Alex Roitman,,, /home/cristina/gramps/master/example/gramps
Birth Birth of Warner, Sarah Suzanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Howard Lane Birth Birth of Schultz, John Death Death of Schultz, John Burial Burial of Schultz, John Birth Birth of Sanders, Henry Death Death of Sanders, Henry Birth Birth of Spencer, Ann Death Death of Spencer, Ann Birth Birth of Foster, Thomas Death Death of Foster, Thomas Birth Birth of Black, Jane Birth Birth of Abbott, Frances Birth Birth of Кириллов, ?? Birth Birth of Jones, Hugh Birth Birth of Jones, Ann Birth Birth of Смирнов, Eudo Birth Birth of Rios, Agnes Birth Birth of Reeves, James Death Death of Reeves, James Burial Burial of Reeves, James Birth Birth of Смирнов, Ribald Death Death of Смирнов, Ribald Birth Birth of Gray, Beatrix Death Death of Gray, Beatrix Birth Birth of Rodríguez, Agatha Death Death of Rodríguez, Agatha Birth Birth of Пономарев, Ralph Death Death of Пономарев, Ralph Birth Birth of Hanson, Robert Death Death of Hanson, Robert Birth Birth of Schwartz, Helewisa Death Death of Schwartz, Helewisa Birth Birth of Knudsen, Robert Death Death of Knudsen, Robert Birth Birth of Copeland, Mary Birth Birth of Knudsen, Ranulf Death Death of Knudsen, Ranulf Birth Birth of Huff, Bertrama Birth Birth of Meyer, Catherine Death Death of Meyer, Catherine Burial Burial of Meyer, Catherine Birth Birth of Knudsen, Ralph Death Death of Knudsen, Ralph Birth Birth of Walton, Theophania(Tiffany) Birth Birth of Knudsen, Ralph Death Death of Knudsen, Ralph Birth Birth of Huff, Isabel Birth Birth of Knudsen, John Death Death of Knudsen, John Birth Birth of Чернов, Maud Birth Birth of Knudsen, John Death Death of Knudsen, John Birth Birth of Massey, John Birth Birth of Мальцев, Joan Birth Birth of Christiansen, John Death Death of Christiansen, John Birth Birth of Klein, Alma Katherine Death Death of Klein, Alma Katherine Burial Burial of Klein, Alma Katherine Birth Birth of Gomez, Culthbert Birth Birth of Christiansen, Christopher Death Death of Christiansen, Christopher Birth Birth of Gomez, Jane Joane Death Death of Gomez, Jane Joane Birth Birth of Foster, John Birth Birth of Ryan, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Foster, Thomas Death Death of Foster, Thomas Birth Birth of Kozłowski, Margret Death Death of Kozłowski, Margret Birth Birth of Foster, John Death Death of Foster, John Birth Birth of Garner, Margaret Ann Death Death of Garner, Margaret Ann Birth Birth of Garner, Joseph Death Death of Garner, Joseph Birth Birth of Gibbs, Connie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Melissa Sue LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Martín, Tyler William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Heather Jo LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Regina Lynne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Jason Richard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Edwards, Lucy Death Death of Edwards, Lucy Burial Burial of Edwards, Lucy Birth Birth of Garner, Vanichia Elaine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Michael Christopher LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Megan Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Díez, William George Jr. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Сергеев, Jon Dennis LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Holloway, John(?) Death Death of Holloway, John(?) Birth Birth of Garner, Robert W. Death Death of Garner, Robert W. Burial Burial of Garner, Robert W. Birth Birth of Сергеев, Adria Maria LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Сергеев, Jacqueline Denise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Сергеев, Joshua David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Allison Renee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Amy Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hill, Jo Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hill, Leigh Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hill, Sean Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Zieliński, Phoebe Emily Death Death of Zieliński, Phoebe Emily Burial Burial of Zieliński, Phoebe Emily Birth Birth of Mullins, Robert? Death Death of Mullins, Robert? Burial Burial of Mullins, Robert? Birth Birth of Houston, Ellender Death Death of Houston, Ellender Burial Burial of Houston, Ellender Birth Birth of Орлов, Margaret(?) Death Death of Орлов, Margaret(?) Birth Birth of Holloway, Sarah Death Death of Holloway, Sarah Birth Birth of Weaver, Steven Matthew Birth Birth of Weaver, Justin Matthew LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Matthews, Nicholas Ian LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, JenniferMae(Ganoe) LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Willis, Matea Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Poulsen, Cole Randall LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hayes, LeAnn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Madeleine Christine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of West, Kevin Wayne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Jeffery LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Nicole Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Phillips, Anita Irene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Willis, Mattea Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Brooks, William Waller Death Death of Brooks, William Waller Birth Birth of Васильев, Lucy Death Death of Васильев, Lucy Birth Birth of Brooks, Marquis IV Death Death of Brooks, Marquis IV Birth Birth of Marín, Mary Anne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Christopher Arthur LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Guzman, Isabella Death Death of Guzman, Isabella Birth Birth of Brooks, Guillaume de Birth Birth of Garner, Lewis Death Death of Garner, Lewis Burial Burial of Garner, Lewis Birth Birth of Garner, Anderson Death Death of Garner, Anderson Burial Burial of Garner, Anderson Birth Birth of Тимофеев, Willoughby M. Death Death of Тимофеев, Willoughby M. Burial Burial of Тимофеев, Willoughby M. Birth Birth of Тимофеев, Mary Ann Death Death of Тимофеев, Mary Ann Burial Burial of Тимофеев, Mary Ann Birth Birth of Warner, Michael Edward LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Тимофеев, John P. Birth Birth of Тимофеев, Sarah Jane Birth Birth of Тимофеев Birth Birth of Garner, Phebe Death Death of Garner, Phebe Birth Birth of Garner, Mary J. Death Death of Garner, Mary J. Burial Burial of Garner, Mary J. Birth Birth of Garner, Mary M. Death Death of Garner, Mary M. Burial Burial of Garner, Mary M. Birth Birth of Garner, Rebecca Catharine Death Death of Garner, Rebecca Catharine Burial Burial of Garner, Rebecca Catharine Birth Birth of Carr, Zelpha Josephine Death Death of Carr, Zelpha Josephine Burial Burial of Carr, Zelpha Josephine Birth Birth of Flores, Jamie Lee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Iola Elizabeth Betty Death Death of Garner, Iola Elizabeth Betty Burial Burial of Garner, Iola Elizabeth Betty Birth Birth of Garner, Robert F. Death Death of Garner, Robert F. Burial Burial of Garner, Robert F. Birth Birth of Garner, Emma A. Death Death of Garner, Emma A. Burial Burial of Garner, Emma A. Birth Birth of Garner, Anetta Death Death of Garner, Anetta Burial Burial of Garner, Anetta Birth Birth of Garner, Antoinette Death Death of Garner, Antoinette Birth Birth of Rhodes, Catherine Death Death of Rhodes, Catherine Birth Birth of Warner, Melissa Lee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Edward Death Death of Reed, Edward Birth Birth of Reed, Ellen Birth Birth of Reed, Sarah Birth Birth of Reed, Catherine Death Death of Reed, Catherine Birth Birth of Reed, Patrick Death Death of Reed, Patrick Death Death of 伊藤, Mary Birth Birth of Казанцев, Katherine Death Death of Казанцев, Katherine Birth Birth of Gosselin, Martin Kelly LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Bernier, Margaret Birth Birth of Kowalski, Hannah Death Death of Kowalski, Hannah Birth Birth of Kowalski, John Death Death of Kowalski, John Birth Birth of Wells, Alice Death Death of Wells, Alice Birth Birth of Kowalski, Thomas Birth Birth of Santos, Alice Birth Birth of Ramos, John Birth Birth of Gosselin, David Martin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Curtis, Margaret Birth Birth of Gibbs, Margaret Birth Birth of Molina, Robert Birth Birth of Guerrero, Robert Birth Birth of Guerrero, Robert Birth Birth of Guerrero, Walter Birth Birth of Guerrero, Walter Birth Birth of Gosselin, Joel Thomas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Vaughn, Mary Meriwether Death Death of Vaughn, Mary Meriwether Birth Birth of Murray, Susannah Birth Birth of Mazur, Elizabeth Death Death of Mazur, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Mazur, William Birth Birth of Crawford, Margaret Death Death of Crawford, Margaret Birth Birth of Reynolds, John Death Death of Reynolds, John Birth Birth of Ковалев, Sarah Death Death of Ковалев, Sarah Birth Birth of Goodman, Ralph Burial Burial of Goodman, Ralph Birth Birth of Gosselin, Andrea Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Powell, Martha Burial Burial of Powell, Martha Birth Birth of Reynolds, John Birth Birth of Stevens, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Murray, Nicholas Birth Birth of Дмитриев, William Death Death of Дмитриев, William Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Charles Death Death of Дмитриев, Charles Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Mary Birth Birth of Hale, Lawrence Paul LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Lucy Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Isaac Death Death of Дмитриев, Isaac Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Lazarus Death Death of Дмитриев, Lazarus Birth Birth of Дмитриев, James Death Death of Дмитриев, James Birth Birth of Bishop, Quirinus Death Death of Bishop, Quirinus Birth Birth of Simmons, Maria Birth Birth of Hale, Joseph Brendan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Swanson, William Death Death of Swanson, William Birth Birth of Swanson, Richard Death Death of Swanson, Richard Birth Birth of Warner, Arthur Maurice LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hale, Michael Patrick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Diaz, William (Rev.) Death Death of Diaz, William (Rev.) Death Death of Diaz, John Birth Birth of Hale, Gina Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hale, Jeffrey Brian LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Sallie Birth Birth of Webb, Mary Birth Birth of Webb, Mary Birth Birth of Webb, William John Death Death of Webb, William John Birth Birth of George, Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Sarah Margarite Birth Birth of Webb, Charles Leroy Boyd Birth Birth of Webb, John McCrea Birth Birth of Webb, James McPheeters Birth Birth of Webb, Newton Kitridge Death Death of Webb, Newton Kitridge Burial Burial of Webb, Newton Kitridge Birth Birth of Макаров, Joseph Birth Birth of Webb, James Marshall Death Death of Webb, James Marshall Burial Burial of Webb, James Marshall Birth Birth of Garner, Stephen Gerard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Charles Edward Birth Birth of Ballard, Judith Ellen Death Death of Ballard, Judith Ellen Birth Birth of Webb, William Herman Death Death of Webb, William Herman Birth Birth of Webb, Noble A. Death Death of Webb, Noble A. Birth Birth of Garner, Daniel Patrick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, unnamed girl Death Death of Warner, unnamed girl Birth Birth of Warner, Michael Warren Death Death of Warner, Michael Warren Birth Birth of Warner, David Luther LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Farmer, Jacob Birth Birth of Морозов, Mary Elizabeth Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Simon Birth Birth of Григорьев, Anna Maria Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Michael Birth Birth of López, Anna Elisabeth Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Simon Birth Birth of Warner, Donald Louis Death Death of Warner, Donald Louis Birth Birth of Holland, Anna Margaretha Birth Birth of Farmer, Simon Death Death of Farmer, Simon Birth Birth of Баранов, Susan Birth Birth of Farmer, Caroline Birth Birth of Farmer, Magdalena Birth Birth of Farmer, Valentine Death Death of Farmer, Valentine Birth Birth of Warner, Robert Eugene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bradley, Mary Birth Birth of Farmer, Susanna Birth Birth of Taylor, Jacob Birth Birth of Farmer, Anna Marie Birth Birth of Farmer, Peter Simon Death Death of Farmer, Peter Simon Birth Birth of Farmer, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Warner, Fred Loren LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Richard Kenneth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Farmer, Eva Death Death of Farmer, Eva Birth Birth of Farmer, Catharine Birth Birth of Farmer, Michael Birth Birth of Dubé, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Adam Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin Birth Birth of Morgan, Elisabeth Margaretha Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Franciskus Death Death of Beaulieu, Johann Franciskus Birth Birth of Walker, Andrew Vincent LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Barnett, Anna Gertrude Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Maria Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Maria Birth Birth of Hicks, Anna Eva Death Death of Hicks, Anna Eva Birth Birth of Frazier, Johann Adam Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Margaretha Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Margaretha Birth Birth of Frazier, Johann Walter Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Elisabeth Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Elisabeth Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin Death Death of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin Birth Birth of Frazier, Maria Margaretha Birth Birth of Lessard, Dorothy Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Catharina Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Maria Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Maria Birth Birth of Hardy, Jakob Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Adam Death Death of Beaulieu, Johann Adam Birth Birth of Michaud, Anna Eva Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Theobald Death Death of Beaulieu, Johann Theobald Birth Birth of Sutton, Anna Maria Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Ottilia Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Ottilia Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Eva Death Death of Beaulieu, Anna Eva Birth Birth of Lessard, Mary Alice LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Michaud, Valentin Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Anna Margaretha Birth Birth of Александров, Johann Adam Birth Birth of Beaulieu, Johann Simon Death Death of Beaulieu, Johann Simon Birth Birth of Александров, Anna Margaretha Death Death of Александров, Anna Margaretha Birth Birth of Garner, Alecia "Allie" Clare LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard, Emma Jane Death Death of Lessard, Emma Jane Birth Birth of Marín, Elizabeth Therese Death Death of Marín, Elizabeth Therese Burial Burial of Marín, Elizabeth Therese Birth Birth of Jiménez, Amanda E. Death Death of Jiménez, Amanda E. Burial Burial of Jiménez, Amanda E. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Nathan M. Death Death of Jiménez, Nathan M. Burial Burial of Jiménez, Nathan M. Birth Birth of Jiménez, James T. Death Death of Jiménez, James T. Burial Burial of Jiménez, James T. Birth Birth of Jiménez, John T. L. Death Death of Jiménez, John T. L. Burial Burial of Jiménez, John T. L. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Mary C. Death Death of Jiménez, Mary C. Burial Burial of Jiménez, Mary C. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Nancy E. Birth Birth of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, Richard? Cornelius Birth Birth of Jiménez, Lucinda Birth Birth of Domínguez, Zorada Birth Birth of Lévesque, James W. Death Death of Lévesque, James W. Birth Birth of Lessard, Izora Death Death of Lessard, Izora Birth Birth of Boyd, Charles Newton Death Death of Boyd, Charles Newton Birth Birth of Lévesque, Olive Birth Birth of Lévesque, Jennie Birth Birth of Lévesque, Wilma Birth Birth of Garner, John Roger LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lévesque, Elsie Birth Birth of Lévesque, Mary Birth Birth of Lévesque, John C. Birth Birth of Lévesque, Clarence Birth Birth of Lévesque, Howard Birth Birth of Jiménez, Sarah M. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Mary C. Birth Birth of Warner, Julia Angeline Death Death of Warner, Julia Angeline Burial Burial of Warner, Julia Angeline Birth Birth of Jiménez, Armand E. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Tolbert A. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Lincoln F. Birth Birth of Jiménez, Philip Birth Birth of Jiménez, George H. Birth Birth of Domínguez, Mahala Birth Birth of Page, Elizabeth Death Death of Page, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Neal, James Birth Birth of Neal, Andrew Birth Birth of Neal, Belle Death Death of Neal, Belle Birth Birth of Warner, Mary Grace Elizabeth Death Death of Warner, Mary Grace Elizabeth Burial Burial of Warner, Mary Grace Elizabeth Birth Birth of Neal, James Birth Birth of Neal, John Death Death of Neal, John Birth Birth of Neal, Margaret Birth Birth of Neal, Matilda Death Death of Neal, Matilda Birth Birth of Waters, William Death Death of Waters, William Burial Burial of Waters, William Birth Birth of Neal, David Birth Birth of Page, Robert Death Death of Page, Robert Birth Birth of Page, Margaret Death Death of Page, Margaret Burial Burial of Page, Margaret Birth Birth of Marín, Joseph William Death Death of Marín, Joseph William Burial Burial of Marín, Joseph William Birth Birth of Jankowski, George Death Death of Jankowski, George Burial Burial of Jankowski, George Birth Birth of Jankowski, Robert Death Death of Jankowski, Robert Burial Burial of Jankowski, Robert Birth Birth of Jankowski, Sarah Death Death of Jankowski, Sarah Birth Birth of Sanz, John Death Death of Sanz, John Birth Birth of Jankowski, Willie Death Death of Jankowski, Willie Birth Birth of Jankowski, John Death Death of Jankowski, John Burial Burial of Jankowski, John Birth Birth of Jankowski, Isabella Belle Death Death of Jankowski, Isabella Belle Birth Birth of Jankowski, George Jr. Death Death of Jankowski, George Jr. Burial Burial of Jankowski, George Jr. Birth Birth of Jankowski, Matilda Death Death of Jankowski, Matilda Birth Birth of Warner, Marcia Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Osborne, Dwight Billington LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jankowski, David Death Death of Jankowski, David Burial Burial of Jankowski, David Birth Birth of Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie" Death Death of Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie" Birth Birth of Черкашин, Thomas Death Death of Черкашин, Thomas Birth Birth of Jankowski, Minnie Death Death of Jankowski, Minnie Birth Birth of Page, John James Death Death of Page, John James Burial Burial of Page, John James Birth Birth of Mcdaniel, Margaret Birth Birth of Adkins, Minnie Birth Birth of Page, Ferne Death Death of Page, Robert Francis Birth Birth of Page, Florence Death Death of Page, Florence Birth Birth of Page, George Kenneth (Red) Death Death of Page, George Kenneth (Red) Burial Burial of Page, George Kenneth (Red) Birth Birth of Page, Everett Glenn (Ezra) Birth Birth of Page, Mildred Birth Birth of Page, Maude Death Death of Page, Maude Burial Burial of Page, Maude Birth Birth of Pearson, Eileen Ruth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Anna Birth Birth of Cross, Thomas Birth Birth of Cross, Alta M. Death Death of Cross, Alta M. Burial Burial of Cross, Alta M. Death Death of Peters, Frank O. Birth Birth of Cross, Ralph (Scotty) Birth Birth of Cross, Loraine (Fanny) Birth Birth of Cross, Evelyn Birth Birth of Мельников, Marylou LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cross, Louise Birth Birth of Cross, John Birth Birth of Cross, Gertrude Death Death of Cross, Gertrude Burial Burial of Cross, Gertrude Birth Birth of Armstrong, Teddy C. Death Death of Armstrong, Teddy C. Birth Birth of Page, Mary Death Death of Page, Mary Birth Birth of Page, Rebecca Death Death of Page, Rebecca Birth Birth of Page, Belle Death Death of Page, Belle Death Death of Morin Birth Birth of Page, Matilda Death Death of Page, Matilda Death Death of Moss, Christy Birth Birth of Barber, Mary Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Waters, Cecil Death Death of Waters, Cecil Birth Birth of Waters, Cecil Glenn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Robbins, Merida Lorene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Schneider, Belle Irene Death Death of Schneider, Belle Irene Birth Birth of Neal, Helen M. Birth Birth of Bélanger, Donald Birth Birth of Bélanger, Amy Jo LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Jacob W. Death Death of Alvarado, Jacob W. Birth Birth of Alvarado, John Birth Birth of Alvarado, Eliza Birth Birth of Alvarado, Franklin Birth Birth of Alvarado, William Birth Birth of Alvarado, Thomas C. Birth Birth of Черных, Mary Helen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Marshall Birth Birth of Alvarado, James Death Death of Alvarado, James Birth Birth of Douglas, William Death Death of Douglas, William Birth Birth of Douglas, Eliza Jane Death Death of Douglas, Eliza Jane Birth Birth of Douglas, Charles Birth Birth of Douglas, Jacob Birth Birth of Douglas, William Birth Birth of Douglas, Frank Birth Birth of Warner, Michael Louis LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Douglas, Arthur Birth Birth of Alvarado, Charles Death Death of Alvarado, Charles Birth Birth of Alvarado, Marsha Death Death of Alvarado, Marsha Birth Birth of Douglas, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Warner, Betty Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gauthier, Julius Birth Birth of Douglas, Jacob Death Death of Douglas, Jacob Birth Birth of Douglas, Catherine Birth Birth of Douglas, Alfred Death Death of Douglas, Alfred Birth Birth of Douglas, Ellen Birth Birth of Douglas, Lucinda J. Birth Birth of Douglas, Samuel Birth Birth of Douglas, Susan Birth Birth of Douglas, John Death Death of Douglas, John Birth Birth of Parent, Montgomery Birth Birth of Garner, Barry Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, John William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Beverly Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Rogers, Barbara Death Death of Rogers, Barbara Birth Birth of Павлов, Thomas Birth Birth of Павлов, Calvin Death Death of Larson, Christena Wiseman Burial Burial of Larson, Christena Wiseman Birth Birth of Warner, David Warren LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Harold Lowell LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of James, Robert Birth Birth of James, William Birth Birth of James, Mary Birth Birth of James, Martha Birth Birth of James, Jane Birth Birth of James, John Birth Birth of Warner, Martha Ellen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of James Birth Birth of James, Hugh Jr. Death Death of James, Hugh Jr. Birth Birth of James, Molly Birth Birth of James, Joseph Death Death of James, Joseph Birth Birth of James, Thomas Birth Birth of James, Isaac Birth Birth of James, Walter Crockett Birth Birth of Warner, Margaret Ruth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Nancy Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Sarah Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Mary Christine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Benson, Thomas Stewart Birth Birth of Benson, John Birth Birth of Benson, James Edwin Birth Birth of Benson, Jason Spotswood Birth Birth of Benson, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Benson, Martha Ellen Birth Birth of Benson, James Birth Birth of Benson, Robert Watkins Birth Birth of Warner, Stephanie Sue LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Benson, Louise DeSoix Birth Birth of Benson, Mary Frances Birth Birth of Benson, Elizabeth Birth Birth of 山本, Gabriel Gustav Death Death of Benson, Robert Birth Birth of Benson, Samuel Sr. Birth Birth of Garner, Anne Therese LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Stephen Paul LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, Polly Mary Birth Birth of Jiménez, Elizabeth Death Death of Jiménez, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Warner, Stuart Bogarte LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, Andrew Birth Birth of Jiménez, John Death Death of Jiménez, John Birth Birth of Jiménez, Sarah Birth Birth of Jiménez, Rebecca Birth Birth of Warner, Stanley Louis LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, Cornelius Death Death of Jiménez, Cornelius Birth Birth of Blair, Jane Death Death of Blair, Jane Birth Birth of Hébert, Mr. Birth Birth of Moss, Fred Birth Birth of Moss, Thomas Birth Birth of Moss, Henry Birth Birth of Moss, Mary Birth Birth of Moss, Florence Birth Birth of Moss, Mattie Birth Birth of Page, Margaret Birth Birth of Walker, Sharon Lynette LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Matilda Birth Birth of Page, John Death Death of Nowak, John H. Death Death of Егоров, Dr. Charles J. Birth Birth of Page, David Death Death of Page, David Birth Birth of Warner, Thomas Frederick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Черкашин, Louis Death Death of Page, Richard C. Birth Birth of Floyd, Nancy Death Death of Floyd, Nancy Birth Birth of Warner, Shirley Kay LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Waters, Edith Birth Birth of Waters, Nellie Birth Birth of Waters, Lola Birth Birth of Waters, William Birth Birth of Waters, Everett Birth Birth of Warner, Robert Douglas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Kenneth Fritz LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Brandon Kelly LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Joseph LeRoy Birth Birth of Webb, Lucinda E. Birth Birth of Delgado, Catherine Birth Birth of Serrano, Archibald Death Death of Serrano, Archibald Burial Burial of Serrano, Archibald Birth Birth of Serrano, Joseph Death Death of Serrano, Joseph Burial Burial of Serrano, Joseph Birth Birth of Serrano, Joseph Birth Birth of Данилов, Kathryn Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Quinn, Abraham Death Death of Quinn, Abraham Birth Birth of Quinn, Elizabeth Marium Death Death of Quinn, Elizabeth Marium Birth Birth of Serrano, Abraham Death Death of Blanco, Henry Birth Birth of Данилов, Elaine Suzanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Johansen, John Death Death of Johansen, John Birth Birth of Blanco, Samuel Death Death of Blanco, Samuel Birth Birth of Blanco, Daniel Death Death of Blanco, Daniel Birth Birth of Serrano, Carrie Birth Birth of Serrano, Dot Birth Birth of Данилов, Darrell Edwin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Ernest Arlington Death Death of Webb, Ernest Arlington Birth Birth of Webb, James Birth Birth of Webb, David Festus Death Death of Webb, David Festus Birth Birth of Webb, James Leslie Death Death of Webb, James Leslie Birth Birth of Garner, Gerard Stephen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Данилов, Barbara Joanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Michael Christie Death Death of Webb, Michael Christie Birth Birth of Webb, Anna Mabel Death Death of Webb, Anna Mabel Birth Birth of Webb, Mary Ruth Death Death of Webb, Mary Ruth Birth Birth of Webb, Harry Noble Death Death of Webb, Harry Noble Birth Birth of Webb, Frances Mae Death Death of Webb, Frances Mae LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Данилов, Lucinda Elinor LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Rodriquez, John Birth Birth of Поляков, Eve Death Death of Поляков, Eve Birth Birth of Rodriquez, William Frederick Birth Birth of Rodriquez, John Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Alvin Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Elizabeth Jane Birth Birth of Rodriquez, William M. Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Barbara Ann Death Death of Rodriquez, Barbara Ann Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Oma Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Mary Ann Birth Birth of Osborne, Paul Daniel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Maria Louisa Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Michael Mordica Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Peter Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Mary Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Mordica Death Death of Rodriquez, Mordica Birth Birth of Казаков, Jane Death Death of Казаков, Jane Birth Birth of Воронов, Katherine Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Charles Birth Birth of Rodriquez, James Birth Birth of Osborne, Julia Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Richard Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Margaret Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Thomas Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard Birth Birth of Boucher, Mary Josephine Birth Birth of Pelletier, Josephine Death Death of Pelletier, Josephine Birth Birth of Boucher, Patrick Death Death of Dennis, Susan Birth Birth of Bush, James Birth Birth of Bush, Patrick Birth Birth of Boucher, Michael Shannon Birth Birth of Garner, Francis William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Bishop Patrick Birth Birth of Hamilton, John LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Richard Eugene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Brady, Roisin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Caldwell, Colm LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Caldwell, Niall LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Caldwell, Fergl LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Michael Stanley LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hart, Raymond LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Tony LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Noah Stuart LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Barbara Jo LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Fernandez, Michael Birth Birth of McCoy, Thomas Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Howell, Mary LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of McCoy, Celine Bridget LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Stokes, Gabriel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Stokes, Liam Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of McCoy, Canice Oliver LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of McCoy, Paula Death Death of McCoy, Paula Birth Birth of Obrien, Kieran Thomas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, David Walter LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Kathryn Mary LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of McCoy, Orla Sarah LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of McCoy, Francis Death Death of McCoy, Francis Birth Birth of Reed, Sarah Death Death of Reed, Sarah Birth Birth of Reed, Matthew Death Death of Reed, Matthew Death Death of Gibbs, Mary Death Death of Reed, Michael Birth Birth of Reed, Peter Death Death of Reed, Peter Death Death of Кузнецов, Hanora Birth Birth of Reed, Terrence LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Joan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Peter George LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Peggy LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Carmel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Noreen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Duncan Birth Birth of Duncan, Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Bernadette LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Reed, Patrick Burial Burial of Reed, Patrick Birth Birth of Reed, Anastasia Birth Birth of Reed, Catherine Death Death of Reed, Catherine Birth Birth of Garner, Louella Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Jane Death Death of Reed, Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Hannah LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Cecilia LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Gibbs, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Reed, Peter James? Birth Birth of Reed, Owen Birth Birth of Reed, Bridget Ann Death Death of Reed, Bridget Ann Birth Birth of Reed, Norah LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Terence Birth Birth of Garner, Mark Gerard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Peter Birth Birth of Reed, Mary Birth Birth of Reed Birth Birth of Reed, Terrence (TyNed) Death Death of Reed, Terrence (TyNed) Birth Birth of Reed, Michael Birth Birth of Garner, John Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Reed, Jenny Birth Birth of Reed, Minnie Birth Birth of Reed, Kate Birth Birth of Reed, Michael Death Death of Reed, Michael Birth Birth of Lessard, Ralph Raymond Death Death of Lessard, Ralph Raymond LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Gibbs, Jennie Birth Birth of Reed, Michael Death Death of Love Birth Birth of Lessard, Susanna Marie Death Death of Lessard, Susanna Marie Birth Birth of Payne, Fielding Birth Birth of Payne, Winifred Birth Birth of Lessard, Helen Belle Death Death of Lessard, Helen Belle Birth Birth of Payne, James Birth Birth of Дмитриев, George Death Death of Дмитриев, George Birth Birth of Garner, Thomas James LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard, Laura Eloise Death Death of Lessard, Laura Eloise Birth Birth of Diaz, James Death Death of Diaz, James Burial Burial of Diaz, James Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Travis Death Death of Дмитриев, Travis Birth Birth of Payne, Elizabeth Death Death of Payne, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Дмитриев, William Death Death of Дмитриев, William Birth Birth of Wood, Polly Death Death of Wood, Polly Birth Birth of Webb, Lucy Mabel Death Death of Webb, Lucy Mabel Burial Burial of Webb, Lucy Mabel Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Margaret Jane Death Death of Дмитриев, Margaret Jane Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr. Death Death of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr. Birth Birth of Woods, Mary Polly Death Death of Woods, Mary Polly Birth Birth of Diaz, Mary Polly Death Death of Diaz, Mary Polly Birth Birth of Doyle, Robert Gove Birth Birth of Webb, John Raymond Death Death of Webb, John Raymond Burial Burial of Webb, John Raymond Birth Birth of Osborne, Madeline Kathleen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Lewis I. Death Death of Webb, Lewis I. Burial Burial of Webb, Lewis I. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Reeves, Ann Death Death of Gagné, Thomas Death Death of Reeves, Catherine Birth Birth of Page, Andrew Vincent Death Death of Page, Andrew Vincent Burial Burial of Page, Andrew Vincent Birth Birth of Ryan, Elizabeth Death Death of Ryan, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Foster, David Birth Birth of Warner, George Death Death of Warner, George Birth Birth of Warner, Mary Birth Birth of Dixon, Thomas Birth Birth of Warner, Hannah Birth Birth of Warner, Daniel Birth Birth of Higgins, Charity Birth Birth of Page, Eleanor Maude Death Death of Page, Eleanor Maude Burial Burial of Page, Eleanor Maude Birth Birth of Warner, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Лебедев, Trustum Birth Birth of Warner, George Birth Birth of Nichols, Elizabeth Death Death of Nichols, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Warner, Johnathon Death Death of Warner, Johnathon Birth Birth of Montgomery, Mary Birth Birth of Page, Edith Mae Death Death of Page, Edith Mae Burial Burial of Page, Edith Mae Birth Birth of Ball, Robert Lee Birth Birth of Ball, Maude Waldon Burial Burial of Ball, Maude Waldon Birth Birth of Ball, Katie E. Death Death of Ball, Katie E. Birth Birth of Ball, Lucy A. Birth Birth of Ball, Ida B. Birth Birth of Ball, Margaret Birth Birth of Ball, Jane Birth Birth of Ball, Martha Death Death of Snyder, Ann Louisa Birth Birth of Osborne, Anita June LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ball, Matthias Birth Birth of Gill, Avery LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Morris, Roland Birth Birth of Morris, Carlisle Death Death of Marín, Frank Burial Burial of Marín, Frank Birth Birth of Morris, Cyrus Birth Birth of Morris, Robert Birth Birth of Morris, Martha Birth Birth of Morris, Mary Birth Birth of Morris, John Birth Birth of Marín, Frances Coppage Death Death of Marín, Frances Coppage Burial Burial of Marín, Frances Coppage Birth Birth of Nadeau, John Franklin Birth Birth of Marín, Albert Death Death of Marín, Albert Burial Burial of Marín, Albert Birth Birth of Munoz, Moses Romulus? Birth Birth of Munoz, Robert Birth Birth of Munoz, Willis E. Birth Birth of Norris, William Birth Birth of Allen, Mary Birth Birth of Allen, Enos Death Death of Allen, Enos Birth Birth of Allen, Sarah Death Death of Allen, Sarah Birth Birth of Allen, John Death Death of Allen, John Birth Birth of Warner, James Jeffrey LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Martin Bogarte Death Death of Warner, Martin Bogarte Burial Burial of Warner, Martin Bogarte Birth Birth of Marín, Thomas Willis Death Death of Marín, Thomas Willis Burial Burial of Marín, Thomas Willis Birth Birth of Новиков, Sarah Birth Birth of Allen, Abigail Birth Birth of Allen, Joseph Birth Birth of Allen, Job Birth Birth of Allen, Rachel Death Death of Allen, Rachel Death Death of Marín, Wilbur Burial Burial of Marín, Wilbur Birth Birth of Allen, Lydia Birth Birth of Allen, Benjamin Death Death of Allen, Benjamin Birth Birth of Allen, Lediah Death Death of Allen, Lediah Birth Birth of Norris, Elizabeth Death Death of Norris, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Norris, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Allen, Jonathan Death Death of Allen, Jonathan Birth Birth of Allen, Gershom Death Death of Allen, Gershom Birth Birth of Marín, Lilla Estella Death Death of Marín, Lilla Estella Birth Birth of Boyd, Carmen Alberta Death Death of Boyd, Carmen Alberta Birth Birth of Boyd, Lauretta Esther Birth Birth of Jones, Martha Elizabeth Birth Birth of Gutiérrez, Walter Harmon Birth Birth of Gutiérrez, Virginia Elizabeth Birth Birth of Gutiérrez, Dorothy Jean Birth Birth of Gutiérrez, Joan Arlene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hawkins, William Melvin Death Death of Hawkins, William Melvin Burial Burial of Hawkins, William Melvin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Thornton, Arthur Otto LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Andrew Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Moreno, Thomas H. Birth Birth of Moreno, Joseph McDowell Death Death of Moreno, Joseph McDowell Birth Birth of Thornton, James Arthur Death Death of Thornton, James Arthur Burial Burial of Thornton, James Arthur Birth Birth of Moreno, Darius Birth Birth of Moreno, Green P. Birth Birth of Moreno, Delilah Death Death of Moreno, Delilah Birth Birth of Andersen, Samuel Death Death of Andersen, Samuel Birth Birth of Moreno, Mary H. Birth Birth of Moreno, Cyrus W. Birth Birth of Thornton, Dorothy Eleanor LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Moreno, Minerva Birth Birth of Moreno, Solon Birth Birth of Lane, Joseph Robert Death Death of Lane, Joseph Robert Burial Burial of Lane, Joseph Robert Birth Birth of Moreno, Phebe J. Birth Birth of Moreno, Lelia L. Birth Birth of Moreno, Flora E. Birth Birth of Moreno, Martha A. Birth Birth of Moreno, Lydia M. Birth Birth of Lane, Joseph Edward LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Moreno, John Birth Birth of Moreno, Absalom Death Death of Moreno, Absalom Burial Burial of Moreno, Absalom Birth Birth of Moreno, Leah Death Death of Moreno, Leah Birth Birth of Warner, Warren W. Death Death of Warner, Warren W. Burial Burial of Warner, Warren W. Birth Birth of Moreno, Esau Birth Birth of Moreno, Enoch T. Birth Birth of Cruz, Everett Birth Birth of Cruz, Paul Eugene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lambert, Marguerite Death Death of Lambert, Marguerite Burial Burial of Lambert, Marguerite Birth Birth of Cruz, Thomas Everett LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Linda Helen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Dale Eugene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Arthur Ray LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Robbins, Myrabel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Gerald Ray LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ball, Abigail Death Death of Ball, Abigail Burial Burial of Ball, Abigail Birth Birth of Cruz, Janis Marlene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, James Richard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Ivan Wayne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gagnon, Bettie Lou LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, David Wayne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, William Everett LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hawkins, Ellen Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Joyce Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Judy Denise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, William Walker Birth Birth of Warner, Noah Death Death of Warner, Noah Burial Burial of Warner, Noah Birth Birth of Garrett, Carmen Eloise Death Death of Garrett, Carmen Eloise Birth Birth of Лопатин, Raymond A. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Лопатин, Carmen Diana LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Лопатин, Donna Elaine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, William Forest LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Perkins, Wilma Mae Birth Birth of Garrett, Doris Mae LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, Keith William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, Lloyd Willis LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Russell, Norman Death Death of Russell, Norman Burial Burial of Russell, Norman Birth Birth of Burns, Margaret Death Death of Burns, Margaret Birth Birth of Russell, Melvin Glen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Russell, Janet Gail LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Marín, Willis H. Death Death of Marín, Willis H. Burial Burial of Marín, Willis H. Birth Birth of Marín, Nancy H. Birth Birth of Fox, David Death Death of Fox, David Burial Burial of Fox, David Birth Birth of Floyd, John S. Death Death of Floyd, John S. Burial Burial of Floyd, John S. Birth Birth of Coleman, Mary Death Death of Coleman, Mary Burial Burial of Coleman, Mary Birth Birth of Landry, Michael Edward Death Death of Landry, Michael Edward Burial Burial of Landry, Michael Edward Birth Birth of Landry, Theresa A. Birth Birth of Landry, Mary A. Death Death of Landry, Mary A. Birth Birth of Landry, Maurice T. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Charles M. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Catherine M. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Green, Frances Death Death of Green, Frances Burial Burial of Green, Frances Birth Birth of Landry, John Anthony LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Sarah Death Death of Couture, Honora Birth Birth of Landry, Alice LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Josephine Grace LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Helen Margaret Death Death of Landry, Helen Margaret Birth Birth of Ball, Matthias, Jr. Death Death of Ball, Matthias, Jr. Burial Burial of Ball, Matthias, Jr. Birth Birth of Landry, Maurice, Jr. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Charles Doyle LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Eleanor Jean LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, John Chandler LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Michael Douglas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Moreno, Abigail Chapman Death Death of Moreno, Abigail Chapman Burial Burial of Moreno, Abigail Chapman Birth Birth of Warner, Michelle Lorraine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Darin Kane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lopez, Lee William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lopez, John Warren LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Andrea Susan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Deirdra Denise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Watson, Alvin E. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Watson, Mary Grace LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Зыков, John Death Death of Зыков, John Burial Burial of Зыков, John Birth Birth of Simpson, Geraldine Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Sheryl Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Robert Warren LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Powers, Nancy Lou LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Belle Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Curtis Andrew Death Death of Warner, Curtis Andrew Burial Burial of Warner, Curtis Andrew Birth Birth of Warner, Douglas Lowell LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of French, Jimmy Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of French, Kevin Wayne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of French, Erin Jenny LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Carl Thomas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hopkins, Mary Eve Death Death of Hopkins, Mary Eve Burial Burial of Hopkins, Mary Eve Birth Birth of Warner, Laura Gail LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Haynes, Marc W. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Haynes, Michael Walter LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Haynes, Elizabeth Ellen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Haynes, David William Sigfred LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ward, David J. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ward, Michael David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ward, Catherine Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Киселев, Dennis John LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Киселев, Timothy Andrew LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Piatt D. Death Death of Warner, Piatt D. Burial Burial of Warner, Piatt D. Birth Birth of Киселев, Aaron D. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Mortensen, Daniel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Mortensen, Robert Alan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Mortensen, Maria Christine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Watkins, Bruce Edward LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Watkins, Laura Kathryn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Long, Elisa Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Martin B. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Fox, Julia Colville Death Death of Fox, Julia Colville Burial Burial of Fox, Julia Colville Birth Birth of Poirier, Janelle Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Poirier, Jeffrey Alan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Nguyen, John Harry LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Nguyen, Laurie Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Nguyen, Elizabeth Diane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, James Andrew LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Cindy Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Carter, Debra J. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Jack D. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ball, Jasper Death Death of Ball, Jasper Burial Burial of Ball, Jasper Birth Birth of Alvarado, Michelle Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Douglas David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Andrew David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Alvarado, Matthew Vincent LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Norton, Christina LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Amber Lynne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bates, William Robert LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bates, Timothy Christian LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bates, Stephen Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bates, John Allen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Зыков, Angeline Death Death of Зыков, Angeline Burial Burial of Зыков, Angeline Birth Birth of Floyd, Robert William LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Floyd, Gregory Scott Death Death of Floyd, Gregory Scott Birth Birth of Floyd, Christopher Randall LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Floyd, Joan Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Данилов, Rebecca Kristine Ramos LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garza, Jeffrey Adam Ramos LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Harrison, Paul Allen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Harrison, Benjamin Allen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Michael LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Jeremy Quentin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard, Carl Tolbert Death Death of Lessard, Carl Tolbert Burial Burial of Lessard, Carl Tolbert Birth Birth of Todd, Flora Belle Death Death of Todd, Flora Belle Burial Burial of Todd, Flora Belle Birth Birth of Todd, Robert Arthur Death Death of Todd, Robert Arthur Birth Birth of Todd, George Walter Death Death of Todd, George Walter Birth Birth of Todd, Jesse Elmer Death Death of Todd, Jesse Elmer Birth Birth of Todd, Lena Viola Death Death of Todd, Lena Viola Burial Burial of Todd, Lena Viola Birth Birth of Todd, Irene Frances Death Death of Todd, Irene Frances Burial Burial of Todd, Irene Frances Birth Birth of Todd, Cora Olive Death Death of Todd, Cora Olive Burial Burial of Todd, Cora Olive Birth Birth of Todd, Benjamin Harrison Death Death of Todd, Benjamin Harrison Burial Burial of Todd, Benjamin Harrison Birth Birth of Todd, Percy Haye Death Death of Todd, Percy Haye Burial Burial of Todd, Percy Haye Birth Birth of Farmer, Sarah Jane Birth Birth of Webb, Luella Florence Death Death of Webb, Luella Florence Burial Burial of Webb, Luella Florence Birth Birth of Farmer, Mary Ann Birth Birth of Farmer, Susanne Delilah Birth Birth of Farmer, Winfield Scott Birth Birth of Farmer, Miranda Keziah Birth Birth of Farmer, Cyrus Melville Birth Birth of Farmer, Flora Alice Birth Birth of Farmer, John Birth Birth of Cruz, Melinda Lou LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Joan Lorinda LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Marilyn Jean LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Clara Belle Death Death of Page, Clara Belle Burial Burial of Page, Clara Belle Birth Birth of Webb, Nancy Lou Death Death of Webb, Nancy Lou Birth Birth of Webb, James Lee Death Death of Webb, James Lee Burial Burial of Webb, James Lee Birth Birth of Webb, Richard L. Death Death of Webb, Richard L. Burial Burial of Webb, Richard L. Birth Birth of Boucher, Nora A. Death Death of Boucher, Nora A. Birth Birth of Boucher, Michael J. Birth Birth of Boucher, Thomas W. Death Death of Boucher, Thomas W. Birth Birth of Boucher, James Death Death of Gutierrez, Catherine Burial Burial of Gutierrez, Catherine Birth Birth of Page, David Death Death of Page, David Burial Burial of Page, David Birth Birth of Boucher, Thomas Death Death of Boucher, Thomas Death Death of Boucher, William C. Birth Birth of Douglas, Elizabeth Death Death of Douglas, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Douglas, Elizabeth Death Death of Boucher, Michael Birth Birth of Berry, Honorah Death Death of Berry, Honorah Birth Birth of Boucher, Catherine Death Death of Boucher, Catherine Birth Birth of Boucher, William Death Death of Boucher, William Birth Birth of Boucher, Bridget Death Death of Boucher, Bridget Birth Birth of Reeves, Mary Death Death of Reeves, Mary Birth Birth of Warner, John Allen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard, Ira Willis Death Death of Lessard, Ira Willis Burial Burial of Lessard, Ira Willis Birth Birth of Reeves, Margaret Death Death of Reeves, Margaret Birth Birth of Reeves, Honora Death Death of Reeves, Honora Death Death of Floyd, Sarah (Sally) Burial Burial of Floyd, Sarah (Sally) Birth Birth of Ford, Lorinda Catherine Death Death of Ford, Lorinda Catherine Burial Burial of Ford, Lorinda Catherine Birth Birth of Ильин, Gary LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ильин, Eric Scott LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, Lucinda Ellen Death Death of Jiménez, Lucinda Ellen Burial Burial of Jiménez, Lucinda Ellen Birth Birth of Ильин, Timothy Ryan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gill, Lawrence LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gill, Lorie Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Данилов, Daniel James Ramos LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ross, Evelyn Almazon LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Mcbride, Paul LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Harrison, Douglas Glenn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jørgensen, Jeffrey LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Webb, Francis Irvin Death Death of Webb, Francis Irvin Burial Burial of Webb, Francis Irvin Birth Birth of Lessard, Isaac Birth Birth of Domínguez, Mary E. Death Death of Domínguez, Mary E. Burial Burial of Domínguez, Mary E. Birth Birth of Rasmussen, Marilyn Joan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Joella Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Jill Suzanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Gayle Joan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Joy Leanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Максимов, Rodney Herman LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Максимов, Heather Michelle LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Максимов, Hyla Rae LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Todd, Louella Jane Death Death of Todd, Louella Jane Burial Burial of Todd, Louella Jane Birth Birth of Morales, Penelope Margot LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Briggs, Joyce Inez Death Death of Briggs, Joyce Inez Birth Birth of Welch, Paul Allen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gill, Linda LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Nunez, Barbara Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of West, Ronald David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Peters, John C. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bell, Gary Richard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Patti Jo LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Krawczyk, Douglas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Lewis Anderson Death Death of Garner, Lewis Anderson Burial Burial of Garner, Lewis Anderson Birth Birth of Cruz, Ann Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Jane Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Lisa Dawn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Poulsen, Randall Lee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Christopher Paul LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Laura Joy LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Susan Marguerite LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Marsha Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Karla Sue LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Karen Kay LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Martel, Luella Jacques Death Death of Martel, Luella Jacques Burial Burial of Martel, Luella Jacques Birth Birth of West, Erin Kathleen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Peters, Elissa Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bell, William Austin LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bell, Brandy Nichole LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Poulsen, Chelsea Dawn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Poulsen, Curtis Theobald LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Vernett Gail Death Death of Page, Vernett Gail Birth Birth of Page, Eleanor Irene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Reese Burial Burial of Reese Birth Birth of Osborne, Andrew Cole LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Eugene Stanley Death Death of Garner, Eugene Stanley Burial Burial of Garner, Eugene Stanley Death Death of Bergeron, John Henry Burial Burial of Bergeron, John Henry Burial Burial of Wright, Dr. Charles J. Birth Birth of Jiménez, George, Sr. Death Death of Jiménez, George, Sr. Burial Burial of Jiménez, George, Sr. Birth Birth of Blake, George Death Death of Blake, George Burial Burial of Blake, George Birth Birth of Cunningham, Sally Sarah Death Death of Cunningham, Sally Sarah Burial Burial of Cunningham, Sally Sarah Birth Birth of Blake, Conrad Death Death of Blake, Conrad Birth Birth of Ruiz, Catherine Death Death of Ruiz, Catherine Burial Burial of Ruiz, Catherine Birth Birth of Cunningham, William Philip Death Death of Cunningham, William Philip Burial Burial of Cunningham, William Philip Death Death of Park, Susannah Birth Birth of Cunningham, Peter Sr. Death Death of Cunningham, Peter Sr. Burial Burial of Cunningham, Peter Sr. Birth Birth of Reed, Francis Vincent Death Death of Reed, Francis Vincent Burial Burial of Reed, Francis Vincent Birth Birth of Douglas, Abraham Death Death of Douglas, Abraham Burial Burial of Douglas, Abraham Birth Birth of Alvarado, Nancy Death Death of Alvarado, Nancy Birth Birth of Alvarado, Col. Charles Death Death of Alvarado, Col. Charles Burial Burial of Alvarado, Col. Charles Birth Birth of Parent, Eleanor Death Death of Parent, Eleanor Burial Burial of Parent, Eleanor Birth Birth of Parent, Capt.Jacob C. Death Death of Parent, Capt.Jacob C. Burial Burial of Parent, Capt.Jacob C. Birth Birth of James, Jane Death Death of James, Jane Birth Birth of James, Thomas Sr. Death Death of James, Thomas Sr. Birth Birth of Benson, Martha Ellen M. Death Death of Benson, Martha Ellen M. Birth Birth of James, Hugh Sr. Death Death of James, Hugh Sr. Birth Birth of Тихонов, Catherine Virginia Death Death of Тихонов, Catherine Virginia Burial Burial of Тихонов, Catherine Virginia Birth Birth of Serrano, Caroline Death Death of Serrano, Caroline Birth Birth of Warner, Monica Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jørgensen, Molly Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gosselin, Craig Richard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lachance, Helen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cruz, Jesse Christopher LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Thomas Death Death of Boucher, Thomas Burial Burial of Boucher, Thomas Birth Birth of Boucher, Sean Death Death of Boucher, Sean Burial Burial of Boucher, Sean Birth Birth of Boucher, Michael Death Death of Boucher, Michael Burial Burial of Boucher, Michael Birth Birth of Boucher, John LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Marín, Moses Wallace Death Death of Marín, Moses Wallace Burial Burial of Marín, Moses Wallace Birth Birth of Thornton, Phillip James LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lane, Anthony David LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lane, Donna Elizabeth LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Burial Burial of Howell, Marie Birth Birth of Boucher, William J. Death Death of Boucher, William J. Burial Burial of Boucher, William J. Birth Birth of Boucher, Sharon Death Death of Boucher, Sharon Birth Birth of Warner, Allen Carl LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) Therese Death Death of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) Therese Burial Burial of Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) Therese Birth Birth of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M. Death Death of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M. Burial Burial of Boucher, Fr.Lawrence M. Birth Birth of Warner, Capt. George Death Death of Warner, Capt. George Burial Burial of Warner, Capt. George Birth Birth of Alvarez, Mary Death Death of Alvarez, Mary Birth Birth of Warner, Capt. Andrew Death Death of Warner, Capt. Andrew Burial Burial of Warner, Capt. Andrew Birth Birth of Boucher, William Bernard Death Death of Boucher, William Bernard Burial Burial of Boucher, William Bernard Birth Birth of Warner, Edward Death Death of Warner, Edward Burial Burial of Warner, Edward Birth Birth of Anderson, Mary Molly Death Death of Anderson, Mary Molly Birth Birth of Warner, Andrew Death Death of Warner, Andrew Birth Birth of Maldonado, Eunice Death Death of Maldonado, Eunice Burial Burial of Maldonado, Eunice Birth Birth of Fox, Samuel Death Death of Fox, Samuel Burial Burial of Fox, Samuel Birth Birth of Fox, David Death Death of Fox, David Burial Burial of Fox, David Birth Birth of Fox, Jacob, Sr. Death Death of Fox, Jacob, Sr. Birth Birth of Reeves, Maria Death Death of Reeves, Maria Burial Burial of Reeves, Maria Death Death of Palmer, Sarah Birth Birth of Christiansen, Christopher Death Death of Christiansen, Christopher Burial Burial of Christiansen, Christopher Birth Birth of Barrett, Anne Birth Birth of Thomas, Elder Thomas Death Death of Thomas, Elder Thomas Birth Birth of Christiansen, Edward Death Death of Christiansen, Edward Burial Burial of Christiansen, Edward Birth Birth of Christiansen, Edward Death Death of Christiansen, Edward Birth Birth of Thomas, Elizabeth Death Death of Thomas, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Grenier, Mary Death Death of Grenier, Mary Birth Birth of Christiansen, Nathaniel Death Death of Christiansen, Nathaniel Birth Birth of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe) Death Death of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe) Burial Burial of Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe) Birth Birth of Christiansen, Samuel Death Death of Christiansen, Samuel Birth Birth of Alvarado, Mary Death Death of Alvarado, Mary Birth Birth of Lefebvre, Rev. John L. Death Death of Lefebvre, Rev. John L. Birth Birth of Lefebvre, Joseph Birth Birth of Green, Edward Death Death of Green, Edward Birth Birth of Lefebvre, Mary Birth Birth of González, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Marín, Walter Matthew Death Death of Marín, Walter Matthew Burial Burial of Marín, Walter Matthew Birth Birth of Christiansen, Joseph Death Death of Christiansen, Joseph Death Death of Максимов, Christina Birth Birth of Green, Edward Death Death of Green, Edward Birth Birth of Mitchell, Mary Death Death of Mitchell, Mary Birth Birth of Davis, Jonathan Death Death of Davis, Jonathan Death Death of Christiansen, Frances Birth Birth of Green, James Death Death of Green, James Birth Birth of Green, Randolph Death Death of Green, Randolph Burial Burial of Green, Randolph Birth Birth of Davis, Sabra Death Death of Davis, Sabra Burial Burial of Davis, Sabra Death Death of Burns, Jonathan Birth Birth of Boucher, Mary Cecilia Death Death of Boucher, Mary Cecilia Burial Burial of Boucher, Mary Cecilia Death Death of Rubio, Dorcas Birth Birth of Adkins, Robert Sr. Birth Birth of Adkins, John Death Death of Adkins, John Birth Birth of Adams, Jane Death Death of Adams, Jane Birth Birth of Злобин, Col. Joseph Death Death of Злобин, Col. Joseph Burial Burial of Злобин, Col. Joseph Birth Birth of Rice, Virginia Margaret Death Death of Rice, Virginia Margaret Burial Burial of Rice, Virginia Margaret Birth Birth of Ball, Ezekiel Death Death of Ball, Ezekiel Birth Birth of Adkins, Martha Death Death of Adkins, Martha Burial Burial of Adkins, Martha Death Death of Moreno, Herman Birth Birth of Злобин, Joseph Jr. Death Death of Злобин, Joseph Jr. Birth Birth of Bass, Mary Death Death of Bass, Mary Birth Birth of Шадрин, Mary Birth Birth of Ball, Thomas Birth Birth of Злобин, Martha Death Death of Злобин, Martha Burial Burial of Злобин, Martha Birth Birth of Ball, Matthias Sr. Death Death of Ball, Matthias Sr. Birth Birth of Hopkins, Joseph Death Death of Hopkins, Joseph Birth Birth of Moreno, Johann Henrich Death Death of Moreno, Johann Henrich Birth Birth of Clark, Sarah Birth Birth of Douglas, Hans Peter Death Death of Douglas, Hans Peter Burial Burial of Douglas, Hans Peter Birth Birth of Douglas, John Sr. Death Death of Douglas, John Sr. Burial Burial of Douglas, John Sr. Birth Birth of Moran, Andrew Death Death of Moran, Andrew Burial Burial of Moran, Andrew Birth Birth of Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley" Death Death of Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley" Birth Birth of Douglas, John Jr. Death Death of Douglas, John Jr. Birth Birth of Moreno, Christian, I Death Death of Moreno, Christian, I Burial Burial of Moreno, Christian, I Birth Birth of Kristensen, Mary Elizabeth Death Death of Kristensen, Mary Elizabeth Death Death of Pope, John Birth Birth of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina" Death Death of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina" Burial Burial of Kristensen, Sarah "Sr. Sabina" Birth Birth of Kristensen, Catherine Virginia Death Death of Kristensen, Catherine Virginia Birth Birth of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick" Death Death of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick" Birth Birth of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch" Death Death of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch" Burial Burial of Kristensen, Miles Joseph"Dutch" Birth Birth of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy" Death Death of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy" Burial Burial of Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy" Birth Birth of Kristensen, Anna June Death Death of Kristensen, Anna June Burial Burial of Kristensen, Anna June Birth Birth of Moreno, Johann Christian II Death Death of Moreno, Johann Christian II Burial Burial of Rhodes, William Sr. Birth Birth of Russell, Beth Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Manning, Judith Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Côté, Raymond Patrick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Russell, Bruce Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Rodriquez, William M. Death Death of Rodriquez, William M. Burial Burial of Rodriquez, William M. Birth Birth of Rodriquez, Mariam Death Death of Rodriquez, Mariam Burial Burial of Rodriquez, Mariam Birth Birth of Blanco, Rufus Death Death of Blanco, Rufus Burial Burial of Blanco, Rufus Birth Birth of Garner, Rita Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Moreno, Maj. Christopher Death Death of Moreno, Maj. Christopher Birth Birth of Meyer, P.D. Death Death of Meyer, P.D. Burial Burial of Meyer, P.D. Birth Birth of Reeves, John Death Death of Reeves, John Burial Burial of Reeves, John Birth Birth of McCarthy, Mary Death Death of McCarthy, Mary Burial Burial of McCarthy, Mary Death Death of Johnson, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Douglas, Joseph Death Death of Douglas, Joseph Burial Burial of Douglas, Joseph Birth Birth of Carroll, Matthias Sr. Death Death of Carroll, Matthias Sr. Birth Birth of Carroll, Grace Death Death of Carroll, Grace Burial Burial of Carroll, Grace Birth Birth of Alvarado, Cadwallader Death Death of Alvarado, Cadwallader Birth Birth of Mendez, Martha Death Death of Mendez, Martha Burial Burial of Mendez, Martha Birth Birth of Moreno, Aaron Death Death of Moreno, Aaron Burial Burial of Moreno, Aaron Birth Birth of Oliver, Harmonas I Death Death of Oliver, Harmonas I Burial Burial of Oliver, Harmonas I Death Death of Oliver, Harmonas II Birth Birth of Oliver, Elizabeth Death Death of Oliver, Elizabeth Death Death of Morris, Adam Birth Birth of Morris, Cyrus Death Death of Morris, Cyrus Burial Burial of Morris, Cyrus Birth Birth of Graves, Martha Death Death of Graves, Martha Burial Burial of Graves, Martha Birth Birth of Henderson, Cathy Sue LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Russell, Nicholas Glen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Russell, Casey John LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, John Death Death of Page, John Burial Burial of Page, John Birth Birth of Жуков, Scott Birth Birth of Жуков, Curtis Dale Birth Birth of Davidson, Bernice Death Death of Davidson, Bernice Birth Birth of Garner, Jesse V. Death Death of Garner, Jesse V. Burial Burial of Garner, Jesse V. Birth Birth of Garner, Raymond E. Death Death of Garner, Raymond E. Birth Birth of Garner, Jennie S. Death Death of Garner, Jennie S. Burial Burial of Garner, Jennie S. Birth Birth of Garner, Walter E. Death Death of Garner, Walter E. Burial Burial of Garner, Walter E. Birth Birth of Garner, Daniel Webster Death Death of Garner, Daniel Webster Burial Burial of Garner, Daniel Webster Birth Birth of Garner, Bertha P. Death Death of Garner, Bertha P. Burial Burial of Garner, Bertha P. Birth Birth of Garner, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Garner, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Kaczmarek, Isabella Death Death of Kaczmarek, Isabella Burial Burial of Kaczmarek, Isabella Birth Birth of Jackson, Cora Ellen Burial Burial of Jackson, Cora Ellen Birth Birth of Garner, Cecile Elizabeth Death Death of Garner, Cecile Elizabeth Burial Burial of Garner, Cecile Elizabeth Birth Birth of Garner, Helen Bernice LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Bernetha Ellen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Daniel Burton Death Death of Garner, Daniel Burton Burial Burial of Garner, Daniel Burton Birth Birth of Garner, Raymond Webster LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Betty Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Johnson, Richard F. Death Death of Johnson, Richard F. Burial Burial of Johnson, Richard F. Death Death of Andrews, Harold Death Death of Wójcik, Arnold Burial Burial of Wójcik, Arnold Birth Birth of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr. Death Death of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr. Burial Burial of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr. Birth Birth of Bélanger, James Death Death of Bélanger, James Burial Burial of Bélanger, James Burial Burial of Яковлев, George Birth Birth of Silva, Mildred Death Death of Silva, Mildred Burial Burial of Silva, Mildred Burial Burial of García, Maude Burial Burial of Robinson, Clarence Birth Birth of Andrews, William Arthur LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Jiménez, George Henry, III Death Death of Jiménez, George Henry, III Birth Birth of Wójcik, Suzanne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wójcik, Richard LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wójcik, Patricia LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wójcik, James LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wójcik, Arnold Clark LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wójcik, Daniel Burton LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bélanger, Linda Ellen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Bélanger, Pamela Ann LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Blake, M. Susannah Death Death of Blake, M. Susannah Burial Burial of Blake, M. Susannah Birth Birth of Garner, Jane McClellan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garner, Raymond Scott LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Foster, William Birth Birth of Sanders, Mary Birth Birth of Брюханов, Violet Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Christiansen, Joseph Death Death of Christiansen, Joseph Birth Birth of Allen, Joanna Birth Birth of Christiansen, Hannah Death Death of Christiansen, Hannah Birth Birth of Webb, Livingstone Martin Death Death of Webb, Livingstone Martin Burial Burial of Webb, Livingstone Martin Birth Birth of Anderson, Rev. John Death Death of Anderson, Rev. John Birth Birth of Christiansen, Martha Death Death of Christiansen, Martha Birth Birth of Fox, William Death Death of Fox, William Burial Burial of Fox, William Birth Birth of Sanchez, John Death Death of Sanchez, John Birth Birth of Lefebvre, Robert Death Death of Lefebvre, Robert Birth Birth of Wise, Thomas Death Death of Wise, Thomas Birth Birth of Blanco, Lucinda Catherine Death Death of Blanco, Lucinda Catherine Burial Burial of Blanco, Lucinda Catherine Birth Birth of Зыков, ??????? Birth Birth of Wallace, Abraham Death Death of Todd, Wayne Burial Burial of Todd, Wayne Birth Birth of Todd, Lucille Death Death of Todd, Lucille Burial Burial of Todd, Lucille Birth Birth of Warner, George Edward LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Patrick, Robert Birth Birth of Adams, William Death Death of Adams, William Burial Burial of Adams, William Birth Birth of Aguilar, Eleanor Death Death of Aguilar, Eleanor Birth Birth of Mann, Agnes Birth Birth of Матвеев, Elizabeth Death Death of Матвеев, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Reed, Hugh Death Death of Reed, Hugh Birth Birth of Reed, John Death Death of Reed, John Birth Birth of Reed, Bridgette Death Death of Reed, Bridgette Birth Birth of Reed, Mary Death Death of Reed, Mary Birth Birth of Тихонов, Myles Birth Birth of Warner, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Тихонов, John Birth Birth of Тихонов, Mary Ellen Birth Birth of Rhodes, William Jr. Birth Birth of Rhodes, Donald E. Death Death of Rhodes, Donald E. Burial Burial of Rhodes, Donald E. Birth Birth of Rhodes, Mary Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Evans, James Patrick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Evans, Patricia Kay LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Evans, Michael Patrick LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Piotrowski, John Death Death of Piotrowski, John Birth Birth of Evans, Christian Anne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Evans, Heather Lee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Payne, Jane Coppage Death Death of Payne, Jane Coppage Burial Burial of Payne, Jane Coppage Birth Birth of Piotrowski, Sir John Death Death of Piotrowski, Sir John Birth Birth of Piotrowski, Sir Michael Death Death of Piotrowski, Sir Michael Death Death of Todd, Hodges Birth Birth of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.) Death Death of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.) Burial Burial of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.) Birth Birth of Richard, Jeanne Death Death of Richard, Jeanne Burial Burial of Richard, Jeanne Birth Birth of Frank, ??? Birth Birth of Warner, Capt. Francis Death Death of Warner, Capt. Francis Birth Birth of Ingram, Mary Death Death of Ingram, Mary Birth Birth of Тихонов, Miles? Death Death of Тихонов, Miles? Birth Birth of Smith, Anastasia? Death Death of Smith, Anastasia? Birth Birth of Sharp, ??? Death Death of Sharp, ??? Burial Burial of Sharp, ??? Death Death of Piotrowski, John Jr. Birth Birth of Anderson, Thomas Death Death of Anderson, Thomas Birth Birth of Carpenter, Sarah Birth Birth of Anderson, Samuel Death Death of Anderson, Samuel Birth Birth of Филиппов, Elizabeth Death Death of Филиппов, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Christiansen, John Death Death of Christiansen, John Birth Birth of Harmon, Martha Birth Birth of Todd, Hardy Death Death of Todd, Hardy Birth Birth of Norris, John Death Death of Norris, John Burial Burial of Norris, John Birth Birth of Howell, Mary (Sarah) Death Death of Howell, Mary (Sarah) Burial Burial of Howell, Mary (Sarah) Birth Birth of Grenier, Joseph Death Death of Grenier, Joseph Burial Burial of Grenier, Joseph Birth Birth of Peters, Rose Death Death of Peters, Rose Burial Burial of Peters, Rose Birth Birth of Гончаров, Ellen Death Death of Гончаров, Ellen Birth Birth of Ramos, Mary Death Death of Ramos, Mary Burial Burial of Ramos, Mary Birth Birth of Злобин, John Death Death of Злобин, John Birth Birth of Ferguson, Lord Samuel Birth Birth of Webster, Johanne(John) Death Death of Webster, Johanne(John) Death Death of Cole, Susannah Birth Birth of Saunders, Ursula Death Death of Saunders, Ursula Birth Birth of 斎藤, Zariakius Cyriacus Death Death of 斎藤, Zariakius Cyriacus Birth Birth of Bishop, Anna Barbara Death Death of Bishop, Anna Barbara Birth Birth of Carroll, Jacob A. Death Death of Carroll, Jacob A. Birth Birth of Николаев, Maria Catharina Birth Birth of 山本, Antoine Desaure Perronett Birth Birth of Benson, Joseph Louis(Sr.) Birth Birth of Simard, Sarah Birth Birth of Simard, Thomas Birth Birth of Todd, Charles Death Death of Todd, Charles Birth Birth of Benson, Col. Joseph Birth Birth of Benson, William Birth Birth of Benson, David Death Death of Benson, David Birth Birth of Benson, John Birth Birth of Benson, Col. David Death Death of Benson, Col. David Birth Birth of Wheeler, Richard Max LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Cole, Eurydice Birth Birth of Wheeler, Lynnett Diane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Wheeler, Jason Earl LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Kelly, Ashley Diane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, Terry Lee Death Death of Garrett, Terry Lee Birth Birth of Holloway, Gail LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Garrett, Wayne Allen Death Death of Garrett, Wayne Allen Birth Birth of Rodgers, Shawna Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Todd, John Death Death of Todd, John Birth Birth of Rodgers, Crystal Mae LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Герасимов, John LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lane, Remo Death Death of Lane, Remo Burial Burial of Lane, Remo Birth Birth of Barnes, Ernestina Death Death of Barnes, Ernestina Burial Burial of Barnes, Ernestina Birth Birth of Webb, Clarence Death Death of Webb, Clarence Burial Burial of Webb, Clarence Birth Birth of Webb, Lawrence Death Death of Webb, Lawrence Burial Burial of Webb, Lawrence Burial Burial of Dunn, Margaret Mary? Birth Birth of Lessard, Elinor Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Henry, Elizabeth Death Death of Henry, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Henry, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Boucher, David Death Death of Boucher, David Burial Burial of Boucher, David Birth Birth of Morrison, Nancy Death Death of Morrison, Nancy Burial Burial of Morrison, Nancy Birth Birth of Boucher, Catherine Death Death of Boucher, Catherine Burial Burial of Boucher, Catherine Birth Birth of Boucher, Patrick Death Death of Boucher, Patrick Burial Burial of Boucher, Patrick Birth Birth of Boucher, Bridget Birth Birth of Boucher, William Death Death of Boucher, William Burial Burial of Boucher, William Birth Birth of Никитин, Monica Death Death of Никитин, Monica Birth Birth of Boucher, Flannan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Miread LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Todd, William Death Death of Todd, William Burial Burial of Todd, William Birth Birth of Boucher, Michael Birth Birth of Boucher, William Death Death of Boucher, William Burial Burial of Boucher, William Birth Birth of Boucher, William Death Death of Boucher, William Burial Burial of Boucher, William Birth Birth of Boucher, Stephen Francis Death Death of Boucher, Stephen Francis Burial Burial of Boucher, Stephen Francis Birth Birth of Boucher, Rose Mary LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hansen, Thomas LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hansen, Noel LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hansen, Nula Birth Birth of Hansen, Irene Birth Birth of Hansen, Monica Birth Birth of 渡辺, Mary (Polly) Death Death of 渡辺, Mary (Polly) Burial Burial of 渡辺, Mary (Polly) Birth Birth of Карпов, Damian Birth Birth of Карпов, Sarah LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Ramirez, Helen Birth Birth of Hansen, Barry Birth Birth of Hansen, Kevin Birth Birth of Alonso, Joseph Birth Birth of Alonso, Roisine Birth Birth of Alonso, Laura Birth Birth of Boucher, Anne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Mary LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Todd, George W. Death Death of Todd, George W. Burial Burial of Todd, George W. Birth Birth of Boucher, Martha LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Bridget LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Agnes LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Norene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Fields, Bridget M. Death Death of Fields, Bridget M. Burial Burial of Fields, Bridget M. Birth Birth of Thompson, Bridget Death Death of Thompson, Bridget Burial Burial of Thompson, Bridget Birth Birth of Gardner, Mary Death Death of Gardner, Mary Burial Burial of Gardner, Mary Birth Birth of Gil, Nora Death Death of Gil, Nora Burial Burial of Gil, Nora Birth Birth of Savard, Honora Death Death of Savard, Honora Burial Burial of Savard, Honora Birth Birth of Morris, Jane Death Death of Morris, Jane Burial Burial of Morris, Jane Birth Birth of Boucher, Fr. Patrick Birth Birth of Boucher, Fr. Daniel Gabriel Death Death of Boucher, Fr. Daniel Gabriel Birth Birth of Boucher, Prof. William Joseph Death Death of Boucher, Prof. William Joseph Birth Birth of Boucher, William Donel Birth Birth of Gardner, Michael Birth Birth of Warner, Thomas Birth Birth of Warner, Rev. Edmund Death Death of Warner, Rev. Edmund Birth Birth of Warner, Sir Francis Death Death of Warner, Sir Francis Burial Burial of Warner, Sir Francis Death Death of Green, Yelverton Death Death of Robertson, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Todd, John M. Death Death of Todd, John M. Burial Burial of Todd, John M. Birth Birth of Peters, George Sr. Death Death of Peters, George Sr. Burial Burial of Peters, George Sr. Birth Birth of Welch, Irwin Arthur Death Death of Welch, Irwin Arthur Burial Burial of Welch, Irwin Arthur Birth Birth of Welch, Russell Eugene LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Norton, Dorothy LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Walsh, Penelope LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Welch, Annabelle Elaine LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Brock, Stephen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Farmer, Benjamin H. Death Death of Farmer, Benjamin H. Burial Burial of Farmer, Benjamin H. Birth Birth of Welch, Rosalie Jane LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Sánchez, David Andrew LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Brock, Lance Edward LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Brock, Celeste Ellen LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Sánchez, Roxanne Marie LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Sánchez, Jonathan Andrew LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Hawkins, Jennifer Leigh LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Zimmerman, Edith Irene Death Death of Zimmerman, Edith Irene Burial Burial of Zimmerman, Edith Irene Birth Birth of Warner, Jeffrey George LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Mills, Isabella Death Death of Mills, Isabella Burial Burial of Mills, Isabella Birth Birth of Vázquez, April Lynn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Death Death of Gardner, Mary Jane Burial Burial of Gardner, Mary Jane Birth Birth of Walters, Mary Death Death of Walters, Mary Burial Burial of Walters, Mary Birth Birth of Blanco, Malvina Death Death of Blanco, Malvina Burial Burial of Blanco, Malvina Birth Birth of Blanco, John W. Birth Birth of Blanco, Mary F. Birth Birth of Blanco, Paris Birth Birth of Quinn, Abram Death Death of Quinn, Abram Burial Burial of Quinn, Abram Birth Birth of Blanco, Stephen Death Death of Blanco, Stephen Burial Burial of Blanco, Stephen Birth Birth of Blanco, Milton Birth Birth of Farmer, Elizabeth Ellen Death Death of Farmer, Elizabeth Ellen Burial Burial of Farmer, Elizabeth Ellen Birth Birth of Blanco, L. J. Birth Birth of Myers, James Death Death of Myers, James Burial Burial of Myers, James Birth Birth of Myers, James Joseph Jr. Death Death of Myers, James Joseph Jr. Burial Burial of Myers, James Joseph Jr. Birth Birth of Myers, Nina Mae LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Coleman, Marilyn LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gonzales, Linda S. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Gonzales, Mark R. LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Lessard, ??? Birth Birth of Castro, ??? Birth Birth of Domínguez, George Birth Birth of Reed, John Death Death of Reed, John Burial Burial of Reed, John Birth Birth of Максимов, Nancy Death Death of Максимов, Nancy Burial Burial of Максимов, Nancy Birth Birth of Zimmerman, Edith Irene Birth Birth of Norman, Dorothy Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Dwayne Alan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Sylvia Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Roger Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Marvin Ray LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, David Alan LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Matthew Steven LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Goodwin, Sarah Death Death of Goodwin, Sarah Burial Burial of Goodwin, Sarah Birth Birth of Page, Mitchell Lee LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Todd Christopher LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Cynthia Louise LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Steven Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Boucher, Kyle Joseph LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Debra Dale LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Page, Darvin Ray LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Тихонов, Moses Death Death of Тихонов, Moses Burial Burial of Тихонов, Moses Birth Birth of Warner, Daniel Arthur LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Blanco, Gerhard Death Death of Blanco, Gerhard Birth Birth of Белоусов, Catharine Death Death of Белоусов, Catharine Burial Burial of Белоусов, Catharine Birth Birth of Blanco, John Sr. Death Death of Blanco, John Sr. Burial Burial of Blanco, John Sr. Birth Birth of Holt, Bridget Death Death of Holt, Bridget Burial Burial of Holt, Bridget Birth Birth of Lucas, Christina Death Death of Lucas, Christina Burial Burial of Lucas, Christina Birth Birth of Douglas, Mary"Polly" Death Death of Douglas, Mary"Polly" Burial Burial of Douglas, Mary"Polly" Birth Birth of Blanco, Mr. Birth Birth of Blanco, Hans Birth Birth of Blanco, Hans Birth Birth of Fisher, Bendichtli Birth Birth of Blanco, Bendicht Birth Birth of Blanco, Hans Birth Birth of Buchanan, Elsbeth Birth Birth of Blanco, Heinrich Birth Birth of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank) Death Death of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank) Burial Burial of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank) Birth Birth of Schmidt, Barbli Birth Birth of Blanco, Hans(Johannes) Death Death of Blanco, Hans(Johannes) Birth Birth of Sullivan, Anna Birth Birth of Jenkins, Peter Death Death of Jenkins, Peter Birth Birth of Marsh, Margaret Death Death of Marsh, Margaret Birth Birth of Austin, Johannas Birth Birth of Jenkins, Margaret Death Death of Jenkins, Margaret Birth Birth of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie" Death Death of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie" Burial Burial of Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie" Birth Birth of Reid, Hans Death Death of Reid, Hans Birth Birth of Семенов, Cathern Death Death of Семенов, Cathern Birth Birth of Белоусов, Jacob Death Death of Белоусов, Jacob Burial Burial of Белоусов, Jacob Birth Birth of Suárez, Marie Death Death of Suárez, Marie Birth Birth of Fortin, Matthias Death Death of Fortin, Matthias Birth Birth of Baker, Margaret Death Death of Baker, Margaret Birth Birth of Белоусов, Johannas Jacob Death Death of Белоусов, Johannas Jacob Burial Burial of Белоусов, Johannas Jacob Birth Birth of Reid, Anna Catherina Death Death of Reid, Anna Catherina Burial Burial of Reid, Anna Catherina Death Death of Marín, William Burial Burial of Marín, William Birth Birth of Schultz, Rev.Isaac Death Death of Schultz, Rev.Isaac Burial Burial of Schultz, Rev.Isaac Birth Birth of Boucher, Michael Death Death of Boucher, Michael Burial Burial of Boucher, Michael Death Death of Francis, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Francis, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Aguilar, John Death Death of Aguilar, John Birth Birth of Howell, JOHN Death Death of Howell, JOHN Birth Birth of Payne, George Death Death of Payne, George Burial Burial of Payne, George Birth Birth of Brooks, Marquis I Death Death of Brooks, Marquis I Birth Birth of Brooks, Major Marquis II Death Death of Brooks, Major Marquis II Birth Birth of Rubio, Winifred Death Death of Rubio, Winifred Burial Burial of Rubio, Winifred Birth Birth of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty" Death Death of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty" Burial Burial of Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty" Birth Birth of Boucher, Honora Death Death of Boucher, Honora Burial Burial of Boucher, Honora Birth Birth of Payne, Leonard Death Death of Payne, Leonard Burial Burial of Payne, Leonard Death Death of Hall, Elizabeth Burial Burial of Hall, Elizabeth Birth Birth of Payne, Leonard? Death Death of Payne, Leonard? Burial Burial of Payne, Leonard? Birth Birth of Reynolds, David Death Death of Reynolds, David Burial Burial of Reynolds, David Birth Birth of Reynolds, Col. John Death Death of Reynolds, Col. John Burial Burial of Reynolds, Col. John Birth Birth of Reynolds, Nicholas Death Death of Reynolds, Nicholas Burial Burial of Reynolds, Nicholas Birth Birth of Reynolds, William Death Death of Reynolds, William Burial Burial of Reynolds, William Death Death of Reynolds, John Burial Burial of Reynolds, John Birth Birth of Reynolds, Mary Jane Death Death of Reynolds, Mary Jane Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Moses Aaron Death Death of Дмитриев, Moses Aaron Burial Burial of Дмитриев, Moses Aaron Birth Birth of Fernandez, Thomas Death Death of Fernandez, Thomas Burial Burial of Fernandez, Thomas Birth Birth of Diaz, Frances Death Death of Diaz, Frances Burial Burial of Diaz, Frances Birth Birth of Jørgensen, Maggie Leigh LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Шестаков, George Death Death of Шестаков, George Burial Burial of Шестаков, George Birth Birth of Daniels, Phoebe Death Death of Riley, Thomas Burial Burial of Riley, Thomas Birth Birth of Martel, Henry Death Death of Martel, Henry Burial Burial of Martel, Henry Birth Birth of Hébert, Ruth Ann Death Death of Hébert, Ruth Ann Birth Birth of Osborne, Aaron Patrick Death Death of Osborne, Aaron Patrick Burial Burial of Osborne, Aaron Patrick Birth Birth of Ortega, Catherine Death Death of Ortega, Catherine Birth Birth of Willis, Carissa Nicole LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Haynes, Melany LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Warner, Whitney Lianne LVG Custom FTW5 tag to specify LIVING not specified in GEDCOM 5.5 Birth Birth of Diaz, William Death Death of Diaz, William Birth Birth of Baldwin, Anne Death Death of Baldwin, Anne Burial Burial of Baldwin, Anne Birth Birth of Дмитриев, Charles Sr. Death Death of Дмитриев, Charles Sr. Birth Birth of Lapointe, Lucy aka Sarah Death Death of Lapointe, Lucy aka Sarah Birth Birth of Howell, John Death Death of Howell, John Burial Burial of Howell, John Birth Birth of Yates, Sarah Death Death of Yates, Sarah Burial Burial of Yates, Sarah Birth Birth of Fernandez, Thomas Death Death of Fernandez, Thomas Birth Birth of Webb, Andrew Death Death of Webb, Andrew Burial Burial of Webb, Andrew Birth Birth of Webb, Margaret Margarite? Death Death of Webb, Margaret Margarite? Burial Burial of Webb, Margaret Margarite? Death Death of Delgado Burial Burial of Delgado Birth Birth of Tyler, Mary A. Death Death of Tyler, Mary A. Burial Burial of Tyler, Mary A. Birth Birth of Webb, Alexander Death Death of Webb, Alexander Burial Burial of Webb, Alexander Birth Birth of Delgado, Mary Ann Death Death of Delgado, Mary Ann Death Death of Douglas, Frederick Death Death of Stanley, Barbara Birth Birth of Boucher, William J. Birth Birth of Rose, Ann Marriage Marriage of Warner, Allen Carl and Garner, Rita Marie Marriage Marriage of Ball, Jasper and Зыков, Angeline Marriage Marriage of Bell, Gary Richard and Cruz, Judy Denise Marriage Marriage of Krawczyk, Douglas and Cruz, Patti Jo Marriage Marriage of Poulsen, Randall Lee and Welch, Lisa Dawn Marriage Marriage of Blake, Conrad and Ruiz, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Cunningham, William Philip and Park, Susannah Marriage Marriage of Blake, George and Cunningham, Sally Sarah Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, George Henry, Jr. and Silva, Mildred Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Abraham and Alvarado, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Col. Charles and Parent, Eleanor Marriage Marriage of Parent, Capt.Jacob C. and James, Jane Marriage Marriage of Warner, Martin Bogarte and Page, Clara Belle Marriage Marriage of James, Thomas Sr. and Benson, Martha Ellen M. Marriage Marriage of James, Hugh Sr. and Serrano, Caroline Marriage Marriage of Thornton, James Arthur and Lachance, Helen Marriage Marriage of Lane, Joseph Edward and Козлов, Linda Mae Marriage Marriage of Boucher, James and Dubé, Rose Marriage Marriage of Boucher, William J. and Howell, Marie Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Wayne and Boucher, Sharon Marriage Marriage of Gutierrez, Thomas and Boucher, Nora A. Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Thomas W. and Szymański, Mary Marriage Marriage of Warner, Andrew and Maldonado, Eunice Marriage Marriage of Warner, Martin Bogarte and Klein, Alma Katherine Marriage Marriage of Warner, Edward and Anderson, Mary Molly Marriage Marriage of Warner, Capt. George and Alvarez, Mary Marriage Marriage of Fox, David and Harris, Mary Marriage Marriage of Fox, Jacob, Sr. and Palmer, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Palmer, Robert and Попов, ??????? Marriage Marriage of Thomas, Elder Thomas and Barrett, Anne Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Edward and Thomas, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Nathaniel and Grenier, Mary Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Samuel and Alvarado, Mary Marriage Marriage of Lefebvre, Joseph and Gregory, Mary Marriage Marriage of Lessard, Carl Tolbert and Webb, Luella Florence Marriage Marriage of Green, Edward and Lefebvre, Mary Marriage Marriage of Максимов, George and Жуков, Annabell Gordon Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Joseph and González, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Green, Edward and Максимов, Christina Marriage Marriage of Davis, Jonathan and Mitchell, Mary Marriage Marriage of Green, James and Christiansen, Frances Marriage Marriage of Green, Randolph and Davis, Sabra Marriage Marriage of Burns, Jonathan and Rubio, Dorcas Marriage Marriage of Adkins, Robert Sr. and Nielsen, Martha Marriage Marriage of Adkins, John and Adams, Jane Marriage Marriage of Lessard, Ira Willis and Jiménez, Lucinda Ellen Marriage Marriage of Злобин, Col. Joseph and Rice, Virginia Margaret Marriage Marriage of Злобин, Joseph Jr. and Adkins, Martha Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Maj. Christopher and Bass, Mary Marriage Marriage of Maxwell, William and Nielsen, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Ball, Thomas and Шадрин, Mary Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Aaron and Злобин, Martha Marriage Marriage of Ball, Matthias Sr. and Maxwell, Ann Marriage Marriage of Pope, John and Kristensen, Mary Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Kim, Frank and Kristensen, Catherine Virginia Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, George Henry, III and Blake, M. Susannah Marriage Marriage of Логинов, Guy and Kristensen, Margaret Agnes"Maudy" Marriage Marriage of Rhodes, William Sr. and Kristensen, Anna June Marriage Marriage of Todd, John and Лалетин, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Todd, George W. and Morris, Jane Marriage Marriage of Todd, John M. and Farmer, Elizabeth Ellen Marriage Marriage of Todd, John and Warner, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Todd, Hodges and Piotrowski, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Todd, William and 渡辺, Mary (Polly) Marriage Marriage of Russell, Melvin Glen and Manning, Judith Ann Marriage Marriage of Côté, Raymond Patrick and Russell, Beth Ann Marriage Marriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley and Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe) Marriage Marriage of Жуков, David and Russell, Janet Gail Marriage Marriage of Savard, Walter and Russell, Janet Gail Marriage Marriage of Webb, Livingstone Martin and Blanco, Lucinda Catherine Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Rufus and Rodriquez, Mariam Marriage Marriage of Floyd, John S. and Coleman, Mary Marriage Marriage of Reeves, James and Meyer, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Reeves, John and McCarthy, Mary Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Hans Peter and Howard, Juliana Marriage Marriage of Douglas, John Sr. and Moran, Ann Delilah "Tilley" Marriage Marriage of Johnson, Henry and Sparks, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Garner, Lewis Anderson and Martel, Luella Jacques Marriage Marriage of Douglas, John Jr. and Johnson, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Carroll, Matthias Sr. and Воробьев, Eva Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Joseph and Carroll, Grace Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Cadwallader and Mendez, Martha Marriage Marriage of Morris, Cyrus and Graves, Martha Marriage Marriage of Russell, Bruce Lynn and Henderson, Cathy Sue Marriage Marriage of Lessard, Ralph Raymond and Davidson, Bernice Marriage Marriage of Garner, Jesse V. and Taylor, Viola Marriage Marriage of Яковлев, George and Garner, Jennie S. Marriage Marriage of Garner, Robert W. and Zieliński, Phoebe Emily Marriage Marriage of Garner, Walter E. and García, Maude Marriage Marriage of Andrews, Harold and Garner, Cecile Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Johnson, Richard F. and Garner, Betty Jane Marriage Marriage of Wójcik, Arnold and Garner, Helen Bernice Marriage Marriage of Bélanger, James and Garner, Bernetha Ellen Marriage Marriage of Burgess, Edward and Garner, Marie Marriage Marriage of Arnold, ??????? and Яковлев, Esther Faye Marriage Marriage of Cooper, ??????? and Garner, Maude Marriage Marriage of Robinson, Clarence and Garner, Bertha P. Marriage Marriage of Потылицин, Edward and Bélanger, Linda Ellen Marriage Marriage of Garner, Joseph and Edwards, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Garner, Raymond Webster and Bryant, Kathryn Ladon Marriage Marriage of Cox, Robert C. and Garner, Jane McClellan Marriage Marriage of Garner, Raymond Scott and Pérez, Angela Gay Marriage Marriage of Moran, Andrew and Sharp, ??? Marriage Marriage of Foster, William and Sanders, Mary Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Joseph and Allen, Joanna Marriage Marriage of Warner, Capt. Andrew and Christiansen, Hannah Marriage Marriage of Anderson, Rev. John and Christiansen, Martha Marriage Marriage of Fox, William and Mason, Hannah Marriage Marriage of Fox, Samuel and Mason, Susannah Marriage Marriage of Garner, Howard Lane and Marín, Mary Anne Marriage Marriage of Gosselin, Martin Kelly and Warner, Marcia Jane Marriage Marriage of Davis, John and Knight, Hannah Marriage Marriage of Davis, Benjamin and Alexander, Mary Marriage Marriage of Wallace, Abraham and Greene, Marcy Marriage Marriage of Patrick, Melvin and Todd, Lucille Marriage Marriage of Adams, William and Aguilar, Eleanor Marriage Marriage of Reed, John and Goodwin, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Christian, I and Mann, Agnes Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Johann Christian II and Матвеев, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Garner, John Roger and Брюханов, Violet Louise Marriage Marriage of Brown, ????? and Тихонов, Mary Ellen Marriage Marriage of Warner, Fred Loren and Flores, Jamie Lee Marriage Marriage of Piotrowski, John and Todd, Olive Marriage Marriage of Todd, Charles and Cole, Eurydice Marriage Marriage of Benson, Joseph Louis(Jr.) and Richard, Jeanne Marriage Marriage of Тихонов, Moses and Holt, Bridget Marriage Marriage of Morris, Adam and Oliver, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Oliver, Harmonas II and Harvey, Lydia Marriage Marriage of Oliver, Harmonas I and Malone, Mary Marriage Marriage of Warner, Capt. Francis and Ingram, Mary Marriage Marriage of Тихонов, Miles? and Smith, Anastasia? Marriage Marriage of Anderson, Thomas and Carpenter, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Warner, Arthur Maurice and Phillips, Anita Irene Marriage Marriage of Anderson, Samuel and Филиппов, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, John and Harmon, Martha Marriage Marriage of Norris, John and Howell, Mary (Sarah) Marriage Marriage of Grenier, Joseph and Peters, Rose Marriage Marriage of Lefebvre, Robert and Гончаров, Ellen Marriage Marriage of Wise, Thomas and Ramos, Mary Marriage Marriage of Webster, Johanne(John) and Saunders, Ursula Marriage Marriage of 斎藤, Zariakius Cyriacus and Bishop, Anna Barbara Marriage Marriage of Carroll, Jacob A. and Николаев, Maria Catharina Marriage Marriage of Page, John and Kaczmarek, Isabella Marriage Marriage of Warner, David Luther and Robbins, Merida Lorene Marriage Marriage of Benson, Joseph Louis(Sr.) and Simard, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Thornton, Romaine and Soto, Harriet Marriage Marriage of Thornton, Phillip James and Белов, Katherine Marriage Marriage of Wheeler, Jacob Earl and Лопатин, Carmen Diana Marriage Marriage of Fitzgerald, David Lee and Лопатин, Donna Elaine Marriage Marriage of Garrett, Terry Lee and Holloway, Gail Marriage Marriage of Rodgers, John and Garrett, Doris Mae Marriage Marriage of Герасимов, John and Garrett, Doris Mae Marriage Marriage of Webb, Lewis I. and Зайцев, Ruth L. Marriage Marriage of Lane, Remo and Barnes, Ernestina Marriage Marriage of Warner, Michael Warren and Черных, Mary Helen Marriage Marriage of Козлов, Samuel C. and Pena, Julia Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, George, Sr. and Henry, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Cunningham, Peter Sr. and Dunn, Margaret Mary? Marriage Marriage of Boucher, David and Morrison, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Boucher, William and Fields, Bridget M. Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Thomas and Thompson, Bridget Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Sean and Gardner, Mary Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Michael and Gil, Nora Marriage Marriage of Boucher, John and Никитин, Monica Marriage Marriage of Boucher, William and Savard, Honora Marriage Marriage of Warner, Robert Eugene and Barber, Mary Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Hansen, Thomas and Boucher, Rose Mary Marriage Marriage of Hansen, Noel and Ramirez, Helen Marriage Marriage of Gardner, Michael and Hansen, Nula Marriage Marriage of Карпов, Damian and Hansen, Irene Marriage Marriage of Alonso, Joseph and Hansen, Monica Marriage Marriage of Green, Yelverton and Robertson, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Peters, George Sr. and Ramsey, Joan Marriage Marriage of Welch, Irwin Arthur and Page, Eleanor Irene Marriage Marriage of Padilla, Otis Earl and Page, Eleanor Irene Marriage Marriage of Welch, Russell Eugene and Norton, Dorothy Marriage Marriage of Warner, Richard Kenneth and Мельников, Marylou Marriage Marriage of Welch, Russell Eugene and Walsh, Penelope Marriage Marriage of Brock, Stephen and Welch, Annabelle Elaine Marriage Marriage of Sánchez, David Andrew and Welch, Rosalie Jane Marriage Marriage of Osborne, Paul Daniel and Hawkins, Jennifer Leigh Marriage Marriage of Page, Andrew Vincent and Zimmerman, Edith Irene Marriage Marriage of Matthews, Mark John and Warner, Andrea Susan Marriage Marriage of Garner, Barry Joseph and Vázquez, April Lynn Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Stephen Francis and Gardner, Mary Jane Marriage Marriage of Boucher, William and Walters, Mary Marriage Marriage of Myers, James and Boucher, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Walker, Andrew Vincent and Pearson, Eileen Ruth Marriage Marriage of Lessard, ??? and Castro, ??? Marriage Marriage of Domínguez, George and Максимов, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Page, Vernett Gail and Norman, Dorothy Louise Marriage Marriage of Page, Dwayne Alan and Scott, Cheryl Lee Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Roger Joseph and Page, Sylvia Louise Marriage Marriage of Page, Marvin Ray and Morton, Gail Darlene Marriage Marriage of Cobb, Merrick and Boucher, Cynthia Louise Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Steven Joseph and Nelson, Arlene Marriage Marriage of Woźniak, Thomas and Page, Debra Dale Marriage Marriage of Evans, ?m.MaryJane and Rhodes, Mary Jane Marriage Marriage of Данилов, Earl William and Lessard, Dorothy Louise Marriage Marriage of Collins, Loren and Rhodes, Mary Jane Marriage Marriage of Evans, James Patrick and Stevenson, Susan Marriage Marriage of Сергеев, Dennis and Garner, Kathryn Mary Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Gerhard and Белоусов, Catharine Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Peter and Glover, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Blanco, John Sr. and Lucas, Christina Marriage Marriage of Rodriquez, William M. and Douglas, Mary"Polly" Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Hans(Johannes) and Sullivan, Anna Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Heinrich and Schmidt, Barbli Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Hans and Buchanan, Elsbeth Marriage Marriage of Osborne, Dwight Billington and Lessard, Mary Alice Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Bendicht and Fisher, Bendichtli Marriage Marriage of Austin, Hans and Burke, Maria Marriage Marriage of Jenkins, Peter and Marsh, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Austin, Johannas and Jenkins, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Reid, Hans and Семенов, Cathern Marriage Marriage of Белоусов, Jacob and Suárez, Marie Marriage Marriage of Fortin, Matthias and Baker, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Белоусов, Johannas Jacob and Reid, Anna Catherina Marriage Marriage of Marín, William and Francis, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Schultz, Rev.Isaac and Turner, Mary Marriage Marriage of Warner, George Edward and Lessard, Elinor Jane Marriage Marriage of Warner, Richard Kenneth and Wade, Joy A. Marriage Marriage of Schultz, John and Payne, Jane Coppage Marriage Marriage of Brooks, Major Marquis II and Rubio, Winifred Marriage Marriage of Payne, Leonard and Hall, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Payne, Leonard? and Brooks, Elizabeth"Betty" Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, Moses Aaron and Reynolds, Mary Jane Marriage Marriage of Payne, George and Diaz, Frances Marriage Marriage of Шестаков, George and Daniels, Phoebe Marriage Marriage of Martel, Henry and Hébert, Ruth Ann Marriage Marriage of Жуков, Curtis Dale and Gordon, Heather Kathleen Marriage Marriage of Willis, Corey and Poirier, Janelle Marie Marriage Marriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr. and Pelletier, Josephine Marriage Marriage of Warner, Robert Douglas and Norton, Christina Marriage Marriage of Warner, Thomas Frederick and Carter, Debra J. Marriage Marriage of Warner, Stephen Paul and Худоногов, Patricia Marriage Marriage of Diaz, William and Baldwin, Anne Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, Charles Sr. and Lapointe, Lucy aka Sarah Marriage Marriage of Howell, John and Yates, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Webb, Andrew and Webb, Margaret Margarite? Marriage Marriage of Delgado and Tyler, Mary A. Marriage Marriage of Webb, Alexander and Delgado, Mary Ann Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Frederick and Stanley, Barbara Marriage Marriage of Hale, Lawrence Paul and Garner, Anne Therese Marriage Marriage of Sanders, Henry and Rose, Ann Marriage Marriage of Foster, Thomas and Spencer, Ann Marriage Marriage of Warner, Thomas and Black, Jane Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Edward and Abbott, Frances Marriage Marriage of Jones, Hugh and Кириллов, ?? Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Christopher and Jones, Ann Marriage Marriage of Смирнов, Eudo and Rios, Agnes Marriage Marriage of Смирнов, Ribald and Gray, Beatrix Marriage Marriage of Пономарев, Ralph and Rodríguez, Agatha Marriage Marriage of Hanson, Robert and Schwartz, Helewisa Marriage Marriage of Garner, Gerard Stephen and George, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Knudsen, Robert and Schwartz, Helewisa Marriage Marriage of Knudsen, Ranulf and Huff, Bertrama Marriage Marriage of Foster, John and Ryan, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Knudsen, Ralph and Walton, Theophania(Tiffany) Marriage Marriage of Knudsen, Ralph and Huff, Isabel Marriage Marriage of Knudsen, John and Huff, Isabel Marriage Marriage of Massey, John and Мальцев, Joan Marriage Marriage of Christiansen, Christopher and Gomez, Jane Joane Marriage Marriage of Foster, Thomas and Kozłowski, Margret Marriage Marriage of Garner, Francis William and Gibbs, Connie Marriage Marriage of Marín, Walter Matthew and Boucher, Mary Cecilia Marriage Marriage of Martín and Garner, Melissa Sue Marriage Marriage of Garner, Richard Eugene and Gibbs, Elaine Marriage Marriage of Garner, Jason Richard and Harper, ?? Marriage Marriage of Garner, Michael Stanley and Gibbs, Sharon Marriage Marriage of Díez, William George and Garner, Barbara Jo Marriage Marriage of Demers, ?? and Сергеев, Adria Maria Marriage Marriage of Garner, Peter George and Gibbs, Joy Marriage Marriage of Hill and Garner, Louella Marie Marriage Marriage of Garner, John Joseph and Crawford, Lori Marriage Marriage of Garner, Mark Gerard and Gibbs, Lori Marriage Marriage of Marín, Moses Wallace and Landry, Eleanor (Nellie) Therese Marriage Marriage of Mullins, Robert? and Houston, Ellender Marriage Marriage of Christensen, William and Cruz, Judy Denise Marriage Marriage of Holloway, John(?) and Орлов, Margaret(?) Marriage Marriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Holloway, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Weaver, Steven Matthew and Warner, JenniferMae(Ganoe) Marriage Marriage of Ball, Ezekiel and Reese Marriage Marriage of Welch, Christopher Paul and Hayes, LeAnn Marriage Marriage of Graham, Steve and Cruz, Laura Joy Marriage Marriage of Townsend, Mark and Максимов, Heather Michelle Marriage Marriage of Wilson, Douglas and Cruz, Marsha Ann Marriage Marriage of Marín, Alfred Franklin(Frank) and Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie" Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Jeffery and Cruz, Patti Jo Marriage Marriage of Brooks, William Waller and Васильев, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Brooks, Marquis I and Guzman, Isabella Marriage Marriage of Riley, Thomas and Edwards, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Garner, Daniel Webster and Jackson, Cora Ellen Marriage Marriage of Ramírez, John B. and Garner, Rebecca Catharine Marriage Marriage of Floyd, John Morgan and Carr, Zelpha Josephine Marriage Marriage of Ford, Stephen Jacob and Garner, Iola Elizabeth Betty Marriage Marriage of Garner, Robert F. and Cannon, Mary Jane Marriage Marriage of Boucher, William Bernard and Reeves, Maria Marriage Marriage of Parker, Frank R. and Garner, Anetta Marriage Marriage of Wheeler, Don and Лопатин, Carmen Diana Marriage Marriage of Reed, Edward and Reed, Ellen Marriage Marriage of Kristensen, John Francis"Chick" and 伊藤, Mary Marriage Marriage of Jordan, William and Reed, Frances Lucille (Babe) Marriage Marriage of Reed, Francis Vincent and Казанцев, Katherine Marriage Marriage of Garner, Eugene Stanley, Jr. and Washington, Pearline Marriage Marriage of Dean, John and Reed, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Reed, John and Bernier, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Lefebvre, Rev. John L. and Kowalski, Hannah Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Michael and Boucher, Honora Marriage Marriage of Kowalski, John and Wells, Alice Marriage Marriage of Kowalski, Thomas and Santos, Alice Marriage Marriage of Sanchez, John and Curtis, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Curtis, John and Gibbs, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Molina, Robert Marriage Marriage of James, Robert and Pratt, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, David and Vaughn, Mary Meriwether Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, Nicholas and Murray, Susannah Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, Col. John and Mazur, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Mazur, William and Crawford, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Warner, David Warren and Simpson, Geraldine Ann Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, John and Ковалев, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Elliott, Lodowick and Ковалев, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Goodman, Ralph and Powell, Martha Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, John and Stevens, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, William and Page, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Bédard, Swanson and Дмитриев, Mary Marriage Marriage of Erickson, Charles and Дмитриев, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Bishop, Quirinus and Simmons, Maria Marriage Marriage of Webster, Conrad and Castillo, Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Lapointe, John and Madsen, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Warner, Warren W. and Ball, Abigail Marriage Marriage of Russell, Norman and Lessard, Helen Belle Marriage Marriage of Baldwin, Peter and Никифоров Marriage Marriage of Diaz, William and Комаров, Jane Marriage Marriage of Swanson, William and Jensen, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Swanson, Richard and El Fernández, Avis Fernandez III Marriage Marriage of Diaz, William (Rev.) and Hoffman, Fay Marriage Marriage of 山本, Antoine Desaure Perronett and Соколов, Louise Marriage Marriage of Garner, Thomas James and Сорокин, Holly Ruth Marriage Marriage of Сорокин, Robert and Сорокин, Candy Marriage Marriage of Webb, Elias and Gibbs, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Webb, Alex and Макаров, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Warner, Stuart Bogarte and Richards, Diana Marriage Marriage of Waters, John and Webb, Mary Marriage Marriage of Макаров, Joseph Marriage Marriage of Webb, William John and Wagner, Martha Ann Marriage Marriage of Webb, James Marshall and Ballard, Judith Ellen Marriage Marriage of Богданов, Dr. Brent and Cruz, Ann Lynn Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Jacob and Морозов, Mary Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Григорьев, Anna Maria Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Michael and López, Anna Elisabeth Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Holland, Anna Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Simon and Баранов, Susan Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Benjamin H. and Mills, Isabella Marriage Marriage of Shelton, Peter and Farmer, Caroline Marriage Marriage of Thomsen, new and Farmer, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Valentine and Miller, Anna Catherine Marriage Marriage of Farmer, George William and Bradley, Mary Marriage Marriage of Taylor, Jacob and Farmer, Susanna Marriage Marriage of Dubé, Jacob and Farmer, Anna Marie Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Peter Simon and Bowen, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Patterson, George and Farmer, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Butler, George and Farmer, Eva Marriage Marriage of Ford, Samuel and Farmer, Catharine Marriage Marriage of Reed, Francis Vincent and Тихонов, Catherine Virginia Marriage Marriage of Farmer, Michael and Dubé, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin and Morgan, Elisabeth Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Franciskus and Barnett, Anna Gertrude Marriage Marriage of Frazier, Johann Adam and Hicks, Anna Eva Marriage Marriage of Frazier, Johann Walter and Beaulieu, Anna Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Steele, Valentine and Beaulieu, Anna Elisabeth Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Valentin and Frazier, Maria Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Hardy, Jakob and Beaulieu, Anna Maria Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Adam and Michaud, Anna Eva Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Theobald and Sutton, Anna Maria Marriage Marriage of Haynes, Marc W. and Warner, Laura Gail Marriage Marriage of López, Hans Valentin and Beaulieu, Anna Ottilia Marriage Marriage of Michaud, Valentin and Beaulieu, Anna Eva Marriage Marriage of Александров, Johann Adam and Beaulieu, Anna Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Beaulieu, Johann Simon and Александров, Anna Margaretha Marriage Marriage of Власов, John and Floyd, Martha Frances "Fannie" Marriage Marriage of Lévesque, James W. and Lessard, Emma Jane Marriage Marriage of Boyd, Charles Newton and Lessard, Izora Marriage Marriage of Gilbert, ?? and Lévesque, Wilma Marriage Marriage of Page, David and Douglas, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Mack, ?? and Lévesque, Elsie Marriage Marriage of Blais, ?? and Lévesque, Mary Marriage Marriage of Neal, James and Page, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Schneider and Neal, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Waters, William and Neal, Matilda Marriage Marriage of Jankowski, George and Page, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Sanz, John and Jankowski, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Lewandowski, Thomas and Jankowski, Isabella Belle Marriage Marriage of Owens, Wilford and Jankowski, Matilda Marriage Marriage of Черкашин, Thomas and Jankowski, Margaret Jane "Maggie" Marriage Marriage of Cruz, William Everett and Hawkins, Ellen Marie Marriage Marriage of Romero, Ernest and Jankowski, Minnie Marriage Marriage of Page, John James and Mcdaniel, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Page, John James and Adkins, Minnie Marriage Marriage of Ortiz, Raymond and Page, Ferne Marriage Marriage of McCormick, Dean and Page, Florence Marriage Marriage of Wong and Page, Mildred Marriage Marriage of Daniels and Page, Edith (Dolly) Marriage Marriage of Cross, Thomas and Page, Anna Marriage Marriage of Peters, Frank O. and Cross, Alta M. Marriage Marriage of Armstrong, Teddy C. and Cross, Gertrude Marriage Marriage of Киселев, Dennis John and Warner, Nancy Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Morin and Page, Belle Marriage Marriage of Moss, Christy and Page, Matilda Marriage Marriage of Waters, Cecil and Фомин, Grace Marriage Marriage of Waters, Cecil Glenn and Hubbard, Donna Marriage Marriage of Reyes and Armstrong, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Gross and Peters, Dorothy Marriage Marriage of Neal, John and Schneider, Belle Irene Marriage Marriage of Bélanger, Adrian and Neal, Helen M. Marriage Marriage of Bélanger, Donald and Pierce, Joanne Marriage Marriage of Ortiz, Don and Welch, Shirley Marriage Marriage of Лопатин, Raymond A. and Garrett, Carmen Eloise Marriage Marriage of Hines and Douglas, Eliza Jane Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Abraham and Greer, Mary Wein Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, John and James, Pamela Marriage Marriage of Boyd, Capt. and Alvarado, Eliza Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Franklin and Hodges, Comfort Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, William and Moody, Martha Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Thomas C. and Медведев, Mary Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Marshall and Bouchard, Jane Marriage Marriage of Douglas, John Jr. and Rogers, Barbara Marriage Marriage of Lane, Joseph Robert and Thornton, Dorothy Eleanor Marriage Marriage of Hernández, Thomas and Douglas, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Kelley, Thomas and Douglas, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Parsons, Henry and Douglas, Ellen Marriage Marriage of Павлов, Reuben and Douglas, Lucinda J. Marriage Marriage of Андреев, William and Douglas, Susan Marriage Marriage of Douglas, John Sr. and Larson, Christena Wiseman Marriage Marriage of Douglas, Hans Peter and Cummings, Leonnah Marriage Marriage of Gibson, Mr. and James, Mary Marriage Marriage of Page, Mr. and James, Martha Marriage Marriage of Lavoie, Henry and James, Patsy Marriage Marriage of Warner, Noah and Burns, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Watkins, Bruce Edward and Warner, Mary Christine Marriage Marriage of Santiago, Mathias and James, Molly Marriage Marriage of Poole, Dr. John and James, Jane Marriage Marriage of Parent, Montgomery and Alvarado, Patsy Marriage Marriage of Быков, Herod and Parent, Polly Marriage Marriage of Taylor, Philip and Быков, Harriet Marriage Marriage of Быков, Charles and Girard, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Moore, George and Быков, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Быков, Samuel and Larsen, Nelly Marriage Marriage of Logan, Joseph and Быков, Janie Marriage Marriage of Poirier, James A. and Walker, Sharon Lynette Marriage Marriage of King, Henry and Быков, Annie Marriage Marriage of Bergeron, John W. and Быков, Bettie Marriage Marriage of Lawson, Mr. and Parent, Polly Marriage Marriage of Benson, Walter and Ellis, Margaret Steel Marriage Marriage of Benson, Hugh and Ouellet, Rebecca Marriage Marriage of Benson, Samuel Sr. and Wong, Jane Marriage Marriage of Алексеев, Jacob and Benson, Mary Marriage Marriage of Pedersen, William and Benson, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Floyd, Henry and Benson, Nancy Marriage Marriage of 中村, Thomas and Jiménez, Polly Mary Marriage Marriage of Nguyen, John Harry and Walker, Sharon Lynette Marriage Marriage of Williams, Thomas Jr. and Jiménez, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, Andrew and Palmer, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, John and Palmer, Mary Marriage Marriage of McCarthy, Valentine Thomas and Jiménez, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Curry, Kenner S. and Jiménez, Rebecca Marriage Marriage of Jiménez, Cornelius and Blair, Jane Marriage Marriage of Hébert, Mr. and Page, Mary Marriage Marriage of Page, Robert and Neal, Belle Marriage Marriage of Nowak, John H. and Page, Eleanor Maude Marriage Marriage of Егоров, Dr. Charles J. and Page, Edith Mae Marriage Marriage of Warner, John William and Miles, Rebecca J. Marriage Marriage of James, Hugh Jr. and Wiśniewski, D. Marriage Marriage of James, Joseph and Floyd, Nancy Marriage Marriage of James, Isaac and Andersen, Martha Marriage Marriage of James, Thomas and Parent, Betsy Marriage Marriage of James, Thomas and Marshall, Kate Teel Marriage Marriage of Strickland, Col. Robert and James, Patsy Marriage Marriage of James, Walter Crockett and Hernández, Nancy Marriage Marriage of James, Walter Crockett and Захаров, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Young, Mr. and Waters, Edith Marriage Marriage of 小林, Mr. and Waters, Nellie Marriage Marriage of Thornton, Arthur Otto and Marín, Lilla Estella Marriage Marriage of Grabowski, Mr. and Waters, Lola Marriage Marriage of Page, Richard C. and Rodriguez, Helen M. Marriage Marriage of Page, Kenneth Fritz and Pittman, June Christine Marriage Marriage of Serrano, Archibald and Delgado, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Quinn, Abraham and Blanco, Malvina Marriage Marriage of Serrano, Joseph and Quinn, Elizabeth Marium Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Henry and Fournier, Peggy Marriage Marriage of Blanco, Peter and Leonard, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Stephens, Adam and Blanco, Anna Maria Marriage Marriage of Hammond, Roy and Serrano, Carrie Marriage Marriage of Ward, David J. and Warner, Margaret Ruth Marriage Marriage of Day, Charles and Serrano, Dot Marriage Marriage of Little, O. D. and Webb, Anna Mabel Marriage Marriage of Ford, Phillip D. and Webb, Joan Lorinda Marriage Marriage of 鈴木, Robert B. and Blanco, Mary F. Marriage Marriage of Parks, Cliff and Gill, Lorie Ann Marriage Marriage of Lessard, Robert and Webb, Joan Lorinda Marriage Marriage of Rodriquez, John and Поляков, Eve Marriage Marriage of Cook, John and Rodriquez, Mary Marriage Marriage of Rodriquez, Mordica and Казаков, Jane Marriage Marriage of Mortensen, Daniel and Warner, Sarah Jane Marriage Marriage of Rodriquez, Mordica and Воронов, Katherine Marriage Marriage of Rodriquez, Richard and Жуков, Hannah Marriage Marriage of Martínez and Serrano, Reh Dawn Marriage Marriage of Lessard and Castro, ??? Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Patrick and Dennis, Susan Marriage Marriage of Bush, James and Boucher, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Michael Shannon and Iglesias, Kate Marriage Marriage of Hamilton, John and Boucher, Miread Marriage Marriage of St-Pierre, Joe and Boucher, Norene Marriage Marriage of Brady, Michael and Boucher, Agnes Marriage Marriage of Bates, William Robert and Данилов, Elaine Suzanne Marriage Marriage of Brady, Tony and Boucher, Bridget Marriage Marriage of Caldwell, Paul and Boucher, Martha Marriage Marriage of Hart, Gerry and Boucher, Mary Marriage Marriage of Boucher, Michael and Boucher, Anne Marriage Marriage of Lindsey, John and Warner, Martha Ellen Marriage Marriage of McCoy, Thomas Michael and Howell, Mary Marriage Marriage of Stokes, Gabriel and McCoy, Celine Bridget Marriage Marriage of McCoy, Francis and Reed, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Reed, Matthew and Gibbs, Mary Marriage Marriage of Reed, Peter and Кузнецов, Hanora Marriage Marriage of Floyd, Robert William and Данилов, Kathryn Louise Marriage Marriage of Valdez and Reed, Noreen Marriage Marriage of Berry and Reed, Carmel Marriage Marriage of Беляев and Reed, Peggy Marriage Marriage of Duncan and Reed, Joan Marriage Marriage of Reed, Terrence and Gibbs, Maria Marriage Marriage of Dawson and Reed, Anastasia Marriage Marriage of Martinez and Reed, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Poulin and Reed, Rose Marriage Marriage of Федоров and Reed, Bridget Marriage Marriage of White and Reed, Mary Ann Marriage Marriage of Harrison, Paul Allen and Данилов, Lucinda Elinor Marriage Marriage of Мартынов and Reed, Jane Marriage Marriage of Reed, Patrick and Gibbs, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Reed, Peter James? and Reed, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Kamiński and Reed, Jane Marriage Marriage of Reed, Michael and Goodwin, Alice Marriage Marriage of Sandoval, Johnnie and Reed, Minnie Marriage Marriage of Goodwin and Sandoval, Liz Marriage Marriage of Johnston and Sandoval, Jean Marriage Marriage of Reed, Terrence (TyNed) and Gibbs, Jennie Marriage Marriage of Reed, Michael and Gibbs, Mary Marriage Marriage of Fox, David and Green, Frances Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Ivan Wayne and Gagnon, Bettie Lou Marriage Marriage of Love and Reed, Carmel Marriage Marriage of Jimenez and Reed, Maureen Marriage Marriage of Payne, Fielding and Lawrence, Dorcas C. Marriage Marriage of Ford, William and Payne, Winifred Marriage Marriage of Payne, Alexander and Salazar, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Payne, Alexander and Kamiński, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Reynolds, John and Newman, Margaret Marriage Marriage of Diaz, James and Woods, Nancy Marriage Marriage of Woods, James and Зырянов, Mary Marriage Marriage of Hunt, Isaac and Дмитриев, Nancy Ann Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Paul Eugene and Lambert, Marguerite Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, Travis and Payne, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, William and Wood, Polly Marriage Marriage of Wood, Peter and Gibbs, Lucy Marriage Marriage of Petersen, William and Дмитриев, Margaret Jane Marriage Marriage of Дмитриев, Alexander Carroll Sr. and Woods, Mary Polly Marriage Marriage of Doyle, Robert Gove and Diaz, Mary Polly Marriage Marriage of Pelletier, Esiquio and Leclerc, Sesaria Marriage Marriage of Coleman and Garner, Louella Marie Marriage Marriage of Beck, Jack and Garner, Bernadette Marriage Marriage of Горбунов, Matt and Garner, Cecilia Marriage Marriage of Garrett, William Forest and Perkins, Wilma Mae Marriage Marriage of Perry, M. and Reeves, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Terry, J. and Reeves, Bridget Marriage Marriage of Gagné, Thomas and Reeves, Ann Marriage Marriage of Desjardins, J. and Reeves, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Reeves, John and Flowers, Mary A. Marriage Marriage of Foster, John and Ryan, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Dixon, Thomas and Warner, Mary Marriage Marriage of Warner, Daniel and Higgins, Charity Marriage Marriage of Лебедев, Trustum and Warner, Johanna Marriage Marriage of Warner, George and Nichols, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Garrett, William Walker and Lessard, Laura Eloise Marriage Marriage of Warner, Johnathon and Montgomery, Mary Marriage Marriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Snyder, Ann Louisa Marriage Marriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Gonzalez, Eliza Jane Marriage Marriage of Roy, Prince Alfred and Marín, Frances Coppage Marriage Marriage of Munoz, Shadrach M. and Marín, Nancy H. Marriage Marriage of Harrison, Edward and Allen, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Allen, John and Dennis, Mary (Hannah?) Marriage Marriage of Максимов and Allen, Abigail Marriage Marriage of Mendoza, James and Allen, Abigail Marriage Marriage of Allen, Joseph and Barker, Mary Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Arthur Ray and Robbins, Myrabel Marriage Marriage of Новиков, Thomas and Allen, Rachel Marriage Marriage of Allen, Benjamin and Griffith, Experience Marriage Marriage of Norris, John and Новиков, Sarah Marriage Marriage of Hernandez, John and Norris, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Allen, Gershom and Kennedy, Ann Marriage Marriage of Boyd, Charles Newton and Jones, Martha Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Борисов and Boyd, Carmen Alberta Marriage Marriage of Gutiérrez, Walter Harmon and Boyd, Lauretta Esther Marriage Marriage of Stone, Alfred Wayne and Gutiérrez, Virginia Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Colon, William and Gutiérrez, Dorothy Jean Marriage Marriage of Warner, Harold Lowell and Powers, Nancy Lou Marriage Marriage of Medina, Wesley G. and Gutiérrez, Joan Arlene Marriage Marriage of Hawkins, Beckham and Афанасьев, Angie Marriage Marriage of Hawkins, William Melvin and Gibbs, Ruth Marriage Marriage of Torres and Hawkins, Gail Marriage Marriage of Stewart and Hawkins, Janelle Marriage Marriage of Becker and Hawkins, Jean Marriage Marriage of Waters and Webb, Mary Marriage Marriage of Давыдов and Ball, Jane Marriage Marriage of González and Ball, Martha Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Thomas H. and Dąbrowski, Letitia C. Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Everett and Lessard, Susanna Marie Marriage Marriage of Andersen, Samuel and Moreno, Delilah Marriage Marriage of Porter, David and Moreno, Mary H. Marriage Marriage of Álvarez and Porter, Mahala J. Marriage Marriage of Joseph, Alfred and Moreno, Minerva Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Solon and Perkins, Lydia Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Darius and Craig, Mary J. Marriage Marriage of Ball, William M. and Moreno, Phebe J. Marriage Marriage of Patton, Adolph and Moreno, Lelia L. Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Christian and Price, Mary Marriage Marriage of Ford and Moreno, Elizabeth Marriage Marriage of Watson, Alvin E. and Warner, Beverly Ann Marriage Marriage of Chambers, William and Moreno, Leah Marriage Marriage of Романов, John and Moreno, Delilah Marriage Marriage of Moreno, Esau and Caron, Mary E. Marriage Marriage of Martin and Moreno, Mary Ann Marriage Marriage of French, Jimmy Michael and Warner, Martha Ellen Marriage Marriage of Alvarado, Jack D. and Warner, Shirley Kay Marriage Marriage of Ball, Matthias, Jr. and Moreno, Abigail Chapman Marriage Marriage of Webb, Francis Irvin and Todd, Louella Jane Marriage Marriage of Welch, Michael and Osborne, Anita June Marriage Marriage of Warner, Michael Louis and Warren, Pansy L. Marriage Marriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Couture, Honora Marriage Marriage of Landry, Michael Edward and Brady, CatherineJosephine Marriage Marriage of Harris, Lawrence and Landry, Alice Marriage Marriage of Landry, Maurice T. and Estrada, Mary Claire Marriage Marriage of Landry, Maurice T. and Vargas, Caroline Metzger Marriage Marriage of Landry, John Anthony and Harris, Ella Mae Marriage Marriage of Fernandez, Thomas and Ortega, Catherine Marriage Marriage of Зыков, John and Hopkins, Mary Eve Marriage Marriage of 鈴木, Allen and Marín, Alice Marriage Marriage of Olson, ??????? and Marín, Alice Marriage Marriage of Marín, Willis H. and Floyd, Sarah (Sally) Marriage Marriage of Тарасов, Simon and Todd, Flora Belle Marriage Marriage of Webb, John Raymond and Ford, Lorinda Catherine Marriage Marriage of Ильин, Gary and Webb, Marilyn Jean Marriage Marriage of Gill, Lawrence and Webb, Joan Lorinda Marriage Marriage of Mcbride, Paul and Данилов, Barbara Joanne Marriage Marriage of Данилов, Darrell Edwin and Ross, Evelyn Almazon Marriage Marriage of Jørgensen, Jeffrey and Osborne, Julia Marie Marriage Marriage of Warner, Piatt D. and Fox, Julia Colville Marriage Marriage of Lessard, Isaac and Domínguez, Mary E. Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Gerald Ray and Rasmussen, Marilyn Joan Marriage Marriage of Максимов, Rodney Herman and Cruz, Janis Marlene Marriage Marriage of Cruz, James Richard and Morales, Penelope Margot Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Thomas Everett and Briggs, Joyce Inez Marriage Marriage of Welch, Paul Allen and Cruz, Linda Helen Marriage Marriage of Cruz, Dale Eugene and Gill, Linda Marriage Marriage of Cruz, David Wayne and Nunez, Barbara Ann Marriage Marriage of West, Ronald David and Cruz, Melinda Lou Marriage Marriage of Peters, John C. and Cruz, Joyce Marie F Martha Nielsen M Armand E. Jiménez F Mary Медведев M Christopher Randall Floyd M Niall Caldwell M Daniel Burton Wójcik M Edward Потылицин M Harmonas II Oliver F Martha Злобин M Kevin Wayne West F Matilda Neal M William Walker Garrett M Joseph Hopkins M Abraham Douglas F Mary Howell F Kathryn Mary Garner F Hannah Christiansen M Peter Shelton F Martha Morris M James Park M Mordica Rodriquez M Jeffrey Brian Hale M John Howell F Margaret Ann Garner M Elias Webb M David Luther Warner F Christena Wiseman Larson M Steven Joseph Boucher F ?? Harper F Elizabeth Douglas F Elizabeth Reeves F Cecile Elizabeth Garner F Kitty Landry F Maria Christine Mortensen F Mary Ann Delgado M John McCrea Webb M Samuel Sr. Benson M John González M Daniel Arthur Warner F Mary Grace Elizabeth Warner M Joseph F Anna June Kristensen M John James Page M Joseph William Marín F Marylou Мельников M Albert Marín M Duncan F Laurie Ann Nguyen M ?? Mack M George Payne M Thomas Fernandez M Jonathan Burns M Jason Earl Wheeler M Walter Crockett James F Dorcas C. Lawrence M Matthew Vincent Alvarado M Bendicht Blanco M Terry Lee Garrett F Mary Jane Rhodes F Leah Moreno F Virginia Margaret Rice M Peter Jenkins F Elizabeth Page F Evelyn Cross M Jacob Douglas M Dr. Charles J. Егоров M James Wójcik F Jane Coppage Payne M Harmonas I Oliver M John Knudsen M Samuel Douglas F Lucinda Elinor Данилов F Janelle Hawkins F Eliza Jane Gonzalez F Catherine Boucher U Douglas F Mary Polly Woods M John Curtis M Robert Сорокин F Sarah Jankowski M Stephen Gerard Garner F Flora Alice Farmer F Monica Никитин F Isabella Belle Jankowski M Fred Loren Warner F Arlene Nelson F Anne Therese Garner M John Raymond Webb M Álvarez M Michael J. Boucher F Rose Mary Boucher F Sarah Margarite Webb F Helen Bernice Garner M Thomas Hansen M Thomas Черкашин M Thomas Simard F Leonnah Cummings M Henry Blanco M Dennis Сергеев M Robert James F Abigail Ball M James Marshall Webb M Charles Edward Webb M Michael Reed F Harriet Soto M Mr. Page F Elizabeth Матвеев M Johann Adam Frazier F Lelia L. Moreno F Frances Christiansen M Anthony David Lane M George Яковлев F Frances Lucille (Babe) Reed M Mr. Blanco M Hans Blanco M ?? Blais F Catherine Ortega M Henry Moss F Lucretia Payne M Paul Eugene Cruz M Robert Warner F Delilah Moreno M William Arthur Andrews F Eleanor Irene Page F Bertrama Huff M Justin Matthew Weaver M Gary Ильин M John Henry Bergeron F Nina Mae Myers F Margaret Jenkins F Elizabeth Nielsen M John Knudsen M Merritt Черкашин F Ann Louisa Snyder F D. Wiśniewski F Julia Marie Osborne M Morin F Martha Andersen M William Philip Cunningham F Mary Ann Rodriquez M Poulin M John Piotrowski M Owen Reed M Patrick Boucher M John Benson F Isabella Guzman F Martha Ellen Benson M Alex Webb M Esiquio Pelletier M Robert Lefebvre F Ursula Saunders M Terrence (TyNed) Reed F Amanda E. Jiménez M Dean Serrano M Marion Andersen F Mary Gregory M Martínez F Martha Ellen M. Benson F Catherine Virginia Kristensen F Ellen Boucher M Thomas Boucher F Annabell Gordon Жуков F Elisabeth Margaretha Morgan F Margaret Mcdaniel F Mary Barker M Solon Moreno M David Foster M Joshua David Сергеев F Eleanor (Nellie) Therese Landry M Michael Boucher M Dean McCormick M Michael Boucher M Eden Warner F Mary Reed F Marie Howell M James Reeves M William Ford F Amber Lynne Warner F Ella Mae Harris M Robert Knudsen M Richard Wójcik M Robert W. Garner F Julia Pena M Timothy Ryan Ильин M Johann Adam Beaulieu M William Дмитриев M Rev. Edmund Warner F Margaret Baker M Robert Warren Warner F Cora Olive Todd M Christopher Christiansen M John Diaz F Margaret Захаров M Mr. Young M Cyrus Morris M George Jankowski F Bernadette Garner F Louise Соколов F Sarah Armstrong M Col. Charles Alvarado M George Payne F Marilyn Jean Webb M Capt.Jacob C. Parent F Mary Elizabeth Kristensen F Heather Jo Garner F Lucy Mabel Webb M Dennis John Киселев M Jason Richard Garner M Mathew Reeves F Mary Allen F Rosalie Jane Welch M William John Webb M Don Ortiz M ??????? Зыков F Hanora Кузнецов F Hyla Rae Максимов F Elizabeth Hall M William George Jr. Díez M Terry Sandoval M William Benson F Garner F Judith Ann Manning F Sarah Карпов F Barbara Blanco F Mary Warner F Katherine Белов F Leigh Ann Hill M ?? Gilbert M Kenner S. Curry M Jonathan Allen F Elizabeth Moreno M ??????? Arnold M Dawson F Patricia Anne Harris M Timothy Christian Bates M James Boucher M James Patrick Evans M Quirinus Bishop M Alfred Wayne Stone F Linda Helen Cruz F Lucy Edwards M Thomas Frederick Warner M Johann Valentin Beaulieu F Jane Комаров F Phoebe Emily Zieliński M Edward Warner M Prof. William Joseph Boucher F Mary Elizabeth Морозов M William (Rev.) Diaz F Nicole Lynn Warner M Henry King M John Lindsey F Ida E. Ball F Belle Marie Warner F Dorothy Louise Norman M John Lawson M Jacob, Sr. Fox M Hans Peter Douglas F Sylvia Louise Page F Margaret Curtis F Grace Фомин M Henry Clay Parent F Laura Gail Warner M John Aguilar M Robert Molina M Jason Spotswood Benson M Peter Reed F Eurydice Cole M Thomas Swanson M Ralph Raymond Lessard M Marquis I Brooks M Tyler William Martín F Nancy Lou Webb F Madeline Kathleen Osborne F Lulu Munoz F Nancy Webb F Elizabeth Филиппов F Susannah Murray F Marcy Greene F Julia Angeline Warner F Margaret Crawford M Newton Kitridge Webb M Joseph Grenier M Joseph Макаров M William Pedersen F Mary Boucher F Honora Bush F Martha Powell M Walter Savard M Hines F Mary Helen Черных M Jacob Douglas M Joseph James F Josephine Grace Landry F Lori Crawford M David Warren Warner M Lewis Warner M Paris Blanco M John Page M Donald E. Rhodes M Ralph Пономарев M Stephen Blanco M James Дмитриев F Chelsea Dawn Poulsen M White F Eva Воробьев M George H. Jiménez M Ralph (Scotty) Cross F Margaret Newman F Catherine Madsen M Nathaniel M. Warner M Dr. Brent Богданов M Robert Lessard M James Woods F Katherine Казанцев U Carroll Lewandowski F Gail Hawkins F Deirdra Denise Warner F Anna Maria Григорьев M Joseph Louis(Jr.) Benson M John Parent M William Forest Garrett M John Sr. Douglas M Liam Michael Stokes M Terence Reed F Doris Mae Garrett M John Foster F Mary Bradley F Delilah Moreno F Eleanor Parent F Melissa Sue Garner M Robert Munoz M Gabriel Gustav 山本 M Stephen Francis Boucher M James T. Jiménez F Margaret Steel Ellis F Louella Jane Todd M John Francis"Chick" Kristensen M Abraham Quinn M Ted Ortiz F Liz Sandoval F Minerva Moreno M Harold Andrews M Ralph Goodman F Izora Lessard F Merida Lorene Robbins F Catherine M. Landry F Allison Renee Garner F Roisine Alonso M Johann Walter Frazier M Arthur Otto Thornton F Lucy Дмитриев M Absalom Moreno M Dr. John Poole M John Allen Bates F Stephanie Sue Warner M Albert Raymond Robinson M Johnathan Warner F Dorothy Jean Gutiérrez M Hans Austin M Capt. George Warner F Frances Mae Webb M Patrick Reed M George Henry, Jr. Jiménez M Robert Douglas Warner M Richard W. Hawkins F Sarah Suzanne Warner F Mary Molly Anderson M Thomas Warner M Montgomery Parent M Michael Edward Warner F Mary Sanders F Whitney Lianne Warner M Cecil Waters M Roland Morris M William Diaz F Miranda Keziah Farmer F Evelyn Almazon Ross M John Jankowski M Calvin Павлов M Robert Watkins Benson F Mary Frances Benson M Thomas Gutierrez F Joyce Inez Briggs M John Alvarado M William Christensen F Sarah Goodwin M David Reynolds M Frank Marín F Elizabeth Jiménez M Moses Wallace Marín M Edward Green M Bruce Lynn Russell F Zelpha Josephine Carr F Phebe J. Moreno F Florence Page M William Bernard Boucher F Mary Walters F Maria Reeves M John Reynolds M Hugh Jones F Honora Boucher F Jane Blair F Martha Ellen Warner F Rosan Moreno F Agnes Boucher M Fred Moss M Johann Henrich Moreno F Jesse Reeves M William Austin Bell M Wayne Allen Garrett M John Chandler Landry M James Joseph Jr. Myers M Mathas Fortin F Theophania(Tiffany) Walton M Alfred Douglas F Olive Todd M William Donel Boucher M John Dean M William Frederick Rodriquez F Catherine Ruiz M Jacob G. Parent M Давыдов M Samuel Douglas U Moreno F Elizabeth Ellen Haynes M Johanne(John) Webster U Benson F Lucinda E. Webb M Thomas Rodriquez M Adrian Bélanger M Nathaniel Christiansen F Winifred Rubio F Joanne Pierce M Peter Reed M Earl Kieble 鈴木 M Frederick Douglas M Edward Harrison F Laura Kathryn Watkins F Catherine Reeves M Raymond Webster Garner F Irene Hansen F Elizabeth Blanco M Earl William Данилов M James Alvarado M James Williams M Michael Boucher F Olive Lévesque M Edward Burgess F Frances Abbott M Hill F Catherine Boucher F Esther Faye Яковлев M Ribald Смирнов M Ernest Arlington Webb M John Warner M Michael Patrick Evans F Ellen Reed F Pansy L. Warren M Arthur Ray Cruz F Lucy A. Ball M Lee William Lopez F Andrea Susan Warner F Cathern Семенов F Margaret Mary? Dunn M Mark Townsend M Simon Тарасов F Belle Page F Melissa Lee Warner U Urselie Diaz M John Todd M Robert Page M Raymond A. Лопатин M Marquis IV Brooks F Letitia C. Dąbrowski M Andrew Moran F Gail Darlene Morton F Helen M. Rodriguez F Anastasia? Smith U Gibbs F June Christine Pittman M Reed M Michael Warren Warner M Robert Eugene Warner F Catherine Delgado M Matthew Reed M Willoughby M. Тимофеев M Nathan M. Jiménez F Matilda Jankowski M Francis Irvin Webb M Lewis I. Webb F Elizabeth Dubé F Susan Dennis F Mary Lefebvre F Carmel Reed M James Mendoza F Joseph M Damian Карпов M Thomas C. Alvarado F Janelle Marie Poirier M William C. Boucher M Mark John Matthews M Barry Hansen M John Morgan Floyd M Noble A. Webb F Sarah Landry M William Douglas M Valentine Thomas McCarthy M Brendan Reed F Rose Dubé F Sabra Davis M Bishop Patrick Boucher M John Тихонов M John Hamilton M ????? Brown F Elsbeth Buchanan F Margaret(?) Орлов F Jane Adams F Barbli Schmidt F Shawna Marie Rodgers F Rebecca Kristine Ramos Данилов M Darin Kane Warner F Mary Alvarez F Ruth Ellen Page M Gerald Ray Cruz M Cole Randall Poulsen F Janie Быков M Johann Theobald Beaulieu F Nancy Максимов F Anna Maria Sutton M Allen Carl Warner F Lucinda Catherine Blanco F Mary Elizabeth Ball M Simon Farmer F Lucy Gibbs M Andrew Joseph Garner F Cathy Sue Henderson F Rose Peters F Anna Margaretha Beaulieu F ??????? Попов M George Sr. Peters M Christopher Christiansen M Fielding Brooks M Green P. Moreno M Edgar Douglas F Clara Belle Page M Mitchell Lee Page M David Page M John Sanchez M Thomas Grant F Jane Reed M Henry Johnson F Penelope Walsh F Laura Eloise Lessard M Samuel A. Andersen M Thomas Sr. James F Sarah "Sr. Sabina" Kristensen M Samuel Anderson M John T. L. Jiménez F Rhonda Lynch F Celeste Ellen Brock M Samuel Ford F Mary C. Jiménez M John Reed F Mary M. Garner M Johann Valentin Beaulieu M Franklin Alvarado M William Boucher M Patrick Bush M Francis Vincent Reed F Catherine Virginia Тихонов F April Lynn Vázquez F Mary Jane Gardner F Experience Griffith M Randolph Green M Christian Moreno M Lawrence Harris M Charles Alvarado F Sarah Jane Walker M Greenleaf Warner F Anna Page F Clara Brady M Philip Thornton F Catherine Salazar M Vernett Gail Page M Martin M Everett Lewandowski M John Зыков M George Walter Todd F Elizabeth Henry F Anna Elisabeth López F Tracy Boucher M Edward Swanson F Jeanne Richard M Col. Robert Strickland M Michael Howard M Jimmy Michael French M Charles Sr. Дмитриев F Ellen Гончаров M Marvin Ray Page U Miriam Brooks M Lloyd Willis Garrett M Douglas Glenn Harrison M Reuben Павлов M Kieran Thomas Obrien M David J. Ward M Jack Beck F Nancy H. Marín M ??????? Olson M Benjamin Davis M David Jankowski M Johnnie Sandoval M Benjamin H. Farmer F Margaret Jane "Maggie" Jankowski M Joseph Lefebvre M Daniel Burton Garner F Abigail Allen M Thomas Boucher M John Benson M ?? Demers M Col. John Reynolds M Thomas Boucher M Douglas Krawczyk F Sarah Palmer M Adam Stephens M John Noel Reed F Betty Louise Warner F Elizabeth Norris M Randall Lee Poulsen M Robert F. Garner M Everett Glenn (Ezra) Page M Garrett Boucher M Eudo Смирнов F Mary Jane Cannon F Lucy Warner M Wong F Karen Kay Cruz M John David Webb F Elizabeth Nichols M Maurice, Jr. Landry M Poulin F Jacqueline Alvarado M Федоров M Walter Harmon Gutiérrez M Gregory Scott Floyd M Milton Blanco M Edward Reed F Anna Mabel Webb M John Герасимов F L. J. Blanco M Edward Warner M Matthias, Jr. Ball M Charles Быков M Beckham Hawkins M Paul Allen Harrison M Peter Baldwin M John Quincy Adams Warner M Robert B. 鈴木 M Fr. Daniel Gabriel Boucher F Madeleine Christine Welch F Jane McClellan Garner M James Jeffrey Warner M James James M Alvin Rodriquez M Gerald L. Hawkins F Ellen Marie Hawkins M Cyrus Morris F Louise Nielsen F Rita Marie Garner F Elizabeth Gibbs M William Marín F Anne Baldwin M John Ramos F Permelia Lawson F Sarah Jane Farmer M Spencer Brooks F Susanne Delilah Farmer F Joan Ramsey F Magdalena Farmer M William Waters F Cecilia Garner F Anne Barrett M Charles Swanson F Ann Delilah "Tilley" Moran F Elizabeth Лалетин M Isaac Lessard M Jacob Taylor M Howard Lane Hudson F Lucinda Ellen Jiménez M Antoine Desaure Perronett 山本 U Porter F Susan Stevenson F Elizabeth Ellen Farmer F Nula Hansen M Jacob Алексеев F Lucinda Jiménez M Richard F. Johnson M Gary Richard Bell F Lydia Perkins F Viola Taylor M James M Daniel Blanco M Samuel Harvey Warner F Bridgette Reed M Valentine Steele F Laura Joy Cruz F Catherine Reeves F Marsha Ann Cruz F Maude Garner F Carmen Alberta Boyd M Wayne Alvarado F Bridget M. Fields M Capt. Boyd F Caroline Metzger Vargas M Ezra Warner F Anna Catharina Beaulieu F JenniferMae(Ganoe) Warner M Tony Boucher F Mary Grace Watson M William Foster F Joan Мальцев F Jean Hawkins F Judy Denise Cruz F Irene Frances Todd F Martha Graves M Mr. Lawson M David Martin Gosselin F Susannah Park F Cheryl Lee Scott M Matthew Steven Warner M Thomas Foster F Anne Diaz F Anna Margaretha Александров M William Fox F Anna Catherine Miller F Mary Anne Marín F Paula McCoy F Jennie S. Garner M Willie Jankowski F Janet Gail Russell M Ira Willis Lessard M Major Marquis II Brooks M Robert Webb M Andrew Vincent Walker M Aaron D. Киселев F Joy Leanne Cruz F Cora Ellen Jackson F Maria Catharina Николаев F Mary Meriwether Vaughn M Darvin Ray Page F Тимофеев F Margaret Boucher F Nancy E. Jiménez F Diana Richards F Linda Gill M Melvin Patrick F Nancy A. Boucher F Mary James F Polly Mary Jiménez F Jennie Gibbs F Anna Gertrude Barnett F Ferne Page M Phillip James Thornton F Hannah Warner M James Andrew Warner F Jane Elizabeth Cruz M John Lapointe F Mary Palmer F Bridget Boucher M Charles Дмитриев M Charles Day M Robert? Mullins M James Leslie Webb M James Reeves M Robert Robinson F Mattie Moss M Willis Payne F Polly Parent M Stuart Bogarte Warner M Conrad Webster M Julius Gauthier M Joseph Garner F Isabella Kaczmarek M Michael Welch F Mary Bass M Samuel Быков F Elaine Suzanne Данилов M Isaac Hunt M Livingstone Martin Webb M Richard Eugene Garner M John Harvey M Thomas Kowalski F Mary Malone M Rev.Isaac Schultz F Lucy aka Sarah Lapointe M Charles Todd F Nancy Alvarado M Otis Earl Padilla F Dorothy Peters M John Jr. Douglas M Walter E. Garner F Dorothy Norton F Hannah Жуков F Joella Lynn Cruz F Jane James F Mary Grenier M George Jr. Jankowski M Frederick Douglas F Mahala J. Porter F Mary Ann Тимофеев M Rev. John L. Lefebvre M Michael Reed M William Mazur F Joan Reed F Lucille Todd M Eugene Stanley Garner M Ronald David West F Ann Rose M James W. Lévesque F Elizabeth Ryan F Mary A. Landry F Elizabeth Stevens F Mary Boucher F Mary Lévesque M Moses Aaron Дмитриев F Ellender Houston M Howard Lévesque M Henry Lavoie M Michael Brady M John Schultz F Nancy Elizabeth Warner M John Adkins F Martha Elizabeth Jones M Matthias Sr. Carroll F Mary Gardner F Jane Bouchard M Fr.Lawrence M. Boucher M Andrew Neal F Margaret Быков M James Richard Cruz F Pamela Ann Bélanger M Lawrence Webb M Michael Boucher M Thomas Ball F Rebecca Page F Carissa Nicole Willis M Edward Maldonado M Hans Valentin López M Michael Fernandez M William Petersen F Andrea Lynn Gosselin M Casey John Russell F Caroline Farmer F Elizabeth Farmer F Frances Coppage Marín M James Rodriquez F Elizabeth Douglas M Walter Guerrero M Jamesy Reed M John M. Todd F Mary Alice Lessard F Nora A. Boucher F Vanichia Elaine Garner M George Patterson F Barbara Douglas M David Walter Garner F Sarah Allen M Robert Benson M Martin Bogarte Warner F Monica Jane Warner M Edward Green F Mary J. Garner M Joseph F Jennifer Leigh Hawkins M Gerhard Blanco M Clayton James Warner F Noella Duncan M Colin Duncan F Michelle Lynn Alvarado M Fielding Payne M Joseph Robert Lane F Mary Reeves F Marguarite Garner F Martha Moody F Catherine Meyer M Enda Brady F Alma Katherine Klein M Thomas Riley M John H. Nowak M Мартынов M Федоров F Katie E. Ball F Linda S. Gonzales M Jakob Hardy F Barbara Joanne Данилов F Elizabeth Payne M John III Rubio F Carmen Eloise Garrett M Yelverton Green M Jacob Douglas M John Foster F Lucy Piotrowski M Abraham Douglas F Luella Florence Webb M Robert Gove Doyle M Prince Alfred Roy F Hannah Mason U Gibbs M Shadrach M. Munoz M Michael Boucher F Mary Webb F Sarah Reed M Walter Guerrero F Gayle Joan Cruz M Kyle Joseph Boucher F Mary A. Tyler M Robert Alan Mortensen M Michael Christopher Garner M George Butler F Isabella Mills M J. Terry F Luella Jacques Martel F Mary (Hannah?) Dennis M Craig Richard Gosselin M Hugh James F Catherine Leonard M Johnston M William Adams M Valdez F Elizabeth Glover M Benjamin Allen F Wilma Lévesque F Martha A. Moreno F Winifred Payne M Frank R. Parker M Martinez M Joseph Douglas M Tolbert A. Jiménez F Roisin Brady M Willis Marín F Harriet Быков F Mary E. Caron F Catherine Reed F Gertrude Cross F Laura Hart F Lisa Hart F Mildred Silva F Flora Belle Todd F Elizabeth Jensen M Richard C. Page F Nancy Floyd M William M. Ball M Conrad Blake F Julia Colville Fox F Lola Waters M Gabriel Stokes F Mary Morris F Bridget Boucher F Margaret Gibbs M Thomas Hernández M John Farmer M Robert Guerrero F Nancy Gibbs F Nancy Макаров F Eleanor Peters M Joseph LeRoy Webb F Alice Jacobs F Helen M. Neal M Jacob Dubé M John Davis M John P. Тимофеев M Daniel Walters M Lewis Anderson Anderson Garner Zieliński Sr Dr. Big Louie Beauregard Louis Garner Louie Garner
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC District of Columbia USA
M John Roger Garner F Jane Wong F Elizabeth González F Anna Eva Hicks F Eliza Jane Douglas F Jane James F Carmel Reed M Jonathan Davis M George Kenneth (Red) Page M John Boucher F Debra J. Carter M Roy Hammond F Mary Jane Reynolds M Andrew David Alvarado F Anetta Garner F Nancy Payne F Mary C. Jiménez M Moses Payne F Mary Christine Warner M Enoch Moreno M George Шестаков M Don Muñoz F Alta M. Cross F Matilda Page M Ranulf Knudsen F Maude Waldon Ball F Sharon Lynette Walker M Ralph Knudsen F Louise Cross F Abigail Chapman Moreno F Linda Ellen Bélanger M Clarence Webb M William Maxwell F Susan Douglas F Bettie Lou Gagnon M ??? Lessard M Matthias Fortin F Lena Viola Todd M William M. Rodriquez M Francis McCoy F Edith Waters M Peter James? Reed F Barbara Jo Garner F Nellie Waters M Peter Rodriquez M Joseph Brendan Hale M Joseph McDowell Moreno F Elizabeth Francis F Gina Marie Hale F Margret Kozłowski F Holly Ruth Сорокин F Joan Lorinda Webb M Francis McCoy F Sesaria Leclerc M Barry Joseph Garner F Jane Morris F Mary H. Moreno F Elizabeth Bowen M Lessard F Martha Harmon M William George Díez M Jesse Christopher Cruz M Joseph James M John Reeves F CatherineJosephine Brady M Job Allen F Catarina Blanco M George Warner F Charity Higgins F Mary Warner F Elsie Lévesque M Patrick Reed F Johanna Warner F Lynnett Diane Wheeler M John Reeves F Maude García M John C. Lévesque F Ann Kennedy F Theresa Frances Harris F Edith (Dolly) Page F Catherine Rhodes M Lazarus Дмитриев F Mary Moss F Helewisa Schwartz M Thomas Poole M Philip Jiménez M Aaron Moreno M John Warner M Colm Caldwell M John Page F Heather Lee Evans M William Lapointe M Fergl Caldwell M William Swanson M Rodriquez F Margaret Ball M Louis Черкашин F M. Susannah Blake M Robert C. Cox M Eugene Stanley Hudson F Sheryl Ann Warner F Betsy Parent F Anna Catherina Reid F Phoebe Lawson F Joanna Allen M Curtis Dale Жуков M Capt. Francis Warner F Donna Hubbard M Carl Tolbert Lessard M Miles? Тихонов M Daniel Patrick Garner M Edward Christiansen U Benson F Miread Boucher M Moses Romulus? Munoz F Helen Belle Lessard M Stephen Brock F Reh Dawn Serrano F Mary Webb M William Reeves F Rachel D. Porter M Wayne Todd M Michael Edward Landry F Jacqueline Denise Сергеев M William Herman Webb M Charles Douglas M Adolph Patton F Alice Landry F Beverly Ann Warner M Isaac James F Anastasia Reed M George Warner F Helen Lachance M Sylvester Warner F Lucy Poole F Jane Reed M Robert Reynolds M William Colon M Arnold Clark Wójcik F Marilyn Coleman M William Jordan M Jacob Farmer F Lucinda J. Douglas F Mary Зырянов M Johann Simon Beaulieu F Sally Sarah Cunningham F Eunice Maldonado M Jeffery Alvarado F Annie Быков F Mary Eve Hopkins F Josephine Pelletier F Bettie Быков M Avery Gill F Susan Баранов F Maria Louisa Rodriquez M Percy Haye Todd M John Peters M Peter George Garner M Jesse V. Garner F Elizabeth George F Candy Сорокин M Michael Walter Haynes F Judith Swanson F Elizabeth Thomas M Daniel Webster Garner M Delgado F Catherine Douglas F Alice Goodwin M William Norris M Richard L. Webb F Heather Michelle Максимов M Lance Edward Brock F Sarah Simard M Jacob W. Alvarado M Abraham Serrano M John Joe Sandoval F Nancy Benson F Beth Ann Russell M Martin Bush M William M. Rodriquez F Jane Black M Thomas Bush M Jacob Earl Wheeler F Malvina Blanco F Lori Gibbs F Christina Norton M Robert Sr. Adkins M Hans Blanco F Catherine Boucher F Bridget Thompson F Marguerite Lambert F Mary Szymański M Humphrey Martin Warner M John Романов F Grace Carroll M Steven Matthew Weaver M Harry Noble Webb F Eunice Warner M Andrew Cole Osborne M Joseph Jr. Злобин M Johannas Austin M Eric Scott Ильин M Mathew Keller M George, Sr. Jiménez F Martha Ball M Christopher Arthur Warner M Paul Daniel Osborne M Stewart M Matthias Sr. Ball M David Boucher M Noah Stuart Warner M Piatt D. Warner M John Diaz M Robert Morris M Thomas Stewart Benson F Erin Jenny French F Katherine Воронов M John Todd M John Joseph Garner F Mary Anne Кузьмин M Merrick Cobb M George W. Todd M Gerard Stephen Garner M Alexander Webb M Hugh Benson M M. Perry M Charles Leroy Boyd Webb M John S. Floyd M James McPheeters Webb M Thomas Gagné F Catherine Gutierrez M Col. Joseph Benson M Ernest Romero F Eileen Ruth Pearson F Martha James M Беляев M Thomas Новиков M John Harry Nguyen M David Boucher M John Reed M Sean Michael Hill M Hans Blanco M David Kelly F Bendichtli Fisher F Patsy James M Herman Moreno F Agatha Rodríguez F Mahala Domínguez F Loraine (Fanny) Cross F Patricia Wójcik F Honora Savard F Martha Mendez F Matea Elizabeth Willis M Hans Michael Oliver F Isabel Huff M Lawrence Gill F ????? Keller M George Blake M William Everett Cruz M Adam Morris M Schneider M Christy Moss F Patsy Parent F Oma Rodriquez F Elizabeth Warner F Lucy Васильев F new Thomsen M González F Donna Elaine Лопатин M John Cook M Cyrus Melville Farmer M Reyes U Moreno M Donald Louis Warner F Catherine Marie Ward M Donald Bélanger F Elizabeth Garner M Jacob A. Carroll F Amy Jo Bélanger M Joseph Serrano M Michael Reed M Abraham Wallace F Elizabeth Mazur M James Boucher F Penelope Margot Morales M Andrew Douglas M Goodwin M Alfred Joseph M John(?) Holloway F Margareta Blanco F Christina Максимов M Romaine Thornton F Judith Ellen Ballard F Mary Gibbs M James Bélanger F Joy Gibbs M Robert Francis Page F Elizabeth Diane Nguyen F Anna Margaretha Beaulieu F Mariam Rodriquez M Victor Garner F Jo Lynn Hill M Rufus Blanco M Everett Яковлев F Sarah Page M Cornelius Jiménez F Bridget Boucher F Mary F. Blanco M Charles Erickson F Honora Reeves F Mary Montgomery F Anna Sullivan M Frank O. Peters F Joan Arlene Gutiérrez M Thomas Everett Cruz F Suzanne Wójcik F Maria Burke M Dale Eugene Cruz F Martha Adkins M David Page M Samuel C. Козлов M Aaron Patrick Osborne F Heather Kathleen Gordon F Eve Поляков F Lorie Ann Gill F Margaret Bernier M Matthias Ball F Matilda Page F Nancy Lou Powers M Culthbert Gomez M Curtis Andrew Warner M John Douglas F Barbara Rogers F Martha Christiansen F Debby Waters M Raymond E. Garner F Elizabeth Benson M Lord Samuel Ferguson F Emma Jane Lessard M William Андреев M James Benson F Elizabeth Rodriquez F Regina Lynne Garner F Victoria Laine Garner F Mary Alvarado F Elizabeth"Betty" Brooks M Joseph Serrano M Patrick Gardner F Caroline Serrano M Henry Douglas M Bruce Edward Watkins M Guy Логинов M Jon Dennis Сергеев F Peggy Fournier M Joseph Allen F Mary Elizabeth Barber F Agnes Mann M Nicholas Reynolds M Thomas Foster F Iola Elizabeth Betty Garner M Jimenez M William J. Boucher F Mary Alice Harris F Catherine Reed M Thomas Fernandez M William Jr. Rhodes M David Lee Fitzgerald M Abram Quinn F Elissa Marie Peters M Everett Cruz M John Warner M William Chambers M Hugh Martin Robinson F Margaret Marsh M Henry Martel F Shirley Kay Warner M Marvin Lewandowski M Hans Reid F Mary Page M Torres M Douglas Wilson M Johannas Jacob Белоусов M John Swanson M Carlisle Morris F Celine Bridget McCoy F Angeline Зыков F Sarah Palmer M Thomas Гончаров F Norah Reed F Wilma Mae Perkins F Mary Ingram F Mary Turner M James Edwin Benson M David Alan Page M Henry Parsons M Kenneth Fritz Page F Marcia Jane Warner M Willis E. Munoz F Bertha P. Garner F Mollie Landry M Noel Hansen M Michael Farmer F Mary Coleman M Michael Watts F Edith Mae Page M George Максимов F Martha Ann Wagner F Minnie Adkins M Raymond Patrick Côté M Charles M. Landry M John Boucher M William M. Ball U Lediah Allen F Honorah Berry M James Green F ?? Кириллов F Molly James F Donna Elizabeth Lane F Rebecca Jiménez M James Arthur Thornton F Helen Margaret Landry M P.D. Meyer M Harold Lowell Warner F Dorcas Rubio M Christopher Warner M Thomas Moss M Joseph Edward Lane M William Robert Bates M Stephen Michael Bates F Frances Green F Brandy Nichole Bell M ?m.MaryJane Evans F Mary Ann Reed F Eleanor Jean Landry F Patricia Kay Evans F Elizabeth Kamiński F Joan Louise Floyd M Enoch T. Moreno F Ruth Ann Hébert M Cliff Parks M William Melvin Hawkins M James Neal F Ruth Gibbs F Maud Чернов F Elizabeth Oliver M Johann Michael Beaulieu F Anna Eva Michaud F Jamie Lee Flores F Edith Irene Zimmerman F Alice Wells F Nancy Hernández F Carmen Diana Лопатин F Bridget Ann Reed F Louella Marie Garner M Darius Moreno U Moreno F Mary Reed F Connie Gibbs F Susanna Farmer M Thomas Павлов M Kamiński F Mary (Polly) 渡辺 U Louise DeSoix Benson M William Andersen M John Reeves F Barbara Stanley M David Benson F Anita June Osborne F Joseph F Adria Maria Сергеев F Rebecca Catharine Garner F Eleanor Aguilar M Joseph Alonso M Michael Louis Warner M John Hernandez F Georgia Яковлев F Maude Page M Swanson Bédard M David Festus Webb F Gail Holloway M Robert Hanson F unnamed girl Warner F Rose Marie Landry F Virginia Elizabeth Gutiérrez M Michael Douglas Warner F Michelle Lorraine Warner M Cadwallader Alvarado F Ernestina Barnes M Nicholas Ian Matthews U Warner F Nancy Woods M John Warren Lopez M Robert Arthur Todd F Margaret Neal F Anna Margaretha Holland M Nathanial Green Ball U Clemence Diaz M Jasper Ball F Juliana Howard M Johann Adam Александров M Gabriel Gustave 山本 U George Brooks M William Todd M Martín F Catherine Sparks F Elaine Gibbs M Conrad Колесников F Grace Navarro F Sarah Carpenter F Elizabeth Benson M Archibald Serrano M Timothy Andrew Киселев M Walter Benson M Enos Allen F Mary Alexander M David Andrew Sánchez M John Allen M Cyrus W. Moreno F Bernetha Ellen Garner F Eliza Alvarado F Elizabeth Benson F Monica Hansen F Catharine Белоусов M Marshall Alvarado M Jeffrey George Warner F Ann Spencer M Samuel Blanco M Michael Duncan M John Anthony Landry M William Reynolds F Amanda Warner F Anna Elisabeth Beaulieu M Frank Douglas F Mary Price F Agnes Rios F Emma A. Garner M David Brant Warner M Mathew Reeves M Elmer Page F Cynthia Diane Alvarado F Elizabeth Johnson M Robert William Floyd M Veltin Николаев M Maj. Christopher Moreno M Stephen Paul Warner F Lorinda Catherine Ford M William Waller Warner F Reese F Catherine Douglas F Anna Maria Beaulieu M Paul Lewandowski M Michael Gardner F Avis Fernandez Fernández III Dr. Av M John Massey M Johann Simon Beaulieu M John Allen Warner F Patricia Худоногов F Mattea Elizabeth Willis M William Diaz F Margaret Jane Дмитриев F Mary Harris M Joseph Christiansen M Valentin Michaud F Susan Lawson M Johann Simon Beaulieu F Susannah Cole F Catherine Reed M George William Farmer M Benjamin Swanson M Norman Russell M David William Sigfred Haynes M Edward Christiansen F Ruth L. Зайцев M Matt Горбунов M James Lee Webb M John Pope M Frank Kim F Kate Reed M Patrick Boucher M Martin Boucher M Robert Patrick M William Alvarado M Thomas Boucher M John Joseph Bush M Col. David Benson M Lodowick Elliott M Johann Franciskus Beaulieu F Sylvia B. Boucher F Mary J. Craig M David Жуков M Thomas Dixon F Joy A. Wade F Amy Elizabeth Garner M John Jiménez M O. D. Little M Ford F Mary Ellen Тихонов M Mr. Hébert M John Moreno F Sharon Boucher F Mary McCarthy M Heinrich Blanco M Richard Alvarado M Alexander Payne M Curtis Theobald Poulsen F Margaretha Castillo M James Diaz F Angie Афанасьев F Myrabel Robbins M Benjamin Allen Harrison M Ralph Knudsen F Никифоров F Janis Marlene Cruz M Teddy C. Armstrong F Федоров F Rebecca J. Miles M Jacob Белоусов M George Henry, III Jiménez M Alvin E. Watson M John Rodriquez M Robert James M George Domínguez F Nancy Parent M Samuel Fox M William Waters M Harry Parent F Nancy Morrison M Dwayne Alan Page F ??? Frank M Roger Joseph Boucher M Winfield Scott Farmer M Valentine Farmer M Keith William Garrett M John Sanz F Cynthia Louise Boucher F Margaret Rodriquez M Richard Kenneth Warner M R. Eaken Webb M Miles Joseph"Dutch" Kristensen M Leonard Payne M Terrence Reed M Andrew Vincent Page F Elisa Ann Long M John Reynolds F Betty Jane Garner F Zorada Domínguez M Dwight Billington Osborne M Thomas 中村 M Michael Boucher M John B. Ramírez F Elizabeth Domínguez F Marie Garner M Daniel Warner M John William Warner M Christopher Paul Welch F Anne Boucher F Ann Jones M John W. Blanco M William J. Boucher F Norene Boucher M Mathias Santiago M Charles Doyle Landry M Tony Brady M Luther Robinson F Dorcas Warner F Crystal Mae Rodgers F Mary Copeland F Elizabeth Douglas F Sarah Reed F Maria Margaretha Frazier F Pearline Washington M Travis Дмитриев M Martin Boucher M Martin Kelly Gosselin M Daniel James Ramos Данилов M David Neal M Benjamin Harrison Todd F Lydia Harvey M Cuthbert Diaz F Elinor Jane Lessard M Douglas Lowell Warner M Henry Brooks M Hardy Todd M Rev. John Anderson F Isabella Brooks F Mary Polly Diaz M Everett Waters M Canice Oliver McCoy M Russell Eugene Welch M Todd Christopher Page M Edward Reed M Melvin Glen Russell M Thomas Lewandowski M Homer Webb F Anna Barbara Bishop F Eva Farmer M Eugene Stanley, Jr. Garner F Nancy Lynch F Margaret Agnes"Maudy" Kristensen F Phebe Garner M Warren W. Warner M Jonathan Andrew Sánchez F Mary Blanco F Patti Jo Cruz M Arnold Wójcik F Helen Ramirez M Kevin Hansen F Margaret Burns F Ann Lynn Cruz F Maureen Reed F Nellie Marín F Mildred Page M Myles Тихонов F Mary Cecilia Boucher M Gershom Allen M Clarence Robinson F Nora Gil M Jeffrey Adam Ramos Garza M Федоров F Nelly Larsen M Joseph Logan M Carl Thomas Warner M John Kowalski F Anna Ottilia Beaulieu M Waters F Alice Santos M Howard Lane Garner U William Brooks M Paul Mcbride F Sarah Yates M John Власов M Jeffrey Jørgensen F Susanna Marie Lessard M Aaron B. Andersen M Thomas Wise F Cora Ellen Jackson F Minnie Reed M Allen 鈴木 M Hugh Sr. James M John Christiansen F Shirley Welch M Peter Douglas F Catharine Farmer F Ann Reeves F Eleanor Maude Page M Joseph F Margaret A. Nielsen F Noreen Reed M Henry Sanders M Thomas Jr. Williams M Noah Warner M Andrew Jiménez M Hugh Reed F Honora Couture F Lisa Dawn Welch M William Дмитриев F Mary Wein Greer F Sarah Jiménez M Thomas Reed F Lydia M. Moreno M Arthur Douglas F Karla Sue Cruz F Beatrix Gray F Erin Kathleen West F Rose Reed F Bridget Reed M Hans(Johannes) Blanco F Christian Anne Evans M Remo Lane M James Myers M Patrick Федоров F Mary Ann Moreno M James Neal M Phillip D. Ford M Carl Ford M Fr. Patrick Boucher F Belle Neal F Ellen Douglas F Kathryn Louise Данилов M Jeremy Quentin Welch F LeAnn Hayes F Mary Шадрин M Steve Graham M Richard Swanson M John Neal M Jesse Elmer Todd M John DeKalb Ball M James R. Hawkins M Francis William Garner M David Fox M William Waller Brooks M George Edward Warner M Nicholas Glen Russell F Jane Joane Gomez M Hodges Todd M Robert Palmer M Elder Thomas Thomas M John Franklin Nadeau F Susannah Mason M Guillaume de Brooks F Orla Sarah McCoy M Alvah F. Munoz F Belle Irene Schneider M Thomas Anderson M Peter Simon Farmer F Mary Gibbs F Alice Marín M Thomas W. Boucher F Sarah Новиков M Richard? Cornelius Jiménez M Максимов M Martin B. Warner M Sean Sandoval M James A. Poirier M John C. Peters M Peter Blanco M William Douglas M Alfred Franklin(Frank) Marín F Honora Boucher M John Sr. Blanco F Anna Maria Blanco F woman Boucher M William Boucher F Kate Iglesias F Susan Marguerite Cruz F Dorothy Eleanor Thornton M James Webb F Margaret Ruth Warner F Antoinette Garner F Sarah M. Jiménez M Shane Brady M John Rodgers M Lincoln F. Jiménez F Ida B. Ball M Andrew Warner F Ann Maxwell F Joyce Marie Cruz F Kate Teel Marshall M Peter Wood M Becker F Violet Louise Брюханов F Sarah Clark M Kevin Wayne French F Mary Ann Farmer M Thomas Kelley F Jane Казаков M Robert Guerrero M Arthur Maurice Warner F ??? Sharp M Flannan Boucher M Andrew Webb M Brandon Kelly Page M Richard Rodriquez F Mary E. Domínguez M Willis H. Marín F Annabelle Elaine Welch M Anderson Garner F Anna Marie Farmer F Dorothy Louise Lessard M Daniel Mortensen M Thomas James Garner F Elizabeth Marium Quinn F Roxanne Marie Sánchez F Minnie Jankowski M Paul Allen Welch M Leonard? Payne M Johann Adam Beaulieu M James Bush M J. Desjardins F Barbara Ann Nunez F Theresa A. Landry F Ella Boucher M John Johansen M John Reynolds M John James M George Warner F Jennie Lévesque M Hugh Jr. James F Lilla Estella Marín F Cindy Lynn Warner M David Fox F Eliza Frances Warner F Dot Serrano M Joe St-Pierre F Sarah Holloway M Thomas Cross M James Payne M Борисов M Don Wheeler F Patsy Alvarado F Sarah (Sally) Floyd F Phoebe Daniels F Maria Simmons M Paul Caldwell M Sir John Piotrowski F Mary 伊藤 M John Rodriquez M Darrell Edwin Данилов F Kathryn Ladon Bryant F Michelle Boucher M John Sr. Parent M John Henry F Marie Suárez F Geraldine Ann Simpson F Fay Hoffman M Sir Francis Warner M Mary Dawson M Thomas Michael McCoy M Joel Thomas Gosselin M Jeffrey Alvarado M new Thomsen M Robert Jankowski M William Boucher M Marc W. Haynes M Samuel Andersen M John Jr. Piotrowski F Sallie Webb M Coleman M Michael David Ward F Marilyn Joan Rasmussen M Zariakius Cyriacus 斎藤 M William Boucher M Noah, Jr. Marín F Jill Suzanne Cruz M William Boucher M Samuel Christiansen F Hannah Knight M Wilford Owens F Mary Josephine Boucher M Thomas Woźniak F Sharon Gibbs U Porter M Loren Collins F Molly Marie Jørgensen F Mary Benson M William J. Boucher M Joseph Christiansen F Anna Maria Beaulieu F Mary Mitchell F Clare Duncan F Laura Alonso F Mary"Polly" Douglas M Stephen Jacob Ford F Maria Gibbs F Mary Дмитриев M Edward Randolph Warner F Marsha Alvarado F Rosina M. Gibbs F Margaret Reeves F Frances Diaz F Pamela James F Maggie Leigh Jørgensen F Florence Moss F Margaret Page M Aidinn Brady M Randolph Warner M Herod Быков M John Page M Robert Lee Ball M Philip Taylor M George Дмитриев M Wesley G. Medina F Sarah Maria Warner M Paul Hart F Nancy Ann Дмитриев F ??? Castro F Hannah Reed F Hannah Kowalski F Ann McCoy F Barbara Ann Rodriquez M Michael Stanley Garner F Margaret Page M Willard Lawson M Lawrence Paul Hale F Elizabeth Ryan F Alecia "Allie" Clare Garner F Joane Swanson F Margaret Margarite? Webb M Lewis Garner F Jenny Reed F Sarah Pratt F Elizabeth Therese Marín M Rev. Samuel Воробьев U Sarah Jane Тимофеев F Catherine Boucher M Frederick Douglas M William Sr. Rhodes M William James F Bridget Bush F Rachel Allen M Charles Newton Boyd M Thomas Willis Marín M Love M Wilbur Marín F Linda Mae Козлов F Carrie Serrano F Elizabeth Warner M Richard Max Wheeler M Trustum Лебедев M ?? Demers F Ashley Diane Kelly M Clarence Lévesque F Mary Claire Estrada M Daniels F Sarah Jane Warner F Lauretta Esther Boyd M Noah Moreno F Comfort Hodges M Johann Christian II Moreno M Charles Boucher M Francis Boucher F Mary Ruth Webb M Stanley Louis Warner M Esau Moreno M Sir Thomas Lapointe M John Cross F Margaret Girard M Gerry Hart M Capt. Andrew Warner F Jane Ball M Ivan Wayne Cruz M Mark R. Gonzales M David Wayne Cruz M Raymond Scott Garner M Corey Willis F Angela Gay Pérez F Melany Haynes F Elizabeth Jane Rodriquez M John W. Bergeron M Cecil Glenn Waters M Michael Mordica Rodriquez M Alexander Carroll Sr. Дмитриев M Peter Sr. Cunningham M James Diaz F Bernice Davidson M Mr. Grabowski M John Morris M JOHN Howell M Charles Rodriquez M Howard Lane Hudson M John Waters M Michael Reed M Walter Guerrero M Johnathon Douglas M David Porter F Debra Dale Page F Elizabeth Farmer M Rodney Herman Максимов F Mary (Sarah) Howell F Peggy Reed F Jean Sandoval M Henry Floyd M Sean Boucher M Berry F Bridget Holt M Maurice T. Landry M Jeffrey Alan Poirier F Christina Lucas M Nicholas Murray M Michael Shannon Boucher M Jack D. Alvarado M Walter Matthew Marín M Douglas David Alvarado M Mathew Reeves F Martha Boucher M Christian, I Moreno F Polly Poole M Michael Christie Webb M Col. Joseph Злобин M Ezekiel Ball M George Moore M Raymond Hart M Dr. Charles J. Wright M Sir Michael Piotrowski M Lawrence Gill M John Douglas F Anita Irene Phillips F Polly Wood M John Christiansen F Anna Eva Beaulieu F Elizabeth Robertson M Thomas H. Moreno M Scott Жуков M Mr. 小林 F Mary Rodriquez M Michael Patrick Hale M Randy Waters F Mary Ramos M Irwin Arthur Welch M Mark Gerard Garner M John Злобин F Linda Armstrong F Melinda Lou Cruz M Gross F Rebecca Ouellet F Bridget Reeves M John Norris M Joseph Louis(Sr.) Benson F Megan Ann Garner F Helen Lachance M Peter Blanco F Edith Irene Zimmerman F Sarah Ковалев M Moses Тихонов F Mary A. Flowers M Mr. Gibson M Raymond Ortiz M Thomas Reed F Lydia Allen F Catherine Bush F Martha Frances "Fannie" Floyd F Flora E. Moreno F new Thomsen M Thomas James M ??????? Cooper M Isaac Дмитриев M Johnathon Warner
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Page 11 2/3. 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 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from test2.ged Baptize registry 1850 - 1867 Great Falls Church Priests of Great Falls Church 1850 - 1867 Microfilm Public Library Great Falls BR-GFC 1850 All possible citations Deltona, FL Deltona City Spirit Lake, IA Spirit Lake City Montrose, CO Montrose City Hammond, LA Hammond City Bishop, CA Bishop City Bethesda, MD Bethesda City Mobile, AL Mobile City Kalamazoo, MI Kalamazoo City Gainesville, TX Gainesville City Adrian, MI Adrian City Tyler, TX Tyler City Bowling Green, KY Bowling Green City Pottsville, PA Pottsville City New Haven, CT New Haven City Albertville, AL Albertville City Gaffney, SC Gaffney City Lawton, OK Lawton City Miami, OK Miami City Seneca, SC Seneca City Cedar City, UT Cedar City City West Plains, MO West Plains City Safford, AZ Safford City Athens, OH Athens City Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville City Porterville, CA Porterville City Houston, TX Houston City Hays, KS Hays City Cleveland, OH Cleveland City Greenville, SC Greenville City Durango, CO Durango City Clearwater, FL Clearwater City North Platte, NE North Platte City Hanover, PA Hanover City Scottsburg, IN Scottsburg City Bremerton, WA Bremerton City Port Angeles, WA Port Angeles City Payson, AZ Payson City Grand Forks, ND Grand Forks City Chattanooga, TN-GA Chattanooga City Fairmont, MN Fairmont City San Diego, CA San Diego City Hartford, CT Hartford City Alexandria, MD Alexandria City Celina, OH Celina City LaGrange, GA LaGrange City Astoria, OR Astoria City Dublin, GA Dublin City Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ Wilmington City Hanford-Corcoran, CA Hanford-Corcoran City Charlotte, NC Charlotte City Redwood City, CA Redwood City City Killeen, TX Killeen City Huntsville, AL Huntsville City Modesto, CA Modesto City Maysville, KY Maysville City Kansas City, MO Kansas City City Lumberton, NC Lumberton City Casper, WY Casper City Poughkeepsie, NY Poughkeepsie City Barnstable Town, MA Barnstable Town City Yuma, AZ Yuma City Altus, OK Altus City Red Wing, MN Red Wing City Joplin, MO Joplin City Fargo, ND Fargo City Bangor, ME Bangor City Greenville, NC Greenville City Watertown-Fort Drum, NY Watertown-Fort Drum City Manitowoc, WI Manitowoc City Auburn, NY Auburn City Blacksburg, VA Blacksburg City Morgan City, LA Morgan City City Pueblo, CO Pueblo City Coamo, PR Coamo City Fort Collins, CO Fort Collins City Ocala, FL Ocala City Gadsden, AL Gadsden City Honolulu, HI Honolulu City Mooresville, NC Mooresville City Palm Coast, FL Palm Coast City Danville, VA Danville City Flagstaff, AZ Flagstaff City Crescent City North, CA Crescent City North City Corinth, MS Corinth City Charleston, SC Charleston City Farmington, NM Farmington City Fort Morgan, CO Fort Morgan City Yuba City, CA Yuba City City Evanston, WY Evanston City New Castle, PA New Castle City Gary, IN Gary City Lancaster, SC Lancaster City Janesville, WI Janesville City Vernon, TX Vernon City Paducah, KY-IL Paducah City Providence, RI Providence City Warren-Farmington Hills-Troy, MI Warren-Farmington Hills-Troy City Muskegon, MI Muskegon City Florence, SC Florence City Oshkosh, WI Oshkosh City Coos Bay, OR Coos Bay City Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg City Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne City Ruston, LA Ruston City Rockland, ME Rockland City Puerto Rico, USA Country Boone, IA Boone City Arcadia, FL Arcadia City Alexandria, LA Alexandria City Niles, MI Niles City Aguadilla, PR Aguadilla City Warren, PA Warren City Alice, TX Alice City Anniston, AL Anniston City La Follette, TN La Follette City Lima, OH Lima City Danville, IL Danville City Columbia, MO Columbia City Albany, GA Albany City Alpena, MI Alpena City Boone, NC Boone City Boise City, ID Boise City City Cabo Rojo, PR Cabo Rojo City Columbus, GA-AL Columbus City Toledo, OH Toledo City Burlington, IA Burlington City Ottawa, IL Ottawa City Branson, MO Branson City Marion, IL Marion City Canton, OH Canton City Cullman, AL Cullman City Pensacola, FL Pensacola City Lewistown, PA Lewistown City Garden City, KS Garden City City Klamath Falls, OR Klamath Falls City Kinston, NC Kinston City Fairbanks, AK Fairbanks City Pampa, TX Pampa City Helena, MT Helena City Frankfort, KY Frankfort City Duncan, OK Duncan City Greenwood, MS Greenwood City Ocean City, NJ Ocean City City Sylacauga, AL Sylacauga City Kerrville, TX Kerrville City Moscow, ID Moscow City Lebanon, MO Lebanon City Kingsville, TX Kingsville City Dickinson, ND Dickinson City Mount Vernon, WA Mount Vernon City Norfolk, NE Norfolk City Ogdensburg, NY Ogdensburg City Manchester, NH Manchester City Greeneville, TN Greeneville City San Germán, PR San Germán City Anderson, SC Anderson City Moberly, MO Moberly City Detroit, MI Detroit City Eagle Pass, TX Eagle Pass City Blackfoot, ID Blackfoot City Vero Beach, FL Vero Beach City Clinton, IA Clinton City Pahrump, NV Pahrump City Shreveport, LA Shreveport City Cedartown, GA Cedartown City Reading, PA Reading City Silverthorne, CO Silverthorne City Lewiston, ID Lewiston City Taos, NM Taos City Lebanon, PA Lebanon City Fajardo, PR Fajardo City Athens, GA Athens City Rio Grande City, TX Rio Grande City City Iowa City, IA Iowa City City Elmira, NY Elmira City Bay City, TX Bay City City Glasgow, KY Glasgow City Atlanta, GA Atlanta City Eugene, OR Eugene City Sturgis, MI Sturgis City Santa Fe, NM Santa Fe City Walterboro, SC Walterboro City Fitzgerald, GA Fitzgerald City Tucson, AZ Tucson City Cambridge, MA Cambridge City Lawrenceburg, TN Lawrenceburg City Sterling, IL Sterling City Gallup, NM Gallup City San Francisco, CA San Francisco City Hudson, NY Hudson City Goldsboro, NC Goldsboro City New Bern, NC New Bern City Decatur, IN Decatur City Butte, MT Butte City Sweetwater, TX Sweetwater City Central City, KY Central City City Grants, NM Grants City Provo, UT Provo City Grants Pass, OR Grants Pass City Escanaba, MI Escanaba City Brookhaven, MS Brookhaven City Middlesborough, KY Middlesborough City Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles City Warsaw, IN Warsaw City Olean, NY Olean City Arkadelphia, AR Arkadelphia City Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City City Clarksdale, MS Clarksdale City Forrest City, AR Forrest City City Newton, IA Newton City Rockford, IL Rockford City Huntsville, TX Huntsville City Hobbs, NM Hobbs City Searcy, AR Searcy City Coshocton, OH Coshocton City McAllen, TX McAllen City Pecos, TX Pecos City Bridgeton, NJ Bridgeton City Daphne, AL Daphne City Victoria, TX Victoria City Bridgeport, CT Bridgeport City Coffeyville, KS Coffeyville City McMinnville, TN McMinnville City Dover, DE Dover City Oxnard, CA Oxnard City Monroe, WI Monroe City Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire City Holland-Grand Haven, MI Holland-Grand Haven City El Centro, CA El Centro City Altoona, PA Altoona City Uvalde, TX Uvalde City Portales, NM Portales City College Station, TX College Station City Albany, OR Albany City Traverse City, MI Traverse City City Batesville, AR Batesville City Columbia, TN Columbia City Woodward, OK Woodward City Pittsburg, KS Pittsburg City Hope, AR Hope City Lexington, KY Lexington City Rolla, MO Rolla City Laurinburg, NC Laurinburg City Greeley, CO Greeley City Allentown, PA Allentown City Summerville, GA Summerville City Oakland, CA Oakland City Sheboygan, WI Sheboygan City Madera, CA Madera City Reno-Sparks, NV Reno-Sparks City Lake City, FL Lake City City Lincoln, IL Lincoln City Andrews, TX Andrews City San Juan, PR San Juan City Jamestowna, NY Jamestowna City Decatur, IL Decatur City York, PA York City Coldwater, MI Coldwater City Oneonta, NY Oneonta City Kearney, NE Kearney City McAlester, OK McAlester City Portland, ME Portland City Elkhart, IN Elkhart City Marshall, MO Marshall City Greenville, MS Greenville City Tampa, FL Tampa City East Stroudsburg, PA East Stroudsburg City La Crosse, WI La Crosse City Rockingham, NC Rockingham City Fort Worth, TX Fort Worth City Dayton, OH Dayton City Wahpeton, ND Wahpeton City Rexburg, ID Rexburg City Sunbury, PA Sunbury City Arlington, VA Arlington City Camden, AR Camden City Merrill, WI Merrill City Orlando, FL Orlando City Akron, OH Akron City Aberdeen, WA Aberdeen City Bogalusa, LA Bogalusa City Anchorage, AK Anchorage City Mineral Wells, TX Mineral Wells City Kahului, HI Kahului City Fayetteville, AR Fayetteville City Beeville, TX Beeville City Ponca City, OK Ponca City City Willimantic, CT Willimantic City Canton, IL Canton City Grenada, MS Grenada City Batavia, NY Batavia City Brownsville, TN Brownsville City Morgantown, WV Morgantown City Hutchinson, KS Hutchinson City Berlin, NH Berlin City Sierra Vista, AZ Sierra Vista City Guayama, PR Guayama City North Vernon, IN North Vernon City Chillicothe, OH Chillicothe City Bozeman, MT Bozeman City Staunton-Waynesboro, VA Staunton-Waynesboro City Gainesville, FL Gainesville City Shelby, NC Shelby City St. Marys, St, Marys, PA St City Wilmington, NC Wilmington City Nogales, AZ Nogales City Kennewick, WA Kennewick City Coeur d'Alene, ID Coeur d'Alene City Columbus, NE Columbus City Fort Dodge, IA Fort Dodge City Fond du Lac, WI Fond du Lac City New Castle, IN New Castle City Spokane, WA Spokane City Marion, OH Marion City Connersville, IN Connersville City Columbus, MS Columbus City Owensboro, KY Owensboro City Erie, PA Erie City Flint, MI Flint City Bluefield, WV-VA Bluefield City Springfield, IL Springfield City Harriman, TN Harriman City Livonia, MI Livonia City Chicago, IL Chicago City Cordele, GA Cordele City Weirton, WV Weirton City Harrisburg, PA Harrisburg City Farmington, MO Farmington City Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs City Laconia, NH Laconia City Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz City Plainview, TX Plainview City Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee City Roseburg, OR Roseburg City Ocean Pines, MD Ocean Pines City San Antonio, TX San Antonio City Riverton, WY Riverton City Bellingham, WA Bellingham City Brownwood, TX Brownwood City Newport, TN Newport City St. George, St, George, UT St City Racine, WI Racine City Cleveland, TN Cleveland City Gillette, WY Gillette City Moses Lake, WA Moses Lake City Big Spring, TX Big Spring City Lufkin, TX Lufkin City Spencer, IA Spencer City Vallejo, CA Vallejo City Union City, TN Union City City Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem City Lake County, IL Lake County City Cornelia, GA Cornelia City Liberal, KS Liberal City San Sebastián, PR San Sebastián City Allegan, MI Allegan City Camden, NJ Camden City Red Bluff, CA Red Bluff City Augusta, ME Augusta City Auburn, AL Auburn City Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh City Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis City Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL Cape Coral-Fort Myers City West Helena, AR West Helena City Madison, WI Madison City Union, SC Union City Tuskegee, AL Tuskegee City Newberry, SC Newberry City Jonesboro, AR Jonesboro City St. Petersburg, St, Petersburg, FL St City Jacksonville, NC Jacksonville City Richmond, KY Richmond City Mayagüez, PR Mayagüez City Alma, MI Alma City Mount Airy, NC Mount Airy City Hinesville, GA Hinesville City Marquette, MI Marquette City Miami, FL Miami City Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls City Taylorville, IL Taylorville City Pocatello, ID Pocatello City Jesup, GA Jesup City McPherson, KS McPherson City Carlsbad, NM Carlsbad City Richmond, IN Richmond City Billings, MT Billings City Henderson, NC Henderson City Corning, NY Corning City Indianola, MS Indianola City Kingston, NY Kingston City Dubuque, IA Dubuque City Midland, MI Midland City McComb, MS McComb City Cheyenne, WY Cheyenne City Ukiah, CA Ukiah City Burley, ID Burley City Thomasville, GA Thomasville City Redding, CA Redding City Indiana, PA Indiana City Jackson, WY Jackson City Oskaloosa, IA Oskaloosa City Watertown, SD Watertown City South Bend, IN South Bend City Edwards, CO Edwards City Baton Rouge, LA Baton Rouge City Plattsburgh, NY Plattsburgh City Bedford, IN Bedford City Rockingham County, NH Rockingham County City Albert Lea, MN Albert Lea City Jackson, TN Jackson City Omaha, NE Omaha City Douglas, GA Douglas City Menomonie, WI Menomonie City Syracuse, NY Syracuse City Ellensburg, WA Ellensburg City Buffalo, NY Buffalo City Wheeling, WV-OH Wheeling City Asheville, NC Asheville City Gaithersburg, MD Gaithersburg City Lafayette, LA Lafayette City Ardmore, OK Ardmore City Naples, FL Naples City Lynchburg, VA Lynchburg City Palm Bay, FL Palm Bay City Bartlesville, OK Bartlesville City Springfield, MO Springfield City Salisbury, NC Salisbury City Washington, IN Washington City Lancaster, PA Lancaster City Phoenix, AZ Phoenix City Enid, OK Enid City Pendleton-Hermiston, OR Pendleton-Hermiston City Marysville, CA Marysville City Paris, TN Paris City Miami Beach, FL Miami Beach City Marinette, WI-MI Marinette City Bloomington, IN Bloomington City Shelbyville, TN Shelbyville City Sevierville, TN Sevierville City Las Vegas, NM Las Vegas City Mitchell, SD Mitchell City Adjuntas, PR Adjuntas City Fort Leonard Wood, MO Fort Leonard Wood City Hot Springs, AR Hot Springs City El Campo, TX El Campo City Cambridge, OH Cambridge City Napa, CA Napa City Palestine, TX Palestine City Roanoke, VA Roanoke City Lexington Park, MD Lexington Park City Sandusky, OH Sandusky City Thomaston, GA Thomaston City Hilo, HI Hilo City Tullahoma, TN Tullahoma City Durant, OK Durant City Torrington, CT Torrington City Homosassa Springs, FL Homosassa Springs City Mountain Home, ID Mountain Home City Jackson, MI Jackson City Seattle, WA Seattle City Guaynabo, PR Guaynabo City Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia City Baraboo, WI Baraboo City Winona, MN Winona City Pittsfield, MA Pittsfield City Salinas, CA Salinas City Mount Sterling, KY Mount Sterling City Tupelo, MS Tupelo City Pullman, WA Pullman City DuBois, PA DuBois City Burlington, NC Burlington City Gulfport, MS Gulfport City Easton, MD Easton City Alamogordo, NM Alamogordo City Athens, TX Athens City Muscatine, IA Muscatine City Boston, MA Boston City Bismarck, ND Bismarck City San Angelo, TX San Angelo City Harrison, AR Harrison City Ashtabula, OH Ashtabula City Keokuk, IA Keokuk City Natchez, MS-LA Natchez City Sherman-Denison, TX Sherman-Denison City Mountain Home, AR Mountain Home City Wichita Falls, TX Wichita Falls City Frankfort, IN Frankfort City Macon, GA Macon City Bennettsville, SC Bennettsville City Longview-Kelso, WA Longview-Kelso City Denver-Aurora, CO Denver-Aurora City San Luis Obispo, CA San Luis Obispo City London, KY London City Kokomo, IN Kokomo City Roswell, NM Roswell City Americus, GA Americus City Beaumont, TX Beaumont City Amarillo, TX Amarillo City Steubenville, OH Steubenville City Decatur, AL Decatur City Mexico, MO Mexico City Norwich, CT Norwich City Concord, NH Concord City Peru, IN Peru City Muskogee, OK Muskogee City Terre Haute, IN Terre Haute City Owosso, MI Owosso City Washington, NC Washington City Cleveland, MS Cleveland City Bucyrus, OH Bucyrus City Martinsville, VA Martinsville City Riverside, CA Riverside City Centralia, IL Centralia City Lamesa, TX Lamesa City Ada, OK Ada City Danville, KY Danville City Caguas, PR Caguas City Iron Mountain, MI Iron Mountain City Ketchikan, AK Ketchikan City Somerset, PA Somerset City Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee City Lake Charles, LA Lake Charles City Wisconsin Rapids, WI Wisconsin Rapids City Willmar, MN Willmar City Wabash, IN Wabash City La Grande, OR La Grande City Hereford, TX Hereford City Punta Gorda, FL Punta Gorda City Vicksburg, MS Vicksburg City Midland, TX Midland City Clovis, NM Clovis City Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA Santa Rosa-Petaluma City New Orleans, LA New Orleans City Worthington, MN Worthington City Ottumwa, IA Ottumwa City Sulphur Springs, TX Sulphur Springs City Portsmouth, OH Portsmouth City Findlay, OH Findlay City Whitewater, WI Whitewater City Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor City Keene, NH Keene City The Villages, FL The Villages City Maryville, MO Maryville City Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas City Waycross, GA Waycross City Davenport, IA Davenport City Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque City Houma, LA Houma City Yankton, SD Yankton City Austin, MN Austin City Statesboro, GA Statesboro City Fallon, NV Fallon City Selinsgrove, PA Selinsgrove City Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa City Lansing, MI Lansing City Marshall, TX Marshall City Dixon, IL Dixon City Worcester, MA Worcester City New Ulm, MN New Ulm City Faribault-Northfield, MN Faribault-Northfield City Sikeston, MO Sikeston City Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia City Eureka, CA Eureka City Norwalk, OH Norwalk City Dyersburg, TN Dyersburg City Sidney, OH Sidney City Greensburg, IN Greensburg City Fort Polk South, LA Fort Polk South City De Ridder, LA De Ridder City Dalton, GA Dalton City Ponce, PR Ponce City State College, PA State College City Logan, UT-ID Logan City Evansville, IN Evansville City Laredo, TX Laredo City Gloversville, NY Gloversville City Marietta, WV Marietta City Utica-Rome, NY Utica-Rome City Urbana, OH Urbana City Somerset, KY Somerset City Deming, NM Deming City Lincoln, NE Lincoln City Granbury, TX Granbury City Great Falls, MT Great Falls City Brookings, OR Brookings City Corpus Christi, TX Corpus Christi City Idaho Falls, ID Idaho Falls City Sterling, CO Sterling City Corbin, KY Corbin City Columbus, OH Columbus City Atchison, KS Atchison City Guymon, OK Guymon City Springfield, MA Springfield City Burlington, VT Burlington City Albany, NY Albany City Pontiac, IL Pontiac City Lewisburg, PA Lewisburg City Manhattan, KS Manhattan City Troy, AL Troy City Point Pleasant, WV Point Pleasant City Savannah, GA Savannah City Champaign, IL Champaign City Fort Smith, AR-OK Fort Smith City Gardnerville Ranchos, NV Gardnerville Ranchos City Monroe, MI Monroe City Wenatchee, WA Wenatchee City Loveland, CO Loveland City Sioux Falls, SD Sioux Falls City Ames, IA Ames City Beckley, WV Beckley City Carson City, NV Carson City City Toccoa, GA Toccoa City Centralia, WA Centralia City Crowley, LA Crowley City Lake Havasu City, AZ Lake Havasu City City Fostoria, OH Fostoria City Williamsport, PA Williamsport City Emporia, KS Emporia City Hannibal, MO Hannibal City Visalia, CA Visalia City Lock Haven, PA Lock Haven City Macomb, IL Macomb City Anderson, IN Anderson City Morristown, TN Morristown City Memphis, TN Memphis City Hayward, CA Hayward City Florence, AL Florence City Louisville, KY Louisville City Bainbridge, GA Bainbridge City Sanford, NC Sanford City Del Rio, TX Del Rio City Corvallis, OR Corvallis City Ashland, OH Ashland City Greenwood, SC Greenwood City Hilton Head Island-Beaufort, SC Hilton Head Island-Beaufort City Fremont, NE Fremont City Mount Vernon, OH Mount Vernon City Oil City, PA Oil City City Huron, SD Huron City Jasper, IN Jasper City Muncie, IN Muncie City Medford, OR Medford City Knoxville, TN Knoxville City Canon City, CO Canon City City Oxford, MS Oxford City Laurel, MS Laurel City Paragould, AR Paragould City Washington, DC Washington City Morehead City, NC Morehead City City Kendallville, IN Kendallville City Lafayette, IN Lafayette City Lexington, NE Lexington City Marshalltown, IA Marshalltown City Kingsport, TN Kingsport City Dumas, TX Dumas City Stevens Point, WI Stevens Point City Southern Pines, NC Southern Pines City Charleston, WV Charleston City Merced, CA Merced City City of The Dalles, OR City of The Dalles City Moultrie, GA Moultrie City Magnolia, AR Magnolia City Seymour, IN Seymour City Levelland, TX Levelland City East Liverpool, OH East Liverpool City Mount Pleasant, TX Mount Pleasant City Fort Walton Beach, FL Fort Walton Beach City Lawrence, KS Lawrence City Kill Devil Hills, NC Kill Devil Hills City Port St. Lucie, Port St, Lucie, FL Port St City Scranton, PA Scranton City Battle Creek, MI Battle Creek City Des Moines, IA Des Moines City Hood River, OR Hood River City Phoenix Lake, CA Phoenix Lake City Gettysburg, PA Gettysburg City Warrensburg, MO Warrensburg City Ontario, OR-ID Ontario City Greenville, OH Greenville City Cortland, NY Cortland City Olympia, WA Olympia City Seaford, DE Seaford City Youngstown, OH Youngstown City Gainesville, GA Gainesville City Dunn, NC Dunn City Binghamton, NY Binghamton City Bennington, VT Bennington City Shawnee, OK Shawnee City Montgomery, AL Montgomery City Green Bay, WI Green Bay City Grand Rapids, MI Grand Rapids City Bemidji, MN Bemidji City Salem, OR Salem City Silver City, NM Silver City City Fort Valley, GA Fort Valley City Little Rock, AR Little Rock City Missoula, MT Missoula City Elizabeth City, NC Elizabeth City City West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach City Shelton, WA Shelton City Las Cruces, NM Las Cruces City Columbus, IN Columbus City Ogden, UT Ogden City Waco, TX Waco City Marshall, MN Marshall City Meridian, MS Meridian City Jamestown, ND Jamestown City Boulder, CO Boulder City Milledgeville, GA Milledgeville City Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA Waterloo-Cedar Falls City Rock Springs, WY Rock Springs City Monroe, LA Monroe City Sault Ste. Marie, Sault Ste, Marie, MI Sault Ste City Van Wert, OH Van Wert City Santa Isabel, PR Santa Isabel City Defiance, OH Defiance City Alexandria, MN Alexandria City Cambridge, MD Cambridge City Scottsbluff, NE Scottsbluff City Edison, NJ Edison City Quincy, IL-MO Quincy City Selma, AL Selma City Vernal, UT Vernal City Portland, OR Portland City Hutchinson, MN Hutchinson City Frederick, MD Frederick City Birmingham, AL Birmingham City Washington, OH Washington City Tahlequah, OK Tahlequah City Yakima, WA Yakima City Santa Ana, CA Santa Ana City Angola, IN Angola City Duluth, MN Duluth City Mankato, MN Mankato City Rocky Mount, NC Rocky Mount City Minot, ND Minot City Lexington, NC Lexington City Salt Lake City, UT Salt Lake City City Laramie, WY Laramie City Springfield, OH Springfield City Topeka, KS Topeka City Plymouth, IN Plymouth City Palatka, FL Palatka City Cape Girardeau, MO Cape Girardeau City Key West-Marathon, FL Key West-Marathon City Clarksburg, WV Clarksburg City Seneca Falls, NY Seneca Falls City Fairmont, WV Fairmont City Brenham, TX Brenham City Rome, GA Rome City Peoria, IL Peoria City Hagerstown, MD Hagerstown City Stillwater, OK Stillwater City Marshfield, WI Marshfield City Starkville, MS Starkville City Chico, CA Chico City Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati City Pierre, SD Pierre City Chester, SC Chester City Wilmington, OH Wilmington City St. Louis, St, Louis, MO-IL St City Rochester, MN Rochester City Kapaa, HI Kapaa City Richmond, VA Richmond City Dodge City, KS Dodge City City Wooster, OH Wooster City Cadillac, MI Cadillac City Minden, LA Minden City Wauchula, FL Wauchula City Baltimore, MD Baltimore City Bloomsburg, PA Bloomsburg City Michigan City, IN Michigan City City Stockton, CA Stockton City Forest City, NC Forest City City Grand Junction, CO Grand Junction City Warner Robins, GA Warner Robins City Virginia Beach, VA Virginia Beach City Fresno, CA Fresno City Spearfish, SD Spearfish City Raleigh-Cary, NC Raleigh-Cary City Jacksonville, TX Jacksonville City Jefferson City, MO Jefferson City City Durham, NC Durham City Kennett, MO Kennett City Lakeland, FL Lakeland City Yauco, PR Yauco City Johnstown, PA Johnstown City Georgetown, SC Georgetown City Storm Lake, IA Storm Lake City Cookeville, TN Cookeville City Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville City Aberdeen, SD Aberdeen City Winfield, KS Winfield City Crossville, TN Crossville City Sioux City, IA-NE-SD Sioux City City Corsicana, TX Corsicana City Campbellsville, KY Campbellsville City Russellville, AR Russellville City Harrisonburg, VA Harrisonburg City Effingham, IL Effingham City Texarkana, AR Texarkana City Nashville, TN Nashville City Dallas, TX Dallas City Sheridan, WY Sheridan City Havre, MT Havre City Columbia, SC Columbia City Brevard, NC Brevard City Marion, IN Marion City Beaver Dam, WI Beaver Dam City Myrtle Beach, SC Myrtle Beach City Hattiesburg, MS Hattiesburg City Poplar Bluff, MO Poplar Bluff City Brownsville, TX Brownsville City Roanoke Rapids, NC Roanoke Rapids City Clearlake, CA Clearlake City Blytheville, AR Blytheville City Jennings, LA Jennings City Salina, KS Salina City New Philadelphia, OH New Philadelphia City Glens Falls, NY Glens Falls City Brainerd, MN Brainerd City Wausau, WI Wausau City Tallulah, LA Tallulah City Longview, TX Longview City Madison, IN Madison City Saginaw, MI Saginaw City Twin Falls, ID Twin Falls City Tifton, GA Tifton City Valdosta, GA Valdosta City Enterprise, AL Enterprise City Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir, NC Hickory-Morganton-Lenoir City Mayfield, KY Mayfield City Valley, AL Valley City Juneau, AK Juneau City Big Rapids, MI Big Rapids City Bay City, MI Bay City City Malone, NY Malone City Stephenville, TX Stephenville City Carbondale, IL Carbondale City Picayune, MS Picayune City Isabela, PR Isabela City Orangeburg, SC Orangeburg City Greensboro, NC Greensboro City Yazoo City, MS Yazoo City City Amsterdam, NY Amsterdam City Fort Lauderdale, FL Fort Lauderdale City Panama City, FL Panama City City Hastings, NE Hastings City Williston, ND Williston City Winchester, VA Winchester City Lewiston, ME Lewiston City Dothan, AL Dothan City OH, USA OH State WV, USA WV State PA, USA PA State FL, USA FL State Miami-Dade, FL, USA Miami-Dade County GA, USA GA State Tift, GA, USA Tift County CA, USA CA State San Luis Obispo, CA, USA San Luis Obispo County WI, USA WI State TX, USA TX State Navarro, TX, USA Navarro County IA, USA IA State Lee, IA, USA Lee County KY, USA KY State Warren, KY, USA Warren County Indian River, FL, USA Indian River County DE-MD-NJ, USA DE-MD-NJ State New Castle, DE-MD-NJ, USA New Castle County MS-LA, USA MS-LA State Natchitoches, MS-LA, USA Natchitoches County OR, USA OR State WA, USA WA State OK, USA OK State PR, USA PR State Mahaska, IA, USA Mahaska County ME, USA ME State Marshall, IA, USA Marshall County NV, USA NV State TN, USA TN State Bexar, TX, USA Bexar County San Joaquin, CA, USA San Joaquin County SC, USA SC State MO, USA MO State Gregg, TX, USA Gregg County Tulare, CA, USA Tulare County AR, USA AR State Columbia, AR, USA Columbia County WV-OH, USA WV-OH State IN, USA IN State Kosciusko, IN, USA Kosciusko County MS, USA MS State NM, USA NM State Dougherty, GA, USA Dougherty County NC, USA NC State Smith, TX, USA Smith County Hillsborough, FL, USA Hillsborough County MI, USA MI State AL, USA AL State Coffee, AL, USA Coffee County MN, USA MN State Webster, IA, USA Webster County Broward, FL, USA Broward County Reeves, TX, USA Reeves County Graves, KY, USA Graves County Scott, IN, USA Scott County Gray, TX, USA Gray County NY, USA NY State WY, USA WY State SD, USA SD State ND, USA ND State TN-GA, USA TN-GA State LA, USA LA State Calcasieu, LA, USA Calcasieu County Cullman, AL, USA Cullman County Sumter, GA, USA Sumter County MT, USA MT State UT, USA UT State Genesee, NY, USA Genesee County Stephens, GA, USA Stephens County ID, USA ID State Bingham, ID, USA Bingham County Louis, St, Louis, MO-IL, USA Louis, St, Louis, MO-IL State Colquitt, GA, USA Colquitt County Miami, IN, USA Miami County MA, USA MA State Berkshire, MA, USA Berkshire County Steuben, NY, USA Steuben County IL, USA IL State Jackson, IL, USA Jackson County VA, USA VA State Columbia, FL, USA Columbia County Boone, IA, USA Boone County Hampden, MA, USA Hampden County OR-ID, USA OR-ID State Val Verde, TX, USA Val Verde County Jackson, IN, USA Jackson County CO, USA CO State Weld, CO, USA Weld County DE, USA DE State Sussex, DE, USA Sussex County Habersham, GA, USA Habersham County Morgan, CO, USA Morgan County MD, USA MD State Pike, AL, USA Pike County Cassia, ID, USA Cassia County San Mateo, CA, USA San Mateo County NE, USA NE State Pope, AR, USA Pope County Jefferson, KY, USA Jefferson County Lee, AL, USA Lee County Putnam, FL, USA Putnam County KS, USA KS State Riley, KS, USA Riley County Potter, TX, USA Potter County Laurel, KY, USA Laurel County Volusia, FL, USA Volusia County IA-NE-SD, USA IA-NE-SD State Woodbury, IA-NE-SD, USA Woodbury County VT, USA VT State Marys, St, Marys, PA, USA Marys, St, Marys, PA State Madison, GA, USA Madison County Brazos, TX, USA Brazos County Cherokee, TX, USA Cherokee County AZ, USA AZ State Gila, AZ, USA Gila County Solano, CA, USA Solano County AK, USA AK State Vanderburgh, IN, USA Vanderburgh County Maverick, TX, USA Maverick County Columbia, NY, USA Columbia County Mesa, CO, USA Mesa County Sumter, FL, USA Sumter County Andrews, TX, USA Andrews County Clinton, IA, USA Clinton County Wapello, IA, USA Wapello County IL-MO, USA IL-MO State Adams, IL-MO, USA Adams County Upson, GA, USA Upson County Chatham, GA, USA Chatham County Nolan, TX, USA Nolan County Lyon, KS, USA Lyon County Johnson, IA, USA Johnson County Marshall, AL, USA Marshall County Fulton, NY, USA Fulton County Jim Wells, TX, USA Jim Wells County Reno, KS, USA Reno County Cowley, KS, USA Cowley County Phillips, AR, USA Phillips County Liberty, GA, USA Liberty County KY-IL, USA KY-IL State McCracken, KY-IL, USA McCracken County Lauderdale, AL, USA Lauderdale County Logan, CO, USA Logan County Madison, IN, USA Madison County Tangipahoa, LA, USA Tangipahoa County Buena Vista, IA, USA Buena Vista County Barren, KY, USA Barren County Seward, KS, USA Seward County Steuben, IN, USA Steuben County Vermilion, IL, USA Vermilion County Douglas, KS, USA Douglas County WI-MI, USA WI-MI State Chattooga, GA, USA Chattooga County Independence, AR, USA Independence County Ware, GA, USA Ware County Story, IA, USA Story County Webb, TX, USA Webb County Hockley, TX, USA Hockley County Alameda, CA, USA Alameda County Cook, IL, USA Cook County Macon, AL, USA Macon County Tehama, CA, USA Tehama County UT-ID, USA UT-ID State Montgomery, IN, USA Montgomery County Maricopa, AZ, USA Maricopa County Rapides, LA, USA Rapides County Caddo, LA, USA Caddo County Baldwin, AL, USA Baldwin County Hall, GA, USA Hall County Larimer, CO, USA Larimer County Howard, IN, USA Howard County Grant, IN, USA Grant County Daviess, IN, USA Daviess County Craighead, AR, USA Craighead County AR-OK, USA AR-OK State Sebastian, AR-OK, USA Sebastian County Madison, ID, USA Madison County HI, USA HI State Palm Beach, FL, USA Palm Beach County Kleberg, TX, USA Kleberg County Madison, LA, USA Madison County Onondaga, NY, USA Onondaga County George, UT, USA George, UT State McLennan, TX, USA McLennan County Washington, TX, USA Washington County Henry, IN, USA Henry County Winnebago, IL, USA Winnebago County Montgomery, KS, USA Montgomery County Fayette, IN, USA Fayette County Palo Pinto, TX, USA Palo Pinto County Shawnee, KS, USA Shawnee County NH, USA NH State Adams, IN, USA Adams County Llano, TX, USA Llano County Christian, IL, USA Christian County Ulster, NY, USA Ulster County Lee, IL, USA Lee County CT, USA CT State Fairfield, CT, USA Fairfield County NJ, USA NJ State Napa, CA, USA Napa County Dutchess, NY, USA Dutchess County Eagle, CO, USA Eagle County Charlotte, FL, USA Charlotte County Imperial, CA, USA Imperial County Deaf Smith, TX, USA Deaf Smith County Wabash, IN, USA Wabash County Hardee, FL, USA Hardee County Fulton, GA, USA Fulton County Cayuga, NY, USA Cayuga County Summit, CO, USA Summit County Starr, TX, USA Starr County Dickinson, IA, USA Dickinson County Lawrence, IN, USA Lawrence County Seneca, NY, USA Seneca County Sangamon, IL, USA Sangamon County Washington, AR, USA Washington County Houston, GA, USA Houston County Pueblo, CO, USA Pueblo County White, AR, USA White County Bulloch, GA, USA Bulloch County Hartford, CT, USA Hartford County RI, USA RI State Taylor, KY, USA Taylor County Bartholomew, IN, USA Bartholomew County Escambia, FL, USA Escambia County Warren, NY, USA Warren County Whiteside, IL, USA Whiteside County Worcester, MA, USA Worcester County Tippecanoe, IN, USA Tippecanoe County Wayne, GA, USA Wayne County Albany, NY, USA Albany County Marshall, IN, USA Marshall County Marion, FL, USA Marion County Wichita, TX, USA Wichita County Bee, TX, USA Bee County Decatur, IN, USA Decatur County Daviess, KY, USA Daviess County Humboldt, CA, USA Humboldt County Pulaski, AR, USA Pulaski County Cortland, NY, USA Cortland County Monterey, CA, USA Monterey County Saline, KS, USA Saline County Jasper, IA, USA Jasper County Pulaski, KY, USA Pulaski County Mohave, AZ, USA Mohave County Polk, IA, USA Polk County Bay, FL, USA Bay County Duval, FL, USA Duval County Boone, AR, USA Boone County Cattaraugus, NY, USA Cattaraugus County Clinton, IN, USA Clinton County Santa Cruz, AZ, USA Santa Cruz County Ouachita, LA, USA Ouachita County Effingham, IL, USA Effingham County Jefferson, TX, USA Jefferson County Orleans, LA, USA Orleans County Elmore, ID, USA Elmore County La Plata, CO, USA La Plata County Kootenai, ID, USA Kootenai County Ben Hill, GA, USA Ben Hill County Ouachita, AR, USA Ouachita County Vigo, IN, USA Vigo County Hidalgo, TX, USA Hidalgo County Lincoln, LA, USA Lincoln County Greene, AR, USA Greene County Chambers, AL, USA Chambers County Delaware, IN, USA Delaware County Windham, CT, USA Windham County Suffolk, MA, USA Suffolk County GA-AL, USA GA-AL State Jefferson, GA-AL, USA Jefferson County Bell, TX, USA Bell County Macon, IL, USA Macon County Jefferson, IN, USA Jefferson County Decatur, GA, USA Decatur County Scott, IA, USA Scott County Finney, KS, USA Finney County Henderson, TX, USA Henderson County Leon, FL, USA Leon County Hopkins, TX, USA Hopkins County Yuma, AZ, USA Yuma County Fayette, KY, USA Fayette County Wayne, IN, USA Wayne County Wharton, TX, USA Wharton County Boulder, CO, USA Boulder County Rusk, TX, USA Rusk County El Paso, CO, USA El Paso County Crawford, KS, USA Crawford County Bonneville, ID, USA Bonneville County Des Moines, IA, USA Des Moines County Crisp, GA, USA Crisp County Kent, DE, USA Kent County Montgomery, KY, USA Montgomery County Brevard, FL, USA Brevard County Dawson, TX, USA Dawson County Lafayette, LA, USA Lafayette County Lucie, FL, USA Lucie, FL State Morgan, AL, USA Morgan County Pinellas, FL, USA Pinellas County Matagorda, TX, USA Matagorda County Peach, GA, USA Peach County St. Clair, IL, USA St. Clair County Lake, IN, USA Lake County Taylor, TX, USA Taylor County Clark, AR, USA Clark County Muscatine, IA, USA Muscatine County Ventura, CA, USA Ventura County Orange, CA, USA Orange County St. Joseph, IN, USA St. Joseph County Laurens, GA, USA Laurens County Harris, TX, USA Harris County Lowndes, GA, USA Lowndes County East Baton Rouge, LA, USA East Baton Rouge County Franklin, KY, USA Franklin County LaPorte, IN, USA LaPorte County Latah, ID, USA Latah County Moore, TX, USA Moore County Harrison, TX, USA Harrison County McPherson, KS, USA McPherson County Collier, FL, USA Collier County Madison, KY, USA Madison County Tom Green, TX, USA Tom Green County Okaloosa, FL, USA Okaloosa County Whitley, KY, USA Whitley County Broome, NY, USA Broome County Polk, FL, USA Polk County Ellis, KS, USA Ellis County Acadia, LA, USA Acadia County Madison, AL, USA Madison County Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles County Mason, KY, USA Mason County Stanislaus, CA, USA Stanislaus County Marion, IL, USA Marion County Nueces, TX, USA Nueces County Floyd, GA, USA Floyd County Wilbarger, TX, USA Wilbarger County Mississippi, AR, USA Mississippi County Cameron, TX, USA Cameron County Hempstead, AR, USA Hempstead County Pima, AZ, USA Pima County San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco County Coffee, GA, USA Coffee County Hood, TX, USA Hood County Erath, TX, USA Erath County Webster, LA, USA Webster County Fulton, IL, USA Fulton County Mobile, AL, USA Mobile County Talladega, AL, USA Talladega County Butte, CA, USA Butte County Tarrant, TX, USA Tarrant County Montgomery, AL, USA Montgomery County Orange, FL, USA Orange County WV-VA, USA WV-VA State Clinton, NY, USA Clinton County Monroe, IN, USA Monroe County McDonough, IL, USA McDonough County DC, USA DC State District of Columbia, DC, USA District of Columbia County Noble, IN, USA Noble County Litchfield, CT, USA Litchfield County Limestone, TX, USA Limestone County Houston, AL, USA Houston County Walker, TX, USA Walker County Edwards, IL, USA Edwards County Madera, CA, USA Madera County Dallas, TX, USA Dallas County New London, CT, USA New London County Franklin, NY, USA Franklin County Sutter, CA, USA Sutter County Miller, AR, USA Miller County Bannock, ID, USA Bannock County Cochise, AZ, USA Cochise County Alachua, FL, USA Alachua County Dubuque, IA, USA Dubuque County Polk, GA, USA Polk County Angelina, TX, USA Angelina County Citrus, FL, USA Citrus County Peoria, IL, USA Peoria County Champaign, IL, USA Champaign County Bibb, GA, USA Bibb County Boyle, KY, USA Boyle County Elkhart, IN, USA Elkhart County St. Mary, LA, USA St. Mary County Clarke, GA, USA Clarke County Coconino, AZ, USA Coconino County Mendocino, CA, USA Mendocino County Jefferson Davis, LA, USA Jefferson Davis County Fresno, CA, USA Fresno County Yuba, CA, USA Yuba County Terrebonne, LA, USA Terrebonne County DeSoto, FL, USA DeSoto County Logan, IL, USA Logan County Montrose, CO, USA Montrose County Muhlenberg, KY, USA Muhlenberg County Houston, TX, USA Houston County Jennings, IN, USA Jennings County Erie, NY, USA Erie County Kerr, TX, USA Kerr County Inyo, CA, USA Inyo County San Diego, CA, USA San Diego County Dubois, IN, USA Dubois County Clay, IA, USA Clay County Midland, TX, USA Midland County Calhoun, AL, USA Calhoun County Etowah, AL, USA Etowah County Garland, AR, USA Garland County La Salle, IL, USA La Salle County Twin Falls, ID, USA Twin Falls County St. Francis, AR, USA St. Francis County Tuolumne, CA, USA Tuolumne County Atchison, KS, USA Atchison County Santa Cruz, CA, USA Santa Cruz County New Haven, CT, USA New Haven County Chemung, NY, USA Chemung County Flagler, FL, USA Flagler County Nez Perce, ID, USA Nez Perce County Baldwin, GA, USA Baldwin County Middlesex, MA, USA Middlesex County Howard, TX, USA Howard County Dallas, AL, USA Dallas County Merced, CA, USA Merced County Uvalde, TX, USA Uvalde County Ford, KS, USA Ford County Otsego, NY, USA Otsego County Jefferson, AL, USA Jefferson County Lake, CA, USA Lake County Shasta, CA, USA Shasta County Allen, IN, USA Allen County Graham, AZ, USA Graham County Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Tuscaloosa County Montgomery, NY, USA Montgomery County Washington, LA, USA Washington County St. Lawrence, NY, USA St. Lawrence County New York Public Library Library
5th Ave at 42 street New York New York USA 11111
Aunt Martha's Attic Collection
123 Main St Someville ST USA
Public Library Great Falls Library
Bookstore street 5 Great Falls MT USA
Names can notes, too. This is a note for the alternate name of Louse Garner for Lewis Anderson Garner. Strange, isn't it. We have committed to synergistically disseminate resource-leveling methods of empowerment to set us apart from the competition. We envision to globally integrate inexpensive paradigms and professionally engineer timely technology while promoting personal employee growth. Our mission is to assertively build world-class methods of empowerment so that we may professionally promote parallel services to set us apart from the competition. It's our responsibility to dramatically maintain value-added services as well as to professionally simplify principle-centered technology for 100% customer satisfaction. Thanks to the Mission Statement Generator from Courtesy of pyschoanalyze-pinhead from Emacs. I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. SHHHH!! I hear SIX TATTOOED TRUCK-DRIVERS tossing ENGINE BLOCKS into empty OIL DRUMS.. Why do you say that? I have accepted Provolone into my life! What makes you believe you have accepted provolone into your life? It's 74 degrees, 12 minutes NORTH, and 41 degrees, 3 minutes EAST!! Soon, it will be TUESDAY!! Maybe your plans have something to do with this. GOOD-NIGHT, everybody.. Now I have to go administer FIRST-AID to my pet LEISURE SUIT!! I don't understand. I'm QUIETLY reading the latest issue of ``BOWLING WORLD'' while my wife and two children stand QUIETLY BY.. Tell me something about your family. How do I get HOME? Is it because do you get home that you came to me? Kids, the seven basic food groups are GUM, PUFF PASTRY, PIZZA, PESTICIDES, ANTIBIOTICS, NUTRA-SWEET and MILK DUDS!! GRAMPS aid to look for its tree to him of family. It allows that you store data of genealogische to draw for above and investigating. GRAMPS tries to make all the general capacities available of other programs of genealogischer more importantly but, to put an additional capacity of integration at your service not generally for these programs. This one is the capacity to directly incorporate all the possible pieces of the information in Gramps and the cases of the data cambiar/manipulateany/all in the whole data base (in any order or order) around the user to support, if it makes the investigation, analysis and interrelation with the potential of the distances of the relation that fill. This is a paragraph from the page that was translated by Google's Language Tools to German, back to English, then to Spanish, and once again back to English. His name is my name, too. The repository reference from the source is important Some note on the repo On every third blue moon, Lewis Anderson Garner would dress in a purple dress and claim that his name was Louis Garner. Ask librarian for key to the microfilm closet of Great Falls church, it is closed normally 1855-06-25 line 1 fac secunda Junij Baptiza- line 2 tus est Lewis Anderson line 3 filius legitimus Guillielmus line 4 Garner et Elisabetha line 5 Becks. Susceptores fuerent line 6 petrus Arts et Catharina line 7 van de Voorde 1855-06-25: I baptized on June the second Lewis Anderson legitimate son of Guillielmus Garner and Elisabetha Becke. Godparents were petrus Arts and Catharina Van de Voorde How did he die? We need to find out! Perhaps we find info in the new york library This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. This is a preformatted note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. This is a note showing a lot of different markup that mixes with each other making it a good stress test for markup notes. test | val1 | val2 ------------------------------ me | blue | red This source has all possible references pointing to it. The references are as follows: This note appears as a note to the source and also as a note for the person. page 01 Person page 02 Name page 03 Address page 04 Attribute page 05 PersonRef page 06 MediaRef page 07 Attribute page 08 LdsOrd page 09 EventRef:Attribute page 10 Family page 11 Attribute page 12 ChildRef page 13 MediaRef page 14 Attribute page 15 LdsOrd page 16 EventRef:Attribute page 17 Event page 18 Attribute page 19 MediaRef page 20 Attribute page 21 MediaObject page 22 Attribute page 23 Place page 24 MediaRef page 25 Attribute page 26 Repository:Address