth of Myers, JamesDeathDeath of Myers, JamesBurialBurial of Myers, JamesBirthBirth of Myers, James Joseph Jr.DeathDeath of Myers, James Joseph Jr.BurialBurial of Myers, James Joseph Jr.BirthBirth of Myers, Nina MaeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Coleman, MarilynLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gonzales, Linda S.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Gonzales, Mark R.LVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Lessard, ???BirthBirth of Castro, ???BirthBirth of Domínguez, GeorgeBirthBirth of Reed, JohnDeathDeath of Reed, JohnBurialBurial of Reed, JohnBirthBirth of Максимов, NancyDeathDeath of Максимов, NancyBurialBurial of Максимов, NancyBirthBirth of Zimmerman, Edith IreneBirthBirth of Norman, Dorothy LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Dwayne AlanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Sylvia LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, Roger JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Marvin RayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, David AlanLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Matthew StevenLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Goodwin, SarahDeathDeath of Goodwin, SarahBurialBurial of Goodwin, SarahBirthBirth of Page, Mitchell LeeLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Todd ChristopherLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, Cynthia LouiseLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, Steven JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Boucher, Kyle JosephLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Debra DaleLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Page, Darvin RayLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Тихонов, MosesDeathDeath of Тихонов, MosesBurialBurial of Тихонов, MosesBirthBirth of Warner, Daniel ArthurLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Blanco, GerhardDeathDeath of Blanco, GerhardBirthBirth of Белоусов, CatharineDeathDeath of Белоусов, CatharineBurialBurial of Белоусов, CatharineBirthBirth of Blanco, John Sr.DeathDeath of Blanco, John Sr.BurialBurial of Blanco, John Sr.BirthBirth of Holt, BridgetDeathDeath of Holt, BridgetBurialBurial of Holt, BridgetBirthBirth of Lucas, ChristinaDeathDeath of Lucas, ChristinaBurialBurial of Lucas, ChristinaBirthBirth of Douglas, Mary"Polly"DeathDeath of Douglas, Mary"Polly"BurialBurial of Douglas, Mary"Polly"BirthBirth of Blanco, Mr.BirthBirth of Blanco, HansBirthBirth of Blanco, HansBirthBirth of Fisher, BendichtliBirthBirth of Blanco, BendichtBirthBirth of Blanco, HansBirthBirth of Buchanan, ElsbethBirthBirth of Blanco, HeinrichBirthBirth of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank)DeathDeath of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank)BurialBurial of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank)BirthBirth of Schmidt, BarbliBirthBirth of Blanco, Hans(Johannes)DeathDeath of Blanco, Hans(Johannes)BirthBirth of Sullivan, AnnaBirthBirth of Jenkins, PeterDeathDeath of Jenkins, PeterBirthBirth of Marsh, MargaretDeathDeath of Marsh, MargaretBirthBirth of Austin, JohannasBirthBirth of Jenkins, MargaretDeathDeath of Jenkins, MargaretBirthBirth of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie"DeathDeath of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie"BurialBurial of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie"BirthBirth of Reid, HansDeathDeath of Reid, HansBirthBirth of Семенов, CathernDeathDeath of Семенов, CathernBirthBirth of Белоусов, JacobDeathDeath of Белоусов, JacobBurialBurial of Белоусов, JacobBirthBirth of Suárez, MarieDeathDeath of Suárez, MarieBirthBirth of Fortin, MatthiasDeathDeath of Fortin, MatthiasBirthBirth of Baker, MargaretDeathDeath of Baker, MargaretBirthBirth of Белоусов, Johannas JacobDeathDeath of Белоусов, Johannas JacobBurialBurial of Белоусов, Johannas JacobBirthBirth of Reid, Anna CatherinaDeathDeath of Reid, Anna CatherinaBurialBurial of Reid, Anna CatherinaDeathDeath of Marín, WilliamBurialBurial of Marín, WilliamBirthBirth of Schultz, Rev.IsaacDeathDeath of Schultz, Rev.IsaacBurialBurial of Schultz, Rev.IsaacBirthBirth of Boucher, MichaelDeathDeath of Boucher, MichaelBurialBurial of Boucher, MichaelDeathDeath of Francis, ElizabethBurialBurial of Francis, ElizabethBirthBirth of Aguilar, JohnDeathDeath of Aguilar, JohnBirthBirth of Howell, JOHNDeathDeath of Howell, JOHNBirthBirth of Payne, GeorgeDeathDeath of Payne, GeorgeBurialBurial of Payne, GeorgeBirthBirth of Brooks, Marquis IDeathDeath of Brooks, Marquis IBirthBirth of Brooks, Major Marquis IIDeathDeath of Brooks, Major Marquis IIBirthBirth of Rubio, WinifredDeathDeath of Rubio, WinifredBurialBurial of Rubio, WinifredBirthBirth of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty"DeathDeath of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty"BurialBurial of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty"BirthBirth of Boucher, HonoraDeathDeath of Boucher, HonoraBurialBurial of Boucher, HonoraBirthBirth of Payne, LeonardDeathDeath of Payne, LeonardBurialBurial of Payne, LeonardDeathDeath of Hall, ElizabethBurialBurial of Hall, ElizabethBirthBirth of Payne, Leonard?DeathDeath of Payne, Leonard?BurialBurial of Payne, Leonard?BirthBirth of Reynolds, DavidDeathDeath of Reynolds, DavidBurialBurial of Reynolds, DavidBirthBirth of Reynolds, Col. JohnDeathDeath of Reynolds, Col. JohnBurialBurial of Reynolds, Col. JohnBirthBirth of Reynolds, NicholasDeathDeath of Reynolds, NicholasBurialBurial of Reynolds, NicholasBirthBirth of Reynolds, WilliamDeathDeath of Reynolds, WilliamBurialBurial of Reynolds, WilliamDeathDeath of Reynolds, JohnBurialBurial of Reynolds, JohnBirthBirth of Reynolds, Mary JaneDeathDeath of Reynolds, Mary JaneBirthBirth of Дмитриев, Moses AaronDeathDeath of Дмитриев, Moses AaronBurialBurial of Дмитриев, Moses AaronBirthBirth of Fernandez, ThomasDeathDeath of Fernandez, ThomasBurialBurial of Fernandez, ThomasBirthBirth of Diaz, FrancesDeathDeath of Diaz, FrancesBurialBurial of Diaz, FrancesBirthBirth of Jørgensen, Maggie LeighLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Шестаков, GeorgeDeathDeath of Шестаков, GeorgeBurialBurial of Шестаков, GeorgeBirthBirth of Daniels, PhoebeDeathDeath of Riley, ThomasBurialBurial of Riley, ThomasBirthBirth of Martel, HenryDeathDeath of Martel, HenryBurialBurial of Martel, HenryBirthBirth of Hébert, Ruth AnnDeathDeath of Hébert, Ruth AnnBirthBirth of Osborne, Aaron PatrickDeathDeath of Osborne, Aaron PatrickBurialBurial of Osborne, Aaron PatrickBirthBirth of Ortega, CatherineDeathDeath of Ortega, CatherineBirthBirth of Willis, Carissa NicoleLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Haynes, MelanyLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Warner, Whitney LianneLVGCustom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5BirthBirth of Diaz, WilliamDeathDeath of Diaz, WilliamBirthBirth of Baldwin, AnneDeathDeath of Baldwin, AnneBurialBurial of Baldwin, AnneBirthBirth of Дмитриев, Charles Sr.DeathDeath of Дмитриев, Charles Sr.BirthBirth of Lapointe, Lucy aka SarahDeathDeath of Lapointe, Lucy aka SarahBirthBirth of Howell, JohnDeathDeath of Howell, JohnBurialBurial of Howell, JohnBirthBirth of Yates, SarahDeathDeath of Yates, SarahBurialBurial of Yates, SarahBirthBirth of Fernandez, ThomasDeathDeath of Fernandez, ThomasBirthBirth of Webb, AndrewDeathDeath of Webb, AndrewBurialBurial of Webb, AndrewBirthBirth of Webb, Margaret Margarite?DeathDeath of Webb, Margaret Margarite?BurialBurial of Webb, Margaret Margarite?DeathDeath of DelgadoBurialBurial of DelgadoBirthBirth of Tyler, Mary A.DeathDeath of Tyler, Mary A.BurialBurial of Tyler, Mary A.BirthBirth of Webb, AlexanderDeathDeath of Webb, AlexanderBurialBurial of Webb, AlexanderBirthBirth of Delgado, Mary AnnDeathDeath of Delgado, Mary AnnDeathDeath of Douglas, FrederickDeathDeath of Stanley, BarbaraBirthBirth of Boucher, William J.BirthBirth of Rose, AnnMarriageMarriage of Warner, Allen Carl and Garner, Rita MarieMarriageMarriage of Ball, Jasper and Зыков, AngelineMarriageMarriage of Bell, Gary Richard and Cruz, Judy DeniseMarriageMarriage of Krawczyk, Douglas and Cruz, Patti JoMarriageMarriage of Poulsen, Randall Lee and Welch, Lisa DawnMarriageMarriage of Blake, Conrad and Ruiz, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Cunningham, William Philip and Park, SusannahMarriageMarriage of Blake, George and Cunningham, Sally SarahMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr. and Silva, MildredMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Abraham and Alvarado, NancyMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Col. Charles and Parent, EleanorMarriageMarriage of Parent, Capt.Jacob C. and James, JaneMarriageMarriage of Warner, Martin Bogarte and Page, Clara BelleMarriageMarriage of James, Thomas Sr. and Benson, Martha Ellen M.MarriageMarriage of James, Hugh Sr. and Serrano, CarolineMarriageMarriage of Thornton, James Arthur and Lachance, HelenMarriageMarriage of Lane, Joseph Edward and Козлов, Linda MaeMarriageMarriage of Boucher, James and Dubé, RoseMarriageMarriage of Boucher, William J. and Howell, MarieMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Wayne and Boucher, SharonMarriageMarriage of Gutierrez, Thomas and Boucher, Nora A.MarriageMarriage of Boucher, Thomas W. and Szymański, MaryMarriageMarriage of Warner, Andrew and Maldonado, EuniceMarriageMarriage of Warner, Martin Bogarte and Klein, Alma KatherineMarriageMarriage of Warner, Edward and Anderson, Mary MollyMarriageMarriage of Warner, Capt. George and Alvarez, MaryMarriageMarriage of Fox, David and Harris, MaryMarriageMarriage of Fox, Jacob, Sr. and Palmer, SarahMarriageMarriage of Palmer, Robert and Попов, ???????MarriageMarriage of Thomas, Elder Thomas and Barrett, AnneMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Edward and Thomas, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Nathaniel and Grenier, MaryMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Samuel and Alvarado, MaryMarriageMarriage of Lefebvre, Joseph and Gregory, MaryMarriageMarriage of Lessard, Carl Tolbert and Webb, Luella FlorenceMarriageMarriage of Green, Edward and Lefebvre, MaryMarriageMarriage of Максимов, George and Жуков, Annabell GordonMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Joseph and González, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Green, Edward and Максимов, ChristinaMarriageMarriage of Davis, Jonathan and Mitchell, MaryMarriageMarriage of Green, James and Christiansen, FrancesMarriageMarriage of Green, Randolph and Davis, SabraMarriageMarriage of Burns, Jonathan and Rubio, DorcasMarriageMarriage of Adkins, Robert Sr. and Nielsen, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Adkins, John and Adams, JaneMarriageMarriage of Lessard, Ira Willis and Jiménez, Lucinda EllenMarriageMarriage of Злобин, Col. Joseph and Rice, Virginia MargaretMarriageMarriage of Злобин, Joseph Jr. and Adkins, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Maj. Christopher and Bass, MaryMarriageMarriage of Maxwell, William and Nielsen, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Ball, Thomas and Шадрин, MaryMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Aaron and Злобин, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Ball, Matthias Sr. and Maxwell, AnnMarriageMarriage of Pope, John and Kristensen, Mary ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Kim, Frank and Kristensen, Catherine VirginiaMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, George Henry, III and Blake, M. SusannahMarriageMarriage of Логинов, Guy and Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy"MarriageMarriage of Rhodes, William Sr. and Kristensen, Anna JuneMarriageMarriage of Todd, John and Лалетин, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Todd, George W. and Morris, JaneMarriageMarriage of Todd, John M. and Farmer, Elizabeth EllenMarriageMarriage of Todd, John and Warner, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Todd, Hodges and Piotrowski, LucyMarriageMarriage of Todd, William and 渡辺, Mary (Polly)MarriageMarriage of Russell, Melvin Glen and Manning, Judith AnnMarriageMarriage of Côté, Raymond Patrick and Russell, Beth AnnMarriageMarriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley and Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe)MarriageMarriage of Жуков, David and Russell, Janet GailMarriageMarriage of Savard, Walter and Russell, Janet GailMarriageMarriage of Webb, Livingstone Martin and Blanco, Lucinda CatherineMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Rufus and Rodriquez, MariamMarriageMarriage of Floyd, John S. and Coleman, MaryMarriageMarriage of Reeves, James and Meyer, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Reeves, John and McCarthy, MaryMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Hans Peter and Howard, JulianaMarriageMarriage of Douglas, John Sr. and Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley"MarriageMarriage of Johnson, Henry and Sparks, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Garner, Lewis Anderson and Martel, Luella JacquesMarriageMarriage of Douglas, John Jr. and Johnson, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Carroll, Matthias Sr. and Воробьев, EvaMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Joseph and Carroll, GraceMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Cadwallader and Mendez, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Morris, Cyrus and Graves, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Russell, Bruce Lynn and Henderson, Cathy SueMarriageMarriage of Lessard, Ralph Raymond and Davidson, BerniceMarriageMarriage of Garner, Jesse V. and Taylor, ViolaMarriageMarriage of Яковлев, George and Garner, Jennie S.MarriageMarriage of Garner, Robert W. and Zieliński, Phoebe EmilyMarriageMarriage of Garner, Walter E. and García, MaudeMarriageMarriage of Andrews, Harold and Garner, Cecile ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Johnson, Richard F. and Garner, Betty JaneMarriageMarriage of Wójcik, Arnold and Garner, Helen BerniceMarriageMarriage of Bélanger, James and Garner, Bernetha EllenMarriageMarriage of Burgess, Edward and Garner, MarieMarriageMarriage of Arnold, ??????? and Яковлев, Esther FayeMarriageMarriage of Cooper, ??????? and Garner, MaudeMarriageMarriage of Robinson, Clarence and Garner, Bertha P.MarriageMarriage of Потылицин, Edward and Bélanger, Linda EllenMarriageMarriage of Garner, Joseph and Edwards, LucyMarriageMarriage of Garner, Raymond Webster and Bryant, Kathryn LadonMarriageMarriage of Cox, Robert C. and Garner, Jane McClellanMarriageMarriage of Garner, Raymond Scott and Pérez, Angela GayMarriageMarriage of Moran, Andrew and Sharp, ???MarriageMarriage of Foster, William and Sanders, MaryMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Joseph and Allen, JoannaMarriageMarriage of Warner, Capt. Andrew and Christiansen, HannahMarriageMarriage of Anderson, Rev. John and Christiansen, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Fox, William and Mason, HannahMarriageMarriage of Fox, Samuel and Mason, SusannahMarriageMarriage of Garner, Howard Lane and Marín, Mary AnneMarriageMarriage of Gosselin, Martin Kelly and Warner, Marcia JaneMarriageMarriage of Davis, John and Knight, HannahMarriageMarriage of Davis, Benjamin and Alexander, MaryMarriageMarriage of Wallace, Abraham and Greene, MarcyMarriageMarriage of Patrick, Melvin and Todd, LucilleMarriageMarriage of Adams, William and Aguilar, EleanorMarriageMarriage of Reed, John and Goodwin, SarahMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Christian, I and Mann, AgnesMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Johann Christian II and Матвеев, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Garner, John Roger and Брюханов, Violet LouiseMarriageMarriage of Brown, ????? and Тихонов, Mary EllenMarriageMarriage of Warner, Fred Loren and Flores, Jamie LeeMarriageMarriage of Piotrowski, John and Todd, OliveMarriageMarriage of Todd, Charles and Cole, EurydiceMarriageMarriage of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.) and Richard, JeanneMarriageMarriage of Тихонов, Moses and Holt, BridgetMarriageMarriage of Morris, Adam and Oliver, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Oliver, Harmonas II and Harvey, LydiaMarriageMarriage of Oliver, Harmonas I and Malone, MaryMarriageMarriage of Warner, Capt. Francis and Ingram, MaryMarriageMarriage of Тихонов, Miles? and Smith, Anastasia?MarriageMarriage of Anderson, Thomas and Carpenter, SarahMarriageMarriage of Warner, Arthur Maurice and Phillips, Anita IreneMarriageMarriage of Anderson, Samuel and Филиппов, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, John and Harmon, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Norris, John and Howell, Mary (Sarah)MarriageMarriage of Grenier, Joseph and Peters, RoseMarriageMarriage of Lefebvre, Robert and Гончаров, EllenMarriageMarriage of Wise, Thomas and Ramos, MaryMarriageMarriage of Webster, Johanne(John) and Saunders, UrsulaMarriageMarriage of 斎藤, Zariakius Cyriacus and Bishop, Anna BarbaraMarriageMarriage of Carroll, Jacob A. and Николаев, Maria CatharinaMarriageMarriage of Page, John and Kaczmarek, IsabellaMarriageMarriage of Warner, David Luther and Robbins, Merida LoreneMarriageMarriage of Benson, Joseph Louis(Sr.) and Simard, SarahMarriageMarriage of Thornton, Romaine and Soto, HarrietMarriageMarriage of Thornton, Phillip James and Белов, KatherineMarriageMarriage of Wheeler, Jacob Earl and Лопатин, Carmen DianaMarriageMarriage of Fitzgerald, David Lee and Лопатин, Donna ElaineMarriageMarriage of Garrett, Terry Lee and Holloway, GailMarriageMarriage of Rodgers, John and Garrett, Doris MaeMarriageMarriage of Герасимов, John and Garrett, Doris MaeMarriageMarriage of Webb, Lewis I. and Зайцев, Ruth L.MarriageMarriage of Lane, Remo and Barnes, ErnestinaMarriageMarriage of Warner, Michael Warren and Черных, Mary HelenMarriageMarriage of Козлов, Samuel C. and Pena, JuliaMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, George, Sr. and Henry, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Cunningham, Peter Sr. and Dunn, Margaret Mary?MarriageMarriage of Boucher, David and Morrison, NancyMarriageMarriage of Boucher, William and Fields, Bridget M.MarriageMarriage of Boucher, Thomas and Thompson, BridgetMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Sean and Gardner, MaryMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Michael and Gil, NoraMarriageMarriage of Boucher, John and Никитин, MonicaMarriageMarriage of Boucher, William and Savard, HonoraMarriageMarriage of Warner, Robert Eugene and Barber, Mary ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Hansen, Thomas and Boucher, Rose MaryMarriageMarriage of Hansen, Noel and Ramirez, HelenMarriageMarriage of Gardner, Michael and Hansen, NulaMarriageMarriage of Карпов, Damian and Hansen, IreneMarriageMarriage of Alonso, Joseph and Hansen, MonicaMarriageMarriage of Green, Yelverton and Robertson, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Peters, George Sr. and Ramsey, JoanMarriageMarriage of Welch, Irwin Arthur and Page, Eleanor IreneMarriageMarriage of Padilla, Otis Earl and Page, Eleanor IreneMarriageMarriage of Welch, Russell Eugene and Norton, DorothyMarriageMarriage of Warner, Richard Kenneth and Мельников, MarylouMarriageMarriage of Welch, Russell Eugene and Walsh, PenelopeMarriageMarriage of Brock, Stephen and Welch, Annabelle ElaineMarriageMarriage of Sánchez, David Andrew and Welch, Rosalie JaneMarriageMarriage of Osborne, Paul Daniel and Hawkins, Jennifer LeighMarriageMarriage of Page, Andrew Vincent and Zimmerman, Edith IreneMarriageMarriage of Matthews, Mark John and Warner, Andrea SusanMarriageMarriage of Garner, Barry Joseph and Vázquez, April LynnMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Stephen Francis and Gardner, Mary JaneMarriageMarriage of Boucher, William and Walters, MaryMarriageMarriage of Myers, James and Boucher, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Walker, Andrew Vincent and Pearson, Eileen RuthMarriageMarriage of Lessard, ??? and Castro, ???MarriageMarriage of Domínguez, George and Максимов, NancyMarriageMarriage of Page, Vernett Gail and Norman, Dorothy LouiseMarriageMarriage of Page, Dwayne Alan and Scott, Cheryl LeeMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Roger Joseph and Page, Sylvia LouiseMarriageMarriage of Page, Marvin Ray and Morton, Gail DarleneMarriageMarriage of Cobb, Merrick and Boucher, Cynthia LouiseMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Steven Joseph and Nelson, ArleneMarriageMarriage of Woźniak, Thomas and Page, Debra DaleMarriageMarriage of Evans, ?m.MaryJane and Rhodes, Mary JaneMarriageMarriage of Данилов, Earl William and Lessard, Dorothy LouiseMarriageMarriage of Collins, Loren and Rhodes, Mary JaneMarriageMarriage of Evans, James Patrick and Stevenson, SusanMarriageMarriage of Сергеев, Dennis and Garner, Kathryn MaryMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Gerhard and Белоусов, CatharineMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Peter and Glover, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Blanco, John Sr. and Lucas, ChristinaMarriageMarriage of Rodriquez, William M. and Douglas, Mary"Polly"MarriageMarriage of Blanco, Hans(Johannes) and Sullivan, AnnaMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Heinrich and Schmidt, BarbliMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Hans and Buchanan, ElsbethMarriageMarriage of Osborne, Dwight Billington and Lessard, Mary AliceMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Bendicht and Fisher, BendichtliMarriageMarriage of Austin, Hans and Burke, MariaMarriageMarriage of Jenkins, Peter and Marsh, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Austin, Johannas and Jenkins, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Reid, Hans and Семенов, CathernMarriageMarriage of Белоусов, Jacob and Suárez, MarieMarriageMarriage of Fortin, Matthias and Baker, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Белоусов, Johannas Jacob and Reid, Anna CatherinaMarriageMarriage of Marín, William and Francis, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Schultz, Rev.Isaac and Turner, MaryMarriageMarriage of Warner, George Edward and Lessard, Elinor JaneMarriageMarriage of Warner, Richard Kenneth and Wade, Joy A.MarriageMarriage of Schultz, John and Payne, Jane CoppageMarriageMarriage of Brooks, Major Marquis II and Rubio, WinifredMarriageMarriage of Payne, Leonard and Hall, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Payne, Leonard? and Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty"MarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, Moses Aaron and Reynolds, Mary JaneMarriageMarriage of Payne, George and Diaz, FrancesMarriageMarriage of Шестаков, George and Daniels, PhoebeMarriageMarriage of Martel, Henry and Hébert, Ruth AnnMarriageMarriage of Жуков, Curtis Dale and Gordon, Heather KathleenMarriageMarriage of Willis, Corey and Poirier, Janelle MarieMarriageMarriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr. and Pelletier, JosephineMarriageMarriage of Warner, Robert Douglas and Norton, ChristinaMarriageMarriage of Warner, Thomas Frederick and Carter, Debra J.MarriageMarriage of Warner, Stephen Paul and Худоногов, PatriciaMarriageMarriage of Diaz, William and Baldwin, AnneMarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, Charles Sr. and Lapointe, Lucy aka SarahMarriageMarriage of Howell, John and Yates, SarahMarriageMarriage of Webb, Andrew and Webb, Margaret Margarite?MarriageMarriage of Delgado and Tyler, Mary A.MarriageMarriage of Webb, Alexander and Delgado, Mary AnnMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Frederick and Stanley, BarbaraMarriageMarriage of Hale, Lawrence Paul and Garner, Anne ThereseMarriageMarriage of Sanders, Henry and Rose, AnnMarriageMarriage of Foster, Thomas and Spencer, AnnMarriageMarriage of Warner, Thomas and Black, JaneMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Edward and Abbott, FrancesMarriageMarriage of Jones, Hugh and Кириллов, ??MarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Christopher and Jones, AnnMarriageMarriage of Смирнов, Eudo and Rios, AgnesMarriageMarriage of Смирнов, Ribald and Gray, BeatrixMarriageMarriage of Пономарев, Ralph and Rodríguez, AgathaMarriageMarriage of Hanson, Robert and Schwartz, HelewisaMarriageMarriage of Garner, Gerard Stephen and George, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Knudsen, Robert and Schwartz, HelewisaMarriageMarriage of Knudsen, Ranulf and Huff, BertramaMarriageMarriage of Foster, John and Ryan, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Knudsen, Ralph and Walton, Theophania(Tiffany)MarriageMarriage of Knudsen, Ralph and Huff, IsabelMarriageMarriage of Knudsen, John and Huff, IsabelMarriageMarriage of Massey, John and Мальцев, JoanMarriageMarriage of Christiansen, Christopher and Gomez, Jane JoaneMarriageMarriage of Foster, Thomas and Kozłowski, MargretMarriageMarriage of Garner, Francis William and Gibbs, ConnieMarriageMarriage of Marín, Walter Matthew and Boucher, Mary CeciliaMarriageMarriage of Martín and Garner, Melissa SueMarriageMarriage of Garner, Richard Eugene and Gibbs, ElaineMarriageMarriage of Garner, Jason Richard and Harper, ??MarriageMarriage of Garner, Michael Stanley and Gibbs, SharonMarriageMarriage of Díez, William George and Garner, Barbara JoMarriageMarriage of Demers, ?? and Сергеев, Adria MariaMarriageMarriage of Garner, Peter George and Gibbs, JoyMarriageMarriage of Hill and Garner, Louella MarieMarriageMarriage of Garner, John Joseph and Crawford, LoriMarriageMarriage of Garner, Mark Gerard and Gibbs, LoriMarriageMarriage of Marín, Moses Wallace and Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) ThereseMarriageMarriage of Mullins, Robert? and Houston, EllenderMarriageMarriage of Christensen, William and Cruz, Judy DeniseMarriageMarriage of Holloway, John(?) and Орлов, Margaret(?)MarriageMarriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Holloway, SarahMarriageMarriage of Weaver, Steven Matthew and Warner, JenniferMae(Ganoe)MarriageMarriage of Ball, Ezekiel and ReeseMarriageMarriage of Welch, Christopher Paul and Hayes, LeAnnMarriageMarriage of Graham, Steve and Cruz, Laura JoyMarriageMarriage of Townsend, Mark and Максимов, Heather MichelleMarriageMarriage of Wilson, Douglas and Cruz, Marsha AnnMarriageMarriage of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank) and Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie"MarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Jeffery and Cruz, Patti JoMarriageMarriage of Brooks, William Waller and Васильев, LucyMarriageMarriage of Brooks, Marquis I and Guzman, IsabellaMarriageMarriage of Riley, Thomas and Edwards, LucyMarriageMarriage of Garner, Daniel Webster and Jackson, Cora EllenMarriageMarriage of Ramírez, John B. and Garner, Rebecca CatharineMarriageMarriage of Floyd, John Morgan and Carr, Zelpha JosephineMarriageMarriage of Ford, Stephen Jacob and Garner, Iola Elizabeth BettyMarriageMarriage of Garner, Robert F. and Cannon, Mary JaneMarriageMarriage of Boucher, William Bernard and Reeves, MariaMarriageMarriage of Parker, Frank R. and Garner, AnettaMarriageMarriage of Wheeler, Don and Лопатин, Carmen DianaMarriageMarriage of Reed, Edward and Reed, EllenMarriageMarriage of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick" and 伊藤, MaryMarriageMarriage of Jordan, William and Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe)MarriageMarriage of Reed, Francis Vincent and Казанцев, KatherineMarriageMarriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr. and Washington, PearlineMarriageMarriage of Dean, John and Reed, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Reed, John and Bernier, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Lefebvre, Rev. John L. and Kowalski, HannahMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Michael and Boucher, HonoraMarriageMarriage of Kowalski, John and Wells, AliceMarriageMarriage of Kowalski, Thomas and Santos, AliceMarriageMarriage of Sanchez, John and Curtis, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Curtis, John and Gibbs, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Molina, RobertMarriageMarriage of James, Robert and Pratt, SarahMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, David and Vaughn, Mary MeriwetherMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, Nicholas and Murray, SusannahMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, Col. John and Mazur, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Mazur, William and Crawford, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Warner, David Warren and Simpson, Geraldine AnnMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, John and Ковалев, SarahMarriageMarriage of Elliott, Lodowick and Ковалев, SarahMarriageMarriage of Goodman, Ralph and Powell, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, John and Stevens, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, William and Page, SarahMarriageMarriage of Bédard, Swanson and Дмитриев, MaryMarriageMarriage of Erickson, Charles and Дмитриев, LucyMarriageMarriage of Bishop, Quirinus and Simmons, MariaMarriageMarriage of Webster, Conrad and Castillo, MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Lapointe, John and Madsen, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Warner, Warren W. and Ball, AbigailMarriageMarriage of Russell, Norman and Lessard, Helen BelleMarriageMarriage of Baldwin, Peter and НикифоровMarriageMarriage of Diaz, William and Комаров, JaneMarriageMarriage of Swanson, William and Jensen, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Swanson, Richard and El Fernández, Avis Fernandez IIIMarriageMarriage of Diaz, William (Rev.) and Hoffman, FayMarriageMarriage of 山本, Antoine Desaure Perronett and Соколов, LouiseMarriageMarriage of Garner, Thomas James and Сорокин, Holly RuthMarriageMarriage of Сорокин, Robert and Сорокин, CandyMarriageMarriage of Webb, Elias and Gibbs, NancyMarriageMarriage of Webb, Alex and Макаров, NancyMarriageMarriage of Warner, Stuart Bogarte and Richards, DianaMarriageMarriage of Waters, John and Webb, MaryMarriageMarriage of Макаров, JosephMarriageMarriage of Webb, William John and Wagner, Martha AnnMarriageMarriage of Webb, James Marshall and Ballard, Judith EllenMarriageMarriage of Богданов, Dr. Brent and Cruz, Ann LynnMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Jacob and Морозов, Mary ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Григорьев, Anna MariaMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Michael and López, Anna ElisabethMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Holland, Anna MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Simon and Баранов, SusanMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Benjamin H. and Mills, IsabellaMarriageMarriage of Shelton, Peter and Farmer, CarolineMarriageMarriage of Thomsen, new and Farmer, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Valentine and Miller, Anna CatherineMarriageMarriage of Farmer, George William and Bradley, MaryMarriageMarriage of Taylor, Jacob and Farmer, SusannaMarriageMarriage of Dubé, Jacob and Farmer, Anna MarieMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Peter Simon and Bowen, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Patterson, George and Farmer, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Butler, George and Farmer, EvaMarriageMarriage of Ford, Samuel and Farmer, CatharineMarriageMarriage of Reed, Francis Vincent and Тихонов, Catherine VirginiaMarriageMarriage of Farmer, Michael and Dubé, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin and Morgan, Elisabeth MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Franciskus and Barnett, Anna GertrudeMarriageMarriage of Frazier, Johann Adam and Hicks, Anna EvaMarriageMarriage of Frazier, Johann Walter and Beaulieu, Anna MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Steele, Valentine and Beaulieu, Anna ElisabethMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin and Frazier, Maria MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Hardy, Jakob and Beaulieu, Anna MariaMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Adam and Michaud, Anna EvaMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Theobald and Sutton, Anna MariaMarriageMarriage of Haynes, Marc W. and Warner, Laura GailMarriageMarriage of López, Hans Valentin and Beaulieu, Anna OttiliaMarriageMarriage of Michaud, Valentin and Beaulieu, Anna EvaMarriageMarriage of Александров, Johann Adam and Beaulieu, Anna MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Александров, Anna MargarethaMarriageMarriage of Власов, John and Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie"MarriageMarriage of Lévesque, James W. and Lessard, Emma JaneMarriageMarriage of Boyd, Charles Newton and Lessard, IzoraMarriageMarriage of Gilbert, ?? and Lévesque, WilmaMarriageMarriage of Page, David and Douglas, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Mack, ?? and Lévesque, ElsieMarriageMarriage of Blais, ?? and Lévesque, MaryMarriageMarriage of Neal, James and Page, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Schneider and Neal, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Waters, William and Neal, MatildaMarriageMarriage of Jankowski, George and Page, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Sanz, John and Jankowski, SarahMarriageMarriage of Lewandowski, Thomas and Jankowski, Isabella BelleMarriageMarriage of Owens, Wilford and Jankowski, MatildaMarriageMarriage of Черкашин, Thomas and Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie"MarriageMarriage of Cruz, William Everett and Hawkins, Ellen MarieMarriageMarriage of Romero, Ernest and Jankowski, MinnieMarriageMarriage of Page, John James and Mcdaniel, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Page, John James and Adkins, MinnieMarriageMarriage of Ortiz, Raymond and Page, FerneMarriageMarriage of McCormick, Dean and Page, FlorenceMarriageMarriage of Wong and Page, MildredMarriageMarriage of Daniels and Page, Edith (Dolly)MarriageMarriage of Cross, Thomas and Page, AnnaMarriageMarriage of Peters, Frank O. and Cross, Alta M.MarriageMarriage of Armstrong, Teddy C. and Cross, GertrudeMarriageMarriage of Киселев, Dennis John and Warner, Nancy ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Morin and Page, BelleMarriageMarriage of Moss, Christy and Page, MatildaMarriageMarriage of Waters, Cecil and Фомин, GraceMarriageMarriage of Waters, Cecil Glenn and Hubbard, DonnaMarriageMarriage of Reyes and Armstrong, SarahMarriageMarriage of Gross and Peters, DorothyMarriageMarriage of Neal, John and Schneider, Belle IreneMarriageMarriage of Bélanger, Adrian and Neal, Helen M.MarriageMarriage of Bélanger, Donald and Pierce, JoanneMarriageMarriage of Ortiz, Don and Welch, ShirleyMarriageMarriage of Лопатин, Raymond A. and Garrett, Carmen EloiseMarriageMarriage of Hines and Douglas, Eliza JaneMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Abraham and Greer, Mary WeinMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, John and James, PamelaMarriageMarriage of Boyd, Capt. and Alvarado, ElizaMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Franklin and Hodges, ComfortMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, William and Moody, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Thomas C. and Медведев, MaryMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Marshall and Bouchard, JaneMarriageMarriage of Douglas, John Jr. and Rogers, BarbaraMarriageMarriage of Lane, Joseph Robert and Thornton, Dorothy EleanorMarriageMarriage of Hernández, Thomas and Douglas, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Kelley, Thomas and Douglas, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Parsons, Henry and Douglas, EllenMarriageMarriage of Павлов, Reuben and Douglas, Lucinda J.MarriageMarriage of Андреев, William and Douglas, SusanMarriageMarriage of Douglas, John Sr. and Larson, Christena WisemanMarriageMarriage of Douglas, Hans Peter and Cummings, LeonnahMarriageMarriage of Gibson, Mr. and James, MaryMarriageMarriage of Page, Mr. and James, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Lavoie, Henry and James, PatsyMarriageMarriage of Warner, Noah and Burns, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Watkins, Bruce Edward and Warner, Mary ChristineMarriageMarriage of Santiago, Mathias and James, MollyMarriageMarriage of Poole, Dr. John and James, JaneMarriageMarriage of Parent, Montgomery and Alvarado, PatsyMarriageMarriage of Быков, Herod and Parent, PollyMarriageMarriage of Taylor, Philip and Быков, HarrietMarriageMarriage of Быков, Charles and Girard, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Moore, George and Быков, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Быков, Samuel and Larsen, NellyMarriageMarriage of Logan, Joseph and Быков, JanieMarriageMarriage of Poirier, James A. and Walker, Sharon LynetteMarriageMarriage of King, Henry and Быков, AnnieMarriageMarriage of Bergeron, John W. and Быков, BettieMarriageMarriage of Lawson, Mr. and Parent, PollyMarriageMarriage of Benson, Walter and Ellis, Margaret SteelMarriageMarriage of Benson, Hugh and Ouellet, RebeccaMarriageMarriage of Benson, Samuel Sr. and Wong, JaneMarriageMarriage of Алексеев, Jacob and Benson, MaryMarriageMarriage of Pedersen, William and Benson, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Floyd, Henry and Benson, NancyMarriageMarriage of 中村, Thomas and Jiménez, Polly MaryMarriageMarriage of Nguyen, John Harry and Walker, Sharon LynetteMarriageMarriage of Williams, Thomas Jr. and Jiménez, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, Andrew and Palmer, SarahMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, John and Palmer, MaryMarriageMarriage of McCarthy, Valentine Thomas and Jiménez, SarahMarriageMarriage of Curry, Kenner S. and Jiménez, RebeccaMarriageMarriage of Jiménez, Cornelius and Blair, JaneMarriageMarriage of Hébert, Mr. and Page, MaryMarriageMarriage of Page, Robert and Neal, BelleMarriageMarriage of Nowak, John H. and Page, Eleanor MaudeMarriageMarriage of Егоров, Dr. Charles J. and Page, Edith MaeMarriageMarriage of Warner, John William and Miles, Rebecca J.MarriageMarriage of James, Hugh Jr. and Wiśniewski, D.MarriageMarriage of James, Joseph and Floyd, NancyMarriageMarriage of James, Isaac and Andersen, MarthaMarriageMarriage of James, Thomas and Parent, BetsyMarriageMarriage of James, Thomas and Marshall, Kate TeelMarriageMarriage of Strickland, Col. Robert and James, PatsyMarriageMarriage of James, Walter Crockett and Hernández, NancyMarriageMarriage of James, Walter Crockett and Захаров, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Young, Mr. and Waters, EdithMarriageMarriage of 小林, Mr. and Waters, NellieMarriageMarriage of Thornton, Arthur Otto and Marín, Lilla EstellaMarriageMarriage of Grabowski, Mr. and Waters, LolaMarriageMarriage of Page, Richard C. and Rodriguez, Helen M.MarriageMarriage of Page, Kenneth Fritz and Pittman, June ChristineMarriageMarriage of Serrano, Archibald and Delgado, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Quinn, Abraham and Blanco, MalvinaMarriageMarriage of Serrano, Joseph and Quinn, Elizabeth MariumMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Henry and Fournier, PeggyMarriageMarriage of Blanco, Peter and Leonard, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Stephens, Adam and Blanco, Anna MariaMarriageMarriage of Hammond, Roy and Serrano, CarrieMarriageMarriage of Ward, David J. and Warner, Margaret RuthMarriageMarriage of Day, Charles and Serrano, DotMarriageMarriage of Little, O. D. and Webb, Anna MabelMarriageMarriage of Ford, Phillip D. and Webb, Joan LorindaMarriageMarriage of 鈴木, Robert B. and Blanco, Mary F.MarriageMarriage of Parks, Cliff and Gill, Lorie AnnMarriageMarriage of Lessard, Robert and Webb, Joan LorindaMarriageMarriage of Rodriquez, John and Поляков, EveMarriageMarriage of Cook, John and Rodriquez, MaryMarriageMarriage of Rodriquez, Mordica and Казаков, JaneMarriageMarriage of Mortensen, Daniel and Warner, Sarah JaneMarriageMarriage of Rodriquez, Mordica and Воронов, KatherineMarriageMarriage of Rodriquez, Richard and Жуков, HannahMarriageMarriage of Martínez and Serrano, Reh DawnMarriageMarriage of Lessard and Castro, ???MarriageMarriage of Boucher, Patrick and Dennis, SusanMarriageMarriage of Bush, James and Boucher, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Michael Shannon and Iglesias, KateMarriageMarriage of Hamilton, John and Boucher, MireadMarriageMarriage of St-Pierre, Joe and Boucher, NoreneMarriageMarriage of Brady, Michael and Boucher, AgnesMarriageMarriage of Bates, William Robert and Данилов, Elaine SuzanneMarriageMarriage of Brady, Tony and Boucher, BridgetMarriageMarriage of Caldwell, Paul and Boucher, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Hart, Gerry and Boucher, MaryMarriageMarriage of Boucher, Michael and Boucher, AnneMarriageMarriage of Lindsey, John and Warner, Martha EllenMarriageMarriage of McCoy, Thomas Michael and Howell, MaryMarriageMarriage of Stokes, Gabriel and McCoy, Celine BridgetMarriageMarriage of McCoy, Francis and Reed, SarahMarriageMarriage of Reed, Matthew and Gibbs, MaryMarriageMarriage of Reed, Peter and Кузнецов, HanoraMarriageMarriage of Floyd, Robert William and Данилов, Kathryn LouiseMarriageMarriage of Valdez and Reed, NoreenMarriageMarriage of Berry and Reed, CarmelMarriageMarriage of Беляев and Reed, PeggyMarriageMarriage of Duncan and Reed, JoanMarriageMarriage of Reed, Terrence and Gibbs, MariaMarriageMarriage of Dawson and Reed, AnastasiaMarriageMarriage of Martinez and Reed, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Poulin and Reed, RoseMarriageMarriage of Федоров and Reed, BridgetMarriageMarriage of White and Reed, Mary AnnMarriageMarriage of Harrison, Paul Allen and Данилов, Lucinda ElinorMarriageMarriage of Мартынов and Reed, JaneMarriageMarriage of Reed, Patrick and Gibbs, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Reed, Peter James? and Reed, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Kamiński and Reed, JaneMarriageMarriage of Reed, Michael and Goodwin, AliceMarriageMarriage of Sandoval, Johnnie and Reed, MinnieMarriageMarriage of Goodwin and Sandoval, LizMarriageMarriage of Johnston and Sandoval, JeanMarriageMarriage of Reed, Terrence (TyNed) and Gibbs, JennieMarriageMarriage of Reed, Michael and Gibbs, MaryMarriageMarriage of Fox, David and Green, FrancesMarriageMarriage of Cruz, Ivan Wayne and Gagnon, Bettie LouMarriageMarriage of Love and Reed, CarmelMarriageMarriage of Jimenez and Reed, MaureenMarriageMarriage of Payne, Fielding and Lawrence, Dorcas C.MarriageMarriage of Ford, William and Payne, WinifredMarriageMarriage of Payne, Alexander and Salazar, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Payne, Alexander and Kamiński, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Reynolds, John and Newman, MargaretMarriageMarriage of Diaz, James and Woods, NancyMarriageMarriage of Woods, James and Зырянов, MaryMarriageMarriage of Hunt, Isaac and Дмитриев, Nancy AnnMarriageMarriage of Cruz, Paul Eugene and Lambert, MargueriteMarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, Travis and Payne, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, William and Wood, PollyMarriageMarriage of Wood, Peter and Gibbs, LucyMarriageMarriage of Petersen, William and Дмитриев, Margaret JaneMarriageMarriage of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr. and Woods, Mary PollyMarriageMarriage of Doyle, Robert Gove and Diaz, Mary PollyMarriageMarriage of Pelletier, Esiquio and Leclerc, SesariaMarriageMarriage of Coleman and Garner, Louella MarieMarriageMarriage of Beck, Jack and Garner, BernadetteMarriageMarriage of Горбунов, Matt and Garner, CeciliaMarriageMarriage of Garrett, William Forest and Perkins, Wilma MaeMarriageMarriage of Perry, M. and Reeves, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Terry, J. and Reeves, BridgetMarriageMarriage of Gagné, Thomas and Reeves, AnnMarriageMarriage of Desjardins, J. and Reeves, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Reeves, John and Flowers, Mary A.MarriageMarriage of Foster, John and Ryan, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Dixon, Thomas and Warner, MaryMarriageMarriage of Warner, Daniel and Higgins, CharityMarriageMarriage of Лебедев, Trustum and Warner, JohannaMarriageMarriage of Warner, George and Nichols, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Garrett, William Walker and Lessard, Laura EloiseMarriageMarriage of Warner, Johnathon and Montgomery, MaryMarriageMarriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Snyder, Ann LouisaMarriageMarriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Gonzalez, Eliza JaneMarriageMarriage of Roy, Prince Alfred and Marín, Frances CoppageMarriageMarriage of Munoz, Shadrach M. and Marín, Nancy H.MarriageMarriage of Harrison, Edward and Allen, SarahMarriageMarriage of Allen, John and Dennis, Mary (Hannah?)MarriageMarriage of Максимов and Allen, AbigailMarriageMarriage of Mendoza, James and Allen, AbigailMarriageMarriage of Allen, Joseph and Barker, MaryMarriageMarriage of Cruz, Arthur Ray and Robbins, MyrabelMarriageMarriage of Новиков, Thomas and Allen, RachelMarriageMarriage of Allen, Benjamin and Griffith, ExperienceMarriageMarriage of Norris, John and Новиков, SarahMarriageMarriage of Hernandez, John and Norris, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Allen, Gershom and Kennedy, AnnMarriageMarriage of Boyd, Charles Newton and Jones, Martha ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Борисов and Boyd, Carmen AlbertaMarriageMarriage of Gutiérrez, Walter Harmon and Boyd, Lauretta EstherMarriageMarriage of Stone, Alfred Wayne and Gutiérrez, Virginia ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Colon, William and Gutiérrez, Dorothy JeanMarriageMarriage of Warner, Harold Lowell and Powers, Nancy LouMarriageMarriage of Medina, Wesley G. and Gutiérrez, Joan ArleneMarriageMarriage of Hawkins, Beckham and Афанасьев, AngieMarriageMarriage of Hawkins, William Melvin and Gibbs, RuthMarriageMarriage of Torres and Hawkins, GailMarriageMarriage of Stewart and Hawkins, JanelleMarriageMarriage of Becker and Hawkins, JeanMarriageMarriage of Waters and Webb, MaryMarriageMarriage of Давыдов and Ball, JaneMarriageMarriage of González and Ball, MarthaMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Thomas H. and Dąbrowski, Letitia C.MarriageMarriage of Cruz, Everett and Lessard, Susanna MarieMarriageMarriage of Andersen, Samuel and Moreno, DelilahMarriageMarriage of Porter, David and Moreno, Mary H.MarriageMarriage of Álvarez and Porter, Mahala J.MarriageMarriage of Joseph, Alfred and Moreno, MinervaMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Solon and Perkins, LydiaMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Darius and Craig, Mary J.MarriageMarriage of Ball, William M. and Moreno, Phebe J.MarriageMarriage of Patton, Adolph and Moreno, Lelia L.MarriageMarriage of Moreno, Christian and Price, MaryMarriageMarriage of Ford and Moreno, ElizabethMarriageMarriage of Watson, Alvin E. and Warner, Beverly AnnMarriageMarriage of Chambers, William and Moreno, LeahMarriageMarriage of Романов, John and Moreno, DelilahMarriageMarriage of Moreno, Esau and Caron, Mary E.MarriageMarriage of Martin and Moreno, Mary AnnMarriageMarriage of French, Jimmy Michael and Warner, Martha EllenMarriageMarriage of Alvarado, Jack D. and Warner, Shirley KayMarriageMarriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Moreno, Abigail ChapmanMarriageMarriage of Webb, Francis Irvin and Todd, Louella JaneMarriageMarriage of Welch, Michael and Osborne, Anita JuneMarriageMarriage of Warner, Michael Louis and Warren, Pansy L.MarriageMarriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Couture, HonoraMarriageMarriage of Landry, Michael Edward and Brady, CatherineJosephineMarriageMarriage of Harris, Lawrence and Landry, AliceMarriageMarriage of Landry, Maurice T. and Estrada, Mary ClaireMarriageMarriage of Landry, Maurice T. and Vargas, Caroline MetzgerMarriageMarriage of Landry, John Anthony and Harris, Ella MaeMarriageMarriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Ortega, CatherineMarriageMarriage of Зыков, John and Hopkins, Mary EveMarriageMarriage of 鈴木, Allen and Marín, AliceMarriageMarriage of Olson, ??????? and Marín, AliceMarriageMarriage of Marín, Willis H. and Floyd, Sarah (Sally)MarriageMarriage of Тарасов, Simon and Todd, Flora BelleMarriageMarriage of Webb, John Raymond and Ford, Lorinda CatherineMarriageMarriage of Ильин, Gary and Webb, Marilyn JeanMarriageMarriage of Gill, Lawrence and Webb, Joan LorindaMarriageMarriage of Mcbride, Paul and Данилов, Barbara JoanneMarriageMarriage of Данилов, Darrell Edwin and Ross, Evelyn AlmazonMarriageMarriage of Jørgensen, Jeffrey and Osborne, Julia MarieMarriageMarriage of Warner, Piatt D. and Fox, Julia ColvilleMarriageMarriage of Lessard, Isaac and Domínguez, Mary E.MarriageMarriage of Cruz, Gerald Ray and Rasmussen, Marilyn JoanMarriageMarriage of Максимов, Rodney Herman and Cruz, Janis MarleneMarriageMarriage of Cruz, James Richard and Morales, Penelope MargotMarriageMarriage of Cruz, Thomas Everett and Briggs, Joyce InezMarriageMarriage of Welch, Paul Allen and Cruz, Linda HelenMarriageMarriage of Cruz, Dale Eugene and Gill, LindaMarriageMarriage of Cruz, David Wayne and Nunez, Barbara AnnMarriageMarriage of West, Ronald David and Cruz, Melinda LouMarriageMarriage of Peters, John C. and Cruz, Joyce MarieFMarthaNielsenMArmand E.JiménezFMaryМедведевMChristopher RandallFloydMNiallCaldwellMDaniel BurtonWójcikMEdwardПотылицинMHarmonas IIOliverFMarthaЗлобинMKevin WayneWestFMatildaNealMWilliam WalkerGarrettMJosephHopkinsMAbrahamDouglasFMaryHowellFKathryn MaryGarnerFHannahChristiansenMPeterSheltonFMarthaMorrisMJamesParkMMordicaRodriquezMJeffrey BrianHaleMJohnHowellFMargaret AnnGarnerMEliasWebbMDavid LutherWarnerFChristena WisemanLarsonMSteven JosephBoucherF??HarperFElizabethDouglasFElizabethReevesFCecile ElizabethGarnerFKittyLandryFMaria ChristineMortensenFMary AnnDelgadoMJohn McCreaWebbMSamuel Sr.BensonMJohnGonzálezMDaniel ArthurWarnerFMary Grace ElizabethWarnerMJosephFAnna JuneKristensenMJohn JamesPageMJoseph WilliamMarínFMarylouМельниковMAlbertMarínMDuncanFLaurie AnnNguyenM??MackMGeorgePayneMThomasFernandezMJonathanBurnsMJason EarlWheelerMWalter CrockettJamesFDorcas C.LawrenceMMatthew VincentAlvaradoMBendichtBlancoMTerry LeeGarrettFMary JaneRhodesFLeahMorenoFVirginia MargaretRiceMPeterJenkinsFElizabethPageFEvelynCrossMJacobDouglasMDr. Charles J.ЕгоровMJamesWójcikFJane CoppagePayneMHarmonas IOliverMJohnKnudsenMSamuelDouglasFLucinda ElinorДаниловFJanelleHawkinsFEliza JaneGonzalezFCatherineBoucherUDouglasFMary PollyWoodsMJohnCurtisMRobertСорокинFSarahJankowskiMStephen GerardGarnerFFlora AliceFarmerFMonicaНикитинFIsabella BelleJankowskiMFred LorenWarnerFArleneNelsonFAnne ThereseGarnerMJohn RaymondWebbMÁlvarezMMichael J.BoucherFRose MaryBoucherFSarah MargariteWebbFHelen BerniceGarnerMThomasHansenMThomasЧеркашинMThomasSimardFLeonnahCummingsMHenryBlancoMDennisСергеевMRobertJamesFAbigailBallMJames MarshallWebbMCharles EdwardWebbMMichaelReedFHarrietSotoMMr.PageFElizabethМатвеевMJohann AdamFrazierFLelia L.MorenoFFrancesChristiansenMAnthony DavidLaneMGeorgeЯковлевFFrances Lucille (Babe)ReedMMr.BlancoMHansBlancoM??BlaisFCatherineOrtegaMHenryMossFLucretiaPayneMPaul EugeneCruzMRobertWarnerFDelilahMorenoMWilliam ArthurAndrewsFEleanor IrenePageFBertramaHuffMJustin MatthewWeaverMGaryИльинMJohn HenryBergeronFNina MaeMyersFMargaretJenkinsFElizabethNielsenMJohnKnudsenMMerrittЧеркашинFAnn LouisaSnyderFD.WiśniewskiFJulia MarieOsborneMMorinFMarthaAndersenMWilliam PhilipCunninghamFMary AnnRodriquezMPoulinMJohnPiotrowskiMOwenReedMPatrickBoucherMJohnBensonFIsabellaGuzmanFMartha EllenBensonMAlexWebbMEsiquioPelletierMRobertLefebvreFUrsulaSaundersMTerrence (TyNed)ReedFAmanda E.JiménezMDeanSerranoMMarionAndersenFMaryGregoryMMartínezFMartha Ellen M.BensonFCatherine VirginiaKristensenFEllenBoucherMThomasBoucherFAnnabell GordonЖуковFElisabeth MargarethaMorganFMargaretMcdanielFMaryBarkerMSolonMorenoMDavidFosterMJoshua DavidСергеевFEleanor (Nellie) ThereseLandryMMichaelBoucherMDeanMcCormickMMichaelBoucherMEdenWarnerFMaryReedFMarieHowellMJamesReevesMWilliamFordFAmber LynneWarnerFElla MaeHarrisMRobertKnudsenMRichardWójcikMRobert W.GarnerFJuliaPenaMTimothy RyanИльинMJohann AdamBeaulieuMWilliamДмитриевMRev. EdmundWarnerFMargaretBakerMRobert WarrenWarnerFCora OliveToddMChristopherChristiansenMJohnDiazFMargaretЗахаровMMr.YoungMCyrusMorrisMGeorgeJankowskiFBernadetteGarnerFLouiseСоколовFSarahArmstrongMCol. CharlesAlvaradoMGeorgePayneFMarilyn JeanWebbMCapt.Jacob C.ParentFMary ElizabethKristensenFHeather JoGarnerFLucy MabelWebbMDennis JohnКиселевMJason RichardGarnerMMathewReevesFMaryAllenFRosalie JaneWelchMWilliam JohnWebbMDonOrtizM???????ЗыковFHanoraКузнецовFHyla RaeМаксимовFElizabethHallMWilliam George Jr.DíezMTerrySandovalMWilliamBensonFGarnerFJudith AnnManningFSarahКарповFBarbaraBlancoFMaryWarnerFKatherineБеловFLeigh AnnHillM??GilbertMKenner S.CurryMJonathanAllenFElizabethMorenoM???????ArnoldMDawsonFPatricia AnneHarrisMTimothy ChristianBatesMJamesBoucherMJames PatrickEvansMQuirinusBishopMAlfred WayneStoneFLinda HelenCruzFLucyEdwardsMThomas FrederickWarnerMJohann ValentinBeaulieuFJaneКомаровFPhoebe EmilyZielińskiMEdwardWarnerMProf. William JosephBoucherFMary ElizabethМорозовMWilliam (Rev.)DiazFNicole LynnWarnerMHenryKingMJohnLindseyFIda E.BallFBelle MarieWarnerFDorothy LouiseNormanMJohnLawsonMJacob, Sr.FoxMHans PeterDouglasFSylvia LouisePageFMargaretCurtisFGraceФоминMHenry ClayParentFLaura GailWarnerMJohnAguilarMRobertMolinaMJason SpotswoodBensonMPeterReedFEurydiceColeMThomasSwansonMRalph RaymondLessardMMarquis IBrooksMTyler WilliamMartínFNancy LouWebbFMadeline KathleenOsborneFLuluMunozFNancyWebbFElizabethФилипповFSusannahMurrayFMarcyGreeneFJulia AngelineWarnerFMargaretCrawfordMNewton KitridgeWebbMJosephGrenierMJosephМакаровMWilliamPedersenFMaryBoucherFHonoraBushFMarthaPowellMWalterSavardMHinesFMary HelenЧерныхMJacobDouglasMJosephJamesFJosephine GraceLandryFLoriCrawfordMDavid WarrenWarnerMLewisWarnerMParisBlancoMJohnPageMDonald E.RhodesMRalphПономаревMStephenBlancoMJamesДмитриевFChelsea DawnPoulsenMWhiteFEvaВоробьевMGeorge H.JiménezMRalph (Scotty)CrossFMargaretNewmanFCatherineMadsenMNathaniel M.WarnerMDr. BrentБогдановMRobertLessardMJamesWoodsFKatherineКазанцевUCarrollLewandowskiFGailHawkinsFDeirdra DeniseWarnerFAnna MariaГригорьевMJoseph Louis(Jr.)BensonMJohnParentMWilliam ForestGarrettMJohn Sr.DouglasMLiam MichaelStokesMTerenceReedFDoris MaeGarrettMJohnFosterFMaryBradleyFDelilahMorenoFEleanorParentFMelissa SueGarnerMRobertMunozMGabriel Gustav山本MStephen FrancisBoucherMJames T.JiménezFMargaret SteelEllisFLouella JaneToddMJohn Francis"Chick"KristensenMAbrahamQuinnMTedOrtizFLizSandovalFMinervaMorenoMHaroldAndrewsMRalphGoodmanFIzoraLessardFMerida LoreneRobbinsFCatherine M.LandryFAllison ReneeGarnerFRoisineAlonsoMJohann WalterFrazierMArthur OttoThorntonFLucyДмитриевMAbsalomMorenoMDr. JohnPooleMJohn AllenBatesFStephanie SueWarnerMAlbert RaymondRobinsonMJohnathanWarnerFDorothy JeanGutiérrezMHansAustinMCapt. GeorgeWarnerFFrances MaeWebbMPatrickReedMGeorge Henry, Jr.JiménezMRobert DouglasWarnerMRichard W.HawkinsFSarah SuzanneWarnerFMary MollyAndersonMThomasWarnerMMontgomeryParentMMichael EdwardWarnerFMarySandersFWhitney LianneWarnerMCecilWatersMRolandMorrisMWilliamDiazFMiranda KeziahFarmerFEvelyn AlmazonRossMJohnJankowskiMCalvinПавловMRobert WatkinsBensonFMary FrancesBensonMThomasGutierrezFJoyce InezBriggsMJohnAlvaradoMWilliamChristensenFSarahGoodwinMDavidReynoldsMFrankMarínFElizabethJiménezMMoses WallaceMarínMEdwardGreenMBruce LynnRussellFZelpha JosephineCarrFPhebe J.MorenoFFlorencePageMWilliam BernardBoucherFMaryWaltersFMariaReevesMJohnReynoldsMHughJonesFHonoraBoucherFJaneBlairFMartha EllenWarnerFRosanMorenoFAgnesBoucherMFredMossMJohann HenrichMorenoFJesseReevesMWilliam AustinBellMWayne AllenGarrettMJohn ChandlerLandryMJames Joseph Jr.MyersMMathasFortinFTheophania(Tiffany)WaltonMAlfredDouglasFOliveToddMWilliam DonelBoucherMJohnDeanMWilliam FrederickRodriquezFCatherineRuizMJacob G.ParentMДавыдовMSamuelDouglasUMorenoFElizabeth EllenHaynesMJohanne(John)WebsterUBensonFLucinda E.WebbMThomasRodriquezMAdrianBélangerMNathanielChristiansenFWinifredRubioFJoannePierceMPeterReedMEarl Kieble鈴木MFrederickDouglasMEdwardHarrisonFLaura KathrynWatkinsFCatherineReevesMRaymond WebsterGarnerFIreneHansenFElizabethBlancoMEarl WilliamДаниловMJamesAlvaradoMJamesWilliamsMMichaelBoucherFOliveLévesqueMEdwardBurgessFFrancesAbbottMHillFCatherineBoucherFEsther FayeЯковлевMRibaldСмирновMErnest ArlingtonWebbMJohnWarnerMMichael PatrickEvansFEllenReedFPansy L.WarrenMArthur RayCruzFLucy A.BallMLee WilliamLopezFAndrea SusanWarnerFCathernСеменовFMargaret Mary?DunnMMarkTownsendMSimonТарасовFBellePageFMelissa LeeWarnerUUrselieDiazMJohnToddMRobertPageMRaymond A.ЛопатинMMarquis IVBrooksFLetitia C.DąbrowskiMAndrewMoranFGail DarleneMortonFHelen M.RodriguezFAnastasia?SmithUGibbsFJune ChristinePittmanMReedMMichael WarrenWarnerMRobert EugeneWarnerFCatherineDelgadoMMatthewReedMWilloughby M.ТимофеевMNathan M.JiménezFMatildaJankowskiMFrancis IrvinWebbMLewis I.WebbFElizabethDubéFSusanDennisFMaryLefebvreFCarmelReedMJamesMendozaFJosephMDamianКарповMThomas C.AlvaradoFJanelle MariePoirierMWilliam C.BoucherMMark JohnMatthewsMBarryHansenMJohn MorganFloydMNoble A.WebbFSarahLandryMWilliamDouglasMValentine ThomasMcCarthyMBrendanReedFRoseDubéFSabraDavisMBishop PatrickBoucherMJohnТихоновMJohnHamiltonM?????BrownFElsbethBuchananFMargaret(?)ОрловFJaneAdamsFBarbliSchmidtFShawna MarieRodgersFRebecca Kristine RamosДаниловMDarin KaneWarnerFMaryAlvarezFRuth EllenPageMGerald RayCruzMCole RandallPoulsenFJanieБыковMJohann TheobaldBeaulieuFNancyМаксимовFAnna MariaSuttonMAllen CarlWarnerFLucinda CatherineBlancoFMary ElizabethBallMSimonFarmerFLucyGibbsMAndrew JosephGarnerFCathy SueHendersonFRosePetersFAnna MargarethaBeaulieuF???????ПоповMGeorge Sr.PetersMChristopherChristiansenMFieldingBrooksMGreen P.MorenoMEdgarDouglasFClara BellePageMMitchell LeePageMDavidPageMJohnSanchezMThomasGrantFJaneReedMHenryJohnsonFPenelopeWalshFLaura EloiseLessardMSamuel A.AndersenMThomas Sr.JamesFSarah "Sr. Sabina"KristensenMSamuelAndersonMJohn T. L.JiménezFRhondaLynchFCeleste EllenBrockMSamuelFordFMary C.JiménezMJohnReedFMary M.GarnerMJohann ValentinBeaulieuMFranklinAlvaradoMWilliamBoucherMPatrickBushMFrancis VincentReedFCatherine VirginiaТихоновFApril LynnVázquezFMary JaneGardnerFExperienceGriffithMRandolphGreenMChristianMorenoMLawrenceHarrisMCharlesAlvaradoFSarah JaneWalkerMGreenleafWarnerFAnnaPageFClaraBradyMPhilipThorntonFCatherineSalazarMVernett GailPageMMartinMEverettLewandowskiMJohnЗыковMGeorge WalterToddFElizabethHenryFAnna ElisabethLópezFTracyBoucherMEdwardSwansonFJeanneRichardMCol. RobertStricklandMMichaelHowardMJimmy MichaelFrenchMCharles Sr.ДмитриевFEllenГончаровMMarvin RayPageUMiriamBrooksMLloyd WillisGarrettMDouglas GlennHarrisonMReubenПавловMKieran ThomasObrienMDavid J.WardMJackBeckFNancy H.MarínM???????OlsonMBenjaminDavisMDavidJankowskiMJohnnieSandovalMBenjamin H.FarmerFMargaret Jane "Maggie"JankowskiMJosephLefebvreMDaniel BurtonGarnerFAbigailAllenMThomasBoucherMJohnBensonM??DemersMCol. JohnReynoldsMThomasBoucherMDouglasKrawczykFSarahPalmerMAdamStephensMJohn NoelReedFBetty LouiseWarnerFElizabethNorrisMRandall LeePoulsenMRobert F.GarnerMEverett Glenn (Ezra)PageMGarrettBoucherMEudoСмирновFMary JaneCannonFLucyWarnerMWongFKaren KayCruzMJohn DavidWebbFElizabethNicholsMMaurice, Jr.LandryMPoulinFJacquelineAlvaradoMФедоровMWalter HarmonGutiérrezMGregory ScottFloydMMiltonBlancoMEdwardReedFAnna MabelWebbMJohnГерасимовFL. J.BlancoMEdwardWarnerMMatthias, Jr.BallMCharlesБыковMBeckhamHawkinsMPaul AllenHarrisonMPeterBaldwinMJohn Quincy AdamsWarnerMRobert B.鈴木MFr. Daniel GabrielBoucherFMadeleine ChristineWelchFJane McClellanGarnerMJames JeffreyWarnerMJamesJamesMAlvinRodriquezMGerald L.HawkinsFEllen MarieHawkinsMCyrusMorrisFLouiseNielsenFRita MarieGarnerFElizabethGibbsMWilliamMarínFAnneBaldwinMJohnRamosFPermeliaLawsonFSarah JaneFarmerMSpencerBrooksFSusanne DelilahFarmerFJoanRamseyFMagdalenaFarmerMWilliamWatersFCeciliaGarnerFAnneBarrettMCharlesSwansonFAnn Delilah "Tilley"MoranFElizabethЛалетинMIsaacLessardMJacobTaylorMHoward LaneHudsonFLucinda EllenJiménezMAntoine Desaure Perronett山本UPorterFSusanStevensonFElizabeth EllenFarmerFNulaHansenMJacobАлексеевFLucindaJiménezMRichard F.JohnsonMGary RichardBellFLydiaPerkinsFViolaTaylorMJamesMDanielBlancoMSamuel HarveyWarnerFBridgetteReedMValentineSteeleFLaura JoyCruzFCatherineReevesFMarsha AnnCruzFMaudeGarnerFCarmen AlbertaBoydMWayneAlvaradoFBridget M.FieldsMCapt.BoydFCaroline MetzgerVargasMEzraWarnerFAnna CatharinaBeaulieuFJenniferMae(Ganoe)WarnerMTonyBoucherFMary GraceWatsonMWilliamFosterFJoanМальцевFJeanHawkinsFJudy DeniseCruzFIrene FrancesToddFMarthaGravesMMr.LawsonMDavid MartinGosselinFSusannahParkFCheryl LeeScottMMatthew StevenWarnerMThomasFosterFAnneDiazFAnna MargarethaАлександровMWilliamFoxFAnna CatherineMillerFMary AnneMarínFPaulaMcCoyFJennie S.GarnerMWillieJankowskiFJanet GailRussellMIra WillisLessardMMajor Marquis IIBrooksMRobertWebbMAndrew VincentWalkerMAaron D.КиселевFJoy LeanneCruzFCora EllenJacksonFMaria CatharinaНиколаевFMary MeriwetherVaughnMDarvin RayPageFТимофеевFMargaretBoucherFNancy E.JiménezFDianaRichardsFLindaGillMMelvinPatrickFNancy A.BoucherFMaryJamesFPolly MaryJiménezFJennieGibbsFAnna GertrudeBarnettFFernePageMPhillip JamesThorntonFHannahWarnerMJames AndrewWarnerFJane ElizabethCruzMJohnLapointeFMaryPalmerFBridgetBoucherMCharlesДмитриевMCharlesDayMRobert?MullinsMJames LeslieWebbMJamesReevesMRobertRobinsonFMattieMossMWillisPayneFPollyParentMStuart BogarteWarnerMConradWebsterMJuliusGauthierMJosephGarnerFIsabellaKaczmarekMMichaelWelchFMaryBassMSamuelБыковFElaine SuzanneДаниловMIsaacHuntMLivingstone MartinWebbMRichard EugeneGarnerMJohnHarveyMThomasKowalskiFMaryMaloneMRev.IsaacSchultzFLucy aka SarahLapointeMCharlesToddFNancyAlvaradoMOtis EarlPadillaFDorothyPetersMJohn Jr.DouglasMWalter E.GarnerFDorothyNortonFHannahЖуковFJoella LynnCruzFJaneJamesFMaryGrenierMGeorge Jr.JankowskiMFrederickDouglasFMahala J.PorterFMary AnnТимофеевMRev. John L.LefebvreMMichaelReedMWilliamMazurFJoanReedFLucilleToddMEugene StanleyGarnerMRonald DavidWestFAnnRoseMJames W.LévesqueFElizabethRyanFMary A.LandryFElizabethStevensFMaryBoucherFMaryLévesqueMMoses AaronДмитриевFEllenderHoustonMHowardLévesqueMHenryLavoieMMichaelBradyMJohnSchultzFNancy ElizabethWarnerMJohnAdkinsFMartha ElizabethJonesMMatthias Sr.CarrollFMaryGardnerFJaneBouchardMFr.Lawrence M.BoucherMAndrewNealFMargaretБыковMJames RichardCruzFPamela AnnBélangerMLawrenceWebbMMichaelBoucherMThomasBallFRebeccaPageFCarissa NicoleWillisMEdwardMaldonadoMHans ValentinLópezMMichaelFernandezMWilliamPetersenFAndrea LynnGosselinMCasey JohnRussellFCarolineFarmerFElizabethFarmerFFrances CoppageMarínMJamesRodriquezFElizabethDouglasMWalterGuerreroMJamesyReedMJohn M.ToddFMary AliceLessardFNora A.BoucherFVanichia ElaineGarnerMGeorgePattersonFBarbaraDouglasMDavid WalterGarnerFSarahAllenMRobertBensonMMartin BogarteWarnerFMonica JaneWarnerMEdwardGreenFMary J.GarnerMJosephFJennifer LeighHawkinsMGerhardBlancoMClayton JamesWarnerFNoellaDuncanMColinDuncanFMichelle LynnAlvaradoMFieldingPayneMJoseph RobertLaneFMaryReevesFMarguariteGarnerFMarthaMoodyFCatherineMeyerMEndaBradyFAlma KatherineKleinMThomasRileyMJohn H.NowakMМартыновMФедоровFKatie E.BallFLinda S.GonzalesMJakobHardyFBarbara JoanneДаниловFElizabethPayneMJohn IIIRubioFCarmen EloiseGarrettMYelvertonGreenMJacobDouglasMJohnFosterFLucyPiotrowskiMAbrahamDouglasFLuella FlorenceWebbMRobert GoveDoyleMPrince AlfredRoyFHannahMasonUGibbsMShadrach M.MunozMMichaelBoucherFMaryWebbFSarahReedMWalterGuerreroFGayle JoanCruzMKyle JosephBoucherFMary A.TylerMRobert AlanMortensenMMichael ChristopherGarnerMGeorgeButlerFIsabellaMillsMJ.TerryFLuella JacquesMartelFMary (Hannah?)DennisMCraig RichardGosselinMHughJamesFCatherineLeonardMJohnstonMWilliamAdamsMValdezFElizabethGloverMBenjaminAllenFWilmaLévesqueFMartha A.MorenoFWinifredPayneMFrank R.ParkerMMartinezMJosephDouglasMTolbert A.JiménezFRoisinBradyMWillisMarínFHarrietБыковFMary E.CaronFCatherineReedFGertrudeCrossFLauraHartFLisaHartFMildredSilvaFFlora BelleToddFElizabethJensenMRichard C.PageFNancyFloydMWilliam M.BallMConradBlakeFJulia ColvilleFoxFLolaWatersMGabrielStokesFMaryMorrisFBridgetBoucherFMargaretGibbsMThomasHernándezMJohnFarmerMRobertGuerreroFNancyGibbsFNancyМакаровFEleanorPetersMJoseph LeRoyWebbFAliceJacobsFHelen M.NealMJacobDubéMJohnDavisMJohn P.ТимофеевMDanielWaltersMLewis AndersonAndersonGarnerZielińskiSrDr.Big LouieBeauregardLouisGarnerLouieGarner1600 Pennsylvania Ave.Washington DCDistrict of ColumbiaUSAMJohn RogerGarnerFJaneWongFElizabethGonzálezFAnna EvaHicksFEliza JaneDouglasFJaneJamesFCarmelReedMJonathanDavisMGeorge Kenneth (Red)PageMJohnBoucherFDebra J.CarterMRoyHammondFMary JaneReynoldsMAndrew DavidAlvaradoFAnettaGarnerFNancyPayneFMary C.JiménezMMosesPayneFMary ChristineWarnerMEnochMorenoMGeorgeШестаковMDonMuñozFAlta M.CrossFMatildaPageMRanulfKnudsenFMaude WaldonBallFSharon LynetteWalkerMRalphKnudsenFLouiseCrossFAbigail ChapmanMorenoFLinda EllenBélangerMClarenceWebbMWilliamMaxwellFSusanDouglasFBettie LouGagnonM???LessardMMatthiasFortinFLena ViolaToddMWilliam M.RodriquezMFrancisMcCoyFEdithWatersMPeter James?ReedFBarbara JoGarnerFNellieWatersMPeterRodriquezMJoseph BrendanHaleMJoseph McDowellMorenoFElizabethFrancisFGina MarieHaleFMargretKozłowskiFHolly RuthСорокинFJoan LorindaWebbMFrancisMcCoyFSesariaLeclercMBarry JosephGarnerFJaneMorrisFMary H.MorenoFElizabethBowenMLessardFMarthaHarmonMWilliam GeorgeDíezMJesse ChristopherCruzMJosephJamesMJohnReevesFCatherineJosephineBradyMJobAllenFCatarinaBlancoMGeorgeWarnerFCharityHigginsFMaryWarnerFElsieLévesqueMPatrickReedFJohannaWarnerFLynnett DianeWheelerMJohnReevesFMaudeGarcíaMJohn C.LévesqueFAnnKennedyFTheresa FrancesHarrisFEdith (Dolly)PageFCatherineRhodesMLazarusДмитриевFMaryMossFHelewisaSchwartzMThomasPooleMPhilipJiménezMAaronMorenoMJohnWarnerMColmCaldwellMJohnPageFHeather LeeEvansMWilliamLapointeMFerglCaldwellMWilliamSwansonMRodriquezFMargaretBallMLouisЧеркашинFM. SusannahBlakeMRobert C.CoxMEugene StanleyHudsonFSheryl AnnWarnerFBetsyParentFAnna CatherinaReidFPhoebeLawsonFJoannaAllenMCurtis DaleЖуковMCapt. FrancisWarnerFDonnaHubbardMCarl TolbertLessardMMiles?ТихоновMDaniel PatrickGarnerMEdwardChristiansenUBensonFMireadBoucherMMoses Romulus?MunozFHelen BelleLessardMStephenBrockFReh DawnSerranoFMaryWebbMWilliamReevesFRachel D.PorterMWayneToddMMichael EdwardLandryFJacqueline DeniseСергеевMWilliam HermanWebbMCharlesDouglasMAdolphPattonFAliceLandryFBeverly AnnWarnerMIsaacJamesFAnastasiaReedMGeorgeWarnerFHelenLachanceMSylvesterWarnerFLucyPooleFJaneReedMRobertReynoldsMWilliamColonMArnold ClarkWójcikFMarilynColemanMWilliamJordanMJacobFarmerFLucinda J.DouglasFMaryЗыряновMJohann SimonBeaulieuFSally SarahCunninghamFEuniceMaldonadoMJefferyAlvaradoFAnnieБыковFMary EveHopkinsFJosephinePelletierFBettieБыковMAveryGillFSusanБарановFMaria LouisaRodriquezMPercy HayeToddMJohnPetersMPeter GeorgeGarnerMJesse V.GarnerFElizabethGeorgeFCandyСорокинMMichael WalterHaynesFJudithSwansonFElizabethThomasMDaniel WebsterGarnerMDelgadoFCatherineDouglasFAliceGoodwinMWilliamNorrisMRichard L.WebbFHeather MichelleМаксимовMLance EdwardBrockFSarahSimardMJacob W.AlvaradoMAbrahamSerranoMJohn JoeSandovalFNancyBensonFBeth AnnRussellMMartinBushMWilliam M.RodriquezFJaneBlackMThomasBushMJacob EarlWheelerFMalvinaBlancoFLoriGibbsFChristinaNortonMRobert Sr.AdkinsMHansBlancoFCatherineBoucherFBridgetThompsonFMargueriteLambertFMarySzymańskiMHumphrey MartinWarnerMJohnРомановFGraceCarrollMSteven MatthewWeaverMHarry NobleWebbFEuniceWarnerMAndrew ColeOsborneMJoseph Jr.ЗлобинMJohannasAustinMEric ScottИльинMMathewKellerMGeorge, Sr.JiménezFMarthaBallMChristopher ArthurWarnerMPaul DanielOsborneMStewartMMatthias Sr.BallMDavidBoucherMNoah StuartWarnerMPiatt D.WarnerMJohnDiazMRobertMorrisMThomas StewartBensonFErin JennyFrenchFKatherineВороновMJohnToddMJohn JosephGarnerFMary AnneКузьминMMerrickCobbMGeorge W.ToddMGerard StephenGarnerMAlexanderWebbMHughBensonMM.PerryMCharles Leroy BoydWebbMJohn S.FloydMJames McPheetersWebbMThomasGagnéFCatherineGutierrezMCol. JosephBensonMErnestRomeroFEileen RuthPearsonFMarthaJamesMБеляевMThomasНовиковMJohn HarryNguyenMDavidBoucherMJohnReedMSean MichaelHillMHansBlancoMDavidKellyFBendichtliFisherFPatsyJamesMHermanMorenoFAgathaRodríguezFMahalaDomínguezFLoraine (Fanny)CrossFPatriciaWójcikFHonoraSavardFMarthaMendezFMatea ElizabethWillisMHans MichaelOliverFIsabelHuffMLawrenceGillF?????KellerMGeorgeBlakeMWilliam EverettCruzMAdamMorrisMSchneiderMChristyMossFPatsyParentFOmaRodriquezFElizabethWarnerFLucyВасильевFnewThomsenMGonzálezFDonna ElaineЛопатинMJohnCookMCyrus MelvilleFarmerMReyesUMorenoMDonald LouisWarnerFCatherine MarieWardMDonaldBélangerFElizabethGarnerMJacob A.CarrollFAmy JoBélangerMJosephSerranoMMichaelReedMAbrahamWallaceFElizabethMazurMJamesBoucherFPenelope MargotMoralesMAndrewDouglasMGoodwinMAlfredJosephMJohn(?)HollowayFMargaretaBlancoFChristinaМаксимовMRomaineThorntonFJudith EllenBallardFMaryGibbsMJamesBélangerFJoyGibbsMRobert FrancisPageFElizabeth DianeNguyenFAnna MargarethaBeaulieuFMariamRodriquezMVictorGarnerFJo LynnHillMRufusBlancoMEverettЯковлевFSarahPageMCorneliusJiménezFBridgetBoucherFMary F.BlancoMCharlesEricksonFHonoraReevesFMaryMontgomeryFAnnaSullivanMFrank O.PetersFJoan ArleneGutiérrezMThomas EverettCruzFSuzanneWójcikFMariaBurkeMDale EugeneCruzFMarthaAdkinsMDavidPageMSamuel C.КозловMAaron PatrickOsborneFHeather KathleenGordonFEveПоляковFLorie AnnGillFMargaretBernierMMatthiasBallFMatildaPageFNancy LouPowersMCulthbertGomezMCurtis AndrewWarnerMJohnDouglasFBarbaraRogersFMarthaChristiansenFDebbyWatersMRaymond E.GarnerFElizabethBensonMLord SamuelFergusonFEmma JaneLessardMWilliamАндреевMJamesBensonFElizabethRodriquezFRegina LynneGarnerFVictoria LaineGarnerFMaryAlvaradoFElizabeth"Betty"BrooksMJosephSerranoMPatrickGardnerFCarolineSerranoMHenryDouglasMBruce EdwardWatkinsMGuyЛогиновMJon DennisСергеевFPeggyFournierMJosephAllenFMary ElizabethBarberFAgnesMannMNicholasReynoldsMThomasFosterFIola Elizabeth BettyGarnerMJimenezMWilliam J.BoucherFMary AliceHarrisFCatherineReedMThomasFernandezMWilliam Jr.RhodesMDavid LeeFitzgeraldMAbramQuinnFElissa MariePetersMEverettCruzMJohnWarnerMWilliamChambersMHugh MartinRobinsonFMargaretMarshMHenryMartelFShirley KayWarnerMMarvinLewandowskiMHansReidFMaryPageMTorresMDouglasWilsonMJohannas JacobБелоусовMJohnSwansonMCarlisleMorrisFCeline BridgetMcCoyFAngelineЗыковFSarahPalmerMThomasГончаровFNorahReedFWilma MaePerkinsFMaryIngramFMaryTurnerMJames EdwinBensonMDavid AlanPageMHenryParsonsMKenneth FritzPageFMarcia JaneWarnerMWillis E.MunozFBertha P.GarnerFMollieLandryMNoelHansenMMichaelFarmerFMaryColemanMMichaelWattsFEdith MaePageMGeorgeМаксимовFMartha AnnWagnerFMinnieAdkinsMRaymond PatrickCôtéMCharles M.LandryMJohnBoucherMWilliam M.BallULediahAllenFHonorahBerryMJamesGreenF??КирилловFMollyJamesFDonna ElizabethLaneFRebeccaJiménezMJames ArthurThorntonFHelen MargaretLandryMP.D.MeyerMHarold LowellWarnerFDorcasRubioMChristopherWarnerMThomasMossMJoseph EdwardLaneMWilliam RobertBatesMStephen MichaelBatesFFrancesGreenFBrandy NicholeBellM?m.MaryJaneEvansFMary AnnReedFEleanor JeanLandryFPatricia KayEvansFElizabethKamińskiFJoan LouiseFloydMEnoch T.MorenoFRuth AnnHébertMCliffParksMWilliam MelvinHawkinsMJamesNealFRuthGibbsFMaudЧерновFElizabethOliverMJohann MichaelBeaulieuFAnna EvaMichaudFJamie LeeFloresFEdith IreneZimmermanFAliceWellsFNancyHernándezFCarmen DianaЛопатинFBridget AnnReedFLouella MarieGarnerMDariusMorenoUMorenoFMaryReedFConnieGibbsFSusannaFarmerMThomasПавловMKamińskiFMary (Polly)渡辺ULouise DeSoixBensonMWilliamAndersenMJohnReevesFBarbaraStanleyMDavidBensonFAnita JuneOsborneFJosephFAdria MariaСергеевFRebecca CatharineGarnerFEleanorAguilarMJosephAlonsoMMichael LouisWarnerMJohnHernandezFGeorgiaЯковлевFMaudePageMSwansonBédardMDavid FestusWebbFGailHollowayMRobertHansonFunnamed girlWarnerFRose MarieLandryFVirginia ElizabethGutiérrezMMichael DouglasWarnerFMichelle LorraineWarnerMCadwalladerAlvaradoFErnestinaBarnesMNicholas IanMatthewsUWarnerFNancyWoodsMJohn WarrenLopezMRobert ArthurToddFMargaretNealFAnna MargarethaHollandMNathanial GreenBallUClemenceDiazMJasperBallFJulianaHowardMJohann AdamАлександровMGabriel Gustave山本UGeorgeBrooksMWilliamToddMMartínFCatherineSparksFElaineGibbsMConradКолесниковFGraceNavarroFSarahCarpenterFElizabethBensonMArchibaldSerranoMTimothy AndrewКиселевMWalterBensonMEnosAllenFMaryAlexanderMDavid AndrewSánchezMJohnAllenMCyrus W.MorenoFBernetha EllenGarnerFElizaAlvaradoFElizabethBensonFMonicaHansenFCatharineБелоусовMMarshallAlvaradoMJeffrey GeorgeWarnerFAnnSpencerMSamuelBlancoMMichaelDuncanMJohn AnthonyLandryMWilliamReynoldsFAmandaWarnerFAnna ElisabethBeaulieuMFrankDouglasFMaryPriceFAgnesRiosFEmma A.GarnerMDavid BrantWarnerMMathewReevesMElmerPageFCynthia DianeAlvaradoFElizabethJohnsonMRobert WilliamFloydMVeltinНиколаевMMaj. ChristopherMorenoMStephen PaulWarnerFLorinda CatherineFordMWilliam WallerWarnerFReeseFCatherineDouglasFAnna MariaBeaulieuMPaulLewandowskiMMichaelGardnerFAvisFernandezFernándezIIIDr.AvMJohnMasseyMJohann SimonBeaulieuMJohn AllenWarnerFPatriciaХудоноговFMattea ElizabethWillisMWilliamDiazFMargaret JaneДмитриевFMaryHarrisMJosephChristiansenMValentinMichaudFSusanLawsonMJohann SimonBeaulieuFSusannahColeFCatherineReedMGeorge WilliamFarmerMBenjaminSwansonMNormanRussellMDavid William SigfredHaynesMEdwardChristiansenFRuth L.ЗайцевMMattГорбуновMJames LeeWebbMJohnPopeMFrankKimFKateReedMPatrickBoucherMMartinBoucherMRobertPatrickMWilliamAlvaradoMThomasBoucherMJohn JosephBushMCol. DavidBensonMLodowickElliottMJohann FranciskusBeaulieuFSylvia B.BoucherFMary J.CraigMDavidЖуковMThomasDixonFJoy A.WadeFAmy ElizabethGarnerMJohnJiménezMO. D.LittleMFordFMary EllenТихоновMMr.HébertMJohnMorenoFSharonBoucherFMaryMcCarthyMHeinrichBlancoMRichardAlvaradoMAlexanderPayneMCurtis TheobaldPoulsenFMargarethaCastilloMJamesDiazFAngieАфанасьевFMyrabelRobbinsMBenjamin AllenHarrisonMRalphKnudsenFНикифоровFJanis MarleneCruzMTeddy C.ArmstrongFФедоровFRebecca J.MilesMJacobБелоусовMGeorge Henry, IIIJiménezMAlvin E.WatsonMJohnRodriquezMRobertJamesMGeorgeDomínguezFNancyParentMSamuelFoxMWilliamWatersMHarryParentFNancyMorrisonMDwayne AlanPageF???FrankMRoger JosephBoucherMWinfield ScottFarmerMValentineFarmerMKeith WilliamGarrettMJohnSanzFCynthia LouiseBoucherFMargaretRodriquezMRichard KennethWarnerMR. EakenWebbMMiles Joseph"Dutch"KristensenMLeonardPayneMTerrenceReedMAndrew VincentPageFElisa AnnLongMJohnReynoldsFBetty JaneGarnerFZoradaDomínguezMDwight BillingtonOsborneMThomas中村MMichaelBoucherMJohn B.RamírezFElizabethDomínguezFMarieGarnerMDanielWarnerMJohn WilliamWarnerMChristopher PaulWelchFAnneBoucherFAnnJonesMJohn W.BlancoMWilliam J.BoucherFNoreneBoucherMMathiasSantiagoMCharles DoyleLandryMTonyBradyMLutherRobinsonFDorcasWarnerFCrystal MaeRodgersFMaryCopelandFElizabethDouglasFSarahReedFMaria MargarethaFrazierFPearlineWashingtonMTravisДмитриевMMartinBoucherMMartin KellyGosselinMDaniel James RamosДаниловMDavidNealMBenjamin HarrisonToddFLydiaHarveyMCuthbertDiazFElinor JaneLessardMDouglas LowellWarnerMHenryBrooksMHardyToddMRev. JohnAndersonFIsabellaBrooksFMary PollyDiazMEverettWatersMCanice OliverMcCoyMRussell EugeneWelchMTodd ChristopherPageMEdwardReedMMelvin GlenRussellMThomasLewandowskiMHomerWebbFAnna BarbaraBishopFEvaFarmerMEugene Stanley, Jr.GarnerFNancyLynchFMargaret Agnes"Maudy"KristensenFPhebeGarnerMWarren W.WarnerMJonathan AndrewSánchezFMaryBlancoFPatti JoCruzMArnoldWójcikFHelenRamirezMKevinHansenFMargaretBurnsFAnn LynnCruzFMaureenReedFNellieMarínFMildredPageMMylesТихоновFMary CeciliaBoucherMGershomAllenMClarenceRobinsonFNoraGilMJeffrey Adam RamosGarzaMФедоровFNellyLarsenMJosephLoganMCarl ThomasWarnerMJohnKowalskiFAnna OttiliaBeaulieuMWatersFAliceSantosMHoward LaneGarnerUWilliamBrooksMPaulMcbrideFSarahYatesMJohnВласовMJeffreyJørgensenFSusanna MarieLessardMAaron B.AndersenMThomasWiseFCora EllenJacksonFMinnieReedMAllen鈴木MHugh Sr.JamesMJohnChristiansenFShirleyWelchMPeterDouglasFCatharineFarmerFAnnReevesFEleanor MaudePageMJosephFMargaret A.NielsenFNoreenReedMHenrySandersMThomas Jr.WilliamsMNoahWarnerMAndrewJiménezMHughReedFHonoraCoutureFLisa DawnWelchMWilliamДмитриевFMary WeinGreerFSarahJiménezMThomasReedFLydia M.MorenoMArthurDouglasFKarla SueCruzFBeatrixGrayFErin KathleenWestFRoseReedFBridgetReedMHans(Johannes)BlancoFChristian AnneEvansMRemoLaneMJamesMyersMPatrickФедоровFMary AnnMorenoMJamesNealMPhillip D.FordMCarlFordMFr. PatrickBoucherFBelleNealFEllenDouglasFKathryn LouiseДаниловMJeremy QuentinWelchFLeAnnHayesFMaryШадринMSteveGrahamMRichardSwansonMJohnNealMJesse ElmerToddMJohn DeKalbBallMJames R.HawkinsMFrancis WilliamGarnerMDavidFoxMWilliam WallerBrooksMGeorge EdwardWarnerMNicholas GlenRussellFJane JoaneGomezMHodgesToddMRobertPalmerMElder ThomasThomasMJohn FranklinNadeauFSusannahMasonMGuillaume deBrooksFOrla SarahMcCoyMAlvah F.MunozFBelle IreneSchneiderMThomasAndersonMPeter SimonFarmerFMaryGibbsFAliceMarínMThomas W.BoucherFSarahНовиковMRichard? CorneliusJiménezMМаксимовMMartin B.WarnerMSeanSandovalMJames A.PoirierMJohn C.PetersMPeterBlancoMWilliamDouglasMAlfred Franklin(Frank)MarínFHonoraBoucherMJohn Sr.BlancoFAnna MariaBlancoFwomanBoucherMWilliamBoucherFKateIglesiasFSusan MargueriteCruzFDorothy EleanorThorntonMJamesWebbFMargaret RuthWarnerFAntoinetteGarnerFSarah M.JiménezMShaneBradyMJohnRodgersMLincoln F.JiménezFIda B.BallMAndrewWarnerFAnnMaxwellFJoyce MarieCruzFKate TeelMarshallMPeterWoodMBeckerFViolet LouiseБрюхановFSarahClarkMKevin WayneFrenchFMary AnnFarmerMThomasKelleyFJaneКазаковMRobertGuerreroMArthur MauriceWarnerF???SharpMFlannanBoucherMAndrewWebbMBrandon KellyPageMRichardRodriquezFMary E.DomínguezMWillis H.MarínFAnnabelle ElaineWelchMAndersonGarnerFAnna MarieFarmerFDorothy LouiseLessardMDanielMortensenMThomas JamesGarnerFElizabeth MariumQuinnFRoxanne MarieSánchezFMinnieJankowskiMPaul AllenWelchMLeonard?PayneMJohann AdamBeaulieuMJamesBushMJ.DesjardinsFBarbara AnnNunezFTheresa A.LandryFEllaBoucherMJohnJohansenMJohnReynoldsMJohnJamesMGeorgeWarnerFJennieLévesqueMHugh Jr.JamesFLilla EstellaMarínFCindy LynnWarnerMDavidFoxFEliza FrancesWarnerFDotSerranoMJoeSt-PierreFSarahHollowayMThomasCrossMJamesPayneMБорисовMDonWheelerFPatsyAlvaradoFSarah (Sally)FloydFPhoebeDanielsFMariaSimmonsMPaulCaldwellMSir JohnPiotrowskiFMary伊藤MJohnRodriquezMDarrell EdwinДаниловFKathryn LadonBryantFMichelleBoucherMJohn Sr.ParentMJohnHenryFMarieSuárezFGeraldine AnnSimpsonFFayHoffmanMSir FrancisWarnerMMaryDawsonMThomas MichaelMcCoyMJoel ThomasGosselinMJeffreyAlvaradoMnewThomsenMRobertJankowskiMWilliamBoucherMMarc W.HaynesMSamuelAndersenMJohn Jr.PiotrowskiFSallieWebbMColemanMMichael DavidWardFMarilyn JoanRasmussenMZariakius Cyriacus斎藤MWilliamBoucherMNoah, Jr.MarínFJill SuzanneCruzMWilliamBoucherMSamuelChristiansenFHannahKnightMWilfordOwensFMary JosephineBoucherMThomasWoźniakFSharonGibbsUPorterMLorenCollinsFMolly MarieJørgensenFMaryBensonMWilliam J.BoucherMJosephChristiansenFAnna MariaBeaulieuFMaryMitchellFClareDuncanFLauraAlonsoFMary"Polly"DouglasMStephen JacobFordFMariaGibbsFMaryДмитриевMEdward RandolphWarnerFMarshaAlvaradoFRosina M.GibbsFMargaretReevesFFrancesDiazFPamelaJamesFMaggie LeighJørgensenFFlorenceMossFMargaretPageMAidinnBradyMRandolphWarnerMHerodБыковMJohnPageMRobert LeeBallMPhilipTaylorMGeorgeДмитриевMWesley G.MedinaFSarah MariaWarnerMPaulHartFNancy AnnДмитриевF???CastroFHannahReedFHannahKowalskiFAnnMcCoyFBarbara AnnRodriquezMMichael StanleyGarnerFMargaretPageMWillardLawsonMLawrence PaulHaleFElizabethRyanFAlecia "Allie" ClareGarnerFJoaneSwansonFMargaret Margarite?WebbMLewisGarnerFJennyReedFSarahPrattFElizabeth ThereseMarínMRev. SamuelВоробьевUSarah JaneТимофеевFCatherineBoucherMFrederickDouglasMWilliam Sr.RhodesMWilliamJamesFBridgetBushFRachelAllenMCharles NewtonBoydMThomas WillisMarínMLoveMWilburMarínFLinda MaeКозловFCarrieSerranoFElizabethWarnerMRichard MaxWheelerMTrustumЛебедевM??DemersFAshley DianeKellyMClarenceLévesqueFMary ClaireEstradaMDanielsFSarah JaneWarnerFLauretta EstherBoydMNoahMorenoFComfortHodgesMJohann Christian IIMorenoMCharlesBoucherMFrancisBoucherFMary RuthWebbMStanley LouisWarnerMEsauMorenoMSir ThomasLapointeMJohnCrossFMargaretGirardMGerryHartMCapt. AndrewWarnerFJaneBallMIvan WayneCruzMMark R.GonzalesMDavid WayneCruzMRaymond ScottGarnerMCoreyWillisFAngela GayPérezFMelanyHaynesFElizabeth JaneRodriquezMJohn W.BergeronMCecil GlennWatersMMichael MordicaRodriquezMAlexander Carroll Sr.ДмитриевMPeter Sr.CunninghamMJamesDiazFBerniceDavidsonMMr.GrabowskiMJohnMorrisMJOHNHowellMCharlesRodriquezMHoward LaneHudsonMJohnWatersMMichaelReedMWalterGuerreroMJohnathonDouglasMDavidPorterFDebra DalePageFElizabethFarmerMRodney HermanМаксимовFMary (Sarah)HowellFPeggyReedFJeanSandovalMHenryFloydMSeanBoucherMBerryFBridgetHoltMMaurice T.LandryMJeffrey AlanPoirierFChristinaLucasMNicholasMurrayMMichael ShannonBoucherMJack D.AlvaradoMWalter MatthewMarínMDouglas DavidAlvaradoMMathewReevesFMarthaBoucherMChristian, IMorenoFPollyPooleMMichael ChristieWebbMCol. JosephЗлобинMEzekielBallMGeorgeMooreMRaymondHartMDr. Charles J.WrightMSir MichaelPiotrowskiMLawrenceGillMJohnDouglasFAnita IrenePhillipsFPollyWoodMJohnChristiansenFAnna EvaBeaulieuFElizabethRobertsonMThomas H.MorenoMScottЖуковMMr.小林FMaryRodriquezMMichael PatrickHaleMRandyWatersFMaryRamosMIrwin ArthurWelchMMark GerardGarnerMJohnЗлобинFLindaArmstrongFMelinda LouCruzMGrossFRebeccaOuelletFBridgetReevesMJohnNorrisMJoseph Louis(Sr.)BensonFMegan AnnGarnerFHelenLachanceMPeterBlancoFEdith IreneZimmermanFSarahКовалевMMosesТихоновFMary A.FlowersMMr.GibsonMRaymondOrtizMThomasReedFLydiaAllenFCatherineBushFMartha Frances "Fannie"FloydFFlora E.MorenoFnewThomsenMThomasJamesM???????CooperMIsaacДмитриевMJohnathonWarner3222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222Page 11 2/3.3232222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222Page 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LakeCityMontrose, COMontroseCityHammond, LAHammondCityBishop, CABishopCityBethesda, MDBethesdaCityMobile, ALMobileCityKalamazoo, MIKalamazooCityGainesville, TXGainesvilleCityAdrian, MIAdrianCityTyler, TXTylerCityBowling Green, KYBowling GreenCityPottsville, PAPottsvilleCityNew Haven, CTNew HavenCityAlbertville, ALAlbertvilleCityGaffney, SCGaffneyCityLawton, OKLawtonCityMiami, OKMiamiCitySeneca, SCSenecaCityCedar City, UTCedar CityCityWest Plains, MOWest PlainsCitySafford, AZSaffordCityAthens, OHAthensCityCrawfordsville, INCrawfordsvilleCityPorterville, CAPortervilleCityHouston, TXHoustonCityHays, KSHaysCityCleveland, OHClevelandCityGreenville, SCGreenvilleCityDurango, CODurangoCityClearwater, FLClearwaterCityNorth Platte, NENorth PlatteCityHanover, PAHanoverCityScottsburg, INScottsburgCityBremerton, WABremertonCityPort Angeles, WAPort AngelesCityPayson, AZPaysonCityGrand Forks, NDGrand ForksCityChattanooga, TN-GAChattanoogaCityFairmont, MNFairmontCitySan Diego, CASan DiegoCityHartford, CTHartfordCityAlexandria, MDAlexandriaCityCelina, OHCelinaCityLaGrange, GALaGrangeCityAstoria, ORAstoriaCityDublin, GADublinCityWilmington, DE-MD-NJWilmingtonCityHanford-Corcoran, CAHanford-CorcoranCityCharlotte, NCCharlotteCityRedwood City, CARedwood CityCityKilleen, TXKilleenCityHuntsville, ALHuntsvilleCityModesto, CAModestoCityMaysville, KYMaysvilleCityKansas City, MOKansas CityCityLumberton, NCLumbertonCityCasper, WYCasperCityPoughkeepsie, NYPoughkeepsieCityBarnstable Town, MABarnstable TownCityYuma, AZYumaCityAltus, OKAltusCityRed Wing, MNRed WingCityJoplin, MOJoplinCityFargo, NDFargoCityBangor, MEBangorCityGreenville, NCGreenvilleCityWatertown-Fort Drum, NYWatertown-Fort DrumCityManitowoc, WIManitowocCityAuburn, NYAuburnCityBlacksburg, VABlacksburgCityMorgan City, LAMorgan CityCityPueblo, COPuebloCityCoamo, PRCoamoCityFort Collins, COFort CollinsCityOcala, FLOcalaCityGadsden, ALGadsdenCityHonolulu, HIHonoluluCityMooresville, NCMooresvilleCityPalm Coast, FLPalm CoastCityDanville, VADanvilleCityFlagstaff, AZFlagstaffCityCrescent City North, CACrescent City NorthCityCorinth, MSCorinthCityCharleston, SCCharlestonCityFarmington, NMFarmingtonCityFort Morgan, COFort MorganCityYuba City, CAYuba CityCityEvanston, WYEvanstonCityNew Castle, PANew CastleCityGary, INGaryCityLancaster, SCLancasterCityJanesville, WIJanesvilleCityVernon, TXVernonCityPaducah, KY-ILPaducahCityProvidence, RIProvidenceCityWarren-Farmington Hills-Troy, MIWarren-Farmington Hills-TroyCityMuskegon, MIMuskegonCityFlorence, SCFlorenceCityOshkosh, WIOshkoshCityCoos Bay, ORCoos BayCitySpartanburg, SCSpartanburgCityFort Wayne, INFort WayneCityRuston, LARustonCityRockland, MERocklandCityPuerto Rico,USACountryBoone, IABooneCityArcadia, FLArcadiaCityAlexandria, LAAlexandriaCityNiles, MINilesCityAguadilla, PRAguadillaCityWarren, PAWarrenCityAlice, TXAliceCityAnniston, ALAnnistonCityLa Follette, TNLa FolletteCityLima, OHLimaCityDanville, ILDanvilleCityColumbia, MOColumbiaCityAlbany, GAAlbanyCityAlpena, MIAlpenaCityBoone, NCBooneCityBoise City, IDBoise CityCityCabo Rojo, PRCabo RojoCityColumbus, GA-ALColumbusCityToledo, OHToledoCityBurlington, IABurlingtonCityOttawa, ILOttawaCityBranson, MOBransonCityMarion, ILMarionCityCanton, OHCantonCityCullman, ALCullmanCityPensacola, FLPensacolaCityLewistown, PALewistownCityGarden City, KSGarden CityCityKlamath Falls, ORKlamath FallsCityKinston, NCKinstonCityFairbanks, AKFairbanksCityPampa, TXPampaCityHelena, MTHelenaCityFrankfort, KYFrankfortCityDuncan, OKDuncanCityGreenwood, MSGreenwoodCityOcean City, NJOcean CityCitySylacauga, ALSylacaugaCityKerrville, TXKerrvilleCityMoscow, IDMoscowCityLebanon, MOLebanonCityKingsville, TXKingsvilleCityDickinson, NDDickinsonCityMount Vernon, WAMount VernonCityNorfolk, NENorfolkCityOgdensburg, NYOgdensburgCityManchester, NHManchesterCityGreeneville, TNGreenevilleCitySan Germán, PRSan GermánCityAnderson, SCAndersonCityMoberly, MOMoberlyCityDetroit, MIDetroitCityEagle Pass, TXEagle PassCityBlackfoot, IDBlackfootCityVero Beach, FLVero BeachCityClinton, IAClintonCityPahrump, NVPahrumpCityShreveport, LAShreveportCityCedartown, GACedartownCityReading, PAReadingCitySilverthorne, COSilverthorneCityLewiston, IDLewistonCityTaos, NMTaosCityLebanon, PALebanonCityFajardo, PRFajardoCityAthens, GAAthensCityRio Grande City, TXRio Grande CityCityIowa City, IAIowa CityCityElmira, NYElmiraCityBay City, TXBay CityCityGlasgow, KYGlasgowCityAtlanta, GAAtlantaCityEugene, OREugeneCitySturgis, MISturgisCitySanta Fe, NMSanta FeCityWalterboro, SCWalterboroCityFitzgerald, GAFitzgeraldCityTucson, AZTucsonCityCambridge, MACambridgeCityLawrenceburg, TNLawrenceburgCitySterling, ILSterlingCityGallup, NMGallupCitySan Francisco, CASan FranciscoCityHudson, NYHudsonCityGoldsboro, NCGoldsboroCityNew Bern, NCNew BernCityDecatur, INDecaturCityButte, MTButteCitySweetwater, TXSweetwaterCityCentral City, KYCentral CityCityGrants, NMGrantsCityProvo, UTProvoCityGrants Pass, ORGrants PassCityEscanaba, MIEscanabaCityBrookhaven, MSBrookhavenCityMiddlesborough, KYMiddlesboroughCityLos Angeles, CALos AngelesCityWarsaw, INWarsawCityOlean, NYOleanCityArkadelphia, ARArkadelphiaCityOklahoma City, OKOklahoma CityCityClarksdale, MSClarksdaleCityForrest City, ARForrest CityCityNewton, IANewtonCityRockford, ILRockfordCityHuntsville, TXHuntsvilleCityHobbs, NMHobbsCitySearcy, ARSearcyCityCoshocton, OHCoshoctonCityMcAllen, TXMcAllenCityPecos, TXPecosCityBridgeton, NJBridgetonCityDaphne, ALDaphneCityVictoria, TXVictoriaCityBridgeport, CTBridgeportCityCoffeyville, KSCoffeyvilleCityMcMinnville, TNMcMinnvilleCityDover, DEDoverCityOxnard, CAOxnardCityMonroe, WIMonroeCityEau Claire, WIEau ClaireCityHolland-Grand Haven, MIHolland-Grand HavenCityEl Centro, CAEl CentroCityAltoona, PAAltoonaCityUvalde, TXUvaldeCityPortales, NMPortalesCityCollege Station, TXCollege StationCityAlbany, ORAlbanyCityTraverse City, MITraverse CityCityBatesville, ARBatesvilleCityColumbia, TNColumbiaCityWoodward, OKWoodwardCityPittsburg, KSPittsburgCityHope, ARHopeCityLexington, KYLexingtonCityRolla, MORollaCityLaurinburg, NCLaurinburgCityGreeley, COGreeleyCityAllentown, PAAllentownCitySummerville, GASummervilleCityOakland, CAOaklandCitySheboygan, WISheboyganCityMadera, CAMaderaCityReno-Sparks, NVReno-SparksCityLake City, FLLake CityCityLincoln, ILLincolnCityAndrews, TXAndrewsCitySan Juan, PRSan JuanCityJamestowna, NYJamestownaCityDecatur, ILDecaturCityYork, PAYorkCityColdwater, MIColdwaterCityOneonta, NYOneontaCityKearney, NEKearneyCityMcAlester, OKMcAlesterCityPortland, MEPortlandCityElkhart, INElkhartCityMarshall, MOMarshallCityGreenville, MSGreenvilleCityTampa, FLTampaCityEast Stroudsburg, PAEast StroudsburgCityLa Crosse, WILa CrosseCityRockingham, NCRockinghamCityFort Worth, TXFort WorthCityDayton, OHDaytonCityWahpeton, NDWahpetonCityRexburg, IDRexburgCitySunbury, PASunburyCityArlington, VAArlingtonCityCamden, ARCamdenCityMerrill, WIMerrillCityOrlando, FLOrlandoCityAkron, OHAkronCityAberdeen, WAAberdeenCityBogalusa, LABogalusaCityAnchorage, AKAnchorageCityMineral Wells, TXMineral WellsCityKahului, HIKahuluiCityFayetteville, ARFayettevilleCityBeeville, TXBeevilleCityPonca City, OKPonca CityCityWillimantic, CTWillimanticCityCanton, ILCantonCityGrenada, MSGrenadaCityBatavia, NYBataviaCityBrownsville, TNBrownsvilleCityMorgantown, WVMorgantownCityHutchinson, KSHutchinsonCityBerlin, NHBerlinCitySierra Vista, AZSierra VistaCityGuayama, PRGuayamaCityNorth Vernon, INNorth VernonCityChillicothe, OHChillicotheCityBozeman, MTBozemanCityStaunton-Waynesboro, VAStaunton-WaynesboroCityGainesville, FLGainesvilleCityShelby, NCShelbyCitySt. Marys, St, Marys, PAStCityWilmington, NCWilmingtonCityNogales, AZNogalesCityKennewick, WAKennewickCityCoeur d'Alene, IDCoeur d'AleneCityColumbus, NEColumbusCityFort Dodge, IAFort DodgeCityFond du Lac, WIFond du LacCityNew Castle, INNew CastleCitySpokane, WASpokaneCityMarion, OHMarionCityConnersville, INConnersvilleCityColumbus, MSColumbusCityOwensboro, KYOwensboroCityErie, PAErieCityFlint, MIFlintCityBluefield, WV-VABluefieldCitySpringfield, ILSpringfieldCityHarriman, TNHarrimanCityLivonia, MILivoniaCityChicago, ILChicagoCityCordele, GACordeleCityWeirton, WVWeirtonCityHarrisburg, PAHarrisburgCityFarmington, MOFarmingtonCityColorado Springs, COColorado SpringsCityLaconia, NHLaconiaCitySanta Cruz, CASanta CruzCityPlainview, TXPlainviewCityTallahassee, FLTallahasseeCityRoseburg, ORRoseburgCityOcean Pines, MDOcean PinesCitySan Antonio, TXSan AntonioCityRiverton, WYRivertonCityBellingham, WABellinghamCityBrownwood, TXBrownwoodCityNewport, TNNewportCitySt. George, St, George, UTStCityRacine, WIRacineCityCleveland, TNClevelandCityGillette, WYGilletteCityMoses Lake, WAMoses LakeCityBig Spring, TXBig SpringCityLufkin, TXLufkinCitySpencer, IASpencerCityVallejo, CAVallejoCityUnion City, TNUnion CityCityWinston-Salem, NCWinston-SalemCityLake County, ILLake CountyCityCornelia, GACorneliaCityLiberal, KSLiberalCitySan Sebastián, PRSan SebastiánCityAllegan, MIAlleganCityCamden, NJCamdenCityRed Bluff, CARed BluffCityAugusta, MEAugustaCityAuburn, ALAuburnCityPittsburgh, PAPittsburghCityMinneapolis, MNMinneapolisCityCape Coral-Fort Myers, FLCape Coral-Fort MyersCityWest Helena, ARWest HelenaCityMadison, WIMadisonCityUnion, SCUnionCityTuskegee, ALTuskegeeCityNewberry, SCNewberryCityJonesboro, ARJonesboroCitySt. Petersburg, St, Petersburg, FLStCityJacksonville, NCJacksonvilleCityRichmond, KYRichmondCityMayagüez, PRMayagüezCityAlma, MIAlmaCityMount Airy, NCMount AiryCityHinesville, GAHinesvilleCityMarquette, MIMarquetteCityMiami, FLMiamiCityFergus Falls, MNFergus FallsCityTaylorville, ILTaylorvilleCityPocatello, IDPocatelloCityJesup, GAJesupCityMcPherson, KSMcPhersonCityCarlsbad, NMCarlsbadCityRichmond, INRichmondCityBillings, MTBillingsCityHenderson, NCHendersonCityCorning, NYCorningCityIndianola, MSIndianolaCityKingston, NYKingstonCityDubuque, IADubuqueCityMidland, MIMidlandCityMcComb, MSMcCombCityCheyenne, WYCheyenneCityUkiah, CAUkiahCityBurley, IDBurleyCityThomasville, GAThomasvilleCityRedding, CAReddingCityIndiana, PAIndianaCityJackson, WYJacksonCityOskaloosa, IAOskaloosaCityWatertown, SDWatertownCitySouth Bend, INSouth BendCityEdwards, COEdwardsCityBaton Rouge, LABaton RougeCityPlattsburgh, NYPlattsburghCityBedford, INBedfordCityRockingham County, NHRockingham CountyCityAlbert Lea, MNAlbert LeaCityJackson, TNJacksonCityOmaha, NEOmahaCityDouglas, GADouglasCityMenomonie, WIMenomonieCitySyracuse, NYSyracuseCityEllensburg, WAEllensburgCityBuffalo, NYBuffaloCityWheeling, WV-OHWheelingCityAsheville, NCAshevilleCityGaithersburg, MDGaithersburgCityLafayette, LALafayetteCityArdmore, OKArdmoreCityNaples, FLNaplesCityLynchburg, VALynchburgCityPalm Bay, FLPalm BayCityBartlesville, OKBartlesvilleCitySpringfield, MOSpringfieldCitySalisbury, NCSalisburyCityWashington, INWashingtonCityLancaster, PALancasterCityPhoenix, AZPhoenixCityEnid, OKEnidCityPendleton-Hermiston, ORPendleton-HermistonCityMarysville, CAMarysvilleCityParis, TNParisCityMiami Beach, FLMiami BeachCityMarinette, WI-MIMarinetteCityBloomington, INBloomingtonCityShelbyville, TNShelbyvilleCitySevierville, TNSeviervilleCityLas Vegas, NMLas VegasCityMitchell, SDMitchellCityAdjuntas, PRAdjuntasCityFort Leonard Wood, MOFort Leonard WoodCityHot Springs, ARHot SpringsCityEl Campo, TXEl CampoCityCambridge, OHCambridgeCityNapa, CANapaCityPalestine, TXPalestineCityRoanoke, VARoanokeCityLexington Park, MDLexington ParkCitySandusky, OHSanduskyCityThomaston, GAThomastonCityHilo, HIHiloCityTullahoma, TNTullahomaCityDurant, OKDurantCityTorrington, CTTorringtonCityHomosassa Springs, FLHomosassa SpringsCityMountain Home, IDMountain HomeCityJackson, MIJacksonCitySeattle, WASeattleCityGuaynabo, PRGuaynaboCityPhiladelphia, PAPhiladelphiaCityBaraboo, WIBarabooCityWinona, MNWinonaCityPittsfield, MAPittsfieldCitySalinas, CASalinasCityMount Sterling, KYMount SterlingCityTupelo, MSTupeloCityPullman, WAPullmanCityDuBois, PADuBoisCityBurlington, NCBurlingtonCityGulfport, MSGulfportCityEaston, MDEastonCityAlamogordo, NMAlamogordoCityAthens, TXAthensCityMuscatine, IAMuscatineCityBoston, MABostonCityBismarck, NDBismarckCitySan Angelo, TXSan AngeloCityHarrison, ARHarrisonCityAshtabula, OHAshtabulaCityKeokuk, IAKeokukCityNatchez, MS-LANatchezCitySherman-Denison, TXSherman-DenisonCityMountain Home, ARMountain HomeCityWichita Falls, TXWichita FallsCityFrankfort, INFrankfortCityMacon, GAMaconCityBennettsville, SCBennettsvilleCityLongview-Kelso, WALongview-KelsoCityDenver-Aurora, CODenver-AuroraCitySan Luis Obispo, CASan Luis ObispoCityLondon, KYLondonCityKokomo, INKokomoCityRoswell, NMRoswellCityAmericus, GAAmericusCityBeaumont, TXBeaumontCityAmarillo, TXAmarilloCitySteubenville, OHSteubenvilleCityDecatur, ALDecaturCityMexico, MOMexicoCityNorwich, CTNorwichCityConcord, NHConcordCityPeru, INPeruCityMuskogee, OKMuskogeeCityTerre Haute, INTerre HauteCityOwosso, MIOwossoCityWashington, NCWashingtonCityCleveland, MSClevelandCityBucyrus, OHBucyrusCityMartinsville, VAMartinsvilleCityRiverside, CARiversideCityCentralia, ILCentraliaCityLamesa, TXLamesaCityAda, OKAdaCityDanville, KYDanvilleCityCaguas, PRCaguasCityIron Mountain, MIIron MountainCityKetchikan, AKKetchikanCitySomerset, PASomersetCityMilwaukee, WIMilwaukeeCityLake Charles, LALake CharlesCityWisconsin Rapids, WIWisconsin RapidsCityWillmar, MNWillmarCityWabash, INWabashCityLa Grande, ORLa GrandeCityHereford, TXHerefordCityPunta Gorda, FLPunta GordaCityVicksburg, MSVicksburgCityMidland, TXMidlandCityClovis, NMClovisCitySanta Rosa-Petaluma, CASanta Rosa-PetalumaCityNew Orleans, LANew OrleansCityWorthington, MNWorthingtonCityOttumwa, IAOttumwaCitySulphur Springs, TXSulphur SpringsCityPortsmouth, OHPortsmouthCityFindlay, OHFindlayCityWhitewater, WIWhitewaterCityAnn Arbor, MIAnn ArborCityKeene, NHKeeneCityThe Villages, FLThe VillagesCityMaryville, MOMaryvilleCityLas Vegas, NVLas VegasCityWaycross, GAWaycrossCityDavenport, IADavenportCityAlbuquerque, NMAlbuquerqueCityHouma, LAHoumaCityYankton, SDYanktonCityAustin, MNAustinCityStatesboro, GAStatesboroCityFallon, NVFallonCitySelinsgrove, PASelinsgroveCityTuscaloosa, ALTuscaloosaCityLansing, MILansingCityMarshall, TXMarshallCityDixon, ILDixonCityWorcester, MAWorcesterCityNew Ulm, MNNew UlmCityFaribault-Northfield, MNFaribault-NorthfieldCitySikeston, MOSikestonCityPhiladelphia, PAPhiladelphiaCityEureka, CAEurekaCityNorwalk, OHNorwalkCityDyersburg, TNDyersburgCitySidney, OHSidneyCityGreensburg, INGreensburgCityFort Polk South, LAFort Polk SouthCityDe Ridder, LADe RidderCityDalton, GADaltonCityPonce, PRPonceCityState College, PAState CollegeCityLogan, UT-IDLoganCityEvansville, INEvansvilleCityLaredo, TXLaredoCityGloversville, NYGloversvilleCityMarietta, WVMariettaCityUtica-Rome, NYUtica-RomeCityUrbana, OHUrbanaCitySomerset, KYSomersetCityDeming, NMDemingCityLincoln, NELincolnCityGranbury, TXGranburyCityGreat Falls, MTGreat FallsCityBrookings, ORBrookingsCityCorpus Christi, TXCorpus ChristiCityIdaho Falls, IDIdaho FallsCitySterling, COSterlingCityCorbin, KYCorbinCityColumbus, OHColumbusCityAtchison, KSAtchisonCityGuymon, OKGuymonCitySpringfield, MASpringfieldCityBurlington, VTBurlingtonCityAlbany, NYAlbanyCityPontiac, ILPontiacCityLewisburg, PALewisburgCityManhattan, KSManhattanCityTroy, ALTroyCityPoint Pleasant, WVPoint PleasantCitySavannah, GASavannahCityChampaign, ILChampaignCityFort Smith, AR-OKFort SmithCityGardnerville Ranchos, NVGardnerville RanchosCityMonroe, MIMonroeCityWenatchee, WAWenatcheeCityLoveland, COLovelandCitySioux Falls, SDSioux FallsCityAmes, IAAmesCityBeckley, WVBeckleyCityCarson City, NVCarson CityCityToccoa, GAToccoaCityCentralia, WACentraliaCityCrowley, LACrowleyCityLake Havasu City, AZLake Havasu CityCityFostoria, OHFostoriaCityWilliamsport, PAWilliamsportCityEmporia, KSEmporiaCityHannibal, MOHannibalCityVisalia, CAVisaliaCityLock Haven, PALock HavenCityMacomb, ILMacombCityAnderson, INAndersonCityMorristown, TNMorristownCityMemphis, TNMemphisCityHayward, CAHaywardCityFlorence, ALFlorenceCityLouisville, KYLouisvilleCityBainbridge, GABainbridgeCitySanford, NCSanfordCityDel Rio, TXDel RioCityCorvallis, ORCorvallisCityAshland, OHAshlandCityGreenwood, SCGreenwoodCityHilton Head Island-Beaufort, SCHilton Head Island-BeaufortCityFremont, NEFremontCityMount Vernon, OHMount VernonCityOil City, PAOil CityCityHuron, SDHuronCityJasper, INJasperCityMuncie, INMuncieCityMedford, ORMedfordCityKnoxville, TNKnoxvilleCityCanon City, COCanon CityCityOxford, MSOxfordCityLaurel, MSLaurelCityParagould, ARParagouldCityWashington, DCWashingtonCityMorehead City, NCMorehead CityCityKendallville, INKendallvilleCityLafayette, INLafayetteCityLexington, NELexingtonCityMarshalltown, IAMarshalltownCityKingsport, TNKingsportCityDumas, TXDumasCityStevens Point, WIStevens PointCitySouthern Pines, NCSouthern PinesCityCharleston, WVCharlestonCityMerced, CAMercedCityCity of The Dalles, ORCity of The DallesCityMoultrie, GAMoultrieCityMagnolia, ARMagnoliaCitySeymour, INSeymourCityLevelland, TXLevellandCityEast Liverpool, OHEast LiverpoolCityMount Pleasant, TXMount PleasantCityFort Walton Beach, FLFort Walton BeachCityLawrence, KSLawrenceCityKill Devil Hills, NCKill Devil HillsCityPort St. Lucie, Port St, Lucie, FLPort StCityScranton, PAScrantonCityBattle Creek, MIBattle CreekCityDes Moines, IADes MoinesCityHood River, ORHood RiverCityPhoenix Lake, CAPhoenix LakeCityGettysburg, PAGettysburgCityWarrensburg, MOWarrensburgCityOntario, OR-IDOntarioCityGreenville, OHGreenvilleCityCortland, NYCortlandCityOlympia, WAOlympiaCitySeaford, DESeafordCityYoungstown, OHYoungstownCityGainesville, GAGainesvilleCityDunn, NCDunnCityBinghamton, NYBinghamtonCityBennington, VTBenningtonCityShawnee, OKShawneeCityMontgomery, ALMontgomeryCityGreen Bay, WIGreen BayCityGrand Rapids, MIGrand RapidsCityBemidji, MNBemidjiCitySalem, ORSalemCitySilver City, NMSilver CityCityFort Valley, GAFort ValleyCityLittle Rock, ARLittle RockCityMissoula, MTMissoulaCityElizabeth City, NCElizabeth CityCityWest Palm Beach, FLWest Palm BeachCityShelton, WASheltonCityLas Cruces, NMLas CrucesCityColumbus, INColumbusCityOgden, UTOgdenCityWaco, TXWacoCityMarshall, MNMarshallCityMeridian, MSMeridianCityJamestown, NDJamestownCityBoulder, COBoulderCityMilledgeville, GAMilledgevilleCityWaterloo-Cedar Falls, IAWaterloo-Cedar FallsCityRock Springs, WYRock SpringsCityMonroe, LAMonroeCitySault Ste. Marie, Sault Ste, Marie, MISault SteCityVan Wert, OHVan WertCitySanta Isabel, PRSanta IsabelCityDefiance, OHDefianceCityAlexandria, MNAlexandriaCityCambridge, MDCambridgeCityScottsbluff, NEScottsbluffCityEdison, NJEdisonCityQuincy, IL-MOQuincyCitySelma, ALSelmaCityVernal, UTVernalCityPortland, ORPortlandCityHutchinson, MNHutchinsonCityFrederick, MDFrederickCityBirmingham, ALBirminghamCityWashington, OHWashingtonCityTahlequah, OKTahlequahCityYakima, WAYakimaCitySanta Ana, CASanta AnaCityAngola, INAngolaCityDuluth, MNDuluthCityMankato, MNMankatoCityRocky Mount, NCRocky MountCityMinot, NDMinotCityLexington, NCLexingtonCitySalt Lake City, UTSalt Lake CityCityLaramie, WYLaramieCitySpringfield, OHSpringfieldCityTopeka, KSTopekaCityPlymouth, INPlymouthCityPalatka, FLPalatkaCityCape Girardeau, MOCape GirardeauCityKey West-Marathon, FLKey West-MarathonCityClarksburg, WVClarksburgCitySeneca Falls, NYSeneca FallsCityFairmont, WVFairmontCityBrenham, TXBrenhamCityRome, GARomeCityPeoria, ILPeoriaCityHagerstown, MDHagerstownCityStillwater, OKStillwaterCityMarshfield, WIMarshfieldCityStarkville, MSStarkvilleCityChico, CAChicoCityCincinnati, OHCincinnatiCityPierre, SDPierreCityChester, SCChesterCityWilmington, OHWilmingtonCitySt. Louis, St, Louis, MO-ILStCityRochester, MNRochesterCityKapaa, HIKapaaCityRichmond, VARichmondCityDodge City, KSDodge CityCityWooster, OHWoosterCityCadillac, MICadillacCityMinden, LAMindenCityWauchula, FLWauchulaCityBaltimore, MDBaltimoreCityBloomsburg, PABloomsburgCityMichigan City, INMichigan CityCityStockton, CAStocktonCityForest City, NCForest CityCityGrand Junction, COGrand JunctionCityWarner Robins, GAWarner RobinsCityVirginia Beach, VAVirginia BeachCityFresno, CAFresnoCitySpearfish, SDSpearfishCityRaleigh-Cary, NCRaleigh-CaryCityJacksonville, TXJacksonvilleCityJefferson City, MOJefferson CityCityDurham, NCDurhamCityKennett, MOKennettCityLakeland, FLLakelandCityYauco, PRYaucoCityJohnstown, PAJohnstownCityGeorgetown, SCGeorgetownCityStorm Lake, IAStorm LakeCityCookeville, TNCookevilleCityJacksonville, FLJacksonvilleCityAberdeen, SDAberdeenCityWinfield, KSWinfieldCityCrossville, TNCrossvilleCitySioux City, IA-NE-SDSioux CityCityCorsicana, TXCorsicanaCityCampbellsville, KYCampbellsvilleCityRussellville, ARRussellvilleCityHarrisonburg, VAHarrisonburgCityEffingham, ILEffinghamCityTexarkana, ARTexarkanaCityNashville, TNNashvilleCityDallas, TXDallasCitySheridan, WYSheridanCityHavre, MTHavreCityColumbia, SCColumbiaCityBrevard, NCBrevardCityMarion, INMarionCityBeaver Dam, WIBeaver DamCityMyrtle Beach, SCMyrtle BeachCityHattiesburg, MSHattiesburgCityPoplar Bluff, MOPoplar BluffCityBrownsville, TXBrownsvilleCityRoanoke Rapids, NCRoanoke RapidsCityClearlake, CAClearlakeCityBlytheville, ARBlythevilleCityJennings, LAJenningsCitySalina, KSSalinaCityNew Philadelphia, OHNew PhiladelphiaCityGlens Falls, NYGlens FallsCityBrainerd, MNBrainerdCityWausau, WIWausauCityTallulah, LATallulahCityLongview, TXLongviewCityMadison, INMadisonCitySaginaw, MISaginawCityTwin Falls, IDTwin FallsCityTifton, GATiftonCityValdosta, GAValdostaCityEnterprise, ALEnterpriseCityHickory-Morganton-Lenoir, NCHickory-Morganton-LenoirCityMayfield, KYMayfieldCityValley, ALValleyCityJuneau, AKJuneauCityBig Rapids, MIBig RapidsCityBay City, MIBay CityCityMalone, NYMaloneCityStephenville, TXStephenvilleCityCarbondale, ILCarbondaleCityPicayune, MSPicayuneCityIsabela, PRIsabelaCityOrangeburg, SCOrangeburgCityGreensboro, NCGreensboroCityYazoo City, MSYazoo CityCityAmsterdam, NYAmsterdamCityFort Lauderdale, FLFort LauderdaleCityPanama City, FLPanama CityCityHastings, NEHastingsCityWilliston, NDWillistonCityWinchester, VAWinchesterCityLewiston, MELewistonCityDothan, ALDothanCityOH, USAOHStateWV, USAWVStatePA, USAPAStateFL, USAFLStateMiami-Dade, FL, USAMiami-DadeCountyGA, USAGAStateTift, GA, USATiftCountyCA, USACAStateSan Luis Obispo, CA, USASan Luis ObispoCountyWI, USAWIStateTX, USATXStateNavarro, TX, USANavarroCountyIA, USAIAStateLee, IA, USALeeCountyKY, USAKYStateWarren, KY, USAWarrenCountyIndian River, FL, USAIndian RiverCountyDE-MD-NJ, USADE-MD-NJStateNew Castle, DE-MD-NJ, USANew CastleCountyMS-LA, USAMS-LAStateNatchitoches, MS-LA, USANatchitochesCountyOR, USAORStateWA, USAWAStateOK, USAOKStatePR, USAPRStateMahaska, IA, USAMahaskaCountyME, USAMEStateMarshall, IA, USAMarshallCountyNV, USANVStateTN, USATNStateBexar, TX, USABexarCountySan Joaquin, CA, USASan JoaquinCountySC, USASCStateMO, USAMOStateGregg, TX, USAGreggCountyTulare, CA, USATulareCountyAR, USAARStateColumbia, AR, USAColumbiaCountyWV-OH, USAWV-OHStateIN, USAINStateKosciusko, IN, USAKosciuskoCountyMS, USAMSStateNM, USANMStateDougherty, GA, USADoughertyCountyNC, USANCStateSmith, TX, USASmithCountyHillsborough, FL, USAHillsboroughCountyMI, USAMIStateAL, USAALStateCoffee, AL, USACoffeeCountyMN, USAMNStateWebster, IA, USAWebsterCountyBroward, FL, USABrowardCountyReeves, TX, USAReevesCountyGraves, KY, USAGravesCountyScott, IN, USAScottCountyGray, TX, USAGrayCountyNY, USANYStateWY, USAWYStateSD, USASDStateND, USANDStateTN-GA, USATN-GAStateLA, USALAStateCalcasieu, LA, USACalcasieuCountyCullman, AL, USACullmanCountySumter, GA, USASumterCountyMT, USAMTStateUT, USAUTStateGenesee, NY, USAGeneseeCountyStephens, GA, USAStephensCountyID, USAIDStateBingham, ID, USABinghamCountyLouis, St, Louis, MO-IL, USALouis, St, Louis, MO-ILStateColquitt, GA, USAColquittCountyMiami, IN, USAMiamiCountyMA, USAMAStateBerkshire, MA, USABerkshireCountySteuben, NY, USASteubenCountyIL, USAILStateJackson, IL, USAJacksonCountyVA, USAVAStateColumbia, FL, USAColumbiaCountyBoone, IA, USABooneCountyHampden, MA, USAHampdenCountyOR-ID, USAOR-IDStateVal Verde, TX, USAVal VerdeCountyJackson, IN, USAJacksonCountyCO, USACOStateWeld, CO, USAWeldCountyDE, USADEStateSussex, DE, USASussexCountyHabersham, GA, USAHabershamCountyMorgan, CO, USAMorganCountyMD, USAMDStatePike, AL, USAPikeCountyCassia, ID, USACassiaCountySan Mateo, CA, USASan MateoCountyNE, USANEStatePope, AR, USAPopeCountyJefferson, KY, USAJeffersonCountyLee, AL, USALeeCountyPutnam, FL, USAPutnamCountyKS, USAKSStateRiley, KS, USARileyCountyPotter, TX, USAPotterCountyLaurel, KY, USALaurelCountyVolusia, FL, USAVolusiaCountyIA-NE-SD, USAIA-NE-SDStateWoodbury, IA-NE-SD, USAWoodburyCountyVT, USAVTStateMarys, St, Marys, PA, USAMarys, St, Marys, PAStateMadison, GA, USAMadisonCountyBrazos, TX, USABrazosCountyCherokee, TX, USACherokeeCountyAZ, USAAZStateGila, AZ, USAGilaCountySolano, CA, USASolanoCountyAK, USAAKStateVanderburgh, IN, USAVanderburghCountyMaverick, TX, USAMaverickCountyColumbia, NY, USAColumbiaCountyMesa, CO, USAMesaCountySumter, FL, USASumterCountyAndrews, TX, USAAndrewsCountyClinton, IA, USAClintonCountyWapello, IA, USAWapelloCountyIL-MO, USAIL-MOStateAdams, IL-MO, USAAdamsCountyUpson, GA, USAUpsonCountyChatham, GA, USAChathamCountyNolan, TX, USANolanCountyLyon, KS, USALyonCountyJohnson, IA, USAJohnsonCountyMarshall, AL, USAMarshallCountyFulton, NY, USAFultonCountyJim Wells, TX, USAJim WellsCountyReno, KS, USARenoCountyCowley, KS, USACowleyCountyPhillips, AR, USAPhillipsCountyLiberty, GA, USALibertyCountyKY-IL, USAKY-ILStateMcCracken, KY-IL, USAMcCrackenCountyLauderdale, AL, USALauderdaleCountyLogan, CO, USALoganCountyMadison, IN, USAMadisonCountyTangipahoa, LA, USATangipahoaCountyBuena Vista, IA, USABuena VistaCountyBarren, KY, USABarrenCountySeward, KS, USASewardCountySteuben, IN, USASteubenCountyVermilion, IL, USAVermilionCountyDouglas, KS, USADouglasCountyWI-MI, USAWI-MIStateChattooga, GA, USAChattoogaCountyIndependence, AR, USAIndependenceCountyWare, GA, USAWareCountyStory, IA, USAStoryCountyWebb, TX, USAWebbCountyHockley, TX, USAHockleyCountyAlameda, CA, USAAlamedaCountyCook, IL, USACookCountyMacon, AL, USAMaconCountyTehama, CA, USATehamaCountyUT-ID, USAUT-IDStateMontgomery, IN, USAMontgomeryCountyMaricopa, AZ, USAMaricopaCountyRapides, LA, USARapidesCountyCaddo, LA, USACaddoCountyBaldwin, AL, USABaldwinCountyHall, GA, USAHallCountyLarimer, CO, USALarimerCountyHoward, IN, USAHowardCountyGrant, IN, USAGrantCountyDaviess, IN, USADaviessCountyCraighead, AR, USACraigheadCountyAR-OK, USAAR-OKStateSebastian, AR-OK, USASebastianCountyMadison, ID, USAMadisonCountyHI, USAHIStatePalm Beach, FL, USAPalm BeachCountyKleberg, TX, USAKlebergCountyMadison, LA, USAMadisonCountyOnondaga, NY, USAOnondagaCountyGeorge, UT, USAGeorge, UTStateMcLennan, TX, USAMcLennanCountyWashington, TX, USAWashingtonCountyHenry, IN, USAHenryCountyWinnebago, IL, USAWinnebagoCountyMontgomery, KS, USAMontgomeryCountyFayette, IN, USAFayetteCountyPalo Pinto, TX, USAPalo PintoCountyShawnee, KS, USAShawneeCountyNH, USANHStateAdams, IN, USAAdamsCountyLlano, TX, USALlanoCountyChristian, IL, USAChristianCountyUlster, NY, USAUlsterCountyLee, IL, USALeeCountyCT, USACTStateFairfield, CT, USAFairfieldCountyNJ, USANJStateNapa, CA, USANapaCountyDutchess, NY, USADutchessCountyEagle, CO, USAEagleCountyCharlotte, FL, USACharlotteCountyImperial, CA, USAImperialCountyDeaf Smith, TX, USADeaf SmithCountyWabash, IN, USAWabashCountyHardee, FL, USAHardeeCountyFulton, GA, USAFultonCountyCayuga, NY, USACayugaCountySummit, CO, USASummitCountyStarr, TX, USAStarrCountyDickinson, IA, USADickinsonCountyLawrence, IN, USALawrenceCountySeneca, NY, USASenecaCountySangamon, IL, USASangamonCountyWashington, AR, USAWashingtonCountyHouston, GA, USAHoustonCountyPueblo, CO, USAPuebloCountyWhite, AR, USAWhiteCountyBulloch, GA, USABullochCountyHartford, CT, USAHartfordCountyRI, USARIStateTaylor, KY, USATaylorCountyBartholomew, IN, USABartholomewCountyEscambia, FL, USAEscambiaCountyWarren, NY, USAWarrenCountyWhiteside, IL, USAWhitesideCountyWorcester, MA, USAWorcesterCountyTippecanoe, IN, USATippecanoeCountyWayne, GA, USAWayneCountyAlbany, NY, USAAlbanyCountyMarshall, IN, USAMarshallCountyMarion, FL, USAMarionCountyWichita, TX, USAWichitaCountyBee, TX, USABeeCountyDecatur, IN, USADecaturCountyDaviess, KY, USADaviessCountyHumboldt, CA, USAHumboldtCountyPulaski, AR, USAPulaskiCountyCortland, NY, USACortlandCountyMonterey, CA, USAMontereyCountySaline, KS, USASalineCountyJasper, IA, USAJasperCountyPulaski, KY, USAPulaskiCountyMohave, AZ, USAMohaveCountyPolk, IA, USAPolkCountyBay, FL, USABayCountyDuval, FL, USADuvalCountyBoone, AR, USABooneCountyCattaraugus, NY, USACattaraugusCountyClinton, IN, USAClintonCountySanta Cruz, AZ, USASanta CruzCountyOuachita, LA, USAOuachitaCountyEffingham, IL, USAEffinghamCountyJefferson, TX, USAJeffersonCountyOrleans, LA, USAOrleansCountyElmore, ID, USAElmoreCountyLa Plata, CO, USALa PlataCountyKootenai, ID, USAKootenaiCountyBen Hill, GA, USABen HillCountyOuachita, AR, USAOuachitaCountyVigo, IN, USAVigoCountyHidalgo, TX, USAHidalgoCountyLincoln, LA, USALincolnCountyGreene, AR, USAGreeneCountyChambers, AL, USAChambersCountyDelaware, IN, USADelawareCountyWindham, CT, USAWindhamCountySuffolk, MA, USASuffolkCountyGA-AL, USAGA-ALStateJefferson, GA-AL, USAJeffersonCountyBell, TX, USABellCountyMacon, IL, USAMaconCountyJefferson, IN, USAJeffersonCountyDecatur, GA, USADecaturCountyScott, IA, USAScottCountyFinney, KS, USAFinneyCountyHenderson, TX, USAHendersonCountyLeon, FL, USALeonCountyHopkins, TX, USAHopkinsCountyYuma, AZ, USAYumaCountyFayette, KY, USAFayetteCountyWayne, IN, USAWayneCountyWharton, TX, USAWhartonCountyBoulder, CO, USABoulderCountyRusk, TX, USARuskCountyEl Paso, CO, USAEl PasoCountyCrawford, KS, USACrawfordCountyBonneville, ID, USABonnevilleCountyDes Moines, IA, USADes MoinesCountyCrisp, GA, USACrispCountyKent, DE, USAKentCountyMontgomery, KY, USAMontgomeryCountyBrevard, FL, USABrevardCountyDawson, TX, USADawsonCountyLafayette, LA, USALafayetteCountyLucie, FL, USALucie, FLStateMorgan, AL, USAMorganCountyPinellas, FL, USAPinellasCountyMatagorda, TX, USAMatagordaCountyPeach, GA, USAPeachCountySt. Clair, IL, USASt. ClairCountyLake, IN, USALakeCountyTaylor, TX, USATaylorCountyClark, AR, USAClarkCountyMuscatine, IA, USAMuscatineCountyVentura, CA, USAVenturaCountyOrange, CA, USAOrangeCountySt. Joseph, IN, USASt. JosephCountyLaurens, GA, USALaurensCountyHarris, TX, USAHarrisCountyLowndes, GA, USALowndesCountyEast Baton Rouge, LA, USAEast Baton RougeCountyFranklin, KY, USAFranklinCountyLaPorte, IN, USALaPorteCountyLatah, ID, USALatahCountyMoore, TX, USAMooreCountyHarrison, TX, USAHarrisonCountyMcPherson, KS, USAMcPhersonCountyCollier, FL, USACollierCountyMadison, KY, USAMadisonCountyTom Green, TX, USATom GreenCountyOkaloosa, FL, USAOkaloosaCountyWhitley, KY, USAWhitleyCountyBroome, NY, USABroomeCountyPolk, FL, USAPolkCountyEllis, KS, USAEllisCountyAcadia, LA, USAAcadiaCountyMadison, AL, USAMadisonCountyLos Angeles, CA, USALos AngelesCountyMason, KY, USAMasonCountyStanislaus, CA, USAStanislausCountyMarion, IL, USAMarionCountyNueces, TX, USANuecesCountyFloyd, GA, USAFloydCountyWilbarger, TX, USAWilbargerCountyMississippi, AR, USAMississippiCountyCameron, TX, USACameronCountyHempstead, AR, USAHempsteadCountyPima, AZ, USAPimaCountySan Francisco, CA, USASan FranciscoCountyCoffee, GA, USACoffeeCountyHood, TX, USAHoodCountyErath, TX, USAErathCountyWebster, LA, USAWebsterCountyFulton, IL, USAFultonCountyMobile, AL, USAMobileCountyTalladega, AL, USATalladegaCountyButte, CA, USAButteCountyTarrant, TX, USATarrantCountyMontgomery, AL, USAMontgomeryCountyOrange, FL, USAOrangeCountyWV-VA, USAWV-VAStateClinton, NY, USAClintonCountyMonroe, IN, USAMonroeCountyMcDonough, IL, USAMcDonoughCountyDC, USADCStateDistrict of Columbia, DC, USADistrict of ColumbiaCountyNoble, IN, USANobleCountyLitchfield, CT, USALitchfieldCountyLimestone, TX, USALimestoneCountyHouston, AL, USAHoustonCountyWalker, TX, USAWalkerCountyEdwards, IL, USAEdwardsCountyMadera, CA, USAMaderaCountyDallas, TX, USADallasCountyNew London, CT, USANew LondonCountyFranklin, NY, USAFranklinCountySutter, CA, USASutterCountyMiller, AR, USAMillerCountyBannock, ID, USABannockCountyCochise, AZ, USACochiseCountyAlachua, FL, USAAlachuaCountyDubuque, IA, USADubuqueCountyPolk, GA, USAPolkCountyAngelina, TX, USAAngelinaCountyCitrus, FL, USACitrusCountyPeoria, IL, USAPeoriaCountyChampaign, IL, USAChampaignCountyBibb, GA, USABibbCountyBoyle, KY, USABoyleCountyElkhart, IN, USAElkhartCountySt. Mary, LA, USASt. MaryCountyClarke, GA, USAClarkeCountyCoconino, AZ, USACoconinoCountyMendocino, CA, USAMendocinoCountyJefferson Davis, LA, USAJefferson DavisCountyFresno, CA, USAFresnoCountyYuba, CA, USAYubaCountyTerrebonne, LA, USATerrebonneCountyDeSoto, FL, USADeSotoCountyLogan, IL, USALoganCountyMontrose, CO, USAMontroseCountyMuhlenberg, KY, USAMuhlenbergCountyHouston, TX, USAHoustonCountyJennings, IN, USAJenningsCountyErie, NY, USAErieCountyKerr, TX, USAKerrCountyInyo, CA, USAInyoCountySan Diego, CA, USASan DiegoCountyDubois, IN, USADuboisCountyClay, IA, USAClayCountyMidland, TX, USAMidlandCountyCalhoun, AL, USACalhounCountyEtowah, AL, USAEtowahCountyGarland, AR, USAGarlandCountyLa Salle, IL, USALa SalleCountyTwin Falls, ID, USATwin FallsCountySt. Francis, AR, USASt. FrancisCountyTuolumne, CA, USATuolumneCountyAtchison, KS, USAAtchisonCountySanta Cruz, CA, USASanta CruzCountyNew Haven, CT, USANew HavenCountyChemung, NY, USAChemungCountyFlagler, FL, USAFlaglerCountyNez Perce, ID, USANez PerceCountyBaldwin, GA, USABaldwinCountyMiddlesex, MA, USAMiddlesexCountyHoward, TX, USAHowardCountyDallas, AL, USADallasCountyMerced, CA, USAMercedCountyUvalde, TX, USAUvaldeCountyFord, KS, USAFordCountyOtsego, NY, USAOtsegoCountyJefferson, AL, USAJeffersonCountyLake, CA, USALakeCountyShasta, CA, USAShastaCountyAllen, IN, USAAllenCountyGraham, AZ, USAGrahamCountyTuscaloosa, AL, USATuscaloosaCountyMontgomery, NY, USAMontgomeryCountyWashington, LA, USAWashingtonCountySt. Lawrence, NY, USASt. LawrenceCountyNew York Public LibraryLibrary5th Ave at 42 streetNew YorkNew YorkUSA11111Aunt Martha's AtticCollection123 Main StSomevilleSTUSAPublic Library Great FallsLibraryBookstore street 5Great FallsMTUSANames can notes, too. This is a note for the alternate name of Louse Garner for Lewis Anderson Garner.Strange, isn't it.We have committed to synergistically disseminate resource-leveling methods of empowerment to set us apart from the competition. We envision to globally integrate inexpensive paradigms and professionally engineer timely technology while promoting personal employee growth. Our mission is to assertively build world-class methods of empowerment so that we may professionally promote parallel services to set us apart from the competition. It's our responsibility to dramatically maintain value-added services as well as to professionally simplify principle-centered technology for 100% customer satisfaction.
Thanks to the Mission Statement Generator from of pyschoanalyze-pinhead from Emacs.
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
into empty OIL DRUMS..
Why do you say that?
I have accepted Provolone into my life!
What makes you believe you have accepted provolone into your life?
It's 74 degrees, 12 minutes NORTH, and 41 degrees, 3 minutes EAST!!
Soon, it will be TUESDAY!!
Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
GOOD-NIGHT, everybody.. Now I have to go administer FIRST-AID
to my pet LEISURE SUIT!!
I don't understand.
I'm QUIETLY reading the latest issue of ``BOWLING WORLD''
while my wife and two children stand QUIETLY BY..
Tell me something about your family.
How do I get HOME?
Is it because do you get home that you came to me?
Kids, the seven basic food groups are GUM, PUFF PASTRY, PIZZA,
PESTICIDES, ANTIBIOTICS, NUTRA-SWEET and MILK DUDS!!GRAMPS aid to look for its tree to him of family. It allows that you store data of genealogische to draw for above and investigating. GRAMPS tries to make all the general capacities available of other programs of genealogischer more importantly but, to put an additional capacity of integration at your service not generally for these programs. This one is the capacity to directly incorporate all the possible pieces of the information in Gramps and the cases of the data cambiar/manipulateany/all in the whole data base (in any order or order) around the user to support, if it makes the investigation, analysis and interrelation with the potential of the distances of the relation that fill.
This is a paragraph from the page that was translated by Google's Language Tools to German, back to English, then to Spanish, and once again back to English.His name is my name, too.The repository reference from the source is importantSome note on the repoOn every third blue moon, Lewis Anderson Garner would dress in a purple dress and claim that his name was Louis Garner.Ask librarian for key to the microfilm closet of Great Falls church, it is closed normally1855-06-25
line 1 fac secunda Junij Baptiza-
line 2 tus est Lewis Anderson
line 3 filius legitimus Guillielmus
line 4 Garner et Elisabetha
line 5 Becks. Susceptores fuerent
line 6 petrus Arts et Catharina
line 7 van de Voorde1855-06-25:
I baptized on June the second Lewis Anderson legitimate son of Guillielmus Garner and Elisabetha Becke. Godparents were petrus Arts and Catharina Van de VoordeHow did he die? We need to find out!
Perhaps we find info in the new york libraryThis is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes.
This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes.
This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes.This is a preformatted note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes.
This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes.
This is
a note showing
a lot of different markup
that mixes with each
other making it a good stress test for markup notes.
test | val1 | val2
me | blue | redThis source has all possible references pointing to it. The references are as follows:
This note appears as a note to the source and also as a note for the person.
page 01 Person
page 02 Name
page 03 Address
page 04 Attribute
page 05 PersonRef
page 06 MediaRef
page 07 Attribute
page 08 LdsOrd
page 09 EventRef:Attribute
page 10 Family
page 11 Attribute
page 12 ChildRef
page 13 MediaRef
page 14 Attribute
page 15 LdsOrd
page 16 EventRef:Attribute
page 17 Event
page 18 Attribute
page 19 MediaRef
page 20 Attribute
page 21 MediaObject
page 22 Attribute
page 23 Place
page 24 MediaRef
page 25 Attribute
page 26 Repository:Address