Please read the COPYING file first. Requirements -------------------------------- Python 1.5.2 or greater Gnome 1.2 or greater PyGnome 1.0.53 or greater PyXML 0.6.2 or greater ( Building on non-Linux systems: i18n support and GNU make -------------------------------------------------------- Linux has libintl (GNU gettext) built-in the C library. Other systems are likely to have libintl as a separate or optional library. Also, other systems may have a different make utility. On those systems, like FreeBSD, you must tell configure where to find the libintl library and the libintl.h include file: CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local Once you have done this, if make fails, use gmake (the name FreeBSD gives to GNU make) instead. -------------------------------- Donald Allingham