# Esperanto translation for Gramps
# $Id$
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Gramps package.
# translation of nova.po to Esperanto
# translation of eo.po to Esperanto
# translation of template.po to Esperanto
# Pier Luigi Cinquantini <petrolinux@infinito.it>, 2003, 2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-01 16:03+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-08 13:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: josip <josip@pisoj.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <kde-i18n-it@kde.org>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.4\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: ../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in.h:1
msgid ""
"Gramps is a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and "
"feature-complete for professional genealogists."
msgstr ""
"Gramps estas genealogia programo, kaj intuicia por hobiemuloj kaj plenebleca "
"por profesiaj geneologistoj."

#: ../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"It gives you the ability to record the many details of the life of an "
"individual as well as the complex relationships between various people, "
"places and events."
msgstr ""
"Ĝi donas la eblecon registri la plej multajn detalojn de vivo de persono, "
"same kiel la kompleksajn rilatojn inter diversaj personoj, lokoj kaj eventoj."

#: ../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in.h:3
msgid ""
"All of your research is kept organized, searchable and as precise as you "
"need it to be."
msgstr ""
"Ĉiu via esploro estas konservata organizita, esplorebla kaj preciza kiel vi "

#: ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h:1 ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:8
msgid "Gramps"
msgstr "Gramps"

#: ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Genealogy System"
msgstr "Genealogia sistemo"

#: ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h:3
msgid "Gramps Genealogy System"
msgstr "Genealogia Sistemo Gramps"

#: ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h:4
msgid ""
"Manage genealogical information, perform genealogical research and analysis"
msgstr ""
"Administras genealogiajn informoj, plenumas genealogiajn serĉadon kaj "

#: ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h:5
msgid "Genealogy;Family History;Research;Family Tree;GEDCOM;"
msgstr "Geneakogio;Familia historio;Esplorado;Genealogia Arbo;GEDCOM;"

#: ../data/gramps.keys.in.h:1 ../data/gramps.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Gramps database"
msgstr "Gramps-datumbazo"

#: ../data/gramps.keys.in.h:2 ../data/gramps.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Gramps package"
msgstr "Gramps-pakaĵo"

#: ../data/gramps.keys.in.h:3 ../data/gramps.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Gramps XML database"
msgstr "GRAMPS-XML-datumbazo"

#: ../data/gramps.keys.in.h:4 ../data/gramps.xml.in.h:2
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:73
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:51
msgid "GEDCOM"
msgstr "GEDCOM"

#: ../data/gramps.keys.in.h:5 ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:70
msgid "GeneWeb"
msgstr "GeneWeb"

#: ../data/gramps.xml.in.h:5
msgid "GeneWeb source file"
msgstr "Fontdosiero de GeneWeb"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:1
msgid ""
"<b>Working with Dates</b><br/>A range of dates can be given by using the "
"format &quot;between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003&quot;. You can also "
"indicate the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven "
"different calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events "
msgstr ""
"<b>Labori per Datoj</b><br/>Oni povas doni intervalon de datoj utiligante la "
"formaton &quot;inter la 4a de januaro 2000 kaj la 2a de marto 2003&quot;. "
"Oni povas ankaŭ indiki la nivelon de konfido pri dato kaj eĉ elekti inter "
"sep malsamaj kalendaroj. Provu la butonon apud la datkampo en la "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"<b>Editing Objects</b><br/>In most cases double clicking on a name, source, "
"place or media entry will bring up a window to allow you to edit the object. "
"Note that the result can be dependent on context. For example, in the Family "
"View clicking on a parent or child will bring up the Relationship Editor."
msgstr ""
"<b>Redaktado de Objektoj</b><br/>En la plejparto de la kazoj duoble-klakante "
"sur nomo, fonto, loko aŭ aŭdvidaĵo montriĝos fenestro kie eblas redakti la "
"objekton. Notu ke la rezulto dependos de la kunteksto. Ekzemple, en la "
"Famili-vido, la alklako de gepatro aŭ fil(in)o montros la redaktilon de "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:3
msgid ""
"<b>Adding Images</b><br/>An image can be added to any gallery or the Media "
"View by dragging and dropping it from a file manager or a web browser. "
"Actually you can add any type of file like this, useful for scans of "
"documents and other digital sources."
msgstr ""
"<b>Aldono de Bildoj</b><br/>Oni povas aldoni bildon al ĉiu ajn galerio aŭ "
"aŭdvidaĵa vido ŝovante kaj demetante ĝin el dosieradministrilo aŭ "
"retfoliumilo. Nuntempe vi povas aldoni ĉiun ajn tipon de dosiero kiel ĉi "
"tiu. Tio utilas por ciferecigo de dokumentoj aŭ aliaj ciferecaj fontoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:4
msgid ""
"<b>Ordering Children in a Family</b><br/>The birth order of children in a "
"family can be set by using drag and drop. This order is preserved even when "
"they do not have birth dates."
msgstr ""
"<b>Ordigo de Gefiloj en Familio</b><br/>La naskiĝordon de gefiloj en familio "
"oni povas aranĝi per ŝovo kaj demeto. Ĉi tiu ordo estos konservita eĉ se "
"mankas naskiĝdatoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:5
msgid ""
"<b>Talk to Relatives Before It Is Too Late</b><br/>Your oldest relatives can "
"be your most important source of information. They usually know things about "
"the family that haven't been written down. They might tell you nuggets about "
"people that may one day lead to a new avenue of research. At the very least, "
"you will get to hear some great stories. Don't forget to record the "
msgstr ""
"<b>Parolu kun viaj parencoj antaŭ ol estu tro malfrue</b><br/>Viaj plej "
"maljunaj parencoj povas esti la plej grava fonto de informoj. Ili kutime "
"konas aferojn pri via familio, neniam skribitajn. Ili povus rakonti al vi "
"interesajn historiojn pri personoj kiuj povus gvidi vin iam sur nova vojo "
"por via esploroj. Se tio ne okazos, tamen vi almenaŭ povos aŭdi kelkajn "
"grandaj rakontojn. Ne forgesu surbendigi la konversaciojn!"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:6
msgid ""
"<b>Filtering People</b><br/>In the People View, you can 'filter' individuals "
"based on many criteria. To define a new filter go to &quot;Edit &gt; Person "
"Filter Editor&quot;. There you can name your filter and add and combine "
"rules using the many preset rules. For example, you can define a filter to "
"find all adopted people in the family tree. People without a birth date "
"mentioned can also be filtered. To get the results save your filter and "
"select it at the bottom of the Filter Sidebar, then click Apply. If the "
"Filter Sidebar is not visible, select View &gt; Filter."
msgstr ""
"<b>Filtrado de la Personoj</b><br/>En la Person-vido, vi povas 'filtri' "
"individuojn laŭ multaj kriterioj. Por difini novan filtrilon iru al &quot;"
"Redaktu&gt; Persona Filtrilredaktilo&quot;.  Tie vi povas nomi vian "
"filtrilon kaj aldoni kaj kombini regulojn uzante la tie jam ĉeestantajn. "
"Ekzemple, vi povas difini filtrilon por trovi ĉiujn adoptitajn gefilojn en "
"la genealogia arbo. Ankaŭ personoj sen naskiĝdato estos filtritaj. Por "
"ricevi la rezultojn konservu vian filtrilonkaj elektu ĝin ĉe la malsupro de "
"la Filtrila Flanka Breto, tiam alklaku Apliku. Se la Filtrila Flanka Breto "
"ne videblas, elektu Vidigu &gt; Filtrilo."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:7
msgid ""
"<b>Inverted Filtering</b><br/>Filters can easily be reversed by using the "
"'invert' option. For instance, by inverting the 'People with children' "
"filter you can select all people without children."
msgstr ""
"<b>Inversa Filtrado</b><br/>Filtriloj povas facile esti inversigitaj uzante "
"la opcion 'inversa'. Ekzemple, inversigante la filtrilon 'Personoj kun "
"gefiloj' vi povas elekti ĉiujn personojn sen gefiloj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:8
msgid ""
"<b>Locating People</b><br/>By default, each surname in the People View is "
"listed only once. By clicking on the arrow to the left of a name, the list "
"will expand to show all individuals with that last name. To locate any "
"Family Name from a long list, select a Family Name (not a person) and start "
"typing. The view will jump to the first Family Name matching the letters you "
msgstr ""
"<b>Trovi Personojn</b><br/>Defaŭlte, ĉiu familinomo en la Person-vido estas "
"listigita nur unufoje. Alklakante la sageton maldekstre de la nomo, la listo "
"etendiĝos por montri ĉiujn individuojn kun tiu familinomo. Por trovi "
"familinomon en longa listo, elektu familinomon (ne personon) kaj komencu "
"tajpi. La vido montros la unuan Familinomon kongruan kun la leteroj kiujn vi "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:9
msgid ""
"<b>The Family View</b><br/>The Family View is used to display a typical "
"family unit as two parents and their children."
msgstr ""
"<b>Famili-vido</b><br/>La Famili-vidon oni uzas por montri tipan familian "
"unuon kun du gepatroj kaj iliaj gefiloj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:10
msgid ""
"<b>Changing the Active Person</b><br/>Changing the Active Person in views is "
"easy. In the Relationship view just click on anyone. In the Ancestry View "
"doubleclick on the person or right click to select any of their spouses, "
"siblings, children or parents."
msgstr ""
"<b>Ŝanĝi la Aktivan Personon</b><br/>Ŝanĝi la aktivan personon en la vidoj "
"estas facile. En la Parenceca Vido alklaku iun ajn. En la Praula Vido duoble-"
"alklaku sur la persono aŭ dekstre-alklaku por elekti iun el iliaj geedzoj, "
"gefratoj aŭ gepatroj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:11
msgid ""
"<b>Who Was Born When?</b><br/>Under &quot;Tools &gt; Analysis and "
"exploration &gt; Compare Individual Events...&quot; you can compare the data "
"of individuals in your database. This is useful, say, if you wish to list "
"the birth dates of everyone in your database. You can use a custom filter to "
"narrow the results."
msgstr ""
"<b>Kiu naskiĝis kiam?</b><br/>Sub&quotIloj &gt; Analzo kaj esploro&gt; "
"Komparu person-eventojn...&quot;oni povas kompari la datumojn de la "
"individuoj de la datumbazo. Tio utilas se oni volas fari liston de ĉiuj "
"naskiĝdatoj de la datumbazo. Oni povas malgrandigi la rezultojn per propra "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:12
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps Tools</b><br/>Gramps comes with a rich set of tools. These allow "
"you to undertake operations such as checking the database for errors and "
"consistency. There are research and analysis tools such as event comparison, "
"finding duplicate people, interactive descendant browser, and many others. "
"All tools can be accessed through the &quot;Tools&quot; menu."
msgstr ""
"<b>Iloj de Gramps</b><br/>Gramps havas grandan aron de iloj. Ili permesas "
"fari operaciojn kiel kontroladon de la datumbazo por serĉi erarojn kaj "
"malkongruaĵojn. Ekzistas esploraj kaj analizaj iloj kiel  eventokomparoj, "
"serĉado de duoblaĵoj, interaktiva foliumilo de praidaro, kaj multaj aliaj."
"Ĉiuj iloj estas alireblaj tra la menuero &quot;Iloj&quot;."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:13
msgid ""
"<b>Calculating Relationships</b><br/>To check if two people in the database "
"are related (by blood, not marriage) try the tool under &quot;Tools &gt; "
"Utilities &gt; Relationship Calculator...&quot;. The exact relationship as "
"well as all common ancestors are reported."
msgstr ""
"<b>Kalkulado de parencecoj</b><br/>Por kontroli ĉu du personoj en la "
"datumbazo estas parencoj (sange, ne pro geedziĝo) oni provu la ilon sub "
"&quot;Iloj &gt; Utilaĵoj &gt; Parenceckalkulilo...&quot;. Estos raportitaj "
"la ekzakta parenceco kaj ĉiuj komunaj prauloj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:14
msgid ""
"<b>SoundEx can help with family research</b><br/>SoundEx solves a long "
"standing problem in genealogy, how to handle spelling variations. The "
"SoundEx utility takes a surname and generates a simplified form that is "
"equivalent for similar sounding names. Knowing the SoundEx Code for a "
"surname is very helpful for researching Census Data files (microfiche) at a "
"library or other research facility. To get the SoundEx codes for surnames in "
"your database, go to &quot;Tools &gt; Utilities &gt; Generate SoundEx "
msgstr ""
"<b>SoundEx povas helpi familiesploradon</b><br/>SoundEx solvas delonge "
"ekzistantan problemon en genealogio, t.e. kiel administri literumajn "
"diversecojn. La utilaĵoj SoundEx prenas familinomon kaj generas simpligitan "
"formon kiu ekvivalentas similsonajn nomojn. Koni la Kodon SoundEx por "
"familinomo estas tre utile por la esplorado de Popolnobradajn datumdosierojn "
"(microfilmoj) ĉe biblioteko aŭ alia esplorinstanco. Por akiri kodojn SoundEx "
"por familinomoj en la datumbazo iru al &quot;Iloj &gt; Utilaĵoj &gt; Generu "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:15
msgid ""
"<b>Setting Your Preferences</b><br/>&quot;Edit &gt; Preferences...&quot; "
"lets you modify a number of settings, such as the path to your media files, "
"and allows you to adjust many aspects of the Gramps presentation to your "
"needs. Each separate view can also be configured under &quot;View &gt; "
"Configure View...&quot;"
msgstr ""
"<b>Modifo de la Agordoj</b><br/>&quot;Redaktu &gt; Agordoj...&quot; permesas "
"modifi nombron de agordoj, kiel la vojo al aŭdvidaĵaj dosieroj, ĝustigo de "
"diversaj aspektoj de prezentado de Gramps laŭ la bezonoj. Ĉiun apartan "
"vidigon oni povas agordi sub &quot;Rigardo&gt; Agordu Rigardon...&quot;"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:16
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps Reports</b><br/>Gramps offers a wide variety of reports. The "
"Graphical Reports and Graphs can present complex relationships easily and "
"the Text Reports are particularly useful if you want to send the results of "
"your family tree to members of the family via email. If you're ready to make "
"a website for your family tree then there's a report for that as well."
msgstr ""
"<b>Raportoj de Gramps</b><br/> Gramps ofertas grandan variecon de raportoj. "
"La Grafikaj Raportoj kaj la Diagramoj povas facile prezenti kompleksajn "
"parencecojn, la Tekstaj Raportoj estas aparte utilaj se oni volas sendi la "
"rezultojn de la genealogia arbo al ano de familio per retmesaĝo. Se oni "
"pretas krei retejon por sia familia arbo, ekzistas ankaŭ tia raporto."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:17
msgid ""
"<b>Starting a New Family Tree</b><br/>A good way to start a new family tree "
"is to enter all the members of the family into the database using the Person "
"View (use &quot;Edit &gt; Add...&quot; or click on the Add a new person "
"button from the People View). Then go to the Relationship View and create "
"relationships between people."
msgstr ""
"<b>Komenci novan Genealogian Arbon</b><br/>Bona maniero por komencia novan "
"genealola gian arbon estas enmeti ĉiujn anojn de sia familio en la "
"datumbazon, uzante la Person-vido (uzu &quot;Redaktu &gt; Aldonu...&quot; aŭ "
"alklaku la butonon Aldonu novan personon el Person-vido). Tiam iru al "
"Parencec-vido kaj kreu parencecojn inter la personoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:18
msgid ""
"<b>What's That For?</b><br/>Unsure what a button does? Simply hold the mouse "
"over a button and a tooltip will appear."
msgstr ""
"<b>Por kio estas?</b><br/>Ĉu necertaj pri la funkcio de butono? Nur tenu la "
"muson super butonon kaj aperos sugesto."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:19
msgid ""
"<b>Unsure of a Date?</b><br/>If you're unsure about the date an event "
"occurred, Gramps allows you to enter a wide range of date formats based on a "
"guess or an estimate. For instance, &quot;about 1908&quot; is a valid entry "
"for a birth date in Gramps. Click the Date button next to the date field and "
"see the Gramps Manual to learn more."
msgstr ""
"<b>Ĉu necertaj pri dato?</b><br/>Se oni ne certas pri dato de evento "
"okazinta, Gramps permesas enigi grandan kvanton de datformoj bazitaj sur "
"supozo aŭ takso. Ekzemple, &quot;ĉirkaŭ 1908&quot; estas valida enmeto por "
"naskiĝdato en Gramps. Alklaku Datbutonon flanke de data kampo kaj vidu la "
"manlibron de Gramps por lerni pli."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:20
msgid ""
"<b>Duplicate Entries</b><br/>&quot;Tools &gt; Database Processing &gt; Find "
"Possible Duplicate People...&quot; allows you to locate (and merge) entries "
"of the same person entered more than once in the database."
msgstr ""
"<b>Duoblaj enigoj</b><br/>&quot;Iloj&gt; Datumbaza prilaborado &gt; Trovu "
"eblajn duoblajn personojn...&quot; permesas trovi (kaj kunfandi) enigojn de "
"la sama persono enmetita pli ol unufoje en la datumbazon."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:21
msgid ""
"<b>Merging Entries</b><br/>The function &quot;Edit &gt; Compare and Merge..."
"&quot; allows you to combine separately listed people into one. Select the "
"second entry by holding the Control key as you click. This is very useful "
"for combining two databases with overlapping people, or combining "
"erroneously entered differing names for one individual. This also works for "
"the Places, Sources and Repositories views."
msgstr ""
"<b>Kunfando de enigoj</b><br/>La funkcio &quot;Redaktu&gt; Komparu kaj "
"kunfandu...&quot; permesas kombini unuopajn listigitajn personojn en unu. "
"Elektu la duan enigon tenante la stirklavon premitan dum la alklako.Tio vere "
"utilas por kombini du datumbazojn kun ripetitaj personoj, aŭ por kombini en "
"unu persono du malsamnomajn personojn erare enigitajn. Tio funkcias ankaŭ "
"por la Lokoj, Fontoj kaj Deponejoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:22
msgid ""
"<b>Organising the Views</b><br/>Many of the views can present your data as "
"either a hierarchical tree or as a simple list. Each view can also be "
"configured to the way you like it. Have a look to the right of the top "
"toolbar or under the &quot;View&quot; menu."
msgstr ""
"<b>Organizo de la vidoj</b><br/>Multaj el la vidoj povas prezenti la "
"datumojn aŭ kiel hierarkia arbo aŭ kiel simpla listo. Oni povas ankaŭ agordi "
"ĉiun vidon kiel oni deziras. Rigardu dekstre de la supera ilbreto aŭ sub la "
"menuo &quot;Vidigu&quot;."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:23
msgid ""
"<b>Navigating Back and Forward</b><br/>Gramps maintains a list of previous "
"active objects such as People, Events and . You can move forward and "
"backward through the list using &quot;Go &gt; Forward&quot; and &quot;Go "
"&gt; Back&quot; or the arrow buttons."
msgstr ""
"<b>Navigado Reen kaj Antaŭen</b><br/>Gramps konservas liston de antaŭaj "
"aktivaj objektoj kiel Personoj, Eventoj. Oni povas moviĝi antaŭen kaj "
"malantaŭen tra la listo uzante &quot;Iru &gt; Antaŭen&quot; kaj &quot;Iru "
"&gt; Reen&quot; aŭ la sagbutonojn."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:24
msgid ""
"<b>Keyboard Shortcuts</b><br/>Tired of having to take your hand off the "
"keyboard to use the mouse? Many functions in Gramps have keyboard shortcuts. "
"If one exists for a function it is displayed on the right side of the menu."
msgstr ""
"<b>Klavkombinoj</b><br/>Ĉu oni estas lacaj ĉiam eltiri la manon el la "
"klavaro por uzi la muson? Multaj funkcioj en Gramps havas klavkombinojn. Se "
"eunu el ili ekzistas ĝi estas montrata dekstre de la menuero."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:25
msgid ""
"<b>Read the Manual</b><br/>Don't forget to read the Gramps manual, &quot;"
"Help &gt; User Manual&quot;. The developers have worked hard to make most "
"operations intuitive but the manual is full of information that will make "
"your time spent on genealogy more productive."
msgstr ""
"<b>Legu la manlibron</b><br/>Ne forgesu legi la manlibron de Gramps, &quot;"
"Helpo &gt; Manlibro de uzanto&quot;. La programisto multe laboris por igi la "
"plej multajn operaciojnintuiciaj sed la manlibro estas plena de informoj "
"kiuj povas pli produktigi la tempon pasigitan per genealogio."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:26
msgid ""
"<b>Adding Children</b><br/>To add children in Gramps there are two options. "
"You can find one of their parents in the Families View and open the family. "
"Then choose to create a new person or add an existing person. You can also "
"add children (or siblings) from inside the Family Editor."
msgstr ""
"<b>Aldono de gefiloj</b><br/>Por aldoni gefilojn en Gramps estas du eblecoj."
"Oni povas trovi unu el iliaj gepatroj en la Famili-vido kaj malfermi la "
"familion. Tiam elektu krei novan personon aŭ aldonu ekzistantan personon. "
"Oni povas ankaŭ aldoni gefilojn (aŭ gefratojn) el interne de Famili-"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:27
msgid ""
"<b>Editing the Parent-Child Relationship</b><br/> You can edit the "
"relationship of a child to its parents by double clicking the child in the "
"Family Editor. Relationships can be any of Adopted, Birth, Foster, None, "
"Sponsored, Stepchild and Unknown."
msgstr ""
"<b>Redaktado de parenceco inter Gepatro kaj Fil(in)o</b><br/> Oni povas "
"redaktila parencecon de fil(in)o kun la gepatroj, duoble alklakante la fil"
"(in)on en la Famili-redaktilo. Parencecoj povas estu unu inter Adoptita, "
"Naskiĝo, Varto, Neniu, Patronita, Duonfil(in)o kaj Nekonata."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:28
msgid ""
"<b>Show All Checkbutton</b><br/>When adding an existing person as a spouse, "
"the list of people shown is filtered to display only people who could "
"realistically fit the role (based on dates in the database). In case Gramps "
"is wrong in making this choice, you can override the filter by checking the "
"Show All checkbutton."
msgstr ""
"<b>Montru ĉiujn elektobutonojn</b><br/>Kiam oni aldonas ekzistantan personon "
"kiel geedzon, la listo de la personoj estas filtrita por montritaj nur la "
"personojn kiuj povus realisme taŭgi por tia rolo (bazita sur la datoj en la "
"datumbazo). Kaze ke Gramps eraras en ĉi tiu elekto, oni povas preterlasi la "
"filtrilonmarkante la butonon Montru ĉiujn."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:29
msgid ""
"<b>Improving Gramps</b><br/>Users are encouraged to request enhancements to "
"Gramps. Requesting an enhancement can be done either through the gramps-"
"users or gramps-devel mailing lists, or by going to http://bugs.gramps-"
"project.org and creating a Feature Request. Filing a Feature Request is "
"preferred but it can be good to discuss your ideas on the email lists."
msgstr ""
"<b>Plibonigo de Gramps</b><br/>La uzantoj estas kuraĝigitaj peti kromajn "
"plibonigojn por Gramps. Oni povas peti ilin tra la dissendolistoj de gramps-"
"uzantoj (gramps-users)aŭ gramps-programistoj (gramps-devel), aŭ vizitante "
"http://bugs.gramps-project.org kaj kreante Peton de ebleco. Ĉi-lasta maniero "
"estas preferata, sed povus esti bone ankaŭ diskuti la ideojn en la "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:30
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps Mailing Lists</b><br/>Want answers to your questions about Gramps? "
"Check out the gramps-users email list. Many helpful people are on the list, "
"so you're likely to get an answer quickly. If you have questions related to "
"the development of Gramps, try the gramps-devel list. You can see the lists "
"by selecting &quot;Help &gt; Gramps Mailing Lists&quot;."
msgstr ""
"<b>Dissendolistoj de Gramps</b><br/>Ĉu oni volas respondon al demando pri "
"Gramps? Kontrolu la liston de retmesaĝoj en gramps-users. Multaj helpemaj "
"homoj estas en la listo, do facile oni povas rapide ricevi respondon. Se oni "
"havas demandojn rilatajn al programado de Gramps, provu ĉe la listo gramps-"
"devel. Oni povas vidi la listojn elektante &quot;Helpo &gt; Dissendolistoj "
"de Gramps&quot;."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:31
msgid ""
"<b>Contributing to Gramps</b><br/>Want to help with Gramps but can't write "
"programs? Not a problem! A project as large as Gramps requires people with a "
"wide variety of skills. Contributions can be anything from writing "
"documentation to testing development versions and helping with the web site. "
"Start by subscribing to the Gramps developers mailing list, gramps-devel, "
"and introducing yourself. Subscription information can be found at &quot;"
"Help &gt; Gramps Mailing Lists&quot;"
msgstr ""
"<b>Kontribuado al Gramps</b><br/>Ĉu oni volas helpi al Gramps sed oni ne "
"kapablas programi? Neniu problemo! Projekto tiom granda kiel Gramps postulas "
"personojn kun granda varieco da spertoj. Kontribuo povas esti io ajn de "
"verkado de dokumento ĝis testado de la evoluantaj versioj kaj helpo por la "
"retejo. Komencu aliĝante al dissendolisto gramps-devel por Gramps-"
"programistoj, kaj prezentante vin. Informojn pri la aliĝo oni povas trovi ĉe "
"&quot;Helpo &gt; Dissendolistoj de Gramps&quot;"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:32
msgid ""
"<b>So What's in a Name?</b><br/>The name Gramps was suggested to the "
"original developer, Don Allingham, by his father. It stands for "
"<i>Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program System</i>. It is a "
"full-featured genealogy program letting you store, edit, and research "
"genealogical data. The Gramps database back end is so robust that some users "
"are managing genealogies containing hundreds of thousands of people."
msgstr ""
"<b>Do kion signifas la nomo?</b><br/>La nomon Gramps sugestis al la origina "
"programisto, Don Allingham, la patro. Ĝi estas akronimo de<i>Genealogical "
"Research and Analysis Management Program System (Administra programsistemo "
"por genealogiaj esploro kaj analizo</i>. Ĝi estas plenpova genealogia "
"programo kiu permesas arkivi, redakti kaj eplori genealogiajn datumojn. La "
"datumbazo de Gramps estas tiom potenca ke kelkaj uzantoj administras "
"genealogiojn kun centoj da miloj da personoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:33
msgid ""
"<b>Bookmarking Individuals</b><br/>The Bookmarks menu is a convenient place "
"to store the names of frequently used individuals. Selecting a bookmark will "
"make that person the Active Person. To bookmark someone make them the Active "
"Person then go to &quot;Bookmarks &gt; Add Bookmark&quot; or press Ctrl+D. "
"You can also bookmark most of the other objects."
msgstr ""
"<b>Meti legosignojn ĉe individuoj</b><br/>La Legosigna menuo estas utila "
"loko por enmemorigi la nomojn de ofte uzataj individuoj. Elektante "
"legosignon oni povos igi tiun personon Aktiva Persono. Por meti legosignon "
"al iu, oni igu ĝin Aktiva Persono kaj tiam oni iru al &quot;Legosignoj&gt; "
"Aldonu Legosignon&quot; aŭ premu Stir+D. Oni povas meti legosignon ankaŭ al "
"plejparto de aliaj objektoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:34
msgid ""
"<b>Incorrect Dates</b><br/>Everyone occasionally enters dates with an "
"invalid format. Incorrect date formats will show up in Gramps with a reddish "
"background. You can fix the date using the Date Selection dialog which can "
"be opened by clicking on the date button. The format of the date is set "
"under &quot;Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; Display&quot;."
msgstr ""
"<b>Malĝustaj datoj</b><br/>Al ĉiu povas okazi skribi datojn kun nevalida "
"formo. Neĝustaj datformoj estos montrataj kun ruĝeca fono. Oni povas korekti "
"la daton uzante la using Datelektan dialogon malfermeblan alklakante su la "
"datbutono. La formon de la dato oni povas agordi sub &quot;Redaktu &gt; "
"Agordoj&gt; Montru&quot;."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:35
msgid ""
"<b>Listing Events</b><br/>Events are added using the editor opened with "
"&quot;Person &gt; Edit Person &gt; Events&quot;. There is a long list of "
"preset event types. You can add your own event types by typing in the text "
"field, they will be added to the available events, but not translated."
msgstr ""
"<b>Listigo de eventoj</b><br/>Oni aldonas Eventojn Events uzante la "
"redaktilon malfermitan per &quot;Persono &gt;Redaktu Personon &gt; "
"Eventoj&quot;. Estas longa listo de jam pretaj eventotipoj. Oni povas aldoni "
"propran eventotipon tajpante en la tekstokampo. Ili estos aldonitaj al "
"disponeblaj eventoj, sed ne tradukitaj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:36
msgid ""
"<b>Managing Names</b><br/>It is easy to manage people with several names in "
"Gramps. In the Person Editor select the Names tab. You can add names of "
"different types and set the prefered name by dragging it to the Prefered "
"Name section."
msgstr ""
"<b>Administrado de nomoj</b><br/>En >Gramps, administri personoj kun "
"diversaj nomoj estas facile. En la Personredaktilo elektu la langeton Nomoj. "
"Oni povas aldoni nomojn el diversaj tipoj kaj agordi la preferatan nomon "
"trenante ĝin en la sekcion Preferata nomo."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:37
msgid ""
"<b>Ancestor View</b><br/>The Ancestry View displays a traditional pedigree "
"chart. Hold the mouse over an individual to see more information about them "
"or right click on an individual to access other family members and settings. "
"Play with the settings to see the different options."
msgstr ""
"<b>Praulara Vido</b><br/>La praulara vido montras tradician genealogian "
"grafikaĵon. Tenu la muson super individuo por vidi kromajn informojn pri ili "
"aŭ dekstre alklaku sur individuo por aliri aliajn familianojn kaj agordojn. "
"Ludu per la agordoj por vidi la diversajn opciojn."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:38
msgid ""
"<b>Managing Sources</b><br/>The Sources View shows a list of all sources in "
"a single window. From here you can edit your sources, merge duplicates and "
"see which individuals reference each source. You can use filters to group "
"your sources."
msgstr ""
"<b>Administrado de fontoj</b><br/>La Fontovido montras liston de ĉiuj fontoj "
"en unu fenestro- De tie eblas redakti la fontojn, kunfandi duoblaĵojn kaj "
"vidi la individuojn kiuj referencas la fonton. Oni povas uzi filrtilojn por "
"grupigi la fontojn."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:39
msgid ""
"<b>Managing Places</b><br/>The Places View shows a list of all places in the "
"database. The list can be sorted by a number of different criteria, such as "
"City, County or State."
msgstr ""
"<b>Administrado de lokoj</b><br/>La Lokvido montras liston de ĉiuj lokoj en "
"la datumbazo. La listo povas esti ordigita per diversaj kriterioj, kiel "
"Urbo, Provinco aŭ Ŝtato."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:40
msgid ""
"<b>Media View</b><br/>The Media View shows a list of all media entered in "
"the database. These can be graphic images, videos, sound clips, "
"spreadsheets, documents, and more."
msgstr ""
"<b>Vido de aŭdvidaĵoj</b><br/>La vido de aŭdvidaĵoj montras liston de ĉiuj "
"aŭdividaĵoj enigitaj en la datumbazo. Ili povas estis grafikaj bildoj, "
"filmoj, sonaĵoj, kalkultabeloj kaj tiel plu."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:41
msgid ""
"<b>Filters</b><br/>Filters allow you to limit the people seen in the People "
"View. In addition to the many preset filters, Custom Filters can be created "
"limited only by your imagination. Custom filters are created from &quot;Edit "
"&gt; Person Filter Editor&quot;."
msgstr ""
"<b>Filtriloj</b><br/>Filtriloj permesas limigi la personojn montritajn en la "
"Personvido. Krom la jam pretajn, oni povas krei  Proprajn filtrilojn laŭ via "
"elpenso. Proprajn filtrilojn oni kreas el &quot;Redaktu &gt; Persona "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:42
msgid ""
"<b>The GEDCOM File Format</b><br/>Gramps allows you to import from, and "
"export to, the GEDCOM format. There is extensive support for the industry "
"standard GEDCOM version 5.5, so you can exchange Gramps information to and "
"from users of most other genealogy programs. Filters exist that make "
"importing and exporting GEDCOM files trivial."
msgstr ""
"<b>La GEDCOM-dosierformo</b><br/>Gramps permesas importi el kaj eksporti al "
"GEDCOM-formo. Ekzistas granda subteno por la industria norma versio 5.5 de "
"GEDCOM, tiel oni povas interŝanĝi informojn de kaj al Gramps kun la uzantoj "
"de la plemulto de la aliaj genealogia programoj. Ekzistas filtriloj kiuj "
"faciligas la importadon kaj eksportadon de GEDCOM-dosieroj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:43
msgid ""
"<b>The Gramps XML Package</b><br/>You can export your Family Tree as a "
"Gramps XML Package. This is a compressed file containing your family tree "
"data and all the media files connected to the database (images for example). "
"This file is completely portable so is useful for backups or sharing with "
"other Gramps users. This format has the key advantage over GEDCOM that no "
"information is ever lost when exporting and importing."
msgstr ""
"<b>La Gramps-XML-pakaĵo</b><br/>Oni povas eksporti Genealogian Arbon kiel "
"Gramps-XML-pakaĵon. Ĝi estas densigita dosiero entenanta la genealogian "
"arbon kaj ĉiujn aŭdvidaĵajn dosierojn ligitajn al datumbazo (ekzemple "
"bildoj). Ĉi tiu dosiero estas tute portebla kaj do ĝi estas utila por "
"sekurkopioj aŭ por kunhavigi kun aliaj uzantoj de Gramps. Ĉi tiu formo havas "
"la fundamentan advantaĝon, kompare kun GEDCOM, ke neniu informo estos "
"perdita dum eksporto kaj importo."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:44
msgid ""
"<b>Web Family Tree Format</b><br/>Gramps can export data to the Web Family "
"Tree (WFT) format. This format allows a family tree to be displayed online "
"using a single file, instead of many html files."
msgstr ""
"<b>Web-Family-Tree-formo</b><br/>Gramps povas eksporti datumojn al formo de "
"Web Family Tree (WFT). Ĉi tiu formo permesas al genealogia arbo esti "
"montrita en interreto uzante unuopan dosieron,anstataŭ multaj html-dosieroj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:45
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<b>Making a Genealogy Website</b><br/>You can easily export your family tree "
"to a web page. Select the entire database, family lines or selected "
"individuals to a collection of web pages ready for upload to the World Wide "
msgstr ""
"<b>Kreo de genealogia retejo</b><br/>Oni povas facile eksporti la "
"genealogian arbon al retpaĝo. Elektu la tutan datumbazon, la famililiniojn "
"aŭ la elektitajn individuojn por kolekto de retpaĝoj pretaj por alŝuto al "
"TTT. La projekto Gramps provizas senpagan gastigon por retejoj kreitaj per "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:46
msgid ""
"<b>Reporting Bugs in Gramps</b><br/>The best way to report a bug in Gramps "
"is to use the Gramps bug tracking system at http://bugs.gramps-project.org"
msgstr ""
"<b>Raporti cimojn en Gramps</b><br/>La plej bona maniero por raporti cimon "
"en Gramps estas uzi la Gramps'an cimspuradan sistemon ĉe http://bugs.gramps-"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:47
msgid ""
"<b>The Gramps Homepage</b><br/>The Gramps homepage is at http://gramps-"
msgstr ""
"<b> Hejmpaĝo de Gramps</b><br/>La  hejmpaĝo de Gramps homepage esta ĉe "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:48
msgid ""
"<b>Privacy in Gramps</b><br/>Gramps helps you to keep personal information "
"secure by allowing you to mark information as private. Data marked as "
"private can be excluded from reports and data exports. Look for the padlock "
"which toggles records between private and public."
msgstr ""
"<b>Privateco en Gramps</b><br/>Gramps helpas konservi personajn informojn "
"sekuraj permesante la markado de la informo kiel privata. Datumojn markitajn "
"kiel privatajn oni povas ekskludi el la raportoj kaj el la datumeksportoj. "
"Serĉu la pendseruron kiu markas la rikordojn kiel privatajn kaj male."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:49
msgid ""
"<b>Keeping Good Records</b><br/>Be accurate when recording genealogical "
"information. Don't make assumptions while recording primary information; "
"write it exactly as you see it. Use bracketed comments to indicate your "
"additions, deletions or comments. Use of the Latin 'sic' is recommended to "
"confirm the accurate transcription of what appears to be an error in a "
msgstr ""
"<b>Konservi bonajn rikordojn</b><br/>Estu precizaj kiam oni registras "
"genealogiajn infromojn. Ne faru supozojn dum la registro de unuarangaj "
"informoj: skribu ekzakte kion oni legas. Uzu enkrampajn komentojn por indiki "
"la personajn aldonojn, forigojn aŭ komentojn. La uzo de la latina 'sic' "
"estas rekomendata por konfirmi la ekzaktan trasnkribon de tio, kio ŝajnas "
"eraro en fonto."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:50
msgid ""
"<b>Extra Reports and Tools</b><br/>Extra tools and reports can be added to "
"Gramps with the &quot;Addon&quot; system. See them under &quot;Help &gt; "
"Extra Reports/Tools&quot;. This is the best way for advanced users to "
"experiment and create new functionality."
msgstr ""
"<b>Kromaj raportoj kaj iloj</b><br/>Oni povas aldoni kromajn ilojn kaj "
"raportojn al Gramps per la &quot;Helpprograma&quot;sistemo. Vidu ilin sub "
"&quot;Helpo &gt; Kromaj raportoj/Iloj&quot;. Tio estas la plej bona maniero "
"por spertuloj por eksperimenti kaj krei novajn funkciojn."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:51
msgid ""
"<b>Book Reports</b><br/>The Book report under &quot;Reports &gt; Books &gt; "
"Book Report...&quot;, allows you to collect a variety of reports into a "
"single document. This single report is easier to distribute than multiple "
"reports, especially when printed."
msgstr ""
"<b>Libroraportoj</b><br/>La Libroraporto, sub&quot;Raportoj &gt; Libroj &gt; "
"Libroraporto...&quot;, permesas kolekti plurajn tipojn de raportoj en unuopa "
"dokumento. Tia unuopa raporto estas pli facile disdonebla ol multoblaj "
"raportoj, ĉefe kiam printitaj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:52
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps Announcements</b><br/>Interested in getting notified when a new "
"version of Gramps is released? Join the Gramps-announce mailing list at "
"&quot;Help &gt; Gramps Mailing Lists&quot;"
msgstr ""
"<b>Gramps-anoncoj</b><br/>Ĉu interesataj al notifo de novaj versioj de "
"Gramps? Aliĝu la dissendolisto Gramps-announce ĉe &quot;Helpo &gt; "
"Dissendolistoj de Gramps&quot;"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:53
msgid ""
"<b>Record Your Sources</b><br/>Information collected about your family is "
"only as good as the source it came from. Take the time and trouble to record "
"all the details of where the information came from. Whenever possible get a "
"copy of original documents."
msgstr ""
"<b>Registru viajn fontojn</b><br/>La informoj kolektitaj pri via familio "
"estas bonaj kiel la fonto el kie ili venas. Perdu tempon por registri ĉiujn "
"detalojn kaj de kie venas la informoj. Kiam eblas akiru kopion de la "
"originalaj dokumentoj."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:54
msgid ""
"<b>Directing Your Research</b><br/>Go from what you know to what you do not. "
"Always record everything that is known before making conjectures. Often the "
"facts at hand suggest plenty of direction for more research. Don't waste "
"time looking through thousands of records hoping for a trail when you have "
"other unexplored leads."
msgstr ""
"<b>Direkti la esploradon</b><br/>Iru de kie vi scias, ĝis kie vi ne scias. "
"Registru ĉion konatan antaŭ ol fari konjektojn. Ofte la disponeblaj faktoj "
"sugestas multajn direktojn por kroma esplorado. Ne perdu tempon serĉante tra "
"miloj da rikordoj esperante trovi spuron kiam oni havas aliajn neesploritajn "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:55
msgid ""
"<b>The 'How and Why' of Your Genealogy</b><br/> Genealogy isn't only about "
"dates and names. It is about people. Be descriptive. Include why things "
"happened, and how descendants might have been shaped by the events they went "
"through. Narratives go a long way in making your family history come alive."
msgstr ""
"<b>La 'Kielo kaj Kialo' de via genealogio</b><br/> Genealogio ne temas nur "
"pri datoj kaj nomoj. Ĝi temas pri homoj. Estu priskribema. Inkluzivu kial "
"aferoj okazis kaj kiel praidoj povus esti formitaj de eventoj kiujn ili "
"travivis. Rakontoj tre influas en la vivigo de la historio de familio."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:56
msgid ""
"<b>Don't speak English?</b><br/>Volunteers have translated Gramps into more "
"than 20 languages. If Gramps supports your language and it is not being "
"displayed, set the default language in your operating system and restart "
msgstr ""
"<b>Vi ne parolas angle?</b><br/>Volontuloj tradukis Gramps'on en pli ol 20 "
"lingvoj. Se Gramps subtenas vian lingvon kaj ĝi ne estas montrata, agordu la "
"defaŭltan lingvon de via operaciumo kaj restartigu Gramps'on."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:57
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps Translators</b><br/>Gramps has been designed so that new "
"translations can easily be added with little development effort. If you are "
"interested in participating please email gramps-devel@lists.sf.net"
msgstr ""
"<b>Tradukistoj de Gramps</b><br/>Gramps estis projektita por ke novaj "
"tradukoj povu facile esti aldonitaj per malgranda programa peno.Se oni estas "
"interesataj partopreni bv retumu al gramps-devel@lists.sf.net"

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:58
msgid ""
"<b>Hello, привет or 喂</b><br/>Whatever script you use Gramps offers full "
"Unicode support. Characters for all languages are properly displayed."
msgstr ""
"<b>Hello, привет or 喂</b><br/>Kiun ajn skribmanieron oni uzas, Gramps "
"ofertas plenan Unikodan subtenon. La signoj de ĉiuj lingvoj estas senerare "

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:59
msgid ""
"<b>The Home Person</b><br/>Anyone can be chosen as the Home Person in "
"Gramps. Use &quot;Edit &gt; Set Home Person&quot; in the Person View. The "
"home person is the person who is selected when the database is opened or "
"when the home button is pressed."
msgstr ""
"<b>La Hejmpersono</b><br/>Oni povas elekti ĉiun ajn kiel Hejmpersonon en "
"Gramps.Uzu &quot;Redaktu &gt; Agordu hejmpersonon&quot; en la Personvido. La "
"hejmpersono estas la personon kiun oni elektis kiam oni malfermis la "
"datumbazon aŭ kiam oni premis la Hejmbutonon."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:60
msgid ""
"<b>The Gramps Code</b><br/>Gramps is written in a computer language called "
"Python using the GTK and GNOME libraries for the graphical interface. Gramps "
"is supported on any computer system where these programs have been ported. "
"Gramps is known to be run on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X."
msgstr ""
"<b>La kodo de Gramps</b><br/>Gramps estas verkita en komputila lingvo "
"nomatan Pitono (Python) uzante bibliotekojn de GTK kaj de GNOME por la "
"grafika interfaco. Gramps povas funkcii sur ĉiu ajn komputilo en kiu tiuj "
"programoj estis portitaj. Oni scias ke Gramps povas funkcii en Linukso, BSD, "
"Solaris, Vindozo kaj Mac OS X."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:61
msgid ""
"<b>Open Source Software</b><br/>The Free/Libre and Open Source Software "
"(FLOSS) development model means Gramps can be extended by any programmer "
"since all of the source code is freely available under its license. So it's "
"not just about free beer, it's also about freedom to study and change the "
"tool. For more about Open Source software lookup the Free Software "
"Foundation and the Open Source Initiative."
msgstr ""
"<b>Open Source Software</b><br/>La modelo de programado de la malfermitkoda "
"programaro [Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)] signifas ke Gramps "
"povas esti etendita de kiu ajn programisto ĉar la fontkodo estas libere "
"disponebla sub ĉi tiu permeso. Do ne temas pri senpaga biero, se pri "
"libereco studi kaj ŝanĝi la ilon. Por scii pli pri Libera Programaro rigardu "
"ĉe Free Software Foundation kaj Open Source Initiative."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:62
msgid ""
"<b>The Gramps Software License</b><br/>You are free to use and share Gramps "
"with others. Gramps is freely distributable under the GNU General Public "
"License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL to read about the "
"rights and restrictions of this license."
msgstr ""
"<b>La programara permeso de Gramps</b><br/>Eblas libere uzi kaj kunhavigi "
"Gramps'on kun aliaj homoj. Gramps estas libere distribuebla sub GNU Ĝenerala "
"Publika Permeso vidu http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL por legi "
"pri la rajtoj kaj limigojn de tia permeso."

#: ../data/tips.xml.in.h:63
msgid ""
"<b>Gramps for Gnome or KDE?</b><br/>For Linux users Gramps works with "
"whichever desktop environment you prefer. As long as the required GTK "
"libraries are installed it will run fine."
msgstr ""
"<b>Gramps por Gnome aŭ KDE?</b><br/>Por Linuksistoj Grmps funkcias en kiu "
"ajn labortabla ĉirkaŭaĵo. Se estas instalitaj la GTK-bibliotekoj ĝi bone "

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:225
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: Family Tree '%s' already exists.\n"
"The '-C' option cannot be used."
msgstr ""
"Eraro: Genealogia Arbo '%s' jam ekzistanta.\n"
"Ne eblas uzi opcion '-C'."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:234
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: Input Family Tree \"%s\" does not exist.\n"
"If GEDCOM, Gramps-xml or grdb, use the -i option to import into a Family "
"Tree instead."
msgstr ""
"Erar: Enigita Genealogia Arbo \"%s\" ne ekzistas\n"
"Se temas pri GEDCOM, Gramps-xml aŭ grdb, uzu opcion -i por importi en "
"Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:249
#, python-format
msgid "Error: Import file %s not found."
msgstr "Eraro: Importota dosiero %s ne trovita."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:267
#, python-format
msgid "Error: Unrecognized type: \"%(format)s\" for import file: %(filename)s"
msgstr ""
"Eraro: Nekonata tipo: \"%(format)s\" por la importota dosiero: %(filename)s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:289
#, python-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: Output file already exists!\n"
"WARNING: It will be overwritten:\n"
"   %s"
msgstr ""
"ATENTU: Elira dosiero jam ekzistanta!\n"
"ATENTU: Ĝi estos anstataŭgita:\n"
"   %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:292
msgid "OK to overwrite?"
msgstr "Ĉu anstataŭigi?"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:293 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:208
msgid "no"
msgstr "ne"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:293 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:206
msgid "yes"
msgstr "jes"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:295
#, python-format
msgid "Will overwrite the existing file: %s"
msgstr "Anstatauigos la ekzistantan dosieron: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:315
#, python-format
msgid "ERROR: Unrecognized format for export file %s"
msgstr "ERARO: Nekonata formo por la dosiereksporto %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:399
msgid "List of known Family Trees in your database path\n"
msgstr "Listo de Genealogiaj Arboj en via datumbaza vojo\n"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:404
#, python-format
msgid "%(full_DB_path)s with name \"%(f_t_name)s\""
msgstr "%(full_DB_path)s kun nomo \"%(f_t_name)s\""

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:410 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:425
msgid "Gramps Family Trees:"
msgstr "Genealogiaj Arboj de Gramps:"

#. We have to construct the line elements together, to avoid
#. insertion of blank spaces when print on the same line is used
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. constants
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:413 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:414
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:431 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:433
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:437 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:438
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:440 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:67
#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:211 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:968
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1410
msgid "Family Tree"
msgstr "Genealogia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:414
#, python-format
msgid "Family Tree \"%s\":"
msgstr "Genealogia Arbo \"%s\":"

#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:418
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "   %(item)s: %(summary)s"
msgstr "%(type)s: %(list)s"

#. translators: ignore unless your quotation marks differ
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:438 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:442
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:199
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:450
#, python-format
msgid "Performing action: %s."
msgstr "Efektivigas agon: %s."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:452
#, python-format
msgid "Using options string: %s"
msgstr "Uzas la opcion: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:457
#, python-format
msgid "Exporting: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s."
msgstr "Eksportas: dosiero %(filename)s, formo %(format)s."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:464
msgid "Exiting."
msgstr "Eliras."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:468
msgid "Cleaning up."
msgstr "Purigas."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:499
msgid "Created empty Family Tree successfully"
msgstr "La kreo de malplena Genealogia Arbo sukcesis"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:502 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:527
msgid "Error opening the file."
msgstr "Eraro dum la dosiermalfermo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:503 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:528
msgid "Exiting..."
msgstr "Eliras..."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:507
#, python-format
msgid "Importing: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s."
msgstr "Importas: dosiero %(filename)s, formo %(format)s."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:525
msgid "Opened successfully!"
msgstr "La malfermo sukcesis!"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:539
msgid "Database is locked, cannot open it!"
msgstr "La datumbazo estas blokita, ne eblas malfermi ĝin!"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:540
#, python-format
msgid "  Info: %s"
msgstr "  Informo: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:543
msgid "Database needs recovery, cannot open it!"
msgstr "La datumbazo bezonas riparon, ne eblas malfermi ĝin!"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:594 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:642
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:689
msgid "Ignoring invalid options string."
msgstr "Ignoras nevalidajn ĉenopciojn"

#. name exists, but is not in the list of valid report names
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:618
msgid "Unknown report name."
msgstr "Nekonata raportnomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:620
#, python-format
msgid "Report name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=reportname"
msgstr "Mankas la raportnomo. Bv uzi unu el %(donottranslate)s=raportnomo"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:624 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:672
#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:705
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Available names are:"
msgstr ""
" La disponeblaj nomoj estas:"

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:666
msgid "Unknown tool name."
msgstr "Nekonata il-nomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:668
#, python-format
msgid "Tool name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=toolname."
msgstr "Mankas la il-nomo. Bv uzi unu el %(donottranslate)s=il-nomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:699
msgid "Unknown book name."
msgstr "Nekonata libronomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:701
#, python-format
msgid "Book name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=bookname."
msgstr "Mankas la libronomo. Bv uzi unu el %(donottranslate)s=libronomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:710
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action: %s."
msgstr "Nekonata ago: %s."

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:53
msgid ""
"Usage: gramps.py [OPTION...]\n"
"  --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,...     Dynamic modules to load\n"
"Help options\n"
"  -?, --help                             Show this help message\n"
"  --usage                                Display brief usage message\n"
"Application options\n"
"  -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE                 Open Family Tree\n"
"  -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE               Create on open if new Family Tree\n"
"  -i, --import=FILENAME                  Import file\n"
"  -e, --export=FILENAME                  Export file\n"
"  -f, --format=FORMAT                    Specify Family Tree format\n"
"  -a, --action=ACTION                    Specify action\n"
"  -p, --options=OPTIONS_STRING           Specify options\n"
"  -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME                Enable debug logs\n"
"  -l                                     List Family Trees\n"
"  -L                                     List Family Trees in Detail\n"
"  -t                                     List Family Trees, tab delimited\n"
"  -u, --force-unlock                     Force unlock of Family Tree\n"
"  -s, --show                             Show config settings\n"
"  -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]]  Set config setting(s) and start "
"  -y, --yes                              Don't ask to confirm dangerous "
"actions (non-GUI mode only)\n"
"  -q, --quiet                            Suppress progress indication output "
"(non-GUI mode only)\n"
"  -v, --version                          Show versions\n"
msgstr ""
"Uzado: gramps.py [OPTION...]\n"
"  --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,...     Dinamikaj moduloj ŝargotaj\n"
"  -?, --help                             Montru ĉi tiun helpmesaĝon\n"
"  --usage                                Montru mallongan uzmesaĝon\n"
"Application options\n"
"  -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE                 Malfermu Genealogian Arbon\n"
"  -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE               Kreu sur malfermita se nova "
"Genealogia Arbo\n"
"  -i, --import=FILENAME                  Importu dosieron\n"
"  -e, --export=FILENAME                  Eksportu dosieron\n"
"  -f, --format=FORMAT                    Specifu formon de Genealogia Arbo\n"
"  -a, --action=ACTION                    Specifu agon\n"
"  -p, --options=OPTIONS_STRING           Specifu opciojn\n"
"  -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME                Ebligu sencimigajn protokolojn\n"
"  -l                                     Listigu Genealogiajn Arbojn\n"
"  -L                                     Listigu detalajn Genealogiajn "
"  -t                                     Listigu Genealogiajn Arbojn, "
"  -u, --force-unlock                     Perforte malbloku Genealogian "
"  -s, --show                             Montru agordaron\n"
"  -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]]  Agordu kaj startigu Gramps'on\n"
"  -y, --yes                              Ne petu konfirmi danĝerajn agojn "
"(nur en ne-Grafika Interfaco)\n"
"  -q, --quiet                            Malebligu progresindikan eligon "
"(nur en ne-Grafika Interfaco)\n"
"  -v, --version                          Montru versiojn\n"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:81
msgid ""
"Example of usage of Gramps command line interface\n"
"1. To import four databases (whose formats can be determined from their "
"and then check the resulting database for errors, one may type:\n"
"gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps -i file4.wft -a tool -p "
"name=check. \n"
"2. To explicitly specify the formats in the above example, append filenames "
"with appropriate -f options:\n"
"gramps -i file1.ged -f gedcom -i file2.gpkg -f gramps-pkg -i ~/db3.gramps -f "
"gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a tool -p name=check. \n"
"3. To record the database resulting from all imports, supply -e flag\n"
"(use -f if the filename does not allow Gramps to guess the format):\n"
"gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg\n"
"4. To save any error messages of the above example into files outfile and "
"errfile, run:\n"
"gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.dpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg >outfile "
"5. To import three databases and start interactive Gramps session with the "
"gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps\n"
"6. To open a database and, based on that data, generate timeline report in "
"PDF format\n"
"putting the output into the my_timeline.pdf file:\n"
"gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=timeline,off=pdf,of=my_timeline."
"7. To generate a summary of a database:\n"
"gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=summary\n"
"8. Listing report options\n"
"Use the name=timeline,show=all to find out about all available options for "
"the timeline report.\n"
"To find out details of a particular option, use show=option_name , e.g. "
"name=timeline,show=off string.\n"
"To learn about available report names, use name=show string.\n"
"9. To convert a Family Tree on the fly to a .gramps xml file:\n"
"gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -e output.gramps -f gramps-xml\n"
"10. To generate a web site into an other locale (in german):\n"
"LANGUAGE=de_DE; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p "
"11. Finally, to start normal interactive session type:\n"
"Note: These examples are for bash shell.\n"
"Syntax may be different for other shells and for Windows.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ekzemplo de uzado de Gramps en komandlinia interfaco\n"
"1. Por importi kvar datumbazojn (kies formoj eblas determini el la nomoj)\n"
"kaj tiam kontroli la datumbazon por serĉi erarojn, oni povas tajpi:\n"
"gramps -i dosiero1.ged -i dosiero2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps -i dosiero4.wft -a "
"tool -p name=check. \n"
"2. Por eksplicite specifi la formon en la supra ekzemplo, aldonu "
"dosiernomojn kun la ĝustaj opcioj -f:\n"
"gramps -i dosiero1.ged -f gedcom -i dosiero2.gpkg -f gramps-pkg -i ~/db3."
"gramps -f gramps-xml -i dosiero4.wft -f wft -a tool -p name=check. \n"
"3. Por registri la datumbazon rezultanta el ĉiuj importoj, aldonu -e "
"(uzu -f se la dosiernomon ne permesas al Gramps konjekti la formon):\n"
"gramps -i dosiero1.ged -i dosiero2.gpkg -e ~/nova-pakaĵo -f gramps-pkg\n"
"4. Por konservi erarmesaĝojn de la supra ekzemplo en dosieroj outfile kaj "
"errfile, lanĉu:\n"
"gramps -i dosiero1.ged -i dosiero2.dpkg -e ~/nova-pakaĵo -f gramps-pkg "
">outfile 2>errfile\n"
"5. Por importi tri datumbazojn kaj startigi interaktivan Gramps-seancon kun "
"la rezulto:\n"
"gramps -i dosiero1.ged -i dosiero2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps\n"
"6. Por malfermi datumbazon kaj, surbaze de ties datumoj, krei templinian "
"raportonen PDF-formo\n"
"metante la eligon en la dosiero mia_templinia.pdf:\n"
"gramps -O 'Genealogia Arbo 1' -a report -p name=timeline,off=pdf,"
"7. Por generi resumon de datumbazo:\n"
"gramps -O 'Genealogia Arbo 1' -a report -p name=summary\n"
"8. Listigi raportopciojn\n"
"Uzu la name=timeline,show=all por trovi ĉiujn disponeblajn opciojn por "
"templinia raporto.\n"
"Por trovi detalojn de aparta opcio, uzu show=opcia_nomo , ekz. name=timeline,"
"show=off string.\n"
"Por ekscii la disponeblajn raportnomojn, uzu name=show string.\n"
"9. Por tuj konverti Genealogian Arbon al .gramps xml file:\n"
"gramps -O 'Genealogia Arbo Tree 1' -e output.gramps -f gramps-xml\n"
"10. Por krei retejon en alia lokaĵaro (en germana):\n"
"LANGUAGE=de_DE; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gramps -O 'Genealogia Arbo 1' -a report -p "
"11. Fine, por startigi normalan interaktivan seancotipon:\n"
"Noto: Ĉi tiuj ekzemploj estas por ŝelo de Baŝo.\n"
"Sintakso povus esti iom malsama por aliaj ŝeloj kaj por Vindozo.\n"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:243 ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:383
msgid "Error parsing the arguments"
msgstr "Eraro dum la analizo de la argumentoj"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:245
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
"Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or read the manual pages."
msgstr ""
"Eraro dum la analizo de la argumentoj: %s \n"
"Tajpu gramps --help por superrigardo de la komandoj, aŭ legu manlibrajn "

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:254
#, python-format
msgid "Trying to open: %s ..."
msgstr "Provas malfermi; %s ..."

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:288
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
msgstr "Nekonata ago: %s. Ignoras."

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:297
msgid "setup debugging"
msgstr "agordara sencimigo"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:308
#, python-format
msgid "Gramps config settings from %s:"
msgstr "Gramps-agordaro de %s:"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:326
#, python-format
msgid "Current Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s"
msgstr "Aktuala Gramps-agordaro: %(name)s:%(value)s"

#. does a user want the default config value?
#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:333
msgid "DEFAULT"
msgstr "DEFAŬLTO"

#. translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:340
#, python-format
msgid "    New Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s"
msgstr "    Nova Gramps-agordaro: %(name)s:%(value)s"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:349
#, python-format
msgid "Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
msgstr "Gramps: nenia agordaro: '%s'"

#: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:384
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
"To use in the command-line mode, supply at least one input file to process."
msgstr ""
"Eraro dum la analizo de la argumentoj: %s\n"
"Por uzi en komandlinia reĝimo, provizu almenaŭ unu enigdosieron prilaborotan."

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:80
#, python-format
msgid ""
"ERROR: %(title)s \n"
"       %(message)s"
msgstr ""
"ERARO: %(title)s \n"
"       %(message)s"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:204
msgid "Number of people"
msgstr "Personnombro"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:206 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:208
msgid "Locked?"
msgstr "Ĉu blokita?"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:209
msgid "Bsddb version"
msgstr "Bsddb-versio"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:210
msgid "Schema version"
msgstr "Skemoversio"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:212
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:90
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:289
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:671
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:98
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Vojprefikso"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:213 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:299
msgid "Last accessed"
msgstr "Lasta aliro"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:270
#, python-format
msgid "Starting Import, %s"
msgstr "Komencas importi, %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:276
msgid "Import finished..."
msgstr "Importado finita..."

#. Create a new database
#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:362 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:284
msgid "Importing data..."
msgstr "Importas datumojn..."

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:408
msgid "Could not rename Family Tree"
msgstr "Ne eblis alinomi Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:442
#, python-format
msgid ""
"ERROR: Wrong database path in Edit Menu->Preferences.\n"
"Open preferences and set correct database path.\n"
"Details: Could not make database directory:\n"
"    %s\n"
msgstr ""
"ERARO: Malĝusta datumbaza vojo en Redaktomenuo -> Agordo.\n"
"Malfermu agordojn kaj agordu ĝustan datumbazan vojon.\n"
"Detaloj: Ne eblis krei datumbazan dosierujon:\n"
"    %s\n"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:493 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1318
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Neniam"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:509
#, python-format
msgid "Locked by %s"
msgstr "Blokita de %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:512 ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:62
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:78 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:58
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:168 ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:34 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:79
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:52 ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:78
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:68 ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:58
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:49 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:62
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:53 ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:81
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:87 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:119
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:121 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:125
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:131 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:136
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:183
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:125
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:143
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:169
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:173
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:179
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:181
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:135
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:253
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:681
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:782
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:789
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:790
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:277
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:294
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:190
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:265
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:550
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:552
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:559
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:561
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:576
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:609
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:611
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:618
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:620
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:678
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:283
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:376
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:557
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:591
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:593
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:600
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:602
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:628
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:749
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:827
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2135
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:65
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:504
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:255
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:648
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:431
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:573
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:464
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:458 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:995
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1052
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:394
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2363
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2519
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nekonata"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:82
#, python-format
msgid "WARNING: %s"
msgstr "AVERTO: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:89 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:234
#, python-format
msgid "ERROR: %s"
msgstr "ERARO: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:101 ../gramps/cli/user.py:180
#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:214
msgid "Low level database corruption detected"
msgstr "Detektita difekto de malaltnivela datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:103 ../gramps/cli/user.py:181
#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:215
msgid ""
"Gramps has detected a problem in the underlying Berkeley database. This can "
"be repaired from the Family Tree Manager. Select the database and click on "
"the Repair button"
msgstr ""
"Gramps detektis problemon en la datumbazo Berkeley. Tio povas esti riparita "
"per Administrilo de Genealogiaj Arboj. Elektu la datumbazon kaj alklaku la "
"butonon Riparu"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:147 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:300
msgid "Read only database"
msgstr "Nurlega datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:148 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:242
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:301
msgid "You do not have write access to the selected file."
msgstr "Vi ne havas skribaliron al la elektita dosiero."

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:167 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:170
#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:173 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:176
#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:179 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:182
#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:185 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:188
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:388 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:391
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:394 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:397
msgid "Cannot open database"
msgstr "Ne eblas malfermi la datumbazon"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:192 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:198
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:401
#, python-format
msgid "Could not open file: %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis malfermi la dosieron: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:246
msgid "Could not load a recent Family Tree."
msgstr "Ne eblis ŝargi lastatempan Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:247
msgid "Family Tree does not exist, as it has been deleted."
msgstr "La Genealogia Arbo ne ekzistas, ĉar forigita."

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "The database is locked."
msgstr "La nomo de ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:253
msgid ""
"Use the --force-unlock option if you are sure that the database is not in "
msgstr ""

#. already errors encountered. Show first one on terminal and exit
#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:332
#, python-format
msgid "Error encountered: %s"
msgstr "Eraro renkontita: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:334 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:342
#, python-format
msgid "  Details: %s"
msgstr "  Detaloj: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:339
#, python-format
msgid "Error encountered in argument parsing: %s"
msgstr "Eraro renkontita dum argumentanalizo: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:168
msgid "ERROR: Please specify a person"
msgstr "ERARO: Bv specifi personon"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:193
msgid "ERROR: Please specify a family"
msgstr "ERARO: Bv specifi familion"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:265
msgid "=filename"
msgstr "=dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:265
msgid "Output file name. MANDATORY"
msgstr "Elira dosiernomo. DEVIGA"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:266
msgid "=format"
msgstr "=formo"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:266
msgid "Output file format."
msgstr "Elira dosierformo."

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:267 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:268
msgid "=name"
msgstr "=nomo"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:267
msgid "Style name."
msgstr "Stilnomo."

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:268
msgid "Paper size name."
msgstr "Nomo de la paperformato"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:269 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:270
#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:272 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:274
#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:276
msgid "=number"
msgstr "=numero"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:269
msgid "Paper orientation number."
msgstr "Paperrotacia numero"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:270
msgid "Left paper margin"
msgstr "Maldekstra papermarĝeno"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:271 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:273
#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:275 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:277
msgid "Size in cm"
msgstr "Grando en cm"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:272
msgid "Right paper margin"
msgstr "Dekstra papermarĝeno"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:274
msgid "Top paper margin"
msgstr "Supra papermarĝeno"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:276
msgid "Bottom paper margin"
msgstr "Malsupra papermarĝeno"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:278
msgid "=css filename"
msgstr "=css-dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:278
msgid "CSS filename to use, html format only"
msgstr "CSS-dosiernomo uzota, nur html-forma"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:421
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown option: %s"
msgstr "Nekonata opcio: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:422 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:504
msgid "   Valid options are:"
msgstr "   Validaj opcioj estas:"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:425 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:507
#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:584
#, python-format
msgid "   Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see description and acceptable values"
msgstr ""
"   Uzu '%(donottranslate)s' por vidi priskribon kaj akcepteblajn valorojn"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:478
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Ignoring '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' and using '%(notranslate1)s="
msgstr ""
"Ignorias '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' kaj uzas '%(notranslate1)s="

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:484
#, python-format
msgid "Use '%(notranslate)s' to see valid values."
msgstr "Uzu '%(notranslate)s' por vidi validajn valorojn."

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:503
#, python-format
msgid "Ignoring unknown option: %s"
msgstr "Ignoras nekonatan opcion: %s"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:573
msgid "   Available options:"
msgstr "   Disponeblaj opcioj:"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:582
msgid "(no help available)"
msgstr "(nedisponebla helpo)"

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:591
msgid "   Available values are:"
msgstr "Disponeblaj valoroj estas:"

#. there was a show option given, but the option is invalid
#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:601
#, python-format
msgid ""
"option '%(optionname)s' not valid. Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see all valid "
msgstr ""
"opcio '%(optionname)s' nevalida. Uzu '%(donottranslate)s' por vidi ĉiujn "
"validajn opciojn."

#: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:615
msgid "Failed to write report. "
msgstr "La verkado de la raporto malsukcesis."

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:287
msgid "Imported %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "Importita %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:301
msgid "Missing Given Name"
msgstr "Mankas antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:302
msgid "Missing Record"
msgstr "Mankas rikordo"

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:303
msgid "Missing Surname"
msgstr "Mankas Familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:310 ../gramps/gen/config.py:312
msgid "Living"
msgstr "Vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gen/config.py:311
msgid "Private Record"
msgstr "Privata rikordo"

#: ../gramps/gen/const.py:190
msgid ""
" (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n"
"is a personal genealogy program."
msgstr ""
"(Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) estas "
"persona genealogia programo."

#: ../gramps/gen/const.py:220 ../gramps/gen/const.py:221
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1820 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1834
msgid "none"
msgstr "neniu"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:74
#, python-format
msgid "Date parser for '%s' not available, using default"
msgstr "Data analizilo por '%s' nedisponebla, uzas defaŭltan"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:90
#, python-format
msgid "Date displayer for '%s' not available, using default"
msgstr "Data vidigilo por '%s' nedisponebla, uzas defaŭltan"

#. format 0 - must always be ISO
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:63
msgid "YYYY-MM-DD (ISO)"
msgstr "JJJJ-MM-TT (ISO)"

#. format # 1 - must always be locale-preferred numerical format
#. such as YY.MM.DD, MM-DD-YY, or whatever your locale prefers.
#. This should be the format that is used under the locale by
#. strftime() for '%x'.
#. You may translate this as "Numerical", "System preferred", or similar.
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:70
msgid "date format|Numerical"
msgstr "Cifera"

#. Full month name, day, year
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:73
msgid "Month Day, Year"
msgstr "Monato Tago, Jaro"

#. Abbreviated month name, day, year
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:76
msgid "MON DAY, YEAR"
msgstr "MON TAGO, JARO"

#. Day, full month name, year
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:79
msgid "Day Month Year"
msgstr "Tago Monato Jaro"

#. Day, abbreviated month name, year
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:82
msgid "DAY MON YEAR"
msgstr "TAGO MON JARO"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection for your language.
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:160
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:232
msgid "{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. first date in a span
#. If "from <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:168
msgid "from|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. second date in a span
#. If "to <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:176
msgid "to|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. first date in a range
#. If "between <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:184
msgid "between|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. second date in a range
#. If "and <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:192
msgid "and|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. If "before <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:199
msgid "before|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. If "after <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:206
msgid "after|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. If "about <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:213
msgid "about|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. If "estimated <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "estimated|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#. If "calculated <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "calculated|{long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {year}"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:232
msgid "{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. first date in a span
#. If "from <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:240
msgid "from|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. second date in a span
#. If "to <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:248
msgid "to|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. first date in a range
#. If "between <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:256
msgid "between|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. second date in a range
#. If "and <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:264
msgid "and|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If "before <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:271
msgid "before|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If "after <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:278
msgid "after|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If "about <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:285
msgid "about|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If "estimated <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "estimated|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If "calculated <Month>" needs a special inflection in your
#. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}"
#. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined)
#. else leave it untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "calculated|{short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {year}"

#. If there is no special inflection for "from <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "from" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:398
msgid "from-date|"
msgstr ""

#. If there is no special inflection for "to <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "to" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:403
msgid "to-date|"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:404
msgid "{date_quality}from {date_start} to {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"
msgstr "{date_quality}de {date_start} al {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"

#. If there is no special inflection for "between <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "between" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:423
msgid "between-date|"
msgstr ""

#. If there is no special inflection for "and <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "and" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:428
msgid "and-date|"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:429
msgid ""
"{date_quality}between {date_start} and {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"
msgstr ""
"{date_quality}inter {date_start} kaj {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"

#. If there is no special inflection for "before <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "before" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:462
msgid "before-date|"
msgstr ""

#. If there is no special inflection for "after <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "after" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:467
#, fuzzy
msgid "after-date|"
msgstr "post"

#. If there is no special inflection for "about <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "about" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:472
#, fuzzy
msgid "about-date|"
msgstr "pri"

#. If there is no special inflection for "estimated <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "estimated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:477
#, fuzzy
msgid "estimated-date|"
msgstr "Taksata"

#. If there is no special inflection for "calculated <Month>"
#. in your language, DON'T translate this string.  Otherwise,
#. "translate" this to "calculated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:482
#, fuzzy
msgid "calculated-date|"
msgstr "kalkulita"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:501
msgid "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"
msgstr "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}"

#. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:581
msgid "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}"
msgstr "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}"

#. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:607
msgid "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}"
msgstr "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}"

#. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:633
msgid "{day:d} {long_month} {year}"
msgstr "{day:d} {long_month} {year}"

#. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:659
msgid "{day:d} {short_month} {year}"
msgstr "{day:d} {short_month} {year}"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_dateparser.py:400
msgid "today"
msgstr "hodiaŭ"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:64
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||January"
msgstr "Januaro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:65
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||February"
msgstr "Februaro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:66
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||March"
msgstr "Marto"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:67
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||April"
msgstr "Aprilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:68
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||May"
msgstr "Majo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:69
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||June"
msgstr "Junio"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:70
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||July"
msgstr "Julio"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:71
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||August"
msgstr "Aŭgusto"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:72
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||September"
msgstr "Septembro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:73
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||October"
msgstr "Oktobro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:74
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||November"
msgstr "Novembro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:75
msgid "localized lexeme inflections||December"
msgstr "Decembro"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:82
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jan"
msgstr "Jan"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:83
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Feb"
msgstr "Feb"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:84
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:85
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Apr"
msgstr "Apr"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:86
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||May"
msgstr "Maj"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:87
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jun"
msgstr "Jun"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:88
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jul"
msgstr "Jul"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:89
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Aug"
msgstr "Aŭg"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:90
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Sep"
msgstr "Sep"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:91
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Oct"
msgstr "Okt"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:92
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Nov"
msgstr "Nov"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:93
msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Dec"
msgstr "Dec"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to add proper alternatives to be recognized in your localized
#. DateParser code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:101
msgid "alternative month names for January||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:102
msgid "alternative month names for February||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:103
msgid "alternative month names for March||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:104
msgid "alternative month names for April||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:105
msgid "alternative month names for May||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:106
msgid "alternative month names for June||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:107
msgid "alternative month names for July||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:108
msgid "alternative month names for August||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:109
msgid "alternative month names for September||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:110
msgid "alternative month names for October||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:111
msgid "alternative month names for November||"
msgstr "|"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:112
msgid "alternative month names for December||"
msgstr "|"

#. Must appear in the order indexed by Date.CAL_... numeric constants
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:116 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:583
msgid "calendar|Gregorian"
msgstr "Gregoria"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:117 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:584
msgid "calendar|Julian"
msgstr "Julia"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:118 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:585
msgid "calendar|Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebrea"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:119 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:586
msgid "calendar|French Republican"
msgstr "Francrespublika"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:120 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:587
msgid "calendar|Persian"
msgstr "Persa"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:121 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:588
msgid "calendar|Islamic"
msgstr "Islama"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:122 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:589
msgid "calendar|Swedish"
msgstr "Sveda"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:131
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tishri"
msgstr "Tiŝrio"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:132
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Heshvan"
msgstr "Ĥeŝvano"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:133
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Kislev"
msgstr "Kislevo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:134
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tevet"
msgstr "Teveto"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:135
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Shevat"
msgstr "Ŝevato"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:136
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|AdarI"
msgstr "Adaro 1"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:137
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|AdarII"
msgstr "Adaro 2"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:138
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Nisan"
msgstr "Nisano"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:139
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Iyyar"
msgstr "Ijaro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:140
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Sivan"
msgstr "Sivano"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:141
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tammuz"
msgstr "Tamuzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:142
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Av"
msgstr "Abo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:143
msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Elul"
msgstr "Elulo"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:152
msgid "French month lexeme|Vendémiaire"
msgstr "Vendemiero"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:153
msgid "French month lexeme|Brumaire"
msgstr "Brumero"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:154
msgid "French month lexeme|Frimaire"
msgstr "Frimero"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:155
msgid "French month lexeme|Nivôse"
msgstr "Nivozo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:156
msgid "French month lexeme|Pluviôse"
msgstr "Pluviozo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:157
msgid "French month lexeme|Ventôse"
msgstr "Ventozo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:158
msgid "French month lexeme|Germinal"
msgstr "Ĝerminalo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:159
msgid "French month lexeme|Floréal"
msgstr "Florealo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:160
msgid "French month lexeme|Prairial"
msgstr "Prerialo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:161
msgid "French month lexeme|Messidor"
msgstr "Mesidoro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:162
msgid "French month lexeme|Thermidor"
msgstr "Termidoro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:163
msgid "French month lexeme|Fructidor"
msgstr "Fruktidoro"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:164
msgid "French month lexeme|Extra"
msgstr "Ekstra"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:173
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Muharram"
msgstr "Muharram"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:174
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Safar"
msgstr "Safar"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:175
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rabi`al-Awwal"
msgstr "Rabi`al-Aŭŭal"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:176
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rabi`ath-Thani"
msgstr "Rabi-us-Sani"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:177
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Jumada l-Ula"
msgstr "Ĵumada-l-Ula"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:178
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Jumada t-Tania"
msgstr "Ĵumada-s-Sanija"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:179
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rajab"
msgstr "Raĵab"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:180
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Sha`ban"
msgstr "Ŝaban "

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:181
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Ramadan"
msgstr "Ramadano"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:182
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Shawwal"
msgstr "Ŝaŭŭal"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:183
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Dhu l-Qa`da"
msgstr "Du-l-Kada"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:184
msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Dhu l-Hijja"
msgstr "Du-l-Hiĵĵa"

#. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates
#. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized
#. DateDisplayer code!
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:193
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Farvardin"
msgstr "Farvardin"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:194
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Ordibehesht"
msgstr "Ordibeheŝt\t"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:195
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Khordad"
msgstr "Ĥordad"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:196
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:197
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Mordad"
msgstr "Mordad"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:198
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Shahrivar"
msgstr "Ŝahrivar"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:199
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:200
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:201
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:202
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Dey"
msgstr "Dej"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:203
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Bahman"
msgstr "Bahman"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:204
msgid "Persian month lexeme|Esfand"
msgstr "Esfand"

#. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date
#. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:210
msgid "date modifier|before "
msgstr "antaŭ"

#. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date
#. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:213
msgid "date modifier|after "
msgstr "post"

#. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date
#. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it
#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:216
msgid "date modifier|about "
msgstr "ĉirkaŭ"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:220
msgid "date quality|estimated "
msgstr "taksata"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:221
msgid "date quality|calculated "
msgstr "kalkulita"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:227
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanĉo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:228
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:229
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:230
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Merkredo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:231
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Ĵaŭdo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:232
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredo"

#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:233
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sabato"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1643 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1855
msgid "Add child to family"
msgstr "Aldonu fil(in)on al la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1656 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1661
msgid "Remove child from family"
msgstr "Forigu fil(in)on el la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1736 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1740
msgid "Remove Family"
msgstr "Forigu familion"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1781
msgid "Remove father from family"
msgstr "Forigu la patron el la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1783
msgid "Remove mother from family"
msgstr "Forigu la patrinon el la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/dictionary.py:1197 ../gramps/gen/db/write.py:1301
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt is made to save a reference key which is partly bytecode, this is "
"not allowed.\n"
"Key is %s"
msgstr ""
"Oni provis konservi referencŝlosilon kiu estas parte okbitkoda, tio ne estas "
"La ŝlosilo estas %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:91
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The schema version is not supported by this version of Gramps.\n"
"This Family Tree is schema version %(tree_vers)s, and this version of Gramps "
"supports versions %(min_vers)s to %(max_vers)s\n"
"Please upgrade to the corresponding version or use XML for porting data "
"between different schema versions."
msgstr ""
"La skema verio ne estas subtenata de ĉi tiu versio de Gramps.\n"
"Ĉi tiu Genealogia arbo uzas la sekeman version %(tree_vers)s, kaj ĉi tiu "
"versio de Gramps subtenas la versiojn %(min_vers)s ĝis %(max_vers)s\n"
"Bv aktualigi al la koncerna versio aŭ uzi XML'on por transporti la datumojn "
"inter diferencaj skemaj versioj."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:113
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version "
"%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version "
"%(bdb_version)s. So you are trying to load data created in a newer format "
"into an older program, and this is bound to fail.\n"
"You should start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree. You "
"can then import this backup into this version of Gramps."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi utiligas la version %(env_version)s "
"de Bsddb. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la version %(bdb_version)s. Do oni "
"provas ŝargi datumojn kreitajn en pli nova formo en pli malnovan programon, "
"kaj tio certe malsukcesos.\n"
"Oni devus startigi <b>pli novan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://"
"\">sekurkopii</a> sian Genealogian Arbon. Tiam oni povos importi la "
"sekurkopion en ĉi tiun version de Gramps."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:143
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version "
"%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version "
"%(bdb_version)s. So you are trying to load data created in a newer format "
"into an older program. In this particular case, the difference is very "
"small, so it may work.\n"
"If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should "
"start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi utiligas la version %(env_version)s "
"de Bsddb. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la version %(bdb_version)s. Do oni "
"provas ŝargi datumojn kreitajn en pli nova formo en pli malnovan programon. "
"En ĉi tiu kazo la diferenco estas tre malgranda, kaj ĝi povus funkcii.\n"
"Se oni ankoraŭ ne sekurkopiis sian Genealogian Arbon, oni devus startigi "
"sian <b>pli novan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://www.gramps-"
"project.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_make_a_backup\">sekurkopii</a> sian "
"Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:172
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version "
"%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version "
"%(bdb_version)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without "
"upgrading the Bsddb version of the Family Tree.\n"
"Opening the Family Tree with this version of Gramps might irretrievably "
"corrupt your Family Tree. You are strongly advised to backup your Family "
"If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should "
"start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi utiligas la version %(env_version)s "
"de Bsddb. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la version %(bdb_version)s. Do oni ne "
"povas ŝargi ĉi tiun Genealogian Arbon ne aktualigante la version Bsddb de la "
"Genealogia Arbo.\n"
"Malfermi la Genealogian Arbon per ĉi tiu versio de Gramps povus neripareble "
"difekti ĝin. Oni varme konsilas sekurkopii la Genalogian Arbon.\n"
"Se oni ankoraŭ ne sekurkopiis sian Genealogian Arbon, oni devus startigi "
"sian <b>pli malnovan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://www.gramps-"
"project.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_make_a_backup\">sekurkopii</a> sian "
"Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:202
msgid ""
"Gramps has detected a problem in opening the 'environment' of the underlying "
"Berkeley database used to store this Family Tree. The most likely cause is "
"that the database was created with an old version of the Berkeley database "
"program, and you are now using a new version. It is quite likely that your "
"database has not been changed by Gramps.\n"
"If possible, you should revert to your old version of Gramps and its support "
"software; export your database to XML; close the database; then upgrade "
"again to this version of Gramps and import the XML file in an empty Family "
"Tree. Alternatively, it may be possible to use the Berkeley database "
"recovery tools."
msgstr ""
"Gramps detektis problemon dum la malfermo de la 'ĉirkaŭaĵo' de la datumbazo "
"Berkeley uzata por konservi ĉi tiun GenealogianArbon. La plej probabla kialo "
"estas ke ĝi estis kreita per malnova versio de la datumbazo Berkeley, kaj "
"nun oni estas uzantaj novan version. Preskaŭ certas ke la datumbazo neestis "
"modifitajnde Gramps.\n"
"Se eblas, oni devus reiri al sia malnova versio de Gramps kaj ĝia subtenata "
"programaro; eksportu la datumbazon al XML; fermu la datumbazon; tial "
"reaktualigu al ĉi tiu versio de Gramps kaj importu la XML-dosieron en "
"malplenan Genealogian Arbon. Alternative, eblus uzi la riparilon de la "
"datumbazo Berkeley."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:229
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the schema version "
"%(oldschema)s format. This version of Gramps uses schema version "
"%(newschema)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without upgrading "
"the schema version of the Family Tree.\n"
"If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, "
"even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s "
"or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family "
"Upgrading is a difficult task which could irretrievably corrupt your Family "
"Tree if it is interrupted or fails.\n"
"If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should "
"start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi utiligas la skeman  version "
"%(oldschema)s. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la skeman version %(newschema)s. "
"Do oni ne povas ŝargi ĉi tiun Genealogian Arbon ne aktualigante la skeman "
"version de la Genealogia Arbo.\n"
"Se oni aktualigas oni ne povos uzi la antaŭan version de Gramps, eĉ se oni "
"<a href=\"http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"
"\">sekurkopias</a> aŭ <a href=\"http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"
"\">eksportas</a>sian aktualigitan Genealogian Arbon.\n"
"Aktualigo estas malfacila tasko kiu povus neripareble difekti sian "
"Genealogian Arbon se ĝi interrompiĝas aŭ malsukcesas.\n"
"Se oni ankoraŭ ne sekurkopiis sian Genealogian Arbon, oni devus startigi "
"sian <b>malnovan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://www.gramps-"
"project.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_make_a_backup\">sekurkopii</a> sian "
"Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:267
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load was created with Python version "
"%(db_python_version)s. This version of Gramps uses Python version "
"%(current_python_version)s.  So you are trying to load data created in a "
"newer format into an older program, and this is bound to fail.\n"
"You should start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree. You "
"can then import this backup into this version of Gramps."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi estis kreita per la versio "
"%(db_python_version)s de Pitono. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la version "
"%(current_python_version)s. Do oni provas ŝargi datumojn kreitajn en pli "
"nova formo en pli malnovan programon, kaj tio certe malsukcesos.\n"
"Oni devus startigi <b>pli novan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://"
"\">sekurkopii</a> sian Genealogian Arbon. Tiam oni povos importi la "
"sekurkopion en ĉi tiun version de Gramps."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:297
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Python version "
"%(db_python_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Python version "
"%(current_python_version)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree "
"without upgrading the Python version of the Family Tree.\n"
"If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, "
"even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s "
"or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family "
"Upgrading is a difficult task which could irretrievably corrupt your Family "
"Tree if it is interrupted or fails.\n"
"If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should "
"start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and "
"%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo kiun oni provas ŝargi estis kreita per la versio "
"%(db_python_version)s de Pitono. Ĉi tiu versio de Gramps uzas la version "
"%(current_python_version)s. Do oni provas ŝargi ĉi tiun genealogian Arbon ne "
"aktualigante la Pitonversion de la Genealogia Arbo.\n"
"Se oni aktualigas oni ne povos uzi la antaŭan version de Gramps, eĉ se oni "
"<a href=\"http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"
"\">sekurkopias</a> aŭ <a href=\"http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"
"\">eksportas</a>sian aktualigitan Genealogian Arbon.\n"
"Aktualigo estas malfacila tasko kiu povus neripareble difekti sian "
"Genealogian Arbon se ĝi interrompiĝas aŭ malsukcesas.\n"
"Se oni ankoraŭ ne sekurkopiis sian Genealogian Arbon, oni devus startigi "
"sian <b>malnovan</b> version de Gramps kaj <a href=\"http://www.gramps-"
"project.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_make_a_backup\">sekurkopii</a> sian "
"Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/gen/db/undoredo.py:246 ../gramps/gen/db/undoredo.py:283
#: ../gramps/gen/db/write.py:2311
#, python-format
msgid "_Undo %s"
msgstr "_Malfaru %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/undoredo.py:252 ../gramps/gen/db/undoredo.py:289
#, python-format
msgid "_Redo %s"
msgstr "_Refaru %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:406
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  People        upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Personoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:407
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Families      upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Familioj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:408
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Events        upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Eventoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:409
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Media Objects upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr ""
"%6d  Aŭvideaj objektoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:410
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Places        upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Lokoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:411
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Repositories  upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Deponejoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:412
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(n1)6d  Sources       upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n"
msgstr "%6d  Fontoj        aktualigitaj kun %6d citaĵoj en %6d sek\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:797
msgid "Number of new objects upgraded:\n"
msgstr "Nombro de la novaj objektoj aktualigitaj:\n"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:806
msgid ""
"You may want to run\n"
"Tools -> Family Tree Processing -> Merge\n"
"in order to merge citations that contain similar\n"
msgstr ""
"Eble oni volas lanĉi\n"
"Iloj -> Traktado de Genealogia Arbo -> Kunfandu\n"
"por kunfandi citaĵojn kiuj entenas similajn informojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:810
msgid "Upgrade Statistics"
msgstr "Aktualigu statistikojn"

#. Make a tuple of the functions and classes that we need for
#. each of the primary object tables.
#: ../gramps/gen/db/write.py:1370
msgid "Rebuild reference map"
msgstr "Refaru referencmapon"

#: ../gramps/gen/db/write.py:2164
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A second transaction is started while there is still a transaction, \"%s\", "
"active in the database."
msgstr "Oni startigis transakcion dum alia, %s, aktivas en la datumbazo. "

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:350 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:707
msgid ","
msgstr ","

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:353
msgid "Default format (defined by Gramps preferences)"
msgstr "Defaŭlta formo (difinita de Gramps-agordoj)"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:355
msgid "Surname, Given Suffix"
msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo Postantaŭnoma vorteto"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:357 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:635 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:637
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:642 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:644
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:646 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:647
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:648 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:649
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:651 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:652
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:653 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:654
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:655 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:656
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:352
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:134
msgid "Given"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:359
msgid "Given Surname Suffix"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo Familinomo Postantaŭnoma vorteto"

#. primary name primconnector other, given pa/matronynic suffix, primprefix
#. translators: long string, have a look at Preferences dialog
#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:363
msgid "Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix Prefix"
msgstr ""
"Ĉefaj familinomoj, Antaŭnomo Patronomo Postantaŭnoma vorteto Antaŭfamilinoma "

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:366
msgid "Patronymic, Given"
msgstr "Patronomo, antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:595 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:695
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:139
msgid "Person|title"
msgstr "titolo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:597 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:697
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:135
msgid "given"
msgstr "antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:599 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:699
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:132
msgid "surname"
msgstr "familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:601 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:701
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:389
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:141
msgid "suffix"
msgstr "postantaŭnoma vorteto"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:603 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:703
msgid "Name|call"
msgstr "voknomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:606 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:705
msgid "Name|common"
msgstr "komunuza"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:610 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:708
msgid "initials"
msgstr "inicialoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:613 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:710
msgid "Name|primary"
msgstr "ĉefa"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:616 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:712
msgid "primary[pre]"
msgstr "ĉefa[afv]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:619 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:714
msgid "primary[sur]"
msgstr "ĉefa[fam]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:622 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:716
msgid "primary[con]"
msgstr "ĉefa[kun]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:624 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:718
msgid "patronymic"
msgstr "patronomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:626 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:720
msgid "patronymic[pre]"
msgstr "patronomo[afv]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:628 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:722
msgid "patronymic[sur]"
msgstr "patronomo[fam]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:630 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:724
msgid "patronymic[con]"
msgstr "patronomo[kun]"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:632 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:726
msgid "notpatronymic"
msgstr "ne patronomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:635 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:728
msgid "Remaining names|rest"
msgstr "ceteraj"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:638 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:730
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:410
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:140
msgid "prefix"
msgstr "Antaŭfamilinoma vorteto"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:641 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:732
msgid "rawsurnames"
msgstr "puraj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:643 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:734
msgid "nickname"
msgstr "neformala nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:645 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:736
msgid "familynick"
msgstr "familikromnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1100
#, python-format
msgid "Wrong name format string %s"
msgstr "Erara nomforma signovico %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1104
msgid "ERROR, Edit Name format in Preferences"
msgstr "ERARO, Redaktu nomformon en Agordoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:116
#, python-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: Too many arguments in filter '%s'!\n"
"Trying to load with subset of arguments."
msgstr ""
"AVERTO: Tro da argumentoj en filtrilo '%s'\n"
"Provas ŝargi kun sub-aro de argumentoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:124
#, python-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: Too few arguments in filter '%s'!\n"
"         Trying to load anyway in the hope this will be upgraded."
msgstr ""
"AVERTO: Tro malmultaj argumentoj en filtrilo '%s'\n"
"         Provas ŝargi, tamen, kun la espero ke ĝi estos plibonigita."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:132
#, python-format
msgid "ERROR: filter %s could not be correctly loaded. Edit the filter!"
msgstr "ERARO: ne eblis ĝuste ŝargi filtrilon %s. Redaktu la filtrilon!"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:55
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_everything.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasattributebase.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastagbase.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_isprivate.py:42
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_ispublic.py:39
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matcheseventfilterbase.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:57
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:59
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:55
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:60
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:46
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:41
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:53
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:66
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:90
msgid "General filters"
msgstr "Ĝeneralaj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:81
msgid "Wrong format of date-time"
msgstr "Erara formo por dato/horo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:82
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Only date-times in the iso format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, where the time "
"part is optional, are accepted. %s does not satisfy."
msgstr ""
"Oni akceptas nur dato/horojn en iso-formo: jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss, kie la "
"horparto estas malnepra. %s ne respektas la cititan formon."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:229
msgid "Volume/Page:"
msgstr "Volumo/Paĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:578
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:295
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Dato:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:51
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:295
msgid "Confidence:"
msgstr "Konfido:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Citations matching parameters"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:53
msgid "Matches citations with particular parameters"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun apartaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcebase.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourceconfidencebase.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:47
msgid "Citation/source filters"
msgstr "Citaĵo/fontfiltrtiloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_haseventbase.py:56
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:44
msgid "Event filters"
msgstr "Eventfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:513
msgid "Number must be:"
msgstr "La numero devas esti:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:508
msgid "Number of instances:"
msgstr "Nombro de ekzemploj:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:121
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:517
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:230
msgid "ID:"
msgstr "ID:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:42
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:42
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:42
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:229
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "Teksto:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:42
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:50
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:63
msgid "Substring:"
msgstr "Subĉeno:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:511
msgid "Reference count must be:"
msgstr "Referenctotalo devas esti:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:507
msgid "Reference count:"
msgstr "Referenctotalo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:520
msgid "Source ID:"
msgstr "Fonto-ID:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:121
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:522
msgid "Filter name:"
msgstr "Filtrilnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:67
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:70
#, python-format
msgid "Can't find filter %s in the defined custom filters"
msgstr "Ne eblas trovi filtrilon %s en la propraj filtriloj difinitaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:530
msgid "Source filter name:"
msgstr "Fonta filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:53
msgid "Miscellaneous filters"
msgstr "Diversaj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:54 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:918
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:515
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:659
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:442
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:585
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:473
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Neniu priskribo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:45
msgid "Every citation"
msgstr "Ĉiuj citaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:46
msgid "Matches every citation in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas kun ĉiuj citaĵoj en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46
msgid "Changed after:"
msgstr "Ŝanĝita post:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46
msgid "but before:"
msgstr "sed antaŭ:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:46
msgid "Citations changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj ŝanĝitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:47
msgid ""
"Matches citation records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:"
"mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas citaĵorikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:43
msgid "Citations marked private"
msgstr "Citaĵoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:44
msgid "Matches citations that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:575
msgid "Confidence level:"
msgstr "Konfidnivelo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:45
msgid "Citations with <count> media"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:46
msgid "Matches citations with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun difinita nombro de elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Citation with <Id>"
msgstr "Citaĵo kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:46
msgid "Matches a citation with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵon kun specifa GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Citations having <count> notes"
msgstr "Citaĵoj havantaj <nombro> noto(j)n"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:47
msgid "Matches citations having a certain number of notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kiuj havas difinitan nombron de notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Citations having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:44
msgid "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Citations having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:43
msgid ""
"Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Citations with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:44
msgid "Matches citations with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:200
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:759
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:775
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:229
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:206
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:221
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:229
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titolo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:396
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:792
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:808
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:192
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Aŭtoro:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:50
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:825
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:841
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:295
msgid "Abbreviation:"
msgstr "Mallongigo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:51
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:858
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:874
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:328
msgid "Publication:"
msgstr "Publikaĵo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:52
msgid "Sources matching parameters"
msgstr "Fonto kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:53
msgid "Matches citations with a source of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun aparte valora fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:55
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:55
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:51
msgid "Source filters"
msgstr "Fontfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:46
msgid "Citation with Source <Id>"
msgstr "Citaĵo kun fonto <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:47
msgid "Matches a citation with a source with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵon kun kun fonto havantan difinitan Gramps-ID'on"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:52
msgid "Citations having source notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun fontnotoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:53
msgid ""
"Matches citations whose source notes contain a substring or match a regular "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies fontnotoj entenas subĉenon aŭ kongruas kun regula "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:571
msgid "Tag:"
msgstr "Etikedo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Citations with the <tag>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches citations with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun difinita etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Citations matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:46
msgid "Matches citations matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:43
msgid "Citations with Volume/Page containing <text>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun Volumo/Paĝo entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:44
msgid "Matches citations whose Volume/Page contains a certain substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies VOlumo/Paĝo entenas difinitan subĉenon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:43
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:532
msgid "Repository filter name:"
msgstr "Deponeja filtrilnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:46
msgid ""
"Citations with a source with a repository reference matching the <repository "
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun deponeja referenco kongrua kun <deponeja filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches citations with sources with a repository reference that match a "
"certain repository filter"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun fontoj kies deponeja referenco kongruas kun difinita "
"deponeja filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:49
msgid "Citations with source matching the <source filter>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun fonto kongrua kun <deponeja filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:50
msgid ""
"Matches citations with sources that match the specified source filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kun fontoj kongrua kun difinita fonta filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Citations with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun ID entananta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:49
msgid "Matches citations whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:48
msgid "Citations with Source Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Citaĵoj kun Fonto-Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:49
msgid ""
"Matches citations whose source has a Gramps ID that matches the regular "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas citaĵojn kies fonto havas Gramps-ID'on kongrua kun la regula "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:44
msgid "Every event"
msgstr "Ĉiuj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:45
msgid "Matches every event in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn eventojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Events changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Eventoj ŝanĝitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches event records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas eventorikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:42
msgid "Events marked private"
msgstr "Eventoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches events that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:103
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:545
msgid "Event attribute:"
msgstr "Event-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "Valoro:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:45
msgid "Events with the attribute <attribute>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun la atributo <atributo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:46
msgid "Matches events with the event attribute of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun aparte valora atributo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Events with the <citation>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun la <citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:52
msgid "Matches events with a citation of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun aparte valora citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:100
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:538
msgid "Event type:"
msgstr "Eventotipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:50
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:505
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:295
msgid "Place:"
msgstr "Loko:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:51
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:328
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Priskribo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:49
msgid "Events with <data>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun <datumoj>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:50
msgid "Matches events with data of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun aparte valoraj datumoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:580
msgid "Day of Week:"
msgstr "Semajntago:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:45
msgid "Events occurring on a particular day of the week"
msgstr "Eventoj okazantaj dum difinita semajntago"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:46
msgid "Matches events occurring on a particular day of the week"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn okazantajn dum difinita semajntago"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:45
msgid "Events with <count> media"
msgstr "Eventoj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:46
msgid "Matches events with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun difinita nombro da elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Event with <Id>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches an event with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventon kun specifita GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:45
msgid "Events having <count> notes"
msgstr "Eventoj kun <nombro> noto(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Matches events having a certain number of notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun difinita nombro da notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Events having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Evento kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Events having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas eventopjn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Events with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches events with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:44
msgid "Events with <count> sources"
msgstr "Eventoj kun <nombro> fontoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:45
msgid "Matches events with a certain number of sources connected to it"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun difinita nombro de fontoj ligitaj al ĝi."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Events with the <tag>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches events with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:46
msgid "Events with the particular type"
msgstr "Apartaj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:47
msgid "Matches events with the particular type "
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn el aparta tipo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Events matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Eventoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches events matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:566
msgid "Include Family events:"
msgstr "Inkluzivu familieventojn:"

#. filters of another namespace, name may be same as caller!
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:526
msgid "Person filter name:"
msgstr "Persona filtrilnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:51
msgid "Events of persons matching the <person filter>"
msgstr "Eventoj de personoj kongrua kun la <personfiltrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:52
msgid "Matches events of persons matched by the specified person filter name"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas eventojn de personoj kongruajn kun la specifita persona "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:534
msgid "Place filter name:"
msgstr "Loka filtrilnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:50
msgid "Events of places matching the <place filter>"
msgstr "Eventoj de lokoj kongruaj kun la <loka filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:51
msgid ""
"Matches events that occurred at places that match the specified place filter "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas eventojn okazintajn en lokoj kongruaj kun la specifita loka "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45
msgid "Events with at least one direct source >= <confidence level>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto>=<konfidnivelo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:46
msgid "Matches events with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas eventojn kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto kun konfida(j) nivelo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:49
msgid "Events with source matching the <source filter>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun fonto kongrua kun <fontfiltrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:50
msgid "Matches events with sources that match the specified source filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kun fontoj kongruaj kun difinita fonta filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Events with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Eventoj kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches events whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:44
msgid "Every family"
msgstr "Ĉiuj familioj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:45
msgid "Matches every family in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn familiojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Families changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Familioj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches family records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familirikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:45
msgid "Person ID:"
msgstr "Person-Id:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:46
msgid "Families having child with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Familioj havantaj fil(in)on kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:47
msgid "Matches families where child has a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kie fil(in)o havas specifita Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:48
msgid "Child filters"
msgstr "Fil(in)ofiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:45
msgid "Families with child with the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun fil(in)o nomata <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:46
msgid "Matches families where child has a specified (partial) name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kie fil(in)o havas specifitan (nekompletan) nomon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:42
msgid "Families marked private"
msgstr "Familioj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches families that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:46
msgid "Families having father with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Familioj havantaj patron kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:47
msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kies patro havas specifitan GRAMPS-ID'on"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:48
msgid "Father filters"
msgstr "Patro-filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:45
msgid "Families with father with the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj havantaj patron nomatan <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:46
msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified (partial) name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kies patro havas specifitan (nekompletan) nomon."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:102
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:543
msgid "Family attribute:"
msgstr "Famili-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:45
msgid "Families with the family <attribute>"
msgstr "Familioj kun famili-atributo <atributo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:46
msgid "Matches families with the family attribute of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparte valora familiatributo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Families with the <citation>"
msgstr "Familioj kun la citaĵo <citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:52
msgid "Matches families with a citation of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparte valora citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:99
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:539
msgid "Family event:"
msgstr "Famili-evento:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:51
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:83
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:90
msgid "Main Participants"
msgstr "Ĉefaj partoprenantoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:52
msgid "Families with the <event>"
msgstr "Familioj kun la <evento>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:53
msgid "Matches families with an event of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparte valora evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:45
msgid "Families with <count> media"
msgstr "Familioj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:46
msgid "Matches families with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun difinita nombro da elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Family with <Id>"
msgstr "Familio kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a family with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familion kun specifa GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:48
msgid "Families with <count> LDS events"
msgstr "Familiojn kun <nombro> EJKSLT-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:49
msgid "Matches families with a certain number of LDS events"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun difinita nombro da EJKSLT-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:45
msgid "Families having <count> notes"
msgstr "Familioj kun <nombro> noto(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Matches families having a certain number notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun difinita nombro da notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Families having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Nomoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Families having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Familioj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Families with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Familioj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches family objects with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiobjektojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:105
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:549
msgid "Relationship type:"
msgstr "Parencec-tipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:46
msgid "Families with the relationship type"
msgstr "Familioj kun parencectipo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:47
msgid "Matches families with the relationship type of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparte valora parenceco"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:45
msgid "Families with <count> sources"
msgstr "Familioj kun <nombro> fonto(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:46
msgid "Matches families with a certain number of sources connected to it"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun difinita nombro de fontoj ligitaj al ĝi"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:46
msgid "Families with the <source>"
msgstr "Familioj kun la <fonto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:48
msgid "Matches families who have a particular source"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparte valora fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Families with the <tag>"
msgstr "Familioj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches families with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:45
msgid "Families with twins"
msgstr "Familioj kun ĝemeloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:46
msgid "Matches families with twins"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kun ĝemeloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:44
msgid "Bookmarked families"
msgstr "Familioj markita per legosignoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:46
msgid "Matches the families on the bookmark list"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn en la legosigna listo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Families matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Familioj kongrua kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches families matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44
msgid "Families with at least one direct source >= <confidence level>"
msgstr "Familioj kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto>=<konfidnivelo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45
msgid ""
"Matches families with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto kun konfida(j) nivelo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:46
msgid "Families having mother with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Familioj havantaj patrinon kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:47
msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kies patrino havas specifitan GRAMPS-ID'on"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:48
msgid "Mother filters"
msgstr "Patrin-filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:45
msgid "Families with mother with the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun patrino nomata <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:46
msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified (partial) name"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kies patrino havas specifitan (nekompletan) nomon."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:45
msgid "Families with child matching the <regex_name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun fil(in)o kongruas kun la <regulesprimnomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:46
msgid ""
"Matches families where some child has a name that matches a specified "
"regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kie unu el la fil(in)oj havas nomon kongruan kun "
"specifita regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:45
msgid "Families with father matching the <regex_name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun patro kongrua kun la <regulesprimnomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:46
msgid ""
"Matches families whose father has a name matching a specified regular "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kies patro havas nomon kongruan kun specifita regula "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Families with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Familioj kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches families whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas familiojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:45
msgid "Families with mother matching the <regex_name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun patrino kongrua kun la <regulesprimnomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:46
msgid ""
"Matches families whose mother has a name matching a specified regular "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kies patrino havas nomon kongruan kun specifita regula "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:45
msgid "Families with any child matching the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun iu fil(in)o kongrua kun la <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:46
msgid "Matches families where any child has a specified (partial) name"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas familiojn kie iu fil(in)o havas specifitan (nekompletan) nomon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:45
msgid "Families with father matching the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun patro kongrua kun la <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:45
msgid "Families with mother matching the <name>"
msgstr "Familioj kun patrino kongrua kun la <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:44
msgid "Every media object"
msgstr "Ĉiuj aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:45
msgid "Matches every media object in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn aŭdvideajn objektojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:45
msgid "Media objects changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:46
msgid ""
"Matches media objects changed after a specified date:time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date:time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-"
"tt hh:mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:104
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:547
msgid "Media attribute:"
msgstr "Aŭvidaĵo-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:45
msgid "Media objects with the attribute <attribute>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun la atributo <atributo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:46
msgid "Matches media objects with the attribute of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kun aparte valora atributo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:50
msgid "Media with the <citation>"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj kun la <citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Matches media with a citation of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvidaĵojn kun aparte valora citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Media object with <Id>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a media object with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvidean objekton kun specifita GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:47
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:522
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:300
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:303
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:229
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:486
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:503
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:262
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:262 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1229
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Vojprefikso:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:51
msgid "Media objects matching parameters"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:52
msgid "Matches media objects with particular parameters"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kun apartaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Media objects having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Media objects having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid ""
"Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun "
"regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Media objects with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches media objects with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:45
msgid "Media with <count> sources"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj kun <nombro> fontoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:46
msgid "Matches media with a certain number of sources connected to it"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvidaĵojn kun difinita nombro de fontoj ligitaj al ĝi."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:46
msgid "Media with the <source>"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj kun la <fonto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:48
msgid "Matches media who have a particular source"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvidaĵojn kun aparta fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Media objects with the <tag>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches media objects with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Media objects matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kongruaj kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches media objects matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44
msgid "Media with a direct source >= <confidence level>"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj kun direkta fonto>=<konfidnivelo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45
msgid "Matches media with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas aŭdvidaĵojn kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto kun konfida(j) nivelo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:42
msgid "Media objects marked private"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches Media objects that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Media objects with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun Id entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches media objects whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas aŭdvideajn objektojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:44
msgid "Every note"
msgstr "Ĉiuj notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:45
msgid "Matches every note in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn notojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Notes changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Notoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches note records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas notorikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Note with <Id>"
msgstr "Notoj kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a note with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas noton kun specifita GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:45
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:106
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:551
msgid "Note type:"
msgstr "Nototipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:49
msgid "Notes matching parameters"
msgstr "Notoj kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:50
msgid "Matches Notes with particular parameters"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kun apartaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Notes with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Notoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches notes with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Notes with the <tag>"
msgstr "Notoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches notes with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:46
msgid "Notes with the particular type"
msgstr "Apartaj notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:47
msgid "Matches notes with the particular type "
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn el aparta tipo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Notes matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Notoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches notes matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:44
msgid "Notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:45
msgid "Matches notes that contain a substring or match a regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kun subĉeno aŭ kongruaj kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:44
msgid "Notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Notoj entenantaj <subĉenon>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:45
msgid "Matches notes that contain text which matches a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kun teksto kiu kongruas kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:42
msgid "Notes marked private"
msgstr "Notoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches notes that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Notes with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Notoj kun ID entananta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches notes whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas notojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Persons changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Personoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches person records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personrikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:48
msgid "Preparing sub-filter"
msgstr "Preparas subfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:51
msgid "Retrieving all sub-filter matches"
msgstr "Ricevas ĉiujn subfiltritajn kongruojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:122
msgid "Relationship path between <person> and people matching <filter>"
msgstr "Parenceca vojo inter <person> kaj personoj kongruaj kun <filter>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:123
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:52
msgid "Relationship filters"
msgstr "Filtriloj por parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:124
msgid ""
"Searches over the database starting from a specified person and returns "
"everyone between that person and a set of target people specified with a "
"filter.  This produces a set of relationship paths (including by marriage) "
"between the specified person and the target people.  Each path is not "
"necessarily the shortest path."
msgstr ""
"Serĉas tra la datumbazo, komencante de difinita persono kaj eltiras ĉiun "
"inter la citita persono kaj aro da celitaj homoj specifitaj per la filtrilo. "
"Tio produktas aron da rilatvojoj (inkluzivitaj tiuj pro geedziĝo) inter la "
"specifita persono kaj la celitaj homoj. Ĉiu vojo nenecese estas la plej "
"mallonga vojo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:136
msgid "Finding relationship paths"
msgstr "Trovas rilatvojon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:137
msgid "Evaluating people"
msgstr "Taksas la personojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:44
msgid "Disconnected people"
msgstr "Izolitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:46
msgid ""
"Matches people that have no family relationships to any other person in the "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas neniun familian parencecon kun iu el la "
"aliaj personoj en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:44
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Ĉiu"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:46
msgid "Matches everyone in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn personojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:42
msgid "Families with incomplete events"
msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:43
msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event of the family"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kun mankantaj dato aŭ loko en evento de la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:49
msgid "People with <count> addresses"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> adresoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:50
msgid "Matches people with a certain number of personal addresses"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun difinita nombro da personaj adresoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:45
msgid "People with an alternate name"
msgstr "Personoj kun alternativa nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:46
msgid "Matches people with an alternate name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas alternativan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:49
msgid "People with <count> associations"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> asocioj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:50
msgid "Matches people with a certain number of associations"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun difinita nombro da asocioj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:101
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:541
msgid "Personal attribute:"
msgstr "Person-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:45
msgid "People with the personal <attribute>"
msgstr "Homoj kun la persona <atributo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:46
msgid "Matches people with the personal attribute of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la homojn kun aparte valora person-atributo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:49
msgid "People with the <birth data>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <naskiĝ-datumoj>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:50
msgid "Matches people with birth data of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personon kun aparte valoraj naskiĝdatumoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:50
msgid "People with the <citation>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Matches people with a citation of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun aparte valora citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:46
msgid "People with a common ancestor with <person>"
msgstr "Personoj havantaj komunan praulon kun <persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:47
msgid "Ancestral filters"
msgstr "Filtriloj por prauloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:48
msgid "Matches people that have a common ancestor with a specified person"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas komunan praulon kun difinita persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:48
msgid "People with a common ancestor with <filter> match"
msgstr "Personoj havantaj komunan praulon kongruaj kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:49
msgid ""
"Matches people that have a common ancestor with anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas komunan praulon kun iu kongrua kun filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:49
msgid "People with the <death data>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <mortodatumo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:50
msgid "Matches people with death data of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun aparte valoraj mortodatumoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:98
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:538
msgid "Personal event:"
msgstr "Person-evento:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:52
msgid "Main Participants:"
msgstr "Ĉefaj partoprenantoj:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:53
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:569
msgid "Primary Role:"
msgstr "Ĉefa rolo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:54
msgid "People with the personal <event>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la persona <evento>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:55
msgid "Matches people with a personal event of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun aparte valora person-evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:45
msgid "People with the family <attribute>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <famili-atributon>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:46
msgid "Matches people with the family attribute of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun aparte valora famili-atributo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:52
msgid "People with the family <event>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <famili-eventon>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:53
msgid "Matches people with a family event of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personon kun aparte valora famili-evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:42
msgid "People with <count> media"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:43
msgid "Matches people with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun difinita nombro da elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:45
msgid "Person with <Id>"
msgstr "Personoj kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:46
msgid "Matches person with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personon kun specifita GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:48
msgid "People with <count> LDS events"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> EJKSLT-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:49
msgid "Matches people with a certain number of LDS events"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun difinita nombro da EJKSLT-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:46
msgid "Given name:"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:47
msgid "Full Family name:"
msgstr "Kompleta familinomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:48
msgid "person|Title:"
msgstr "Titolo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:49
msgid "Suffix:"
msgstr "Postantaŭnoma vorteto:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:50
msgid "Call Name:"
msgstr "Voknomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:51
msgid "Nick Name:"
msgstr "Neformala nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:52
msgid "Prefix:"
msgstr "Antaŭfamilinoma vorteto:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:53
msgid "Single Surname:"
msgstr "Unuopa familinomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:54
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:76
msgid "Connector"
msgstr "Kunligilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:55
msgid "Patronymic:"
msgstr "Patronomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:56
msgid "Family Nick Name:"
msgstr "Familia kromnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:57
msgid "People with the <name>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:58
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:47
msgid "Matches people with a specified (partial) name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas la personojn kun specifita (nekompleta) nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:108
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:555
msgid "Surname origin type:"
msgstr "Tipo de familinoma origino"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:47
msgid "People with the <Surname origin type>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <Tipo de familinoma origino>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:48
msgid "Matches people with a surname origin"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun tipo de familinoma origino"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:107
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:553
msgid "Name type:"
msgstr "Nomtipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:47
msgid "People with the <Name type>"
msgstr "Personoj kun <Nomtipo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:48
msgid "Matches people with a type of name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun nomtipo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:45
msgid "People with a nickname"
msgstr "Personoj kun neformalaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:46
msgid "Matches people with a nickname"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun neformalaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:45
msgid "People having <count> notes"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> noto(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Matches people having a certain number of notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun difinita nombro da notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "People having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Personoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "People having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Personoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:45
msgid "Number of relationships:"
msgstr "Nombro de parencecoj:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:47
msgid "Number of children:"
msgstr "Gefilonombro:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:48
msgid "People with the <relationships>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <parencecoj>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:49
msgid "Matches people with a particular relationship"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personjon kun aparta parenceco"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:44
msgid "Family filters"
msgstr "Familifiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:45
msgid "People with <count> sources"
msgstr "Personoj kun <nombro> fontoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:46
msgid "Matches people with a certain number of sources connected to it"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun difinita nombro de fontoj ligitaj al ĝi."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:46
msgid "People with the <source>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <fonto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:48
msgid "Matches people who have a particular source"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun aparta fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:49
msgid "People with the <tag>"
msgstr "Personoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches people with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:562
msgid "Case sensitive:"
msgstr "Usklecodistinga:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48
msgid "People with records containing <substring>"
msgstr "Personoj kun rikordoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:49
msgid "Matches people whose records contain text matching a substring"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kies rikordoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:45
msgid "People with unknown gender"
msgstr "Pesonoj kun nekonata sekso"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:47
msgid "Matches all people with unknown gender"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn personojn kun nekonata sekso"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:43
msgid "Adopted people"
msgstr "Adoptitoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:44
msgid "Matches people who were adopted"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estis adoptitaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:42
msgid "People with children"
msgstr "Personoj kun gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:43
msgid "Matches people who have children"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas gefilojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:44
msgid "People with incomplete names"
msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:45
msgid "Matches people with firstname or lastname missing"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn antaŭnomo aŭ familinomo mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:560
msgid "Inclusive:"
msgstr "Inkluziva:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:45
msgid "Ancestors of <person>"
msgstr "Prauloj de <persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:47
msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj de specifita persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Ancestors of <filter> match"
msgstr "Prauloj de kongruantoj kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:49
msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:45
msgid "Bookmarked people"
msgstr "Personoj markitaj per legosigno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:47
msgid "Matches the people on the bookmark list"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn personojn en la legosigna listo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Children of <filter> match"
msgstr "Gefiloj de kongruantoj kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:49
msgid "Matches children of anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr "Ekstraktas gefilojn de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:44
msgid "Default person"
msgstr "Defaŭlta persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:46
msgid "Matches the default person"
msgstr "Kongruas kun la defaŭlta persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:50
msgid "Descendant family members of <person>"
msgstr "Anoj de praida familio de <persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:47
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:47
msgid "Descendant filters"
msgstr "Praidaraj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:52
msgid ""
"Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of a descendant of a "
"specified person"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas praidoj aŭ praida geedzo de specifa persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Descendant family members of <filter> match"
msgstr "Anoj de praida familio de kongruanto kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:49
msgid ""
"Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of anybody matched by a "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas praidoj aŭ geedzo de iu ekstraktita de "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:46
msgid "Descendants of <person>"
msgstr "Praidoj de <persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:48
msgid "Matches all descendants for the specified person"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn praidojn de la specifita persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Descendants of <filter> match"
msgstr "Praidoj de la kongruanto kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:49
msgid "Matches people that are descendants of anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas praidoj de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:47
msgid "Duplicated ancestors of <person>"
msgstr "Duobligitaj prauloj de <persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:49
msgid "Matches people that are ancestors twice or more of a specified person"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj du- aŭ plurfoje de specifita persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:153
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:249
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:677
msgid "Females"
msgstr "Femaloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:47
msgid "Matches all females"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn virinojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:46
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:515
msgid "Number of generations:"
msgstr "Nombro de generacioj:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:46
msgid "Ancestors of <person> not more than <N> generations away"
msgstr "Prauloj de <persono> ne pli ol <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person not more than N "
"generations away"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj de specifita persono ne pli ol N "
"generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:52
msgid "Ancestors of bookmarked people not more than <N> generations away"
msgstr ""
"Prauloj de persono, markita per legosigno, ne pli ol <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:55
msgid ""
"Matches ancestors of the people on the bookmark list not more than N "
"generations away"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas praulojn de la personoj en la legosigna listo ne pli ol N "
"generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:47
msgid "Ancestors of the default person not more than <N> generations away"
msgstr "Prauloj dela defaŭlta persono ne pli ol <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:50
msgid ""
"Matches ancestors of the default person not more than N generations away"
msgstr "Ekstraktas praulojn de la defaŭlta persono ne pli ol N generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46
msgid "Descendants of <person> not more than <N> generations away"
msgstr "Praidoj de <persono> ne pli ol <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:49
msgid ""
"Matches people that are descendants of a specified person not more than N "
"generations away"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas praidoj de specifa persono ne pli ol N "
"generaciojn for"

#. -------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:150
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:245
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:673
msgid "Males"
msgstr "Maskloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:47
msgid "Matches all males"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn virojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:46
msgid "Ancestors of <person> at least <N> generations away"
msgstr "Prauloj de <persono> almenaŭ <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person at least N "
"generations away"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj de specifita persono almenaŭ N "
"generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46
msgid "Descendants of <person> at least <N> generations away"
msgstr "Praidoj de <persono> almenaŭ <N> generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches people that are descendants of a specified person at least N "
"generations away"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas praidoj de specifita persono almenaŭ N "
"generaciojn for"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Parents of <filter> match"
msgstr "Gepatroj de kongruanto kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:49
msgid "Matches parents of anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:45
msgid "People related to <Person>"
msgstr "Personoj parencoj de <Persono>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:47
msgid "Matches people related to a specified person"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn parencoj de specifita persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:46
msgid "Siblings of <filter> match"
msgstr "Gefratoj de kongruanto kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:48
msgid "Matches siblings of anybody matched by a filter"
msgstr "Ekstraktas gefratojn de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:47
msgid "Spouses of <filter> match"
msgstr "Geedzoj de kongruanto kun <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:48
msgid "Matches people married to anybody matching a filter"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas geedziĝintaj de iu ekstraktita de filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:45
msgid "Witnesses"
msgstr "Atestantoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:46
msgid "Matches people who are witnesses in any event"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas atestantoj en iu ajn evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:528
msgid "Event filter name:"
msgstr "Eventfiltrilnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:52
msgid "Persons with events matching the <event filter>"
msgstr "Personoj kun eventoj  kongruaj kun la <eventfiltrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:53
msgid "Matches persons who have events that match a certain event filter"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas eventojn kongruajn kun difinita eventfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "People matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Personoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches people matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn ekstraktitaj de specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44
msgid "Persons with at least one direct source >= <confidence level>"
msgstr "Personoj kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto>=<konfidnivelo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45
msgid ""
"Matches persons with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto kun konfida(j) nivelo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:43
msgid "People missing parents"
msgstr "Personoj sen gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:44
msgid ""
"Matches people that are children in a family with less than two parents or "
"are not children in any family."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas gefiloj en familio kun malpli ol 2 gepatroj "
"aŭ kiuj estas gefiloj en neniu familio."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:42
msgid "People with multiple marriage records"
msgstr "Personoj kun pluraj geedziĝ-registroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:43
msgid "Matches people who have more than one spouse"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj havas pli ol unu geedzon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:42
msgid "People with no marriage records"
msgstr "Pesonoj sen geedziĝ-registroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:43
msgid "Matches people who have no spouse"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj ne havas geedzon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:42
msgid "People without a known birth date"
msgstr "Personoj sen konata naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:43
msgid "Matches people without a known birthdate"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn sen konata naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:42
msgid "People without a known death date"
msgstr "Personoj sen konata mortodato"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:43
msgid "Matches people without a known deathdate"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn sen konata mortodato"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:42
msgid "People marked private"
msgstr "Personoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches people that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:43
msgid "People not marked private"
msgstr "Personoj ne markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:44
msgid "Matches people that are not indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn ne markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:42
msgid "People with incomplete events"
msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:43
msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun mankantaj dato aŭ loko en evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:44
msgid "On date:"
msgstr "Je dato:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:45
msgid "People probably alive"
msgstr "Personoj verŝajne vivantaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:46
msgid "Matches people without indications of death that are not too old"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn sen indikoj pri porto kiuj ne estas tre maljunaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:46
msgid "People with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Personoj kun Id entenanta <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Matches people whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:46
msgid "People with a name matching <text>"
msgstr "Personoj kun nomo kongrua kun <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:47
msgid ""
"Matches people's names containing a substring or matching a regular "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas personnomojn entenantajn subĉenon aŭ kongruajn kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:46
msgid "Relationship path between <persons>"
msgstr "Parencrilato inter <personoj>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches the ancestors of two persons back to a common ancestor, producing "
"the relationship path between two persons."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas la praulojn de du personoj ĝis komuna praulo, produktante la "
"parencrilaton inter du personoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:51
msgid "Relationship path between bookmarked persons"
msgstr "Parencrilato inter legosignitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:53
msgid ""
"Matches the ancestors of bookmarked individuals back to common ancestors, "
"producing the relationship path(s) between bookmarked persons."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas la praulojn de legosignitaj personoj ĝis komuna prauloj, "
"produktante la parencrilato(j)n inter legosignitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:46
msgid "People matching the <name>"
msgstr "Personoj kongruaj kun la <nomo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:44
msgid "Every place"
msgstr "Ĉiuj lokoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:45
msgid "Matches every place in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn lokojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Places changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Lokoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches place records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas lokorikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:51
msgid "Place with the <citation>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun la <citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:52
msgid "Matches places with a citation of a particular value"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun aparte valora citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:48
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:118
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:372
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:197
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:214
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:224
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:240
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:426
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:443
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:65
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:109
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:557
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place type:"
msgstr "Nomtipo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:50
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:444
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:546
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:563
msgid "Code:"
msgstr "Kodo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:52
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:58
msgid "Places matching parameters"
msgstr "Lokoj kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:59
msgid "Matches places with particular parameters"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun apartaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:45
msgid "Places with <count> media"
msgstr "Lokoj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:46
msgid "Matches places with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun difinita nombro da elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Place with <Id>"
msgstr "Loko kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a place with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokon kun specifita GRAMPS-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:48
msgid "Places with no latitude or longitude given"
msgstr "Lokoj sen datumoj pri latitudo aŭ longitudo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:49
msgid "Matches places with empty latitude or longitude"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn sen datumoj pri latitudo aŭ longitudo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:56
msgid "Position filters"
msgstr "Pozicifiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:45
msgid "Places having <count> notes"
msgstr "Lokoj kun <nombro> notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Matches places having a certain number of notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun difinita nombro da notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Places having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Places having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Loko kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas lokojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:49
msgid "Street:"
msgstr "Strato:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:50
msgid "Locality:"
msgstr "Loko:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:51
msgid "City:"
msgstr "Urbo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:52
msgid "County:"
msgstr "Provinco:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:53
msgid "State:"
msgstr "Ŝtato:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:54
msgid "Country:"
msgstr "Lando:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:55
msgid "ZIP/Postal Code:"
msgstr "Poŝtkodo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:56
msgid "Church Parish:"
msgstr "Paroko:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Places with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches places with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:45
msgid "Place with <count> sources"
msgstr "Loko kun <nombro> fontoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:46
msgid "Matches places with a certain number of sources connected to it"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun difinita nombro de fontoj ligitaj al ĝi."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:46
msgid "Places with the <source>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun la <fonto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:48
msgid "Matches places who have a particular source"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun aparta fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Places with the <tag>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches places with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Places matching a title"
msgstr "Lokoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matches places with a particular title"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:244
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:237
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:252
msgid "Latitude:"
msgstr "Latitudo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:317
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:268
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:283
msgid "Longitude:"
msgstr "Longitudo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50
msgid "Rectangle height:"
msgstr "Rektangula alto:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50
msgid "Rectangle width:"
msgstr "Rektangula larĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:51
msgid "Places in neighborhood of given position"
msgstr "Lokoj en la ĉirkaŭaĵo de la donita pozicio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:52
msgid ""
"Matches places with latitude or longitude positioned in a rectangle of given "
"height and width (in degrees), and with middlepoint the given latitude and "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas lokojn kun latitudo aŭ longitudo lokitajn en rektangulo kun alto "
"kaj larĝo (en gradoj),  en kiuj la centra punkto estas donita la latitudo "
"kaj longitudo mem."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:49
msgid "Places enclosed by another place"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matches a place enclosed by a particular place"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kun aparta fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:50
msgid "Places of events matching the <event filter>"
msgstr "Lokoj de eventoj kongruaj kun la <eventfiltrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:51
msgid ""
"Matches places where events happened that match the specified event filter "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas lokojn kie okazis eventoj kongruaj kun la specifita "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Places matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Lokoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches places matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44
msgid "Place with a direct source >= <confidence level>"
msgstr "Loko kun direkta fonto>=<konfidnivelo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45
msgid "Matches places with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas lokojn kun almenaŭ unu direkta fonto kun konfida(j) nivelo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:42
msgid "Places marked private"
msgstr "Lokoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches places that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Places with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Lokoj kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches places whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas lokojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:44
msgid "Every repository"
msgstr "Ĉiuj deponejoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:45
msgid "Matches every repository in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn deponejojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Repositories changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Deponejoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches repository records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd "
"hh:mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas deponejojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:"
"ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Repository with <Id>"
msgstr "Deponejo kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a repository with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejon kun specifita Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Repositories having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Repositories having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid ""
"Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas deponejojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Repositories with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches repositories with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:46
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:213
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:229
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:47
msgid "repo|Name:"
msgstr "Nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:48
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "Adreso:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:49
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:51
msgid "Repositories matching parameters"
msgstr "Deponejoj kongruaj kun parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:52
msgid "Matches Repositories with particular parameters"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kun apartaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Repositories with the <tag>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches repositories with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Repositories matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches repositories matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:43
msgid "Repositories with name containing <text>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun nomo entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:44
msgid "Matches repositories whose name contains a certain substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kies nomo entenas difinitan subĉenon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Repositories with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Deponejoj kun Id entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches repositories whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:42
msgid "Repositories marked private"
msgstr "Deponejoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches repositories that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas deponejojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:44
msgid "Every source"
msgstr "Ĉiuj fontoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:45
msgid "Matches every source in the database"
msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn fontojn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:47
msgid "Sources changed after <date time>"
msgstr "Fontoj modifitaj post <dato horo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:48
msgid ""
"Matches source records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:"
"ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given."
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas fontorikordojn modifitajn post difinita dato/horo (jjjj-mm-tt hh:"
"mm:ss) aŭ en intervalo, se ĉeestas dua dato/horo."

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:45
msgid "Sources with <count> media"
msgstr "Fontoj kun <nombro> aŭdvidaĵo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:46
msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of items in the gallery"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kun difinita nombro da elementoj en la galerio"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:44
msgid "Source with <Id>"
msgstr "Fonto kun <Id>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:45
msgid "Matches a source with a specified Gramps ID"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fonton kun specifita Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:45
msgid "Sources having <count> notes"
msgstr "Fontoj kun <nombro> notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:46
msgid "Matches sources having a certain number of notes"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kun difinita nombro da notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42
msgid "Sources having notes containing <substring>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun notoj entenantaj <subĉeno>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43
msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun subĉeno"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:41
msgid "Sources having notes containing <text>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun notoj entenantaj <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:42
msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a regular expression"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas fontojn kies notoj entenas tekston kongruan kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:42
msgid "Sources with a reference count of <count>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun referencnombro de <nombro>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:43
msgid "Matches sources with a certain reference count"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kun difinita nombro de referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:47
msgid "Sources with <count> Repository references"
msgstr "Fontoj kun <nombro> deponejaj referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:48
msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of repository references"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kun difinita nombro de deponejaj referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:44
msgid "Sources with repository reference containing <text> in \"Call Number\""
msgstr "Fontoj kun deponeja referenco entenanta <teksto> en \"Telefonnumero\""

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:45
msgid ""
"Matches sources with a repository reference\n"
"containing a substring in \"Call Number\""
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas fontojn kun deponeja referenco\n"
"entenanta subĉenon en \"Telefonnumero\""

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:49
msgid "Sources with the <tag>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun la <etikedo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:50
msgid "Matches sources with the particular tag"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kun aparta etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:44
msgid "Sources matching the <filter>"
msgstr "Fontoj kongruaj kun la <filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:45
msgid "Matches sources matched by the specified filter name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kongruajn kun la specifita filtrilnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:44
msgid "Sources with repository reference matching the <repository filter>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun deponeja referenco kongrua kun <deponeja filtrilo>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45
msgid ""
"Matches sources with a repository reference that match a certain\n"
"repository filter"
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas fontojn kun deponeja referenco kongruanta kun difinita deponeja "

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:43
msgid "Sources with title containing <text>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun titolj entenanta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:44
msgid "Matches sources whose title contains a certain substring"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kies titolo entenas difinitan subĉenon"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:47
msgid "Sources with Id containing <text>"
msgstr "Fontoj kun ID entananta <teksto>"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:48
msgid "Matches sources whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn kies Gramps-ID kongruas kun regula esprimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:42
msgid "Sources marked private"
msgstr "Fontoj markitaj kiel privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:43
msgid "Matches sources that are indicated as private"
msgstr "Ekstraktas fontojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:63 ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:79
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:59 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:169
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:53 ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:58
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:80 ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:53
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:79 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:69
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:59 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:50
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:63 ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:54
#: ../gramps/gui/autocomp.py:179
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:71
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Propra"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:64
msgid "Caste"
msgstr "Kasto"

#. 2 name (version)
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:75
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:101
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:899
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:131 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:240
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:607 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1084
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:64
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:76
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:98
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:194
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:271
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:57
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:372
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:973
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1221
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2260
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Priskribo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:66
msgid "Identification Number"
msgstr "Identig-numero"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:67
msgid "National Origin"
msgstr "Nacieco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:68 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:108
msgid "Number of Children"
msgstr "Gefilonombro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:69
msgid "Social Security Number"
msgstr "Social-sekureca Numero"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:70 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:638 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:640
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:645 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:652
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:428
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Neformala nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:71
msgid "Cause"
msgstr "Kaŭzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:72
msgid "Agency"
msgstr "Agentejo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:73
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:359
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:168
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:79
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54
msgid "Age"
msgstr "Aĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:74
msgid "Father's Age"
msgstr "Patroaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:75
msgid "Mother's Age"
msgstr "Patrinaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:76 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:66
msgid "Witness"
msgstr "Atestanto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:77
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Horo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:72 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:209
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:172
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:199
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:155
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:148
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:245
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:169
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:165
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:154
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2185
msgid "None"
msgstr "Neniu"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:73 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:171
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:185
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:62
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:295
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:489
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:491
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:146
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:599
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:366
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2903
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5241
msgid "Birth"
msgstr "Naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:170
msgid "Adopted"
msgstr "Adoptita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:75
msgid "Stepchild"
msgstr "Duonfil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:76
msgid "Sponsored"
msgstr "Patronita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:77
msgid "Foster"
msgstr "Varto"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Short hand function to return either the person's name, or an empty
#. string if the person is None
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:273 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:401
#: ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:48 ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:56
#: ../gramps/gen/mime/_winmime.py:57 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:521
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:352
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:573
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:35
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:635
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5406
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "nekonata"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:280
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "greater than %s years"
msgstr "malpli ol %s jaroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:285 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:309
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:311 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:317
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:337
msgid "more than"
msgstr "pli ol"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:287 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:298
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:302 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:306
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:339
msgid "less than"
msgstr "malpli ol"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:289 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:320
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:326 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:328
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:341
msgid "age|about"
msgstr "aĝo/ĉirkaŭ"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:294 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:334
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:349
msgid "between"
msgstr "inter"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:295 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:335
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:350
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:282
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:975
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1146
msgid "and"
msgstr "kaj "

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:304 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:324
msgid "less than about"
msgstr "mapli ol ĉirkaŭ"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:315 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:322
msgid "more than about"
msgstr "pli ol ĉirkaŭ"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:406
msgid "{number_of} year"
msgid_plural "{number_of} years"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} jaro"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} jaroj"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#. ok we have the children.  Make a title off of them
#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:415 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:426
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:118
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:197
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:204
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:210
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:349
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:196
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:370
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:392
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:442
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:477
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:498
msgid ", "
msgstr ","

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:417
msgid "{number_of} month"
msgid_plural "{number_of} months"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} monato"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} monatoj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:428
msgid "{number_of} day"
msgid_plural "{number_of} days"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} tago"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} tagoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:435
msgid "0 days"
msgstr "0 tagoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1820
msgid "calculated"
msgstr "kalkulita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1820
msgid "estimated"
msgstr "Taksata"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1834 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libsubstkeyword.py:315
msgid "about"
msgstr "pri"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1834 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libsubstkeyword.py:314
msgid "after"
msgstr "post"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1834 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libsubstkeyword.py:314
msgid "before"
msgstr "antaŭ"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1835
msgid "range"
msgstr "intervalo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1835
msgid "span"
msgstr "amplekso"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1835
msgid "textonly"
msgstr "nurteksta"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:60
msgid "Role|Primary"
msgstr "Ĉefa"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:61
msgid "Clergy"
msgstr "Kleriko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:62
msgid "Celebrant"
msgstr "Celebranto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:63
msgid "Aide"
msgstr "Asistanto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:64
msgid "Bride"
msgstr "Fianĉino"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:65
msgid "Groom"
msgstr "Fianĉo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:67
msgid "Role|Family"
msgstr "Familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:68
msgid "Informant"
msgstr "Informanto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:143
msgid "Life Events"
msgstr "Viveventoj"

#. _FAMNAME = _("With %(namepartner)s (%(famid)s)")
#. 1
#. get the family events
#. show "> Family: ..." and nothing else
#. show "V Family: ..." and the rest
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:145 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:771
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:526
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:52
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:490
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:80
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:290
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:267
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:514
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:108
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:181
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:140
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:200
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1366
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1390
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3112
msgid "Family"
msgstr "Familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:148
msgid "Religious"
msgstr "Religia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:151
msgid "Vocational"
msgstr "Profesia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:153
msgid "Academic"
msgstr "Akademia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:155
msgid "Travel"
msgstr "Vojaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:157
msgid "Legal"
msgstr "Leĝa"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:159 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:201
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:435
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2762
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6760
msgid "Residence"
msgstr "Loĝloko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:161 ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:523
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:610
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Alia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:172 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:189
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:303
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:495
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:497
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:152
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:608 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:633
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:370
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2906
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5244
msgid "Death"
msgstr "Morto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:173
msgid "Adult Christening"
msgstr "Plenkreskula bapto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:174 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:94
msgid "Baptism"
msgstr "Bapto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:175
msgid "Bar Mitzvah"
msgstr "Bar Mitzvah"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:176
msgid "Bat Mitzvah"
msgstr "Bat Mitzvah"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:177
msgid "Blessing"
msgstr "Beno"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:178
msgid "Burial"
msgstr "Entombigo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:179
msgid "Cause Of Death"
msgstr "Mortokaŭzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:180
msgid "Census"
msgstr "Popolnombrado"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:181
msgid "Christening"
msgstr "Bapto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:96
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmacio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:183
msgid "Cremation"
msgstr "Kremacio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:184
msgid "Degree"
msgstr "Diplomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:185
msgid "Education"
msgstr "Instrunivelo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:186
msgid "Elected"
msgstr "Elektita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:187
msgid "Emigration"
msgstr "Elmigro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:188
msgid "First Communion"
msgstr "Unua komunio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:189
msgid "Immigration"
msgstr "Enmigro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:190
msgid "Graduation"
msgstr "Abituriento"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:191
msgid "Medical Information"
msgstr "San-informoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:192
msgid "Military Service"
msgstr "Militservo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:193
msgid "Naturalization"
msgstr "Naturalizo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:194
msgid "Nobility Title"
msgstr "Nobeltitolo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:195
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:107
msgid "Number of Marriages"
msgstr "Ĝeedziĝnombro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:196 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:124
msgid "Occupation"
msgstr "Profesio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:197
msgid "Ordination"
msgstr "Ordenado"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:198
msgid "Probate"
msgstr "Testament-validigo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:199
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Posedaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:200
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:126
msgid "Religion"
msgstr "Religio"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:202
msgid "Retirement"
msgstr "Emeritiĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:203
msgid "Will"
msgstr "Testamento"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:204 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:244
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:189
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:386
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:559
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3113
msgid "Marriage"
msgstr "Geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:205
msgid "Marriage Settlement"
msgstr "Geedziĝakordo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:206
msgid "Marriage License"
msgstr "Geedziĝlicenco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:207
msgid "Marriage Contract"
msgstr "Geedziĝkontrakto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:208
msgid "Marriage Banns"
msgstr "Geedziĝopublikigo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:209
msgid "Engagement"
msgstr "Fianĉiĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:210
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3114
msgid "Divorce"
msgstr "Divorco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:211
msgid "Divorce Filing"
msgstr "Divorcpostulo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:212
msgid "Annulment"
msgstr "Nuligo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:213
msgid "Alternate Marriage"
msgstr "Alternativa geedziĝo"

#. cm2pt = ReportUtils.cm2pt
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Constants
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:217
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:59
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:54
msgid "birth abbreviation|b."
msgstr "n."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:218
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:55
msgid "death abbreviation|d."
msgstr "m."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:219
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:56
msgid "marriage abbreviation|m."
msgstr "geedz."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:220
msgid "Unknown abbreviation|unkn."
msgstr "nek."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:221
msgid "Custom abbreviation|cust."
msgstr "prop."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:222
msgid "Adopted abbreviation|adop."
msgstr "adop."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:223
msgid "Adult Christening abbreviation|a.chr."
msgstr "pk.bap."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:224
msgid "Baptism abbreviation|bap."
msgstr "bap."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:225
msgid "Bar Mitzvah abbreviation|bar."
msgstr "bar."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:226
msgid "Bat Mitzvah abbreviation|bat."
msgstr "bat."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:227
msgid "Blessing abbreviation|bles."
msgstr "ben."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:228
msgid "Burial abbreviation|bur."
msgstr "fun."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:229
msgid "Cause Of Death abbreviation|d.cau."
msgstr "m.kaŭ."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:230
msgid "Census abbreviation|cens."
msgstr "cens."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:231
msgid "Christening abbreviation|chr."
msgstr "bap."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:232
msgid "Confirmation abbreviation|conf."
msgstr "konf."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:233
msgid "Cremation abbreviation|crem."
msgstr "krem."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:234
msgid "Degree abbreviation|deg."
msgstr "dipl."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:235
msgid "Education abbreviation|edu."
msgstr "instr."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:236
msgid "Elected abbreviation|elec."
msgstr "elek."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:237
msgid "Emigration abbreviation|em."
msgstr "elm."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:238
msgid "First Communion abbreviation|f.comm."
msgstr "u.kom."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:239
msgid "Immigration abbreviation|im."
msgstr "enm."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:240
msgid "Graduation abbreviation|grad."
msgstr "abit."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:241
msgid "Medical Information abbreviation|medinf."
msgstr "saninf."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:242
msgid "Military Service abbreviation|milser."
msgstr "mil.ser."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:243
msgid "Naturalization abbreviation|nat."
msgstr "nat."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:244
msgid "Nobility Title abbreviation|nob."
msgstr "nob."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:245
msgid "Number of Marriages abbreviation|n.o.mar."
msgstr "geedz.nomb."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:246
msgid "Occupation abbreviation|occ."
msgstr "prof."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:247
msgid "Ordination abbreviation|ord."
msgstr "ord."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:248
msgid "Probate abbreviation|prob."
msgstr "test.val."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:249
msgid "Property abbreviation|prop."
msgstr "posed."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:250
msgid "Religion abbreviation|rel."
msgstr "rel."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:251
msgid "Residence abbreviation|res."
msgstr "rezid."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:252
msgid "Retirement abbreviation|ret."
msgstr "emer."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:253
msgid "Will abbreviation|will."
msgstr "test."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:254
msgid "Marriage Settlement abbreviation|m.set."
msgstr "geedz.ak."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:255
msgid "Marriage License abbreviation|m.lic."
msgstr "geedz.lic."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:256
msgid "Marriage Contract abbreviation|m.con."
msgstr "geedz.kontr."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:257
msgid "Marriage Banns abbreviation|m.ban."
msgstr "geedz.pub."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:258
msgid "Alternate Marriage abbreviation|alt.mar."
msgstr "alt.geedz."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:259
msgid "Engagement abbreviation|engd."
msgstr "eng."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:260
msgid "Divorce abbreviation|div."
msgstr "div."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:261
msgid "Divorce Filing abbreviation|div.f."
msgstr "div.post."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:262
msgid "Annulment abbreviation|annul."
msgstr "nul."

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:54
msgid "Civil Union"
msgstr "Registrita partnereco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:55
msgid "Unmarried"
msgstr "Fraŭl(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:56
msgid "Married"
msgstr "Edz(in)iĝinta"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:95
msgid "Endowment"
msgstr "Doto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:97
msgid "Sealed to Parents"
msgstr "Sigelita al gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:98
msgid "Sealed to Spouse"
msgstr "Sigelita al geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:102
msgid "<No Status>"
msgstr "<Sen Stato>"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:103
msgid "BIC"
msgstr "BIC"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:104
msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "Nuligita"

#. ----------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:105
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:114
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:250
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:248
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:514
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:181
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:180
msgid "Child"
msgstr "Fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:106
msgid "Cleared"
msgstr "Korektita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:107
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Purigita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:108
msgid "DNS"
msgstr "DNS"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:109
msgid "Infant"
msgstr "Infano"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:110
msgid "Pre-1970"
msgstr "Antaŭ-1970"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:111
msgid "Qualified"
msgstr "Kvalifikita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:112
msgid "DNS/CAN"
msgstr "DNS/CAN"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:113
msgid "Stillborn"
msgstr "Mortnaskita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:114
msgid "Submitted"
msgstr "Transsendita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:115
msgid "Uncleared"
msgstr "Nekorektita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:669
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "Kompleta"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:60 ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:101
msgid "ToDo"
msgstr "Farendaĵoj"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:467 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:482
#, python-format
msgid "%(surname)s, %(first)s %(suffix)s"
msgstr "%(surname)s, %(first)s %(suffix)s"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#. make sure it's translated, so it can be used below, in "combine"
#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:471 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:486
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:247
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:168
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:176
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:903
#, python-format
msgid "%(str1)s, %(str2)s"
msgstr "%(str1)s, %(str2)s"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:499
#, python-format
msgid "%(first)s %(surname)s, %(suffix)s"
msgstr "%(first)s %(surname)s, %(suffix)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:82
msgid "Surname|Inherited"
msgstr "Heredita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:83
msgid "Surname|Given"
msgstr "Donita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:84
msgid "Surname|Taken"
msgstr "Memelektita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:85 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:648
msgid "Patronymic"
msgstr "Patronomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:86
msgid "Matronymic"
msgstr "Patrinnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:87
msgid "Surname|Feudal"
msgstr "Feŭda"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:88
msgid "Pseudonym"
msgstr "Pseŭdonimo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:89
msgid "Patrilineal"
msgstr "Patrolinia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:90
msgid "Matrilineal"
msgstr "Patrinlinia"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:92 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:323
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:612
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Loko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:54
msgid "Also Known As"
msgstr "Ankaŭ konata kiel"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:55
msgid "Birth Name"
msgstr "Denaska nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:56
msgid "Married Name"
msgstr "Postĝeedziĝa nomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:80 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1363
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:78
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:70
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:183
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:563
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:342
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:757
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:672
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:382
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:160
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:598
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:225
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:445
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:406
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ĝenerala"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:81
msgid "Research"
msgstr "Esploro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:82
msgid "Transcript"
msgstr "Transkribo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:83
msgid "Source text"
msgstr "Fontoteksto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:84 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:490
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:532 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:109
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:297
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:114
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:206
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:89
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:85 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:139
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Raporto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:86
msgid "Html code"
msgstr "Html-kodo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:87
msgid "notetype|To Do"
msgstr "Farotaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:91
msgid "Person Note"
msgstr "Person-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:92
msgid "Name Note"
msgstr "Nom-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:93
msgid "Attribute Note"
msgstr "Atributo-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:94
msgid "Address Note"
msgstr "Adreso-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:95
msgid "Association Note"
msgstr "Asocio-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:96
msgid "LDS Note"
msgstr "EJKSLT-notoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:117
msgid "Family Note"
msgstr "Familio-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:98
msgid "Event Note"
msgstr "Evento-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:99
msgid "Event Reference Note"
msgstr "Eventreferenca noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:100
msgid "Source Note"
msgstr "Fonto-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:101
msgid "Source Reference Note"
msgstr "Fontreferenca noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:102
msgid "Place Note"
msgstr "Loko-noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:103
msgid "Repository Note"
msgstr "Deponeja noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:104
msgid "Repository Reference Note"
msgstr "Deponejreferenca noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:106
msgid "Media Note"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:107
msgid "Media Reference Note"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaja referencnoto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:108
msgid "Child Reference Note"
msgstr "Fil(in)a referencnoto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:564
msgid "Merged Gramps ID"
msgstr "Kunfandita Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:70 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:510
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:143
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:392
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:369
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3376
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Lando"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:58
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:390
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3375
msgid "State"
msgstr "Ŝtato"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:57
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:145
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:368
msgid "County"
msgstr "Provinco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:73 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:508
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:74
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:56
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:389
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:367
msgid "City"
msgstr "Urbo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:74
msgid "Parish"
msgstr "Paroko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:75 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:507
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:73
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:55
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:376
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1408
msgid "Locality"
msgstr "Loko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:54
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:389
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Strato"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:77
msgid "Province"
msgstr "Provinco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:78
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Regiono"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:79
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Departmento"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:80
msgid "Neighborhood"
msgstr "Proksimeco"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:81
msgid "District"
msgstr "Distrikto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:82
msgid "Borough"
msgstr "Urbodistrikto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:83
msgid "Municipality"
msgstr "Municipo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:84
msgid "Town"
msgstr "Urbo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:85
msgid "Village"
msgstr "Vilaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:86
msgid "Hamlet"
msgstr "Vilaĝeto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:87
msgid "Farm"
msgstr "Farmo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:88
msgid "Building"
msgstr "Konstruaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:89 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:96
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2728
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4209
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numero"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:60
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Biblioteko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:61
msgid "Cemetery"
msgstr "Tombejo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:62
msgid "Church"
msgstr "Preĝejo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:63
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Arkivo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:64
msgid "Album"
msgstr "Albumo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:65
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "TTT-paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:66
msgid "Bookstore"
msgstr "Librovendejo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:67
msgid "Collection"
msgstr "Kolekto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:68
msgid "Safe"
msgstr "Sekurŝranko"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:64
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Sona"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:65 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:9
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:369
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:917
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:949
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Libro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:66
msgid "Card"
msgstr "Karto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:67
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Elektronika"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:68
msgid "Fiche"
msgstr "Dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:69
msgid "Film"
msgstr "Filmo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:70
msgid "Magazine"
msgstr "Magazino"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:71
msgid "Manuscript"
msgstr "Manuskcripto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:72
msgid "Map"
msgstr "Mapo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:73
msgid "Newspaper"
msgstr "Ĵurnalo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:74
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Foto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:75
msgid "Tombstone"
msgstr "Tomboŝtono"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:76
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Vidbendo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:64
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:456
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Grasa"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:454
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Kursiva"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:458
msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Substrekita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:67
msgid "Fontface"
msgstr "Tiparo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:68
msgid "Fontsize"
msgstr "Tipara grando"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:69
msgid "Fontcolor"
msgstr "Tipara koloro"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:70
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Markita"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:71
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Supra indico"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:172
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:565
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:602
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:470
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Ligilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:219 ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:225
#: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:228
#, python-format
msgid "%(first)s %(second)s"
msgstr "%(first)s %(second)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:55
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Retpoŝto"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:56
msgid "Web Home"
msgstr "TTT-paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:57
msgid "Web Search"
msgstr "Interreta serĉado"

#: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:58
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Family Tree Differences"
msgstr "Familireferenco : %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Elektas..."

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergecitationquery.py:61
msgid "Merge Citation"
msgstr "Kunfandu citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeeventquery.py:59
msgid "Merge Event Objects"
msgstr "Kunfandu eventobjektojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:90
msgid "A parent should be a father or mother."
msgstr "Gepatro devus esti patroaŭ patrino"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:103
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:114
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:54
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:1895
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:1917
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:1940
msgid ""
"A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first "
"break the relationship between them."
msgstr ""
"Oni ne povas kunfandi gepatron kaj fil(in)on. Por kunfandi ĉi tiujn "
"personojn, unue vi devus rompi la parencecon inter ili. "

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:135
msgid "Merge Family"
msgstr "Kunfandu familion"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergemediaquery.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:67
msgid "Merge Media Objects"
msgstr "Kunfandu aŭdvideajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergenotequery.py:58
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:67
msgid "Merge Notes"
msgstr "Kunfandu notojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:51
msgid ""
"Spouses cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first break the "
"relationship between them."
msgstr ""
"Oni ne povas kunfandi edzinojn. Por kunfandi ĉi tiujn personojn, oni devas "
"unue rompi la parencecon inter ili."

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:117
msgid "Merge Person"
msgstr "Kunfandu personon"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:156
#: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:1503
msgid ""
"A person with multiple relations with the same spouse is about to be merged. "
"This is beyond the capabilities of the merge routine. The merge is aborted."
msgstr ""
"Oni kunfandos personon kun pluraj parencecoj kun la sama edzino. Tio superas "
"la kapablon de la kunfandprogramo. La kunfando estas nuligita."

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:167
msgid "Multiple families get merged. This is unusual, the merge is aborted."
msgstr ""
"Oni kunfandas pluraj familiojn. Tio estas nekutima, la kunfando estas "

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeplacequery.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:78
msgid "Merge Places"
msgstr "Kunfandu lokojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergerepositoryquery.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:68
msgid "Merge Repositories"
msgstr "Kunfandu deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergesourcequery.py:62
msgid "Merge Source"
msgstr "Kunfandu fonton"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_gramplet.py:352
#, python-format
msgid "Gramplet %s caused an error"
msgstr "Gramplet %s kaŭzis eraron"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Constants
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_manager.py:61
msgid "No description was provided"
msgstr "Neniu priskribo donita"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_options.py:389
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Option '%(opt_name)s' is present in %(file)s\n"
"  but is not known to the module.  Ignoring..."
msgstr ""
"Opcio '%(opt_name)s' ĉeestas en %(file)s\n"
"  sed estas nekonata por la modulo.  Ignoras..."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:58
msgid "Stable"
msgstr "Stabila"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:58
msgid "Unstable"
msgstr "Nestabila"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:77
msgid "Quickreport"
msgstr "Rapida raporto"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:78
msgid "Tool"
msgstr "Ilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:79
msgid "Importer"
msgstr "Importilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:80
msgid "Exporter"
msgstr "Eksportilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:81
msgid "Doc creator"
msgstr "Dosierkreilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:82
msgid "Plugin lib"
msgstr "Kromprograma biblioteko"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:83
msgid "Map service"
msgstr "Mapservo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:84
msgid "Gramps View"
msgstr "Gramps-vido"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:85 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:136
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:118
msgid "Relationships"
msgstr "Parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:86 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:412
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:156
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:607
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:226
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:964
msgid "Gramplet"
msgstr "Gramplet"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:87
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Flanka strio"

#. add miscellaneous column
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:500
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:135
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1920
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Diversaj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1102 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1125
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1130
#, python-format
msgid "ERROR: Failed reading plugin registration %(filename)s"
msgstr "ERARO: legado de kromprograma registriĝo malsukcesis %(filename)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1113
#, python-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: Plugin %(plugin_name)s has no translation for any of your "
"configured languages, using US English instead"
msgstr ""
"AVERTO: La kromprogramo %(plugin_name)s havas neniun tradukon por la lingvoj "
"de vi konfiguritaj, estos uzata US Angla"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1144
#, python-format
msgid ""
"ERROR: Plugin file %(filename)s has a version of \"%(gramps_target_version)s"
"\" which is invalid for Gramps \"%(gramps_version)s\"."
msgstr ""
"ERARO: La versio de la kromprogramo %(filename)s estas "
"\"%(gramps_target_version)s\" kiu estas nevalida por Gramps "

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1165
#, python-format
msgid "ERROR: Wrong python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s"
msgstr ""
"ERARO: Malbona pitondosiero %(filename)s en reĝistra dosiero %(regfile)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1173
#, python-format
msgid ""
"ERROR: Python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s does not exist"
msgstr ""
"ERARO: Pitona dosiero %(filename)s en la reĝistra dosiero %(regfile)s ne "

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:130
msgid "Close file first"
msgstr "Unue fermu la dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:140
msgid "No filename given"
msgstr "Mankas dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:142
#, python-format
msgid "File %s already open, close it first."
msgstr "La dosiero %s estas jam malfermita, unue fermu ĝin"

#. Export shouldn't bring Gramps down.
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:148
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:151
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:340
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:342
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:402
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:405
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:425
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:429
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:460
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:464
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:476
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:480
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:499
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:503
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:162
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:191
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:194
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1194
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1197
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:91 ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:94
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:300
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:304
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1493
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:101
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:70
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:74
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:249
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:253
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:259
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:263
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7033
#, python-format
msgid "Could not create %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei %s"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Private Constants
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:64
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:51
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:64
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Defaŭlta"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:65
msgid "PostScript / Helvetica"
msgstr "PostSkripto / Helvetica"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:66
msgid "TrueType / FreeSans"
msgstr "Trutajpa / Freesans"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2027
msgid "Vertical (↓)"
msgstr "Vertikala (↓)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2028
msgid "Vertical (↑)"
msgstr "Vertikala (↑)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:70
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2029
msgid "Horizontal (→)"
msgstr "Horizontala (→)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2030
msgid "Horizontal (←)"
msgstr "Horizontala (←)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:73
msgid "Bottom, left"
msgstr "Malsupra, maldekstra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:74
msgid "Bottom, right"
msgstr "Malsupra, dekstra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:75
msgid "Top, left"
msgstr "Supra, maldekstra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:76
msgid "Top, Right"
msgstr "Supra, dekstra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:77
msgid "Right, bottom"
msgstr "Dekstra, malsupra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:78
msgid "Right, top"
msgstr "Dekstra, supra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:79
msgid "Left, bottom"
msgstr "Maldekstra, malsupra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:80
msgid "Left, top"
msgstr "Maldekstra, supra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:82
msgid "Compress to minimal size"
msgstr "Densigu ĝis minimuma grando"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:83
msgid "Fill the given area"
msgstr "Plenigu la donitan areon"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:84
msgid "Expand uniformly"
msgstr "Ekspansiigu unuforme"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:86
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1347
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Supra"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:87
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1362
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Malsupra"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:131
msgid "GraphViz Layout"
msgstr "GraphViz-aspekto"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:133
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:479
msgid "Font family"
msgstr "Tiparfamilio"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:136
msgid ""
"Choose the font family. If international characters don't show, use FreeSans "
"font. FreeSans is available from: http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/"
msgstr ""
"Elektu la tiparfamilion. Se ĝi ne enhavas la internaciajn signojn, utiligu "
"Freesans-tiparon. Freesans disponeblas el:http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:142
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:491
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Tipargrando"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:143
msgid "The font size, in points."
msgstr "La tipargrando, en restrumeroj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:146
msgid "Graph Direction"
msgstr "Diagramdirekto"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:149
msgid "Whether graph goes from top to bottom or left to right."
msgstr "Montras ĉu la diagramo iras supre-malsupren aŭ maldekstre-dekstren"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:153
msgid "Number of Horizontal Pages"
msgstr "Nombro de horizontalaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:154
msgid ""
"GraphViz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a "
"rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array "
"horizontally. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript."
msgstr ""
"GraphViz povas krei tre grandajn diagramojn sternante la diagramon tra "
"rektangula aranĝo de paĝoj. Tio kontrolas la paĝonombron en la aranĝo "
"horizontale. Validas nur por dot kaj pdf per Ghostscript."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:161
msgid "Number of Vertical Pages"
msgstr "Nombro de vertikalaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:162
msgid ""
"GraphViz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a "
"rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array "
"vertically. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript."
msgstr ""
"GraphViz povas krei tre grandajn diagreamojn sternante la diagramon tra "
"rektangula aranĝo de paĝoj. Tio kontrolas la paĝonombron en la aranĝo "
"vertikale. Validas nur por dot kaj pdf per Ghostscript."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:169
msgid "Paging Direction"
msgstr "Direkto de paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:172
msgid ""
"The order in which the graph pages are output. This option only applies if "
"the horizontal pages or vertical pages are greater than 1."
msgstr ""
"La ordo laŭ kio eliros la paĝojn kun la grafikaĵoj. Ĉi tiun opcion oni "
"aplikas se la horizontalaj aŭ vertikalaj paĝoj estas pli grandaj ol 1."

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:190
msgid "GraphViz Options"
msgstr "GraphViz-opcioj"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:193
msgid "Aspect ratio"
msgstr "Proporcio"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:196
msgid ""
"Affects node spacing and scaling of the graph.\n"
"If the graph is smaller than the print area:\n"
"  Compress will not change the node spacing. \n"
"  Fill will increase the node spacing to fit the print area in both width "
"and height.\n"
"  Expand will increase the node spacing uniformly to preserve the aspect "
"If the graph is larger than the print area:\n"
"  Compress will shrink the graph to achieve tight packing at the expense of "
"  Fill will shrink the graph to fit the print area after first increasing "
"the node spacing.\n"
"  Expand will shrink the graph uniformly to fit the print area."
msgstr ""
"Efikas sur la nodaj interspaco kaj skalo de la grafikaĵo.\n"
"Se la grafikaĵo estas pli malgranda ol la printzono:\n"
"  La densigo ne ŝanĝos la nod-interspacon. \n"
"  La plenigo pliigos la nod-interspacon ĝis adaptiĝo al la printzono kaj en "
"larĝo kaj en alto.\n"
"  La etendo pliigos la nod-interspacon unuforme por konservi la proporcion.\n"
"Se la grafikaĵo estas pli larĝa ol la printzono:\n"
"  La densigo ŝrumpos la grafikaĵon por atingi plimangrandan kunpremon "
"perdante iom da simetrio.\n"
"  La plenigo ŝrumpos la grafikaĵon ĝis adaptiĝo al la printzono post la "
"komenca pliiĝo de nod-interspaco.\n"
"  La etendo ŝrumpos unuforme la grafikaĵon ĝis adapto al la printzono."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:212
msgid "DPI"
msgstr "Punktoj en colo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:213
msgid ""
"Dots per inch.  When creating images such as .gif or .png files for the web, "
"try numbers such as 100 or 300 DPI.  PostScript and PDF files always use 72 "
msgstr ""
"Punktoj en colo. Kiam oni kreas bildojn kiel .gif- aŭ png-dosieroj por TTT, "
"provu valorojn kiel 100 aŭ 300 punktoj en colo. Postskriptaj kaj PDF-aj "
"dosieroj ĉiam utiligas 72 punktojn en colo."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:220
msgid "Node spacing"
msgstr "Nod-interspaco"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:221
msgid ""
"The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between individual nodes.  For "
"vertical graphs, this corresponds to spacing between columns.  For "
"horizontal graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows."
msgstr ""
"La minimuma kvanto da libera spaco, en coloj, inter la unuopaj nodoj. Por "
"vertikalaj grafikaĵoj, tio samvaloras al interspaco inter la kolumnoj. Por "
"horizontalaj grafikaĵoj, tio samvaloras al interspaco inter linioj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:228
msgid "Rank spacing"
msgstr "Rang-interspaco"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:229
msgid ""
"The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between ranks.  For vertical "
"graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows.  For horizontal graphs, "
"this corresponds to spacing between columns."
msgstr ""
"La minimuma kvanto da libera spaco, en coloj, inter la rangoj. Por "
"vertikalaj diagramoj, tio samvaloras al interspaco inter la linioj. Por "
"horizontalaj diagramoj, tio samvaloras al interspaco inter la kolumnoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:236
msgid "Use subgraphs"
msgstr "Utiligu subdiagramojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:237
msgid ""
"Subgraphs can help GraphViz position spouses together, but with non-trivial "
"graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs."
msgstr ""
"Subdiagramoj povas helpi GraphViz lokigi geedzojn kune, sed kun neordinaraj "
"la diagramoj rezultos kun pli longaj linioj kaj konsekvence pli grandaj."

#. ###############################
#. 3
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:244 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:394
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:540 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:82
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:172
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:136
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:296
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:109
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:106
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:92
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:134
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:102
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:102
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:91
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:328
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/mediamodel.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:959
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1674
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:472
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:200
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:251
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:205
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:94
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:345
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Noto"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:247
msgid "Note to add to the graph"
msgstr "Noto aldonota al la diagramo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:249
msgid "This text will be added to the graph."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu teksto estos aldonita al la diagramo."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:252
msgid "Note location"
msgstr "Lokigo de noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:255
msgid "Whether note will appear on top or bottom of the page."
msgstr "Montras ĉu la noto aperos supre aŭ malsupre de la paĝo."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:259
msgid "Note size"
msgstr "Noto-grando"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:260
msgid "The size of note text, in points."
msgstr "La grando de la noto, en ratrumeroj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:949
msgid "PDF (Ghostscript)"
msgstr "PDF (GhostScript)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:955
msgid "PDF (Graphviz)"
msgstr "PDF (Graphviz)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:961
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:158
msgid "PostScript"
msgstr "PostSkripto"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:967
msgid "Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)"
msgstr "SVG (Skalebla VektorGrafikaĵo)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:973
msgid "Compressed Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)"
msgstr "Densigita Skalebla VektorGrafikaĵo)"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:979
msgid "JPEG image"
msgstr "JPEG-Bildo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:985
msgid "GIF image"
msgstr "GIF-Bildo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:991
msgid "PNG image"
msgstr "PNF-Bildo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:997
msgid "Graphviz File"
msgstr "Graphviz-dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:78
msgid "paper size|Letter"
msgstr "papergrando|letero"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:80
msgid "paper size|Legal"
msgstr "papergrando|Legal"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:82
msgid "Custom Size"
msgstr "Propra grando"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/menu/_enumeratedlist.py:124
#, python-format
msgid "Value '%(val)s' not found for option '%(opt)s'"
msgstr "Valoro '%(val)s' ne trovita por la opcio '%(opt)s'"

#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Private Constants
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_book.py:73 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:84
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:112
msgid "Unsupported"
msgstr "Nesubtenata"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:45
msgid "Text Reports"
msgstr "Tekstoraportoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:46
msgid "Graphical Reports"
msgstr "Grafikaj raportoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:47
msgid "Code Generators"
msgstr "Kodgeneriloj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:48
msgid "Web Pages"
msgstr "TTT-paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:49
msgid "Books"
msgstr "Libroj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:50
msgid "Graphs"
msgstr "Diagramoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:53 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:637
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:645 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1164
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:126
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:483
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teksto"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:54
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafikaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:343
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:882
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1065
msgid "The style used for the generation header."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la supra paĝotitolo de la generacio."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:68
msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes source display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la fontomontro de la finaj notoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:76
msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes notes display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la notomontro de la finaj notoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:84
msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la referencomontro de la finaj notoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:92
msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference notes display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la referencaj notoj en la finaj notoj."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:156
msgid "Endnotes"
msgstr "Finaj notoj"

#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:175
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:813
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:814
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:815
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:816
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:817
#, python-format
msgid "%s:"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:49
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Traduko"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:55
msgid "The translation to be used for the report."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la raporto."

#. label for the combo
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:63 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:969
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8038
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1355
msgid "Name format"
msgstr "Nomoformo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8042
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1359
msgid "Select the format to display names"
msgstr "Elektu la formon por montri la nomojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include data marked private"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu rikordojn markitajn privataj"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:97
msgid "Whether to include private data"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi privatajn datumojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:155
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:802
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:104
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1961
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2146
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2200
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2206
msgid "Could not add photo to page"
msgstr "Ne eblis aldoni foton al paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:156 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:413
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:806
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "La dosiero ne ekzistas"

#. Do this in case of command line options query (show=filter)
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:278
msgid "PERSON"
msgstr "PERSONO"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:286
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:149
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:156
msgid "Entire Database"
msgstr "Tuta datumbazo"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:290
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:430
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:374
#, python-format
msgid "Descendants of %s"
msgstr "Praidoj de %s"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:294
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:435
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Families of %s"
msgstr "Praidaj familioj de %s"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:298
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:440
#, python-format
msgid "Ancestors of %s"
msgstr "Prauloj de %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:301
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:444
#, python-format
msgid "People with common ancestor with %s"
msgstr "Personoj havantaj komunan praulon kun %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:230
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Ĝisdatigita"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:242
msgid "updates|New"
msgstr "ĝisdatigoj|Nova"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:272 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:279
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to open '%s'"
msgstr "Ne eblis malfermi %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:286
#, python-format
msgid "Error in reading '%s'"
msgstr "Eraro legante %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:297
#, python-format
msgid "Error: cannot open '%s'"
msgstr "Eraro: ne eblis malfermi %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:301
#, python-format
msgid "Error: unknown file type: '%s'"
msgstr "Eraro: nekonata dosiertipo: '%s'"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:307
#, python-format
msgid "Examining '%s'..."
msgstr "Testas '%s'..."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:320
#, python-format
msgid "Error in '%s' file: cannot load."
msgstr "Eraro en '%s' dosiero: ne eblas ŝargi."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:334
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is for this version of Gramps."
msgstr "'%s' estas por ĉi tiu versio de Gramps"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:338
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is NOT for this version of Gramps."
msgstr "'%s' NE estas por ĉi tiu versio de Gramps"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:339
#, python-format
msgid "It is for version %(v1)d.%(v2)d"
msgstr "Ĝi estas por la versio %(v1)d.%(v2)d"

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:349
#, python-format
msgid "Error: missing gramps_target_version in '%s'..."
msgstr "Eraro: mankas gramps_target_version en '%s'..."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:361
#, python-format
msgid "Installing '%s'..."
msgstr "Instalanta '%s'..."

#: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:367
#, python-format
msgid "Registered '%s'"
msgstr "Registris '%s'"

#: ../gramps/gen/proxy/private.py:907
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:64
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:85
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:90
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:56
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:80
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:70
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:68
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:125
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:297
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:153
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:180
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:346
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:355
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:149
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:420
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:381
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:332
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:301
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:624
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:156
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:235
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:417
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:158
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:365
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:195
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:404
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:212
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:295
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:157
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:102
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:82 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:87
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privata"

#: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:236
msgid "Unable to open list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:240
msgid ""
"Error parsing list of recent DBs from file {fname}: {error}.\n"
"This might indicate a damage to your files.\n"
"If you're sure there is no problem with other files, delete it, and restart "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:827
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1496
msgid "Relationship loop detected"
msgstr "Detektita parenceca interacio"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:884
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Family Tree reaches back more than the maximum %d generations searched.\n"
"It is possible that relationships have been missed"
msgstr ""
"La genealogia Arbo atingis pli ol la maksimumo de %d generacioj serĉataj.\n"
"Eblas ke kelkaj parencecoj ne estis konsideritaj."

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:957
msgid "Relationship loop detected:"
msgstr "Detektita parenceca interacio:"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:958
#, python-format
msgid "Person %(person)s connects to himself via %(relation)s"
msgstr "Persono %(person)s rilatas al si mem per %(relation)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1234
msgid "undefined"
msgstr "nedifinita"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1735
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:188
msgid "husband"
msgstr "edzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1737
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:184
msgid "wife"
msgstr "edzino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1739
msgid "gender unknown|spouse"
msgstr "geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1742
msgid "ex-husband"
msgstr "eksedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1744
msgid "ex-wife"
msgstr "eksedzino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1746
msgid "gender unknown|ex-spouse"
msgstr "eksgeedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1749
msgid "unmarried|husband"
msgstr "fraŭl(in)o|edzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1751
msgid "unmarried|wife"
msgstr "fraŭl(in)o|edzino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1753
msgid "gender unknown,unmarried|spouse"
msgstr "geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1756
msgid "unmarried|ex-husband"
msgstr "fraŭl(in)o|eksedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1758
msgid "unmarried|ex-wife"
msgstr "fraŭl(in)o|eksedzino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1760
msgid "gender unknown,unmarried|ex-spouse"
msgstr "eksgeedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1763
msgid "male,civil union|partner"
msgstr "partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1765
msgid "female,civil union|partner"
msgstr "partnerino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1767
msgid "gender unknown,civil union|partner"
msgstr "partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1770
msgid "male,civil union|former partner"
msgstr "antaŭa partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1772
msgid "female,civil union|former partner"
msgstr "antaŭa partnerino"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1774
msgid "gender unknown,civil union|former partner"
msgstr "antaŭa partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1777
msgid "male,unknown relation|partner"
msgstr "viro, nekonata parenceco|partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1779
msgid "female,unknown relation|partner"
msgstr "virino, nekonata parenceco|partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1781
msgid "gender unknown,unknown relation|partner"
msgstr "nekonata sekso, nekonata parenceco|partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1786
msgid "male,unknown relation|former partner"
msgstr "viro, nekonata parenceco|antaŭa partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1788
msgid "female,unknown relation|former partner"
msgstr "virino, nekonata parenceco|antaŭa partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1790
msgid "gender unknown,unknown relation|former partner"
msgstr "nekonata sekso, nekonata parenceco|antaŭa partnero"

#: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1884
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Family relationship translator not available for language '%s'. Using "
"'english' instead."
msgstr ""
"La tradukilo por la familiaj parencecoj ne disponeblas por la lingvo '%s'. "
"Oni antataŭas per la angla."

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:146
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:170
msgid "death date"
msgstr "mortodato"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:151
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:148
msgid "birth date"
msgstr "naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:184
msgid "sibling birth date"
msgstr "naskiĝdato de frat(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:196
msgid "sibling death date"
msgstr "mortodato de frat(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:210
msgid "sibling birth-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al naskiĝo de frat(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:221
msgid "sibling death-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al morto de frat(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:236 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:247
msgid "a spouse's birth-related date, "
msgstr "dato rilata al naskiĝo de geedzo, "

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:240 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:251
msgid "a spouse's death-related date, "
msgstr "dato rilata al morto de geedzo, "

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:269
msgid "event with spouse"
msgstr "evento kun geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:293
msgid "descendant birth date"
msgstr "naskiĝdato de praido"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:302
msgid "descendant death date"
msgstr "mortodato de praido"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:318
msgid "descendant birth-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al naskiĝo de praido"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:326
msgid "descendant death-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al morto de praido"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:339
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: loop in %s's descendants"
msgstr "Datumbaza eraro: iteracio en la praidoj de %s"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:365 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:411
msgid "ancestor birth date"
msgstr "naskiĝdato de praulo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:375 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:421
msgid "ancestor death date"
msgstr "mortodato de praulo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:386 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:432
msgid "ancestor birth-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al naskiĝo de praulo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:394 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:440
msgid "ancestor death-related date"
msgstr "dato rilata al morto de praulo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:455
#, python-format
msgid "Database error: loop in %s's ancestors"
msgstr "Datumbaza eraro: iteracio en la prauloj de %s"

#. no evidence, must consider alive
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:502
msgid "no evidence"
msgstr "neniu pruvo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:50
msgid "True"
msgstr "Vera"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:50
msgid "true"
msgstr "vera"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:293 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:312
#, python-format
msgid "%s, ..."
msgstr "%s, ..."

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:531 ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:243
#, python-format
msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s"
msgstr "%(father)s kaj %(mother)s"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:69
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Araba"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:70
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgara"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:71
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "Bretona"

#. Windows has no translation for Breton
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:72
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Kataluna"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:73
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Ĉeĥa"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:74
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Dana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:75
msgid "German"
msgstr "Germana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:76
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Greka"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:77
msgid "English (USA)"
msgstr "Angla (Usono)"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:78
msgid "English"
msgstr "Angla"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:79
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "Esperanto"

#. Windows has no translation for Esperanto
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:80
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Hispana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:81
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Finna"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:82
msgid "French"
msgstr "Franca"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:83
msgid "Gaelic"
msgstr "Gaela"

#. Windows has no translation for Gaelic
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:84
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebrea"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:85
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Kroata"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:86
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Hungara"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Islanda stilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:88
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Itala"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:89
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:90
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Litva"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:91
msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Makedona"

#. Windows has no translation for Macedonian
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:92
msgid "Norwegian Bokmal"
msgstr "Norvega Bokmal"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:93
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederlanda"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:94
msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk"
msgstr "Norvega Nynorsk"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:95
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Pola"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:96
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr "Portugala (Brazilo)"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:97
msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
msgstr "Portugala (Portugalio)"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:98
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:99
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Rusa"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:100
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovaka"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:101
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Slovena"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:102
msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Albana"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "Persa"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:104
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Sveda"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:105
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turka"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:106
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ukrainia"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:107
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnama"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chinese (Simplified)"
msgstr "Simpligita ĉina"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:109
msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:110
msgid "Chinese (Traditional)"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:821
msgid "the person"
msgstr "la persono"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:823
msgid "the family"
msgstr "la familio"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:825
msgid "the place"
msgstr "la loko"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:827
msgid "the event"
msgstr "la evento"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:829
msgid "the repository"
msgstr "la deponejo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:831
msgid "the note"
msgstr "la noto"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:833
msgid "the media"
msgstr "la aŭdvidaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:835
msgid "the source"
msgstr "la fonto"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:837
msgid "the filter"
msgstr "la filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:839
msgid "See details"
msgstr "Vidu detalojn"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/image.py:122
msgid ""
"WARNING: PIL module not loaded.  Image cropping in report files will be "
msgstr ""
"AVERTO: PIL-modulo ne ŝargita. La bildostucado en la raportoj ne estos "

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54
msgid "Person|TITLE"
msgstr "Persono|TITOLO"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:139
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:438
msgid "Person|Title"
msgstr "Persono|Titolo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55
msgid "GIVEN"
msgstr "ANTAŬNOMO"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:642
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:649 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:651
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:652 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:653
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:654 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:655
msgid "SURNAME"

#. show surname and first name
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:621
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:635 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:637
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:639 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:641
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:644 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:645
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:646 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:647
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:75
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:89 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1468
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:327
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:352
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:131
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:329
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2873
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3958
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5237
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57
msgid "Name|CALL"
msgstr "VOKNOMO"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57
msgid "Name|Call"
msgstr "Voknomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58
msgid "Name|COMMON"
msgstr "KOMUNUZA"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:639
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:641 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:644
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:645 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:651
msgid "Name|Common"
msgstr "Komunuza"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59
msgid "INITIALS"
msgstr "INICIALOJ"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Inicialoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60
msgid "SUFFIX"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:635
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:637 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:639
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:641 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:642
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:647 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:649
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:654 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:656
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:229
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:353
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:141
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Postantaŭnoma vorteto"

#. name, sort, width, modelcol
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:79
msgid "Name|Primary"
msgstr "Ĉefa"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61
msgid "PRIMARY"
msgstr "ĈEFA"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62
msgid "PRIMARY[PRE]"
msgstr "ĈEFA[AFV]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62
msgid "Primary[pre]"
msgstr "Ĉefa[afv]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63
msgid "PRIMARY[SUR]"
msgstr "ĈEFA[FAM]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63
msgid "Primary[sur]"
msgstr "Ĉefa[fam]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64
msgid "PRIMARY[CON]"
msgstr "ĈEFA[KUN]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64
msgid "Primary[con]"
msgstr "Ĉefa[kun]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65
msgstr "PATRONOMO"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66
msgid "Patronymic[pre]"
msgstr "Patronomo[afv]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67
msgid "Patronymic[sur]"
msgstr "Patronomo[fam]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68
msgid "Patronymic[con]"
msgstr "Patronomo[kun]"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:656
msgid "Rawsurnames"
msgstr "Puraj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70
msgid "Notpatronymic"
msgstr "Ne patronomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71
msgid "PREFIX"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:74
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:470
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:353
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:140
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Antaŭfamilinoma vorteto"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72
msgid "NICKNAME"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73
msgid "Familynick"
msgstr "Familikromnomo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:49
#, python-format
msgid "%(north_latitude)s N"
msgstr "%(north_latitude)s N"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:50
#, python-format
msgid "%(south_latitude)s S"
msgstr "%(south_latitude)s S"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:51
#, python-format
msgid "%(east_longitude)s E"
msgstr "%(east_longitude)s E"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "%(west_longitude)s W"
msgstr "%(west_longitude)s U"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:46 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:351
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:35
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5404
msgid "male"
msgstr "masklo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:47 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:350
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:35
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5405
msgid "female"
msgstr "femalo"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:48
msgid "gender|unknown"
msgstr "nekonata"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:52
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Nevalida"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:55 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:205
msgid "Very High"
msgstr "Tre alta"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:56 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:204
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:62
msgid "High"
msgstr "Alta"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:57 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:203
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normala"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:58 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:202
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:60
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Malalta"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:59 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:201
msgid "Very Low"
msgstr "Tre malalta"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:65
msgid "A legal or common-law relationship between a husband and wife"
msgstr "Legitima aŭ komunakceptita parenceco inter edzo kaj edzino"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:67
msgid "No legal or common-law relationship between man and woman"
msgstr "Nelegitima aŭ komunakceptita parenceco inter viro kaj virino"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:69
msgid "An established relationship between members of the same sex"
msgstr "Stabila parenceco inter membro de la sama sekso"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:71
msgid "Unknown relationship between a man and woman"
msgstr "Nekonata parenceco inter viro kaj virino"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:73
msgid "An unspecified relationship between a man and woman"
msgstr "Nespecifita parenceco inter viro kaj virino"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:77
msgid ""
"The data can only be recovered by Undo operation or by quitting with "
"abandoning changes."
msgstr ""
"Oni povas ripari la datumojn nur nuligante la lastan agon per Malfaru aŭ "
"forlasante sen konservo de la ŝanĝoj"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:139
msgid "Unknown, created to replace a missing note object."
msgstr "Nekonata, kreita por anstataŭigi mankantan notobjekton."

#. primitive static variable
#: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:149
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown, was missing %(time)s (%(count)d)"
msgstr "Nekonata, mankanta %(time)s (%(count)d)"

#: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:168
#, python-format
msgid "Objects referenced by this note were missing in a file imported on %s."
msgstr ""
"La objektoj referencitaj de ĉi tiu noto mankis en dosiero importita la %s."

#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:130
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your Python version does not meet the requirements. At least python %(v1)d."
"%(v2)d.%(v3)d is needed to start Gramps.\n"
"Gramps will terminate now."
msgstr ""
"Via versio de Pitono ne kontentigas la postulojn. Necesas almenaŭ Pitonon "
"%(v1)d.%(v2)d.%(v3)d por startigi Gramps.\n"
"Gramps finiĝos nun."

#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You don't have the python3 bsddb3 package installed. This package is needed "
"to start Gramps.\n"
"Gramps will terminate now."
msgstr ""
"Vi ne havas la pitonan pakaĵon bsddb3 instalita. Ĝi necesas por startigi "
"Gramps finiĝos nun."

#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:359 ../gramps/grampsapp.py:366
#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:414
msgid "Configuration error:"
msgstr "Konfirgura eraro:"

#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:363
msgid "Error reading configuration"
msgstr "Eraro dum legado de la konfiguro"

#: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:367
#, python-format
msgid ""
"A definition for the MIME-type %s could not be found \n"
" Possibly the installation of Gramps was incomplete. Make sure the MIME-"
"types of Gramps are properly installed."
msgstr ""
"Ne eblis trovi difinon por MIME-tipo %s\n"
" Eble la instalo de Gramps estis nekompleta. Certiĝu ke MIME-tipoj de Gramps "
"estas ĝuste instalitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:79
msgid ""
"Much of Gramps' artwork is either from\n"
"the Tango Project or derived from the Tango\n"
"Project. This artwork is released under the\n"
"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n"
msgstr ""
"Grandparte el la grafikoj de Gramps venas aŭ de\n"
"Tango-Projekto aŭ originas de Tango-Projekto\n"
"Ĉi tiu grafiko estas eldonita sub la licenco de\n"
"<i>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2<i>."

#: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:94
msgid "Gramps Homepage"
msgstr "GRAMPS-hejmpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contributions by"
msgstr "Agordaro"

#. TRANSLATORS: Translate this to your name in your native language
#: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:103
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:69
msgid "manual|Using_the_Clipboard"
msgstr "Uzado_de_la_Tondujo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:186 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:187
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:483
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Nedisponebla"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:303 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:506
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:155
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:122
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:327
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6759
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adreso"

#. 0 this order range above
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:340 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:536
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:291
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:107
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:150
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:221
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:201
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:408
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:373
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:970
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Evento"

#. 5
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:367 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:528
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:81
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:55
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:84
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:292
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:105
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:270
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1319
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:472
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:50
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:111
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:191
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:160
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:227
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:203
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:92
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:448
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:626
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:58
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:382
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:972
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1220
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1250
msgid "Place"
msgstr "Loko"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:427
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:116
msgid "Family Event"
msgstr "Famili-evento"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:443
msgid "Url"
msgstr "Url"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:459 ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:126
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:474
msgid "Family Attribute"
msgstr "Famili-atributo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:505
msgid "not available|NA"
msgstr "ND"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:514
#, python-format
msgid "Volume/Page: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s"
msgstr "Volumo/Paĝo: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:535
msgid "Repository ref"
msgstr "Deponejo-ref."

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:553
msgid "Event ref"
msgstr "Evento-ref."

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:571
msgid "Place ref"
msgstr "Lok-ref."

#. 1 new gramplet
#. Priority
#. Handle
#. Add column with object name
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:589 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:505
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:73
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:64
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:114
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:310
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:797
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:950
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:126
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:99
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:98
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1142 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:127
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1083
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:418
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:74
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:218 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:396
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:578
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:67
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:111
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:98
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:281
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:814
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:140
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:630
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:62
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:123
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:202
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:527 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6445
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:605 ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:85
msgid "Place Name"
msgstr "Loknomo"

#. 2
#. add media column
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:659 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:81
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:294
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:109
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:109
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:190
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:245
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:204
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:530
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:130
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:80 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1763
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1821
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1879
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1917
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2177
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4399
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4523
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:686
msgid "Media ref"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵo-ref."

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:704
msgid "Person ref"
msgstr "Person-ref."

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:722
msgid "Child ref"
msgstr "Fil(in)o-ref."

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:731
#, python-format
msgid "%(frel)s %(mrel)s"
msgstr "%(frel)s %(mrel)s"

#. 4
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. References
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. functions for the actual quickreports
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:743 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:524
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:83
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:289
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:211
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:352
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:106
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:178
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:34
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:209
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:257
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:265
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:273
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:301
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:314
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:340
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:348
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:384
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:199
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:194
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:270
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:409
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:251
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:383
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3111
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3664
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6026
msgid "Person"
msgstr "Persono"

#. 7
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:800 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:530
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:78
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:86 ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:293
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:472
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:113
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:143
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:233
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:202
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:697
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:805
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Fonto"

#. 6
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:827 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:538
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:85
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:69
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:295
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:180
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:239
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Deponejo"

#. Create the tree columns
#. 0 selected?
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:959
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:51
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:74
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:69
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:102
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:96
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:100
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:99
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:240 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:120
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:236 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1082
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:419
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:423
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:72
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:63
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:44
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:301
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:444
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:622
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:409
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:477
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:553
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:636
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:401
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:55
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:81 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:390
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1247
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1555
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2259
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2730
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3661
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6687
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:962
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:81
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:105
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:88
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:98
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:87
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:70
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:64
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1556
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:125
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:397
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:547
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:714
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2729
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:965
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:64
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:46
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:171
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:404
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:392
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1307
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1556
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valoro"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1388 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1394
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1432 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1476
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:7
msgid "Clipboard"
msgstr "Tondujo"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1518 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:130
#, python-format
msgid "the object|See %s details"
msgstr "Vidu detalojn de %s"

#. ---------------------------
#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1524 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:140
#, python-format
msgid "the object|Make %s active"
msgstr "Igu %s aktiva"

#: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1540
#, python-format
msgid "the object|Create Filter from %s selected..."
msgstr "Kreu filtrilon el %s elektita..."

#: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:89
#, python-format
msgid "Tree View: first column \"%s\" cannot be changed"
msgstr "Arbvido: ne eblas ŝanĝi la unuan kolumnon \"%s\" "

#: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:95
msgid "Drag and drop the columns to change the order"
msgstr "Ŝovu kaj demetu la kolumnojn por ŝanĝi la ordigon"

#: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:107 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1424
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1449 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:123
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1344
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:940
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1179
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "_Apliku"

#. #################
#: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:128 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1099
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:832
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1535
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Montru"

#: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:132
msgid "Column Name"
msgstr "Kolumnonomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:78
msgid "Father's surname"
msgstr "Patra familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:80
msgid "Combination of mother's and father's surname"
msgstr "Kombino de la patrina kaj patra familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:81
msgid "Icelandic style"
msgstr "Islanda stilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:103 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:105
msgid "Display Name Editor"
msgstr "Montru nomredaktilon"

#. self.window.connect('response', self.close)
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:104 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:180
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:468 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:541
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:73 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:20
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:140
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:25
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:24 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:26
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:992 ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:117
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:26
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:103 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:676
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:732
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:62 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:78
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1225 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:236
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:418 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:615
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:238
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Fermu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:107
msgid ""
"The following keywords are replaced with the appropriate name parts:\n"
"<tt>  \n"
"  <b>Given</b>      - given name (first name) <b>Surname</b>      - surnames "
"(with prefix and connectors)\n"
"  <b>Title</b>      - title (Dr., Mrs.)       <b>Suffix</b>       - suffix "
"(Jr., Sr.)\n"
"  <b>Call</b>       - call name               <b>Nickname</b>     - nick "
"  <b>Initials</b>   - first letters of Given  <b>Common</b>       - nick "
"name, otherwise first of Given\n"
"  <b>Primary, Primary[pre] or [sur] or [con]</b>- full primary surname, "
"prefix, surname only, connector   \n"
"  <b>Patronymic, or [pre] or [sur] or [con]</b> - full pa/matronymic "
"surname, prefix, surname only, connector \n"
"  <b>Familynick</b> - family nick name        <b>Prefix</b>       - all "
"prefixes (von, de)  \n"
"  <b>Rest</b>       - non primary surnames    <b>Notpatronymic</b>- all "
"surnames, except pa/matronymic &amp; primary\n"
"  <b>Rawsurnames</b>- surnames (no prefixes and connectors)\n"
"UPPERCASE keyword forces uppercase. Extra parentheses, commas are removed. "
"Other text appears literally.\n"
"<b>Example</b>: 'Dr. Edwin Jose von der Smith and Weston Wilson Sr (\"Ed\") "
"- Underhills'\n"
"     <i>Edwin Jose</i> is given name, <i>von der</i> is the prefix, "
"<i>Smith</i> and <i>Weston</i> surnames, \n"
"     <i>and</i> a connector, <i>Wilson</i> patronymic surname, <i>Dr.</i> "
"title, <i>Sr</i> suffix, <i>Ed</i> nick name, \n"
"     <i>Underhills</i> family nick name, <i>Jose</i> callname.\n"
msgstr ""
"La sekvaj kategoriaj vortoj estas anstataŭataj per la taŭgaj nompartoj:\n"
"<tt>  \n"
"  <b>Antaŭnomo</b>      - antaŭnomo (unua nomo) <b>Familinomo</b>      - "
"familinomoj(kun antaŭfamilinomaj vortetoj kaj kunligiloj)\n"
"  <b>Titolo</b>      - titolo (D-ro, S-ino)       <b>Postantaŭnoma vorteto</"
"b>       - vorteto post la antaŭnomo(Jr., Sr.)\n"
"  <b>Voknomo</b>       - voknomo               <b>Neformala nomo</b>     - "
"neformala nomo\n"
"  <b>Inicialoj</b>   - unuaj literoj de la antaŭnomo  <b>Komunuza</b>       "
"- kromnomo, alie la unua el la antaŭnomoj\n"
"  <b>Ĉefa, Ĉefa[afv] aŭ [fam] aŭ [kun]</b>- tuta ĉefa familinomo, "
"antaŭfamilinoma vorteto, nur familinomo, kunligilo\n"
"  <b>Patronomo, aŭ [afv] aŭ [fam] aŭ [kun]</b> - tuta patr(in)noma "
"familinomo, antaŭfamilinoma vorteto, nur familinomo, kunligilo\n"
"  <b>Familikromnomo</b> - kromnomo de familio        <b>Antaŭfamilinoma "
"vorteto</b>       - ĉiuj vortetoj antaŭ4 la familinomo (von, de)  \n"
"  <b>Ceteraj</b>       - ne ĉefaj familinomoj    <b>Ne patronomo</b>- ĉiuj "
"familinomoj, escepte de patr(in)nomo &amp; ĉefa\n"
"  <b>Puraj familinomoj</b>- familinomoj sen antaŭfamilinomaj vortetoj aŭ "
"MAJUSKLA kategoria vorto perfortas majusklecon. Ekster krampoj, komoj estas "
"forigitaj Kroma teksto aperas laŭvorte.\n"
"<b>Ekzemplo</b>: 'D-ro Edwin Jose von der Smith and Weston Wilson Sr (\"Ed"
"\") - Underhills'\n"
"     <i>Edwin Jose</i> estas antaŭnomo, <i>von der</i> estas antaŭfamilinoma"
"(j) vorteto(j), <i>Smith</i> and <i>Weston</i> familinomoj, \n"
"     <i>and</i> kunlligilo, <i>Wilson</i> patronoma familinomo, <i>D-ro</i> "
"titolo, <i>Sr</i> postantaŭnoma vorteto, <i>Ed</i> neformala nomo, \n"
"     <i>Underhills</i> familia kromnomo, <i>Jose</i> voknomo.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:138
msgid " Name Editor"
msgstr "Nomredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:156 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1504
#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:607
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Agordoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:231 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:236
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:794
msgid "Invalid or incomplete format definition."
msgstr "Nevalida aŭ nekompleta formodifino."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:503
msgid ""
"Enter your information so people can contact you when you distribute your "
"Family Tree"
msgstr ""
"Enmetu informojn pri vi, tiel homoj povos kontakti vin kiam vi disdonos vian "
"genealogian arbon."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:509
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:92
msgid "State/County"
msgstr "Ŝtato/Provinco"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:511 ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:94
msgid "ZIP/Postal Code"
msgstr "Poŝtkodo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:512
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:384
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefono"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:513 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:610
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:95
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Retpoŝto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:514
msgid "Researcher"
msgstr "Esploranto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:534 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:646
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:87
msgid "Media Object"
msgstr "Aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:542
msgid "ID Formats"
msgstr "ID-formoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:552
msgid "Set the colors used for boxes in the graphical views"
msgstr "Agordu la uzotajn kolorojn por la kadroj en la grafikaĵaj vidoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:554
msgid "Gender Male Alive"
msgstr "Masklo vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:556
msgid "Border Male Alive"
msgstr "Rando de masklo vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:558
msgid "Gender Male Death"
msgstr "Masklo mortinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:560
msgid "Border Male Death"
msgstr "Rando de masklo mortinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:562
msgid "Gender Female Alive"
msgstr "Femalo vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:564
msgid "Border Female Alive"
msgstr "Rando de femalo vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:566
msgid "Gender Female Death"
msgstr "Femalo mortinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:568
msgid "Border Female Death"
msgstr "Rando de femalo mortinta"

#. #        self.add_color(grid, _('Gender Other Alive'), 5,
#. #                        'preferences.color-gender-other-alive')
#. #        self.add_color(grid, _('Border Other Alive'), 6,
#. #                        'preferences.bordercolor-gender-other-alive')
#. #        self.add_color(grid, _('Gender Other Death'), 7,
#. #                        'preferences.color-gender-other-death')
#. #        self.add_color(grid, _('Border Other Death'), 8,
#. #                        'preferences.bordercolor-gender-other-death')
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:578
msgid "Gender Unknown Alive"
msgstr "Nekonata sekso vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:580
msgid "Border Unknown Alive"
msgstr "Rando de nekonato vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:582
msgid "Gender Unknown Death"
msgstr "Nekonata sekso mortinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:584
msgid "Border Unknown Death"
msgstr "Rando de nekonato mortinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:586
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Koloroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:594
msgid "Suppress warning when adding parents to a child."
msgstr "Forigu averton dum aldono de gepatroj al fil(in)o."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:598
msgid "Suppress warning when canceling with changed data."
msgstr "Forigu averton dum rezigno kun modifitaj datumoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:602
msgid "Suppress warning about missing researcher when exporting to GEDCOM."
msgstr "Forigu averton pri mankanta esploranto dum eksportado al GEDCOM."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:607
msgid "Show plugin status dialog on plugin load error."
msgstr ""
"Montru la dialogon de kromprograma stato kaze de kromprograma ŝargeraro."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:610
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Avertoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:636 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:650
msgid "Common"
msgstr "Komunuza"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:643 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:353
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:137
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Voknomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:648
msgid "NotPatronymic"
msgstr "NePatronoma"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:725
msgid "Enter to save, Esc to cancel editing"
msgstr "Eniga klavo por konservi, Esc por rezigni pri la modifo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:772
msgid "This format exists already."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu formo jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:811
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:821
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ekzemplo"

#. show an add button
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:841
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:151
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:158
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:312
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:122
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:129
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:140
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:692
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:410 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1801
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1598
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Aldonu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:844
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:153
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:159
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:313
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:123
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:130
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:116
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:223 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:480
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:411 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1606
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1639
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1883
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Redaktu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:848
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:154
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:160
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:124
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:117
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:144
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:659
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:232 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:211
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:412 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:380
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Forigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:973
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:70
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:286
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:594
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:12
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:516 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:466
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1876
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:149 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:204
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:664
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:115
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redaktu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:983
msgid "Consider single pa/matronymic as surname"
msgstr "Konsideru patr(in)onomon kiel familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:997
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datoformo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1005
msgid "Years"
msgstr "Jaroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1006
msgid "Years, Months"
msgstr "Jaroj, Monatoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1007
msgid "Years, Months, Days"
msgstr "Jaroj, Monatoj, Tagoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1019
msgid "Age display precision (requires restart)"
msgstr "Aĝomontra precizeco (postulas restartigon)"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1032
msgid "Calendar on reports"
msgstr "Kalendaro en la raportoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1045
msgid "Surname guessing"
msgstr "Familinoma supozo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1058
msgid "Default family relationship"
msgstr "Defaŭlta familia parenceco"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1065
msgid "Height multiple surname box (pixels)"
msgstr "Alto de la plurfamilinoma kadro (rastrumeroj)"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1072
msgid "Active person's name and ID"
msgstr "Nomo kaj ID de la aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1073
msgid "Relationship to home person"
msgstr "Parenceco al la hejmpersono"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1082
msgid "Status bar"
msgstr "Stata breto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1089
msgid "Show text in sidebar buttons (requires restart)"
msgstr "Montru tekston en la flankabretaj butonoj (postulas restartigon)"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1095
msgid "Show close button in gramplet bar tabs"
msgstr "Montru la fermobutonon en la langetoj de grampletbreto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1108
msgid "Enable automatic place title generation"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1112
msgid "Suppress comma after house number"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reverse display order"
msgstr "Uzu patrinan vidigoformon"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Full place name"
msgstr "Kompleta familinomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1123
msgid "-> Hamlet/VillageTown/City"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1124
msgid "Hamlet/VillageTown/City ->"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1129
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restrict"
msgstr "Distrikto"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1134
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:65
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1138
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:380
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:205
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:213
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:229
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1760
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1815
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1871
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3340
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3461
msgid "Places"
msgstr "Lokoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1146
msgid "Missing surname"
msgstr "Mankanta familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1149
msgid "Missing given name"
msgstr "Mankanta antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1152
msgid "Missing record"
msgstr "Mankanta rikordo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1155
msgid "Private surname"
msgstr "Privata familinomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1158
msgid "Private given name"
msgstr "Privata antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1161
msgid "Private record"
msgstr "Privata rikordo"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1201
msgid "Change is not immediate"
msgstr "La modifo ne estos tuja"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1202
msgid ""
"Changing the date format will not take effect until the next time Gramps is "
msgstr "Modifo de la datformo ne funkcios ĝis venonta restartigo de Gramps."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1216
msgid "Date about range"
msgstr "Intervalo de jaroj por datoj kun \"ĉirkaŭ\""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1219
msgid "Date after range"
msgstr "Intervalo de jaroj por datoj kun \"post\""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1222
msgid "Date before range"
msgstr "Intervalo de jaroj por datoj kun \"antaŭ\""

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1225
msgid "Maximum age probably alive"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝo por taksi personon vivanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1228
msgid "Maximum sibling age difference"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝdiferenco inter gefratoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1231
msgid "Minimum years between generations"
msgstr "Minimuma jarnombro inter generacioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1234
msgid "Average years between generations"
msgstr "Averaĝa jarnombro inter generacioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1237
msgid "Markup for invalid date format"
msgstr "Markado por nevalidaj datoformoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1240
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Convenience markups are:\n"
"<big>&lt;big&gt;Makes font relatively larger&lt;/big&gt;</big>\n"
"<small>&lt;small&gt;Makes font relatively smaller&lt;/small&gt;</small>\n"
"<tt>&lt;tt&gt;Monospace font&lt;/tt&gt;</tt>\n"
"For example: &lt;u&gt;&lt;b&gt;%s&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/u&gt;\n"
"will display <u><b>Underlined bold date</b></u>.\n"
msgstr ""
"La markadoj subtenataj estas:\n"
"<big>&lt;big&gt;pligrandigas la tiparon relative&lt;/big&gt;</big>\n"
"<sub>&lt;sub&gt;Suba indico&lt;/sub&gt;</sub>\n"
"<sup>&lt;sup&gt;Supra indico&lt;/sup&gt;</sup>\n"
"<small>&lt;small&gt;Malpligrandigas la tiparon relative&lt;/small&gt;</"
"<tt>&lt;tt&gt;Egallarĝa tiparofont&lt;/tt&gt;</tt>\n"
"Ekzemple: &lt;u&gt;&lt;b&gt;%s&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/u&gt;\n"
"montros <u><b>Substrekita grasa dato</b></u>.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1254
msgid "Dates"
msgstr "Datoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1264
msgid "Add default source on GEDCOM import"
msgstr "Aldonu defaŭltan fonton por GEDCOM-importado"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1268
msgid "Add tag on import"
msgstr "Aldonu etikedon dum importado"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1279
msgid "Enable spelling checker"
msgstr "Ebligu literumadan kontrolilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1288
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"GtkSpell not loaded. Spell checking will not be available.\n"
"To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_spell_url)s"
msgstr ""
"GtkSpell ne ŝargita. Ne estos disponebla la literumada kontrolo.\n"
"Por kunmetiĝin por Gramps vidu http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1295
msgid "Display Tip of the Day"
msgstr "Montru la ĉiutagan sugeston"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1300
msgid "Remember last view displayed"
msgstr "Rememoru lastan vidon montritan"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1305
msgid "Max generations for relationships"
msgstr "Maksimuma nombro de generacioj por parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1311
msgid "Base path for relative media paths"
msgstr "Baza vojo por relativaj aŭdvidaĵaj vojoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1319
msgid "Once a month"
msgstr "Unufoje monate"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1320
msgid "Once a week"
msgstr "Unufoje semajne"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1321
msgid "Once a day"
msgstr "Unufoje tage"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1322
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Ĉiam"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1327
msgid "Check for updates"
msgstr "Kontrolu ĝisdatigojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1333
msgid "Updated addons only"
msgstr "Nur ĝisdatigitaj helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1334
msgid "New addons only"
msgstr "Nur novaj helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1335
msgid "New and updated addons"
msgstr "Nur novaj kaj ĝisdatigitaj helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1345
msgid "What to check"
msgstr "Kion kontroli"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1350
msgid "Where to check"
msgstr "Kie kontroli"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1354
msgid "Do not ask about previously notified addons"
msgstr "Ne demandu pri jam atentigitaj helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1359
msgid "Check now"
msgstr "Kontrolu nun"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1369
msgid "Checking Addons Failed"
msgstr "Malsukcesis kontrolo de helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1370
msgid "The addon repository appears to be unavailable. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Ŝajnas ke ke la helpprograma deponejo estas nedisponebla. Bv provi poste."

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1379
msgid "There are no available addons of this type"
msgstr "Ne estas disponeblaj tiaj helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1380
#, python-format
msgid "Checked for '%s'"
msgstr "Kontrolita '%s'"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1381
msgid "' and '"
msgstr "' kaj '"

#. List of translated strings used here
#. Dead code for l10n
#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1386
msgid "new"
msgstr "nova"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1386
msgid "update"
msgstr "ĝisdatigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1399
msgid "Family Tree Database path"
msgstr " Datumbaza vojo de Genealogiaj Arboj"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1407
msgid "Automatically load last Family Tree"
msgstr "Automate ŝargu la lastan Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1419
msgid "Select media directory"
msgstr "Elektu aŭdvidaĵan dosierujon"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1422 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1447
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:141 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:24
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:24
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:23 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:416
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:700 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:839
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:43
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:69
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:41
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:23
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:44
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:22 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:23
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:46
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:21
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:23
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:25
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:246
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:434
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:666
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:23
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:24 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:319
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:750 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:86
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1727
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:138 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1697 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:427
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:160 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:170
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1342 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1002
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:360 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:620
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:438
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:939
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1177
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:694 ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:395
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "Rezignu"

#: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1444
msgid "Select database directory"
msgstr "Elektu datumbazan dosierujon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:125 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:108
msgid "Undo history warning"
msgstr "Averto pri historimalfaro"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:126
msgid ""
"Proceeding with import will erase the undo history for this session. In "
"particular, you will not be able to revert the import or any changes made "
"prior to it.\n"
"If you think you may want to revert the import, please stop here and backup "
"your database."
msgstr ""
"Procedo kun la importo forigos la Malfaran historion por ĉi tiu seanco. Pli "
"precize, oni ne povos malfari la importon aŭ ĉiujn ŝanĝojn faritaj antaŭe.\n"
"Se oni pensas ke oni intencos rezigni pri la importo, bv halti ĉi tie kaj "
"sekurkopii la datumbazon."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:131
msgid "_Proceed with import"
msgstr "_Procedu kun la importado"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:131 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:115
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "Haltu"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:138
msgid "Gramps: Import Family Tree"
msgstr "Gramps: Importado de Genealogia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:143
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importu"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:199
#, python-format
msgid ""
"File type \"%s\" is unknown to Gramps.\n"
"Valid types are: Gramps database, Gramps XML, Gramps package, GEDCOM, and "
msgstr ""
"La dosiertipo \"%s\" estas nekonata al Gramps.\n"
"Validaj tipoj estas: Gramps-datumbazo, Gramps-XML, Gramps-pakajo, GEDCOM, "
"kaj aliaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:223 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:230
msgid "Cannot open file"
msgstr "Ne eblas malfermi la dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:224
msgid "The selected file is a directory, not a file.\n"
msgstr "La elektita dosiero estas dosierujo, ne dosiero.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:231
msgid "You do not have read access to the selected file."
msgstr "Vi ne hvas legorajton al ĉi tiu elektitaj dosiero."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:241
msgid "Cannot create file"
msgstr "Ne eblas krei dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:263
#, python-format
msgid "Could not import file: %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis importi la dosieron: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:264
msgid ""
"This file incorrectly identifies its character set, so it cannot be "
"accurately imported. Please fix the encoding, and import again"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu dosiero malĝuste identigas sian signaron, do ne eblas precize importi "
"ĝin. Bonvolu ripari la kodoprezenton kaj denove imnporti ĝin."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:330 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:344
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:372
msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade this Family Tree?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas aktualigi ĉi tiun Genealogian Arbon?"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:333 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:375
msgid ""
"I have made a backup,\n"
"please upgrade my Family Tree"
msgstr ""
"Mi sekurkopiis la datumojn,\n"
"bonvolu aktualigi mian Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:335 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:349
#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:363 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:377
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:291
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:744
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:782
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Rezignu"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:347
msgid ""
"I have made a backup,\n"
"please upgrade my tree"
msgstr ""
"Mi sekurkopiis la datumojn,\n"
"bonvolu aktualigi mian arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:358
msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade this Family Tree?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas malaktualigi ĉi tiun Genealogian Arbon?"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:361
msgid ""
"I have made a backup,\n"
"please downgrade my Family Tree"
msgstr ""
"Mi sekurkopiis la datumojn,\n"
"bonvolu malaktualigi mian Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:442
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Ĉiuj dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:483
msgid "Automatically detected"
msgstr "Automate detektita"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:492
msgid "Select file _type:"
msgstr "Elektu dosiertipon:"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:107 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:300
msgid "_Archive"
msgstr "_Arkivo"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:107
msgid "_Extract"
msgstr "_Eltiru"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:280
msgid "Family Tree name"
msgstr "Nomo de la Genealogia Arbo"

#. icon_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Status'), render,
#. icon_name=ICON_COL)
#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:293
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:53
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:124 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:181
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:515
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:446
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:624
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:387
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1251
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stato"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:380
#, python-format
msgid "Break the lock on the '%s' database?"
msgstr "Ĉu forpreni la blokon el la datumbazo '%s'?"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:381
msgid ""
"Gramps believes that someone else is actively editing this database. You "
"cannot edit this database while it is locked. If no one is editing the "
"database you may safely break the lock. However, if someone else is editing "
"the database and you break the lock, you may corrupt the database."
msgstr ""
"Gramps supozas ke iu alia aktive redaktas ĉi tiun datumbazon. Ne eblas "
"redakti ĉi tiun datumbazon dum ĝi estas blokita. Se neniu redaktas ĉi tiun "
"datumbazon oni povas forpreni la blokon. Tamen, se iu alia nun estas "
"redaktanta la datumbazon kaj oni forprenas la blokon, eblas damaĝi la "

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:387
msgid "Break lock"
msgstr "Forprenu la blokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:471
msgid "Rename failed"
msgstr "Malsukcesis la alinomado"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:472
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt to rename a version failed with the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"Provo alinomi version malsukcesis kun la sekva mesaĝo:\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:490
msgid "Could not rename the Family Tree."
msgstr "Ne eblis alinopmi la Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:491
msgid "Family Tree already exists, choose a unique name."
msgstr "La Genealogia Arbo jam ekzistas, elektu unikan nomon."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:533
msgid "Extracting archive..."
msgstr "Eltiras la arkivon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:538
msgid "Importing archive..."
msgstr "Importas la arkivon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:554
#, python-format
msgid "Remove the '%s' Family Tree?"
msgstr "Ĉu forigi la Genealogian Arbon '%s'?"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:555
msgid "Removing this Family Tree will permanently destroy the data."
msgstr "La forigo de ĉi itu Genealogia Arbo detruso por ĉiam la datumojn."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:556
msgid "Remove Family Tree"
msgstr "Forigu la Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:562
#, python-format
msgid "Remove the '%(revision)s' version of '%(database)s'"
msgstr "Forigu la '%(revision)s' version de '%(database)s'"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:566
msgid ""
"Removing this version will prevent you from extracting it in the future."
msgstr "La forigo de ĉi tiu versio malhelpos ĝian eltiron en la estonteco."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:568
msgid "Remove version"
msgstr "Forigu la version"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:598
msgid "Could not delete Family Tree"
msgstr "Ne eblis forigi la Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:623
msgid "Deletion failed"
msgstr "La forigo malsukcesis "

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:624
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt to delete a version failed with the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"Provo forigi version malsukcesis kun la sekva mesaĝo:\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:649
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%(new_DB_name)s (copied %(date_string)s)"
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:673
msgid "Repair Family Tree?"
msgstr "Ĉu ripari la Genealogian Arbon?"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:675
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"If you click %(bold_start)sProceed%(bold_end)s, Gramps will attempt to "
"recover your Family Tree from the last good backup. There are several ways "
"this can cause unwanted effects, so %(bold_start)sbackup%(bold_end)s the "
"Family Tree first.\n"
"The Family Tree you have selected is stored in %(dirname)s.\n"
"Before doing a repair, verify that the Family Tree can really no longer be "
"opened, as the database back-end can recover from some errors "
"%(bold_start)sDetails:%(bold_end)s Repairing a Family Tree actually uses the "
"last backup of the Family Tree, which Gramps stored on last use. If you have "
"worked for several hours/days without closing Gramps, then all this "
"information will be lost! If the repair fails, then the original Family Tree "
"will be lost forever, hence a backup is needed. If the repair fails, or too "
"much information is lost, you can fix the original Family Tree manually. For "
"details, see the webpage\n"
"Before doing a repair, try to open the Family Tree in the normal manner. "
"Several errors that trigger the repair button can be fixed automatically. If "
"this is the case, you can disable the repair button by removing the file "
"%(recover_file)s in the Family Tree directory."
msgstr ""
"Se oni alklakas <b>Procedu</b>, Gramps provos ripari la Genealogia Arbon de "
"la lasta bona sekurkopio. Tio tamen povas kaŭzi nedeziratajn efikojn, do  "
"<b>sekurkopiu</b> unue la Genealogia Arbon.\n"
"La Genealogia Arbo elektita estas konservita en %s.\n"
"Antaŭ o ripari, verifu ke la Genealogia Arbo vere ne povas malfermiĝi, ĉar "
"la interna datumbazo povas ripari kelkajn erarojn aŭtomate.\n"
"<b>Detaloj:</b> La riparado de Geneaologia Arbo uzas la lastan sekurkopion "
"de la Genealogia Arbo, kiun Gramps konservis dum la lasta uzo. Se oni "
"laboris divesajn horojn/tagojn ne fermante Gramps'on, ĉiu informo estos "
"perdita! Se la riparo malsukcesas, la origina Genealogia Arbo estos perdita "
"por ĉiam, pro tio necesas sekurkopio. Se la riparo malsukcesas, aŭ perdiĝas "
"tro da informoj oni povas ripari la originan Genealogia Arbon mane. Por "
"kromaj detaloj vidu la retpaĝo\n"
"Antaŭ ol ripari, provu malfermi la Geneaolgian Arbon en normala maniero. "
"Diversaj eraroj lanĉitaj de riparbutono povas esti automate riparitaj. Se "
"tio okazas, oni povas malebligi la riparbutonon forigante la dosieron "
"<i>need_recover</i> en la dosierujo de la Genealogia Arbo."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:706
msgid "Proceed, I have taken a backup"
msgstr "Procedu, mi sekurkopiis la datumojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:707
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Haltu"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:730
msgid "Rebuilding database from backup files"
msgstr "Rekontruas la datumbazon el la sekurkopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:735
msgid "Error restoring backup data"
msgstr "Eraro dum la restaŭrado de la sekurkopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:770
msgid "Could not create Family Tree"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei la Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:887
msgid "Retrieve failed"
msgstr "Restaŭrado malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:888
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt to retrieve the data failed with the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"Provo restaŭri la datumojn malsukcesis kun la sekva mesaĝo:\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:928 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:956
msgid "Archiving failed"
msgstr "Masukcesis la arkivado"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:929
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt to create the archive failed with the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"Provo krei arikivon malsukcesis kun la sekva mesaĝo:\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:934
msgid "Creating data to be archived..."
msgstr "Kreas la datumojn por la arkivado..."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:943
msgid "Saving archive..."
msgstr "Konservas la arkivon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:957
#, python-format
msgid ""
"An attempt to archive the data failed with the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"Provo arkivi la datumojn malsukcesis kun la sekva mesaĝo:\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:202
msgid "Error detected in database"
msgstr "Detektita eraro en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:203
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Gramps has detected an error in the database. This can usually be resolved "
"by running the \"Check and Repair Database\" tool.\n"
"If this problem continues to exist after running this tool, please file a "
"bug report at %(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Gramps detektis eraron en la datumbazo. Tion kutime oni povas solvi per "
"plenumo de la ilo \"Kontrolu kaj riparu datumbazon\".\n"
"Se la problemo plu ekzistas pos la plenumo de ĉi tiu ilo, bv arkivi "
"cimraporton ĉe http://bugs.gramps-project.org\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:336 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:409
#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:299
msgid "Attempt to force closing the dialog"
msgstr "Provo perforte fermi la dialogon"

#: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:337 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:410
msgid ""
"Please do not force closing this important dialog.\n"
"Instead select one of the available options"
msgstr ""
"Bv ne fermi perforte ĉi tiun gravandialogon.\n"
"Elektu anstataŭe unu el la disponeblaj opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:379
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:134
msgid "No active person"
msgstr "Neaktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:380
msgid "No active family"
msgstr "Neaktiva familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:381
msgid "No active event"
msgstr "Neaktiva evento"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:382
msgid "No active place"
msgstr "Neaktiva loko"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:383
msgid "No active source"
msgstr "Neaktiva fonto"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:384
msgid "No active citation"
msgstr "Neaktiva citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:385
msgid "No active repository"
msgstr "Neaktiva deponejo"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:386
msgid "No active media"
msgstr "Neaktiva aŭdvidaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:387
msgid "No active note"
msgstr "Neaktiva noto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:96
msgid "Select a media object"
msgstr "Elektu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:138
msgid "Select media object"
msgstr "Elektu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:148
msgid "Import failed"
msgstr "Importado malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:149
msgid "The filename supplied could not be found."
msgstr "Ne eblis trovi la liveritan dosiernomon."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:159
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot import %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis importi %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:160
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Directory specified in preferences: Base path for relative media paths: %s "
"does not exist. Change preferences or do not use relative path when importing"
msgstr ""
"Dosierujo specifita en agordoj: Baza vojo por relativaj aŭdvidaĵaj vojoj: %s "
"ne ekzistas. Ŝanĝu la agordojn aŭ ne uzu relativan vojon dum la importado"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:223
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot display %s"
msgstr "Ne eblas vidigi %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:224
msgid ""
"Gramps is not able to display the image file. This may be caused by a "
"corrupt file."
msgstr "GRAMPS ne povas vidigi la bilddosieron. Tio pro ebla dosierdamaĝo."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:61
msgid "Create and add a new address"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:62
msgid "Remove the existing address"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:63
msgid "Edit the selected address"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:64
msgid "Move the selected address upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:65
msgid "Move the selected address downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:80
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:52
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:64
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:113
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:104
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:91
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:322
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:332
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:116
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:123
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:324
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:138
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:148
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:378
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:388
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:157
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:167
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:244
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:254
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:583
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:593
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:572
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:582
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:146
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:156
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:62
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:472
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:72
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:77
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:49
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:190
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:445
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:623
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:193
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:271
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:327
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:559
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:799
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:54
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:371
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:971
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1219
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1248
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2369
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3662
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4430
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5795
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dato"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:82
msgid "_Addresses"
msgstr "_Adresoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:52
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:53
msgid "Create and add a new attribute"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:53
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:54
msgid "Remove the existing attribute"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:54
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:55
msgid "Edit the selected attribute"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:55
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:56
msgid "Move the selected attribute upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:56
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:57
msgid "Move the selected attribute downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:75
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:76
msgid "_Attributes"
msgstr "_Atributoj"

#. Add column with object gramps_id
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:84
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:58
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:113
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:953
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:104
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:111
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:100
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:111
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:87
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:94
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:127
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:86
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:179
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1143
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1320
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:75
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:218
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:355
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:251
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:398
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:196
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:56
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:520
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:94
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:79
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:96
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:80 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:589
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:83
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:67
msgid "_References"
msgstr "_Referencoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:99
msgid "Edit reference"
msgstr "Redaktu referencon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backrefmodel.py:50
#, python-format
msgid "%(part1)s - %(part2)s"
msgstr "%(part1)s - %(part2)s"

#. we now construct an add menu
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:68
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:217
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:224
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:494
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:501
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:361 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:425
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:432
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1837
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1844
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1847
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:408
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Aldonu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:69
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:248
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:255
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:556
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:563
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:104
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:111
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:493 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:500
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1901
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1908
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Forigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:152
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:412
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Kunhavigi"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:72
msgid "Jump To"
msgstr "Iru al"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:73
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Movu supren"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:74
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Movu malsupren"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:70
msgid "Create and add a new citation and new source"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novajn citaĵon kaj fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:71
msgid "Remove the existing citation"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:72
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:127
msgid "Edit the selected citation"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:73
msgid "Add an existing citation or source"
msgstr "Kreas ekzistantan citaĵon aŭ fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:74
msgid "Move the selected citation upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:75
msgid "Move the selected citation downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:82
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:106
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:88
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:67
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:720
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4291
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Aŭtoro"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2370
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:92
msgid "_Source Citations"
msgstr "_Fontocitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:172
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:182
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:255
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:275
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:267
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:338
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:429
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:484
msgid "Cannot share this reference"
msgstr "Ne eblas kunhavigi ĉi tiun referencon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:191
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:491
msgid ""
"This citation cannot be created at this time. Either the associated Source "
"object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same "
"source is being edited.\n"
"To edit this citation, you need to close the object."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas krei ĉi tiun citaĵon. Aŭ la asociita Fontobjekto, aŭ "
"alia citaĵo asociita al la sama fonto estas nun redaktata.\n"
"Por redakti la citaĵon necesas fermi la objekton."

#. The parent may not be birth father in ths family, because it
#. may be a step family. However, it will be odd to display the
#. parent as anything other than "Father"
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:112
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:192
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:221
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:184
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:186
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:300
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:212
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:223
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:301
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:303
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:816
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:227
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:886
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6343
msgid "Father"
msgstr "Patro"

#. ----------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:61
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:113
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:470
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:223
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:185
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:183
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:297
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:229
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:240
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:310
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:312
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:817
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:233
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:887
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6357
msgid "Mother"
msgstr "Patrino"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:64
msgid "Add a new family event"
msgstr "Aldonu novan famili-eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:65
msgid "Remove the selected family event"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan famili-eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:66
msgid "Edit the selected family event or edit person"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan familieventon aŭ redaktu personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:59
msgid "Share an existing event"
msgstr "Kunhavigu ekzistantan eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:68
msgid "Move the selected event upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:69
msgid "Move the selected event downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:83
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rolo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:98
msgid "_Events"
msgstr "_Eventoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:247
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:346
msgid ""
"This event reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated "
"event is already being edited or another event reference that is associated "
"with the same event is being edited.\n"
"To edit this event reference, you need to close the event."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun eventreferencon. Aŭ la asociita evento, "
"aŭ alia eventreferenco asociita al la sama evento estas nun redaktata.\n"
"Por redakti la eventreferencon necesas fermi la eventon."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:280
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:345
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:358
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:168
msgid "Cannot edit this reference"
msgstr "Ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun referencon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:322
msgid "Cannot change Person"
msgstr "Ne eblas ŝanĝi personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:323
msgid "You cannot change Person events in the Family Editor"
msgstr "Ne eblas ŝanĝi personeventojn en la famili-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventrefmodel.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:66
#, python-format
msgid "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d"
msgstr "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:54
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:64
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:447
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:625
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1249
msgid "Temple"
msgstr "Templo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:85
msgid "_Gallery"
msgstr "_Galerio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:139
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:649
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:211
msgid "View"
msgstr "Montru"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:147
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:215
msgid "Open Containing _Folder"
msgstr "Malfermu la entendosierujon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:155
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:88
msgid "Make Active Media"
msgstr "Igu aŭdvidaĵon aktiva"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:264
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:961
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:519
msgid "Non existing media found in the Gallery"
msgstr "Neekzistanta aŭdvidaĵo trovita en la Galerio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:313
msgid ""
"This media reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated "
"media object is already being edited or another media reference that is "
"associated with the same media object is being edited.\n"
"To edit this media reference, you need to close the media object."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun aŭdvidean objekton. Aŭ la asociita "
"aŭdvidea objekto, aŭ alia aŭdvidaĵa referenco asociita al la sama aŭdvidaĵo "
"estas nun redaktata.\n"
"Por redakti ĉi tiun aŭdvidaĵan referencon necesas fermi la aŭdvideanobjekton."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:531
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:197
msgid "Drag Media Object"
msgstr "Trenu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:51
msgid "Create and add a new LDS ordinance"
msgstr "Kreu kaj aldonu novan EJKSLT-ceremonion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:52
msgid "Remove the existing LDS ordinance"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan EJKSLT-ceremonion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:53
msgid "Edit the selected LDS ordinance"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan EJKSLT-ceremonion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:54
msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan EJKSLT-ceremonion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:55
msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan EJKSLT-ceremonion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:71
msgid "_LDS"
msgstr "_Mormonoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:65
msgid "Alternate _Locations"
msgstr "Alternativaj _lokoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:63
msgid "Create and add a new name"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:64
msgid "Remove the existing name"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:65
msgid "Edit the selected name"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:66
msgid "Move the selected name upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:67
msgid "Move the selected name downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:578
msgid "Group As"
msgstr "Grupigi kiel"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:79
msgid "Notes Preview"
msgstr "Not-antaŭrigardo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:90
msgid "_Names"
msgstr "_Nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:125
msgid "Set as default name"
msgstr "Agordu kiel defaŭltan nomon"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. NameModel
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:56
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1224 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:487
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:306
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Jes"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:57
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1223 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:488
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:310
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:62
msgid "Preferred name"
msgstr "Preferata nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:64
msgid "Alternative names"
msgstr "Alternativaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:66
msgid "Create and add a new note"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:67
msgid "Remove the existing note"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:94
msgid "Edit the selected note"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:69
msgid "Add an existing note"
msgstr "Aldonu ekzistantan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:70
msgid "Move the selected note upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:71
msgid "Move the selected note downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:78
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:138
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:188
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:190
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:504
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:65
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:379
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:79
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Antaŭrigardo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:88
msgid "_Notes"
msgstr "_Notoj"

#. add personal column
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:50
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1908
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Persona"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:53
msgid "<Unknown>"
msgstr "<Nekonata>"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:56
msgid "Add a new personal event"
msgstr "Aldonu novan person-eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:57
msgid "Remove the selected personal event"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan person-eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:58
msgid "Edit the selected personal event or edit family"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan person-eventon aŭ redaktu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:60
msgid "Move the selected event upwards or change family order"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan eventon aŭ ŝanĝu la familiordon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:61
msgid "Move the selected event downwards or change family order"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan eventon aŭ ŝanĝu familiordon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:128
msgid "Cannot change Family"
msgstr "Ne eblis ŝanĝi familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:129
msgid "You cannot change Family events in the Person Editor"
msgstr "Ne eblas ŝanĝi familieventojn en la person-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:54
msgid "Create and add a new association"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan asocion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:55
msgid "Remove the existing association"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan asocion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:56
msgid "Edit the selected association"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan asocion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:57
msgid "Move the selected association upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan asocion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:58
msgid "Move the selected association downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan asocion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:66
msgid "Association"
msgstr "Asocio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:73
msgid "_Associations"
msgstr "_Asocioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:90
msgid "Godfather"
msgstr "Baptopatro"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create and add a new place name"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:54
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove the existing place name"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit the selected place name"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move the selected place name upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move the selected place name downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:130
msgid "Alternative Names"
msgstr "Alternativaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enclosed By"
msgstr "Ligita al"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:141
msgid "Place cycle detected"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:142
msgid "The place you are adding is already enclosed by this place"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:55
msgid "Create and add a new repository"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:56
msgid "Remove the existing repository"
msgstr "Forigu la ekzistantan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:57
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:113
msgid "Edit the selected repository"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:58
msgid "Add an existing repository"
msgstr "Aldonu ekzistantan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:59
msgid "Move the selected repository upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:60
msgid "Move the selected repository downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:68
msgid "Call Number"
msgstr "Telefonnumero"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:76
msgid "_Repositories"
msgstr "_Deponejoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:169
msgid ""
"This repository reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the "
"associated repository is already being edited or another repository "
"reference that is associated with the same repository is being edited.\n"
"To edit this repository reference, you need to close the repository."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun deponejreferencon. Aŭ la asociita "
"deponejo, aŭ alia deponejreferenco asociita al la sama deponejo estas nun "
"Por redakti la deponejreferencon necesas fermi la deponejon."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:64
msgid "Create and add a new surname"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:65
msgid "Remove the selected surname"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:66
msgid "Edit the selected surname"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:67
msgid "Move the selected surname upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:68
msgid "Move the selected surname downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:78
msgid "Origin"
msgstr "Origino"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multiple Surnames"
msgstr "<b>Pluraj familinomoj</b>"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:89
msgid "Family Surnames"
msgstr "Familinomoj de la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:54
msgid "Create and add a new web address"
msgstr "Kreas kaj aldonas novan TTT-adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:55
msgid "Remove the existing web address"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan TTT-adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:56
msgid "Edit the selected web address"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan TTT-adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:57
msgid "Move the selected web address upwards"
msgstr "Movu supren la elektitan TTT-adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:58
msgid "Move the selected web address downwards"
msgstr "Movu malsupren la elektitan TTT-adreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:59
msgid "Jump to the selected web address"
msgstr "Iru al la elektita TTT-adreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:73
msgid "_Internet"
msgstr "_Interreto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:201
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:361
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Jump to"
msgstr "Iru al"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:82
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:155
msgid "Address Editor"
msgstr "Adresredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:86
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:127
msgid "Attribute Editor"
msgstr "Atributredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:121
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:125
msgid "New Attribute"
msgstr "Nova atributo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:139
msgid "Cannot save attribute"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi atributon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:140
msgid "The attribute type cannot be empty"
msgstr "La atributtipo ne povas esti malplena"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:99
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:193
msgid "Child Reference Editor"
msgstr "Fil(in)oreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:193
msgid "Child Reference"
msgstr "Fil(in)oreferenco"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:124
msgid "New Citation"
msgstr "Nova citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:268
msgid "Edit Citation"
msgstr "Redaktu citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:276
msgid "No source selected"
msgstr "Neniu fonto elektita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:277
msgid ""
"A source is anything (personal testimony, video recording, photograph, "
"newspaper column, gravestone...) from which information can be derived. To "
"create a citation, first select the required source, and then record the "
"location of the information referenced within the source in the 'Volume/"
"Page' field."
msgstr ""
"Fonto estas kio ajn (persona rakonto, vidvidbendo, foto, ĵurnala artikolo, "
"tombŝtono...) de kie devenas la informoj. Por krei citaĵon, unue elektu la "
"necesan fonton, kaj tiam registru la lokon de la referencita informo en la "
"fonto en la kampo 'Volumo/Paĝo'."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:291
msgid "Cannot save citation. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la citaĵon. ID jam ekzistas"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:292
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:248
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:288
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:847
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:284
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:287
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:179
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:199
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This "
"value is already used by '%(prim_object)s'. Please enter a different ID or "
"leave blank to get the next available ID value."
msgstr ""
"Vi provis utiligi la jam ekzistantan Gramps-ID'on kun valoro %(id)s. Ĉi tiu "
"valoro jam estas utiligata de '%(prim_object)s'. Bv enigi malsaman ID aŭ "
"lasi malplena por akiri la venontan disponeblan ID-valoron."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:304
#, python-format
msgid "Add Citation (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu citaĵon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:310
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Citation (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu citaĵon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:345
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Citation (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu citaĵon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:76 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:85
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "Regula"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:77
msgid "Before"
msgstr "Antaŭ"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:78
msgid "After"
msgstr "Post"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:79
msgid "About"
msgstr "Pri"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:80
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Intervalo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:81
msgid "Span"
msgstr "Amplekso"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:82
msgid "Text only"
msgstr "Nurteksta"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:86
msgid "Estimated"
msgstr "Taksata"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:87
msgid "Calculated"
msgstr "Kalkulita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:99
msgid "manual|Editing_Dates"
msgstr "Dat-redaktado"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:126 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:278
msgid "Date selection"
msgstr "Dat-elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:268
msgid "Correct the date or switch from `{cur_mode}' to `{text_mode}'"
msgstr "Korektu la daton aŭ komutu de `{cur_mode}' tal `{text_mode}'"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:63
msgid "manual|Editing_Information_About_Events"
msgstr "Redaktado_de_prieventaj_informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:240
#, python-format
msgid "Event: %s"
msgstr "Eventoj: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:99
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:242
msgid "New Event"
msgstr "Nova evento"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:229
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:527
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:324
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:358
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:670
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:399
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:596
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:424
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:445
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:484
msgid "Edit Event"
msgstr "Redaktu eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:237
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:260
msgid "Cannot save event"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:238
msgid "No data exists for this event. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu evento. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:247
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:276
msgid "Cannot save event. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la eventon. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:261
msgid "The event type cannot be empty"
msgstr "La eventtipo ne povas esti malplena"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:266
#, python-format
msgid "Add Event (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu eventon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:272
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Event (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu eventon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:317
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Event (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu eventon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:243
msgid "Event Reference Editor"
msgstr "Eventreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:84
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:105
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:134
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:78
msgid "_General"
msgstr "_Ĝenerala"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:248
msgid "Modify Event"
msgstr "Modifu eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:253
msgid "Add Event"
msgstr "Aldonu eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:102
msgid "Create a new person and add the child to the family"
msgstr "Kreu novan personon kaj aldonu fil(in)on al la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:103
msgid "Remove the child from the family"
msgstr "Forigu la fil(in)on el la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:104
msgid "Edit the child reference"
msgstr "Redaktu fil(in)oreferencon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:105
msgid "Add an existing person as a child of the family"
msgstr "Aldonu ekzistantan personon kiel fil(in)on de la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:106
msgid "Move the child up in the children list"
msgstr "Movu la fil(in)on supren en la id-listo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:107
msgid "Move the child down in the children list"
msgstr "Movu la fil(in)on malsupren en la id-listo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:112
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:128
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:181
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:76
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:331
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:142
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:815
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6237
msgid "Gender"
msgstr "Sekso"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:116
msgid "Paternal"
msgstr "Patra"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:117
msgid "Maternal"
msgstr "Patrina"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:77
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:101
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:209
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:257
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:265
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:273
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:281
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:314
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:384
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48
msgid "Birth Date"
msgstr "Naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:119
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:79
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:184
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93
msgid "Death Date"
msgstr "Mortodato"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:120
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:78
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:102
msgid "Birth Place"
msgstr "Naskiĝloko"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:121
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:104
msgid "Death Place"
msgstr "Mortoloko"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:188
msgid "Chil_dren"
msgstr "Id_oj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:138
msgid "Edit child"
msgstr "Redaktu fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:141
msgid "Add an existing child"
msgstr "Aldonu jam ekzistantan fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:142
msgid "Edit relationship"
msgstr "Redaktu parencecon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:210
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:225
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1567
msgid "Select Child"
msgstr "Elektu fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:358
msgid "Adding parents to a person"
msgstr "Aldonas gepatrojn al persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:359
msgid ""
"It is possible to accidentally create multiple families with the same "
"parents. To help avoid this problem, only the buttons to select parents are "
"available when you create a new family. The remaining fields will become "
"available after you attempt to select a parent."
msgstr ""
"Eblas nevole krei plurajn familiojn kun samaj gepatroj. Por helpi eviti ĉi "
"tiun problemon, nur la butonoj por elekti la gepatrojn estas disponeblaj "
"kiam oni kreas novan familion. La ceteraj kampoj fariĝos disponeblaj kiam "
"oni provos elekti gepatron."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:453
msgid "Family has changed"
msgstr "Familio estis modifita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:454
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The %(object)s you are editing has changed outside this editor. This can be "
"due to a change in one of the main views, for example a source used here is "
"deleted in the source view.\n"
"To make sure the information shown is still correct, the data shown has been "
"updated. Some edits you have made may have been lost."
msgstr ""
"La %(object)s kiun oni redaktas estis modifita ekster ĉi tiu redkatilo. Tio "
"devus dependi de unu modifo en unu en la ĉefaj vidoj, ekzemple fonto uzata "
"ĉi tie estis forigita en la fontovido.\n"
"Por certiĝi ke la informo montrita estas plu ĝusta, la montritaj datumoj "
"estis aktualigitaj. Kelkaj modifoj kiujn oni faris, eble perdiĝis."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:459
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:181
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:258
msgid "family"
msgstr "familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:489
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:492
msgid "New Family"
msgstr "Nova familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:496
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1119
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:391
msgid "Edit Family"
msgstr "Redaktu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:529
msgid "Select a person as the mother"
msgstr "Elektu personon kiel patrinon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:530
msgid "Add a new person as the mother"
msgstr "Aldonu novan personon kiel patrinon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:531
msgid "Remove the person as the mother"
msgstr "Forigu la personon disde la rolo de patrino"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:544
msgid "Select a person as the father"
msgstr "Elektu personon kiel patron"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:545
msgid "Add a new person as the father"
msgstr "Aldonu novan personon kiel patron"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:546
msgid "Remove the person as the father"
msgstr "Forigu la personon disde la rolo de patro"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:825
msgid "Select Mother"
msgstr "Elektu patrinon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:870
msgid "Select Father"
msgstr "Elektu patron"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:894
msgid "Duplicate Family"
msgstr "Duobligu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:895
msgid ""
"A family with these parents already exists in the database. If you save, you "
"will create a duplicate family. It is recommended that you cancel the "
"editing of this window, and select the existing family"
msgstr ""
"Jam ekzistas en la datumbazo familio kun ĉi tiuj gepatroj. Se oni konservos, "
"oni kreas duoblan familion. Estas rekomendite rezigni pri la redaktado de ĉi "
"tiu fenestro, kaj elekti ekzistantan familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:943
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:567 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:989
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1046
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1170
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1276
#, python-format
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Redaktu %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1051
msgid "A father cannot be his own child"
msgstr "Patro ne povas estis sia fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1052
#, python-format
msgid "%s is listed as both the father and child of the family."
msgstr "%s estas listigita kaj kiel patro kaj kiel fil(in)o de la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1061
msgid "A mother cannot be her own child"
msgstr "Patrino ne povas estis sia fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1062
#, python-format
msgid "%s is listed as both the mother and child of the family."
msgstr "%s estas listigita kaj kiel patrino kaj kiel fil(in)o de la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1069
msgid "Cannot save family"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1070
msgid "No data exists for this family. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu familio. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1077
msgid "Cannot save family. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi familion. ID jam ekzistanta"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1078
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:311
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:294
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This "
"value is already used. Please enter a different ID or leave blank to get the "
"next available ID value."
msgstr ""
"Vi provis utiligi la jam ekzistantan Gramps-ID'on kun valoro %(id)s Ĉi tiu "
"valoro jam estas utiligita. Bv enigi malsaman ID aŭ lasi malplena por akiri "
"la venontan disponeblan ID-valoron."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1093
msgid "Add Family"
msgstr "Aldonu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:150
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:305
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:342
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:428
msgid "LDS Ordinance Editor"
msgstr "Redaktilo de EJKSLT-ceremonio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:278
#, python-format
msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]"
msgstr "%(father)s kaj %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:284
#, python-format
msgid "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]"
msgstr "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:289
#, python-format
msgid "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]"
msgstr "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:304
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:427
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:437
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:621
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:778
msgid "LDS Ordinance"
msgstr "EJKSLT-ceremonio"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:76 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:219
msgid "Link Editor"
msgstr "Ligil-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:78
msgid "Internet Address"
msgstr "Interretadreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlocation.py:50
msgid "Location Editor"
msgstr "Lok-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:90
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:397
#, python-format
msgid "Media: %s"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵo: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:92
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:399
msgid "New Media"
msgstr "Nova aŭdvidaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:232
msgid "Edit Media Object"
msgstr "Redaktu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:277
msgid "Cannot save media object"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:278
msgid ""
"No data exists for this media object. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu aŭdvidea objekto. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ "
"rezigni pri redaktado."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:287
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:279
msgid "Cannot save media object. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la aŭdvidean objekton. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:302
msgid "There is no media matching the current path value!"
msgstr "Ne estas aŭdvidaĵoj kongruaj kun la aktuala voj-valoro!"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:303
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have attempted to use the path with value '%(path)s'. This path does not "
"exist! Please enter a different path"
msgstr ""
"Vi provis utiligi la vojon kun valoro '%(path)s'. Ĉi tiu vojprefikso ne "
"ekzistas! Bv enigi malsaman vojprefikson"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:316
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:511
#, python-format
msgid "Add Media Object (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu aŭdvidean objekton (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:321
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:505
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Media Object (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu aŭdvidean objekton (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:358
msgid "Remove Media Object"
msgstr "Forigu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:86
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:400
msgid "Media Reference Editor"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:88
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:89
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:133
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:257
msgid "Y coordinate|Y"
msgstr "Y"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Classes
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:64
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_3"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:121 ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:313
msgid "Name Editor"
msgstr "Nomredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:162
msgid "manpage section id|Name_Editor"
msgstr "Nomredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:174
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:328
msgid "Call name must be the given name that is normally used."
msgstr "Voknomo devus esti la nomo komune uzata por voki."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:312
msgid "New Name"
msgstr "Nova nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:379
msgid "Break global name grouping?"
msgstr "Ĉu interrompi la suman grupigon de la nomoj?"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:380
#, python-format
msgid ""
"All people with the name of %(surname)s will no longer be grouped with the "
"name of %(group_name)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉiuj personoj kun la nomo %(surname)s estos disigitaj de la nomo "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:384
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Daŭrigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:385
msgid "Return to Name Editor"
msgstr "Reiru al nomredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:410
msgid "Group all people with the same name?"
msgstr "Ĉu grupigi ĉiujn personojn kun la sama nomo?"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:411
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have the choice of grouping all people with the name of %(surname)s with "
"the name of %(group_name)s, or just mapping this particular name."
msgstr ""
"Oni havas la elekton grupigi ĉiujn personojn kun la nomo %(surname)s kun la "
"nomo %(group_name)s, aŭ nur mapi ĉi tiun apartan nomon."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:416
msgid "Group all"
msgstr "Grupigu ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:417
msgid "Group this name only"
msgstr "Grupigu nur ĉi tiun nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:140
#, python-format
msgid "Note: %(id)s - %(context)s"
msgstr "Noto: %(id)s - %(context)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:145
#, python-format
msgid "Note: %s"
msgstr "Noto: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:148
#, python-format
msgid "New Note - %(context)s"
msgstr "Nova noto - %(context)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:152
msgid "New Note"
msgstr "Nova noto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:181
msgid "_Note"
msgstr "_Noto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:283 ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:328
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:436
msgid "Edit Note"
msgstr "Redaktu noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:302
msgid "Cannot save note"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:303
msgid "No data exists for this note. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu noto. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:310
msgid "Cannot save note. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la noton. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:323
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Aldonu noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:343
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Note (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu noton (%s)"

#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Constants
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:87
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_1"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:157
#, python-format
msgid "Person: %(name)s"
msgstr "Persono: %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:161
#, python-format
msgid "New Person: %(name)s"
msgstr "Nova persono: %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:163
msgid "New Person"
msgstr "Nova persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:246
msgid "manpage section id|Editing_information_about_people"
msgstr "Redaktado_de_informoj_pri_la_personoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:606
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:395
msgid "Edit Person"
msgstr "Redaktu personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:651
msgid "Edit Object Properties"
msgstr "Redaktu objekto-ecojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:690
msgid "Make Active Person"
msgstr "Igu la personon aktiva"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:694
msgid "Make Home Person"
msgstr "Igu la personon hejmpersono"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:810
msgid "Problem changing the gender"
msgstr "Problemo dum la ŝanĝo de la sekso"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:811
msgid ""
"Changing the gender caused problems with marriage information.\n"
"Please check the person's marriages."
msgstr ""
"La ŝanĝo de la sekso kaŭzis problemojn kun la geedziĝinformoj.\n"
"Bonvolu kontroli la geedziĝojn de la persono."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:822
msgid "Cannot save person"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:823
msgid "No data exists for this person. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu persono. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:846
msgid "Cannot save person. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la personon. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:864
#, python-format
msgid "Add Person (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu personon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:870
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Person (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu personon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1097
msgid "Unknown gender specified"
msgstr "Nekonata sekso specifita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1099
msgid ""
"The gender of the person is currently unknown. Usually, this is a mistake. "
"Please specify the gender."
msgstr ""
"La sekso de la persono nun estas nekonata. Kutime temas pri eraro. Bv "
"specifi la sekson."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1102
msgid "_Male"
msgstr "_Masklo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1103
msgid "_Female"
msgstr "_Femalo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1104
msgid "_Unknown"
msgstr "_Nekonata"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:87
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213
msgid "Person Reference Editor"
msgstr "Personreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213
msgid "Person Reference"
msgstr "Personreferenco"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:230
msgid "No person selected"
msgstr "Neniu persono elektita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:231
msgid "You must either select a person or Cancel the edit"
msgstr "Oni devas aŭ elekti personon aŭ rezigni pri la redaktado"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:83
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:288
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:56
msgid "place|Name:"
msgstr "Loknomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:88
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:95
#, python-format
msgid "Place: %s"
msgstr "Loko: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:90
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:97
msgid "New Place"
msgstr "Nova loko"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:168
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:169
msgid "Invalid latitude (syntax: 18\\u00b09'"
msgstr "Nevalida latitudo (syntax: 18\\u00b09'"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:169
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:170
msgid "48.21\"S, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)"
msgstr "48.21\"S, -18.2412 aŭ -18:9:48.21)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:171
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:172
msgid "Invalid longitude (syntax: 18\\u00b09'"
msgstr "Nevalida longitudo (syntax: 18\\u00b09'"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:172
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:173
msgid "48.21\"E, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)"
msgstr "48.21\"E, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:854
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:322
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:348
msgid "Edit Place"
msgstr "Redaktu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:273
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:275
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save place. Name not entered."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la lokigon. Nomo ne enigita."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:274
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:276
msgid "You must enter a name before saving."
msgstr "Oni devas enigi nomon antaŭ ol konservi."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:283
msgid "Cannot save place. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la lokon. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:297
#, python-format
msgid "Add Place (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu lokon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:302
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Place (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu lokon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:327
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Place (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu lokon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:60
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:85
msgid "Place Name Editor"
msgstr "Loknoma redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:89
msgid "Cannot save place name"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi loknomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:90
msgid "The place name cannot be empty"
msgstr "La loknomo ne povas esti malplena"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:59
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:98
msgid "Place Reference Editor"
msgstr "Lokreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Place"
msgstr "Redaktu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Place"
msgstr "Aldonu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:233
msgid "Save Changes?"
msgstr "Ĉu konservi la ŝanĝojn?"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:234
msgid "If you close without saving, the changes you have made will be lost"
msgstr "Se vi fermas ne konservante, la ŝanĝoj de vi faritaj perdiĝos"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:282
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:178
msgid "Cannot save repository. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la deponejon. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:285
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save item. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la noton. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:62
msgid "Repository Reference Editor"
msgstr "Deponejreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:185
#, python-format
msgid "Repository: %s"
msgstr "Deponejo: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:187
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:71
msgid "New Repository"
msgstr "Nova deponejo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:188
msgid "Repo Reference Editor"
msgstr "Deponejreferenca redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:193
msgid "Modify Repository"
msgstr "Modifu deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:198
msgid "Add Repository"
msgstr "Aldonu deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:84
msgid "Edit Repository"
msgstr "Redaktu deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:168
msgid "Cannot save repository"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:169
msgid ""
"No data exists for this repository. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu deponejo. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:191
#, python-format
msgid "Add Repository (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu deponejon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:196
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Repository (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu deponejon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:209
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Repository (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu deponejon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:78
msgid "New Source"
msgstr "Nova fonto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:183
msgid "Edit Source"
msgstr "Redaktu fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:188
msgid "Cannot save source"
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:189
msgid "No data exists for this source. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
msgstr ""
"Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu fonto. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:198
msgid "Cannot save source. ID already exists."
msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la fonton. ID jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:211
#, python-format
msgid "Add Source (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu fonton (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:216
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Source (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu fonton (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:231
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Source (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu fonton (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:49 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:86
msgid "manual|Tags"
msgstr "Etikedoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:69
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:127
msgid "Tag selection"
msgstr "Etiked-elekto"

#. pylint: disable-msg=E1101
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:100
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:205 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:381
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:597 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:613
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s - Gramps"
msgstr "%(title)s - Gramps"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:100
msgid "Edit Tags"
msgstr "Redaktu etikedojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:108
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:116
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:107
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:93
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:97
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:135
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:103
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:103
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:92
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:220 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:225
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:871
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:875
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:117
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:57
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:23
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:58
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:28
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:53
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:58
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:60
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:77
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:59
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:75
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:60 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:83
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:57
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:52
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:22
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:61
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:59
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:58
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:58
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:77
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:278
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:468
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:698
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:55
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:52
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:54 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:43
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:354 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:784
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:140
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:157
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:483 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:237
#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:419 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:621
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:242
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:247
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Helpo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:119
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:484 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:557
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:39 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:24
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:36
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:37
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:58
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:85
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:57
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:39
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:59
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:41 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:39
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:65
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:37
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:36
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:36
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:54
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:41
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:40
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:262
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:451
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:682
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:39
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:37
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:38
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:336
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:767
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:103
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1743
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:79
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:164 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:184
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1223 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:619
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:695
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:117
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "Konfirmu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:60 ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:90
msgid "Internet Address Editor"
msgstr "Redaktilo de la Interretaj adresoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:86
msgid "Person Filters"
msgstr "Propraj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:87
msgid "Family Filters"
msgstr "Familifiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:88
msgid "Event Filters"
msgstr "Eventfiltrtiloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:89
msgid "Place Filters"
msgstr "Lokfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:90
msgid "Source Filters"
msgstr "Fontfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:91
msgid "Media Filters"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵaj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:92
msgid "Repository Filters"
msgstr "Deponejfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:93
msgid "Note Filters"
msgstr "Notfiltriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:94
msgid "Citation Filters"
msgstr "Citaĵfiltrtiloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:247
msgid "equal to"
msgstr "egala al"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:247
msgid "greater than"
msgstr "pli granda ol"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:247
msgid "lesser than"
msgstr "malpli ol"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:285
msgid "Not a valid ID"
msgstr "Nevalida ID"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:314
msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Elektu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:319
#, python-format
msgid "Select %s from a list"
msgstr "Elektu %s el listo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:386
msgid "Give or select a source ID, leave empty to find objects with no source."
msgstr ""
"Donas aŭ elektas ID-fonton, lasu malplena por trovi objektojn sen fonto."

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:561
msgid "Include original person"
msgstr "Inkluzivu originalan personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:563
msgid "Use exact case of letters"
msgstr "Uzu ekzaktan usklecon de literoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:564
msgid "Regular-Expression matching:"
msgstr "Regulesprima kongruo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:565
msgid "Use regular expression"
msgstr "Uzu regulan esprimon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:567
msgid "Also family events where person is wife/husband"
msgstr "Ankaŭ la familiaj eventojn kie persono estas geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:570
msgid "Only include primary participants"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur ĉefajn partoprenantojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:594
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:76
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:87
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:71
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:92
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:77
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:74
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:65
msgid "Use regular expressions"
msgstr "Uzu regulan esprimon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:595
msgid ""
"Interpret the contents of string fields as regular expressions.\n"
"A decimal point will match any character. A question mark will match zero or "
"one occurences of the previous character or group. An asterisk will match "
"zero or more occurences. A plus sign will match one or more occurences. Use "
"parentheses to group expressions. Specify alternatives using a vertical bar. "
"A caret will match the start of a line. A dollar sign will match the end of "
"a line."
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:622
msgid "Rule Name"
msgstr "Regulnomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:739
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:750
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:884
msgid "No rule selected"
msgstr "Neniu regulo elektita"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:793
msgid "Define filter"
msgstr "Difinu filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:797
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:933
msgid "Values"
msgstr "Valoroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:895
msgid "Add Rule"
msgstr "Aldonu regulon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:907
msgid "Edit Rule"
msgstr "Redaktu regulon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:942
msgid "Filter Test"
msgstr "Filtrotesto"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1081
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komento"

#. #########################
#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1081
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:468
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:951
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:385
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:981
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:995
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1009
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1023
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1037
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1051
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1065
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1079
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1093
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:574
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:127
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:417
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:926
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:164
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:166
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8016
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1333
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1089
msgid "Custom Filter Editor"
msgstr "Propra filtrilredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1155
msgid "Delete Filter?"
msgstr "Ĉu forigi filtrilon?"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1156
msgid ""
"This filter is currently being used as the base for other filters. "
"Deletingthis filter will result in removing all other filters that depend on "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu filtrilo aktuale estas uzata kiel bazo por aliaj filtriloj. Forigante "
"ĉi tiun filtrilon oni forigos ankaŭ ĉiujn aliajn filtrilojndependantajn de "

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1160
msgid "Delete Filter"
msgstr "Forigu filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:294
msgid "To select a place, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons"
msgstr "Por elekti lokon, uzu ŝovdemetan reĝimon aŭ uzu la butonojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:296
msgid "No place given, click button to select one"
msgstr "Neniu loko enigita, alklaku la butonon por elekti unu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:297
msgid "Edit place"
msgstr "Redaktu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:298
msgid "Select an existing place"
msgstr "Elektu ekzistantan lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:299
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:102
msgid "Add a new place"
msgstr "Aldonu novan lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:300
msgid "Remove place"
msgstr "Forigu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:341
#, fuzzy
msgid "To select a source, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons"
msgstr "Por elekti noton, uzu ŝovdemetan reĝimon aŭ uzu la butonojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:343
msgid "First add a source using the button"
msgstr "Unue aldonu fonton per la butono"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:344
msgid "Edit source"
msgstr "Redaktu fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:345
msgid "Select an existing source"
msgstr "Elektu ekzistantan fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:346
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:125
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:122
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:98
msgid "Add a new source"
msgstr "Aldonu novan fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:347
msgid "Remove source"
msgstr "Forigu fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:387
msgid "To select a media object, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons"
msgstr ""
"Por elekti aŭdvidean objekton, uzu ŝovdemetan reĝimon aŭ uzu la butonojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:389
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1082
msgid "No image given, click button to select one"
msgstr "Neniu bildo enigita, alklaku la butonon por elekti unu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:390
msgid "Edit media object"
msgstr "Redaktu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:391
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1060
msgid "Select an existing media object"
msgstr "Elektu ekzistantan aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:392
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:113
msgid "Add a new media object"
msgstr "Aldonu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:393
msgid "Remove media object"
msgstr "Forigu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:433
msgid "To select a note, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons"
msgstr "Por elekti noton, uzu ŝovdemetan reĝimon aŭ uzu la butonojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:435
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:981
msgid "No note given, click button to select one"
msgstr "Neniu noto enigita, alklaku la butonon por elekti unu"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:437
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:956
msgid "Select an existing note"
msgstr "Elektu ekzistantan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:438
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:93
msgid "Add a new note"
msgstr "Aldonu novan noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:439
msgid "Remove note"
msgstr "Forigu noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:55
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:56
msgid "_Find"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:56
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:56
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:661
#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear"
msgstr "Purigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:106
#, python-format
msgid "%s is"
msgstr "%s estas"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:108
#, python-format
msgid "%s contains"
msgstr "%s entenas"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:112
#, python-format
msgid "%s is not"
msgstr "%s ne estas"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:114
#, python-format
msgid "%s does not contain"
msgstr "%s ne entenas"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:165
#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1141 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1161
msgid "Updating display..."
msgstr "Aktualigas la vidigon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:103
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:264
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Fonto:"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:107
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4292
msgid "Abbreviation"
msgstr "Mallongigo"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:108
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:90
msgid "Publication"
msgstr "Publikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:110
msgid "Citation:"
msgstr "Rotacio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:793
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:98
msgid "Volume/Page"
msgstr "Volumo/Paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:114
msgid "Citation: Minimum Confidence|Min. Conf."
msgstr "Min. Konf."

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:117
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:108
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:119
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:94
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:98
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:136
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:104
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:104
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:93
msgid "Custom filter"
msgstr "Propraj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:321
msgid "Participants"
msgstr "Partoprenantoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:239
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6027
msgid "Relationship"
msgstr "Parenceco"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:89
msgid "any"
msgstr "ajna"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:147
msgid "Birth date"
msgstr "Naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:130
#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:132
#, python-format
msgid "example: \"%(msg1)s\" or \"%(msg2)s\""
msgstr "ekzemplo: \"%(msg1)s\" aŭ \"%(msg2)s\""

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:131
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:169
msgid "Death date"
msgstr "Mortodato"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:101
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:88
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kodo"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:101
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:78
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reŝargu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:129
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:292
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:300
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:146
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Bildo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:169
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:111
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:410
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:90
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:97
msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "_Titolo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:193
msgid "Convert to a relative path"
msgstr "Konvertu al relativa vojprefikso"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:104
msgid "Show all"
msgstr "Montru ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:53
msgid "Book _name:"
msgstr "Libro_nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:92
msgid "Clear the book"
msgstr "Malplenigu la libron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:114
msgid "Save current set of configured selections"
msgstr "Konservu la aktualan aron da konfiguritaj elektitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:137
msgid "Open previously created book"
msgstr "Malfermu libron kreitan antaŭe"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:159
msgid "Manage previously created books"
msgstr "Administru librojn kreitajn antaŭe"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:329
msgid "Add an item to the book"
msgstr "Aldonu elementon al la libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:352
msgid "Remove currently selected item from the book"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan elementon el la libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:374
msgid "Move current selection one step up in the book"
msgstr "Movu la elektitaĵon unu ŝtupon supren en la libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:396
msgid "Move current selection one step down in the book"
msgstr "Movu la elektitaĵon unu ŝtupon malsupren en la libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:418
msgid "Configure currently selected item"
msgstr "Agordu la elektitan elementon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:525 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Forigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:40
msgid "Clear _All"
msgstr "Purigu ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:78
msgid "Format _name:"
msgstr "Formo_nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:93
msgid "Format _definition:"
msgstr "Formodifino:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:140
msgid ""
"The following conventions are used:\n"
"<tt>  <b>%f</b> - Given Name       <b>%F</b> - GIVEN NAME\n"
"  <b>%l</b> - Surname          <b>%L</b> - SURNAME\n"
"  <b>%t</b> - Title            <b>%T</b> - TITLE\n"
"  <b>%p</b> - Prefix           <b>%P</b> - PREFIX\n"
"  <b>%s</b> - Suffix           <b>%S</b> - SUFFIX\n"
"  <b>%c</b> - Call name        <b>%C</b> - CALL NAME\n"
"  <b>%y</b> - Patronymic       <b>%Y</b> - PATRONYMIC</tt>"
msgstr ""
"Oni uzas la sekvajn konvenciojn:\n"
"<tt>  <b>%f</b> - Antaŭnomo     <b>%F</b> - ANTAŬNOMO\n"
"  <b>%l</b> - Familinomo <b>%L</b> - FAMILINOMO\n"
"  <b>%t</b> - Titolo            <b>%T</b> - TITOLO\n"
"  <b>%p</b> - Antaŭfamilinoma vorteto <b>%P</b> - ANTAŬFAMILINOMA VORTETO\n"
"  <b>%s</b> - Postnoma vorteto           <b>%S</b> - POSTANTAŬNOMA VORTETO\n"
"  <b>%c</b> - Voknomo        <b>%C</b> - VOKNOMO\n"
"  <b>%y</b> - Patronomo       <b>%Y</b> - PATRONOMO</tt>"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:155
msgid "Format definition details"
msgstr "Formodifinaj detaloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:169
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Ekzemplo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:7
msgid "Revision comment - Gramps"
msgstr "Revizia komento - Gramps"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:58
msgid "Version description"
msgstr "Versia priskribo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:103
msgid "Family Trees - Gramps"
msgstr "Genealogiaj arboj - Gramps"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:121
msgid "_Close Window"
msgstr "_Fermu fenestron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:137
msgid "_Load Family Tree"
msgstr "Ŝargu _Genealogian Arbon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:221 ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:209
msgid "_New"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:237 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1642
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1647
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1891
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:268
msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "_Alinomu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:284
msgid "Re_pair"
msgstr "R_iparu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:78
msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
msgstr "Ne montru plu ĉi tiun dialogon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:253
msgid "_Remove Object"
msgstr "Fo_rigu Objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:258
msgid "Remove object and all references to it from the database"
msgstr "Forigu la objekton kaj ĉiujn ĝiajn referencojn el la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:269
msgid "_Keep Reference"
msgstr "_Konservu Referencon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:274
msgid "Keep reference to the missing file"
msgstr "Konservu la referencon al la mankanta dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:285
msgid "_Select File"
msgstr "_Elektu dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:292
msgid "Select replacement for the missing file"
msgstr "Elektu anstataŭaĵon por la mankanta dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:365
msgid "_Use this selection for all missing media files"
msgstr "_Uzu ĉi tiun opcion por ĉiuj mankantaj aŭdvideaj dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:369
msgid ""
"If you check this button, all the missing media files will be automatically "
"treated according to the currently selected option. No further dialogs will "
"be presented for any missing media files."
msgstr ""
"Se oni ŝaltas ĉi tiun butonono, ĉiuj mankantaj aŭdvidaĵaj dosieroj estos "
"traktataj laŭ la aktuala elektita opcio. Ne plu aperos dialogoj por kiu ajn "
"mankanta aŭdvidaĵa dosiero."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:421
msgid "Cancel the rest of the operations"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:432
#, fuzzy
msgid "_No"
msgstr "Ne"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:437
msgid "Do not apply the operation to this item"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:448
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:455
msgid "Apply the operation to this item"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:528
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Use this answer for the rest of the items"
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la paĝo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:532
msgid ""
"If you check this button, your next answer will apply to the rest of the "
"selected items"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:762 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:778
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:889
msgid "label"
msgstr "etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:824
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Fermu _ne konservante"

#. widget
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:856
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:662
#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1003
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:575
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:397
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "Konservu kiel"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:929
msgid "Do not ask again"
msgstr "Ne demandu plu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:44
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:47
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:47
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:49
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:66
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:48 ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:49
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:71
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:46
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:44
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:50
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:48
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:46
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:47
msgid "Accept changes and close window"
msgstr "Akceptu ŝanĝojn kaj fermu la fenestron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:93
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:91
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:111
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:238
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:116
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:125
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:547
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:93
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:117
msgid "_Date:"
msgstr "_Dato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:108
msgid "St_reet:"
msgstr "St_rato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:123
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:94
msgid "C_ity:"
msgstr "_Urbo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:137
msgid "The town or city of the address"
msgstr "La vilaĝo aŭ la urbo de la adreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:151
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:192
msgid "_State/County:"
msgstr "_Ŝtato/Distrikto:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:166
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:249
msgid "_ZIP/Postal code:"
msgstr "Poŝt_kodo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:180
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Poŝtkodo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:194
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:221
msgid "Cou_ntry:"
msgstr "_Lando:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:209
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:275
msgid "Phon_e:"
msgstr "Tele_fono:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:222
msgid "Phone number linked to the address."
msgstr "Telefonnumero ligita al la adreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:236
msgid ""
"The state or county of the address in case a mail address must contain this."
msgstr "La ŝtato aŭ provinco de la adreso, kaze ke poŝtadreso entenas ĝin."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:250
msgid "Country of the address"
msgstr "Lando de la adreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:264
msgid ""
"Mail address. \n"
"Note: Use Residence Event for genealogical address data."
msgstr ""
"Poŝta adreso. \n"
"Noto: uzu rezideventon por genealogiadresaj datumoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:290
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:146
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:173
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:339
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:348
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:142
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:413
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:528
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:374
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:325
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:294
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:617
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:149
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:228
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:410
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:151
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:255
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:358
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:188
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:397
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:205
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:288
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:150
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8191
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privateco"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:313
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:107
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:127
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:369
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:148
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:235
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:574
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:563
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:137
msgid "Invoke date editor"
msgstr "Envoku datredaktilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:346
msgid "Date at which the address is valid."
msgstr "Dato ĝis kiam la adreso validas"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:361
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:358
msgid "_Locality:"
msgstr "_Loko:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:374
msgid "The locality of the address"
msgstr "La loko de la adreso"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:93
msgid "_Attribute:"
msgstr "_Atributo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:108
msgid "_Value:"
msgstr "_Valoro:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:122
msgid "The value of the attribute. Eg. 1.8, Sunny, or Blue eyes."
msgstr "Il valore dell'attributo. Ekz. 1.8, Suna aŭ Bluaj okuloj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:167
msgid ""
"The name of an attribute you want to use. For example: Height (for a "
"person), Weather on this Day (for an event), ... \n"
"Use this to store snippets of information you collect and want to correctly "
"link to sources. Attributes can be used for people, families, events and "
" \n"
"Note: several predefined attributes refer to values present in the GEDCOM "
msgstr ""
"La nomo de la atributo kiun oni volas uzi. Ekzemple: Alto (per persono), "
"Vetero tiun tagon (por evento), ... \n"
"Uzu ĝin por konservi pecojn de informoj kolektataj kaj kiujn oni volas poste "
"ligi al fontoj. Atributojn oni povas uzi por personoj, familioj, ventoj kaj "
" \n"
"Noto: diversaj antaŭdifinitaj atributoj referencas al valoroj kiuj estas en "
"la normo GEDCOM."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:97
msgid "Relationship to _Mother:"
msgstr "Parenceco al la Patri_no:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:130
msgid "Relationship to _Father:"
msgstr "Parenceco al la _Patro:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:195
msgid "Name Child:"
msgstr "Fil(in)onomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:230
msgid "Open person editor of this child"
msgstr "Malfermu personredaktilon de ĉi tiu fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:240
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:587 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:459
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1869
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Eldono"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:137
msgid ""
"Specific location within the information referenced. For a published work, "
"this could include the volume of a multi-volume work and the page number(s). "
"For a periodical, it could include volume, issue, and page numbers. For a "
"newspaper, it could include a column number and page number. For an "
"unpublished source, this could be a sheet number, page number, frame number, "
"etc. A census record might have a line number or dwelling and family numbers "
"in addition to the page number. "
msgstr ""
"Specifa loko kun la referencita informo. Por eldonita verko, tio povus "
"inkluzivi la volumon de plurvoluma verko kaj la paĝonumero(j)n. Por "
"magazino, tio povus inkluzivi la volumon, la numeron kaj la paĝnumerojn. Por "
"ĵurnalo, tio povus inkluzivi kolumnonumeron kaj paĝnumeron, ktp. Por "
"neeldonita fonto, tio povus esti folinumero, paĝnumero, kadronumero, ktp. "
"Popolnombrada rikordo povua havi lininumeron aŭ loĝejo aŭ familinumerojn "
"aldone de paĝnumero."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:153
msgid "_Volume/Page:"
msgstr "_Volumo/Paĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:168
msgid "Con_fidence:"
msgstr "_Konfidenco:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:182
msgid ""
"The date of the entry in the source you are referencing, e.g. the date a "
"house was visited during a census, or the date an entry was made in a birth "
"log/registry. "
msgstr ""
"La dato kiam oni enigis la informon en la fonto referencata, ekz. la dato "
"kiam oni visitis domon dum popolnombrado, aŭ la dato kiam oni registris "
"naskiĝon en oficiala naskiĝlibro."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:202
msgid ""
"Conveys the submitter's quantitative evaluation of the credibility of a "
"piece of information, based upon its supporting evidence. It is not intended "
"to eliminate the receiver's need to evaluate the evidence for themselves.\n"
"Very Low =Unreliable evidence or estimated data\n"
"Low =Questionable reliability of evidence (interviews, census, oral "
"genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography)\n"
"High =Secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event\n"
"Very High =Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence "
msgstr ""
"Komunikas la kvantan takson de la transendinto pri la fidindeco de parto de "
"informo, bazita sur la graveco de la indico. Ĝi ne volas eviti al la "
"ricevintoj kontroli mem la indicon.\n"
"Tre malalta=Nefindidaj indico aŭ taksitaj datumoj\n"
"Malalta=Diskutebla fidindeco de indico (intervjuoj, popolnombrado, parolaj "
"genealogioj aŭ ebla nerekta informo, ekz. membiografio)\n"
"Alta=Duaranga indico, datumoj oficiale registritaj post la evento\n"
"Tre alta=Rekta kaj unuaranga indico aŭ kiu ne metas dubojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:227
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:285
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:670
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:96
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:395
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:168
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:617
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:149
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:352
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:165
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:263
msgid "_ID:"
msgstr "_ID:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:241
msgid "A unique ID to identify the citation"
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:361
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:390
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:331
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:478
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:234
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:229
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Etikedoj:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:140
msgid "Calenda_r:"
msgstr "Kalenda_roj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:195
msgid "Dua_l dated"
msgstr "Duob_le datita"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:200
msgid "Old Style/New Style"
msgstr "Malnova stilo/Nova stilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:216
msgid "Ne_w year begins:  "
msgstr "La nova jaro komenciĝas:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:231
msgid "Month-Day of first day of new year (e.g., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", \"3-25\")"
msgstr ""
"Monato-Tago de la unua tago de la nova jaro (ekz., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:261
msgid "Q_uality"
msgstr "K_valito"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:293
msgid "_Type"
msgstr "_Tipo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:338
msgid "_Day"
msgstr "T_ago:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:351
msgid "_Month"
msgstr "_Monato"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:364
msgid "_Year"
msgstr "_Jaro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:420
msgid "Second date"
msgstr "Dua dato"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:434
msgid "D_ay"
msgstr "T_ago"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:447
msgid "Mo_nth"
msgstr "Mo_nato"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:460
msgid "Y_ear"
msgstr "Ja_ro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:562
msgid "Te_xt comment:"
msgstr "Te_ksta komento:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:29
msgid "Close window without changes"
msgstr "Fermu la fenestron sen ŝanĝoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:96
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:223
msgid "_Event type:"
msgstr "_Eventotipo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:134
msgid "Show Date Editor"
msgstr "Montru datredaktilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:163
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:253
msgid "De_scription:"
msgstr "Pr_iskribo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:177
msgid ""
"Description of the event. Leave empty if you want to autogenerate this with "
"the tool 'Extract Event Description'."
msgstr ""
"Eventpriskribo. Oni lasu malplena se oni volas ke ĝi memgeneriĝu per la ilo "
"\"Ekstraktu eventpriskribon'."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:194
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:270
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:131
msgid "_Place:"
msgstr "_Loko:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:260
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:185
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:463
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:257
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:165
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:201
msgid "Selector"
msgstr "Elektilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:292
msgid "What type of event this is. Eg 'Burial', 'Graduation', ... ."
msgstr "Kia evento estas tio. Ekz. 'Entombigo', 'Diplomiĝo', ... ."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:326
msgid ""
"Date of the event. This can be an exact date, a range (from ... to, "
"between, ...), or an inexact date (about, ...)."
msgstr ""
"Dato de la evento. Tio povas esti ekzakta dato, intervalo (de ... ĝis, "
"inter, ...), aŭ neekzakta dato (ĉirkaŭ, ...)."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:375
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:451
msgid "A unique ID to identify the event"
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:85
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:85
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:97
msgid "Reference information"
msgstr "Referencinformo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:117
msgid "_Role:"
msgstr "_Rolo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:500
msgid ""
"<b>Note:</b> Any changes in the shared event information will be reflected "
"in the event itself, for all participants in the event."
msgstr ""
"<b>Noto:</b> Ĉiuj modifoj en la kunhavigata eventinformo reflektiĝos en la "
"evento mom, por ĉiuj partoprenantoj en la evento."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:586
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:627
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:460
msgid "Shared information"
msgstr "Kunhavigataj informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:29
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:30
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:52
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:30
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:29
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:28
msgid "Abandon changes and close window"
msgstr "Rezignu pri la ŝanĝoj kaj fermu la fenestron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:131
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:385
msgid "Birth:"
msgstr "Naskiĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:144
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:398
msgid "Death:"
msgstr "Morto:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:160
msgid "Father/partner1"
msgstr "Patro/partnero1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:438
msgid "Mother/partner2"
msgstr "Patrino/partnero2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:519
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:179
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:388
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:196
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:278
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:279
msgid "Indicates if the record is private"
msgstr "Montras ĉu la rikordo estas privata"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:653
msgid "Relationship Information"
msgstr "Parencecinformoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:683
msgid "A unique ID for the family"
msgstr "Unika ID por la familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:698
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:103
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:135
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:727
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:112
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:127
msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "_Tipo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:712
msgid ""
"The relationship type, eg 'Married' or 'Unmarried'. Use Events for more "
msgstr ""
"La tipo de parenceco, ekz. 'edziĝinta! aŭ 'needziĝinta'. Uzu Eventoj por "
"kromaj dataloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:733
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:360
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:697
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:250
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:650
msgid "_Tags:"
msgstr "_Etikedoj:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:764
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:841
msgid "Edit the tag list"
msgstr "Redaktu la etikedoliston"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:773
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:396
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:727
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:286
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:683
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:111
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:92
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:485
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:126
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:98
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:101
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:83 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:98
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:88
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etikedoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:182
msgid "Ordinance:"
msgstr "Ceremonio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:194
msgid "LDS _Temple:"
msgstr "Mor_mona templo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:225
msgid "_Family:"
msgstr "_Familio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:282
msgid "_Status:"
msgstr "_Stato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:98
msgid "Gramps item:"
msgstr "Gramps-elemento:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:112
msgid "Internet Address:"
msgstr "Interretadreso:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:127
msgid "_Link Type:"
msgstr "_Ligiltipo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:108
msgid "The town or city where the place is."
msgstr "La vilaĝo aŭ la urbo kie estas la loko."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:122
msgid "S_treet:"
msgstr "S_trato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:137
msgid "Ch_urch parish:"
msgstr "_Paroko:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:151
msgid ""
"Lowest clergical division of this place. Typically used for church sources "
"that only mention the parish."
msgstr ""
"Plej malalta eklezia lokdivido. Tipe uzata por preĝejaj fontoj kiuj mencias "
"nur la parokon."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:165
msgid "Co_unty:"
msgstr "Pro_vinco:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:179
msgid "Third level of place division. Eg., in the USA a county."
msgstr "Trianivela lokdivido. Ekz., en Usono provinco (konteo*)"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:193
msgid "_State:"
msgstr "_Ŝtato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:207
msgid ""
"Second level of place division, eg., in the USA a state, in Germany a "
msgstr "Duanivela lokdivido Ekz., en Usono ŝtato, en Germanio federacia Ŝtato"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:235
msgid "The country where the place is."
msgstr "La lando kie estas la loko."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:300
msgid "Lowest level of a place division: eg the street name."
msgstr "Plej malaltnivela lokdivido: ekz. la stratnomo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:328
msgid "A district within, or a settlement near to, a town or city."
msgstr "Distrikto en, aŭ setlejo apud, vilaĝo aŭ urbo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:139
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:380
msgid "_Path:"
msgstr "_Vojo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:177
msgid "Image preview"
msgstr "Bild-antaŭrigardo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:205
msgid ""
"Path of the media object on your computer.\n"
"Gramps does not store the media internally, it only stores the path! Set the "
"'Relative Path' in the Preferences to avoid retyping the common base "
"directory where all your media is stored. The 'Media Manager' tool can help "
"managing paths of a collection of media objects. "
msgstr ""
"Vojo de la aŭdvidea objekto en la komputilo.\n"
"Gramps ne enmemorigas la aŭdvidaĵojn interne, enmemorigas nur la vojon! "
"Agordu la 'Relativan vojon' en la Preferoj por eviti retajpi la komunan "
"bazan dosierujon kie estas enmemorigitaj la aŭdvidaĵoj. La aŭdvidaĵa "
"administrilo povas helpi adiministri la  vojojn de la kolekto de la "
"aŭdvideaj objektoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:219
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:424
msgid "Descriptive title for this media object."
msgstr "Priskriba titolo por ĉi tiu aŭdvidea objekto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:270
msgid "Open File Browser to select a media file on your computer."
msgstr "Malfermu foliumilo por elekti aŭdvidean dosieron en via komputilo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:661
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Dosierujo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:302
msgid "A unique ID to identify the Media object."
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la aŭdvidean objekton."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:346
msgid ""
"A date associated with the media, eg., for a picture the date it is taken."
msgstr ""
"Dato asociita kun la aŭdvidaĵo, ekz., por bildo la dato kiam estis farita."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:119
msgid "_Corner 2:  X"
msgstr "An_gulo 2:  X"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:146
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:162
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:240
msgid ""
"If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to "
"You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these "
"spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced "
"region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the "
"bottom right corner."
msgstr ""
"Se la aŭdvidaĵo estas bildo, elektu la specifan parton de la bildo, kiun oni "
"volas referenci.\n"
"Oni povas uzi la muson sur la bildo por elekti regionon, aŭ uzi ĉi tiujn "
"rulbutonojn por agordi la maldekstran supron, kaj la dekstran malsupran "
"angulojn de la referencita regiono. Punto (0,0) estas la angulo plej alta "
"dekstre de bildo, kaj (100,100) la angulo plej malalta dekstre. "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:178
msgid ""
"Referenced region of the image media object.\n"
"Select a region with clicking and holding the mouse button on the top left "
"corner of the region you want, dragging the mouse to the bottom right corner "
"of the region, and then releasing the mouse button."
msgstr ""
"Referencita regiono de la aŭdvidea bildobjekto.\n"
"Elektu regionon alklakante kaj tenante la musbutonon en la supra-maldekstra "
"angulo de la regiono celata, trenu la muson al la malsupra-dekstra angulo de "
"la regiono, kaj tiam liberigu la musbutonon."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:208
msgid "_Corner 1:  X"
msgstr "An_gulo 1:  X"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:221
msgid ""
"If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to "
"You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these "
"spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced "
"region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the "
"bottom right corner.\n"
msgstr ""
"Se la aŭdvidaĵo estas bildo, elektu la specifan parton de la bildo, kiun oni "
"volas referenci.\n"
"Oni povas uzi la muson sur la bildo por elekti regionon, aŭ uzi ĉi tiujn "
"rulbutonojn por agordi la maldekstran supran, kaj la dekstran malsupran "
"angulojn de la referencita regiono. Punto (0,0) estas la angulo plej alta "
"dekstre de bildo, kaj (100,100) la angulo plej malalta dekstre.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:460
msgid ""
"<b>Note:</b> Any changes in the shared media object information will be "
"reflected in the media object itself."
msgstr ""
"<b>Noto:</b> Ĉiuj modifoj en la kunhavigataj aŭdvideobjektaj informoj "
"reflektiĝos en la aŭdvidea objekto mem."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:489
msgid "Double click image to view in an external viewer"
msgstr "Alklaku duoble la bildon por rigardi en ekstera vidigilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:534
msgid "Type of media object as indicated by the computer, eg Image, Video, ..."
msgstr ""
"Tipo de aŭdvidea objekto kiel montrita de komputilo, ekz. Bildo, Filmo, ..."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:651
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Elektu dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:772
msgid "Shared Information"
msgstr "Kunhavigataj Informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:119
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:316
msgid ""
"An identification of what type of Name this is, eg. Birth Name, Married Name."
msgstr ""
"Identigo de tio, kia Nomo ĝi estas, ekz. Naskiĝnomo, Postgeedziĝa nomo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:193
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:134
msgid "_Given:"
msgstr "A_ntaŭnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:208
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:197
msgid "T_itle:"
msgstr "T_itolo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:222
msgid "Suffi_x:"
msgstr "Sufi_kso:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:236
msgid "C_all Name:"
msgstr "Vo_knomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:251
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:150
msgid "The person's given names"
msgstr "La antaŭnomoj de la persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:266
msgid "_Nick Name:"
msgstr "_Neformala nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:179
msgid ""
"Part of the Given name that is the normally used name. If background is red, "
"call name is not part of Given name and will not be printed underlined in "
"some reports."
msgstr ""
"Parto de la antaŭnomo kiu estas kutime uzata kiel nomo. Se la fono estas "
"ruĝa, la voknomo ne estas parto de la antaŭnomo kaj ne estos substreke "
"printita en kelkaj raportoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:292
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:211
msgid "A title used to refer to the person, such as 'Dr.' or 'Rev.'"
msgstr "Titolo uzata por sin adresi al la persono, kiel 'D-ro' aŭ 'Inĝ.'"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:305
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:225
msgid "An optional suffix to the name, such as \"Jr.\" or \"III\""
msgstr "Nedeviga vorteto post la nomo, kiel \"Jr.\" aŭ \"III\""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:318
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:259
msgid ""
"A descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official given "
msgstr "Priksriba nomo donita anstataŭ aŭ aldone al la oficiala antaŭnomo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:334
msgid "Given Name(s) "
msgstr "Antaŭnomo(j)"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:385
msgid "_Family Nick Name:"
msgstr "Familia kromnomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:399
msgid ""
"A non official name given to a family to distinguish them of people with the "
"same family name. Often referred to as eg. Farm name."
msgstr ""
"Neoficiala nomo donita al familio por distigni ili de homoj kun la sama "
"familia nomo. Ofte rilataj al ekz. Farmonomo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:425
msgid "Family Names "
msgstr "Familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:463
msgid "G_roup as:"
msgstr "Grupigu kiel:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:477
msgid "_Sort as:"
msgstr "Or_digu kiel:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:491
msgid "_Display as:"
msgstr "_Montru kiel:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:504
msgid ""
"People are displayed according to the name format given in the Preferences "
"(the default).\n"
"Here you can make sure this person is displayed according to a custom name "
"format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)."
msgstr ""
"La personoj estas montritaj laŭ la nomformo donita en la Preferoj "
"Ĉi tie oni povas certigi ke ĉi tiu persono estas montrita laŭ propra "
"nomformo (kromajn formojn oni povas agordi en la Preferoj)."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:525
msgid "Dat_e:"
msgstr "Dat_o:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:539
msgid ""
"People are sorted according to the name format given in the Preferences (the "
"Here you can make sure this person is sorted according to a custom name "
"format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)."
msgstr ""
"La personoj estas ordigitaj laŭ la nomformo donita en la Preferoj "
"Ĉi tie oni povas certigi ke ĉi tiu persono estas ordigita laŭ propra "
"nomformo (kromajn formojn oni povas agordi en la Preferoj)."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:602
msgid ""
"The Person Tree view groups people under the primary surname. You can "
"override this by setting here a group value. \n"
"You will be asked if you want to group this person only, or all people with "
"this specific primary surname."
msgstr ""
"La Person-arbvido grupigas personojn sub la ĉefa familinomo. Oni povas "
"superi tion agordante ĉi tie grupvaloron.\n"
"Oni estos pridemanditaj ĉu oni volas grupigi nur ĉi tiun personon aŭ ĉiujn "
"la ĉi tiu specifa ĉefa familinomo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:616
msgid "O_verride"
msgstr "Tran_spasu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:642
msgid ""
"A Date associated with this name. Eg. for a Married Name, date the name is "
"first used or marriage date."
msgstr ""
"Dato asociita kun ĉi tiu nomo. Ekz. por postgeedziĝa nomo, la dato kiam la "
"nomo estis uzita la unuan fojon aŭ la geedziĝa dato."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:103
msgid "Styled Text Editor"
msgstr "Stil-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:148
msgid "A type to classify the note."
msgstr "Tipo por klasifiki la noton."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:181
msgid "A unique ID to identify the note."
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la noton."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:192
msgid "_Preformatted"
msgstr "Antaŭ_formatita"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:200
msgid ""
"When active the whitespace in your note will be respected in reports. Use "
"this to add formatting layout with spaces, eg a table. \n"
"When not checked, notes are automatically cleaned in the reports, which will "
"improve the report layout.\n"
"Use monospace font to keep preformatting."
msgstr ""
"Kiam aktiva la blanka spaco en la noto estos respektita en la raportoj. Oni "
"uzu tion por aldoni formatitan aspektopn kun spacoj, ekz. tabulo.\n"
"Kiam ne markita, la notoj estas aŭtomate purigitaj en la raportoj, tiel ke "
"estu plibonigita la raport-aspekto.\n"
"Uzu egallarĝa tiparon por konservi la antaŭformatadon."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:165
msgid "C_all:"
msgstr "Vok_nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:245
msgid "_Nick:"
msgstr "_neformala nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:335
msgid "Click on a table cell to edit."
msgstr "Alklaku tabelĉelon por redakti."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:355
msgid ""
"Use Multiple Surnames\n"
"Indicate that the surname consists of different parts. Every surname has its "
"own prefix and a possible connector to the next surname. Eg., the surname "
"Ramón y Cajal can be stored as Ramón, which is inherited from the father, "
"the connector y, and Cajal, which is inherited from the mother."
msgstr ""
"Uzu pluroblajn familinomojn\n"
"Indikas ke la familinomoj konsistas el diversaj partoj. Ĉiu familinomo havas "
"sian propran antaufamilinoman vorteton kaj eblan kunligilon lun la lasta "
"familinomo. Ekz., la familinomo Ramón y Cajal povas esti konservita kiel "
"Ramón, heredita de la patro, la kunligilo y, kaj Cajal, heredita de la "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:399
msgid "Set person as private data"
msgstr "Agordu la personon kiel privata"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:450
msgid "_Surname:"
msgstr "_Familinomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:466
msgid ""
"An optional prefix for the family that is not used in sorting, such as \"de"
"\" or \"van\"."
msgstr ""
"Nedeviga vorteto antaŭ la familinomo ne uzota en la alfabetordigo, kiel \"de"
"\" aŭ\" van\"."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:485
msgid ""
"Part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs"
msgstr ""
"Parto el la personnomo montranta la familion al kiu la persono apartenas"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:511
msgid "Go to Name Editor to add more information about this name"
msgstr "Iru al nomredaktilo kaj aldonu kroman informojn pri ĉi tiu nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:536
msgid "O_rigin:"
msgstr "O_rigino:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:551
msgid ""
"The origin of this family name for this family, eg 'Inherited' or "
msgstr ""
"La origino de ĉi tiu familinomo por ĉi tiu familio, ekz. 'Herdita' aŭ "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:585
msgid "G_ender:"
msgstr "Sek_so:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:633
msgid "A unique ID for the person."
msgstr "Unika ID por la persono."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:708
msgid "Preferred Name"
msgstr "Preferata nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:96
msgid "_Person:"
msgstr "_Persono:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:111
msgid "_Association:"
msgstr "_Asocio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:125
msgid ""
"Description of the association, eg. Godfather, Friend, ...\n"
"Note: Use Events instead for relations connected to specific time frames or "
"occasions. Events can be shared between people, each indicating their role "
"in the event."
msgstr ""
"Priskribo de la asocio, ekz. Baptopatro, Amiko, ...\n"
"Noto: Uzu Eventoj anstataŭe,por rilatoj konektitaj al specifaj tempoperiodoj "
"aŭ okazoj. Eventoj povas eksti kunhavigataj inter personoj, ĉiu indikanta "
"propran rolon en la evento."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:176
msgid ""
"Use the select button to choose a person that has an association to the "
"edited person."
msgstr ""
"Uzu la elektobutonon por elekti personon kiu havas asocion kun la redaktata "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:193
msgid "Select a person that has an association to the edited person."
msgstr "Elektu personon kiu havas asocion kun la redaktata persono."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:105
msgid "L_atitude:"
msgstr "L_atitudo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:120
msgid "_Longitude:"
msgstr "_Longitudo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:134
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:379
msgid "Full title of this place."
msgstr "Kompleta titolo de ĉi tiu loko."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:162
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:393
msgid ""
"Latitude (position above the Equator) of the place in decimal or degree "
"notation. \n"
"Eg, valid values are 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ or 50:52:21.92\n"
"You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or "
"via a map service in the place view."
msgstr ""
"Latitudo (pozicio super la Ekvatoro) de la loko en decimala aŭ grada "
"Ekz., validaj valoroj estas 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ aŭ "
"Oni povas agordi ĉi tiujn valorojn per Geografia Vido serĉante la lokon aŭ "
"per mapservo en la lokvido."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:177
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:408
msgid ""
"Longitude (position relative to the Prime, or Greenwich, Meridian) of the "
"place in decimal or degree notation. \n"
"Eg, valid values are -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ or "
"You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or "
"via a map service in the place view."
msgstr ""
"Longitudo (pozicio relativa al la unua, aŭ Grenviĉa, meridiano) de la loko "
"en decimala aŭ grada notacioj.\n"
"Ekz., validaj valoroj estas -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ aŭ "
"Oni povas agordi ĉi tiujn valorojn per Geografia Vidigo serĉante la lokon aŭ "
"per mapservo en la lokvido."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:198
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:429
msgid "A unique ID to identify the place"
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:226
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:457
msgid "Code associated with this place. Eg Country Code or Postal Code."
msgstr "Kodo asociita al ĉi tiu loko. Ekz. Landa kodo aŭ Poŝtkodo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:311
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:330
msgid "What type of place this is. Eg 'Country', 'City', ... ."
msgstr "Kiu tipo de loko ĝi estas. Ekz. 'Lando', 'Urbo', ... ."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:374
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:532
msgid "The name of this place."
msgstr "La nomo de ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:389
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:551
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invoke place name editor."
msgstr "Envoku datredaktilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:108
msgid "Language:"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Language in which the name is written."
msgstr "Dato ĝis kiam la adreso validas"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:170
#, fuzzy
msgid "Date range in which the name is valid."
msgstr "Datintervalo por kiu la ligilo estas valida."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "The name of the place."
msgstr "La nomo de ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:280
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<b>Note:</b> Any changes in the enclosing place information will be "
"reflected in the place itself, for places that it encloses."
msgstr ""
"<b>Noto:</b> Ĉiuj modifoj en la kunhavigata eventinformo reflektiĝos en la "
"evento mom, por ĉiuj partoprenantoj en la evento."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:127
msgid "_Media Type:"
msgstr "_Aŭdvidaĵa tipo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:142
msgid "Call n_umber:"
msgstr "Telefon_umero:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:156
msgid "On what type of media this source is available in the repository."
msgstr ""
"Sur kiu tipo de audvidaĵo ĉi tiu fonto estas disponebla en la deponejo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:209
msgid "Id number of the source in the repository."
msgstr "Id-numero de la fonto en la deponejo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:264
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:97
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:659
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:150
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:293
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:126
msgid "Name of the repository (where sources are stored)."
msgstr "Nomo de la deponejo (kie estas staplitaj la fontoj)."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:329
msgid ""
"<b>Note:</b> Any changes in the shared repository information will be "
"reflected in the repository itself, for all items that reference the "
msgstr ""
"<b>Noto:</b> Ĉiuj modifoj en la kunhavigataj deponejaj informoj reflektiĝos "
"en la deponejo mem, por ĉiuj elementoj referencantaj al la deponejo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:370
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:179
msgid "A unique ID to identify the repository."
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la deponejon."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:424
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:144
msgid "Type of repository, eg., 'Library', 'Album', ..."
msgstr "Tipo de deponejo, ekz. 'Biblioteko', 'Albumo', ..."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:112
msgid "_Author:"
msgstr "_Aŭtoro:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:127
msgid "Title of the source."
msgstr "Titolo de la fonto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:140
msgid "Authors of the source."
msgstr "Aŭtoroj de la fonto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:154
msgid "_Pub. info.:"
msgstr "_Pub. info.:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:168
msgid ""
"Publication Information, such as city and year of publication, name of "
"publisher, ..."
msgstr ""
"Informoj pri la publikaĵo, kiel urbo kaj jaro de publikigo, nome de la "
"eldoninto, ..."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:181
msgid ""
"Provide a short title used for sorting, filing, and retrieving source "
msgstr ""
"Enmetu mallongan didaskalion por ordigo, arkivigo kaj respuro de "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:194
msgid "A_bbreviation:"
msgstr "Mall_ongigo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:214
msgid "A unique ID to identify the source"
msgstr "Unika ID por identigi la fonton."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:97
msgid "_Web address:"
msgstr "_TTT-adreso:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:112
msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Priskribo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:171
msgid "Type of internet address, eg. E-mail, Web Page, ..."
msgstr "Tipo de interretadreso, ekz. Retpoŝto, TTT-paĝo, ..."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:190
msgid ""
"The internet address as needed to navigate to it, eg. http://gramps-project."
msgstr ""
"Interretadreso necesas por navigi al ĝi, ekz. http://gramps-project.org"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:206
msgid "Open the web address in the default browser."
msgstr "MAlfermu la TTT-adreson en la defaŭlta navigilo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:218
msgid "A descriptive caption of the Internet location you are storing."
msgstr "Priskriba didaskalio  de la interretejo kiun vi staplas."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:63
msgid "Drag to move; click to detach"
msgstr "Trenu por movi; alklaku por malligi"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:71
msgid "Config"
msgstr "Agordaro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:78
msgid "Detach"
msgstr "Malligu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:96
msgid "Click to expand/collapse"
msgstr "Alklaku por etendi/maletendi"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:129
msgid "Click to delete gramplet from view"
msgstr "Alklaku por forigi gramplet'on el la vido"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:137
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:144
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Forigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the citation that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged citation."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la citaĵon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota citaĵo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:187
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:732
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:187
msgid "Source 1"
msgstr "Fonto 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:201
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:747
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:201
msgid "Source 2"
msgstr "Fonto 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:328
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:891
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:907
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:345
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:361
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:287
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:303
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:328
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:312
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:328
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:290
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:306
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:299
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:314
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:295
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:345
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:361
msgid "Gramps ID:"
msgstr "Gramps-ID:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:456
msgid "Notes, media objects and data-items of both citations will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Notoj, aŭdvideaj objektoj kaj datumelementoj de ambaŭ citaĵoj estos "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:472
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:529
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:475
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:472
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:487
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:427
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:636
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:415
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:529
msgid "Detailed Selection"
msgstr "Detalita elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:42
msgid "Merge and _edit"
msgstr "Kunfandu kaj r_edaktu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:60
msgid "_Merge and close"
msgstr "_Kunfandu kaj fermu"

#. name, click?, width, toggle
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:173
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:189 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1077
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:194
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:553
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:395
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Elektu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:322
msgid ""
"Select the person that will provide the primary data for the merged person."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la personon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota persono."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:564
msgid "Title selection"
msgstr "Titol-elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:576
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:180
msgid "Place 1"
msgstr "Loko 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:593
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:194
msgid "Place 2"
msgstr "Loko 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the event that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged event."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la eventon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota evento."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:187
msgid "Event 1"
msgstr "Evento 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:201
msgid "Event 2"
msgstr "Evento 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:513
msgid ""
"Attributes, notes, sources and media objects of both events will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Atributoj, notoj, fontoj kaj aŭdvideaj objektoj de ambaŭ eventoj estos "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:99
msgid ""
"Select the family that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged family."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la familion kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota familio."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:188
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:204
msgid "Father:"
msgstr "Patro:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:221
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:237
msgid "Mother:"
msgstr "Patrino:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:254
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:270
msgid "Relationship:"
msgstr "Parenceco:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:418
msgid "Family 1"
msgstr "Familio 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:432
msgid "Family 2"
msgstr "Familio 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:459
msgid ""
"Events, lds_ord, media objects, attributes, notes, sources and tags of both "
"families will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Eventoj, EJKSLT-ceremonoioj, aŭdvideaj objektoj, atributoj, notoj, fontoj "
"kaj etikedoj de ambaŭ familioj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the object that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged object."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la objekton kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota objekto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:187
msgid "Object 1"
msgstr "Objekto 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:201
msgid "Object 2"
msgstr "Objekto 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:456
msgid "Attributes, sources, notes and tags of both objects will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Atributoj, fontoj, notoj kaj etikedoj de ambaŭ objektoj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the note that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged note."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la noton kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota noto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:187
msgid "Note 1"
msgstr "Noto 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:201
msgid "Note 2"
msgstr "Noto 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:279
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:295
#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1007
msgid "Format:"
msgstr "Formo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:104
msgid ""
"Select the person that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged person."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la personon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota persono."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:198
msgid "Person 1"
msgstr "Persono 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:212
msgid "Person 2"
msgstr "Persono 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:257
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:273
msgid "Gender:"
msgstr "Sekso: "

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:411
msgid ""
"Events, media objects, addresses, attributes, urls, notes, sources and tags "
"of both persons will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Eventoj, aŭdvideaj objektoj, atributoj, URL'oj, notoj, fontoj kaj etikedoj "
"de ambaŭ peronoj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:502
msgid "Context Information"
msgstr "Kuntekstaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:95
msgid ""
"Select the place that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged place."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la lokon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota loko."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:620
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Alternative names, sources, urls, media objects and notes of both places "
"will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Alternativaj lokoj, fontoj, URL'oj, aŭdvideaj objektoj kaj notoj de ambaŭ "
"lokoj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the repository that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged repository."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la deponejon kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota deponejo."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:187
msgid "Repository 1"
msgstr "Deponejo 1"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:201
msgid "Repository 2"
msgstr "Deponejo 2"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:399
msgid "Addresses, urls and notes of both repositories will be combined."
msgstr "Adresoj, URL'oj kaj notoj de ambaŭ deponejoj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:98
msgid ""
"Select the source that will provide the\n"
"primary data for the merged source."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la fonton kiu liveros la\n"
"ĉefajn datumojn por la kunfandota fonto."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:513
msgid ""
"Notes, media objects, data-items and repository references of both sources "
"will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Notoj, aŭdvideaj objektoj, datumelementoj kaj deponejaj referencoj de ambaŭ "
"fontoj estos kombinitaj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:8
msgid "Paper Settings"
msgstr "Paper-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:25
msgid "Paper format"
msgstr "Paperformato"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:46
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Grando:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:58
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Larĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:72
msgid "_Height:"
msgstr "_Alto:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:86
msgid "Orientation:"
msgstr "Rotacio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:111
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:124
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:258
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:271
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:284
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:345
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:670
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:683
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:696
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:792
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:805
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:986
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1302
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1648
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:208
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:181
msgid "Margins"
msgstr "Margenoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:202
msgid "_Left:"
msgstr "Malde_kstra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:216
msgid "_Right:"
msgstr "_Dekstra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:230
msgid "_Top:"
msgstr "_Supra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:244
msgid "_Bottom:"
msgstr "_Malsupra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:377
msgid "Metric"
msgstr "Metra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:46
msgid "Perform selected action"
msgstr "Faru la elektitan agon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:51
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:74
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Plenumu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:141 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:284
msgid "Select a report from those available on the left."
msgstr "Elektu raporton el tiuj disponeblaj maldekstre."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:162
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Stato:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:208
msgid "Author's email:"
msgstr "Retpoŝto de la aŭtoro:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:73
msgid "Parent relationships"
msgstr "Gepatraj parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:101 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:236
msgid "Arrow top"
msgstr "Sago supren"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:108
msgid "Move parent up"
msgstr "Movu gepatron supren"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:131 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:266
msgid "Arrow bottom"
msgstr "Sago suben"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:138
msgid "Move parent down"
msgstr "Movu gepatron malsupren"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:185
msgid "Family relationships"
msgstr "Familiaj parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:243
msgid "Move family up"
msgstr "Movu familion supren"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:273
msgid "Move family down"
msgstr "Movu familion suben"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:124
msgid "Add a new filter"
msgstr "Aldonu novan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:148
msgid "Edit the selected filter"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:172
msgid "Clone the selected filter"
msgstr "Klonu la elektitan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:194
msgid "Test the selected filter"
msgstr "Testu la elektitan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:218
msgid "Delete the selected filter"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:258
msgid "Note: changes take effect only after this window is closed"
msgstr "Noto: la modifoj efektiviĝos nur post la fermo de ĉi tiu fenestro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:416
msgid "Add another rule to the filter"
msgstr "Aldonu alian regulon por la filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:450
msgid "Edit the selected rule"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan regulon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:484
msgid "Delete the selected rule"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan regulon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:524
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:113
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportftree.glade:120
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.glade:100
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.glade:109
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:82
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:539
msgid "Rule list"
msgstr "Regularo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:554
msgid "Definition"
msgstr "Difino"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:571
msgid "Co_mment:"
msgstr "Ko_mento:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:606
msgid "Return values that do no_t match the filter rules"
msgstr "_Liveru la valorojn ne kongruantajn kun la filtrilreguloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:866
msgid "Selected Rule"
msgstr "Elektita regulo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:158
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style sheet n_ame:"
msgstr "Stil_nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:177
msgid "Style name"
msgstr "Stil_nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:286
msgid "Type face"
msgstr "Tipara fasono"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:299
msgid "_Roman (Times, serif)"
msgstr "_Roma (Times, serif)"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:316
msgid "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)"
msgstr "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)"

#. #################
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:339
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:877
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1588
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grando"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:369
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:228
msgid "point size|pt"
msgstr "pt"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:384
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1437
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1469 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:397
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Koloro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:416
msgid "_Bold"
msgstr "_Grasa"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:433
msgid "_Italic"
msgstr "_Kursiva"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:450
msgid "_Underline"
msgstr "_Substrekita"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:526
msgid "Font options"
msgstr "Tipar-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:545
msgid "_Left"
msgstr "Malde_kstra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:562
msgid "_Right"
msgstr "_Dekstra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:579
msgid "J_ustify"
msgstr "_Alkadrigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:596
msgid "Cen_ter"
msgstr "_Centra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:619
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Aranĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:638
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:671
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Fonkoloro"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:655
msgid "First li_ne:"
msgstr "Unua li_nio:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:710
msgid "R_ight:"
msgstr "D_ekstra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:726
msgid "L_eft:"
msgstr "Ma_ldekstra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:744
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Interspaco"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:761
msgid "Abo_ve:"
msgstr "Su_pra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:777
msgid "Belo_w:"
msgstr "Masup_ra:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:821
#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1260
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:645
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Randoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:904
msgid "Le_ft"
msgstr "M_aldekstra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:921
msgid "Righ_t"
msgstr "Dek_stra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:937
msgid "_Top"
msgstr "_Supra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:957
msgid "_Padding:"
msgstr "Ŝto_pado:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:996
msgid "_Bottom"
msgstr "_Malsupra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1027
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Krommarĝeno"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1128
msgid "Paragraph options"
msgstr "Alineaj opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Width"
msgstr "_Larĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column widths"
msgstr "Kolumnoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1209
msgid "%"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1235
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table options"
msgstr "Arbo-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1291
#, fuzzy
msgid "Padding:"
msgstr "Ŝto_pado:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Malde_kstra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right"
msgstr "_Dekstra"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1391
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cell options"
msgstr "Tipar-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1416
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Linitipo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1456
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1469
#, fuzzy
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "_Larĝo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1482
msgid "Line:"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1495
msgid "Fill:"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1510
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1586
msgid "pt"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1609
#, fuzzy
msgid "Spacing:"
msgstr "Interspaco"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1631
msgid "Draw shadow"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1673
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw options"
msgstr "Eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1828
msgid "Add a new style"
msgstr "Aldonu novan stilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1860
msgid "Edit the selected style"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan stilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1892
msgid "Delete the selected style"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan stilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:25
msgid "_Display on startup"
msgstr "Mon_tru ĉe la startigo"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:102
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:291
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "_Antaŭen"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:42
msgid "Install Selected _Addons"
msgstr "Instalu la elektitajn helpprogramojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:73
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1058
msgid "Available Gramps Updates for Addons"
msgstr "Disponeblaj Gramps-ĝistadigoj por helpprogramoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:90
msgid ""
"Gramps comes with a core set of plugins which provide all of the necessary "
"features. However, you can extend this functionality with additional Addons. "
"These addons provide reports, listings, views, gramplets, and more. Here you "
"can select among the available extra addons, they will be retrieved from the "
"internet off of the Gramps website, and installed locally on your computer. "
"If you close this dialog now, you can install addons later from the menu "
"under Edit -> Preferences."
msgstr ""
"Gramps liveras aron de kromprogramoj kiuj provizas ĉiujn necesajn trajtojn. "
"Tamen oni povas etendi ĉi tiujn funkciojn per kromaj Helpprogramoj. Ĉi tiuj "
"helpprogramoj provizas raportojn, listigojn, vidojn, gramplet'ojn kaj tiel "
"plu. Ĉi tie oni povas elekti inter la disponeblaj kromaj helpprogramoj. Ili "
"estos elŝutitaj de la Retejo de Gramps, kaj instalitaj loke en la "
"komputilon. Se oni fermas ĉi tiun dialogon nun, oni povos instali la "
"helpprogramojn poste el la menuo sub Redaktu -> Agordoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:106
msgid "_Select All"
msgstr "_Elektu ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:121
msgid "Select _None"
msgstr "Elektu _neniun"

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:57
msgid ""
"Your version of gi (gnome-introspection) seems to be too old. You need a "
"version which has the function 'require_version' to start Gramps"
msgstr ""
"La versio de gi (gnome-instrospection) ŝajnas tro malnova. Necesas versio "
"kiu havas la funkcion 'require_version' por startigi Gramps'on"

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:71
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your pygobject version does not meet the requirements.\n"
"At least pygobject %(major)d.%(feature)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps "
"with a GUI.\n"
"Gramps will terminate now."
msgstr ""
"La versio de pygobject ne kontentigas la postulojn.\n"
"Por startigi Gramps'on kun grafika interfaco necesas minimume pygobject "
"Gramps ĉesos funkcii nun."

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:89
msgid ""
"Gdk, Gtk, Pango or PangoCairo typelib not installed.\n"
"Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.3.2 or later.\n"
"Then install introspection data for Gdk, Gtk, Pango and PangoCairo\n"
"Gramps will terminate now."
msgstr ""
"Gdk, Gtk aŭ Pango typelib ne instalitaj.\n"
"Instalu Gnome Introspection, kaj pygobject version 3.3.2 aŭ postan.\n"
"Instalu tiam la datumojn introspection por Gdk, Gtk, Pango kaj PangoCairo\n"
"Gramps ĉesos funkcii nun."

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:100
msgid ""
"cairo python support not installed. Install cairo for your version of "
"Gramps will terminate now."
msgstr ""
"cairo python support ne instalita. Instalu cairo por via versio de python\n"
"Gramps ĉesos funkcii nun."

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:118
msgid "Danger: This is unstable code!"
msgstr "Danĝero: ĝi estas nestabila kodo!"

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:119
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"This Gramps ('master') is a development release. This version is not meant "
"for normal usage. Use at your own risk.\n"
"This version may:\n"
"1) Work differently than you expect.\n"
"2) Fail to run at all.\n"
"3) Crash often.\n"
"4) Corrupt your data.\n"
"5) Save data in a format that is incompatible with the official release.\n"
"%(bold_start)sBACKUP%(bold_end)s your existing databases before opening them "
"with this version, and make sure to export your data to XML every now and "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu Gramps 4.1-trunko estas porprogramista eldono. Ĉi tiu versio ne celas "
"esti por normala uzado. Uzu laŭ via risko.\n"
"Ĉi tiu version povus:\n"
"1) Funkcii malsame ol vi atendas.\n"
"2) Malsukcesi eĉ starti.\n"
"3) Ofte kolapsi.\n"
"4) Difekti viajn datumojn.\n"
"5) Konservi datumojn enformo ne kongruebla kun la oficiala eldono.\n"
"<b>SEKURKOPIU</b> viajn datumbazojn antaŭ ol malfermi ilin per ĉi tiu "
"version kaj certiĝu eksporti viajn datumojn al XML de tempo al tempo."

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:174
msgid "Gramps detected an incomplete GTK installation"
msgstr "Gramps detektis nekompletan GTK-instalon"

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:175
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"GTK translations for the current language (%(language)s) are missing.\n"
"%(bold_start)sGramps%(bold_end)s will proceed nevertheless.\n"
"The GUI will likely be broken as a result, especially for RTL languages!\n"
"See the Gramps README documentation for installation prerequisites,\n"
"typically located in /usr/share/doc/gramps.\n"
msgstr ""
"Tradukoj de GTK por la aktuala lingvo (%s) mankas.\n"
"<b>Gramps</b> tamen funkcios same.\n"
"La grafika interfaco ŝajnos difektita, ĉefe por la dekstre-maldekstren'aj "
"Vidu la dosieron README de la Gramps-documentaro por la instalaj "
"kutime lokigitaj en /usr/share/doc/gramps."

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:218 ../gramps/guiQML/grampsqml.py:99
msgid "Error parsing arguments"
msgstr "Eraro dum la analizo de la argumentoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:267 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:305
msgid ""
"Gramps failed to start. Please report a bug about this.\n"
"This could be because of an error in a (third party) View on startup.\n"
"To use another view, don't load a Family Tree, change view, and then load "
"your Family Tree.\n"
"You can also change manually the startup view in the gramps.ini file \n"
"by changing the last-view parameter.\n"
msgstr ""
"Gramps malsukcesis starti. Bv raporti cimon pri tio.\n"
"Tio povus okazi pro eraro en Vido (de ekstera liveranto) dum la ekrulo.\n"
"Por uzi alian vidon, ne ŝargu Genealogian Arbon, ŝanĝu vidon kaj tiam ŝargu "
"la Genealogian Arbon.\n"
"Oni povas ankaŭ ŝanĝi mane la komencan vidon en la dosiero gramps.ini\n"
"modifante la lastvidan parametron.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:73
msgid "Error Report Assistant"
msgstr "Asistanto pri erarraporto"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:236
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr "Raportu cimon"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:243
msgid ""
"This is the Bug Reporting Assistant. It will help you to make a bug report "
"to the Gramps developers that will be as detailed as possible.\n"
"The assistant will ask you a few questions and will gather some information "
"about the error that has occured and the operating environment. At the end "
"of the assistant you will be asked to file a bug report on the Gramps bug "
"tracking system. The assistant will place the bug report on the clip board "
"so that you can paste it into the form on the bug tracking website and "
"review exactly what information you want to include."
msgstr ""
"Tio estas cimraporta asistanto. Ĝi helpos por fari cimraporton kiel eble "
"plej detalitan al la Gramps-programistoj.\n"
"La asistanto faros al vi kelkajn demandojn kaj kolektos kelkajn informojn "
"pri la eraro kiu okazis kaj la operaciuma ĉirkaŭaĵo. Ĉe la fino la asistanto "
"petos sendi cimraporton per la cimspura sistemo de Gramps. La asistanto "
"kopios la cimraporton en la tondujon tiel oni povos alglui en la formularo "
"de la cimspura retejo kaj tie kontroli kiun informon sendi kaj kiun ne."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:260
msgid ""
"If you can see that there is any personal information included in the error "
"please remove it."
msgstr "Se oni rimarkas iun ajn personan informon en la eraro, bv forigi ĝin."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:303
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:331
msgid "Error Details"
msgstr "Erardetaloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:308
msgid ""
"This is the detailed Gramps error information, don't worry if you do not "
"understand it. You will have the opportunity to add further detail about the "
"error in the following pages of the assistant."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tio estas detalita Gramps-erara informo, oni ne zorgu se oni ne komprenas "
"ĝin. Oni havos la eblecon aldoni kromajn detalojn pri la eraro en la postaj "
"paĝoj de la asistanto."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:338
msgid ""
"Please check the information below and correct anything that you know to be "
"wrong or remove anything that you would rather not have included in the bug "
msgstr ""
"Bv kontroli la informojn ĉi-malsupre kaj korekti kion vi taksas erara aŭ "
"forigi cion kion oni preferas ne inkluzivi en la cimraporto."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:383
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:409
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Operaciumaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:388
msgid ""
"This is the information about your system that will help the developers to "
"fix the bug."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiuj estas informoj pri via operaciumo kiuj helpos la programistojn "
"korekti la eraron."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:416
msgid ""
"Please provide as much information as you can about what you were doing when "
"the error occured."
msgstr ""
"Bv provizi kiom eble pli da informoj pri tio, kion oni faris dum okazis la "

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:455
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:480
msgid "Further Information"
msgstr "Kromaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:460
msgid ""
"This is your opportunity to describe what you were doing when the error "
msgstr "Jen la ebleco priskribi kion oni faris dum la okazo de la eraro."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:487
msgid ""
"Please check that the information is correct, do not worry if you don't "
"understand the detail of the error information. Just make sure that it does "
"not contain anything that you do not want to be sent to the developers."
msgstr ""
"Bv kontroli ke la informo estas ĝusta, kaj ne zorgi ke oni ne komprenas la "
"detalon de la erarinformo. Nur certiĝu ke ĝi ne entenas ion kion oni volas "
"ne sendi al la programistoj."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:519
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:546
msgid "Bug Report Summary"
msgstr "Cimraporta resumo"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:524
msgid ""
"This is the completed bug report. The next page of the assistant will help "
"you to file a bug on the Gramps bug tracking system website."
msgstr ""
"Jen la kompleta cimraporto. La posta paĝo de la asistanto helpos arkivi "
"cimon en la Gramps'a reta cimspurada sistemo."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:555
msgid ""
"Use the two buttons below to first copy the bug report to the clipboard and "
"then open a webbrowser to file a bug report at "
msgstr ""
"Uzu la du malsuprajn butonojn por kopii la cimaraporton en la tondujon kaj "
"tiam oni malfermu retfoliumilo por arkivi cimraporton ĉe "

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:564
msgid ""
"Use this button to start a web browser and file a bug report on the Gramps "
"bug tracking system."
msgstr ""
"Uzu ĉi tiun butonon por startigi refoliumilon kaj arkivi cimraporton en la "
"Gramps'a cimspurada sistemo."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:586
msgid ""
"Use this button to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. Then go to the "
"bug tracking website by using the button below, paste the report and click "
"submit report"
msgstr ""
"Uzu ĉi tiun butonon por kopii la cimraporton en la tondujon. Tiam iru al la "
"cimspurada retejo uzante la malsupran butonon, algluu la raporton kaj "
"alklaku por sendi la raporton."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:618
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:645
msgid "Send Bug Report"
msgstr "Sendu cimraporton"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:623
msgid ""
"This is the final step. Use the buttons on this page to start a web browser "
"and file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system."
msgstr ""
"Jen la fina ŝtupo. Uzu la butonojn sur ĉi tiu paĝo por startigi refoliumilon "
"kaj arkivi cimraporton en la Gramps'a cimspura sistemo."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:652
msgid ""
"Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success depends on its users. User "
"feedback is important. Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report."
msgstr ""
"GRAMPS apartenas al la Liberprogramara projekto. Ĝia sukceso dependas de la "
"uzantoj. La komentoj de la uzantoj estas gravaj. dankon por la tempo perdita "
"por sendi cimraporton."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:45
msgid "manual|General"
msgstr "Ĝenerala"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:83
msgid "Error Report"
msgstr "Erarraporto"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:100
msgid "Gramps has experienced an unexpected error"
msgstr "Al Gramps okazis neatendita eraro"

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:109
msgid ""
"Your data will be safe but it would be advisable to restart Gramps "
"immediately. If you would like to report the problem to the Gramps team "
"please click Report and the Error Reporting Wizard will help you to make a "
"bug report."
msgstr ""
"La datumo estas savitaj, sed pli bone tuj restartigi Gramps'on. Se oni volas "
"raporti la problemon al la Gramps-teamo bv alklaki Raporton kaj La asistanto "
"por la erarraportado helpos por fari cimraporton."

#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:118
#: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:132
msgid "Error Detail"
msgstr "Erardetalo"

#: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:41
#, python-format
msgid "Filter %s from Clipboard"
msgstr "Filtrilo %s el tondujo"

#: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:46
#, python-format
msgid "Created on %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d"
msgstr "Kreita la %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:47
msgid "manual|Merge_Citations"
msgstr "Kunfandu _citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:462
msgid "Merge Citations"
msgstr "Kunfandu citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:46
msgid "manual|Merge_Events"
msgstr "Kunfandu _eventojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:68
msgid "Merge Events"
msgstr "Kunfandu _eventojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:47
msgid "manual|Merge_Families"
msgstr "Kunfandu _familiojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:69
msgid "Merge Families"
msgstr "Kunfandu familiojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:222
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:329
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:417
msgid "Cannot merge people"
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi personojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:45
msgid "manual|Merge_Media_Objects"
msgstr "Kunfandu aŭdvideajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:45
msgid "manual|Merge_Notes"
msgstr "Konservu _notojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "flowed"
msgstr "fluinta"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94
msgid "preformatted"
msgstr "antaŭformatita"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:59
msgid "manual|Merge_People"
msgstr "Kunfandu _personojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:90
msgid "Merge People"
msgstr "Kunfandu personojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:194
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:334
msgid "Alternate Names"
msgstr "Alternativaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:201
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:449
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:463
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:97
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:298
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:119
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:35 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:43
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1759
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1818
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1870
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3629
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3817
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6280
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Eventoj"

#. Go over parents and build their menu
#. don't show rest
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:216
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1768
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:305
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:125
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1780
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:525 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:849
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:885
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:379
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2912
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5250
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6429
msgid "Parents"
msgstr "Gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:219
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:233
msgid "Family ID"
msgstr "Famili-ID"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:225
msgid "No parents found"
msgstr "Neniu gepatro trovita"

#. Go over spouses and build their menu
#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:227
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1654
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1660
msgid "Spouses"
msgstr "Geedzoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:237
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:81
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:531
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1393
msgid "Spouse"
msgstr "Geedzo"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:251
msgid "No spouses or children found"
msgstr "Neniu geedzo aŭ filo trovita"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:255
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:361
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1362
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Adresoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:54
msgid "manual|Merge_Places"
msgstr "Kunfandu _lokojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:45
msgid "manual|Merge_Repositories"
msgstr "Kunfandu _deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:46
msgid "manual|Merge_Sources"
msgstr "Kunfandu _fontojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:68
msgid "Merge Sources"
msgstr "Kunfandu fontojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:283
msgid "Report Selection"
msgstr "Raport-elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:285
msgid "Generate selected report"
msgstr "Kreu elektitan raporton"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:285
msgid "_Generate"
msgstr "_Kreu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:314
msgid "Tool Selection"
msgstr "Il-elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:315
msgid "Select a tool from those available on the left."
msgstr "Elektu ilon el tiuj disponeblaj maldekstre."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:316 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:144
msgid "_Run"
msgstr "_Plenumu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:317
msgid "Run selected tool"
msgstr "Lanĉu elektitan ilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:83
msgid "Select surname"
msgstr "Elektu familinomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:329
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Totalo"

#. we could use database.get_surname_list(), but if we do that
#. all we get is a list of names without a count...therefore
#. we'll traverse the entire database ourself and build up a
#. list that we can use
#. for name in database.get_surname_list():
#. self.__model.append([name, 0])
#. build up the list of surnames, keeping track of the count for each
#. name (this can be a lengthy process, so by passing in the
#. dictionary we can be certain we only do this once)
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:117
msgid "Finding Surnames"
msgstr "Serĉas familinomojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:118
msgid "Finding surnames"
msgstr "Serĉas familinomojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:656
msgid "Select a different person"
msgstr "Elektu malsaman personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:683
msgid "Select a person for the report"
msgstr "Elektu personon por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:764
msgid "Select a different family"
msgstr "Elektu malsaman familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:865
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:174
msgid "unknown father"
msgstr "nekonata patro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:871
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:180
msgid "unknown mother"
msgstr "nekonata patrino"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:873
#, python-format
msgid "%(father_name)s and %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)"
msgstr "%(father_name)s kaj %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1219
#, python-format
msgid "Also include %s?"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi ankaŭ %s?"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1221
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:67
msgid "Select Person"
msgstr "Elektu personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1538
#, python-format
msgid "Select color for %s"
msgstr "Elektu koloron por %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1696
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:448
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Konservu kiel"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1699 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:429
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:663
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Open"
msgstr "Mal_fermu ligilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1776
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:325
msgid "Style Editor"
msgstr "Stil-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:88
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Kaŝita"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:90
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Videbla"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:95
msgid "Plugin Manager"
msgstr "Kromprograma administranto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:141 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:195
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informoj"

#. id_col
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:144 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:198
msgid "Hide/Unhide"
msgstr "Kaŝu/Malkaŝu"

#. id_col
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:152 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:207
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Ŝargu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:158
msgid "Registered Plugins"
msgstr "Registritaj kromaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:171
msgid "Loaded"
msgstr "Ŝargita"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:176
msgid "File"
msgstr "Dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:185
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mesaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:213
msgid "Loaded Plugins"
msgstr "Ŝargitaj kromaĵoj"

#. self.addon_list.connect('button-press-event', self.button_press)
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:232
msgid "Addon Name"
msgstr "Helpprograma nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:247
msgid "Path to Addon:"
msgstr "Vojo al helpprogramo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:267
msgid "Install Addon"
msgstr "Instalu helpprogramon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:270
msgid "Install All Addons"
msgstr "Instalu ĉiujn helpprogramojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:273
msgid "Refresh Addon List"
msgstr "Aktualigu helpprograman liston"

#. Only show the "Reload" button when in debug mode
#. (without -O on the command line)
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:286
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Reŝargu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:309
msgid "Refreshing Addon List"
msgstr "Aktualigas helpprograman liston"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:310 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:315
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:406
msgid "Reading gramps-project.org..."
msgstr "Legas gramps-project.org..."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:333
msgid "Checking addon..."
msgstr "Kontrolas helpprogramon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:341
msgid "Unknown Help URL"
msgstr "Nekonata help-URL"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:352
msgid "Unknown URL"
msgstr "Nekonata URL"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:387
msgid "Install all Addons"
msgstr "Instalu ĉiujn helpprogramojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:387
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Instalas..."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:405
msgid "Installing Addon"
msgstr "Instalas helpprogramon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:426
msgid "Load Addon"
msgstr "Ŝarĝas helpprogramon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:487
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:188
msgid "Fail"
msgstr "Malsukceso"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:502 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:529
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Konfirmu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:606
msgid "Plugin name"
msgstr "Kromprograma nomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:608
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versio"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:609
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Aŭtoroj"

#. Save Frame
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:611
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:467
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:614
msgid "Detailed Info"
msgstr "Detalita informo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:671
msgid "Plugin Error"
msgstr "Kromprograma eraro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:736
msgid "_Execute"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1027
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:162
msgid "Main window"
msgstr "Ĉefa fenestro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1094
#, python-format
msgid "%(adjective)s: %(addon)s"
msgstr "%(adjective)s: %(addon)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1155
msgid "Downloading and installing selected addons..."
msgstr "Ŝargas kaj instalas la elektitajn helpprogramojn..."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1190
#, fuzzy
msgid "Installation Errors"
msgstr "Instalas helpprogramon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1191
#, fuzzy
msgid "The following addons had errors: "
msgstr "Oni renkontis la sekvajn problemojn:"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1195 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1203
msgid "Done downloading and installing addons"
msgstr "Finis ŝargi kaj instali helpprogramojn"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1197
msgid "{number_of} addon was installed."
msgid_plural "{number_of} addons were installed."
msgstr[0] "{number_of} helpprogramo estis instalita"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} helpprogramoj estis instalitaj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1200
msgid "You need to restart Gramps to see new views."
msgstr "Necesas restartigi Gramps'on por vidi la novajn vidojn."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1204
msgid "No addons were installed."
msgstr "Neniu helpprogramo estis instalita"

#. set up ManagedWindow
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:117
msgid "Export Assistant"
msgstr "Eksportasistanto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:178
msgid "Saving your data"
msgstr "Konservas viajn datumojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:224
msgid "Choose the output format"
msgstr "Elektu la eliran formon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:238
msgid "Export options"
msgstr "Eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:308
msgid "Select save file"
msgstr "Elektu lan konservotan dosieron"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:352
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:103
msgid "Final confirmation"
msgstr "Definitiva konfirmo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:368
msgid "Please wait while your data is selected and exported"
msgstr "Bv atendi dum la elekto kaj eksportado de viaj datumoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:380
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:447
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The data will be exported as follows:\n"
"Press Apply to proceed, Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort"
msgstr ""
"La datumoj estos eksportitaj kiel ĉi-sekve:\n"
"Premu Apliku por daŭrigi, Reen por revidi viajn opciojn, aŭ Rezignu por "

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:460
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The data will be saved as follows:\n"
"Press Apply to proceed, Go Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort"
msgstr ""
"La datumoj estos eksportitaj kiel ĉi-sekve:\n"
"Premu Apliku por daŭrigi, Reen por revidi viajn opciojn, aŭ Rezignu por "

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:470
msgid ""
"The selected file and folder to save to cannot be created or found.\n"
"Press Back to return and select a valid filename."
msgstr ""
"Ne eblis krei aŭ trovi la elektitan dosieron kaj la dosierujon kie "
"Premu Reen por reveni kaj elekti validan dosiernomon."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:496
msgid "Your data has been saved"
msgstr "Viaj datumoj estis konservitaj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:498
msgid ""
"The copy of your data has been successfully saved. You may press Close "
"button now to continue.\n"
"Note: the database currently opened in your Gramps window is NOT the file "
"you have just saved. Future editing of the currently opened database will "
"not alter the copy you have just made. "
msgstr ""
"La kopioo de la datumoj sukcese konserviĝis. Nun premu la butonon Fermu por "
"Noto: La datumbazo nun malfermita en via Gramps-fenestro NE estas la dosiero "
"ĵus konservita. Redaktado de ĉi tiu malfermita dosiero ne modifo la kopio "
"ĵus konservita. "

#. add test, what is dir
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:506
#, python-format
msgid "Filename: %s"
msgstr "Dosiernomo: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:508
msgid "Saving failed"
msgstr "Konservado malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:510
msgid ""
"There was an error while saving your data. You may try starting the export "
"Note: your currently opened database is safe. It was only a copy of your "
"data that failed to save."
msgstr ""
"Okazis eraro dum la konservado de la datumoj. Eblas provi restartigi la "
"eksportadon ankoraŭ.\n"
"Noto: la aktuala datumbazo estas sekura. Temis nur pri kopio de la datumoj "
"kiuj malsukcesis konserviĝi."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:531
msgid ""
"Under normal circumstances, Gramps does not require you to directly save "
"your changes. All changes you make are immediately saved to the database.\n"
"This process will help you save a copy of your data in any of the several "
"formats supported by Gramps. This can be used to make a copy of your data, "
"backup your data, or convert it to a format that will allow you to transfer "
"it to a different program.\n"
"If you change your mind during this process, you can safely press the Cancel "
"button at any time and your present database will still be intact."
msgstr ""
"En normala cirkumstancoj, Gramps ne postulas ke oni rekte konservu la "
"ŝanĝojn. Ĉiuj modifoj kiujn oni faras estas tuj konservitaj en la "
"Ĉi tiu proceso helpos konservi kopion de la datumoj en unu el la "
"plurajnformoj subtenataj de Gramps. Tion oni povas uzi por fari kopion de la "
"datumoj, sekurkopii ilin, aŭ konverti ilin al formo kiu permesos la "
"transigon en malsaman programon.\n"
"Se oni ŝanĝas ideon dum ĉi tiu proceso, oni povas sekure premi la butonon "
"Rezignu kiam ajn kaj la aktuala datumbazo restos netuŝita."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:601
msgid "Error exporting your Family Tree"
msgstr "Eraro dum la eksporto de via Geneaologia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selecting Preview Data"
msgstr "Elekto de antaŭvidotaj datumoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:55
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:58
msgid "Selecting..."
msgstr "Elektas..."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:147
msgid "Unfiltered Family Tree:"
msgstr "Nefiltrita Genealogia Arbo:"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:151
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:257
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:552
msgid "{number_of} Person"
msgid_plural "{number_of} People"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} Person"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} Personoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:154
msgid "Click to see preview of unfiltered data"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon de neflitritaj datumoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:166
msgid "_Do not include records marked private"
msgstr "_Ne inkluzivu registrojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:181
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:367
msgid "Change order"
msgstr "Ŝanĝu la ordigon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:186
msgid "Calculate Previews"
msgstr "Kalkulu antaŭrigardojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:266
msgid "_Person Filter"
msgstr "_Person-filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:278
msgid "Click to see preview after person filter"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon post personfiltrado"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:283
msgid "_Note Filter"
msgstr "_Notfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:295
msgid "Click to see preview after note filter"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon post notfiltrado"

#. Frame 3:
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:298
msgid "Privacy Filter"
msgstr "Privatecfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:304
msgid "Click to see preview after privacy filter"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon post privatecfiltrado"

#. Frame 4:
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:307
msgid "Living Filter"
msgstr "Filtrilo de vivantoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:314
msgid "Click to see preview after living filter"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon post vivantofiltrado"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:318
msgid "Reference Filter"
msgstr "Referencfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:324
msgid "Click to see preview after reference filter"
msgstr "Alklaku por vidi antaŭrigardon post referencfiltrado"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:374
msgid "Hide order"
msgstr "Kaŝu ordigon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:567
msgid "Filtering private data"
msgstr "Filtras privatajn datumojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:576
msgid "Filtering living persons"
msgstr "Filtras vivantojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:592
msgid "Applying selected person filter"
msgstr "Aplikas elektitan personfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:602
msgid "Applying selected note filter"
msgstr "Aplikas elektitan notfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:611
msgid "Filtering referenced records"
msgstr "Filtras referencitajn rikordojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:652
msgid "Cannot edit a system filter"
msgstr "Ne eblas redakti sistemfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:653
msgid "Please select a different filter to edit"
msgstr "Bv elekti malsaman redaktotan filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:682
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:707
msgid "Include all selected people"
msgstr "Inkluzivu ĉiujn elektitajn personojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:696
msgid "Include all selected notes"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitajn notojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:708
msgid "Replace given names of living people"
msgstr "Anstataŭu antaŭnomojn de vivantoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:709
msgid "Do not include living people"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu vivantojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:717
msgid "Include all selected records"
msgstr "Inkluzivu ĉiujn elektitajn rikordojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:718
msgid "Do not include records not linked to a selected person"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu rikordojn neligitajn al elektita persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:94
msgid "Web Connect"
msgstr "TTT-konekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:139
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:75
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:155
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:157
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:196
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:203
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:371
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:152
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:290
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:214
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:209
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:219
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:201
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:153
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:138
msgid "Quick View"
msgstr "Rapida vido"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:122
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy all"
msgstr "Grupigu ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:153
msgid "See data not in Filter"
msgstr "Vidu datumojn ne tra filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:182
#, python-format
msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s (%(id)s)"
msgstr "%(father)s kaj %(mother)s (%(id)s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:218
msgid "Available Books"
msgstr "Disponeblaj libroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:288
msgid "Discard Unsaved Changes"
msgstr "Ignoru nekonservitajn modifojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:289
msgid "You have made changes which have not been saved."
msgstr "Oni fari kelkajn modifojn ne konservitajn."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:290
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:743
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Procedu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:347
msgid "Name of the book. MANDATORY"
msgstr "Nomo de la libro. DEVIGA"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:407
msgid "New Book"
msgstr "Nova libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:410
msgid "_Available items"
msgstr "_Disponeblaj elementoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:414
msgid "Current _book"
msgstr "Aktuala li_bro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:422
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:301
msgid "Item name"
msgstr "Elementnomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:425
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Temo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:437
msgid "Book selection list"
msgstr "Librolisto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:491
msgid "Different database"
msgstr "Alia datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:492
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This book was created with the references to database %s.\n"
" This makes references to the central person saved in the book invalid.\n"
"Therefore, the central person for each item is being set to the active "
"person of the currently opened database."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu libro estis kreita kun la referencoj al datumbazo %s.\n"
"Tio igas nevalidaj la referencojn al la centra persono konservita en la "
"Do, la centra persono por ĉiu elemento estas agordita kiel aktiva persono de "
"la aktuala datumbazo malfermita."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:594
msgid "No selected book item"
msgstr "Neniu libroelemento elektita"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:595
msgid "Please select a book item to configure."
msgstr "Bv elekti libroelementon por agordi"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:656
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:230 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:408
msgid "_Up"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:657
#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:231 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:409
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Down"
msgstr "Elŝuto"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:658
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Agordoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:668
msgid "Book Menu"
msgstr "Libromenuo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:696
msgid "Available Items Menu"
msgstr "Menuo de la disponeblaj elementoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:719
msgid "No items"
msgstr "Neniu elemento"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:719
msgid "This book has no items."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu libro ne havas elementojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:731
msgid "No book name"
msgstr "Neniu libronomo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:732
msgid ""
"You are about to save away a book with no name.\n"
"Please give it a name before saving it away."
msgstr ""
"Oni estas konservonta libron sen nomo.\n"
"Bonvolu nomi ĝin antaŭ ol konservi."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:739
msgid "Book name already exists"
msgstr "La nomo de la libro jam ekzistas"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:740
msgid "You are about to save away a book with a name which already exists."
msgstr "Oni estas konservonta libron kun nomo jam ekzistanta."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:952
msgid "Gramps Book"
msgstr "Gramps-Libro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:128
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphvizreportdialog.py:177
msgid "Paper Options"
msgstr "Paper-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:133
msgid "HTML Options"
msgstr "HTML-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:170
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphvizreportdialog.py:150
msgid "Output Format"
msgstr "Elira formo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:177
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphvizreportdialog.py:157
msgid "Open with default viewer"
msgstr "Malfermu per defaŭlta vidigilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:216
msgid "CSS file"
msgstr "CSS-dosiero"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:106
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Vertikala"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:107
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Horizontala"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:212
msgid "inch|in."
msgstr "col."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:141
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Agordaro"

#. Styles Frame
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:320
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:101
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:230
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Stilo"

#. better to 'Show siblings of\nthe center person
#. Spouse_disp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Show spouses of\nthe center "
#. "person"), 0)
#. Spouse_disp.add_item( 0, _("No.  Do not show Spouses"))
#. Spouse_disp.add_item( 1, _("Yes, and use the Main Display Format"))
#. Spouse_disp.add_item( 2, _("Yes, and use the Secondary "
#. "Display Format"))
#. Spouse_disp.set_help(_("Show spouses of the center person?"))
#. menu.add_option(category_name, "Spouse_disp", Spouse_disp)
#. #################
#. #########################
#. ###############################
#. ---------------------
#. ###############################
#. Report Options
#. #########################
#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:363
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:809
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:464
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:650
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:947
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:383
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:285
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:570
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:264
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:410
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:398
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:746
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:903
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:254
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:639
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:923
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:337
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:195
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:384
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:162
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:128
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:278
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:863
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7991
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1318
msgid "Report Options"
msgstr "Raport-opcioj"

#. need any labels at top:
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:452
msgid "Document Options"
msgstr "Dokument-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:498
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:525
msgid "Permission problem"
msgstr "Permesproblemo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:499
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You do not have permission to write under the directory %s\n"
"Please select another directory or correct the permissions."
msgstr ""
"Oni ne havas skribpermeson por la dosierujo %s\n"
"Bv elekti alian dosierujon aŭ korekti la permesojn."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:508
msgid "File already exists"
msgstr "La dosiero jam ekzistas"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:509
msgid ""
"You can choose to either overwrite the file, or change the selected filename."
msgstr ""
"Vi povas elekti ĉu anstataŭi la dosiero, aŭ ŝanĝi la elektitan dosiernomon."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:511
msgid "_Overwrite"
msgstr "_Anstataŭu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:512
msgid "_Change filename"
msgstr "_Ŝanĝu dosiernomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:526
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You do not have permission to create %s\n"
"Please select another path or correct the permissions."
msgstr ""
"Oni ne havas permeson krei %s\n"
"Bv elekti alian vojon aŭ korekti la permesojn."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:533
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "No directory"
msgstr "Neaktiva deponejo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:534
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:144
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"There is no directory %s.\n"
"Please select another directory or create it."
msgstr ""
"Oni ne havas skribpermeson por la dosierujo %s\n"
"Bv elekti alian dosierujon aŭ korekti la permesojn."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:661
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:136 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:149
msgid "Active person has not been set"
msgstr "Ne estis agordita la aktivan personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:662
msgid "You must select an active person for this report to work properly."
msgstr "Oni devas elekti aktivan personon por ke ĉi tiu raporto bone funkciu."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:714
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:720
msgid "Report could not be created"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei raporton"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:85
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:115
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:157
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:168 gtklist.h:1
msgid "default"
msgstr "defaŭlta"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:88
msgid "Document Styles"
msgstr "Dokumentstiloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:128
msgid "New Style"
msgstr "Nova stilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:139
msgid "Error saving stylesheet"
msgstr "Eraro dum konservo de la stilfolio"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:227
msgid "Style editor"
msgstr "Stil-redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:305
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:326
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:342
#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:375
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Nenia priskribo disponebla"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:352
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Column %d:"
msgstr "Kolumnoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:55
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Sencimigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:56
msgid "Analysis and Exploration"
msgstr "Analizo kaj esploro"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:57
msgid "Family Tree Processing"
msgstr "Prilaborado de genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:58
msgid "Family Tree Repair"
msgstr "Riparo de Genealogia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:59
msgid "Revision Control"
msgstr "Revizia kontrolo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:60
msgid "Utilities"
msgstr "Utilaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:109
msgid ""
"Proceeding with this tool will erase the undo history for this session. In "
"particular, you will not be able to revert the changes made by this tool or "
"any changes made prior to it.\n"
"If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and "
"backup your database."
msgstr ""
"Procedo kun ĉi tiu ilo forigos la Malfaran historion por ĉi tiu seanco. Pli "
"precize, oni ne povos malfari la ŝanĝojn faritaj per ĉi tiu ilo aŭ ĉiujn "
"ŝanĝojn faritaj antaŭe.\n"
"Se oni pensas ke oni intencos malfari per ĉi tiu ilo, bv halti ĉi tie kaj "
"sekurkopii la datumbazon."

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:115
msgid "_Proceed with the tool"
msgstr "_Procedu kun la ilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:137 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:150
msgid "You must select an active person for this tool to work properly."
msgstr "Oni devas elekti aktivan personon por ke ĉi tiu ilo bone funkciu."

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:58
msgid "Select Source or Citation"
msgstr "Elektu fonton aŭ citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:65
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:93
msgid "Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page"
msgstr "Fonto: Titolo aŭ Citaĵo: Volumo/Paĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:67
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:66
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:63
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:69
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:73
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:82
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:65
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:62
#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:63
msgid "Last Change"
msgstr "Lasta modifo"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:53
msgid "Select Event"
msgstr "Elektu eventon"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:53
msgid "Select Family"
msgstr "Elektu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:58
msgid "Select Note"
msgstr "Elektu noton"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:60
msgid "Select Media Object"
msgstr "Elektu aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:54
msgid "Select Place"
msgstr "Elektu lokon"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:53
msgid "Select Repository"
msgstr "Elektu deponejon"

#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:53
msgid "Select Source"
msgstr "Elektu fonton"

#: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:88
msgid "Off"
msgstr "For"

#: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:91
msgid "On"
msgstr "Ek"

#: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:145
msgid ""
"You have no installed dictionaries. Either install one or disable spell "
msgstr ""
"Neniu vortaro instalita. Instalu unu vortaron aŭ malebligu literuman "

#: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:147
#, python-format
msgid "Spelling checker initialization failed: %s"
msgstr "La pravalorizado de la literumada kontrolilo malsukcesis: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:67 ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:68
#: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:119 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:500
msgid "Tip of the Day"
msgstr "Tagsugesto"

#: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:86
msgid "Failed to display tip of the day"
msgstr "Montro de la tagsugesto malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:87
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to read the tips from external file.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ne eblis legi la sugestojn el ekstera dosiero.\n"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:63
msgid "Undo History"
msgstr "Malfara Historio"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:72 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:576
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1167
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "Malfar_u"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:74 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:581
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1184
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Refaru"

#. self.tree.append_column(
#. Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Original time'), self.renderer,
#. text=0, foreground=2, background=3))
#. self.tree.append_column(
#. Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Action'), self.renderer,
#. text=1, foreground=2, background=3))
#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:101
msgid "Original time"
msgstr "Origina horo"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:104
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Ago"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:181
msgid "Delete confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmu forigon"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:182
msgid "Are you sure you want to clear the Undo history?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas purigi la malfaran historion?"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:183 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:80
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Purigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:219
msgid "Database opened"
msgstr "Malfermita datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:221
msgid "History cleared"
msgstr "Historio purigita"

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:220
msgid "Canceling..."
msgstr "Rezignas..."

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:300
msgid "Please do not force closing this important dialog."
msgstr "Bv ne fermi perforte ĉi tiun gravan dialogon."

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:363
msgid "The external program failed to launch or experienced an error"
msgstr "La ekstera programo malsukcesis lanĉi aŭ ekhavis eraron"

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:373
msgid "Error from external program"
msgstr "Eraro el ekstera programo"

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:574
msgid ""
"Cannot open new citation editor at this time. Either the citation is already "
"being edited, or the associated source is already being edited, and opening "
"a citation editor (which also allows the source to be edited), would create "
"ambiguity by opening two editors on the same source. \n"
"To edit the citation, close the source editor and open an editor for the "
"citation alone"
msgstr ""
"Ĝuste nun ne eblas malfermi citaĵredaktilon. Aŭ la citaĵo aŭ la ligita fonto "
"estas redaktataj kaj malfermo de citaĵredaktilo (kiu permesus ankaŭ redakti "
"la fonton), kreus ambiguecon malfermante du redaktilojn pri la sama fonto.\n"
"Por redakti la citaĵon, fermu la fontredaktikon kaj malfermu redaktilon por "
"la sola citaĵo."

#: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:587
msgid "Cannot open new citation editor"
msgstr "Ne eblas malfermi novan citaĵoredaktilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:454
msgid "Connect to a recent database"
msgstr "Konektu al lastatempa  datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:472
msgid "_Family Trees"
msgstr "_Genealogiaj Arboj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:473
msgid "_Manage Family Trees..."
msgstr "Ad_ministru Genealogiajn Arbojn..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:474
msgid "Manage databases"
msgstr "Administru datumbazojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:475
msgid "Open _Recent"
msgstr "Malfermu _lastatempan"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:476
msgid "Open an existing database"
msgstr "_Malfermu ekzistantan datumbazon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:477
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Finu"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:479
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Montru"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:481
msgid "_Preferences..."
msgstr "A_gordoj..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:484
msgid "Gramps _Home Page"
msgstr "GRAMPS-_hejmpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:486
msgid "Gramps _Mailing Lists"
msgstr "GRAMPS-_dissendolistoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:488
msgid "_Report a Bug"
msgstr "_Raportu cimon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:490
msgid "_Extra Reports/Tools"
msgstr "_Kromaj raportoj/Iloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:492
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Pri"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:494
msgid "_Plugin Manager"
msgstr "_Kromprograma administranto"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:496
msgid "_FAQ"
msgstr "O_ftaj Demandoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:497
msgid "_Key Bindings"
msgstr "_Klav-asocioj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:498
msgid "_User Manual"
msgstr "Manlibro de _uzanto"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:505
msgid "_Export..."
msgstr "_Eksportu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:507
msgid "Make Backup..."
msgstr "Faru sekurkopion..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:508
msgid "Make a Gramps XML backup of the database"
msgstr "Faru Gramps-XML-sekurkopion de la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:510
msgid "_Abandon Changes and Quit"
msgstr "Rezignu pri la ŝ_anĝoj kaj fermu"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:511 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:514
msgid "_Reports"
msgstr "_Raportoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:512
msgid "Open the reports dialog"
msgstr "Malfermu la raportdialogon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:513
msgid "_Go"
msgstr "_Iru"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:515
msgid "Books..."
msgstr "Libroj..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:516
msgid "_Windows"
msgstr "_Fenestroj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:553
msgid "Clip_board"
msgstr "Ton_dujo"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:554
msgid "Open the Clipboard dialog"
msgstr "Malfermu la tondujan dialogon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:555
msgid "_Import..."
msgstr "_Importu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:557 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:560
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "_Iloj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:558
msgid "Open the tools dialog"
msgstr "Malfermu la ildialogon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:559
msgid "_Bookmarks"
msgstr "L_egosignoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:561
msgid "_Configure..."
msgstr "A_gordu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:562
msgid "Configure the active view"
msgstr "Agordu la aktivan vidon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:567
msgid "_Navigator"
msgstr "_Navigilo"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:569
msgid "_Toolbar"
msgstr "_Ilbreto"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:571
msgid "F_ull Screen"
msgstr "T_utekrana"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:587
msgid "Undo History..."
msgstr "Malfara historio..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:610
#, python-format
msgid "Key %s is not bound"
msgstr "La klavo %s ne estas asociita"

#. load plugins
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:711
msgid "Loading plugins..."
msgstr "Ŝargas kromprogramojn ..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:718 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:733
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Preta"

#. registering plugins
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:726
msgid "Registering plugins..."
msgstr "Registras kromprogramojn..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:763
msgid "Autobackup..."
msgstr "Automata sekurkopio..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:767
msgid "Error saving backup data"
msgstr "Eraro dum la sekurkopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:778
msgid "Abort changes?"
msgstr "Ĉu ĉesigi la modifojn?"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:779
msgid ""
"Aborting changes will return the database to the state it was before you "
"started this editing session."
msgstr ""
"Ĉesigo de la ŝanĝoj revenigos la datumbazon al la stato antaŭ la startigo de "
"ĉi tiu redakta seanco."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:781
msgid "Abort changes"
msgstr "Ĉesigu la modifojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:791
msgid "Cannot abandon session's changes"
msgstr "Ne eblas rezigni pri la seancaj modifoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:792
msgid ""
"Changes cannot be completely abandoned because the number of changes made in "
"the session exceeded the limit."
msgstr ""
"Ne eblas tute rezigni pri la modifoj ĉar la nombro de ili superis la limon."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:948
msgid "View failed to load. Check error output."
msgstr "Vido malsukcesis ŝargiĝi. Kontrolu la erar-eligon."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1087
msgid "Import Statistics"
msgstr "Importu statistikojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1136
msgid "Read Only"
msgstr "Nurlega"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1219
msgid "Gramps XML Backup"
msgstr "Gramps-XML-sekurkopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1249
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:289
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Dosiero:"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1281
msgid "Media:"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj"

#. #################
#. --------------------
#. ###############################
#. What to include
#. #########################
#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1286
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:938
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1639
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:184
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:595
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:815
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:977
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:978
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:659
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:956
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8205
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Inkluzivu"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1287
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:199
msgid "Megabyte|MB"
msgstr "MB"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1288
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8199
msgid "Exclude"
msgstr "Ekskludu"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1304
msgid "Backup file already exists! Overwrite?"
msgstr "La sekurkopia dosiero jam ekzistas! Ĉu anstataŭigi?"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1305
#, python-format
msgid "The file '%s' exists."
msgstr "La dosiero '%s' jam ekzistas."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1306
msgid "Proceed and overwrite"
msgstr "Procedu kaj anstataŭigu"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1307
msgid "Cancel the backup"
msgstr "Rezignu pri la sekurkopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1315
msgid "Making backup..."
msgstr "Faras sekurkopion..."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1327
#, python-format
msgid "Backup saved to '%s'"
msgstr "Sekurkopio konservita en '%s'"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1330
msgid "Backup aborted"
msgstr "Sekurkopio ĉesigita"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1339
msgid "Select backup directory"
msgstr "Elektu sekurkopian dosierujon"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1598
msgid "Failed Loading Plugin"
msgstr "Kromprograma ŝargo malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1599
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The plugin %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n"
"If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at "
"%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the plugin author "
"If you do not want Gramps to try and load this plugin again, you can hide it "
"by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu."
msgstr ""
"La kromprogramo %(name)s nek ŝargis nek raportis eraron.\n"
"Se ne eblas mem ripari la misfunkcion oni povas sendi cimon alhttp://bugs."
"gramps-project.org aŭ kontakti la kromprograman aŭtoron "
"Se oni ne volas ke Gramps provu kaj ŝargu denove ĉi tiun kromprogramon, oni "
"povas kaŝi ĝin uzante la Kromprograman Administrilon ĉe la Helpmenuo."

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1654
msgid "Failed Loading View"
msgstr "Vidoŝargo malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1655
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The view %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n"
"If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at "
"%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the view author "
"If you do not want Gramps to try and load this view again, you can hide it "
"by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu."
msgstr ""
"La vido %(name)s nek ŝargis nek raportis eraron.\n"
"Se ne eblas mem ripari la misfunkcion oni povas sendi cimon al http://bugs."
"gramps-project.org aŭ kontakti la kromprograman aŭtoron "
"Se oni ne volas ke Gramps provu kaj ŝargu denove ĉi tiun vidon, oni povas "
"kaŝi ĝin uzante la Kromprograman Administrilon ĉe la Helpmenuo."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:64
msgid "manual|Bookmarks"
msgstr "Legosignoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:205 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:212
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:274
msgid "Organize Bookmarks"
msgstr "Organizu legosignojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:407
msgid "Cannot bookmark this reference"
msgstr "Ne eblis meti legosignon ĉe ĉi tiu referenco"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:209
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:378
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Aldonu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:213
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:382
msgid "_Merge..."
msgstr "_Kunfandu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:215
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:384
msgid "Export View..."
msgstr "Eksportu la vidon..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:221
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:369
msgid "action|_Edit..."
msgstr "_Redaktu..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:437
msgid "Active object not visible"
msgstr "Aktiva objekto nevidebla"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:448
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:255
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:184
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:197
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:220
msgid "Could Not Set a Bookmark"
msgstr "Ne eblis meti legosignon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:449
msgid "A bookmark could not be set because nothing was selected."
msgstr "Ne eblis meti legosignon ĉar nenio estis elektita."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:540
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multiple Selection Delete"
msgstr "Detalita elekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:541
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"More than one item has been selected for deletion. Select the option "
"indicating how to delete the items:"
msgstr ""
"Oni elektis pli ol unu elementon por forigo. Ĉu demandi por ĉiu unuopa "

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:543
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "_Elektu ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:544
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirm Each Delete"
msgstr "Konvertu al loka kopio"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:554
msgid ""
"This item is currently being used. Deleting it will remove it from the "
"database and from all other items that reference it."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu fonto estas daŭre utiligata. Ĝia forigo forprenos ĝin el la datumbazo "
"kaj el ĉiuj aliaj rikordoj kiuj referencas ĝin."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:558
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:265
msgid "Deleting item will remove it from the database."
msgstr "Forigante la elementon oni forigus ĝin ankaŭ el la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:565
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:310
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:258
#, python-format
msgid "Delete %s?"
msgstr "Ĉu forigi %s?"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:566
msgid "_Delete Item"
msgstr "_Forigu elementon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:607
msgid "Column clicked, sorting..."
msgstr "Kolumno alklakita, ordigas..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:999
msgid "Export View as Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Eksportu la vidon kiel kalkultabelon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1012
msgid "CSV"
msgstr "CSV"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1013
msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet"
msgstr "OpenDocument Kalkultabelo"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1209
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Kolumnoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:251
#, python-format
msgid "%s has been bookmarked"
msgstr "%s estis markita per legosigno"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:256
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:185
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:198
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:221
msgid "A bookmark could not be set because no one was selected."
msgstr "Ne eblis meti legosignon ĉar neniu estis elektita."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:271
msgid "_Add Bookmark"
msgstr "_Aldonu legosignon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:274
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s..."
msgstr "%(title)s..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:292
msgid "Go to the next object in the history"
msgstr "Iru la la posta objekto en la historio"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:299
msgid "_Back"
msgstr "_Reen"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:300
msgid "Go to the previous object in the history"
msgstr "Iru la la antaŭa objekto en la historio"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:304
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1542
msgid "_Home"
msgstr "_Hejmo"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:306
msgid "Go to the default person"
msgstr "Iru al la defaŭlta persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:310
msgid "Set _Home Person"
msgstr "_Agordu la hejmpersonon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:335
msgid "No Home Person"
msgstr "Neniu hejmpersono"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:336
msgid ""
"You need to set a 'default person' to go to. Select the People View, select "
"the person you want as 'Home Person', then confirm your choice via the menu "
"Edit ->Set Home Person."
msgstr ""
"Necesas agordi 'defaŭltan personon'. Elektu la Personvidon, elektu la "
"personon kiun vi volas kiel 'Hejmpersono', tiam konfirmu la elekton per la "
"menuero Redaktu -> Agordu Hejmpersonon."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:346
#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:349
msgid "Jump to by Gramps ID"
msgstr "Iru al la Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:373
#, python-format
msgid "Error: %s is not a valid Gramps ID"
msgstr "Eraro: %s ne estas valida Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:405
msgid "_Sidebar"
msgstr "_Flanka breto"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:408
msgid "_Bottombar"
msgstr "_Malsupra breto"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:578
#, python-format
msgid "Configure %(cat)s - %(view)s"
msgstr "Agordu %(cat)s - %(view)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:595
#, python-format
msgid "%(cat)s - %(view)s"
msgstr "%(cat)s - %(view)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:614
#, python-format
msgid "Configure %s View"
msgstr "Agordu %s vidon"

#. top widget at the top
#: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:628
#, python-format
msgid "View %(name)s: %(msg)s"
msgstr "Vido %(name)s: %(msg)s"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:221
msgid "New Tag..."
msgstr "Nova etikedo..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:223
msgid "Organize Tags..."
msgstr "Organizu etikedojn..."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:226
msgid "Tag selected rows"
msgstr "Etikedu la elektitajn liniojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:268
msgid "Adding Tags"
msgstr "Aldono de etikedoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:273
#, python-format
msgid "Tag Selection (%s)"
msgstr "Elekto de etikedo (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:336
msgid "Change Tag Priority"
msgstr "Modifu etikedan prioritaton"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:381 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:388
msgid "Organize Tags"
msgstr "Organizu etikedojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:484
#, python-format
msgid "Remove tag '%s'?"
msgstr "Forigu etikedon '%s'?"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:485
msgid ""
"The tag definition will be removed.  The tag will be also removed from all "
"objects in the database."
msgstr ""
"La etikeda difino estos forigita. La etikedo estos forigita ankaŭ el ĉiuj "
"objektoj en la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:516
msgid "Removing Tags"
msgstr "Etikeda forigo"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:521
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Tag (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu etikedon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:573
msgid "Cannot save tag"
msgstr "Ne eblis konservi la etikedon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:574
msgid "The tag name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Ne eblas lasi malplena la etikedan nomon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:578
#, python-format
msgid "Add Tag (%s)"
msgstr "Aldonu etikedon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:584
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Tag (%s)"
msgstr "Redaktu etikedon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:594
#, python-format
msgid "Tag: %s"
msgstr "Etikedo: %s"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:596
msgid "New Tag"
msgstr "Nova etikedo"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:606
msgid "Tag Name:"
msgstr "Etiked-nomo:"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:613
msgid "Pick a Color"
msgstr "Elektu koloron"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:131
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:139
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:147
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:155
msgid "Error in format"
msgstr "Form-eraro"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:549
#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:600
msgid "Building View"
msgstr "Kunmetas vidon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:603
msgid "Obtaining all rows"
msgstr "Ricevas ĉiujn liniojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:624
msgid "Applying filter"
msgstr "Aplikas filtrilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:634
msgid "Constructing column data"
msgstr "Konstruas kolumnodatumojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:160
msgid "Record is private"
msgstr "Rikordo privata"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:164
msgid "Record is public"
msgstr "Rikordo publika"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:86
msgid "Expand this section"
msgstr "Etendu ĉi tiun sekcion"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:90
msgid "Collapse this section"
msgstr "Maletendu ĉi tiun sekcion"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1592
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1596
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1625
msgid "People Menu"
msgstr "Person-menuo"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1617
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:798
msgid "Edit family"
msgstr "Redaktu familion"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1636
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:799
msgid "Reorder families"
msgstr "Reordigu familiojn"

#. Go over siblings and build their menu
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1688
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:316
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1695
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:901
msgid "Siblings"
msgstr "Gefratoj"

#. Go over children and build their menu
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1731
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:827
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:841
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:596
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:588
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1740
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1408
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:745
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Gefiloj"

#. Go over parents and build their menu
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1812
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1828
msgid "Related"
msgstr "Rilata"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1865
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add partner to person"
msgstr "Aldonas gepatrojn al persono"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1874
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a person"
msgstr "Aldonu novan personon"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1949
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1549
msgid "Add Child to Family"
msgstr "Aldonu fil(in)on al familio"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:187
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1174
msgid "Unnamed Gramplet"
msgstr "Sennoma Gramplet"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:340
msgid "Gramplet Bar"
msgstr "Gramplet-breto"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:342
msgid ""
"Select the down arrow on the right corner for adding, removing or restoring "
msgstr ""
"Elektu la malsuprenan sagon ĉe la dekstra angulo por aldoni, forigi aŭ "
"restaŭri gramplet'ojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:468
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:94
msgid "Add a gramplet"
msgstr "Aldonu gramplet'on"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:478
msgid "Remove a gramplet"
msgstr "Forigu gramplet'on"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:488
msgid "Restore default gramplets"
msgstr "Restaŭru defaŭltajn gramplet'ojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:526
msgid "Restore to defaults?"
msgstr "Restaŭru defaultajn agordojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:527
msgid ""
"The gramplet bar will be restored to contain its default gramplets.  This "
"action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"La gramplet-breto estos restaŭrita por enteni siajn defaŭltajn gramplet'ojn. "
"Ĉi tiu ago ne estos malfarebla."

#. default tooltip
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:796
msgid "Drag Properties Button to move and click it for setup"
msgstr "Trenu ecobutonon por movi kaj alklaku ĝin por agordi"

#. build the GUI:
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:992
msgid "Right click to add gramplets"
msgstr "Dekstre alklaku por aldoni gramplet'ojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1039
msgid "Untitled Gramplet"
msgstr "Sennoma gramplet"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1528
msgid "Number of Columns"
msgstr "Kolumnonombro"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1533
msgid "Gramplet Layout"
msgstr "Gramplet-aspekto"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1563
msgid "Use maximum height available"
msgstr "Uzu maksimuman alton disponeblan"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1569
msgid "Height if not maximized"
msgstr "Alto se ne maksimuma"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1576
msgid "Detached width"
msgstr "Malligita larĝo"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1583
msgid "Detached height"
msgstr "Malligita alto"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/labels.py:121
msgid ""
"Click to make this person active\n"
"Right click to display the edit menu\n"
"Click Edit icon (enable in configuration dialog) to edit"
msgstr ""
"Alklaku por igi ĉi tiun personon aktiva\n"
"Dekstre alklaku por montri la redaktan menuon\n"
"Alklaku redaktpiktogramon (ebligu en agordare dialogo) por redakti"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:651
msgid "Bad Date"
msgstr "Malbona dato"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:654
msgid "Date more than one year in the future"
msgstr "Dato pli ol unujara en la estonteco"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:57
msgid ""
"Double-click on the picture to view it in the default image viewer "
msgstr ""
"Duoble alklaku sur la bildon por montrii ĝin en la defaŭlta bildovidigilo."

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:299
msgid "Progress Information"
msgstr "Progresadinformoj"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:79
msgid "Reorder Relationships"
msgstr "Reordigu parencecojn"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:167
#, python-format
msgid "Reorder Relationships: %s"
msgstr "Reordigu parencecojn: %s"

#. spell checker submenu
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:367
msgid "Spellcheck"
msgstr "Kontrolu literumadon"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:372
msgid "Search selection on web"
msgstr "Serĉu elektaĵon en Reto"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:383
msgid "_Send Mail To..."
msgstr "_Sendu retmesaĝon al..."

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:385
msgid "Copy _E-mail Address"
msgstr "Kopiu _retadreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:388
msgid "_Open Link"
msgstr "Mal_fermu ligilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:390
msgid "Copy _Link Address"
msgstr "Kopiu _ligiladreson"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:394
msgid "_Edit Link"
msgstr "R_edaktu ligilon"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:466
msgid "Font Color"
msgstr "Tiparkoloro"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:468
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Fonkoloro"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:472
msgid "Clear Markup"
msgstr "Purigu markadon"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:512
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:513
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Malfaru"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:516
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:517
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Refaru"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:640
msgid "Select font color"
msgstr "Elektu tiparkoloron"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:642
msgid "Select background color"
msgstr "Elektu fonkoloron"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1284
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for this field"
msgstr "%s ne estas valida valoro por ĉi tiu kampo"

#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1344
msgid "This field is mandatory"
msgstr "Ĉi tiu kampo estas deviga"

#. used on AgeOnDateGramplet
#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1393
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid date value"
msgstr "%s ne estas valida datvaloro"

#: ../gramps/guiQML/views/dbman.py:158
msgid "Family Trees"
msgstr "Genealogiaj Arboj"

#: ../gramps/guiQML/views/dbman.py:159
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a Family Tree"
msgstr "Genealogia Arbo"

#. internal name: don't translate
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:444
msgid "Characters per line"
msgstr "Signoj por ĉiu linio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:445
msgid "The number of characters per line"
msgstr "La nombro de signoj por ĉiu linio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:31
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Plata teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:32
msgid "Generates documents in plain text format (.txt)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en platteksta formo (.txt)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:52
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Printu..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:53
msgid "Generates documents and prints them directly."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn kaj printas ilin senpere."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:73
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:74
msgid "Generates documents in HTML format."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en HTML-formo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:94
msgid "LaTeX"
msgstr "LaTeX"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:95
msgid "Generates documents in LaTeX format."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en Latex-formo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:115
msgid "OpenDocument Text"
msgstr "OpenDocument-Teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:116
msgid "Generates documents in OpenDocument Text format (.odt)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en OpenDocument-teksta formo (.odt)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:137
msgid "PDF document"
msgstr "PDF-dokumento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:138
msgid "Generates documents in PDF format (.pdf)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en PDF-formo (.pdf)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:159
msgid "Generates documents in PostScript format (.ps)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en PostSkripta-formo (.ps)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:179
msgid "RTF document"
msgstr "RTF-dokumento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:180
msgid "Generates documents in Rich Text format (.rtf)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en Riĉa Teskto-formo (.rtf)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:200
msgid "SVG document"
msgstr "SVG-dokumento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:201
msgid "Generates documents in Scalable Vector Graphics format (.svg)."
msgstr "Generas dokumentojn en formo de Skalebla Vektora Grafikaĵo (.svg)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:6
msgid "Print Preview"
msgstr "Printu antaŭrigardon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:26
msgid "Closes print preview window"
msgstr "Fermas printantaŭrigardan fenestron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:41
msgid "Prints the current file"
msgstr "Printas la aktualan dosieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:66
msgid "Shows the first page"
msgstr "Montras la unuan paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:83
msgid "Shows previous page"
msgstr "Montras la antaŭan paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:100
msgid "Shows the next page"
msgstr "Montras la postan paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:117
msgid "Shows the last page"
msgstr "Montras la lastan paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:195
msgid "Zooms to fit the page width"
msgstr "Zomas por adapti la paĝlarĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:210
msgid "Zooms to fit the whole page"
msgstr "Zomas por adapti la tutan paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:225
msgid "Zooms the page in"
msgstr "Zomas la paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:240
msgid "Zooms the page out"
msgstr "Malzomas la paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.py:482
#, python-format
msgid "of %d"
msgstr "el %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:274
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7944
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:251
msgid "Possible destination error"
msgstr "Ebla cel-eraro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:275
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7945
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:252
msgid ""
"You appear to have set your target directory to a directory used for data "
"storage. This could create problems with file management. It is recommended "
"that you consider using a different directory to store your generated web "
msgstr ""
"Ŝajnas ke oni agordis la celdosierujon al dosierujo uzata por enmemorigo de "
"datumoj. Tio povus krei problemojn kun la dosieradministrado. Estas "
"rekomendite ke oni uzu malsaman dosierujon por enmemorigi la generitajn "

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:554
#, python-format
msgid "Could not create jpeg version of image %(name)s"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei jpeg-version de la bildo %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/latexdoc.py:57
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"PIL (Python Imaging Library) not loaded. Production of jpg images from non-"
"jpg images in LaTeX documents will not be available. Use your package "
"manager to install python-imaging or python-pillow or python3-pillow"
msgstr ""
"PIL (Python Imaging Library) ne ŝargita.La kreo de jpg-bildoj el ne-jpg-"
"bildoj en LaTex -dokumentoj ne estos disponebla. Uzu vian pakaĵadministranto "
"por instali python-imaging."

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1221
#, python-format
msgid "Could not open %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis malfermi %s"

#. internal name: don't translate
#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:338
msgid "SVG background color"
msgstr "SVG-fonkoloro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:340
msgid "transparent background"
msgstr "travidebla fono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:341
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:672
msgid "white"
msgstr "blanka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:342
msgid "black"
msgstr "nigra"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:343
msgid "red"
msgstr "ruĝa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:344
msgid "green"
msgstr "verda"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:345
msgid "blue"
msgstr "blua"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:346
msgid "cyan"
msgstr "cejanbluo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:347
msgid "magenta"
msgstr "karmezina"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:348
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "flava"

#: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:349
msgid "The color, if any, of the SVG background"
msgstr "La koloro, se ĉeestas, de la SVG-fono"

#. we want no text, but need a text for the TOC in a book!
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:112
msgid "Ancestor Graph"
msgstr "Praulara grafikaĵo"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:129
#, python-format
msgid "Ancestor Graph for %s"
msgstr "Praulara grafikaĵo por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:592
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:678
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:48
msgid "Ancestor Tree"
msgstr "Praulara arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:593
msgid "Making the Tree..."
msgstr "Kreas la arbon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:679
msgid "Printing the Tree..."
msgstr "Printas la arbon..."

#. #################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:768
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1494
msgid "Tree Options"
msgstr "Arbo-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:770
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:474
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:652
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:287
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:580
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:266
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:422
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:400
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:749
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:906
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:256
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:339
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:197
msgid "Center Person"
msgstr "Centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:771
msgid "The center person for the tree"
msgstr "La centra persono por la arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:774
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include siblings of the center person"
msgstr "Inkluzivu parencecon al la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:775
msgid ""
"Whether to only display the center person or all of his/her siblings too"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:779
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1518
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:658
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:274
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:416
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:762
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:923
msgid "Generations"
msgstr "Generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:780
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1519
msgid "The number of generations to include in the tree"
msgstr "La nombro de generacioj inkluzivotaj en la arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:784
msgid ""
"Display unknown\n"
msgstr ""
"Montru nekonatajn\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:786
msgid "The number of generations of empty boxes that will be displayed"
msgstr "La nombro de generacioj de malplenaj kadroj kiuj estos montritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:793
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1527
msgid "Compress tree"
msgstr "Densigu arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:794
msgid ""
"Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set aside for people that are "
msgstr ""
"Ĉu oni devas forigi kromajn blankajn spacojn kreitajn por personoj nekonataj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:811
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1641
msgid "Report Title"
msgstr "Raporttitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:812
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1642
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1697
msgid "Do not include a title"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu titolon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:813
msgid "Include Report Title"
msgstr "Inkluzivu raporttitolon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:814
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1650
msgid "Choose a title for the report"
msgstr "Elektu titolon por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:817
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1654
msgid "Include a border"
msgstr "Inkluzivu borderon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:818
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1655
msgid "Whether to make a border around the report."
msgstr "Ĉu krei borderon ĉirkaŭ la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:821
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1658
msgid "Include Page Numbers"
msgstr "Inkluzivu paĝnumerojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:822
msgid "Whether to print page numbers on each page."
msgstr "Ĉu printi paĝonumerojn sur ĉiu paĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:834
msgid ""
"Display Format"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:838
msgid "Display format for the fathers box."
msgstr "Montras formon por patra kadro"

#. Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it.
#. missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates #. with"), 0)
#. missing.add_item( 0, _("Does not display anything"))
#. missing.add_item( 1, _("Displays '_____'"))
#. missing.set_help(_("What will print when information is not known"))
#. menu.add_option(category_name, "miss_val", missing)
#. category_name = _("Secondary")
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:851
msgid ""
"Display Format"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:857
msgid "Display format for the mothers box."
msgstr "Montras formon por patrina kadro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:860
msgid ""
"Center person uses\n"
"which format"
msgstr ""
"Formo uzata\n"
"de la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:862
msgid "Use Fathers Display format"
msgstr "Uzu patran vidigoformon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:863
msgid "Use Mothers display format"
msgstr "Uzu patrinan vidigoformon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:864
msgid "Which Display format to use the center person"
msgstr "Kiun vidigoformon uzi por la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:867
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1569
msgid "Include Marriage box"
msgstr "Inkluzivu geedziĝan kadron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:869
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1571
msgid "Whether to include a separate marital box in the report"
msgstr "Ĉu oni devas inkluzivi unuopan geedziĝan kadron en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:872
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1574
msgid ""
"Display Format"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:873
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1575
msgid "Display format for the marital box."
msgstr "Montras formon por geedziĝa kadro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:879
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1590
msgid "Scale tree to fit"
msgstr "Skalu arbon ĝis adapto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:880
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1591
msgid "Do not scale tree"
msgstr "Ne skalu arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:881
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1592
msgid "Scale tree to fit page width only"
msgstr "Skalu arbon nur ĝis adapto al paĝolarĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:882
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1593
msgid "Scale tree to fit the size of the page"
msgstr "Skalu arbon ĝis adapto al paĝogrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:884
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1595
msgid "Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size"
msgstr "Ĉu skali arbon ĝis adapto al specifa papergrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:890
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1601
msgid ""
"Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n"
"Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab"
msgstr ""
"Ŝanĝu grandon al la paĝo por adapti ĝin al arbo\n"
"Noto: Anstataŭas opciojn en la 'Paperopcia' langeto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:896
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1607
msgid ""
"Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n"
"of the tree.  Note:  the page will have a \n"
"non standard size.\n"
"With this option selected, the following will happen:\n"
"With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n"
"  is resized to the height/width of the tree\n"
"With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n"
"  the page is resized to the height of the tree\n"
"With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n"
"  is resized to remove any gap in either height or width"
msgstr ""
"Ĉu grandigi la paĝon por adapti al la grando\n"
"de la arbo.  Noto: la paĝo havos nenorman\n"
"Kun ĉi tiu opcio elektita, okazos la ci ŝekvon:\n"
"Kun la opcio  'Ne skalu arbon' la paĝo estos\n"
"  regrandigita al la alto/larĝo de la arbo\n"
"Kun 'Skalu arbon nur ĝis adapto al paĝolarĝo' la alto de la paĝo\n"
"  estos regrandigita al la alto de la arbo\n"
"Kun 'Skalu arbon ĝis adapto al paĝogrando' la paĝo\n"
"  estas regrandigita por forigi ĉiun diferencon en la alto aŭ larĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:916
#, fuzzy
msgid "inter-box scale factor"
msgstr "skala faktoro Y interkadra"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:918
#, fuzzy
msgid "Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller"
msgstr "Grandigu aŭ malgrandigu interkadran Y"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:921
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1632
msgid "box shadow scale factor"
msgstr "skala faktoro de kadroombro"

#. down to 0
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:923
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1634
msgid "Make the box shadow bigger or smaller"
msgstr "Grandigu aŭ malgrandigu la kadroombron"

#. #################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:928
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1579
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:931
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1582
msgid ""
"Replace Display Format:\n"
"'Replace this'/' with this'"
msgstr ""
"Anstatauigu vidigoformaton:\n"
"'Anstataŭigu tion'/'per tio'"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:933
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1584
msgid ""
"United States of America/U.S.A"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:940
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1662
msgid "Include Blank Pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu blankajn paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:941
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1663
msgid "Whether to include pages that are blank."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi paĝojn blankajn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:947
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:218
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:639
msgid "Include thumbnail images of people"
msgstr "Inkluzivu miniaturajn bildojn de personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:949
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:641
msgid "Whether to include thumbnails of people."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi miniaturojn de personoj."

#. category_name = _("Notes")
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:954
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1668
msgid "Include a note"
msgstr "Inkluzivu noton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:955
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1670
msgid "Whether to include a note on the report."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivu noton en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:960
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1675
msgid ""
"Add a note\n"
"$T inserts today's date"
msgstr ""
"Aldonu noton\n"
"$T enmetas hodiaŭan daton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:965
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1680
msgid "Note Location"
msgstr "Notlokigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:968
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1683
msgid "Where to place the note."
msgstr "Kie meti la noton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:983
msgid "No generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors"
msgstr "Neniu generacio de malplenaj kadroj por nekonataj prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:986
msgid "One Generation of empty boxes for unknown ancestors"
msgstr "Unu generacio de malplenaj kadroj por nekonataj prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:990
msgid " Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors"
msgstr " Generacioj de malplenaj kadroj por nekonataj prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1007
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1731
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:353
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:918
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1101
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:297
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:740
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1057
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:399
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:193
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:226
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:269
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:318
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:921
msgid "The basic style used for the text display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la tekstomontro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1017
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1753
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:752
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:939
msgid "The basic style used for the note display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la notomontro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1027
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1721
msgid "The basic style used for the title display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la titolmontro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:74
msgid "My Calendar"
msgstr "Mia kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:67
msgid "Produced with Gramps"
msgstr "Produktita per Gramps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:113
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:679
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:187
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:104
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:343
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:145
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:165
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:83
#, python-format
msgid "Person %s is not in the Database"
msgstr "Persono %s ne estas en la datumbazo"

#. generate the report:
#. to see "nearby" comments
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:198
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:224
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:314
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:321
msgid "Calendar Report"
msgstr "Kalendara raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:199
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:219
msgid "Formatting months..."
msgstr "Formatas monatojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:258
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1080
msgid "Applying Filter..."
msgstr "Aplikas filtrilojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:322
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1085
msgid "Reading database..."
msgstr "Legas datumbazon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:367
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s, birth"
msgstr "%(person)s, naskiĝo"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:371
msgid "{person}, {age}"
msgid_plural "{person}, {age}"
msgstr[0] "{person}, {age}"
msgstr[1] "{person}, {age}"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:427
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:378
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(spouse)s and\n"
" %(person)s, wedding"
msgstr ""
"%(spouse)s kaj\n"
" %(person)s, geedziĝo"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:433
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:383
msgid ""
"{spouse} and\n"
" {person}, {nyears}"
msgid_plural ""
"{spouse} and\n"
" {person}, {nyears}"
msgstr[0] ""
"{spouse} kaj\n"
" {person}, {nyears}"
msgstr[1] ""
"{spouse} kaj\n"
" {person}, {nyears}"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:470
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1335
msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar"
msgstr ""
"Elektu filtrilon por malgrandigi la nombron de la personoj aperontoj en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:475
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:653
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:581
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:267
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:423
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:401
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:750
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:907
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:257
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:340
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:198
msgid "The center person for the report"
msgstr "La centra persono por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:486
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:434
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1364
msgid "Include only living people"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur vivantojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:487
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1365
msgid "Include only living people in the calendar"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur vivantojn en la kalendaro"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:493
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1393
msgid "Content Options"
msgstr "Enten-opcioj"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:497
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:499
msgid "Year of calendar"
msgstr "Jaro de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:502
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:438
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1417
msgid "Country for holidays"
msgstr "Lando por festoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:513
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:449
msgid "Select the country to see associated holidays"
msgstr "Elektu la landon por vidi la asociitajn festojn"

#. Default selection ????
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:516
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:452
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1433
msgid "First day of week"
msgstr "Unua tago de la semajno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:521
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1437
msgid "Select the first day of the week for the calendar"
msgstr "Elektu la unua tagon de la semajno por la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:524
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:460
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1440
msgid "Birthday surname"
msgstr "Denaska familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:525
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:461
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1441
msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)"
msgstr "Edzinoj uzas edzan familinomon (ek de la unu familio listigita)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:526
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:462
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1443
msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)"
msgstr "Edzinoj uzas edzan familinomon (ek de la lasta familio listigita)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:527
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:463
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1445
msgid "Wives use their own surname"
msgstr "Edzinoj uzas sian propran familinomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:528
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:464
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1446
msgid "Select married women's displayed surname"
msgstr "Elektu la familinomon montrotan por virinoj edziniĝintaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:531
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:467
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1456
msgid "Include birthdays"
msgstr "Inkluzivu naskiĝtagojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:532
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1457
msgid "Include birthdays in the calendar"
msgstr "Inkluzivu naskiĝtagojn en la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:535
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1460
msgid "Include anniversaries"
msgstr "Inkluzivu datrevenojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:536
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1461
msgid "Include anniversaries in the calendar"
msgstr "Inkluzivu datrevenojn en la kalendaro"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:540
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:541
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:482
msgid "Text Options"
msgstr "Tekst-opcioj"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:544
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:488
msgid "Text Area 1"
msgstr "Teksto-areo 1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:545
msgid "First line of text at bottom of calendar"
msgstr "Unua tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:548
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:492
msgid "Text Area 2"
msgstr "Teksto-areo 2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:549
msgid "Second line of text at bottom of calendar"
msgstr "Dua tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:552
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:496
msgid "Text Area 3"
msgstr "Teksto-areo 3"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:553
msgid "Third line of text at bottom of calendar"
msgstr "Tria tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:623
msgid "Title text and background color"
msgstr "Titolteksto kaj fonkoloro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:627
msgid "Calendar day numbers"
msgstr "Tagnumeroj de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:630
msgid "Daily text display"
msgstr "Tagteksta vidigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:632
msgid "Holiday text display"
msgstr "Festoteksta vidigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:635
msgid "Days of the week text"
msgstr "Teksto de la semajntagoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:639
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:564
msgid "Text at bottom, line 1"
msgstr "Teksto ĉe la malsupro, linio 1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:641
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:566
msgid "Text at bottom, line 2"
msgstr "Teksto ĉe la malsupro, linio 2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:643
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:568
msgid "Text at bottom, line 3"
msgstr "Teksto ĉe la malsupro, linio 3"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:155
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s and %(father1)s, %(mother1)s"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo por %(person)s kaj %(father1)s, %(mother1)s"

#. Should be 2 items in names list
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:162
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s, %(father1)s and %(mother1)s"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo por %(person)s, %(father1)s kaj %(mother1)s"

#. Should be 2 items in both names and names2 lists
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:169
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Descendant Chart for %(father1)s, %(father2)s and %(mother1)s, %(mother2)s"
msgstr ""
"Praidara grafikaĵo por %(father1)s, %(father2)s kaj %(mother1)s, %(mother2)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:178
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo por %(person)s"

#. Should be two items in names list
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:181
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Chart for %(father)s and %(mother)s"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo por %(father)s kaj %(mother)s"

#. we want no text, but need a text for the TOC in a book!
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:210
msgid "Descendant Graph"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:323
#, python-format
msgid "Family Chart for %(person)s"
msgstr "Familia grafikaĵo por %(person)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:326
#, python-format
msgid "Family Chart for %(father1)s and %(mother1)s"
msgstr "Familia grafikaĵo por %(father1)s kaj %(mother1)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:351
#, python-format
msgid "Cousin Chart for %(names)s"
msgstr "Gekuza grafikaĵo por %(names)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:747
#, python-format
msgid "Family %s is not in the Database"
msgstr "Familio %s ne estas en la datumbazo"

#. if self.name == "familial_descend_tree":
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1497
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1501
msgid "Report for"
msgstr "Raporto por"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1498
msgid "The main person for the report"
msgstr "La ĉefa persono por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1502
msgid "The main family for the report"
msgstr "La ĉefa familio por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1510
msgid "Start with the parent(s) of the selected first"
msgstr "Startigu per la gepatro(j) de la unua elektito"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1513
msgid "Will show the parents, brother and sisters of the selected person."
msgstr "Montros la gepatrojn kaj gefratojn de la elektita persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1522
msgid "Level of Spouses"
msgstr "Nivelo de geedzoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1523
msgid "0=no Spouses, 1=include Spouses, 2=include Spouses of the spouse, etc"
msgstr ""
"0=neniu geedzo, 1=inkluzivu geedzojn, 2=inkluzivu geedzojn de la geedzoj, etc"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1528
msgid "Whether to move people up, where possible, resulting in a smaller tree"
msgstr "Ĉu movi supren personojn, kie eblas, por plimalgrandigi la arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1537
msgid ""
"Display Format"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1541
msgid "Display format for a descendant."
msgstr "Vidigoformato por fil(in)o."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1544
msgid "Bold direct descendants"
msgstr "Rektaj praidoj en grasa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1546
msgid ""
"Whether to bold those people that are direct (not step or half) descendants."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu igi grasa tiujn personojn kiuj estas rektaj (nek stif- aŭ duon-) praidoj."

#. bug 4767
#. diffspouse = BooleanOption(
#. _("Use separate display format for spouses"),
#. True)
#. diffspouse.set_help(_("Whether spouses can have a different format."))
#. menu.add_option(category_name, "diffspouse", diffspouse)
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1558
msgid "Indent Spouses"
msgstr "Krommarĝenigu geedzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1559
msgid "Whether to indent the spouses in the tree."
msgstr "Ĉu krei krommarĝenon antaŭ geedzoj en la arbo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1562
msgid ""
"Display Format"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1566
msgid "Display format for a spouse."
msgstr "Vidigoformato por geedzo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1627
msgid "inter-box Y scale factor"
msgstr "skala faktoro Y interkadra"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1629
msgid "Make the inter-box Y bigger or smaller"
msgstr "Grandigu aŭ malgrandigu interkadran Y"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1643
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1698
msgid "Descendant Chart for [selected person(s)]"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo por [elektita(j) persono(j)]"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1646
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1702
msgid "Family Chart for [names of chosen family]"
msgstr "Familia grafikaĵo por  [nomoj de la elektita familio]"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1649
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1706
msgid "Cousin Chart for [names of children]"
msgstr "Gekuza grafikaĵo por [nomoj de gefiloj]"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1659
msgid "Whether to include page numbers on each page."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi paĝonumerojn su ĉiu paĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1743
msgid "The bold style used for the text display."
msgstr "La grasa stilo uzota por la tekstomontro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:32
msgid "Ancestor Chart"
msgstr "Praulara grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:33
msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral chart"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praularan arbodiagramon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:49
msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral tree"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praularan arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:70
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:77
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:71
msgid "Produces a graphical calendar"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan kalendaron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:92
msgid "Descendant Chart"
msgstr "Praidara grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:93
msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praidaran arbodiagramon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:108
msgid "Descendant Tree"
msgstr "Praidara arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:109
msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praidaran arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:130
msgid "Family Descendant Chart"
msgstr "Familia praidara grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:131
msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart around a family"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praidaran arbodiagramon ĉirkaŭ familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:147
msgid "Family Descendant Tree"
msgstr "Familia praidara arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:148
msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree around a family"
msgstr "Kreas grafikan praidaran arbon ĉirkaŭ familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:118
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:127
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:141
msgid "Fan Chart"
msgstr "Ventumila grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:171
msgid "Produces fan charts"
msgstr "Produktas ventumilan grafikaĵon"

#. extract requested items from the database and count them
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:192
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:770
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:779
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:818
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:819
msgid "Statistics Charts"
msgstr "Statistikaj grafikaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:193
msgid "Produces statistical bar and pie charts of the people in the database"
msgstr ""
"Kreas statistikajn bastonajn kaj tortajn grafikaĵojn de la personoj en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:216
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:254
msgid "Timeline Chart"
msgstr "Templinia grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:217
msgid "Produces a timeline chart."
msgstr "Kreas templinian grafikaĵon."

#. choose  one line or two lines translation according to the width
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:251
#, python-format
msgid "%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for %(person)s"
msgstr "%(generations)d Generacia ventumila grafikaĵo por %(person)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:264
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for\n"
msgstr ""
"%(generations)d Generacia ventumila grafikaĵo por\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:659
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:275
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:417
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:763
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:925
msgid "The number of generations to include in the report"
msgstr "La nombro de generacioj inkluzivota en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:663
msgid "Type of graph"
msgstr "Tipo de grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:664
msgid "full circle"
msgstr "tutcirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:665
msgid "half circle"
msgstr "duoncirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:666
msgid "quarter circle"
msgstr "kvaroncirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:667
msgid "The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, or quarter circle."
msgstr "La formo de la grafikaĵo: tutcirkla, duoncirkla aŭ kvaroncirkla."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:673
msgid "generation dependent"
msgstr "laŭ la generacio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:674
msgid "Background color is either white or generation dependent"
msgstr "Fonkoloro estas aŭ blanka aŭ generacidependa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:678
msgid "Orientation of radial texts"
msgstr "Rotacio de radiaj tekstoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:680
msgid "upright"
msgstr "suprena"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:681
msgid "roundabout"
msgstr "cirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:682
msgid "Print radial texts upright or roundabout"
msgstr "Printas radian tekston supren aŭ cirkle"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:684
msgid "Draw empty boxes"
msgstr "Desegnu malplenajn kadrojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:685
msgid "Draw the background although there is no information"
msgstr "Desegnu la fonon se ne estas informoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:689
msgid "Use one font style for all generations"
msgstr "Uzu unu tiparstilon por ĉiuj generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:691
msgid ""
"You can customize font and color for each generation in the style editor"
msgstr ""
"Oni povas akomodi tiparon kaj koloron por ĉiu unuopa generacio en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:721
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:98
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:97
msgid "The style used for the title."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:730
msgid "The basic style used for the default text display."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la defaŭlta tekstomontro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:740
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "The style used for the text display of generation \"%d\""
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la generacia tekstomontro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:300
msgid "Item count"
msgstr "Elementnombro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:304
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Ambaŭ"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:305
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:401
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:747
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:645
msgid "Men"
msgstr "Viroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:306
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:749
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:525
msgid "Women"
msgstr "Virinoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:325
msgid "person|Title"
msgstr "Titolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:329
msgid "Forename"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:333
msgid "Birth year"
msgstr "Naskiĝjaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:335
msgid "Death year"
msgstr "Mortojaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:337
msgid "Birth month"
msgstr "Naskiĝmonato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:339
msgid "Death month"
msgstr "Mortomonato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:341
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:145
msgid "Birth place"
msgstr "Naskiĝloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:343
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:167
msgid "Death place"
msgstr "Mortoloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:345
msgid "Marriage place"
msgstr "Geedziĝloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:347
msgid "Number of relationships"
msgstr "Nombro de parencecoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:349
msgid "Age when first child born"
msgstr "Aĝo kiam naskiĝis unua fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:351
msgid "Age when last child born"
msgstr "Aĝo kiam naskiĝis lasta fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:353
msgid "Number of children"
msgstr "Gefilonombro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:355
msgid "Age at marriage"
msgstr "Aĝo je geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:357
msgid "Age at death"
msgstr "Aĝo je morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:361
msgid "Event type"
msgstr "Eventotipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:375
msgid "(Preferred) title missing"
msgstr "(Preferata) titolo mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:384
msgid "(Preferred) forename missing"
msgstr "(Preferata) antaŭnomo mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:394
msgid "(Preferred) surname missing"
msgstr "(Preferata) familinomo mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:404
msgid "Gender unknown"
msgstr "Nekonata sekso"

#. inadequate information
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:413
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:422
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:526
msgid "Date(s) missing"
msgstr "Dato(j) mankanta(j)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:431
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:445
msgid "Place missing"
msgstr "Loko mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:453
msgid "Already dead"
msgstr "Jam mortinta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:460
msgid "Still alive"
msgstr "Daŭre vivanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:468
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:480
msgid "Events missing"
msgstr "Eventoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:488
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:496
msgid "Children missing"
msgstr "Gefiloj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:515
msgid "Birth missing"
msgstr "Naskiĝo mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:616
msgid "Personal information missing"
msgstr "Personaj informoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:761
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%(genders)s born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d"
msgstr "%(genders)s naskita(j) %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:765
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Persons born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d"
msgstr "Personoj naskitaj %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:771
msgid "Collecting data..."
msgstr "Kolektas datumojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:780
msgid "Sorting data..."
msgstr "Ordigas datumojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:820
msgid "Saving charts..."
msgstr "Konservas grafikaĵojn ..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:871
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:906
#, python-format
msgid "%s (persons):"
msgstr "%s (persons):"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:953
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:166
msgid "Determines what people are included in the report."
msgstr "Determinas kiujn personojn inkluzivi en la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:957
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:932
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:171
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8022
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1339
msgid "Filter Person"
msgstr "Personfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:958
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:933
msgid "The center person for the filter."
msgstr "La centra persono por la filtrilo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:969
msgid "Sort chart items by"
msgstr "Ordigu grafikaĵelementojn laŭ"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:974
msgid "Select how the statistical data is sorted."
msgstr "Elektu kiel ordigi la statistikajn datumojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:977
msgid "Sort in reverse order"
msgstr "Ordigu laŭ mala ordo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:978
msgid "Check to reverse the sorting order."
msgstr "Marku por renversi la ordigon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:982
msgid "People Born After"
msgstr "Personoj naskitaj post"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:984
msgid "Birth year from which to include people."
msgstr "Naskiĝjaro ekde kiam inkluzivi personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:987
msgid "People Born Before"
msgstr "Personoj naskitaj antaŭ"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:989
msgid "Birth year until which to include people"
msgstr "Naskiĝjaro ĝis kiam inkluzivi personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:992
msgid "Include people without known birth years"
msgstr "Inkluzivu personojn sen konataj naskiĝjaroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:994
msgid "Whether to include people without known birth years."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi personojn sen konataj naskiĝjaroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:998
msgid "Genders included"
msgstr "Seksoj inkluzivitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1003
msgid "Select which genders are included into statistics."
msgstr "Elektu kiujn seksojn estos inkluzivitaj en la statistikoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1007
msgid "Max. items for a pie"
msgstr "Maksimumaj elementoj por torto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1008
msgid ""
"With fewer items pie chart and legend will be used instead of a bar chart."
msgstr ""
"Kun malmultaj elementoj tortgrafikaĵo kaj legendo anstataŭos bastonan "

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1024
msgid "Charts 1"
msgstr "Grafikaĵoj 1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1026
msgid "Charts 2"
msgstr "Grafikaĵoj 2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1028
msgid "Include charts with indicated data."
msgstr "Inkudu grafikaĵojn kun indikitaj datumoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1071
msgid "The style used for the items and values."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la elementoj kaj valoroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1080
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:464
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:330
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:448
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:872
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1055
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:279
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:731
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1025
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:381
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:173
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:219
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:164
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:299
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:901
msgid "The style used for the title of the page."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la paĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:67
msgid "sorted by|Birth Date"
msgstr "Naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:68
msgid "sorted by|Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#. Apply the filter
#. Sort the people as requested
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:120
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:146
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:157
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:317
msgid "Timeline"
msgstr "Templinio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:121
msgid "Applying filter..."
msgstr "Aplikas filtrilon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:146
msgid "Sorting dates..."
msgstr "Ordigas datojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:158
msgid "Calculating timeline..."
msgstr "Kalkulas templinion..."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:258
#, python-format
msgid "Sorted by %s"
msgstr "Ordigu laŭ %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:292
msgid "No Date Information"
msgstr "Neniu datinformo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:318
msgid "Finding date range..."
msgstr "Serĉas datintervalon ..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:387
msgid "Determines what people are included in the report"
msgstr "Determinas kiujn personojn inkluzivi en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:392
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:171
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:172
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8023
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1340
msgid "The center person for the filter"
msgstr "La centra persono por la filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:178
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Ordigu laŭ"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:408
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:183
msgid "Sorting method to use"
msgstr "Ordiga metodo uzota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:446
msgid "The style used for the person's name."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la personnomo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:455
msgid "The style used for the year labels."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la jaretikedoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:31
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:33
msgid "Comma Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)"
msgstr "Diskoma kalkultabelo (CSV)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:32
msgid "Comma _Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)"
msgstr "Di_skoma kalkultabelo (CSV)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:33
msgid "CSV is a common spreadsheet format."
msgstr "CSV estas komuna kalkultabela formo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:41
msgid "CSV spreadsheet options"
msgstr "CSV-kalkultabelaj opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:52
msgid "Web Family Tree"
msgstr "Reta genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:53
msgid "_Web Family Tree"
msgstr "_Reta genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:54
msgid "Web Family Tree format"
msgstr "Reta genealogiarba formo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:62
msgid "Web Family Tree export options"
msgstr "Eksportopcioj de reta genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:74
msgid "GE_DCOM"
msgstr "GE_DCOM"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:52
msgid ""
"GEDCOM is used to transfer data between genealogy programs. Most genealogy "
"software will accept a GEDCOM file as input."
msgstr ""
"Oni uzas GEDCOM'on por translokigi datumojn inter genealogiaj arboj. "
"Plejparte de la genealogiaj programaroj akceptos GEDCOM-dosieron kiel enigon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:84
msgid "GEDCOM export options"
msgstr "GEDCOM eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:96
msgid "_GeneWeb"
msgstr "_GeneWeb"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:97
msgid "GeneWeb is a web based genealogy program."
msgstr "GeneWeb estas genealogia programo bazita sur TTT."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:105
msgid "GeneWeb export options"
msgstr "GeneWeb'aj eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:116
msgid "Gramps XML Package (family tree and media)"
msgstr "Gramps-XML-pakaĵo (genealogia arbo kaj aŭdvidaĵoj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:117
msgid "Gra_mps XML Package (family tree and media)"
msgstr "Gra_mps-XML-pakaĵo (genealogia arbo kaj aŭdvidaĵoj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:118
msgid ""
"Gramps package is an archived XML family tree together with the media object "
msgstr ""
"Gramps-pakaĵo konsistas el genealogia arbo plus aŭdvideobjektaj dosieroj "
"arkivitaj en XML."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:127
msgid "Gramps package export options"
msgstr "Gramps-pakaĵaj eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:138
msgid "Gramps XML (family tree)"
msgstr "Gramps-XML (genealogia arbo)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:139
msgid "Gramps _XML (family tree)"
msgstr "Gramps-_XML (genealogia arbo)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:140
msgid ""
"Gramps XML export is a complete archived XML backup of a Gramps family tree "
"without the media object files. Suitable for backup purposes."
msgstr ""
"Gramps-XML-eksportaĵo estas komplete arkivita XML-sekurkopio de Gramps'a "
"genealogia arbo sen la aŭdvideaj objektoj. Taŭga por sekurkopioj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:150
msgid "Gramps XML export options"
msgstr "Gramps-XML'aj eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:161
msgid "vCalendar"
msgstr "vCalendar"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:162
msgid "vC_alendar"
msgstr "vC_alendar"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:163
msgid "vCalendar is used in many calendaring and PIM applications."
msgstr "Oni uzas vCalendar'on en  multaj kalelandaraj kaj PIM'aj aplikaĵoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:171
msgid "vCalendar export options"
msgstr "vCalendar-eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:164
msgid "vCard"
msgstr "vCard"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:183
msgid "_vCard"
msgstr "_vCard"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:184
msgid "vCard is used in many addressbook and pim applications."
msgstr "Oni uzas vCard'on en multaj adreslibroj kaj PIM'aj aplikaĵoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:192
msgid "vCard export options"
msgstr "vCard-eksport-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportftree.glade:136
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:137
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.glade:116
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.glade:125
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filt_er:"
msgstr "Filtrilo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Marriages"
msgstr "Geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "I_ndividuals"
msgstr "Personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translate _Headers"
msgstr "Traduku paĝokapojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.glade:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export:"
msgstr "_Eksportu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:197
msgid "Include people"
msgstr "Inkluzivu personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:198
msgid "Include marriages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu geedziĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:199
msgid "Include children"
msgstr "Inkluzivu gefilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:200
msgid "Translate headers"
msgstr "Traduku paĝokapojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:338
msgid "CSV export doesn't support non-primary surnames, {count} dropped"
msgstr "CSV-eksporto ne subtenas ne-ĉefajn familinomoj, {count} ignoritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:149
msgid "Birth source"
msgstr "Naskiĝfontoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:155
msgid "Baptism date"
msgstr "Baptodato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:153
msgid "Baptism place"
msgstr "Baptoloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:158
msgid "Baptism source"
msgstr "Baptofonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:171
msgid "Death source"
msgstr "Mortofonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:162
msgid "Burial date"
msgstr "Entombigdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:160
msgid "Burial place"
msgstr "Entombigloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:165
msgid "Burial source"
msgstr "Entombigfonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:186
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:577
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2462
msgid "Husband"
msgstr "Edzo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:183
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:586
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2460
msgid "Wife"
msgstr "Edzino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportftree.glade:150
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:151
msgid "_Restrict data on living people"
msgstr "_Limigu la informojn pri la vivantaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:389
msgid "Writing individuals"
msgstr "Skribas persondatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:756
msgid "Writing families"
msgstr "Skribas familidatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:921
msgid "Writing sources"
msgstr "Skribas fontdatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:956
msgid "Writing notes"
msgstr "Skribas notdatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:994
msgid "Writing repositories"
msgstr "Skribas deponejdatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1496
msgid "GEDCOM Export failed"
msgstr "GEDCOM-eksporto malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:195
msgid "Exclude _notes"
msgstr "Ekskludu _notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:217
msgid "Use _Living as first name"
msgstr "Utiligu _Living kiel antaŭnomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reference i_mages from path:  "
msgstr "Referencoj por ĉi tiu %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.glade:280
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:352
msgid "media"
msgstr "aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:104
msgid "No families matched by selected filter"
msgstr "Neniu familio kongruis kun la elektita filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportpkg.py:179
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:136
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:152
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:170
#, python-format
msgid "Failure writing %s"
msgstr "Eraro dum la skribo de %s"

#. feature requests 2356, 1657: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:137
#, python-format
msgid "Marriage of %s"
msgstr "Geedziĝo de %s"

#. feature requests 2356, 1657: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:156
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:161
#, python-format
msgid "Birth of %s"
msgstr "Naskiĝo de %s"

#. feature requests 2356, 1657: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:174
#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:180
#, python-format
msgid "Death of %s"
msgstr "Morto de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:239
#, python-format
msgid "Anniversary: %s"
msgstr "Datreveno: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:137
msgid ""
"The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to "
"the directory. Please make sure you have write access to the directory and "
"try again."
msgstr ""
"Ne eblas konservi la datumbazon ĉar oni ne havas skribpermesojn por la "
"dosierujo. Bv certiĝi ke oni havas skribaliron al la dosierujo kaj provi "

#: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:153
msgid ""
"The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to "
"the file. Please make sure you have write access to the file and try again."
msgstr ""
"Ne eblas konservi la datumbazon ĉar oni ne havas skribpermesojn por la "
"dosiero Bv certiĝi ke oni havas skribaliron al la dosierujo kaj provi denove."

#. GUI setup:
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:58
msgid "Enter a date, click Run"
msgstr "Enigu daton, alklaku Lanĉu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:66
msgid ""
"Enter a valid date (like YYYY-MM-DD) in the entry below and click Run. This "
"will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that date. You can "
"then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit."
msgstr ""
"Enigu validan daton (kiel JJJJ-MM-TT) en malsupra kampo kaj alklaku Plenumu. "
"Tio kalkulos la aĝojn por ĉiu ano de la Genealogia Arbo je tiu dato. Tiam "
"eblos ordigi laŭ aĝkolumno, kaj duoble-alklaki la linion por montri aŭ "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:55
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:71
msgid "Max age"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:47
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:56
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:72
msgid "Max age of Mother at birth"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝo de patrino por naski"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:49
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:57
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:73
msgid "Max age of Father at birth"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝo de patro por naski"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:51
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:58
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:74
msgid "Chart width"
msgstr "Grafikaĵa larĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:168
msgid "Lifespan Age Distribution"
msgstr "Distribuo de vivodaŭro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:169
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:170
msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Diferenco"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:169
msgid "Father - Child Age Diff Distribution"
msgstr "Aĝodiferenca distribuo inter Patro-Fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:170
msgid "Mother - Child Age Diff Distribution"
msgstr "Aĝodiferenca distribuo inter Patrino-Fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:227
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:242
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:249
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistikoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:228
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totalo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:229
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Minimuma"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:230
msgid "Average"
msgstr "Averaĝa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:231
msgid "Median"
msgstr "Meza"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:232
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Maksimuma"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:275
#, python-format
msgid "Double-click to see %d people"
msgstr "Duobla klako por vidi %d personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:136
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:168
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:176
#, python-format
msgid "%(abbr)s %(date)s"
msgstr "%(abbr)s %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:150
#, python-format
msgid "%(depth)s. %(name)s"
msgstr "%(depth)s. %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:41
msgid ""
"Double-click on a row to view a quick report showing all people with the "
"selected attribute."
msgstr ""
"Duoble alklaku linion por montri rapidraporton kun ĉiuj personoj kun la "
"elektita atributo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1306
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klavo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/calendargramplet.py:38
msgid "Double-click a day for details"
msgstr "Por detaloj duoble alklaku tagon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:77
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:177
msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected child."
msgstr "Duoble alklaku linion por redakti elektitan filon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:62
msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected source/citation."
msgstr "Duoble alklaku linion por redakti elektitan fonto/citaĵon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:66
msgid "Source/Citation"
msgstr "Fonto/Citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:68
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Publikiginto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:140
msgid "<No Citation>"
msgstr "<Neniu citaĵo>"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Descendent Menu"
msgstr "Praidara ventumilgrafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:72
msgid "Evaluation"
msgstr "Takso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:73
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Eligo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:74
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Eraro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:77
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Apliku"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:45
msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected event."
msgstr "Duoble alklaku linion por redakti elektitan eventon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartdescgramplet.py:78
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartgramplet.py:83
msgid ""
"Click to expand/contract person\n"
"Right-click for options\n"
"Click and drag in open area to rotate"
msgstr ""
"Klako por etendi/maletendi personon\n"
"Dekstra klako por opcioj\n"
"Klako kaj treno en malferma areo por ratacii"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:61
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(bold_start)s%(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(html_middle)sFrequently Asked "
"(needs a connection to the internet)\n"
msgstr ""
"<b><a wiki='%s_-_FAQ'>Oftaj Demandoj</a></b>\n"
"(necesas konekto al interreto)\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:66
msgid "Editing Spouses"
msgstr "Redakta geedzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:71
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  1. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I change the order of "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:77
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  2. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I add an additional "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:83
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  3. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I remove a spouse?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:87
msgid "Backups and Updates"
msgstr "Sekurkopioj kaj ĝistatigoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:92
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  4. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I make backups safely?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:98
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"  5. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sIs it necessary to update "
"Gramps every time an update is released?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""
"  5. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_upgrade_GRAMPS.3F'>Ĉu necesas ĝisdatigi "
"Gramps'on ĉiufoje kiam estas eldonita ĝisdatigo?</a>\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:103
msgid "Data Entry"
msgstr "Datum-enigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:109
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  6. %(gramps_manual_html_start)s%(section)sHow should information about "
"marriages be entered?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:116
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"  7. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat's the difference between a "
"residence and an address?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""
"  7. <a wiki='%s_-"
"_FAQ#What_is_the_difference_between_a_residence_and_an_address.3F'>Kio estas "
"la diferenco inter rezidejo kaj adreso?</a>\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:120
msgid "Media Files"
msgstr "Aŭdvideajn dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:125
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"  8. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you add a photo of a "
msgstr ""
"  8. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_you_add_photos_to_an_item.3F'>Kiel oni povas "
"aldoni foton de persono/fonto/evento?</a>\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:131
#, python-format
msgid ""
"  9. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you find unused media "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:141
#, python-format
msgid ""
" 10. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow can I make a website with "
"Gramps and my tree?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:148
#, python-format
msgid " 11. %(web_html_start)sHow do I record one's occupation?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:154
#, python-format
msgid ""
" 12. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat do I do if I have found a "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:159
#, python-format
msgid ""
" 13. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sIs there a manual for Gramps?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:164
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
" 14. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sAre there tutorials available?"
msgstr " 14. <a wiki='Category:Tutorials'>Ĉu disponeblas instruiloj?</a>\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:169
#, python-format
msgid " 15. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow do I ...?%(html_end)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:174
#, python-format
msgid ""
" 16. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow can I help with Gramps?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:42
msgid "Double-click given name for details"
msgstr "Por detaloj duoble alklaku antaŭnomon"

#. will be overwritten in load
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:44
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:48
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:49
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:40
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:53
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:65
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:48
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:45
msgid "No Family Tree loaded."
msgstr "Neniu genealogia arbo ŝargita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:59
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:56
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:65
msgid "Processing..."
msgstr "Prilaboras..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:138
msgid "Total unique given names"
msgstr "Totalo de unikaj antaŭnomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:140
msgid "Total given names showing"
msgstr "Totalo de antaŭnomoj montritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:141
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:172
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:108
msgid "Total people"
msgstr "Totalo de personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:42
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:50
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:32
msgid "Age on Date"
msgstr "Aĝo je dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:43
msgid "Gramplet showing ages of living people on a specific date"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aĝojn de vivantoj je specifa dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:55
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:62
msgid "Age Stats"
msgstr "Aĝostatistikoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:56
msgid "Gramplet showing graphs of various ages"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri grafikaĵojn de diversaj aĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:72
msgid "Gramplet showing calendar and events on specific dates in history"
msgstr ""
"Gramplet por montri kalendaron kaj eventojn je specifaj historiaj datoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:84
msgid "Descendant"
msgstr "Praido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:85
msgid "Gramplet showing active person's descendants"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri praidaron de aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:91
msgid "Descendants"
msgstr "Praidoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:101
msgid "Ancestor"
msgstr "Praulo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:102
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:180
msgid "Gramplet showing active person's ancestors"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri praularon de aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:108
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5958
msgid "Ancestors"
msgstr "Prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:119
msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors as a fanchart"
msgstr ""
"Gramplet por montri rektajn praulojn de aktiva persono per ventumila "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:135
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:72
msgid "Descendant Fan Chart"
msgstr "Praidara ventumila grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:136
msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct descendants as a fanchart"
msgstr ""
"Gramplet por montri rektajn praidojn de aktiva persono per ventumila "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:156
msgid "Descendant Fan"
msgstr "Praidara ventumilgrafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:152
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:158
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Oftaj Demandoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:153
msgid "Gramplet showing frequently asked questions"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri Oftajn Demandojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:165
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:172
msgid "Given Name Cloud"
msgstr "Etikednubo de antaŭnomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:166
msgid "Gramplet showing all given names as a text cloud"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri ĉiujn antaŭnomojn kiel tekstonubon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:179
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:185
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:513
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:125
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6113
msgid "Pedigree"
msgstr "Genealogio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:197
msgid "Gramplet showing an active item Quick View"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri rapidan vidon de aktiva elemento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:212
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:218
msgid "Relatives"
msgstr "Familianoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:213
msgid "Gramplet showing active person's relatives"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri familianojn de aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:228
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:235
msgid "Session Log"
msgstr "Seanca protokolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:229
msgid "Gramplet showing all activity for this session"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri ĉiujn aktivadojn por ĉi tiu seanco"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:243
msgid "Gramplet showing summary data of the Family Tree"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri datumresumonde la Genealogia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:256
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:263
msgid "Surname Cloud"
msgstr "Etikednubo de familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:257
msgid "Gramplet showing all surnames as a text cloud"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri ĉiujn familinomojn kiel tekstonubon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:270
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:277
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1123
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1137
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1151
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1165
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1179
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1193
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1207
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1221
msgid "gramplet|To Do"
msgstr "Farotaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:271
msgid "Gramplet for displaying a To Do list"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri liston de farotaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:285
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:291
msgid "Top Surnames"
msgstr "Ĉefaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:286
msgid "Gramplet showing most frequent surnames in this tree"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la plej oftajn familinomojn en ĉi tiu arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:298
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Bonvenon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:299
msgid "Gramplet showing a welcome message"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri bonvenan mesaĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:305
msgid "Welcome to Gramps!"
msgstr "Bonvenon en Gramps!"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:312
msgid "What's Next"
msgstr "Kio nova"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:313
msgid "Gramplet suggesting items to research"
msgstr "Gramplet por sugesti elementojn serĉotajn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:319
msgid "What's Next?"
msgstr "Kio nova?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:329
msgid "Person Details"
msgstr "Persondetaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:330
msgid "Gramplet showing details of a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri detalojn de persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:337
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:351
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:365
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:343
msgid "Repository Details"
msgstr "Deponejdetaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:344
msgid "Gramplet showing details of a repository"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri detalojn de deponejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:357
msgid "Place Details"
msgstr "Lokdetaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:358
msgid "Gramplet showing details of a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri detalojn de loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:371
msgid "Media Preview"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa antaŭrigardo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:372
msgid "Gramplet showing a preview of a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri antaŭrigardon de aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:397
msgid "Metadata Viewer"
msgstr "Metadatuma vidigilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:398
msgid "Gramplet showing metadata for a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri metadatumojn por aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:405
msgid "Image Metadata"
msgstr "Bild-metadatumoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:419
msgid "GExiv2 module not loaded."
msgstr "GExiv2-modulo neŝargita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:420
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Image metadata functionality will not be available.\n"
"To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_gexiv2_url)s"
msgstr ""
"Funkcio de image metadata ne estos disponebla.\n"
"Por kunmeti ĝin por Gramps vidu http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:427
msgid "Person Residence"
msgstr "Personrezidejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:428
msgid "Gramplet showing residence events for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri rezidejajn eventojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:441
msgid "Person Events"
msgstr "Person-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:442
msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la eventojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:455
msgid "Family Events"
msgstr "Famili-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:456
msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la eventojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:469
msgid "Person Gallery"
msgstr "Persongalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:470
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:477
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:491
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:505
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:519
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:533
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:547
msgid "Gallery"
msgstr "Galerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:483
msgid "Family Gallery"
msgstr "Familigalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:484
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:497
msgid "Event Gallery"
msgstr "Eventgalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:498
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:511
msgid "Place Gallery"
msgstr "Lokgalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:512
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:525
msgid "Source Gallery"
msgstr "Fontgalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:526
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a source"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:539
msgid "Citation Gallery"
msgstr "Citaĵgalerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:540
msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a citation"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri aŭdvideajn objektojn por citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:553
msgid "Person Attributes"
msgstr "Person-atributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:554
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de persono"

#. there is no need to add an ending "</script>",
#. as it will be added automatically by libhtml()
#. Translatable strings for variables within this plugin
#. gettext carries a huge footprint with it.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:561
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:575
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:589
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:603
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:617
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:631
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:411
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:602
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:365
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:788
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1297
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1540
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:567
msgid "Event Attributes"
msgstr "Event-atributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:568
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:581
msgid "Family Attributes"
msgstr "Famili-atributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:582
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:595
msgid "Media Attributes"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵ-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:596
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:609
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source Attributes"
msgstr "Gepatroatributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a source object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:623
#, fuzzy
msgid "Citation Attributes"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵ-atributo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:624
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a citation object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la atributojn de aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:637
msgid "Person Notes"
msgstr "Personnotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:638
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:645
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:659
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:673
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:687
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:701
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:715
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:729
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:743
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:245
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:460
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:378
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:974
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1557
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:651
msgid "Event Notes"
msgstr "Eventonotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:652
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:665
msgid "Family Notes"
msgstr "Familinotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:666
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:679
msgid "Place Notes"
msgstr "Loknotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:680
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:693
msgid "Source Notes"
msgstr "Fontonotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:694
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a source"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:707
msgid "Citation Notes"
msgstr "Citaĵnotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:708
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a citation"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:721
msgid "Repository Notes"
msgstr "Deponejnotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:722
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a repository"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por deponejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:735
msgid "Media Notes"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵaj notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:736
msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la notojn por aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:749
msgid "Person Citations"
msgstr "Personcitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:750
msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la citaĵojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:757
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:771
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:785
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:799
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:813
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:776
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:267
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:275
msgid "Citations"
msgstr "Citaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:763
msgid "Event Citations"
msgstr "Eventocitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:764
msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la citaĵojn por evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:777
msgid "Family Citations"
msgstr "Familicitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:778
msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la citaĵojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:791
msgid "Place Citations"
msgstr "Lokcitaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:792
msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la citaĵojn por loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:805
msgid "Media Citations"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵaj citaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:806
msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la citaĵojn por aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:819
msgid "Person Children"
msgstr "Gefiloj de persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:820
msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la gefilojn de persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:833
msgid "Family Children"
msgstr "Familigefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:834
msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la gefilojn de familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:847
msgid "Person Backlinks"
msgstr "Personaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:848
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:855
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:869
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:883
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:897
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:911
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:925
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:939
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:953
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:967
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2417
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2825
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4900
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5781
msgid "References"
msgstr "Referencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:861
msgid "Event Backlinks"
msgstr "Eventaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:862
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:875
msgid "Family Backlinks"
msgstr "Familiaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:876
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:889
msgid "Place Backlinks"
msgstr "Lokaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:890
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:903
msgid "Source Backlinks"
msgstr "Fontaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:904
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a source"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:917
msgid "Citation Backlinks"
msgstr "Citaĵaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:918
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a citation"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:931
msgid "Repository Backlinks"
msgstr "Deponejaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:932
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a repository"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por deponejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:945
msgid "Media Backlinks"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:946
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la la retroligilojn por aŭdvidea objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:959
msgid "Note Backlinks"
msgstr "Notaj retroligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:960
msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a note"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la retroligilojn por noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:973
msgid "Person Filter"
msgstr "Personfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:974
msgid "Gramplet providing a person filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta personfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:987
msgid "Family Filter"
msgstr "Familifiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:988
msgid "Gramplet providing a family filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta familifiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1001
msgid "Event Filter"
msgstr "Eventfiltrtilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1002
msgid "Gramplet providing an event filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta eventfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1015
msgid "Source Filter"
msgstr "Fontfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1016
msgid "Gramplet providing a source filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta fontfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1029
msgid "Citation Filter"
msgstr "Citaĵfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1030
msgid "Gramplet providing a citation filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta citaĵfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1043
msgid "Place Filter"
msgstr "Lokfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1044
msgid "Gramplet providing a place filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta lokfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1057
msgid "Media Filter"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1058
msgid "Gramplet providing a media filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta aŭdvidaĵfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1071
msgid "Repository Filter"
msgstr "Deponejfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1072
msgid "Gramplet providing a repository filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta deponejfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1085
msgid "Note Filter"
msgstr "Notfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1086
msgid "Gramplet providing a note filter"
msgstr "Gramplet liveranta notfiltrilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1099
msgid "Records Gramplet"
msgstr "Gramplet por rikordoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1100
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:411
msgid "Shows some interesting records about people and families"
msgstr "Montras kelkajn interesajn rikordojn pri personoj kaj familioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1110
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:99
msgid "Records"
msgstr "Rikordoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1115
msgid "Person To Do"
msgstr "Persono farota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1116
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a person"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1129
msgid "Event To Do"
msgstr "Evento farota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1130
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for an event"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1143
msgid "Family To Do"
msgstr "Familioj farotaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1144
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a family"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1157
msgid "Place To Do"
msgstr "Loko farota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1158
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a place"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1171
msgid "Source To Do"
msgstr "Fontoj farotaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1172
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a source"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1185
msgid "Citation To Do"
msgstr "Citaĵo farota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1186
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a citation"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1199
msgid "Repository To Do"
msgstr "Deponejo farota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1200
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a repository"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por deponejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1213
msgid "Media To Do"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj farotaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1214
msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a media object"
msgstr "Gramplet por monti farotajn notojn por aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1253
msgid "SoundEx Generator"
msgstr "SoundEx-generilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1254
msgid "Gramplet to generate SoundEx codes"
msgstr "Gramplet por generi SoundEx-kodojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1261
msgid "SoundEx"
msgstr "SoundEx"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1266
msgid "Place Locations"
msgstr "Loklokigoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1267
msgid "Gramplet showing the locations of a place over time"
msgstr "Gramplet por montri la lokigojn de loko tra la tempo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1274
msgid "Locations"
msgstr "Lokigoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:100
msgid "Uncollected object"
msgstr "Nekolektita objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:109
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aktualigu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:140
#, python-format
msgid "Referrers of %d"
msgstr "Referencantoj de %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:154
#, python-format
msgid "%d refers to"
msgstr "%d referenciĝas al"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:172
#, python-format
msgid "Uncollected Objects: %s"
msgstr "Nekolektitaj objektoj: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:81
msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected place."
msgstr "Duoble alklaku linion por redakti elektitan lokon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/notes.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:141
#, python-format
msgid "%(current)d of %(total)d"
msgstr "%(current)d of %(total)d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:49
msgid "Move mouse over links for options"
msgstr "Movu muson super ligiloj por opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:57
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:66
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:77
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:274
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:272
msgid "Max generations"
msgstr "Maks. Generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:59
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:67
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:78
msgid "Show dates"
msgstr "Montru datojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:68
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:79
msgid "Line type"
msgstr "Linitipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:162
msgid "Click to make active\n"
msgstr "Alklaku por aktivigi\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:163
msgid "Right-click to edit"
msgstr "Dekstre alklaku por redakti"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:220
#, python-format
msgid "(b. %(birthdate)s, d. %(deathdate)s)"
msgstr "(n. %(birthdate)s, m. %(deathdate)s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:225
#, python-format
msgid "(b. %s)"
msgstr "(n. %s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:227
#, python-format
msgid "(d. %s)"
msgstr "(m. %s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:251
msgid ""
"Breakdown by generation:\n"
msgstr ""
"Disigu laŭ generacio:\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:253
msgid "percent sign or text string|%"
msgstr "%"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:260
msgid "Generation 1"
msgstr "Generacio 1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:261
msgid "Double-click to see people in generation"
msgstr "Duobla alklako por vidi personojn en generacio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:263
#, python-format
msgid " has 1 of 1 individual (%(percent)s complete)\n"
msgstr " havas 1 el 1 persono (%(percent)s kompleta)\n"

#. Create the Generation title, set an index marker
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:266
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:206
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:205
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:301
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:179
#, python-format
msgid "Generation %d"
msgstr "Generacio %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:267
#, python-format
msgid "Double-click to see people in generation %d"
msgstr "Duobla alklako por vidi personojn en generacio %d"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:271
msgid ""
" has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n"
msgid_plural ""
" has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n"
msgstr[0] ""
" havas {count_person} el {max_count_person} personoj ({percent} kompleta)\n"
msgstr[1] ""
" havas {count_person} el {max_count_person} personoj ({percent} kompleta)\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:278
msgid "All generations"
msgstr "Ĉiuj generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:279
msgid "Double-click to see all generations"
msgstr "Duobla alklako por vidi ĉiujn generacioj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:282
msgid " have {number_of} individual\n"
msgid_plural " have {number_of} individuals\n"
msgstr[0] " havas {number_of} personoj\n"
msgstr[1] " havas {number_of} personoj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:225
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s - %(place)s."
msgstr "%(date)s - %(place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:228
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s."
msgstr "%(date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:120
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:375
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3377
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Latitudo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:122
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:377
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3378
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Longitudo"

#. Add types:
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:127
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:142
msgid "View Type"
msgstr "Vidotipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:78
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:143
msgid "Quick Views"
msgstr "Rapidaj vidoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:48
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:44
msgid "Double-click name for details"
msgstr "Duoble alklaku nomon por detaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:41
msgid "Click name to make person active\n"
msgstr "Alklaku nomon por aktivigi personon\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:42
msgid "Right-click name to edit person"
msgstr "Alklaku nomon por redakti personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:72
#, python-format
msgid "Active person: %s"
msgstr "Aktiva persono: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:88
#, python-format
msgid "%d. Partner: "
msgstr "%d. Partnero: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:92
#, python-format
msgid "%d. Partner: Not known"
msgstr "%d. Partnero: Nekonata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:107
msgid "Parents:"
msgstr "Gepatroj:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:119
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:123
#, python-format
msgid "   %d.a Mother: "
msgstr "   %d.a Patrino: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:130
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:134
#, python-format
msgid "   %d.b Father: "
msgstr "   %d.a Patrino: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:41
msgid ""
"Click name to change active\n"
"Double-click name to edit"
msgstr ""
"Alklaku nomon por ŝanĝi la aktivan\n"
"Duoble alklaku nomon por redakti"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:42
msgid "Log for this Session"
msgstr "Protokolo por ĉi tiu seanco"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:51
msgid "Opened data base -----------\n"
msgstr "Malfermita datumbazo -----------\n"

#. List of translated strings used here (translated in self.log ).
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:53
msgid "Added"
msgstr "Aldonita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:53
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Forigita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:53
msgid "Edited"
msgstr "Redaktita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:53
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "Elektita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:67
msgid "SoundEx code:"
msgstr "SoundEx-kodo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:54
msgid "Double-click item to see matches"
msgstr "Duoble alklaku la elementon por vidi la rezultojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:236
msgid "less than 1"
msgstr "malpli ol 1"

#. -------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:242
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1756
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1806
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1862
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5207
msgid "Individuals"
msgstr "Personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:146
msgid "Number of individuals"
msgstr "Nombro de personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:156
msgid "Individuals with unknown gender"
msgstr "Pesonoj sen nekonataj seksoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:160
msgid "Incomplete names"
msgstr "Nekompletaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:164
msgid "Individuals missing birth dates"
msgstr "Personoj kun mankantaj naskiĝdatoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:168
msgid "Disconnected individuals"
msgstr "Izolitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:172
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:207
msgid "Family Information"
msgstr "Familiinformoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:174
msgid "Number of families"
msgstr "Nombro de familioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:178
msgid "Unique surnames"
msgstr "Unikaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:182
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:224
msgid "Media Objects"
msgstr "Aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:184
msgid "Individuals with media objects"
msgstr "Personoj kun aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:188
msgid "Total number of media object references"
msgstr "Totala nombro de aŭdvideobjektaj referencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:192
msgid "Number of unique media objects"
msgstr "Nombro de unikaj aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:197
msgid "Total size of media objects"
msgstr "Totala grando de aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:201
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:254
msgid "Missing Media Objects"
msgstr "Mankantaj aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:46
msgid "Double-click surname for details"
msgstr "Duoble alklaku familinomon por detaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:176
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:184
msgid "Number of surnames"
msgstr "Nombro de familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:178
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:185
msgid "Min font size"
msgstr "Min. tipargrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:180
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:186
msgid "Max font size"
msgstr "Maks. tipargrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:169
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:106
msgid "Total unique surnames"
msgstr "Totalo de unikaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:171
msgid "Total surnames showing"
msgstr "Totalo de familinomoj montritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:47
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:50
msgid "Previous To Do note"
msgstr "Antaŭa farota noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:51
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:54
msgid "Next To Do note"
msgstr "Posta farota noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:55
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:58
msgid "Edit the selected To Do note"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan farotan noton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:59
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:62
msgid "Add a new To Do note"
msgstr "Aldonu novan farotan noton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:139
msgid "Unattached"
msgstr "Malligita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:104
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "Enkonduko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:106
msgid ""
"Gramps is a software package designed for genealogical research. Although "
"similar to other genealogical programs, Gramps offers some unique and "
"powerful features.\n"
msgstr ""
"Gramps estas programara pakaĵo planita por genealogia esploro. Kvankam "
"simila al aliaj genealogiaj programoj, Gramps ofertas unikajn kaj potencajn "

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:109
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Ligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:110
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Hejmpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:111
msgid "Start with Genealogy and Gramps"
msgstr "Komencu kun genealogio kaj Gramps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:114
msgid "Gramps online manual"
msgstr "Interreta manlibro de Gramps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:115
#, fuzzy
msgid "locale_suffix|"
msgstr "postantaŭnoma vorteto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:116
msgid "Ask questions on gramps-users mailing list"
msgstr "Demandu en la dissendolisto de gramps-uzantoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:120
msgid "Who makes Gramps?"
msgstr "Kiu faris Gramps?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:121
msgid ""
"Gramps is created by genealogists for genealogists, organized in the Gramps "
"Project. Gramps is an Open Source Software package, which means you are free "
"to make copies and distribute it to anyone you like. It's developed and "
"maintained by a worldwide team of volunteers whose goal is to make Gramps "
"powerful, yet easy to use.\n"
msgstr ""
"Graps estas kreita de genealogiistoj por genealogiistoj, organizitaj en la "
"Gramps-Projekto. Gramps estas pakaĵo de Malfermitkoda Programaro, signifanta "
"ke oni estas liberaj fari kopiojn kaj distribui al kiu ajn oni volas. Ĝi "
"estas programata kaj prizorgata de monda teamo de volontuloj kies celo estas "
"igi Gramps'on potenca kaj faciluza.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:127
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Ekkomenci"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:128
msgid ""
"The first thing you must do is to create a new Family Tree. To create a new "
"Family Tree (sometimes called 'database') select \"Family Trees\" from the "
"menu, pick \"Manage Family Trees\", press \"New\" and name your Family Tree. "
"For more details, please read the information at the links above\n"
msgstr ""
"La unua afero kiun oni devas fari, estas krei novan Genealogian Arbo. Por "
"krei novan genealogian arbon (kelkfoje nomata 'datumbazo'), elektu "
"\"Genealogia Arbo\" el la menuo, en ĝi \"Administru Genealogiajn Arbojn\", "
"premu \"Nova\" kaj nomu vian genealogian arbon. Por kromaj detaloj, bv legi "
"la informojn ĉe la supraj ligiloj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:133
msgid "Dashboard View"
msgstr "Panelvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:134
msgid ""
"You are currently reading from the \"Dashboard\" view, where you can add "
"your own gramplets. You can also add gramplets to any view by adding a "
"sidebar and/or bottombar, and right-clicking to the right of the tab.\n"
"You can click the configuration icon in the toolbar to add additional "
"columns, while right-click on the background allows to add gramplets. You "
"can also drag the Properties button to reposition the gramplet  on this "
"page, and detach the gramplet to float above Gramps."
msgstr ""
"Nun vi legas el \"Panelo\"-vido, kie vi povas aldoni viajn proprajn "
"gramplet'ojn. Vi povas ankaŭ aldoni gramplet'ojn al ĉiu ajn vido aldonante "
"flankan breton kaj/aŭ suban breton, kaj dekstre alklakante ĉe la dekstro de "
"la langeto.\n"
"Vi povas alklaki la konfiguran miniaturon en la il-breto por aldoni kromajn "
"kolumnojn, dum dedkstre-klakante sur la fono permesas aldoni gramplet'ojn. "
"Vi povas ankaŭ treni la Eco-butonon por relokigi la gramplet'ojn sur ĉi tiu "
"paĝo, kaj malligi la gramplet'on por flosi super Gramps."

#. Minimum number of lines we want to see. Further lines with the same
#. distance to the main person will be added on top of this.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:57
msgid "Minimum number of items to display"
msgstr "Minimuma nombro de elementoj montrotaj"

#. How many generations of descendants to process before we go up to the
#. next level of ancestors.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:63
msgid "Descendant generations per ancestor generation"
msgstr "Praidaraj generacioj por praula generacio"

#. After an ancestor was processed, how many extra rounds to delay until
#. the descendants of this ancestor are processed.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:69
msgid "Delay before descendants of an ancestor is processed"
msgstr "Prokrasto antaŭ la traktado de la praidoj de praulo"

#. Tag to use to indicate that this person has no further marriages, if
#. the person is not tagged, warn about this at the time the marriages
#. for the person are processed.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:76
msgid "Tag to indicate that a person is complete"
msgstr "Etikedo por montri ke persono estas kompleta"

#. Tag to use to indicate that there are no further children in this
#. family, if this family is not tagged, warn about this at the time the
#. children of this family are processed.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:83
msgid "Tag to indicate that a family is complete"
msgstr "Etikedo por montri ke familio estas kompleta"

#. Tag to use to specify people and families to ignore. In his way,
#. hopeless cases can be marked separately and don't clutter up the list.
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:89
msgid "Tag to indicate that a person or family should be ignored"
msgstr "Etikedo por montri ke oni devus ignori personon aŭ familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:163
msgid "No Home Person set."
msgstr "Neagordita hejmpersono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:345
msgid "first name unknown"
msgstr "nekonata antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:348
msgid "surname unknown"
msgstr "nekonata familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:352
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:383
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:410
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:417
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:457
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:464
msgid "(person with unknown name)"
msgstr "(persono kun nekonata nomo)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:365
msgid "birth event missing"
msgstr "naskiĝevento mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:369
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:441
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:476
#, python-format
msgid ": %(list)s\n"
msgstr ": %(list)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:387
msgid "person not complete"
msgstr "persono nekompleta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:406
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:413
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:453
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:460
msgid "(unknown person)"
msgstr "(nekonata persono)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:419
#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:466
#, python-format
msgid "%(name1)s and %(name2)s"
msgstr "%(name1)s kaj %(name2)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:435
msgid "marriage event missing"
msgstr "geedziĝoevento mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:437
msgid "relation type unknown"
msgstr "parenceco nekonata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:472
msgid "family not complete"
msgstr "familio nekompleta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:487
msgid "date unknown"
msgstr "nekonata dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:489
msgid "date incomplete"
msgstr "nekompleta dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:493
msgid "place unknown"
msgstr "nekonata loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:496
#, python-format
msgid "%(type)s: %(list)s"
msgstr "%(type)s: %(list)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:504
msgid "spouse missing"
msgstr "geedzo mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:508
msgid "father missing"
msgstr "patro mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:512
msgid "mother missing"
msgstr "patrino mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:516
msgid "parents missing"
msgstr "gepatroj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:523
#, python-format
msgid ": %s\n"
msgstr ": %s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:31
msgid "Family Lines Graph"
msgstr "Grafikaĵo de famililinioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:32
msgid "Produces family line graphs using GraphViz."
msgstr "Kreas famililiniajn grafikaĵojn uzante GraphViz'on."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:54
msgid "Hourglass Graph"
msgstr "Sablohorloĝa grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:55
msgid "Produces an hourglass graph using Graphviz."
msgstr "Kreas sablohorloĝan grafikaĵon uzante Graphviz'on."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:76
msgid "Relationship Graph"
msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:77
msgid "Produces relationship graphs using Graphviz."
msgstr "Kreas parencecan grafikaĵojn uzante GraphViz'on."

#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Constant options items
#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:70
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:56
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:69
msgid "B&W outline"
msgstr "B/N konturoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:71
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:57
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:70
msgid "Colored outline"
msgstr "Koloraj konturoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:72
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:58
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:71
msgid "Color fill"
msgstr "Kolorplenigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow parents to determine \"family lines\""
msgstr "Sekvu gepatrojn por determini famililiniojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:115
msgid ""
"Parents and their ancestors will be considered when determining \"family "
msgstr ""
"Oni konsideros gepatrojn kaj iliajn praulojn dum determino de \"famililinioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:119
msgid "Follow children to determine \"family lines\""
msgstr "Sekvu gefilojn por determini \"famililiniojn\""

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:121
msgid "Children will be considered when determining \"family lines\"."
msgstr "Oni konsideros gefilojn dum determino de \"famililinioj\"."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:125
msgid "Try to remove extra people and families"
msgstr "Provas forigi superfluajn personojn kaj familiojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:127
msgid ""
"People and families not directly related to people of interest will be "
"removed when determining \"family lines\"."
msgstr ""
"Personoj kaj familioj ne rekte rilataj al la celpersonoj estos forigitaj "
"dumla determinado de \"familiaj linioj\"."

#. see bug report #2180
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:327
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:698
msgid "Use rounded corners"
msgstr "Utiligu rondigitajn angulojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:134
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:329
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:700
msgid "Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men."
msgstr "Uzu rondigitajn angulojn por diferencigi virinojn de viroj."

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:138
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:318
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:665
msgid "Graph coloring"
msgstr "Grafikaĵkolorigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:141
msgid ""
"Males will be shown with blue, females with red, unless otherwise set above "
"for filled. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with "
msgstr ""
"La maskloj estos blue montritaj, la femaloj ruĝe, se ne agordite malsame. Se "
"la sekso de persono estas nekonata la persono estos grize montrita."

#. --------------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:150
msgid "People of Interest"
msgstr "Celpersonoj"

#. --------------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:153
msgid "People of interest"
msgstr "Celpersonoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:154
msgid ""
"People of interest are used as a starting point when determining \"family "
msgstr ""
"Oni uzas celpersonojn kiel startpunkton dum la determino de la \"familiaj "

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:158
msgid "Limit the number of ancestors"
msgstr "Limigu la nombron de prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:160
msgid "Whether to limit the number of ancestors."
msgstr "Ĉu limigi la nombron de prauloj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:166
msgid "The maximum number of ancestors to include."
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de prauloj inkluzivotaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:170
msgid "Limit the number of descendants"
msgstr "Limigu la nombron de praidoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:173
msgid "Whether to limit the number of descendants."
msgstr "Ĉu limigi la nombron de praidoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:179
msgid "The maximum number of descendants to include."
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de praidoj inkluzivotaj."

#. --------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:187
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:305
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:623
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:972
msgid "Include Gramps ID"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Gramps-ID'on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:188
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:306
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:624
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not include"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu titolon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:189
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:307
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:625
#, fuzzy
msgid "Share an existing line"
msgstr "Kunhavigu ekzistantan eventon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:190
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:308
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:626
msgid "On a line of its own"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:191
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:309
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:627
#, fuzzy
msgid "Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi Gramps-ID'on apud nomoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:194
msgid "Include dates"
msgstr "Inkluzivu datojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:195
msgid "Whether to include dates for people and families."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi datojn por personoj kaj familiojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:200
msgid "Limit dates to years only"
msgstr "Limigu la datojn ĝis la nura jaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:201
msgid ""
"Prints just dates' year, neither month or day nor date approximation or "
"interval are shown."
msgstr ""
"Printas la datojn nur kun la jaro. Oni montras nek monatan, tagan aŭ datan "
"proksimumigojn aŭ intervalojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:206
msgid "Include places"
msgstr "Inkluzivu lokojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:207
msgid "Whether to include placenames for people and families."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi loknomojn por personoj kaj familioj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:211
msgid "Include the number of children"
msgstr "Inkluzivu la nombron de gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:213
msgid ""
"Whether to include the number of children for families with more than 1 "
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi la nombron de gefiloj por familioj kun pli ol 1 fil(in)o."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:221
msgid "Whether to include thumbnail images of people."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi miniaturajn bildojn de personoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:226
msgid "Thumbnail location"
msgstr "Lokigo de miniaturoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:227
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:646
msgid "Above the name"
msgstr "Super la nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:228
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:647
msgid "Beside the name"
msgstr "Malsuper la nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:229
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:649
msgid "Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name"
msgstr "Kie devus aperi la miniatura bildo rilate al la nomo"

#. ----------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:234
msgid "Family Colors"
msgstr "Familikoloroj"

#. ----------------------------
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:237
msgid "Family colors"
msgstr "Familikoloroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:238
msgid "Colors to use for various family lines."
msgstr "Koloroj uzotaj por diversaj famililinioj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:246
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:674
msgid "The color to use to display men."
msgstr "La koloro uzota por montri virojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:250
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:678
msgid "The color to use to display women."
msgstr "La koloro uzota por montri virinojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:254
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:683
msgid "The color to use when the gender is unknown."
msgstr "La koloro uzota kiam sekso estas nekonata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:258
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:687
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:94
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:210
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:753
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:114
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:50 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:58
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:652
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:696
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1758
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1809
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1864
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3059
msgid "Families"
msgstr "Familioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:259
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:688
msgid "The color to use to display families."
msgstr "La koloro uzota por montri familiojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:349
msgid "Empty report"
msgstr "Malplena raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:350
msgid "You did not specify anybody"
msgstr "Vi specifis neniun"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:923
msgid "{number_of} child"
msgid_plural "{number_of} children"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} fil(in)o"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:288
msgid "The Center person for the graph"
msgstr "La centra persono por la grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:295
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:347
msgid "Max Descendant Generations"
msgstr "Maks. praidaraj generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:296
msgid "The number of generations of descendants to include in the graph"
msgstr "La nombro de praidaraj generacioj inkluzivotaj en la grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:300
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:351
msgid "Max Ancestor Generations"
msgstr "Maks. praulaj generacio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:301
msgid "The number of generations of ancestors to include in the graph"
msgstr "La nombro de praulaj generacioj inkluzivotaj en la grafikaĵo"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:662
msgid "Graph Style"
msgstr "Grafikaĵa stilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:321
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:668
msgid ""
"Males will be shown with blue, females with red.  If the sex of an "
"individual is unknown it will be shown with gray."
msgstr ""
"La maskloj estos blue montritaj, la femaloj ruĝe. Se la sekso de persono "
"estas nekonata la persono estos grize montrita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:73
msgid "Descendants <- Ancestors"
msgstr "Praidoj <- Prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:74
msgid "Descendants -> Ancestors"
msgstr "Praidoj -> Prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:75
msgid "Descendants <-> Ancestors"
msgstr "Praidoj <-> Prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:76
msgid "Descendants - Ancestors"
msgstr "Praidoj - Prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:576
msgid "Determines what people are included in the graph"
msgstr "Determinas kiujn personojn inkluzivi en la raporto"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dates and/or Places"
msgstr "Datoj por familianoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:599
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not include any dates or places"
msgstr "Ne inkluzivu titolon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:600
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, but no places"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:604
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places if no dates"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:606
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, but no places"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, and places"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:610
#, fuzzy
msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) places, but no dates"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- kaj Mortdatojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:612
#, fuzzy
msgid "Whether to include dates and/or places"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi notojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:615
msgid "Include URLs"
msgstr "Inkluzivu URL-ojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:616
msgid ""
"Include a URL in each graph node so that PDF and imagemap files can be "
"generated that contain active links to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
"Web Site' report."
msgstr ""
"Inkluzivu URL'on en ĉiun grafikaĵan nodon tiel ke kreiĝu PDF- kaj bildmap-"
"dosieroj entenantaj aktivajn ligilojn al dosieroj generitaj de 'Narrate Web "

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:631
msgid "Include relationship to center person"
msgstr "Inkluzivu parencecon al la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:632
msgid "Whether to show every person's relationship to the center person"
msgstr "Ĉu montri ĉiun personparencecon al la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:645
msgid "Thumbnail Location"
msgstr "Lokigo de miniaturoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:654
msgid "Include relationship debugging numbers also"
msgstr "Inkluzivu ankaŭ la numerojn de la parencecĝustigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:657
msgid ""
"Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' also, to debug the relationship calculator"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi ankaŭ 'Ga' kaj 'Gb', por ĝustigi la parenceckalkulilon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:691
msgid "Arrowhead direction"
msgstr "Sagpinta direkto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:694
msgid "Choose the direction that the arrows point."
msgstr "Elektu la direkton de la sagoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:705
msgid "Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"
msgstr "Indiku la parencecojn nedenaskajn per streketitaj linioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:706
msgid "Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph."
msgstr ""
"Oni montros la parencecojn nedenaskajn per streketitaj linioj en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:710
msgid "Show family nodes"
msgstr "Montru familinodojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:711
msgid "Families will show up as ellipses, linked to parents and children."
msgstr ""
"La familioj estos montritaj kiel elipsoj, ligitaj al gepatroj kaj gefiloj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:34
msgid "Import data from CSV files"
msgstr "Importu datumojn el CSV-dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:71
msgid "Import data from GeneWeb files"
msgstr "Importu datumojn el GeneWeb-dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:88
msgid "Gramps package (portable XML)"
msgstr "Gramps-pakaĵo (portebla XML)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:89
msgid ""
"Import data from a Gramps package (an archived XML Family Tree together with "
"the media object files.)"
msgstr ""
"Importu datumojn el Gramps-pakaĵo (arkivita XML'a Genealogia Arbo kun "
"aŭdvideobjektaj dosieroj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:107
msgid "Gramps XML Family Tree"
msgstr "Graamps-XML'a Genealogia Arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:108
msgid ""
"The Gramps XML format is a text version of a Family Tree. It is read-write "
"compatible with the present Gramps database format."
msgstr ""
"La Gramps-XML-formo estas teksta versio de Genealogia Arbo. Ĝi estas kongrua "
"kun ĉi tiu Gramps-datumbaza formo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:128
msgid "Gramps 2.x database"
msgstr "Gramps'a 2.x datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:129
msgid "Import data from Gramps 2.x database files"
msgstr "Importu datumojn el datumbazaj dosieroj de Gramps 2.x"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:146
msgid "Pro-Gen"
msgstr "Pro-Gen"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:147
msgid "Import data from Pro-Gen files"
msgstr "Importu datumojn el Pro-Gen'aj dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:165
msgid "Import data from vCard files"
msgstr "Importu datumojn el vCard-dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:109
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:138
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:153
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:159
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:72
#, python-format
msgid "%s could not be opened\n"
msgstr "Ne eblis malfermi %s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:111
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:147
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:74
msgid "Results"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:111
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:147
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:74
msgid "done"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:133
msgid "Given name"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:135
msgid "given name"
msgstr "antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:136
msgid "Call name"
msgstr "Voknomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:138
msgid "call"
msgstr "voka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:142
msgid "gender"
msgstr "sekso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:143
msgid "source"
msgstr "fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:144
msgid "note"
msgstr "noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:146
msgid "birth place"
msgstr "naskiĝloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:151
msgid "birth source"
msgstr "naskiĝfontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:154
msgid "baptism place"
msgstr "baptoloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:156
msgid "baptism date"
msgstr "baptodato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:159
msgid "baptism source"
msgstr "baptofonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:161
msgid "burial place"
msgstr "entombigloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:163
msgid "burial date"
msgstr "entombigdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:166
msgid "burial source"
msgstr "entombigfonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:168
msgid "death place"
msgstr "mortoloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:173
msgid "death source"
msgstr "mortofonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:174
msgid "Death cause"
msgstr "Mortokaŭzo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:175
msgid "death cause"
msgstr "mortodato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:176
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:140
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:150
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:160
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:170
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:180
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:190
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:200
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:209
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:221
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:227
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:233
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:239
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:245
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:251
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3663
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3840
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4290
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6681
msgid "Gramps ID"
msgstr "Gramps-ID"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:177
msgid "Gramps id"
msgstr "Gramps-Id"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:178
msgid "person"
msgstr "persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:180
msgid "child"
msgstr "fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:184
msgid "Parent2"
msgstr "Gepatro2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:184
msgid "mother"
msgstr "patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:185
msgid "parent2"
msgstr "gepatro2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:187
msgid "Parent1"
msgstr "Gepatro1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:187
msgid "father"
msgstr "patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:188
msgid "parent1"
msgstr "gepatro1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:189
msgid "marriage"
msgstr "geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:190
msgid "date"
msgstr "dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:191
msgid "place"
msgstr "loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:218
#, python-format
msgid "format error: line %(line)d: %(zero)s"
msgstr "form-eraro: linio %(line)d: %(zero)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:278
msgid "CSV Import"
msgstr "CSV-Importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:280
msgid "Reading data..."
msgstr "Legas datumojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:287
msgid "CSV import"
msgstr "CSV-Importo"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:295
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:274
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:233
msgid "Import Complete: {number_of} second"
msgid_plural "Import Complete: {number_of} seconds"
msgstr[0] "Importo kompletita: {number_of} sekundon"
msgstr[1] "Importo kompletita: {number_of} sekundojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:31
msgid "Gramps - GEDCOM Encoding"
msgstr "Gramps - GEDCOM Kodprezento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:76
msgid "GEDCOM Encoding"
msgstr "GEDCOM-Kodprezento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:96
msgid ""
"This GEDCOM file has identified itself as using ANSEL encoding. Sometimes, "
"this is in error. If the imported data contains unusual characters, undo the "
"import, and override the character set by selecting a different encoding "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu GEDCOM-dosiero identigis sin mem uzanta ANSEL-kodoprezenton. Kelkfoje "
"tio estas eraro. Se la importitaj datumoj entenas nekutimajn signojn, "
"malfaru la importon kaj transpasu la signaragordon elektante alian "
"kodoprezenton ĉi-malsupre."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:122
msgid "Encoding: "
msgstr "Kodoprezento: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:237
msgid "Warning messages"
msgstr "Avertomesaĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:304
msgid "Created by:"
msgstr "Kreita de:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:321
msgid "People:"
msgstr "Personoj:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:378
msgid "Encoding:"
msgstr "Kodoprezento:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:393
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Versio:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:410
msgid "Families:"
msgstr "Familioj:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:127
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM file"
msgstr "Nevalida GEDCOM-dosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:128
#, python-format
msgid "%s could not be imported"
msgstr "ne eblis importi %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:145
msgid "Error reading GEDCOM file"
msgstr "Eraro legante GEDCOM-dosieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accomplishment"
msgstr "Aranĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Acquisition"
msgstr "Ago"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adhesion"
msgstr "Versio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "Award"
msgstr "_Antaŭen"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Name"
msgstr "_Ŝanĝu dosiernomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:90
msgid "Circumcision"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:94
msgid "Military Demobilisation"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dotation"
msgstr "Citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "Excommunication"
msgstr "Instrunivelo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "LDS Family Link"
msgstr "Famililigiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Funeral"
msgstr "Ĝenerala"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hospitalisation"
msgstr "Naturalizo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:107
msgid "Illness"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "List Passenger"
msgstr "Alĝustigu paĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Military Distinction"
msgstr "Militservo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:111
msgid "Militaty Mobilisation"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Military Promotion"
msgstr "Militservo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "LDS Seal to child"
msgstr "Elektu fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:123
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sold property"
msgstr "Posedaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "No mention"
msgstr "Neniu priskribo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Separated"
msgstr "Departmento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:197
msgid "GeneWeb import"
msgstr "GenWeb-importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:911
msgid "Invalid date {date} in {gw_snippet}, preserving date as text."
msgstr "Nevalida dato {date} en {gw_snippet}, konservas la daton kiel tekston."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:72
#, python-format
msgid "Could not create media directory %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei la aŭdvidaĵan dosierujon: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:76
#, python-format
msgid "Media directory %s is not writable"
msgstr "La aŭdvidaĵa dosierujo %s ne estas skribebla"

#. mediadir exists and writable -- User could have valuable stuff in
#. it, have him remove it!
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:81
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Media directory %s exists. Delete it first, then restart the import process"
msgstr ""
"La aŭdvidaĵa dosierujo %s ekzistas. Unue forigu ĝin, tiam restartigu la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:90
#, python-format
msgid "Error extracting into %s"
msgstr "Eraro dum la elpako en %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:107
msgid "Base path for relative media set"
msgstr "Agordita la relativa vojprefikso por la aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:108
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The base media path of this Family Tree has been set to %s. Consider taking "
"a simpler path. You can change this in the Preferences, while moving your "
"media files to the new position, and using the media manager tool, option "
"'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your media objects."
msgstr ""
"La baza vojo de la aŭdvidaĵoj de ĉi tiu Genealogia Arbo estas agordita al  "
"%s. Konsideru havi pli simplan vojon. Oni povas modifi tion en Agordoj, dum "
"la movo de la aŭdvidaĵoj al nova pozicio, kaj uzante la aŭdvidaĵa "
"administrilo, opcio 'Anstataŭigu subĉenon en la vojo' por agordi ĝuste la "
"voojn en la audvideaj objektoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:117
msgid "Cannot set base media path"
msgstr "Ne eblas agordi bazan aŭdvidaĵan vojon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:118
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The Family Tree you imported into already has a base media path: "
"%(orig_path)s. The imported media objects however are relative from the path "
"%(path)s. You can change the media path in the Preferences or you can "
"convert the imported files to the existing base media path. You can do that "
"by moving your media files to the new position, and using the media manager "
"tool, option 'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your "
"media objects."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo importita jam havas bazan aŭdvidaĵan vojon %(orig_path)s. "
"La importitaj aŭdvideaj objektoj tamen estas relativaj rilate al la vojo "
"%(path)s. Oni povas ŝanĝi la aŭdvidaĵan vojon en Agordoj aŭ oni povas "
"konverti la importitajn dosierojn al la jam ekzistanta baza aŭdvidaĵa vojo. "
"Oni povas fari tion movante la aŭdvidaĵajn dosierojn al la nova pozicio kaj "
"uzi la aŭdividaĵan administrilon, opcio 'Anstatauigu subĉenojn en la vojo' "
"por agordi korekte la vojojn en siaj aŭdvidaĵaj objektoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:74
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:83
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:467
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:470
#, python-format
msgid "%s could not be opened"
msgstr "ne eblis malfermi %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:62
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The Database version is not supported by this version of Gramps.You should "
"use an old copy of Gramps at version 3.0.x and import your database into "
"that version. You should then export a copy of your data to Gramps XML "
"(Family Tree). Then you should upgrade to the latest version of Gramps (for "
"example this version), create a new empty database and import the Gramps XML "
"into that version. Please refer to:%(gramps_wiki_migrate_two_to_three_url)s"
msgstr ""
"La versio de la Datumbazo ne estas subtenata de ĉi tiu versio de Gramps. Oni "
"devus uzi malnovan kopion de Gramps je versio 3.0.x kaj importi sian "
"datumbazon en ĉi tiun version. Tiam oni devus eksporti kopion de siaj "
"datumoj al Gramps-XML (Genealogia Arbo). Poste oni devus aktualigi al la "
"lasta versio de Gramps (ekzemple ĉi tiu versio), krei novan malplenan "
"datumbazon kaj importi la Gramps-XML'on en tiun version. Bv referenci al: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:80
msgid "Pro-Gen data error"
msgstr "Pro-Gen'a datumeraro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:174
msgid "Not a Pro-Gen file"
msgstr "Ne Pro-Gen'a dosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:392
#, python-format
msgid "Field '%(fldname)s' not found"
msgstr "Kampo '%(fldname)s' netrovita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:468
#, python-format
msgid "Cannot find DEF file: %(deffname)s"
msgstr "Ne eblas trovi DEF-dosieron: %(deffname)s"

#. print self.def_.diag()
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:516
msgid "Import from Pro-Gen"
msgstr "Importu el ProGen"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:522
msgid "Pro-Gen import"
msgstr "Pro-Gen-importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:751
#, python-format
msgid "date did not match: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)"
msgstr "dato ne kongruas: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)"

#. The records are numbered 1..N
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:831
msgid "Importing individuals"
msgstr "Importas personojn"

#. The records are numbered 1..N
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:1106
msgid "Importing families"
msgstr "Importas familiojn"

#. The records are numbered 1..N
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:1283
msgid "Adding children"
msgstr "Aldonas gefilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:1294
#, python-format
msgid "cannot find father for I%(person)s (father=%(id)d)"
msgstr "ne eblas trovi patron por I%(person)s (father=%(id)d)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:1297
#, python-format
msgid "cannot find mother for I%(person)s (mother=%(mother)d)"
msgstr "ne eblas trovi patrinon por I%(person)s (mother=%(mother)d)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:227
msgid "vCard import"
msgstr "vCard-importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:316
#, python-format
msgid "Import of VCards version %s is not supported by Gramps."
msgstr "Importado de VCards versio %s ne estas subtenata de Gramps."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:484
msgid "Invalid date {date} in BDAY {vcard_snippet}, preserving date as text."
msgstr ""
"Nevalida dato {date} en BDAY {vcard_snippet}, konservas la daton kiel "

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:492
msgid ""
"Date {vcard_snippet} not in appropriate format yyyy-mm-dd, preserving date "
"as text."
msgstr ""
"Dato {vcard_snippet} ne en ĝusta formo jjjj-mm-tt, konservas la daton kiel "

#. feature requests 2356, 1658: avoid genitive form
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Support functions
#. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. feature requests 2356, 1658: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:131
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_name)s of %(family)s"
msgstr "%(event_name)s de %(family)s"

#. feature requests 2356, 1658: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:133
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_name)s of %(person)s"
msgstr "%(event_name)s de %(person)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:154
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:159
#, python-format
msgid "Error reading %s"
msgstr "Eraro legante %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:161
msgid "The file is probably either corrupt or not a valid Gramps database."
msgstr "Eble la dosiero estas damaĝita aŭ ne valida Gramps-datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:274
#, python-format
msgid "  %(id)s - %(text)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  %(id)s - %(text)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:280
#, python-format
msgid "  Family %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Familio %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:283
#, python-format
msgid "  Source %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Fonto %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:286
#, python-format
msgid "  Event %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Evento %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:289
#, python-format
msgid "  Media Object %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Aŭdvideaj objektoj %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:292
#, python-format
msgid "  Place %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Loko %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:295
#, python-format
msgid "  Repository %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Deponejo %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:298
#, python-format
msgid "  Note %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Noto %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:303
#, python-format
msgid "  Citation %(id)s with %(id2)s\n"
msgstr "  Citaĵo %(id)s kun %(id2)s\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:311
#, python-format
msgid "  People: %d\n"
msgstr "  Personoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:312
#, python-format
msgid "  Families: %d\n"
msgstr "  Familioj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:313
#, python-format
msgid "  Sources: %d\n"
msgstr "  Fontoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:314
#, python-format
msgid "  Events: %d\n"
msgstr "  Eventoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:315
#, python-format
msgid "  Media Objects: %d\n"
msgstr "  Aŭdvideaj objektoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:316
#, python-format
msgid "  Places: %d\n"
msgstr "  Lokoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:317
#, python-format
msgid "  Repositories: %d\n"
msgstr "  Deponejoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:318
#, python-format
msgid "  Notes: %d\n"
msgstr "  Notoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:319
#, python-format
msgid "  Tags: %d\n"
msgstr "  Etikedoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:320
#, python-format
msgid "  Citations: %d\n"
msgstr "  Citaĵoj: %d\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:322
msgid "Number of new objects imported:\n"
msgstr "Nombro de novaj objektoj importitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:331
#, python-format
msgid ""
" The imported file was not self-contained.\n"
"To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n"
"their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n"
"The breakdown per category is depicted by the\n"
"number in parentheses. Where possible these\n"
"'Unkown' objects are referenced by note %(unknown)s.\n"
msgstr ""
"La importita dosiero ne estis mem-entena.\n"
"Por korekti tion, estis kreitaj %(new)d objektoj\n"
"kaj ilia tipa atributo estis agordita al 'Nekonata'.\n"
"La disigo de kategorioj estas montrita de la numero interkrampa. Kie eble ĉi "
"tiuj 'Nekonataj' objektoj estas referencitaj\n"
"per noto %(unknown)s.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:339
msgid ""
"Media objects with relative paths have been\n"
"imported. These paths are considered relative to\n"
"the media directory you can set in the preferences,\n"
"or, if not set, relative to the user's directory.\n"
msgstr ""
"Aŭdvideaj objektoj kun relativaj vojoj estis\n"
"importitaj. Ĉi tiuj vojoj estas konsiderataj\n"
"relativaj al la aŭdvidaĵa dosierujo agordebla en la\n"
"agordoj, aŭ, se ne agordita, relativaj al la dosieruo de\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:350
msgid ""
"Objects that are candidates to be merged:\n"
msgstr ""
"Objektoj kandidataj al kunfando:\n"

#. there is no old style XML
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:833
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1304
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1577
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1996
msgid "The Gramps Xml you are trying to import is malformed."
msgstr "La importota Gramps-Xml estas mabone formita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:834
msgid "Attributes that link the data together are missing."
msgstr "La atributoj, kiuj ligas la datumojn kune, mankas"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:938
msgid "Gramps XML import"
msgstr "Gramps-XML-importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:974
msgid "Could not change media path"
msgstr "Ne eblis ŝanĝi aŭdvidaĵan vojon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:975
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The opened file has media path %s, which conflicts with the media path of "
"the Family Tree you import into. The original media path has been retained. "
"Copy the files to a correct directory or change the media path in the "
msgstr ""
"La malfermita dosiero havas aŭdvidaĵan vojon %s, kiu konfliktas kun la "
"aŭdvidaĵa vojo de la Genealogia Arbo inportita. La origina aŭdvidaĵa vojo "
"estis konservita. Oni kopiu la dosierojn en ĝustan dosierujon aŭ oni ŝantu "
"la aŭdvidaĵan vojon en la Agordoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1034
msgid ""
"The .gramps file you are importing does not contain information about the "
"version of Gramps with, which it was produced.\n"
"The file will not be imported."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero .gramps kiun oni volas importi ne entenas informojn pri la versio "
"de Gramps per kio ĝi estis produktita.\n"
"La dosiero ne estos importita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1037
msgid "Import file misses Gramps version"
msgstr "La importota dosiero ne enhavas la Gramps-version"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1039
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(newer)s of Gramps, "
"while you are running an older version %(older)s. The file will not be "
"imported. Please upgrade to the latest version of Gramps and try again."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero .gramps kiun oni volas importi estis kreita de versio %(newer)s "
"de Gramps, dum oni uzas pli malnovan version %(older)s. La dosiero ne estos "
"importita. Bv aktaŭaligi ĝis la plej lasta versio de Gramps kaj provu denove."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1047
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of "
"Gramps, while you are running a more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n"
"The file will not be imported. Please use an older version of Gramps that "
"supports version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n"
"  %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n"
" for more info."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero .gramps kiun oni volas importi estis kreita de versio "
"%(oldgramps)s de Gramps, dum oni uzas pli novan version %(newgramps)s.\n"
"La dosiero ne estos importita. Bv uzi pli malnovan version de Gramps kiu "
"subtenas version %(xmlversion)s de xml.\n"
"  http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=GRAMPS_XML\n"
"por kromaj informoj.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1058
msgid "The file will not be imported"
msgstr "La dosiero ne estos importita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1060
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of "
"Gramps, while you are running a much more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n"
"Ensure after import everything is imported correctly. In the event of "
"problems, please submit a bug and use an older version of Gramps in the "
"meantime to import this file, which is version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n"
"  %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n"
"for more info."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero .gramps kiun oni volas importi estis kreita de versio "
"%(oldgramps)s de Gramps, dum oni uzas pli novan version %(newgramps)s.\n"
"Certiĝu ke post la importado ĉio estis importita senerare. Kaze de "
"problemoj, bonvolu sendi cimon kaj uzi pli malnovan version de Gramps por "
"importi ĉi tiun dosieron, kiu havas version %(xmlversion)s de xml.\n"
"  http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=GRAMPS_XML\n"
"por kromaj informoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1073
msgid "Old xml file"
msgstr "Malnova xml-dosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1225
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2705
#, python-format
msgid "Witness name: %s"
msgstr "Nome de atestanto: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1305
msgid "Any event reference must have a 'hlink' attribute."
msgstr "Ĉiu ajn eventreferenco devas havi 'hlink'-atributon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1578
msgid "Any person reference must have a 'hlink' attribute."
msgstr "Ĉiu ajn personreferenco devas havi 'hlink'-atributon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1766
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your Family Tree groups name \"%(key)s\" together with \"%(parent)s\", did "
"not change this grouping to \"%(value)s\"."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo grupigas nomon \"%(key)s\" kune kun \"%(parent)s\", ĝi ne "
"ŝanĝis ĉi tiun grupigon al \"%(value)s\"."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1769
msgid "Gramps ignored a name grouping"
msgstr "Gamps ignoris nomgrupigon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1828
msgid "Unknown when imported"
msgstr "Nekonata dum importado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1997
msgid "Any note reference must have a 'hlink' attribute."
msgstr "Ĉiu ajn notreferenco devas havi 'hlink'-atributon."

#. TRANSLATORS: leave the {date} and {xml} untranslated in the format string,
#. but you may re-order them if needed.
#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2527
msgid "Invalid date {date} in XML {xml}, preserving XML as text"
msgstr "Nevalida dato {date} en XML {xml}, konservas la daton kiel tekston"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2577
#, python-format
msgid "Witness comment: %s"
msgstr "Atestantokomento: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3225
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: family '%(family)s' father '%(father)s' does not refer back to the "
"family. Reference added."
msgstr ""
"Eraro: familio '%(family)s' patro '%(father)s' ne referencas al sia familio. "
"Referenco aldonita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3241
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: family '%(family)s' mother '%(mother)s' does not refer back to the "
"family. Reference added."
msgstr ""
"Eraro: familio '%(family)s' patrino '%(mother)s' ne referencas al sia "
"familio. Referenco aldonita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3263
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: family '%(family)s' child '%(child)s' does not refer back to the "
"family. Reference added."
msgstr ""
"Eraro: familio '%(family)s' finl(in)o '%(child)s' ne referencas al sia "
"familio. Referenco aldonita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgario"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:2
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:65
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Ĉeĥio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Ĉilio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:5
msgid "China"
msgstr "Ĉinio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Kroatio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:7
msgid "England"
msgstr "Anglio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finnlando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:9
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:65
msgid "France"
msgstr "Francio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Germanio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japanio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Slovaka"

#. Make upper case of translaed country so string search works later
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:13
#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:47
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:65
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Svedio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:14
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:65
msgid "United States of America"
msgstr "Usono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Jewish Holidays"
msgstr "Judaj festotagoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Purim"
msgstr "Purimo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Passover"
msgstr "Juda Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:18
msgid "2 of Passover"
msgstr "2a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:19
msgid "3 of Passover"
msgstr "3a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:20
msgid "4 of Passover"
msgstr "4a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:21
msgid "5 of Passover"
msgstr "5a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:22
msgid "6 of Passover"
msgstr "6a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:23
msgid "7 of Passover"
msgstr "7a de J. Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:24
msgid "Shavuot"
msgstr "Sepsemajna festo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana"
msgstr "Juda Jarfino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:26
msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana 2"
msgstr "Juda Jarfino 2"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Yom Kippur"
msgstr "Jom Kippur"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Sukot"
msgstr "Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:29
msgid "2 of Sukot"
msgstr "2a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:30
msgid "3 of Sukot"
msgstr "3a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:31
msgid "4 of Sukot"
msgstr "4a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:32
msgid "5 of Sukot"
msgstr "5a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:33
msgid "6 of Sukot"
msgstr "6a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:34
msgid "7 of Sukot"
msgstr "7a de Sukoto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:35
msgid "Simhat Tora"
msgstr "Simhat Tora"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:36
msgid "Hanuka"
msgstr "Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:37
msgid "2 of Hanuka"
msgstr "2a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:38
msgid "3 of Hanuka"
msgstr "3a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:39
msgid "4 of Hanuka"
msgstr "4a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:40
msgid "5 of Hanuka"
msgstr "5a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:41
msgid "6 of Hanuka"
msgstr "6a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:42
msgid "7 of Hanuka"
msgstr "7a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:43
msgid "8 of Hanuka"
msgstr "8a de Ĥanuka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:44
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Novzelando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:45
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukrajnio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Persa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/holidays.xml.in.h:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Serbia (Latin)"
msgstr "Persa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py:1399
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Mismatch between selected extension %(ext)s and actual format.\n"
" Writing to %(filename)s in format %(impliedext)s."
msgstr ""
"Estas miskongruo inter elektita sufikso %(ext)s kaj la aktuala formo.\n"
" Skribas la %(filename)s en formo %(impliedext)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line ignored "
msgstr "BLOB ignorita"

#. e.g. Illegal character (oxAB) (0xCB)... 1 NOTE xyz?pqr?lmn
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1563
#, python-format
msgid "Illegal character%s"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1824
msgid "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. It appears to have been truncated."
msgstr "La GEDCOM-dosiero estas difektita. Ŝajnas ke oni trunkis ĝin."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1907
#, python-format
msgid "Import from GEDCOM (%s)"
msgstr "Importu el GEDCOM (%s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2706
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3105
msgid "GEDCOM import"
msgstr "GEDCOM-importo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2734
msgid "GEDCOM import report: No errors detected"
msgstr "GEDCOM'a import-raporto: Neniu eraro detektita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2736
#, python-format
msgid "GEDCOM import report: %s errors detected"
msgstr "GEDCOM'a import-raporto: %s eraroj detektitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3026
msgid "Tag recognized but not supported"
msgstr "Etikedo rekonita sed ne subtenata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3037
msgid "Line ignored as not understood"
msgstr "Linio ignorita ĉar nekomprenita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3062
msgid "Skipped subordinate line"
msgstr "Subordigita linio transaltita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3096
msgid "Records not imported into "
msgstr "Rikordoj ne importitaj en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3132
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: %(msg)s  '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. "
"Record synthesised"
msgstr ""
"Eraro: %(msg)s  '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) mankas en GEDCOM. "
"Rikordo kreita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3141
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. "
"Record with typifying attribute 'Unknown' created"
msgstr ""
"Eraro: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) mankas en GEDCOM. "
"Rikordo kun la tipo de atributo 'Nekonata' kreita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3180
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Error: family '%(family)s' (input as @%(orig_family)s@) person %(person)s "
"(input as %(orig_person)s) is not a member of the referenced family. Family "
"reference removed from person"
msgstr ""
"Eraro: familo '%(family)s' (input as @%(orig_family)s@) persono %(person)s "
"(input as %(orig_person)s) ne estas membro de la referencita familio. "
"Forigita la familireferenco disde la persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3258
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The imported file was not self-contained.\n"
"To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n"
"their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n"
"Where possible these 'Unknown' objects are \n"
"referenced by note %(unknown)s.\n"
msgstr ""
"La importita dosiero ne estis mem-entena.\n"
"Por korekti tion, estis kreitaj %(new)d objekjtoj\n"
"kaj ilia tipa atributo estis agordita al 'Nekonata'.\n"
"Kie eble ĉi tiuj 'Nekonataj' objektoj estas referencitaj\n"
"per noto %(unknown)s.\n"

#. message means that the element %s was ignored, but
#. expressed the wrong way round because the message is
#. truncated for output
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3326
#, python-format
msgid "ADDR element ignored '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' ignorita de elemento ADDR"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3339
msgid "TRLR (trailer)"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3368
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Submitter):"
msgstr "Transsendita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3399
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6996
msgid "GEDCOM data"
msgstr "GEDCOM-datumoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3445
msgid "Unknown tag"
msgstr "Nekonata etikedo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3447
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3461
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3465
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3486
msgid "Top Level"
msgstr "Supera nivelo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3558
#, python-format
msgid "INDI (individual) Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "INDI (individua) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3675
msgid "Empty Alias <NAME PERSONAL> ignored"
msgstr "Malplena kromnomo <PERSONA NOMO> ignorita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3755
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5070
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5298
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5460
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6130
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6283
msgid "Filename omitted"
msgstr "Dosiernomo preterlasita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3757
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5072
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5300
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5462
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6132
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6285
msgid "Form omitted"
msgstr "Formo preterlasita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:4834
#, python-format
msgid "FAM (family) Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "FAM (familio) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5214
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7299
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7339
msgid "Empty note ignored"
msgstr "Malplena noto ignorita"

#. We have previously found a PLAC
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5372
msgid "A second PLAC ignored"
msgstr ""

#. We have perviously found an ADDR, or have populated location
#. from PLAC title
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5540
msgid "Location already populated; ADDR ignored"
msgstr ""

#. empty: discard, with warning and skip subs
#. Note: level+2
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5649
msgid "Empty event note ignored"
msgstr "Malplena evento-noto ignorita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5967
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6781
msgid "Warn: ADDR overwritten"
msgstr "Averto: ADDR anstatauigita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6144
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6578
msgid "REFN ignored"
msgstr "REFN ignorita"

#. SOURce with the given gramps_id had no title
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6243
#, python-format
msgid "No title - ID %s"
msgstr "ID %s sen titolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6248
#, python-format
msgid "SOUR (source) Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "SOUR (fonto) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6504
#, python-format
msgid "OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "OBJE (aŭdvidea objekto) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6532
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7528
#, python-format
msgid "Could not import %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis importi %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6568
msgid "BLOB ignored"
msgstr "BLOB ignorita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6588
msgid "Multimedia REFN:TYPE ignored"
msgstr "REFN:TYPE aŭdvidaĵa ignorita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6598
msgid "Mutimedia RIN ignored"
msgstr "RIN aŭdvidaĵa ignorita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6685
#, python-format
msgid "REPO (repository) Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "REPO (deponejo) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6916
#, fuzzy
msgid "HEAD (header)"
msgstr "Head (Kaplinio)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6933
msgid "Approved system identification"
msgstr "Identigsistemo aprobita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6945
msgid "Generated By"
msgstr "Kreita de"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6961
msgid "Name of software product"
msgstr "Nomo de la programaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6975
msgid "Version number of software product"
msgstr "Versinumero de la programaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6993
#, python-format
msgid "Business that produced the product: %s"
msgstr "Entrepreno kiu produktis la produktaĵon: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7015
msgid "Name of source data"
msgstr "Nomo de la fontdatumoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7032
msgid "Copyright of source data"
msgstr "Kopirajto de la fontdatumoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7049
msgid "Publication date of source data"
msgstr "Publikigodato de la fontdatumoj"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7063
#, python-format
msgid "Import from %s"
msgstr "Importu el %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7102
msgid "Submission record identifier"
msgstr "Identigilo de rikordsendado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7115
msgid "Language of GEDCOM text"
msgstr "Lingvo de la GEDCOM-teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7141
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Import of GEDCOM file %(filename)s with DEST=%(by)s, could cause errors in "
"the resulting database!"
msgstr ""
"La importo de dosiero GEDCOM %(filename)s kun DEST=%(by)s, povus kaŭzi "
"erarojn en la rezultinta datumbazo!"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7144
msgid "Look for nameless events."
msgstr "Serĉu sennomajn eventojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7168
msgid "Character set"
msgstr "Signaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7173
msgid "Character set and version"
msgstr "Signaro kaj versio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7190
msgid "GEDCOM version not supported"
msgstr "GEDCOM-versio nesubtenata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7194
msgid "GEDCOM version"
msgstr "GEDCOM-versio"

#. Allow Lineage-Linked etc. though it should be in uppercase
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7202
msgid "GEDCOM FORM should be in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7204
#, fuzzy
msgid "GEDCOM FORM not supported"
msgstr "GEDCOM-formo nesubtenata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7207
msgid "GEDCOM form"
msgstr "GEDCOM-formo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7256
msgid "Creation date of GEDCOM"
msgstr "Kreodato de GEDCOM"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7261
msgid "Creation date and time of GEDCOM"
msgstr "Kre- kaj hordato de GEDCOM"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7354
#, python-format
msgid "NOTE Gramps ID %s"
msgstr "NOTE (Noto) Gramps ID %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7404
msgid "Submission: Submitter"
msgstr "Transendo: Transendinto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7406
msgid "Submission: Family file"
msgstr "Transendo: Familidosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7408
msgid "Submission: Temple code"
msgstr "Transsendo: Templa kodo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7410
msgid "Submission: Generations of ancestors"
msgstr "Transendo: Generacioj de prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7412
msgid "Submission: Generations of descendants"
msgstr "Transendo: Generacioj de praidoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7414
msgid "Submission: Ordinance process flag"
msgstr "Transsendo: Indiko de ceremoniprocedo"

#. # Okay we have no clue which temple this is.
#. # We should tell the user and store it anyway.
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7629
msgid "Invalid temple code"
msgstr "Nevalida templokodo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7717
msgid ""
"Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. The file appears to be encoded using the "
"UTF16 character set, but is missing the BOM marker."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero GEDCOM estas difektita. Ŝajnas ke la dosiero estis enkondita "
"uzante la signaron UTF16, sed mankas la markilo BOM."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7720
msgid "Your GEDCOM file is empty."
msgstr "La GEDCOM-dosiero estas malplena."

#. First is used as default selection.
#. As seen on the internet, ISO-xxx are listed as capital letters
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:51
msgid "Unicode UTF-8 (recommended)"
msgstr "Unikodo UTF-8 (rekomendita)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:107
msgid "Standard copyright"
msgstr "Norma Kopirajto"

#. This must match _CC
#. translators, long strings, have a look at Web report dialogs
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:111
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution"
msgstr "Krea Komunaĵo - By attribution"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:112
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, No derivations"
msgstr "Krea komunaĵo - By attribution, No derivations"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:113
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Share-alike"
msgstr "Krea komunaĵo - By attribution, Share-alike"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:114
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial"
msgstr "Krea komunaĵo - By attribution, Non-commercial"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:115
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations"
msgstr "Krea komunaĵo - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:116
msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike"
msgstr "Krea komunaĵo - By attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:118
msgid "No copyright notice"
msgstr "Neniu kopirajta informo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:96
msgid "Invalid format"
msgstr "Nevalida formo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:64
#, python-format
msgid "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d"
msgstr "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:67
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s %(time)s"
msgstr "%(date)s %(time)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:100
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Fotilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:101
msgid "GPS"
msgstr "GPS"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:102
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Speciala"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:88
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis je %(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:89
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis je%(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:90
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis je %(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:93
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "La persono naskiĝis je%(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:94
#, python-format
msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis je %(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:95
#, python-format
msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis je %(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:97
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Naskita %(birth_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:102
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis%(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:103
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis %(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:104
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis %(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:107
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis %(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:108
#, python-format
msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:109
#, python-format
msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis %(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:111
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Naskita %(modified_date)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:116
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:117
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:118
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:121
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:122
#, python-format
msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:123
#, python-format
msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis naskita la %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:125
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(birth_date)s."
msgstr "Naskita %(birth_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:130
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis %(modified_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:131
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis %(modified_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:132
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis %(modified_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:135
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis %(modified_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:136
#, python-format
msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis %(modified_date)s ."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:137
#, python-format
msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis %(modified_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:139
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(modified_date)s."
msgstr "Naskita %(modified_date)s ."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:144
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis la %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:145
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:146
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:149
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:150
#, python-format
msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:151
#, python-format
msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:153
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Naskita en %(month_year)s en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:158
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:159
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:160
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:163
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:164
#, python-format
msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:165
#, python-format
msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis en %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:167
#, python-format
msgid "Born %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Naskita en %(month_year)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:172
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:173
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:174
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:177
#, python-format
msgid "This person was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:178
#, python-format
msgid "He was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Li naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:179
#, python-format
msgid "She was born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi naskiĝis en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:181
#, python-format
msgid "Born in %(birth_place)s."
msgstr "Naskita en %(birth_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:191
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:192
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age "
"of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la "
"aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:196
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:199
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:200
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s mortis je%(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:204
#, python-format
msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:205
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:208
#, python-format
msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:209
#, python-format
msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:212
#, python-format
msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:213
#, python-format
msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:217
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:250
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:218
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:251
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:224
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:225
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la "
"aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:228
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:229
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:232
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:233
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s mortis je%(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:237
#, python-format
msgid "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:238
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:241
#, python-format
msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:242
#, python-format
msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:245
#, python-format
msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:246
#, python-format
msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:257
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:258
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:261
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:262
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:265
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:266
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je%(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:270
#, python-format
msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:271
#, python-format
msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:274
#, python-format
msgid "He died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:275
#, python-format
msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:278
#, python-format
msgid "She died on %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:279
#, python-format
msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:283
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:316
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:284
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:317
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(death_date)s (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(death_date)s (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:290
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:291
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:294
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:295
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:298
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:299
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je%(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:303
#, python-format
msgid "This person died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:304
#, python-format
msgid "This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:307
#, python-format
msgid "He died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:308
#, python-format
msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:311
#, python-format
msgid "She died %(death_date)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:312
#, python-format
msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(death_date)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:323
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:324
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age "
"of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la "
"aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:327
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:328
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:331
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:332
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:336
#, python-format
msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:337
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:340
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:341
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:344
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:345
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:349
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:350
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(month_year)s en %(death_place)s) (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:356
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:357
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:360
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:361
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:364
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:365
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:369
#, python-format
msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:370
#, python-format
msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:373
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:374
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:377
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:378
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je %(month_year)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:382
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(month_year)s."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(month_year)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:383
#, python-format
msgid "Died %(month_year)s (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortinta je %(month_year)s (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:389
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:390
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:393
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:394
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:397
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:398
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:403
#, python-format
msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:404
#, python-format
msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis jen %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:407
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Li mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:408
#, python-format
msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:411
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:412
#, python-format
msgid "She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis en %(death_place)s je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:416
#, python-format
msgid "Died in %(death_place)s."
msgstr "Mortinta en %(death_place)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:417
#, python-format
msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortinta en %(death_place)s) (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:424
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:428
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:432
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:437
#, python-format
msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:441
#, python-format
msgid "He died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Li mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:445
#, python-format
msgid "She died at the age of %(age)s."
msgstr "Ŝi mortis je la aĝo de %(age)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:450
#, python-format
msgid "Died (%(age)s)."
msgstr "Mortinta (%(age)s)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:461
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:462
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:465
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:466
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:469
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:470
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:472
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(burial_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:477
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:478
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:481
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:482
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:485
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:486
#, python-format
msgid "This person was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:488
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:493
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:494
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:497
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:498
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:501
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:502
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:504
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(month_year)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:509
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:510
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:513
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:514
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:517
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:518
#, python-format
msgid "This person was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:520
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:525
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:526
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:529
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:530
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:533
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:534
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:536
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(modified_date)s en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:541
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:542
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:545
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:546
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:549
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:550
#, python-format
msgid "This person was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:552
#, python-format
msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:557
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:558
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:561
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis entombigitan en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:562
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:565
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:566
#, python-format
msgid "This person was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:568
#, python-format
msgid "Buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita en %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:573
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis entombigita %(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:574
#, python-format
msgid "He was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis entombigita %(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:577
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis entombigita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:578
#, python-format
msgid "She was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis entombigita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:581
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis entombigita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:582
#, python-format
msgid "This person was buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis entombigita %(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:584
#, python-format
msgid "Buried%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Entombigita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:594
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:595
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:598
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:599
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:602
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:603
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:605
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(baptism_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:610
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:611
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:614
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:615
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:618
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:619
#, python-format
msgid "This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:621
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:626
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:627
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:630
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:631
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:634
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:635
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:637
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(month_year)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:642
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:643
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:646
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:647
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:650
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:651
#, python-format
msgid "This person was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:653
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:658
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:659
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:662
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:663
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:666
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:667
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:669
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:674
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:675
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:678
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:679
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:682
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:683
#, python-format
msgid "This person was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:685
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:690
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:691
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:694
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:695
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:698
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:699
#, python-format
msgid "This person was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:701
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita en %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:706
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:707
#, python-format
msgid "He was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:710
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:711
#, python-format
msgid "She was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:714
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:715
#, python-format
msgid "This person was baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:717
#, python-format
msgid "Baptized%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:727
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:728
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:731
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:732
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:735
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:736
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(christening_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:738
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(christening_date)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:743
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:744
#, python-format
msgid "He was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:747
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:748
#, python-format
msgid "She was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:751
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:752
#, python-format
msgid "This person was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:754
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:759
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:760
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:763
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:764
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:767
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in "
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:768
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:770
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(month_year)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:775
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:776
#, python-format
msgid "He was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:779
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:780
#, python-format
msgid "She was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:783
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:784
#, python-format
msgid "This person was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:786
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:791
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:792
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:795
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:796
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:799
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:800
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:802
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(modified_date)s en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:807
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:808
#, python-format
msgid "He was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:811
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:812
#, python-format
msgid "She was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:815
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:816
#, python-format
msgid "This person was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:818
#, python-format
msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:823
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:824
#, python-format
msgid "He was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:827
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:828
#, python-format
msgid "She was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:831
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:832
#, python-format
msgid "This person was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:834
#, python-format
msgid "Christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita en %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:839
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:840
#, python-format
msgid "He was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:843
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:844
#, python-format
msgid "She was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:847
#, python-format
msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:848
#, python-format
msgid "This person was christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:850
#, python-format
msgid "Christened%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Baptita%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:861
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la fil(in)o de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:862
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la fil(in)o de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:865
#, python-format
msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estas la fil(in)o de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:866
#, python-format
msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis la fil(in)o de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:868
#, python-format
msgid "Child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Fil(in)o de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:872
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la filo de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:873
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la filo de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:876
#, python-format
msgid "He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Li estas la filo de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:877
#, python-format
msgid "He was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Li estis la filo de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:879
#, python-format
msgid "Son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Filo de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:883
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estas la filino de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:884
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis la filino de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:887
#, python-format
msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estas la filino de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:888
#, python-format
msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis la filino de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:890
#, python-format
msgid "Daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."
msgstr "Filino de %(father)s kaj %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:897
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la fil(in)o de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:898
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la fil(in)o de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:901
#, python-format
msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estas la fil(in)o de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:902
#, python-format
msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis la fil(in)o de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:904
#, python-format
msgid "Child of %(father)s."
msgstr "Fil(in)o de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:908
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la filo de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:909
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la filo de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:912
#, python-format
msgid "He is the son of %(father)s."
msgstr "Li estas la filo de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:913
#, python-format
msgid "He was the son of %(father)s."
msgstr "Li estis la filo de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:915
#, python-format
msgid "Son of %(father)s."
msgstr "Filo de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:919
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estas la filino de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:920
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis la filino de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:923
#, python-format
msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estas la filino de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:924
#, python-format
msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis la filino de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:926
#, python-format
msgid "Daughter of %(father)s."
msgstr "Filino de %(father)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:933
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la fil(in)o de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:934
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la fil(in)o de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:937
#, python-format
msgid "This person is the child of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estas la fil(in)o de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:938
#, python-format
msgid "This person was the child of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono estis la fil(in)o de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:940
#, python-format
msgid "Child of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Fil(in)o de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:944
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estas la filo de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:945
#, python-format
msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(male_name)s estis la filo de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:948
#, python-format
msgid "He is the son of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Li estas la filo de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:949
#, python-format
msgid "He was the son of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Li estis la filo de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:951
#, python-format
msgid "Son of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Filo de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:955
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estas la filino de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:956
#, python-format
msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(mother)s."
msgstr "%(female_name)s estis la filino de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:959
#, python-format
msgid "She is the daughter of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estas la filino de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:960
#, python-format
msgid "She was the daughter of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Ŝi estis la filino de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:962
#, python-format
msgid "Daughter of %(mother)s."
msgstr "Filino de %(mother)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:973
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:974
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:975
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:978
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:979
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:980
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:983
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:984
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:985
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:988
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:989
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:990
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:996
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:997
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:998
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1001
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1002
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1003
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1006
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1007
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1008
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1011
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1012
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1013
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1019
#, python-format
msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1020
#, python-format
msgid "This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1021
#, python-format
msgid "This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1024
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1025
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1026
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1029
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1030
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1031
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1034
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1035
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1036
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1042
#, python-format
msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1043
#, python-format
msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1044
#, python-format
msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1047
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1048
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1049
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1052
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1053
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1054
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1057
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1058
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1059
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1064
#, python-format
msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s je en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1065
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1066
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1067
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1071
#, python-format
msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1072
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1073
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1074
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1078
#, python-format
msgid "This person married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1079
#, python-format
msgid "He married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1080
#, python-format
msgid "She married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1081
#, python-format
msgid "Married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1085
#, python-format
msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1086
#, python-format
msgid "He also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li edzinigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1087
#, python-format
msgid "She also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi edzigis ankaŭ %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1088
#, python-format
msgid "Also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Edz(in)igis ankaŭ %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1098
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in "
"%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s "
"en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1099
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s "
"in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1100
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s "
"in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "
"%(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1103
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1104
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1105
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1108
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1109
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1110
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1113
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1136
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1114
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1137
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1115
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1138
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1121
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in "
"%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "
"%(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1122
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on "
"%(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "
"%(full_date)sen %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1123
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s "
"%(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "
"%(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1126
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1127
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1128
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1131
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s "
"in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1132
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1133
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1144
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "
"%(partial_date)s %(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1145
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1146
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1149
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1150
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1151
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1154
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1155
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1156
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1159
#, python-format
msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1160
#, python-format
msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1161
#, python-format
msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1167
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1168
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1169
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1172
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1173
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1174
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1177
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1178
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1179
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1182
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ankaŭ rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1183
#, python-format
msgid "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1184
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ankaŭ rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1189
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1190
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1191
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1192
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1199
#, python-format
msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1196
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1197
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1198
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1203
#, python-format
msgid "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1204
#, python-format
msgid "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1205
#, python-format
msgid "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1206
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1213
#, python-format
msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1210
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1211
#, python-format
msgid "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1212
#, python-format
msgid "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton sen geedziĝo kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1224
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1225
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1226
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1229
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1230
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1231
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1234
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1235
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1236
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1239
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1240
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1241
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1247
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1248
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1249
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1252
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1253
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1254
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1257
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1258
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1259
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1262
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1263
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)sen %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1264
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1270
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1271
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1272
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1275
#, python-format
msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1276
#, python-format
msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1277
#, python-format
msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1280
#, python-format
msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1281
#, python-format
msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1282
#, python-format
msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1285
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1286
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1287
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1293
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1294
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1295
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1298
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1299
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1300
#, python-format
msgid ""
"He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1303
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1304
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1305
#, python-format
msgid ""
"She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1308
#, python-format
msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1309
#, python-format
msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1310
#, python-format
msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s je %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1315
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1316
#, python-format
msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1317
#, python-format
msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1318
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1322
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1323
#, python-format
msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1324
#, python-format
msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1325
#, python-format
msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s en %(place)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1329
#, python-format
msgid "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1330
#, python-format
msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1331
#, python-format
msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1332
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Rilato kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1336
#, python-format
msgid "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu persono havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1337
#, python-format
msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Li havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1338
#, python-format
msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ŝi havis ankaŭ rilaton kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1339
#, python-format
msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."
msgstr "Ankaŭ rilato kun %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:106
msgid "Number of Parents"
msgstr "Ĝeedziĝnombro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:109
msgid "Number of To Do Notes"
msgstr "Nombro de farotaj notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:112
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:104
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:89
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:102
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:84 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:99
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:89
msgid "Last Changed"
msgstr "Laste modifita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:124
msgid "Add a new person"
msgstr "Aldonu novan personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:125
msgid "Edit the selected person"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:126
msgid "Remove the selected person"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:127
msgid "Merge the selected persons"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitajn personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:298
msgid "_Delete Person"
msgstr "_Forigu personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:314
msgid "Deleting the person will remove the person from the database."
msgstr "Forigante la personon oni forigos ĝin ankaŭ el la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:337
#, python-format
msgid "Delete Person (%s)"
msgstr "Forigu personon (%s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:367
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:663
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:421
msgid "Person Filter Editor"
msgstr "Persona filtrilredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:372
msgid "Web Connection"
msgstr "Interretkonekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:418
msgid ""
"Exactly two people must be selected to perform a merge. A second person can "
"be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired "
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du personojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"personontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:103
msgid "Edit the selected place"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:104
msgid "Delete the selected place"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:105
msgid "Merge the selected places"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn lokojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:140
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ŝargas..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:141
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:199
msgid ""
"Attempt to see selected locations with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google "
"Maps, ...)"
msgstr ""
"Provo vidi elektitajn lokojn per Mapservo OpenstreetMap, Google Maps, ...)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:144
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:197
msgid "Select a Map Service"
msgstr "Elektu Mapservon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:146
msgid "_Look up with Map Service"
msgstr "_Serĉu per Mapservo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:148
msgid ""
"Attempt to see this location with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google "
"Maps, ...)"
msgstr ""
"Provo vidi elektitan lokon per Mapservo (OpenstreetMap, Google Maps, ...)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:150
msgid "Place Filter Editor"
msgstr "Loka filtrilredaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:259
msgid "No map service is available."
msgstr "Neniu mapservo disponebla."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:260
msgid "Check your installation."
msgstr "Kontrolu vian instalon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:268
msgid "No place selected."
msgstr "Neniu loko elektita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:269
msgid ""
"You need to select a place to be able to view it on a map. Some Map Services "
"might support multiple selections."
msgstr ""
"Necesas elekti lokon por povi montri ĝin sur mapo. Kelkaj Mapservoj povas "
"subteni pluroblan elekton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:363
msgid "Cannot delete place."
msgstr "Ne eblas forigi lokon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364
msgid ""
"This place is currently referenced by another place. First remove the places "
"it contains."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu loko estas aktuale referencita de alia loko. Unu forigu la lokojn "
"kiujn ĝi entenas."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:405
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:413
msgid "Cannot merge places."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi lokojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:406
msgid ""
"Exactly two places must be selected to perform a merge. A second place can "
"be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired "
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du lokojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"lokontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita loko."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:414
msgid "Merging these places would create a cycle in the place hierarchy."
msgstr "La kunfando de ĉi tiu lokoj kreus cicklon en la lokhierarkio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:32
msgid "Provides a library for using Cairo to generate documents."
msgstr "Provizas bibliotekon por uzi Cairo'n por generi dokumentojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:51
msgid "Provides GEDCOM processing functionality"
msgstr "Provizas procesfunkcion de GEDCOM"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:68
msgid "Provides recursive routines for reports"
msgstr "Provizas rikurajn subprogramojn por raportoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:85
msgid "Provides common functionality for Gramps XML import/export."
msgstr "Provizas komunan funkcion por Gramps-XML-Importo/eksporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:103
msgid "Provides holiday information for different countries."
msgstr "Provizas festoinformojn por malsamaj landoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:121
msgid "Manages a HTML file implementing DocBackend."
msgstr "Administras HTML-dosieron kiu realigas DocBackend."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:139
msgid "Common constants for html files."
msgstr "Komunaj konstantoj por html-dosieroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:157
msgid "Manages an HTML DOM tree."
msgstr "Administras HTML-DOM'an arbon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:175
msgid "Provides base functionality for map services."
msgstr "Provizas bazan funkcion por mapservojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:192
msgid "Provides Textual Narration."
msgstr "Provizas tekstan rakonton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:209
msgid "Manages an ODF file implementing DocBackend."
msgstr "Administras ODF-doseiron kiu realigas DocBackend."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:226
msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List People views."
msgstr "Provizas la Bazon necesan por la vidoj de la Personlistoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:243
msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List Place views."
msgstr "Provizas la Bazon necesan por la vidoj de la Loklistoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:260
msgid "Provides variable substitution on display lines."
msgstr "Provizas variablan anstataŭigon en la linioj montritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:276
msgid ""
"Provides the base needed for the ancestor and descendant graphical reports."
msgstr ""
"Provizas la bazon necesan por la grafikaj raportoj de prauloj kaj praidoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:54
msgid "Youngest living person"
msgstr "Plej juna vivanta persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:55
msgid "Oldest living person"
msgstr "Plej maljuna vivanta persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:56
msgid "Person died at youngest age"
msgstr "Persono mortinta plej junaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:57
msgid "Person died at oldest age"
msgstr "Persono mortinta plej maljunaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:58
msgid "Person married at youngest age"
msgstr "Persono geedziĝinta plej junaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:59
msgid "Person married at oldest age"
msgstr "Persono geedziĝinta plej maljunaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:60
msgid "Person divorced at youngest age"
msgstr "Persono divorcita plej junaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:61
msgid "Person divorced at oldest age"
msgstr "Persono divorcita plej maljunaĝe"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:62
msgid "Youngest father"
msgstr "Plej juna patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:63
msgid "Youngest mother"
msgstr "Plej juna patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:64
msgid "Oldest father"
msgstr "Plej maljuna patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:65
msgid "Oldest mother"
msgstr "Plej maljuna patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:66
msgid "Couple with most children"
msgstr "Paro kun plej multaj gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:67
msgid "Living couple married most recently"
msgstr "Vivanta paro geedziĝinta plej laste"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:68
msgid "Living couple married most long ago"
msgstr "Vivanta paro geedziĝinta antaŭ plejlonge"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:69
msgid "Shortest past marriage"
msgstr "Plej mallonga pasinta geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:70
msgid "Longest past marriage"
msgstr "Plej longa pasinta geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:756
msgid "Top Left"
msgstr "Supre maldekstre"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:757
msgid "Top Right"
msgstr "Supre dekstre"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:758
msgid "Bottom Left"
msgstr "Malsupre maldekstre"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:759
msgid "Bottom Right"
msgstr "Malsupre dekstre"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:276
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:166
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:164
msgid "_Print..."
msgstr "_Printu..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:278
msgid "Print or save the Map"
msgstr "Printu aŭ konservu la mapon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:315
msgid "Map Menu"
msgstr "Mapmenuo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:318
msgid "Remove cross hair"
msgstr "Forigu celilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:320
msgid "Add cross hair"
msgstr "Aldonu celilon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:327
msgid "Unlock zoom and position"
msgstr "Malbloku zomilon kaj pozicion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:329
msgid "Lock zoom and position"
msgstr "Bloku zomilon kaj pozicion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:336
msgid "Add place"
msgstr "Aldonu lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:341
msgid "Link place"
msgstr "Ligu lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:346
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add place from kml"
msgstr "Aldonu lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:351
msgid "Center here"
msgstr "Encentrigu ĉi tie"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:364
#, python-format
msgid "Replace '%(map)s' by =>"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu '%(map)s' per =>"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:383
#, python-format
msgid "Clear the '%(map)s' tiles cache."
msgstr "Purigu la kahelan kaŝmemoran de '%(map)s'."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:858
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:532
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:329
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:362
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:675
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:601
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:429
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:450
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:488
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:327
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:352
msgid "Center on this place"
msgstr "Encentrigu ĉi tiun lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:937
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select a kml file used to add places"
msgstr "Elektu ekzistantan lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:999
msgid "You have at least two places with the same title."
msgstr "Oni havas almenaŭ du lokojn kun la sama titolo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1000
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The title of the places is:\n"
"The following places are similar: %(gid)s\n"
"You should eiher rename the places or merge them.\n"
"%(bold_start)sI can't proceed with your request%(bold_end)s.\n"
msgstr ""
"La titolo de la lokoj estas :\n"
"La sekvaj lokoj estas similaj : %(gid)s\n"
"Aŭ oni renomas la lokojn aŭ oni kunfandas ilin.\n"
"<b>Ne eblas procedi kun la peto</b>.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1124
msgid "Nothing for this view."
msgstr "Nenio por ĉi tiu vido."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1125
msgid "Specific parameters"
msgstr "Specifaj parametroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1143
msgid "Where to save the tiles for offline mode."
msgstr "Kie konservi la kahelojn por eksterreta reĝimo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1147
msgid ""
"If you have no more space in your file system. You can remove all tiles "
"placed in the above path.\n"
"Be careful! If you have no internet, you'll get no map."
msgstr ""
"Se oni ne plu havas spacon en la dosiersistemo. Oni povas forigi ĉiujn "
"kahelojn metitajn en la supra vojo.\n"
"Estu atenta! Se oni ne havas interreton, oni ne havos mapon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1152
msgid "Zoom used when centering"
msgstr "Zomado uzita dum encentrigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1156
msgid "The maximum number of places to show"
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de montrotaj lokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1160
msgid ""
"Use keypad for shortcuts :\n"
"Either we choose the + and - from the keypad if we select this,\n"
"or we use the characters from the keyboard."
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1165
msgid "The map"
msgstr "La mapo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1175
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select tile cache directory for offline mode"
msgstr "Kie konservi la kahelojn por eksterreta reĝimo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:111
#, python-format
msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei kahelan kaŝmemoran dosierujon %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:133
#, python-format
msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory for '%s'."
msgstr "Ne eblis krei kahelan kaŝmemoran dosierujon por '%s'."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:119
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:121
msgid "Place Selection in a region"
msgstr "Lokelekto en regiono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:122
msgid ""
"Choose the radius of the selection.\n"
"On the map you should see a circle or an oval depending on the latitude."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la radion de la selektaĵo.\n"
"Sur la mapo vi devus vidi cirklon aŭ ovalon dependajn de la latitudo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:156
msgid "The green values in the row correspond to the current place values."
msgstr "La verdaj valoroj en la linio kongruas kun la aktualaj lokvaloroj."

#. here, we could add value from geography names services ...
#. if we found no place, we must create a default place.
#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:200
msgid "New place with empty fields"
msgstr "Nova loko kun malplenaj kampoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:53
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Danlando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:80
msgid " parish"
msgstr " paroko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:84
msgid " state"
msgstr " ŝtato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:145
msgid "Latitude not within '54.55' to '69.05'\n"
msgstr "Latitudo ne inter '54.55' kaj '69.05'\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:146
msgid "Longitude not within '8.05' to '24.15'"
msgstr "Longitudo ne inter '8.05' kaj '24.15'"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:147
#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:174
#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:179
msgid "Eniro map not available"
msgstr "Mapo Eniro nedisponebla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:175
msgid "Coordinates needed in Denmark"
msgstr "Koordinatoj necesaj en Danlando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:180
msgid ""
"Latitude and longitude,\n"
"or street and city needed"
msgstr ""
"Latitudo kaj longitudo\n"
"aŭ strato kaj urbo necesaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:31
msgid "EniroMaps"
msgstr "EniroMaps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:32
msgid "Opens on kartor.eniro.se"
msgstr "Malfermiĝas en kartor.eniro.se"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:50
msgid "GoogleMaps"
msgstr "GoogleMaps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:51
msgid "Open on maps.google.com"
msgstr "Mafermu en maps.google.com"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:69
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8332
msgid "OpenStreetMap"
msgstr "OpenStreetMap"

#: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:70
msgid "Open on openstreetmap.org"
msgstr "Malfermu en openstreetmap.org"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:49
#, python-format
msgid "People and their ages the %s"
msgstr "Personoj kaj iliaj aĝoj je %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "People and their ages on %s"
msgstr "Personoj kaj iliaj aĝoj je %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:64
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:67
#, python-format
msgid "Alive: %s"
msgstr "Vivanta: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:73
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:76
#, python-format
msgid "Deceased: %s"
msgstr "Mortinta: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:81
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Living matches: %(alive)d, Deceased matches: %(dead)d\n"
msgstr ""
"Vivantoj: %(alive)d, Mortintoj: %(dead)d\n"

#. display the results
#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:57
#, python-format
msgid "Sorted events of %s"
msgstr "Ordigitaj eventoj de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:106
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:118
msgid "Event Date"
msgstr "Eventodato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:106
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:118
msgid "Event Place"
msgstr "Eventoloko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:117
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5797
msgid "Event Type"
msgstr "Eventotipo"

#. display the results
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:100
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sorted events of family\n"
" %(father)s - %(mother)s"
msgstr ""
"Ordigitaj eventoj de familio\n"
" %(father)s - %(mother)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:105
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:117
msgid "Family Member"
msgstr "Familimembro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:116
msgid "Personal events of the children"
msgstr "Personaj eventoj de la gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:70
msgid "Home person not set."
msgstr "Neagordita hejmpersono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:79
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:190
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are the same person."
msgstr "%(person)s kaj %(active_person)s estas la sama persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:203
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s is the %(relationship)s of %(active_person)s."
msgstr "%(person)s estas la %(relationship)s de %(active_person)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:102
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not directly related."
msgstr "%(person)s kaj %(active_person)s ne estas rekte parencoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:151
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s have following in-law relations:"
msgstr "%(person)s kaj %(active_person)s havas la sekvajn boparencecojn:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:205
#, python-format
msgid "Relationships of %(person)s to %(active_person)s"
msgstr "Parenceco de %(person)s kun %(active_person)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:266
#, python-format
msgid "Detailed path from %(person)s to common ancestor"
msgstr "Detalita vojo de %(person)s ĝis komuna praulo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:269
msgid "Name Common ancestor"
msgstr "Nomo de komuna praulo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Gepatro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:286
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:404
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:381
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2464
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2466
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2909
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5247
msgid "Partner"
msgstr "Partnero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:313
msgid "Partial"
msgstr "Parta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:332
msgid "Remarks with inlaw family"
msgstr "Rimarkoj pri la bofamilio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:334
msgid "Remarks"
msgstr "Rimarkoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:336
msgid "The following problems were encountered:"
msgstr "Oni renkontis la sekvajn problemojn:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:32
#, python-format
msgid "People who have the '%s' Attribute"
msgstr "Personoj kiuj havas la atributon '%s'"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:46
#, python-format
msgid "There are %d people with a matching attribute name.\n"
msgstr "Estas %d personoj kongruaj kun atributnomo.\n"

#. else "nearby" comments are ignored
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:41
msgid "Filtering_on|all"
msgstr "ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:42
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Person"
msgstr "Personoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:43
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Family"
msgstr "Familioj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:44
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Event"
msgstr "Eventoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:45
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Place"
msgstr "Lokoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:46
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Source"
msgstr "Fontoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:47
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Repository"
msgstr "Deponejoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:48
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse MediaObject"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:49
msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Note"
msgstr "Notoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:50
msgid "Filtering_on|all people"
msgstr "ĉiuj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:51
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:67
msgid "Filtering_on|all families"
msgstr "ĉiuj familioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:52
msgid "Filtering_on|all events"
msgstr "ĉiuj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:53
msgid "Filtering_on|all places"
msgstr "ĉiuj lokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:54
msgid "Filtering_on|all sources"
msgstr "ĉiuj fontoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:55
msgid "Filtering_on|all repositories"
msgstr "ĉiuj deponejoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:56
msgid "Filtering_on|all media"
msgstr "ĉiuj aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:57
msgid "Filtering_on|all notes"
msgstr "ĉiuj notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:58
msgid "Filtering_on|males"
msgstr "maskloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:59
msgid "Filtering_on|females"
msgstr "femaloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:61
msgid "Filtering_on|people with unknown gender"
msgstr "personoj kun nekonata sekso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:63
msgid "Filtering_on|incomplete names"
msgstr "nekompletaj nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:65
msgid "Filtering_on|people with missing birth dates"
msgstr "personoj sen naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:66
msgid "Filtering_on|disconnected people"
msgstr "izolitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:68
msgid "Filtering_on|unique surnames"
msgstr "unikaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:69
msgid "Filtering_on|people with media"
msgstr "personoj kun aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:70
msgid "Filtering_on|media references"
msgstr "aŭdvidaĵaĵ referencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:71
msgid "Filtering_on|unique media"
msgstr "unikaj aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:72
msgid "Filtering_on|missing media"
msgstr "aŭdvidaĵoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:73
msgid "Filtering_on|media by size"
msgstr "aŭdvidaĵoj laŭ grando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:74
msgid "Filtering_on|list of people"
msgstr "listo de personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:86
msgid "Summary counts of current selection"
msgstr "Sumaj totaloj de la aktauala elekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:88
msgid "Right-click row (or press ENTER) to see selected items."
msgstr ""
"Dekstre-alklaku linion (aŭ premu KONFIRMU) por vidi la elektitajn elementojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:90
msgid "Count/Total"
msgstr "Sumo/Totalo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:90
msgid "Object"
msgstr "Objekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:123
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:180
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:188
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:197
msgid "People"
msgstr "Personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:103
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:115
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:251
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:259
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:290
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:386
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:975
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1252
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1558
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1761
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1812
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1872
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4178
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4262
msgid "Sources"
msgstr "Fontoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:106
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:613
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:129
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:236
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:244
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1762
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1873
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2719
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6596
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6663
msgid "Repositories"
msgstr "Deponejoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:123
#, python-format
msgid "Filtering on %s"
msgstr "Filtrado sur %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:257
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:265
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:273
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:281
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:314
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:384
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160
msgid "Name type"
msgstr "Nomtipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:307
msgid "birth event but no date"
msgstr "naskiĝeventoj sed neniu dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:310
msgid "missing birth event"
msgstr "naskiĝevento mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:340
msgid "Media count"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa totalo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:348
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referenco"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:356
msgid "Unique Media"
msgstr "Unikaj aŭdivdaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:363
msgid "Missing Media"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373
msgid "Size in bytes"
msgstr "Grando en bitokoj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:395
msgid "Filter matched {number_of} record."
msgid_plural "Filter matched {number_of} records."
msgstr[0] "Filtrilo kongruas kun {number_of} rikordo."
msgstr[1] "Filtrilo kongruas kun {number_of} rikordoj."

#. display the results
#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "Father lineage for %s"
msgstr "Patra deveno por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:54
msgid ""
"This report shows the father lineage, also called patronymic lineage or Y-"
"line. People in this lineage all share the same Y-chromosome."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu raporto montras la patran devenon, ankaŭ nomata patronoma deveno aŭ Y-"
"linio. Personoj el ĉi tiu deveno kunhavas ĉiuj la saman Y-kromosomon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61
msgid "Name Father"
msgstr "Nomo de patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:181
msgid "Remark"
msgstr "Rimarko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:69
msgid "Direct line male descendants"
msgstr "Rektaj praidoj masklaj"

#. display the results
#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:83
#, python-format
msgid "Mother lineage for %s"
msgstr "Patrina deveno por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:85
msgid ""
"This report shows the mother lineage, also called matronymic lineage mtDNA "
"lineage. People in this lineage all share the same Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu raporto montras la patrinan devenon, ankaŭ nomata patrinonoma deveno "
"aŭ mtDNA-deveno.Personoj el ĉi tiu deveno kunhavas ĉiuj la saman "
"mitokondrian DNA (mtDNA)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93
msgid "Name Mother"
msgstr "Nomo de patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:101
msgid "Direct line female descendants"
msgstr "Rektaj praidoj femalaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:125
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:219
msgid "ERROR : Too many levels in the tree (perhaps a loop?)."
msgstr "ERARO : Tr multaj niveloj en la arbo (ĉu iteracio?)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:154
msgid "No birth relation with child"
msgstr "Neniu naskrilato kun la fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:158
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:178
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:964
msgid "Unknown gender"
msgstr "Nekonata sekso"

#. display the title
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:43
msgid "Link References for this note"
msgstr "Referencligilo por ĉi tiu noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45
msgid "Link check"
msgstr "Ligilkontrolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:53
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:108
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Konfirmu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:56
msgid "Failed: missing object"
msgstr "Malsukceso: objekto mankanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:58
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:113
msgid "Internet"
msgstr "Interreto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:67
msgid "No link references for this note"
msgstr "Neniu referencligilo por ĉi tiu noto"

#. display the title
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:77
#, python-format
msgid "Events of %(date)s"
msgstr "Eventoj je %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:115
msgid "Events on this exact date"
msgstr "Eventoj je ĉi tiu ekzakta dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:118
msgid "No events on this exact date"
msgstr "Neniu evento je ĉi tiu ekzakta dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:124
msgid "Other events on this month/day in history"
msgstr "Aliaj eventoj je ĉi tiu monato/tago en historio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:127
msgid "No other events on this month/day in history"
msgstr "Neniu alia evento je ĉi tiu monato/tago en historio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:133
#, python-format
msgid "Other events in %(year)d"
msgstr "Aliaj eventoj en %(year)d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:137
#, python-format
msgid "No other events in %(year)d"
msgstr "Neniu alia evento en %(year)d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:33
msgid "Display people and ages on a particular date"
msgstr "Montras personojn kaj aĝojn je aparta dato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:52
msgid "Attribute Match"
msgstr "Atributkongruo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:53
msgid "Display people with same attribute."
msgstr "Montru personojn kun la sama atributo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:72
msgid "All Events"
msgstr "Ĉiuj eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:73
msgid "Display a person's events, both personal and family."
msgstr "Montru personajn eventojn, kaj personajn kaj familiajn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:87
msgid "All Family Events"
msgstr "Ĉiuj famili-eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:88
msgid "Display the family and family members events."
msgstr "Montru familiajn kaj familianajn eventojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:107
msgid "Relation to Home Person"
msgstr "Rilato al la hejmpersono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:108
msgid "Display all relationships between person and home person."
msgstr "Montras ĉiujn parencecojn inter la perosno kaj la hejmpersono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:128
msgid "Display filtered data"
msgstr "Montru filtritajn datumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:147
msgid "Father lineage"
msgstr "Patra deveno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:148
msgid "Display father lineage"
msgstr "Montru patran devenon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:161
msgid "Mother lineage"
msgstr "Patrina deveno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:162
msgid "Display mother lineage"
msgstr "Montru patrinan devenon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:181
msgid "On This Day"
msgstr "Je ĉi tiu tago"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:182
msgid "Display events on a particular day"
msgstr "Montru eventojn de aparta tago"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:208
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:91
msgid "Source or Citation"
msgstr "Fonto aŭ citaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:214
#, python-format
msgid "%s References"
msgstr "Referencoj por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:215
#, python-format
msgid "Display references for a %s"
msgstr "Montru referencojn por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:228
msgid "Link References"
msgstr "Ligilreferencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:229
msgid "Display link references for a note"
msgstr "Montru ligilreferencojn por noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:248
msgid "Repository References"
msgstr "Deponejaj referencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:249
msgid ""
"Display the repository reference for sources related to the active repository"
msgstr ""
"Montru la deponejan referencon por fontoj rilataj kun la aktiva deponejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:269
msgid "Same Surnames"
msgstr "Samaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:270
msgid "Display people with the same surname as a person."
msgstr "Montru personojn kun la sama familinomo kiel persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:283
msgid "Same Given Names"
msgstr "Samaj antaŭnomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:284
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:298
msgid "Display people with the same given name as a person."
msgstr "Montru personojn kun la sama antaŭnomo kiel persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:297
msgid "Same Given Names - stand-alone"
msgstr "Samaj antaŭnomoj - sendependaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:317
msgid "Display a person's siblings."
msgstr "Montru gefratoj de persono."

#. display the title
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:68
#, python-format
msgid "References for this %s"
msgstr "Referencoj por ĉi tiu %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:80
#, python-format
msgid "No references for this %s"
msgstr "Neniu referenco por ĉi tiu %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2731
msgid "Call number"
msgstr "Telefonnumero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62
msgid "Type of media"
msgstr "Tipo de aŭdvidaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:39
msgid "People with incomplete surnames"
msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:40
msgid "Matches people with lastname missing"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun mankanta familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:51
msgid "People matching the <surname>"
msgstr "Personoj kongruaj kun <familinomo>"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:52
msgid "Matches people with same lastname"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun sama familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:64
msgid "People matching the <given>"
msgstr "Personoj kongruaj kun la <antaŭnomo>"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:65
msgid "Matches people with same given name"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun sama antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:88
msgid "People with incomplete given names"
msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj antaŭnomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:89
msgid "Matches people with firstname missing"
msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kun mankanta antaŭnomo"

#. display the title
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:113
#, python-format
msgid "People sharing the surname '%s'"
msgstr "Personoj kunhavantaj la familinomon '%s'"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:135
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:180
msgid "There is {number_of} person with a matching name, or alternate name.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"There are {number_of} people with a matching name, or alternate name.\n"
msgstr[0] "Estas {number_of} persono kun kongrua nomo, aŭ alternativa nomo.\n"
msgstr[1] "Estas {number_of} personoj kun kongrua nomo, aŭ alternativa nomo.\n"

#. display the title
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:158
#, python-format
msgid "People with the given name '%s'"
msgstr "Personoj kun la antaŭnomo '%s'"

#. display the title
#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:46
#, python-format
msgid "Siblings of %s"
msgstr "Gefratoj de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48
msgid "Sibling"
msgstr "Frat(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:62
msgid "self"
msgstr "mem"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:31
msgid "Catalan Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Kataluna parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:32
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:46
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:59
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:91
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:106
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:138
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:152
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:165
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:178
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:195
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:212
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:228
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:244
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:260
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:274
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:287
#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:301
msgid "Calculates relationships between people"
msgstr "Kalkulas parencecojn inter personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:45
msgid "Czech Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Ĉeĥa parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:58
msgid "Danish Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Dana parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:74
msgid "German Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Germana parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:90
msgid "Spanish Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Hispana parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:105
msgid "Finnish Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Finna parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:120
msgid "French Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Franca parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:137
msgid "Croatian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Kroata parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:151
msgid "Hungarian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Hungara parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:164
msgid "Italian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Itala parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:177
msgid "Dutch Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Nederlanda parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:194
msgid "Norwegian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Norvega parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:211
msgid "Polish Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Pola parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:227
msgid "Portuguese Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Portugala parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:243
msgid "Russian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Rusa parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:259
msgid "Slovak Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Slovaka parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:273
msgid "Slovenian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Slovena parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:286
msgid "Swedish Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Sveda parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:300
msgid "Ukrainian Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Ukrajna parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/dropdownsidebar.py:159
msgid "Click to select a view"
msgstr "Alklaku por elekti vidon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:32
msgid "Category Sidebar"
msgstr "Kategoria flanka breto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:33
msgid "A sidebar to allow the selection of view categories"
msgstr "Flanka breto permesanta la elekton de kategorividoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:41
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategorio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:47
msgid "Drop-down Sidebar"
msgstr "Flanka falbreto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:48
msgid "Selection of categories and views from drop-down lists"
msgstr "Elekto de kategorioj kaj vidoj el falmenuaj listoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drop-Down"
msgstr "Fala"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:62
msgid "Expander Sidebar"
msgstr "Etenda flankbreto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:63
msgid "Selection of views from lists with expanders"
msgstr "Elekto de vidoj el etendolistoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expander"
msgstr "Etendilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:64
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:388
msgid "Alphabetical Index"
msgstr "Alfabeta indekso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:68
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Indekso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:115
msgid "The style used for index entries."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la indeksaj kapvortoj."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:185
#, python-format
msgid "Ahnentafel Report for %s"
msgstr "Ahnentafel-Raporto por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:278
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:766
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:929
msgid "Page break between generations"
msgstr "Paĝinterrompo inter generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:280
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:768
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:931
msgid "Whether to start a new page after each generation."
msgstr "Ĉu startigi novan paĝon post ĉiu generacio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:283
msgid "Add linebreak after each name"
msgstr "Aldonu liniinterrompon post ĉiu nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:284
msgid "Indicates if a line break should follow the name."
msgstr "Indikas ĉu liniinterrompo devas sekvi la nomon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:65
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:218
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:257
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:267
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:54
msgid "Birthday and Anniversary Report"
msgstr "Naskiĝtag- kaj datrevenraporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:66
msgid "My Birthday Report"
msgstr "Mia naskiĝtaga raporto"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:215
#, python-format
msgid "Relationships shown are to %s"
msgstr "La parenceco montritaj estas kun %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:325
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s, birth%(relation)s"
msgstr "%(person)s, naskiĝo%(relation)s"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:330
msgid "{person}, {age}{relation}"
msgid_plural "{person}, {age}{relation}"
msgstr[0] "{person}, {age}{relation}"
msgstr[1] "{person}, {age}{relation}"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:412
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:414
msgid "Year of report"
msgstr "Jaro de la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:419
msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on report"
msgstr ""
"Elektu filtrilon por malgrandigi la nombron de la personoj aperontoj en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:435
msgid "Include only living people in the report"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur vivantojn en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:457
msgid "Select the first day of the week for the report"
msgstr "Elektu la unua tagon de la semajno por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:468
msgid "Include birthdays in the report"
msgstr "Inkluzivu naskiĝtagojn en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:472
msgid "Include anniversaries in the report"
msgstr "Inkluzivu datrevenojn en la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:475
msgid "Include relationships to center person"
msgstr "Inkluzivu parencecojn al la centra persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:477
msgid "Include relationships to center person (slower)"
msgstr "Inkluzivu parencecojn al la centra persono (pli malrapida)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:484
msgid "Title text"
msgstr "Titolteksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:485
msgid "Title of report"
msgstr "Titolo de la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:489
msgid "First line of text at bottom of report"
msgstr "Unua tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:493
msgid "Second line of text at bottom of report"
msgstr "Dua tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:497
msgid "Third line of text at bottom of report"
msgstr "Tria tekstolinio ĉe la malsupro de la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:554
msgid "Title text style"
msgstr "Titolteksta stilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:557
msgid "Data text display"
msgstr "Datumteksta vidigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:559
msgid "Day text style"
msgstr "Tagteksta stilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:562
msgid "Month text style"
msgstr "Monatteksta titolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:86
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:88
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:90
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:76
msgid "Custom Text"
msgstr "Propra teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:128
msgid "Initial Text"
msgstr "Komenca teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:129
msgid "Text to display at the top."
msgstr "Teksto montrota supre."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:132
msgid "Middle Text"
msgstr "Meza teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:133
msgid "Text to display in the middle"
msgstr "Teksto montrota meze"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:136
msgid "Final Text"
msgstr "Fina teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:137
msgid "Text to display last."
msgstr "Teksto montrota laste."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:148
msgid "The style used for the first portion of the custom text."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la unua parto de la propra teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:157
msgid "The style used for the middle portion of the custom text."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la meza parto de la propra teksto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:166
msgid "The style used for the last portion of the custom text."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la lasta parto de la propra teksto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:222
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:228
#, python-format
msgid "sp. %(spouse)s"
msgstr "geed. %(spouse)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:239
#, python-format
msgid "sp. see  %(reference)s : %(spouse)s"
msgstr "geed. vidu  %(reference)s : %(spouse)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:295
#, python-format
msgid "%s sp."
msgstr "%s geed."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:408
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:914
msgid "Numbering system"
msgstr "Nombra sistemo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:410
msgid "Simple numbering"
msgstr "Simpla nombrado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:411
msgid "de Villiers/Pama numbering"
msgstr "nombrado de de Villiers/Pama"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:412
msgid "Meurgey de Tupigny numbering"
msgstr "nombrado de Meurgey de Tupigny"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:413
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:920
msgid "The numbering system to be used"
msgstr "La nombra sistemo uzota"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:420
msgid "Show marriage info"
msgstr "Montru geedziĝajn informojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:421
msgid "Whether to show marriage information in the report."
msgstr "Ĉu montri geedziĝajn informojn en la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:424
msgid "Show divorce info"
msgstr "Montru divorcajn informojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:425
msgid "Whether to show divorce information in the report."
msgstr "Ĉu montri divorcajn informojn en la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:428
msgid "Show duplicate trees"
msgstr "Montru  duobligitajn arbojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:430
msgid "Whether to show duplicate Family Trees in the report."
msgstr "Ĉu montri duobligitajn genealogiajn arbojn en la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:460
#, python-format
msgid "The style used for the level %d display."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la vidigo de la nivelo %d."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:469
#, python-format
msgid "The style used for the spouse level %d display."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la vidigo de la nivelo %d de la geedzo."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:193
#, python-format
msgid "Ancestral Report for %s"
msgstr "Praulara raporto por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:283
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:397
#, python-format
msgid "%(name)s is the same person as [%(id_str)s]."
msgstr "%(name)s estas la sama persono kiel [%(id_str)s]."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:325
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:791
#, python-format
msgid "Notes for %s"
msgstr "Notoj por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:340
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:365
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:377
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:403
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:804
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:823
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:834
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:859
#, python-format
msgid "More about %(person_name)s:"
msgstr "Kromaj informoj pri %(person_name)s:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:347
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:812
#, python-format
msgid "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s"
msgstr "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:384
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:847
msgid "Address: "
msgstr "Adreso: "

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:393
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:850
#, python-format
msgid "%s, "
msgstr "%s, "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:411
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:466
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:728
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:867
#, python-format
msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s"
msgstr "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:434
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:439
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s, %(place)s"
msgstr "%(date)s, %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:437
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:442
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s"
msgstr "%(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:439
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:444
#, python-format
msgid "%(place)s"
msgstr "%(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:451
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:456
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_name)s: %(event_text)s"
msgstr "%(event_name)s: %(event_text)s"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:464
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:356
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:469
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:125
msgid "; "
msgstr " "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:565
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:617
#, python-format
msgid "Children of %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s"
msgstr "Gefiloj de %(mother_name)s kaj %(father_name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:627
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:701
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:720
#, python-format
msgid "More about %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:"
msgstr "Kromaj informoj pri %(mother_name)s kaj %(father_name)s:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:682
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:560
#, python-format
msgid "Spouse: %s"
msgstr "Geedzo: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:684
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:562
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship with: %s"
msgstr "Parenceco kun: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:753
msgid "Sosa-Stradonitz number"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:755
msgid "The Sosa-Stradonitz number of the central person."
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:771
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:934
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:948
msgid "Page break before end notes"
msgstr "Paĝinterrompo antaŭ finaj notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:773
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:936
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:950
msgid "Whether to start a new page before the end notes."
msgstr "Ĉu komenci novan paĝon antaŭ la finaj notoj."

#. Content options
#. Content
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:780
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:943
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1714
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Enteno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:782
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:945
msgid "Use callname for common name"
msgstr "Uzu voknomo por komuna nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:783
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:946
msgid "Whether to use the call name as the first name."
msgstr "Ĉu uzi la voknomo kiel antaŭnomo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:787
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:949
msgid "Use full dates instead of only the year"
msgstr "Uzu la kompetajn datojn anstataŭ nur la jaron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:788
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:951
msgid "Whether to use full dates instead of just year."
msgstr "Ĉu uzi la kompetajn datojn anstataŭ nur la jaron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:791
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:954
msgid "List children"
msgstr "Listigu la gefilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:792
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:955
msgid "Whether to list children."
msgstr "Ĉu listigi la gefilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:795
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:958
msgid "Compute death age"
msgstr "Kalkulu la aĝon je morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:796
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:959
msgid "Whether to compute a person's age at death."
msgstr "Ĉu kalkuli la aĝon de persono je morto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:799
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:962
msgid "Omit duplicate ancestors"
msgstr "Preterlasu la duoblajn praulojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:800
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:963
msgid "Whether to omit duplicate ancestors."
msgstr "Ĉu preterlasi. la duoblajn praulojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:803
msgid "Use Complete Sentences"
msgstr "Uzu kompletajn frazojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:805
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:968
msgid "Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language."
msgstr "Ĉu uzi kompletajn frazojn aŭ koncizan lingvon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:808
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:971
msgid "Add descendant reference in child list"
msgstr "Aldonu praidaran referencon en la gefilolisto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:810
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:974
msgid "Whether to add descendant references in child list."
msgstr "Ĉu aldoni praidaran referencon en la gefilolisto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:817
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:980
msgid "Include notes"
msgstr "Inkluzivu la notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:818
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:981
msgid "Whether to include notes."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi la notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:821
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:984
msgid "Include attributes"
msgstr "Inkluzivu atributojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:822
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:985
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:681
msgid "Whether to include attributes."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi atributojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:825
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:988
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:968
msgid "Include Photo/Images from Gallery"
msgstr "Inkluzivu Foton/Bildojn el la galerio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:826
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:989
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:969
msgid "Whether to include images."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi bildojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:829
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:992
msgid "Include alternative names"
msgstr "Inkluzivu alternativajn nomojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:830
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:993
msgid "Whether to include other names."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi aliajn nomojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:833
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:996
msgid "Include events"
msgstr "Inkluzivu eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:834
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:997
msgid "Whether to include events."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:837
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1000
msgid "Include addresses"
msgstr "Inkluzivu adresojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:838
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1001
msgid "Whether to include addresses."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi adresojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:841
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1004
msgid "Include sources"
msgstr "Inkluzivu fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:842
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1005
msgid "Whether to include source references."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi fontreferencojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:845
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1008
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:963
msgid "Include sources notes"
msgstr "Inkluzivu fontnotojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:846
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1009
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:964
msgid ""
"Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes section. Only works if "
"Include sources is selected."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu inkluzivi fontonotojn en la Finnota sekcio. Funkcias nur se Inkluzivu "
"notojn estas elektita."

#. How to handle missing information
#. Missing information
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:852
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1035
msgid "Missing information"
msgstr "Informoj mankantaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:854
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1037
msgid "Replace missing places with ______"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu mankantajn lokojn per ______"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:855
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1038
msgid "Whether to replace missing Places with blanks."
msgstr "Ĉu anstataŭigi mankantajn Lokojn per blankaj spacoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:858
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1041
msgid "Replace missing dates with ______"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu mankantajn datojn per ______"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:859
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1042
msgid "Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks."
msgstr "Ĉu anstataŭigi mankantajn Datojn per blankaj spacoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:892
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1075
msgid "The style used for the children list title."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la gefilolisto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:902
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1085
msgid "The style used for the children list."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la gefilolisto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:925
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1108
msgid "The style used for the first personal entry."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la unua persona enigo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:935
msgid "The style used for the More About header."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la paĝokapo de Ankoraŭ pri."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:945
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1129
msgid "The style used for additional detail data."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por kromaj detalaj datumoj."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:288
#, python-format
msgid "Descendant Report for %(person_name)s"
msgstr "Praidara raporto por %(person_name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:577
#, python-format
msgid "Ref: %(number)s. %(name)s"
msgstr "Ref: %(number)s. %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:678
#, python-format
msgid "Notes for %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:"
msgstr "Notoj por %(mother_name)s kaj %(father_name)s:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:916
msgid "Henry numbering"
msgstr "nombrado de Henry"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:917
msgid "d'Aboville numbering"
msgstr "nombrado de d'Aboville"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:919
msgid "Record (Modified Register) numbering"
msgstr "Rikorda nombrado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:966
msgid "Use complete sentences"
msgstr "Uzu kompletajn frazojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1013
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:355
msgid "Include spouses"
msgstr "Inkluzivu geedzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1014
msgid "Whether to include detailed spouse information."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi detalajn informojn pri geedzo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1017
msgid "Include spouse reference"
msgstr "Inkluzivu lgeedzan referencon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1018
msgid "Whether to include reference to spouse."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi referncon al geedzo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1021
msgid "Include sign of succession ('+') in child-list"
msgstr "Inkluzivas signon de sukcedo ('+') en gefilolisto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1023
msgid ""
"Whether to include a sign ('+') before the descendant number in the child-"
"list to indicate a child has succession."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu inkluzivi signon ('+') antaŭ la praida numero en la gefilolisto por "
"indiki che fil(in)o havas sukcedanton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1028
msgid "Include path to start-person"
msgstr "Inkluzivu vojon al komenca persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1029
msgid ""
"Whether to include the path of descendancy from the start-person to each "
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi la vojon de praidaro el komencpersono al ĉiu praido."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1118
msgid "The style used for the More About header and for headers of mates."
msgstr ""
"La stilo uzota por la paĝokapo de la Kromaj Informoj kaj por la kaplinioj de "
"la paruloj."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:152
#, python-format
msgid "End of Line Report for %s"
msgstr "Raporto de linifino por %s"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:159
#, python-format
msgid "All the ancestors of %s who are missing a parent"
msgstr "Ĉiu prauloj de %s kun mankanta gepatro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:203
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:310
#, python-format
msgid " (%(birth_date)s - %(death_date)s)"
msgstr " (%(birth_date)s - %(death_date)s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:288
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1067
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:183
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:911
msgid "The style used for the section headers."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la sekciaj kaplinioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:306
msgid "The basic style used for generation headings."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la titoloj de la generacioj."

#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise
#. translators: for French, else ignore
#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:128
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:804
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:844
#, python-format
msgid "%(str1)s: %(str2)s"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:381
msgid "Marriage:"
msgstr "Geedziĝo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:470
msgid "acronym for male|M"
msgstr "M"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:472
msgid "acronym for female|F"
msgstr "F"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:474
#, python-format
msgid "acronym for unknown|%dU"
msgstr "%dN"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:568
#, python-format
msgid "Family Group Report - Generation %d"
msgstr "Familigrupa raporto - Generacio %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:570
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:619
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:186
msgid "Family Group Report"
msgstr "Familigrupa raporto"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:643
msgid "Center Family"
msgstr "Centra familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:644
msgid "The center family for the report"
msgstr "La centra familio por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:651
msgid "Recursive"
msgstr "Rikura"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:652
msgid "Create reports for all descendants of this family."
msgstr "Kreu raportojn por ĉiuj praidoj de ĉi tiu familio."

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:662
msgid "Generation numbers (recursive only)"
msgstr "Generaciaj numeroj (nur rikuraj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:664
msgid "Whether to include the generation on each report (recursive only)."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi la generacion sur ĉiu raporto (nur rikura)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:668
msgid "Parent Events"
msgstr "Gepatroeventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:669
msgid "Whether to include events for parents."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi eventojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:672
msgid "Parent Addresses"
msgstr "Adresoj de gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:673
msgid "Whether to include addresses for parents."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi adresojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:676
msgid "Parent Notes"
msgstr "Gepatronotoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:677
msgid "Whether to include notes for parents."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi notojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:680
msgid "Parent Attributes"
msgstr "Gepatroatributoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:684
msgid "Alternate Parent Names"
msgstr "Alternativaj nomoj por gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:685
msgid "Whether to include alternate names for parents."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi alternativajn nomojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:689
msgid "Parent Marriage"
msgstr "Gepatra geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:690
msgid "Whether to include marriage information for parents."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi gedziĝajn informojn por gepatroj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:694
msgid "Dates of Relatives"
msgstr "Datoj por familianoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:695
msgid "Whether to include dates for relatives (father, mother, spouse)."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi datojn por familianoj (patro, patrino, geedzo)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:699
msgid "Children Marriages"
msgstr "Gefilaj geedziĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:700
msgid "Whether to include marriage information for children."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi gedziĝajn informojn por gefiloj."

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:705
msgid "Missing Information"
msgstr "Mankantaj informoj"

#. #########################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:708
msgid "Print fields for missing information"
msgstr "Printu kampojn por mankantaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:710
msgid "Whether to include fields for missing information."
msgstr "Ĉu ikludi kampojn por mankantaj informoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:761
msgid "The style used for the text related to the children."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la teksto koncernanta la gefilojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:771
msgid "The style used for the parent's name"
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la gepatra nomo"

#. make sure it's translated, so it can be used below, in "combine"
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:157
#, python-format
msgid "%(str1)s in %(str2)s. "
msgstr "%(str1)s en %(str2)s. "

#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:198
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:208
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:607
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1032
#, python-format
msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s"
msgstr "%(type)s: %(value)s"

#. for example (a stepfather): John Smith, relationship: Step
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:229
#, python-format
msgid "%(parent-name)s, relationship: %(rel-type)s"
msgstr "%(parent-name)s, parenceco: %(rel-type)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:274
msgid "Alternate Parents"
msgstr "Alternativaj gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:385
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6014
msgid "Associations"
msgstr "Asocioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:509
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bildoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:551
msgid "Marriages/Children"
msgstr "Geedziĝoj/Gefiloj"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:749
#, python-format
msgid "Summary of %s"
msgstr "Resumo de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:823
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:63
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Masklo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:825
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:64
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Femalo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:839
#, fuzzy
msgid "(image)"
msgstr "Bildo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:928
msgid "Select the filter to be applied to the report."
msgstr "Elektu filtrilon aplikotan al la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:944
msgid "List events chronologically"
msgstr "Listigu eventojn kronologie"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:945
msgid "Whether to sort events into chronological order."
msgstr "Ĉu ordigi eventojn en kronologia ordo."

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:959
msgid "Include Source Information"
msgstr "Inkluzivu fontinformojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:960
msgid "Whether to cite sources."
msgstr "Ĉu citi la fontojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:973
msgid "Whether to include Gramps ID next to names."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi Gramps-ID'on apud nomoj."

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:977
msgid "Sections"
msgstr "Sekcioj"

#. ###############################
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:980
msgid "Event groups"
msgstr "Eventogrupoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:981
msgid "Check if a separate section is required."
msgstr "Marku se oni petas disigitan sekcion."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1037
msgid "The style used for category labels."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la kategorietikedoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1048
msgid "The style used for the spouse's name."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la nomo de la geeedzo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1077
#, fuzzy
msgid "A style used for image facts."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la suba paĝotitolo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1087
#, fuzzy
msgid "A style used for image captions."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por ĉiu sekcio."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:116
#, python-format
msgid "Kinship Report for %s"
msgstr "Kinship-raporto por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:348
msgid "The maximum number of descendant generations"
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de praidaraj generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:352
msgid "The maximum number of ancestor generations"
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de praulaj generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:356
msgid "Whether to include spouses"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi geedzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:359
msgid "Include cousins"
msgstr "Inkluzivu gekuzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:360
msgid "Whether to include cousins"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi gekuzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:363
msgid "Include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces"
msgstr "Inkluzivu geonklojn/genevojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:364
msgid "Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi geonklojn/genevojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:308
msgid "The basic style used for sub-headings."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por subpaĝokapoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:67
#, fuzzy
msgid "Note Link Check Report"
msgstr "Raporto de linifino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Note ID"
msgstr "Noto 1"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Link Type"
msgstr "_Ligiltipo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Links To"
msgstr "Ligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Malsukceso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:204
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:932
msgid "The basic style used for table headings."
msgstr "La baza stilo uzota por la titoloj de la tabuloj."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:104
#, python-format
msgid "Number of Ancestors for %s"
msgstr "Nombro de prauloj por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:125
msgid "Generation {number} has {count} individual. {percent}"
msgid_plural "Generation {number} has {count} individuals. {percent}"
msgstr[0] "Generacio {number} havas {count} individuon. {percent}"
msgstr[1] "Generacio {number} havas {count} individuojn. {percent}"

#. TC # English return something like:
#. Total ancestors in generations 2 to 3 is 4. (66.67%)
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:167
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Total ancestors in generations %(second_generation)d to %(last_generation)d "
"is %(count)d. %(percent)s"
msgstr ""
"La totala nombro de la prauloj por la generacioj de %(second_generation)d "
"ĝis %(last_generation)d estas %(count)d. %(percent)s"

#. Write the title line. Set in INDEX marker so that this section will be
#. identified as a major category if this is included in a Book report.
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:107
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:134
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:298
msgid "Place Report"
msgstr "Lokkaporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please select at least one place before running this."
msgstr "Oni devas krei etikedon antaŭ ol plenumi ĉi tiun raporton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:135
msgid "Generating report"
msgstr "Kreas raporton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:159
#, python-format
msgid "Gramps ID: %s "
msgstr "Gramps-ID: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:160
#, python-format
msgid "Street: %s "
msgstr "Strato: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:161
#, python-format
msgid "Parish: %s "
msgstr "Paroko: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:162
#, python-format
msgid "Locality: %s "
msgstr "Loko: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:163
#, python-format
msgid "City: %s "
msgstr "Urbo: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:164
#, python-format
msgid "County: %s "
msgstr "Provinco: %s "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:165
#, python-format
msgid "State: %s"
msgstr "Ŝtato: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:166
#, python-format
msgid "Country: %s "
msgstr "Lando: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:189
msgid "Events that happened at this place"
msgstr "Eventoj okazintaj en ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:193
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:270
msgid "Type of Event"
msgstr "Eventotipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:238
#, python-format
msgid "%(persons)s and %(name)s (%(id)s)"
msgstr "%(persons)s kaj %(name)s (%(id)s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:266
msgid "People associated with this place"
msgstr "Personoj asociitaj kun ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:297
#, python-format
msgid "%(father)s (%(father_id)s) and %(mother)s (%(mother_id)s)"
msgstr "%(father)s (%(father_id)s) kaj %(mother)s (%(mother_id)s)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:390
msgid "Select using filter"
msgstr "Elektu per filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:391
msgid "Select places using a filter"
msgstr "Elektu lokon per filtrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:398
msgid "Select places individually"
msgstr "Elektu lokojn unuope"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:399
msgid "List of places to report on"
msgstr "Listo de lokoj raportotaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:406
msgid "Center on"
msgstr "Encentrigu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:410
msgid "If report is event or person centered"
msgstr "Se raporto estas centrigita sur evento aŭ persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:442
msgid "The style used for the title of the report."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:456
msgid "The style used for place title."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la loko."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:468
msgid "The style used for place details."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la detaloj de la loko."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:480
msgid "The style used for a column title."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la kolumno."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:494
msgid "The style used for each section."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por ĉiu sekcio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:525
msgid "The style used for event and person details."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la evento kaj la personaj detaloj."

#. FIXME this won't work for RTL languages:
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:128
#, python-format
msgid "%(number)s. "
msgstr "%(number)s. "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:182
msgid "Number of ranks to display"
msgstr "Nombro da vicoj montrotaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:185
msgid "Use call name"
msgstr "Uzu voknomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:187
msgid "Don't use call name"
msgstr "Ne uzu voknomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:188
msgid "Replace first names with call name"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu la antaŭnomojn per la voknomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:189
msgid "Underline call name in first names / add call name to first name"
msgstr "Substreku voknomon en antaŭnomoj / aldonu voknomon al la antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:192
msgid "Footer text"
msgstr "Paĝopieda teksto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:200
msgid "Person Records"
msgstr "Personrikordoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:202
msgid "Family Records"
msgstr "Familirikordoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:240
msgid "The style used for the report title."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la titolo de la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:252
msgid "The style used for the report subtitle."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la subtitolo de la raporto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:261
msgid "The style used for headings."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la paĝkapoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:279
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:184
msgid "The style used for the footer."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la suba paĝotitolo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:105
#, python-format
msgid "File %s does not exist"
msgstr "La dosiero %s ne ekzistas"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:130
msgid "Title of the Book"
msgstr "Titolo de la libro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:130
msgid "book|Title"
msgstr "Titolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:131
msgid "Title string for the book."
msgstr "Titolteskto de la libro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:134
msgid "Subtitle"
msgstr "Subtitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:134
msgid "Subtitle of the Book"
msgstr "Subtitolo de la libro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:135
msgid "Subtitle string for the book."
msgstr "Subtitola teksto por la libro."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:140
#, python-format
msgid "Copyright %(year)d %(name)s"
msgstr "Kopirajto %(year)d %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:142
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Suba paĝotitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:143
msgid "Footer string for the page."
msgstr "Paĝopieda teksto por la paĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:147
msgid "Gramps ID of the media object to use as an image."
msgstr "Gramps-ID de la aŭdvidea objekto uzota kiel bildo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:150
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "Bildgrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:151
msgid ""
"Size of the image in cm. A value of 0 indicates that the image should be fit "
"to the page."
msgstr ""
"Grando de la bildo en cm. Valoro 0 indikas ke la bildo devas adaptiĝi al la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:174
msgid "The style used for the subtitle."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la subtitolo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:343
msgid "Database Summary Report"
msgstr "Datumbaza resumraporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:163
#, python-format
msgid "Number of individuals: %d"
msgstr "Nombro de personoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:167
#, python-format
msgid "Males: %d"
msgstr "Maskloj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:171
#, python-format
msgid "Females: %d"
msgstr "Femaloj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:175
#, python-format
msgid "Individuals with unknown gender: %d"
msgstr "Pesonoj kun nekonata sekso: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:180
#, python-format
msgid "Incomplete names: %d"
msgstr "Nekompletaj nomoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:184
#, python-format
msgid "Individuals missing birth dates: %d"
msgstr "Personoj kun mankantaj naskiĝdatoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:189
#, python-format
msgid "Disconnected individuals: %d"
msgstr "Izolitaj personoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:194
#, python-format
msgid "Unique surnames: %d"
msgstr "Unikaj familinomoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:198
#, python-format
msgid "Individuals with media objects: %d"
msgstr "Personoj kun plurmediaj objektoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:211
#, python-format
msgid "Number of families: %d"
msgstr "Nombro de familioj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:243
#, python-format
msgid "Number of unique media objects: %d"
msgstr "Nombro de unikaj aŭdvideaj objektoj: %d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:248
#, python-format
msgid "Total size of media objects: %s MB"
msgstr "Totala grando de aŭdvideaj objektoj: %s MB"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "Whether to count private data"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi privatajn datumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:63
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:366
msgid "Table Of Contents"
msgstr "Enhavotabelo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:67
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Enteno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:112
msgid "The style used for first level headings."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la unuanivelaj paĝkapoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:118
msgid "The style used for second level headings."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la duanivelaj paĝkapoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:124
msgid "The style used for third level headings."
msgstr "La stilo uzota por la trianivelaj paĝkapoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:253
msgid "Tag Report"
msgstr "Etikedraporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:88
msgid "You must first create a tag before running this report."
msgstr "Oni devas krei etikedon antaŭ ol plenumi ĉi tiun raporton."

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:97
#, python-format
msgid "Tag Report for %s Items"
msgstr "Etikedraporto por elementoj %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:134
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:221
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:309
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:391
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:471
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:541
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:624
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:708
#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:787
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:642
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Retadreso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:726
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:86
msgid "Publication Information"
msgstr "Publikaĵaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:878
msgid "The tag to use for the report"
msgstr "La etikedo uzota por la raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:32
msgid "Ahnentafel Report"
msgstr "Ahnentafel-raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:33
msgid "Produces a textual ancestral report"
msgstr "Kreu tekstan praularraporton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:55
msgid "Produces a report of birthdays and anniversaries"
msgstr "Kreas raporton por naskiĝdatoj kaj datrevenoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:77
msgid "Add custom text to the book report"
msgstr "Aldonu propran tekstonal la libroraporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:98
msgid "Descendant Report"
msgstr "Praidara raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:99
msgid "Produces a list of descendants of the active person"
msgstr "Kreas liston de praidoj de la aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:120
msgid "Detailed Ancestral Report"
msgstr "Detala genealogia raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:121
msgid "Produces a detailed ancestral report"
msgstr "Produktas detalan praularan raporton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:142
msgid "Detailed Descendant Report"
msgstr "Detala praidara raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:143
msgid "Produces a detailed descendant report"
msgstr "Detala praidara raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:164
msgid "End of Line Report"
msgstr "Raporto de linifino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:165
msgid "Produces a textual end of line report"
msgstr "Kreas tekstan raporton por linifino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:187
msgid ""
"Produces a family group report showing information on a set of parents and "
"their children."
msgstr ""
"Kreas familigrupan raporton, montrantan informojn pri serio de gepatroj kaj "
"iliaj gefiloj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:209
msgid "Complete Individual Report"
msgstr "Kompleta person-raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:210
msgid "Produces a complete report on the selected people"
msgstr "Kreas kompletan raporton pri la elektitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:231
msgid "Kinship Report"
msgstr "Kinship-raportoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:232
msgid "Produces a textual report of kinship for a given person"
msgstr "Kreas tekstan kinship-raporton por difinita persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:254
msgid "Produces a list of people with a specified tag"
msgstr "Kreas liston de personoj kun specifa etikedo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:276
msgid "Number of Ancestors Report"
msgstr "Raporto pri nombro de prauloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:277
msgid "Counts number of ancestors of selected person"
msgstr "Kalkulas la nombron de la prauloj de la elektita persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:299
msgid "Produces a textual place report"
msgstr "Kreas tekstan lokraporton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:321
msgid "Title Page"
msgstr "Titolpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:322
msgid "Produces a title page for book reports."
msgstr "Kreas titolpaĝon por libroraportoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:344
msgid "Provides a summary of the current database"
msgstr "Donas resumon de la aktuala datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:367
msgid "Produces a table of contents for book reports."
msgstr "Kreas enhavotabelon por libroraportoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:389
msgid "Produces an alphabetical index for book reports."
msgstr "Kreas alfabetan indekson por libroraportoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:410
msgid "Records Report"
msgstr "Rikordraporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:432
#, fuzzy
msgid "Note Link Report"
msgstr "Raporto de linifino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:433
msgid "Shows status of links in notes"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:35
msgid ""
"Below is a list of the family names that \n"
"Gramps can convert to correct capitalization. \n"
"Select the names you wish Gramps to convert. "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-malsupre estas familinomoj kiujn\n"
"Gramps povas konverti al ĝusta uskleco.\n"
"Elelktu la nomojn kiujn vi deziras ke Gramps konvertu. "

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:108
msgid "_Accept changes and close"
msgstr "_Akceptu la ŝanĝojn kaj fermu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:64
msgid "manual|Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names..."
msgstr "Korektu usklecon de familinomoj..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:75
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:234
msgid "Capitalization changes"
msgstr "Usklecoŝanĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:85
msgid "Checking Family Names"
msgstr "Kontrolas familinomojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:86
msgid "Searching family names"
msgstr "Serĉas familinomojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:143
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:121
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:523
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:363
msgid "No modifications made"
msgstr "Neinu modifo farita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:144
msgid "No capitalization changes were detected."
msgstr "Ne estis detektitaj usklecoŝanĝojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:197
msgid "Original Name"
msgstr "Origina nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:201
msgid "Capitalization Change"
msgstr "Usklecoŝanĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:208
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:302
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:567
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:417
msgid "Building display"
msgstr "Konstruas la vidigon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:91
msgid ""
"This tool will rename all events of one type to a different type. Once "
"completed, this cannot be undone by the regular Undo function."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu ilo alinomos ĉiujn eventojn de unu tipo al alia tipo. Kompletite, ne "
"eblos malfari per la regula Malfaru-funkcio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:112
msgid "_Original event type:"
msgstr "_Originala eventotipo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:125
msgid "_New event type:"
msgstr "_Nova eventotipo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:57
msgid "Change Event Types"
msgstr "Ŝanĝu eventotipojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:107
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:130
msgid "Change types"
msgstr "Ŝanĝu tipojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:110
msgid "Analyzing Events"
msgstr "Analizas eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:123
msgid "No event record was modified."
msgstr "Neniu eventrikordo estis modifita."

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:126
msgid "{number_of} event record was modified."
msgid_plural "{number_of} event records were modified."
msgstr[0] "{number_of} eventorikordo estis modifita."
msgstr[1] "{number_of} eventorikordoj estis modifitaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:107 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:250
msgid "Checking Database"
msgstr "Kontrolas datumbazon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:108
msgid "Looking for cross table duplicates"
msgstr "Serĉas duoblaĵojn en la kructabeloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:158
msgid ""
"Your Family Tree contains cross table duplicate handles.\n"
" This is bad and can be fixed by making a backup of your\n"
"Family Tree and importing that backup in an empty family\n"
"tree. The rest of the checking is skipped, the Check and\n"
"Repair tool should be run anew on this new Family Tree."
msgstr ""
"La Genealogia Arbo entenas duobligitajn tenilojn\n"
"de kructabeloj. Tio estas malbona kaj oni povas korekti\n"
"sekurkopiante sian Genealogian Arbon kaj importante ĝin\n"
"en malplenan genealogian arbon. La kroma kontrolado estas\n"
"preterlasita, la ilo Kontrolu kaj Riparu devus lanĉi novan\n"
"Genealogian Arbon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:165
msgid "Check Integrity"
msgstr "Kontrolu integrecon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:252
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why "
"they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on %s."
msgstr ""
"La objektoj referencitaj de ĉi tiu noto estis refeencitaj sed mankantaj, pro "
"tio ili estis kreitaj kiam oni lanĉis Kontrolu kaj riparu %s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:274
msgid "Looking for invalid name format references"
msgstr "Serĉas nevalidajn nomoformajn referencojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:326
msgid "Looking for duplicate spouses"
msgstr "Serĉas duobligitajn geedzojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:350
msgid "Looking for character encoding errors"
msgstr "Serĉas signajn kodoprezentajn erarojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:391
msgid "Looking for ctrl characters in notes"
msgstr "Serĉas stir-signojn en la notoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:417
msgid "Looking for broken family links"
msgstr "Serĉas interrompitajn famililigilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:619
msgid "Looking for unused objects"
msgstr "Serĉas neuzitajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:693
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Elektu dosieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:726
msgid "Media object could not be found"
msgstr "Ne eblis trovi plurmedian objekton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:727
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"The file:\n"
"is referenced in the database, but no longer exists.\n"
"The file may have been deleted or moved to a different location.\n"
"You may choose to either remove the reference from the database,\n"
"keep the reference to the missing file, or select a new file."
msgstr ""
"La dosiero:\n"
"estas referencita en la datumbazo sed ne plu ekzistas. La dosiero probable "
"estis forigita aŭ movita al alia loko. Onii povas elekti ĉu forpreni la "
"referencon el la datumbazo ĉu konservi la referencon al la mankanta dosiero, "
"aŭ elekti novan dosieron."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:809
msgid "Looking for empty people records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn personrikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:817
msgid "Looking for empty family records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn familirikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:825
msgid "Looking for empty event records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn eventorikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:833
msgid "Looking for empty source records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn fontorikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:841
msgid "Looking for empty citation records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn citaĵorikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:849
msgid "Looking for empty place records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn lokrikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:857
msgid "Looking for empty media records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn aŭdvidobjektajn rikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:865
msgid "Looking for empty repository records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn deponejrikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:873
msgid "Looking for empty note records"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn notrikordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:919
msgid "Looking for empty families"
msgstr "Serĉas malplenajn familiojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:955
msgid "Looking for broken parent relationships"
msgstr "Serĉas interrompitajn gepatrajn parencecojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:993
msgid "Looking for event problems"
msgstr "Serĉas eventproblemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1159
msgid "Looking for person reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas personreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1190
msgid "Looking for family reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas familireferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1215
msgid "Looking for repository reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas deponejreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1248
msgid "Looking for place reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas lokreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1359
msgid "Looking for citation reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas citaĵreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1495
msgid "Looking for source reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas fontreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1536
msgid "Looking for media object reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas aŭdvideobjektajn referencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1679
msgid "Looking for note reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas notreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1830
msgid "Updating checksums on media"
msgstr "Aktualigas konstrolsumojn de aŭdvidaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1854
msgid "Looking for tag reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas etikedreferencajn problemojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1943
msgid "Looking for media source reference problems"
msgstr "Serĉas problemojn pri aŭdvidaĵaj fontreferencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2110
msgid "No errors were found"
msgstr "Neniu eraro estis trovita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2111
msgid "The database has passed internal checks"
msgstr "La internaj kontroloj de la datumbazo sukcesis"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2114
msgid "No errors were found: the database has passed internal checks."
msgstr "Neniu eraro trovita: la datumbazo trapasis internajn kontrolojn."

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2121
msgid "{quantity} broken child/family link was fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} broken child/family links were fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} interrompita fil(in)o/famililigilo estis korektita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} interrompita fil(in)o/famililigiloj estis korektitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2130
msgid "Non existing child"
msgstr "Ne ekzistanta fil(in)o"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2138
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s was removed from the family of %(family)s\n"
msgstr "%(person)s estis forigita el la familio de %(family)s\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2145
msgid "{quantity} broken spouse/family link was fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} broken spouse/family links were fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} interrompita geedzo/famililigilo estis korektita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} interrompita fil(in)o/famililigiloj estis korektitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2154 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2180
msgid "Non existing person"
msgstr "Ne ekzistanta persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2162 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2188
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s was restored to the family of %(family)s\n"
msgstr "%(person)s estis restaŭrita al la familio de %(family)s\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2169
msgid "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family link was found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family links were found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} duobla geedzo/familia ligilo estis trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} duoblajj geedzo/familiaj ligiloj estis trovitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2194
msgid "1 family with no parents or children found, removed.\n"
msgstr "1 familio sen gepatroj aŭ gefiloj estis trovita kaj forigita.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2199
#, python-format
msgid "%(quantity)d families with no parents or children, removed.\n"
msgstr ""
"%(quantity)d familioj sen gepatroj aŭ gefiloj estis trovitaj kaj forigitaj.\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2206
msgid "{quantity} corrupted family relationship fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} corrupted family relationships fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} difektita familia parenceco estis riparita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} difektitaj familiaj parencecoj estis riparitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2215
msgid "{quantity} person was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} persons were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} persono estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} personoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2223
msgid "{quantity} family was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} families were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} familio estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} familioj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2233
msgid "{quantity} date was corrected\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} dates were corrected\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} dato estis korektita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} datoj estis korektitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2242
msgid "{quantity} repository was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} repositories were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} deponejo estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} deponejoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2252 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2340
msgid "{quantity} media object was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} media objects were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} aŭdvidea objekto estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} aŭdvideaj objektoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2263
msgid "Reference to {quantity} missing media object was kept\n"
msgid_plural "References to {quantity} media objects were kept\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"Referenco al {quantity} mankanta aŭdvidea objekto estis konservita\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"Referencoj al {quantity} mankantaj aŭdvideaj objektoj estis konservitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2271
msgid "{quantity} missing media object was replaced\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were replaced\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} mankanta aŭdvidea objekto estis anstataŭita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} mankantaj aŭdvideaj objektoj estis anstataŭitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2279
msgid "{quantity} missing media object was removed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were removed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} mankanta aŭdvidea objekto estis forigita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} mankantaj aŭdvideaj objektoj estis forigitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2287
msgid "{quantity} event was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} events were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} evento estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} eventoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2295
msgid "{quantity} invalid birth event name was fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid birth event names were fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} nevalida naskiĝeventnomo estis riparita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} nevalidaj naskiĝeventnomoj estis riparitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2303
msgid "{quantity} invalid death event name was fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid death event names were fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} nevalida morteventnomo estis riparita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} nevalidaj morteventnomoj estis riparitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2311
msgid "{quantity} place was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} places were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} loko estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} lokoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2319
msgid "{quantity} citation was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} citations were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} citaĵo estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} citaĵoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2330
msgid "{quantity} source was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} sources were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} fonto estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} fontoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2350
msgid "{quantity} note object was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} note objects were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} notobjekto estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} notobjektoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2360 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2370
msgid "{quantity} tag object was referenced but not found\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} tag objects were referenced, but not found\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} etikedobjekto estis referencita sed ne trovita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} etikedobjektoj estis referencitaj sed ne trovitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2380
msgid "{quantity} invalid name format reference was removed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid name format references were removed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} referenco al nevalida nomformo estis forigita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} referencoj al nevalidaj nomformoj estis forigitaj\n"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2390
msgid "{quantity} invalid source citation was fixed\n"
msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid source citations were fixed\n"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} nevalida fontcitaĵo estis riparita\n"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} nevalidaj fontcitaĵoj estis riparitaj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2397
#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(empty_obj)d empty objects removed:\n"
"   %(person)d person objects\n"
"   %(family)d family objects\n"
"   %(event)d event objects\n"
"   %(source)d source objects\n"
"   %(media)d media objects\n"
"   %(place)d place objects\n"
"   %(repo)d repository objects\n"
"   %(note)d note objects\n"
msgstr ""
"%(empty_obj)d malplenaj objektoj forigitaj:\n"
"   %(person)d personobjektoj\n"
"   %(family)d familobjektoj\n"
"   %(event)d eventobjektoj\n"
"   %(source)d fontobjektoj\n"
"   %(media)d aŭdvideaj objektoj\n"
"   %(place)d lokobjektoj\n"
"   %(repo)d deponejobjektoj\n"
"   %(note)d notobjektoj\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2443
msgid "Integrity Check Results"
msgstr "Rezultoj de integreckontrolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2448
msgid "Check and Repair"
msgstr "Kontrolu kaj riparu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:67
msgid "Start date test?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:68
msgid ""
"This test will create many persons and events in the current database. Do "
"you really want to run this test?"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:71
msgid "Run test"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:80
msgid "Running Date Test"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating dates"
msgstr "Generacio %d"

#. test invalid dates
#. dateval = (4,7,1789,False,5,8,1876,False)
#. for l in range(1,len(dateval)):
#. d = Date()
#. try:
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_NONE,
#. Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,dateval[:l],"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#. except DateError, e:
#. d.set_as_text("Date identified value correctly as invalid.\n%s" % e)
#. dates.append( d)
#. except:
#. d = Date()
#. d.set_as_text("Date.set Exception %s" % ("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())),))
#. dates.append( d)
#. for l in range(1,len(dateval)):
#. d = Date()
#. try:
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_SPAN,Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,dateval[:l],"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#. except DateError, e:
#. d.set_as_text("Date identified value correctly as invalid.\n%s" % e)
#. dates.append( d)
#. except:
#. d = Date()
#. d.set_as_text("Date.set Exception %s" % ("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())),))
#. dates.append( d)
#. self.progress.step()
#. d = Date()
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_NONE,
#. Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,(44,7,1789,False),"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#. d = Date()
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_NONE,
#. Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,(4,77,1789,False),"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#. d = Date()
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_SPAN,
#. (4,7,1789,False,55,8,1876,False),"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#. d = Date()
#. d.set(Date.QUAL_NONE,Date.MOD_SPAN,
#. (4,7,1789,False,5,88,1876,False),"Text comment")
#. dates.append( d)
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "Date Test Plugin"
msgstr "Ŝargitaj kromaĵoj"

#. create pass and fail tags
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pass"
msgstr "Juda Pasko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46
msgid "Gender Statistics tool"
msgstr "Seksostatistika ilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:66
msgid "Guess"
msgstr "Supozo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:228
msgid "_Filter:"
msgstr "_Filtrilo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:242
msgid ""
"The event comparison utility uses the filters defined in the Custom Filter "
msgstr ""
"La utilaĵo por la eventokomparo utiligas la filtrilojn difinitajn en la "
"Redaktilo de Propraj Filtriloj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:252
msgid "Custom filter _editor"
msgstr "_Redaktilo de propraj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:70
msgid "manual|Compare_Individual_Events..."
msgstr "Komparu person-eventojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:138
msgid "Event comparison filter selection"
msgstr "Elekto de filtrilo por eventokomparo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:167
msgid "Event Comparison tool"
msgstr "Eventokompara ilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:167
msgid "Filter selection"
msgstr "Filtril-elekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:179
msgid "Comparing events"
msgstr "Komparas eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:182
msgid "Selecting people"
msgstr "Elektas personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:194
msgid "No matches were found"
msgstr "Neniu kongrua rezulto trovita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:243
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:276
msgid "Event Comparison Results"
msgstr "Eventokomparaj rezultoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:253
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_name)s Date"
msgstr "Dato de %(event_name)s"

#. This won't be shown in a tree
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:257
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_name)s Place"
msgstr "Loko de %(event_name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:309
msgid "Comparing Events"
msgstr "Komparas eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:311
msgid "Building data"
msgstr "Konstruas datumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:393
msgid "Select filename"
msgstr "Elektu dosiernomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:79
msgid "Event name changes"
msgstr "Eventonoma ŝanĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:85
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:128
msgid "Extract Event Description"
msgstr "Ekstraktu eventpriskribon"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:116
msgid "{quantity} event description has been added"
msgid_plural "{quantity} event descriptions have been added"
msgstr[0] "{quantity} eventpriskribo estis aldonita"
msgstr[1] "{quantity} eventpriskriboj estis aldonitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:119
msgid "Modifications made"
msgstr "Modifoj faritaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:122
msgid "No event description has been added."
msgstr "Neniu eventpriskribo estis aldonita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:388
msgid "Place title"
msgstr "Loktitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:419
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:608
msgid "Extract Place data"
msgstr "Ekstraktu lokdatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:436
msgid "Checking Place Titles"
msgstr "Kontrolas loktitolojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:437
msgid "Looking for place fields"
msgstr "Serĉas lokkampojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:524
msgid "No place information could be extracted."
msgstr "Eblis ektrakti neniun lokinformon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/extractcity.py:542
msgid ""
"Below is a list of Places with the possible data that can be extracted from "
"the place title. Select the places you wish Gramps to convert."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-sue estas listo de Lokoj kun eblaj datumoj ekstrakteblaj de la loktitolo. "
"Elektu la lokojn kiujn oni deziras ke Gramps konvertu."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:118
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:118
msgid "Match Threshold"
msgstr "Sojlo de kongrueco"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:145
msgid "Use soundex codes"
msgstr "Utiligu SoundEx-kodojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:239
msgid "Co_mpare"
msgstr "Ko_mparu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:366
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:231
msgid "Please be patient. This may take a while."
msgstr "Bonvolu pacienci. Povus daŭri iomete."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:61
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Meza"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:66
msgid "manual|Find_Possible_Duplicate_People..."
msgstr "Trovu_eblajn_personojn_duoblajn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:126
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:173
msgid "Find Possible Duplicate People"
msgstr "Trovu eblajn personojn duoblajn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:142
msgid "Find Duplicates tool"
msgstr "Ilo por trovi duoblaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:142
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:161
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:307
msgid "Tool settings"
msgstr "Il-agordoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:176
msgid "No matches found"
msgstr "Neniu kongrua rezulto trovita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:177
msgid "No potential duplicate people were found"
msgstr "Neniu eventuala duobligita persono estis trovita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:187
msgid "Find Duplicates"
msgstr "Trovu duoblaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:188
msgid "Looking for duplicate people"
msgstr "Serĉas duobligitajn personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:197
msgid "Pass 1: Building preliminary lists"
msgstr "Paŝo 1: Kunmetas traktotajn listojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:215
msgid "Pass 2: Calculating potential matches"
msgstr "Paŝo 2: Kalkulas eventualajn kongruojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:553
msgid "Potential Merges"
msgstr "Eventualaj kunfandoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:568
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:569
msgid "First Person"
msgstr "Unua persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:570
msgid "Second Person"
msgstr "Dua persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:580
msgid "Merge candidates"
msgstr "Kunfandkandidatoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:67
msgid "manual|Media_Manager..."
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa-administrilo..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:88
msgid "Gramps Media Manager"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa administrilo de Gramps"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:95
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1755
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1861
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4046
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Enkonduko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:98
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Elekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:221
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"This tool allows batch operations on media objects stored in Gramps. An "
"important distinction must be made between a Gramps media object and its "
"The Gramps media object is a collection of data about the media object file: "
"its filename and/or path, its description, its ID, notes, source references, "
"etc. These data %(bold_start)sdo not include the file itself%(bold_end)s.\n"
"The files containing image, sound, video, etc, exist separately on your hard "
"drive. These files are not managed by Gramps and are not included in the "
"Gramps database. The Gramps database only stores the path and file names.\n"
"This tool allows you to only modify the records within your Gramps database. "
"If you want to move or rename the files then you need to do it on your own, "
"outside of Gramps. Then you can adjust the paths using this tool so that the "
"media objects store the correct file locations."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu ilo permesas komandoperaciojn sur aŭdvideaj objektoj enmemorigita en "
"Gramps. Oni devas fari gravan distingon inter aŭdvideaj objektoj de Gramps "
"kaj iliaj dosieroj.\n"
"La aŭdvideaj objektoj de Gramps estas kolekto de datumoj pri aŭdvideobjektaj "
"dosieroj: ilia dosiernomo kaj/aŭ vojo, ilia priskribo, ilia ID, notoj, "
"fontreferencoj, ktp Ĉi tiuj datumoj <b>ne inkluzivas la dosieron mem</b>.\n"
"La dosieroj entenantaj bildon, sonon, filmon, ktp, ekzistas aparte sur "
"propra fiksita disko.  Ĉi tiuj dosieroj ne estas administrata de Gramps kaj "
"ne estas inkluzivitaj en la datumbazo de Gramps. La datumbazo de Gramps "
"enmemorigas nur la vojon kaj la dosiernomojn.\n"
"Ĉi tiu ilo permesas nur modifi la rikordojn en la datumbazo de Gramps. Se "
"oni volas movi aŭ alinomi la dosierojn, oni devas fari mem ekster Gramps. "
"Tiam oni povas adapti la vojonuzante ĉi tiu ilon tiel ke la aŭdvideaj "
"objektoj estu enmemorigitaj en la ĝustaj dosierlokoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:332
msgid "Affected path"
msgstr "Koncerna vojo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:339
msgid ""
"Press Apply to proceed, Cancel to abort, or Back to revisit your options."
msgstr ""
"Premu Apliku por daŭrigi, Reen por revidi viajn opciojn, aŭ Rezignu por "

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:377
msgid "Operation successfully finished"
msgstr "Operacio sukcese plenumita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:379
msgid ""
"The operation you requested has finished successfully. You may press Close "
"now to continue."
msgstr ""
"La opracio petita sukcese finiĝis. Oni povas nun premi Fermu por daŭrigi."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:382
msgid "Operation failed"
msgstr "Operacio malsukcesis"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:384
msgid ""
"There was an error while performing the requested operation. You may try "
"starting the tool again."
msgstr ""
"Okazis eraro dum la plenumo de la petita operacio. Oni povas startigi denove "
"la ilon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:419
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following action is to be performed:\n"
msgstr ""
"La sekva ago estas plenumota:\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:476
msgid "Replace _substrings in the path"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu _subĉenojn en la vojo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:477
msgid ""
"This tool allows replacing specified substring in the path of media objects "
"with another substring. This can be useful when you move your media files "
"from one directory to another"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu ilo permesas anstataŭigi specifajn subĉenojn en la vojo de aŭdvideaj "
"objektoj per alia subĉeno. Tio povas utili kiam oni movas la aŭdvidaĵajn "
"dosierojn de unu dosierujo al alia"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:483
msgid "Replace substring settings"
msgstr "Anstataŭigu subĉenajn agordojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:496
msgid "_Replace:"
msgstr "An_stataŭigu:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:506
msgid "_With:"
msgstr "_Per:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:520
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following action is to be performed:\n"
msgstr ""
"La sekva ago estas plenumota:\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:561
msgid "Convert paths from relative to _absolute"
msgstr "Konvertu vojon de relativa al _absoluta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:562
msgid ""
"This tool allows converting relative media paths to the absolute ones. It "
"does this by prepending the base path as given in the Preferences, or if "
"that is not set, it prepends user's directory."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu ilo permesas konverti relativajn aŭdvidaĵajn vojojn al absolutaj. Ĝi "
"faras tion antaŭmetante la bazan vojon kiel en la Agordoj, aŭ, se tio ne "
"estis agordita, ĝi antaŭmetas la dosierujon de la uzanto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:595
msgid "Convert paths from absolute to r_elative"
msgstr "Konvertu vojojn de absolutaj al r_elativaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:596
msgid ""
"This tool allows converting absolute media paths to a relative path. The "
"relative path is relative viz-a-viz the base path as given in the "
"Preferences, or if that is not set, user's directory. A relative path allows "
"to tie the file location to a base path that can change to your needs."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu ilo permesas konverti absolutajn aŭdvidaĵajn vojojn al relativaj. La "
"relativa vojo estas relativa al la baza vojo donita en la Agordoj, aŭ se ne "
"agordita, al la dosierujo de la uzanto. Relativa vojo permesas ligi la "
"dosierlokigo al baza vojo, kiu povas ŝanĝiĝi laŭ propraj necesoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:632
msgid "Add images not included in database"
msgstr "Aldonu bildojn ne inkluzivitajn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:633
msgid "Check directories for images not included in database"
msgstr "Kontrolu bilddosierujojn ne inkluzivitajn en la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:634
msgid ""
"This tool adds images in directories that are referenced by existing images "
"in the database."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi itu ilo aldonas bildojn en dosierujojn referencitajn de la ekzistantaj "
"bildojnen la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:145
msgid "Don't merge if citation has notes"
msgstr "Ne kunfandu se la citaĵo havas notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:76
msgid "Match on Page/Volume, Date and Confidence"
msgstr "Kongruo pri Paĝo/Volumo, Dato kaj Konfido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:77
msgid "Ignore Date"
msgstr "Ignoru daton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:78
msgid "Ignore Confidence"
msgstr "Ignoru konfidon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:79
msgid "Ignore Date and Confidence"
msgstr "Ignoru daton kaj konfidon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:83
msgid "manual|Merge_citations..."
msgstr "Kunfandu citaĵojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:131
msgid ""
"Notes, media objects and data-items of matching citations will be combined."
msgstr ""
"Notoj, aŭdvideaj objektoj kaj datumelementoj de la kongruaj citaĵojn estos "

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:161
msgid "Merge citations tool"
msgstr "Ilo por kunfandi citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:182
msgid "Checking Sources"
msgstr "Kontrolas fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:183
msgid "Looking for citation fields"
msgstr "Serĉas citaĵkampojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:227
msgid "Number of merges done"
msgstr "Nombro de kunfandoj faritaj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:229
msgid "{number_of} citation merged"
msgid_plural "{number_of} citations merged"
msgstr[0] "{number_of} citaĵo kunfandita"
msgstr[1] "{number_of} citaĵoj kunfanditaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.glade:164
msgid "_Tag"
msgstr "E_tikedo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:59
msgid "manual|Not_Related..."
msgstr "Ne_rilata..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:79
#, python-format
msgid "Not related to \"%s\""
msgstr "Ne rilata al \"%s\""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:102
msgid "NotRelated"
msgstr "Nerilata"

#. start the progress indicator
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:110
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:254
msgid "Starting"
msgstr "Komenco"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:170
#, python-format
msgid "Everyone in the database is related to %s"
msgstr "Ĉiu en la datumbazo rilatas al %s"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#. TRANS: no singular form needed, as rows is always > 1
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:258
msgid "Setting tag for {number_of} person"
msgid_plural "Setting tag for {number_of} people"
msgstr[0] "Agordas etikedon por {number_of} persono"
msgstr[1] "Agordas etikedon por {number_of} personoj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#. TRANS: No singular form is needed.
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:301
msgid "Finding relationships between {number_of} person"
msgid_plural "Finding relationships between {number_of} people"
msgstr[0] "Serĉas parencecon por {number_of} persono"
msgstr[1] "Serĉas parencecon inter {number_of} personoj"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:381
msgid "Looking for {number_of} person"
msgid_plural "Looking for {number_of} people"
msgstr[0] "Serĉas {number_of} personon"
msgstr[1] "Serĉas {number_of} personojn"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:409
msgid "Looking up the name of {number_of} person"
msgid_plural "Looking up the names of {number_of} people"
msgstr[0] "Serĉas la nomon de {number_of} persono"
msgstr[1] "Serĉas la nomojn de {number_of} personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:164
msgid "_Street:"
msgstr "_Strato:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:178
msgid "_City:"
msgstr "_Urbo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:206
msgid "_Country:"
msgstr "_Provinco:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:220
msgid "_ZIP/Postal Code:"
msgstr "P_oŝtkodo:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:234
msgid "_Phone:"
msgstr "_Telefono:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:248
msgid "_Email:"
msgstr "_Retpoŝto:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:56
msgid "manual|Edit_Database_Owner_Information..."
msgstr "Radaktu_informojn_pri_datumbaz_mastrumanto..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:102
msgid "Database Owner Editor"
msgstr "Redaktilo de datumbaza mastrumanto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:162
msgid "Edit database owner information"
msgstr "Redaktu informojn de la datumbaza mastrumanto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:86
msgid "_Accept and close"
msgstr "_Akceptu kaj finu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:137
msgid ""
"Below is a list of the nicknames, titles, prefixes and compound surnames "
"that Gramps can extract from the Family Tree.\n"
"If you accept the changes, Gramps will modify the entries that have been "
"Compound surnames are shown as lists of [prefix, surname, connector].\n"
"For example, with the defaults, the name \"de Mascarenhas da Silva e "
"Lencastre\" shows as:\n"
"       [de, Mascarenhas]-[da, Silva, e]-[,Lencastre]\n"
"Run this tool several times to correct names that have multiple information "
"that can be extracted."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-malsupre estas listo de neformalaj nomoj, titoloj, antaŭfamilinomaj "
"vortetoj kaj kunmetitaj familinomoj, kiujn Gramps povas ekstrakti el la "
"Genealogia Arbo.\\ Se vi akceptas la ŝanĝojn, Gramps modifos la enigojn "
"Kunmetitaj familinomoj estas montrataj kiel listoj de [antaŭfamilinoma "
"vorteto, familinomo, kunligilo].\n"
"Ekzemple, kun la defaŭltaj agordoj, la nomo \"de Mascarenhas da Silva e "
"Lencastre\" montras:\n"
"       [de, Mascarenhas]-[da, Silva, e]-[,Lencastre]\n"
"Lanĉu ĉi tiun ilon diversajn fojojn por korekti nomojn kiuj havas multoblajn "
"informojn kiuj povas esti ekstraktitaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:63
msgid "manual|Extract_Information_from_Names"
msgstr "Ekstraktu informojn el la nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:106
msgid "Name and title extraction tool"
msgstr "Ilo por ekstrakti nomojn kaj titolojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:114
msgid "Default prefix and connector settings"
msgstr "Defaŭltaj agordoj por antaŭfamilinoma vorteto kaj kunligilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:121
msgid "Prefixes to search for:"
msgstr "Antaufamilinoma vorteto serĉota:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:128
msgid "Connectors splitting surnames:"
msgstr "Kunligiloj disigantaj familinomojn:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:135
msgid "Connectors not splitting surnames:"
msgstr "Kunligiloj ne disigantaj familinomojn:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:171
msgid "Extracting Information from Names"
msgstr "Ekstraktas informojn el la nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:172
msgid "Analyzing names"
msgstr "Analizas nomojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:364
msgid "No titles, nicknames or prefixes were found"
msgstr ""
"Neniuj titolo, neformala nomo aŭ antaŭfamilinomaj vortetoj estis trovitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:407
msgid "Current Name"
msgstr "Aktuala nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:448
msgid "Prefix in given name"
msgstr "Vorteto antaŭ antaŭnomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:458
msgid "Compound surname"
msgstr "Kunmetita familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:484
msgid "Extract information from names"
msgstr "Ekstraktu informojn el la nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:77
msgid "Rebuilding secondary indexes..."
msgstr "Rekonstruas sekundarajn indeksojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:86
msgid "Secondary indexes rebuilt"
msgstr "Sekundaraj indeksoj rekonstruitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:87
msgid "All secondary indexes have been rebuilt."
msgstr "Ĉiuj sekundaraj indeksoj estis rekonstruitaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:82
msgid "Rebuilding gender statistics for name gender guessing..."
msgstr "Rekonstruo de seksostatistikoj laŭ supozo de antaŭnomo..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:95
msgid "Gender statistics rebuilt"
msgstr "Seksostatistikoj rekonstruitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:96
msgid "Gender statistics for name gender guessing have been rebuilt."
msgstr "Seksostatistikoj laŭ supozo de antaŭnomo estis rekonstruitaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:78
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:81
msgid "Rebuilding reference maps..."
msgstr "Rekonstruas referencmapojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:91
msgid "Reference maps rebuilt"
msgstr "Referencmapoj rekonstruitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:92
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:95
msgid "All reference maps have been rebuilt."
msgstr "Ĉiuj referencmapoj estis rekonstruitaj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.glade:78
msgid "Select a person to determine the relationship"
msgstr "Elektu personon por determini la parencecon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:106
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship calculator: %(person_name)s"
msgstr "Parenceckalkulilo: %(person_name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:111
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship to %(person_name)s"
msgstr "Parenceco al %(person_name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:166
msgid "Relationship Calculator tool"
msgstr "Parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:196
#, python-format
msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not related."
msgstr "%(person)s kaj %(active_person)s ne havas parencecon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:215
#, python-format
msgid "Their common ancestor is %s."
msgstr "Ilia komuna praulo estas %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:221
#, python-format
msgid "Their common ancestors are %(ancestor1)s and %(ancestor2)s."
msgstr "Iliaj komunaj prauloj estas %(ancestor1)s kaj %(ancestor2)s."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:227
msgid "Their common ancestors are: "
msgstr "Iliaj komunaj prauloj estas: "

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:95
msgid "Search for events"
msgstr "Serĉu eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:112
msgid "Search for sources"
msgstr "Serĉu fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:129
msgid "Search for places"
msgstr "Serĉu lokojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:146
msgid "Search for media"
msgstr "Serĉu aŭdvidaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:163
msgid "Search for repositories"
msgstr "Serĉu deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:180
msgid "Search for notes"
msgstr "Serĉu notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:268
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:932
msgid "_Mark all"
msgstr "_Marku ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:284
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:948
msgid "_Unmark all"
msgstr "M_almarku ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:300
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:964
msgid "In_vert marks"
msgstr "In_versigu markojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:325
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:907
msgid "Double-click on a row to view/edit data"
msgstr "Duoble alklaku linion por montri/redakti datumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:80
msgid "Unused Objects"
msgstr "Neuzataj objektoj"

#. Add mark column
#. Add ignore column
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:185
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:502
msgid "Mark"
msgstr "Marku"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:286
msgid "Remove unused objects"
msgstr "Forigu neuzatajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:68
msgid "Reordering Gramps IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de Gramps-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:70
msgid "Reordering Gramps IDs..."
msgstr "Reordigo de Gramps-ID'oj..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:72
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:395
msgid "Reorder Gramps IDs"
msgstr "Reordigu Gramps-ID'ojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:76
msgid "Reordering People IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de Person-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:87
msgid "Reordering Family IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de famili-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:97
msgid "Reordering Event IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de Event-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:107
msgid "Reordering Media Object IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de aŭdvideobjektaj ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:117
msgid "Reordering Source IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de font-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:127
msgid "Reordering Citation IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de Citaĵ-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:137
msgid "Reordering Place IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de lok-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:147
msgid "Reordering Repository IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de deponej-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:158
msgid "Reordering Note IDs"
msgstr "Reordigo de not-ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:170
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Farita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:232
msgid "Finding and assigning unused IDs"
msgstr "Trovado kaj atribuado de neuzataj ID'oj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:76
msgid "Sort Events"
msgstr "Ordigu eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:97
msgid "Sort event changes"
msgstr "Ordigu eventŝanĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:111
msgid "Sorting personal events..."
msgstr "Ordigas personeventojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:133
msgid "Sorting family events..."
msgstr "Ordigas famili-eventojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:164
msgid "Tool Options"
msgstr "Il-opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:167
msgid "Select the people to sort"
msgstr "Elektu personojn ordigotajn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:186
msgid "Sort descending"
msgstr "Ordigu makreske"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:187
msgid "Set the sort order"
msgstr "Agordu la ordigmanieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:190
msgid "Include family events"
msgstr "Inkluzivu familieventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:191
msgid "Sort family events of the person"
msgstr "Agordu familieventojn de la persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:195
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:200
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate testcases"
msgstr "Ĝeneralaj filtriloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:204
msgid ""
"Generate low level database errors\n"
"Correction needs database reload"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate database errors"
msgstr "Pro-Gen'a datumeraro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:213
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate dummy data"
msgstr "Kreita de"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate long names"
msgstr "Generacioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:222
msgid "Add special characters"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add serial number"
msgstr "Telefonnumero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:230
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add line break"
msgstr "Aldonu liniinterrompon post ĉiu nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:234
msgid ""
"Number of people to generate\n"
"(Number is approximate because families are generated)"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:284
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating testcases"
msgstr "Kreas raporton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:289
msgid "Generating low level database errors"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating families"
msgstr "Reordigu la GRAMPS-ID'ojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:332
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating database errors"
msgstr "Kreas raporton"

#. Creates a media object with character encoding errors. This tests
#. Check.fix_encoding() and also cleanup_missing_photos
#. Creates a note with control characters. This tests
#. Check.fix_ctrlchars_in_notes()
#. Generate empty objects to test their deletion
#. Create a family, that links to father and mother, but father does not
#. link back
#. Create a family, that misses the link to the father
#. Create a family, that misses the link to the mother
#. Create a family, that links to father and mother, but mother does not
#. link back
#. person2 = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person2_h)
#. person2.add_family_handle(fam_h)
#. self.db.commit_person(person2,self.trans)
#. Create two married people of same sex.
#. This is NOT detected as an error by plugins/tool/Check.py
#. Create a family, that contains an invalid handle to for the father
#. Create a family, that contains an invalid handle to for the mother
#. person2 = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person2_h)
#. person2.add_family_handle(fam_h)
#. self.db.commit_person(person2,self.trans)
#. Creates a family where the child does not link back to the family
#. child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_h)
#. person2.add_parent_family_handle(fam_h)
#. self.db.commit_person(child,self.trans)
#. Creates a family where the child is not linked, but the child links to the family
#. Creates a family where the child is one of the parents
#. Creates a couple that refer to a family that does not exist in the
#. database.
#. Creates a person having a non existing birth event handle set
#. Creates a person having a non existing death event handle set
#. Creates a person having a non existing event handle set
#. Creates a person with a birth event having an empty type
#. Creates a person with a death event having an empty type
#. Creates a person with an event having an empty type
#. This is NOT detected as an error by plugins/tool/Check.py
#. Creates a person with a birth event pointing to nonexisting place
#. Creates a person with an event pointing to nonexisting place
#. Generate objects that refer to non-existant citations
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:361
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:396
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:442
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:460
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:494
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:512
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:530
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:549
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:568
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:586
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:604
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:622
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:648
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:674
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:701
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:736
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:747
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:758
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:769
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:785
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:802
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:825
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:841
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:858
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:891
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1324
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1425
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1449
#, python-format
msgid "Testcase generator step %d"
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:35
msgid "Fix Capitalization of Family Names"
msgstr "Korektu usklecon de familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:36
msgid ""
"Searches the entire database and attempts to fix capitalization of the names."
msgstr "Serĉas en la tuta datumbazo kaj korektas usklecon de la nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:58
msgid "Rename Event Types"
msgstr "Alinomu eventotipojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:59
msgid "Allows all the events of a certain name to be renamed to a new name."
msgstr "Ebligas alinomi ĉiujn eventojn kun difinita nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:81
msgid "Check and Repair Database"
msgstr "Kontrolu kaj riparu la datumbazon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:82
msgid ""
"Checks the database for integrity problems, fixing the problems that it can"
msgstr ""
"Kontrolas la datumbazon pri integrecaj problemoj, solvante, laŭeble, la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:104
msgid "Compare Individual Events"
msgstr "Komparu person-eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:105
msgid ""
"Aids in the analysis of data by allowing the development of custom filters "
"that can be applied to the database to find similar events"
msgstr ""
"Helpas en la analizo de la datumoj ebligante la kreon de propraj filtriloj, "
"kiuj povas esti aplikitaj al la datumbazoj por trovi similajn eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:129
msgid "Extracts event descriptions from the event data"
msgstr "Ekstraktas eventpriskribojn el eventdatumoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:150
msgid "Extract Place Data from a Place Title"
msgstr "Ekstraktu lokdatumojn el loktitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:151
msgid "Attempts to extract city and state/province from a place title"
msgstr "Provas ekstrakti urbon kaj ŝtato/provinco el loktitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:174
msgid ""
"Searches the entire database, looking for individual entries that may "
"represent the same person."
msgstr ""
"Traserĉas la tutan datumbazon, serĉante individuajn rikordojn kiuj povus "
"reprezenti la saman personon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:196
msgid "Media Manager"
msgstr "Aŭdvidaĵa administrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:197
msgid "Manages batch operations on media files"
msgstr "Administras komandoperaciojn sur aŭdvidaĵaj dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:218
msgid "Not Related"
msgstr "Ne rilata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:219
msgid "Find people who are not in any way related to the selected person"
msgstr "Trovu personojn kiuj en neniu maniero rilatas al la elektita persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:241
msgid "Edit Database Owner Information"
msgstr "Redaktu informojn pri la datumbaza mastrumanto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:242
msgid "Allow editing database owner information."
msgstr "Permesu redaktadon de la informoj pri datubaza mastrumanto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:263
msgid "Extract Information from Names"
msgstr "Ekstraktu informojn el la nomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:264
msgid ""
"Extract titles, prefixes and compound surnames from given name or family "
msgstr ""
"Ekstraktas titolojn kaj kunmetitajn familinomojn el antaŭnomo kaj familinomo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:285
msgid "Rebuild Secondary Indexes"
msgstr "Rekonstruu sekundarajn indeksojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:286
msgid "Rebuilds secondary indexes"
msgstr "Rekonstruas sekundarajn indeksojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:307
msgid "Rebuild Reference Maps"
msgstr "Rekonstruu referencmapojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:308
msgid "Rebuilds reference maps"
msgstr "Rekonstruas referencmapojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:329
msgid "Rebuild Gender Statistics"
msgstr "Rekonstruu seksostatistikojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:330
msgid "Rebuilds gender statistics for name gender guessing..."
msgstr "Rekonstruas seksostatistikojn laŭ supozo de antaŭnomo..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:351
msgid "Relationship Calculator"
msgstr "Parenceckalkulilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:352
msgid "Calculates the relationship between two people"
msgstr "Kalkulas la parencecon inter du personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:373
msgid "Remove Unused Objects"
msgstr "Forigu neuzatajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:374
msgid "Removes unused objects from the database"
msgstr "Forigas neuzatajn objektojn el la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:396
msgid "Reorders the Gramps IDs according to Gramps' default rules."
msgstr "Reordigas la Gramps-ID'ojn laŭ la defaŭltaj reguloj de GRAMPS."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:418
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:419
msgid "Sorts events"
msgstr "Ordigas eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:440
msgid "Verify the Data"
msgstr "Kontrolu la datumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:441
msgid "Verifies the data against user-defined tests"
msgstr "Kontrolas la datumojn laŭ testoj difinitaj de la uzanto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:463
msgid ""
"Searches the entire database, looking for citations that have the same "
"Volume/Page, Date and Confidence."
msgstr ""
"Traserĉas la tutan datumbazon, serĉante citaĵojn kiuj havas la samajn "
"Volumon/Paĝon, Daton kaj Konfidon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:215
msgid "Maximum _age"
msgstr "Maksimuma_aĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:230
msgid "Mi_nimum age to marry"
msgstr "Mi_nimuma aĝo por geedziĝi"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:257
msgid "Ma_ximum age to marry"
msgstr "Ma_ksimuma aĝo por geedziĝi"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:284
msgid "Maximum number of _spouses for a person"
msgstr "Mak_simuma nombro de edz(in)oj por persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:323
msgid "Maximum number of consecutive years of _widowhood before next marriage"
msgstr ""
"Maksimuma nombro de sinsekvaj jaroj da _vidv(in)eco antaŭ posta geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:338
msgid "Maximum age for an _unmarried person"
msgstr "Maksim_uma aĝo por negeedziĝinta persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:361
msgid "_Estimate missing or inexact dates"
msgstr "Taksado de mankantaj aŭ n_eekzaktaj datoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:378
msgid "_Identify invalid dates"
msgstr "_Identigu nevalidajn datojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:432
msgid "Mi_nimum age to bear a child"
msgstr "Mi_nimuma aĝo por naski fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:451
msgid "Ma_ximum age to bear a child"
msgstr "Ma_ksimuma aĝo por naski fil(in)on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:470
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:590
msgid "Maximum number of chil_dren"
msgstr "Maksimuma nombro _de gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:552
msgid "Mi_nimum age to father a child"
msgstr "Min_imuma aĝo por esti patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:571
msgid "Ma_ximum age to father a child"
msgstr "Maks_imuma aĝo por esti patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:704
msgid "Maximum husband-wife age _difference"
msgstr "Maksimuma aĝdiferenco inter edzo kaj edzino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:719
msgid "Maximum number of years _between children"
msgstr "Maksimuma nombro de jaroj i_nter gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:734
msgid "Maximum _span of years for all children"
msgstr "Mak_simuma etendo de jaroj por ĉiuj gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:987
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:618
msgid "_Hide marked"
msgstr "_Kaŝu markitajn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:74
msgid "manual|Verify_the_Data..."
msgstr "Kontrolu la da_tumojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:248
msgid "Data Verify tool"
msgstr "Datumkontrolilo"

#. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:267 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:272
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:277
#, python-format
msgid "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s"
msgstr "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:450
msgid "Data Verification Results"
msgstr "Datkontrola rezulto"

#. Add column with the warning text
#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:513
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Averto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:608
msgid "_Show all"
msgstr "_Montru ĉiujn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:870
msgid "Baptism before birth"
msgstr "Bapto antaŭ naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:883
msgid "Death before baptism"
msgstr "Morto antaŭ bapto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:896
msgid "Burial before birth"
msgstr "Entombigo antaŭ naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:909
msgid "Burial before death"
msgstr "Entombigo antaŭ morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:922
msgid "Death before birth"
msgstr "Morto antaŭ naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:935
msgid "Burial before baptism"
msgstr "Entombigo antaŭ bapto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:953
msgid "Old age at death"
msgstr "Maljunaĝa je morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:974
msgid "Multiple parents"
msgstr "Tro da gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:991
msgid "Married often"
msgstr "Tro da geedziĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1010
msgid "Old and unmarried"
msgstr "Maljuna kaj needziĝ(in)inta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1037
msgid "Too many children"
msgstr "Tro da gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1052
msgid "Same sex marriage"
msgstr "Samseksa geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1062
msgid "Female husband"
msgstr "Virina edzo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1072
msgid "Male wife"
msgstr "Vira edzino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1099
msgid "Husband and wife with the same surname"
msgstr "Edzo kaj edzino kun la sama familinomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1124
msgid "Large age difference between spouses"
msgstr "Granda aĝdiferenco inter la geedzoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1155
msgid "Marriage before birth"
msgstr "Geedziĝo antaŭ naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1186
msgid "Marriage after death"
msgstr "Geedziĝo post morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1220
msgid "Early marriage"
msgstr "Fruaĝa geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1252
msgid "Late marriage"
msgstr "Malfruaĝa geedziĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1313
msgid "Old father"
msgstr "Patro maljuna"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1316
msgid "Old mother"
msgstr "Patrino maljuna"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1358
msgid "Young father"
msgstr "Patro juna"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1361
msgid "Young mother"
msgstr "Patrino juna"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1400
msgid "Unborn father"
msgstr "Nenaskita patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1403
msgid "Unborn mother"
msgstr "Nenaskita patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1448
msgid "Dead father"
msgstr "Patro mortinta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1451
msgid "Dead mother"
msgstr "Patrino mortinta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1473
msgid "Large year span for all children"
msgstr "Granda etendo de jaroj por ĉiuj gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1495
msgid "Large age differences between children"
msgstr "Granda aĝdiferenco inter la gefiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1505
msgid "Disconnected individual"
msgstr "Izolitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1527
msgid "Invalid birth date"
msgstr "Nevalida naskiĝdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1549
msgid "Invalid death date"
msgstr "Nevalida mortodato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1565
msgid "Marriage date but not married"
msgstr "Geedziĝa dato sed negeedziĝinta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1587
msgid "Old age but no death"
msgstr "Maljunaĝa sed sen morto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:101
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:96
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2371
msgid "Confidence"
msgstr "Konfido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:105
msgid "Source: Title"
msgstr "Fonto: Titolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:106
msgid "Source: ID"
msgstr "Fonto: ID"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:107
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:100
msgid "Source: Author"
msgstr "Fonto: Aŭtoroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:108
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:101
msgid "Source: Abbreviation"
msgstr "Fonto: Mallongigo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:109
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:102
msgid "Source: Publication Information"
msgstr "Fonto: Publikaĵaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:110
msgid "Source: Private"
msgstr "Fonto: Privata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:111
msgid "Source: Last Changed"
msgstr "Fonto: Laste modifita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:124
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:121
msgid "Add a new citation and a new source"
msgstr "Aldonu novajn citaĵon kaj fonton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:126
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:123
msgid "Add a new citation to an existing source"
msgstr "Aldonu novan citaĵon al ekzistanta fonto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:128
msgid "Delete the selected citation"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan citaĵon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:129
msgid "Merge the selected citations"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:143
msgid "Citation View"
msgstr "Citaĵovido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:180
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:288
msgid "Citation Filter Editor"
msgstr "Citaĵfiltrila redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:298
msgid ""
"This citation cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated citation "
"is already being edited or another object that is associated with the same "
"citation is being edited.\n"
"To edit this citation, you need to close the object."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun deponejreferencon. Aŭ la asociita "
"deponejo, aŭ alia deponejreferenco asociita al la sama deponejo estas nun "
"Por redakti la deponejreferencon necesas fermi la deponejon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:311
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:322
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:514
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:534
msgid "Cannot merge citations."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:312
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:515
msgid ""
"Exactly two citations must be selected to perform a merge. A second citation "
"can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the "
"desired citation."
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du citaĵojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"citaĵontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita citaĵo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:323
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:535
msgid ""
"The two selected citations must have the same source to perform a merge. If "
"you want to merge these two citations, then you must merge the sources first."
msgstr ""
"La du elektitaj citaĵoj devas havi la saman fonton por plenumi kunfandon. Se "
"oni volas kunfandi ĉi tiujn du citaĵojn, oni devas unue kunfandi la fontojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:124
msgid "Edit the selected citation or source"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan citaĵon aŭ fonton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:125
msgid "Delete the selected citation or source"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan citaĵon aŭ fonton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:126
msgid "Merge the selected citations or selected sources"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn citaĵojn aŭ fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:144
msgid "Citation Tree View"
msgstr "Citaĵ-arbvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:275
msgid "Add source..."
msgstr "Aldonu fonton..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:280
msgid "Add citation..."
msgstr "Aldonu citaĵon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:296
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:82
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:74
msgid "Expand all Nodes"
msgstr "Etendu ĉiujn nodojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:298
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:84
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:76
msgid "Collapse all Nodes"
msgstr "Maletendu ĉiujn nodojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:432
msgid "Cannot add citation."
msgstr "Ne eblas aldoni citaĵon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:433
msgid ""
"In order to add a citation to an existing source,  you must select a source."
msgstr "Por aldoni citaĵon al ekzistanta fonto, oni devas elekti fonton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:501
msgid ""
"This source cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated Source "
"object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same "
"source is being edited.\n"
"To edit this source, you need to close the object."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi-momente ne eblas redakti ĉi tiun citaĵon. Aŭ la asociita Fontobjekto, aŭ "
"alia citaĵo asociita al la sama fonto estas nun redaktata.\n"
"Por redakti la fonton necesas fermi la objekton."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:546
msgid "Cannot perform merge."
msgstr "Ne eblas plenumi kunfandon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:547
msgid ""
"Both objects must be of the same type, either both must be sources, or both "
"must be citations."
msgstr "Ambaŭ objektoj devas esti samtipaj, aŭ ambaŭ fontoj, aŭ ambaŭ citaĵoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:51
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:65 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:73
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Panelo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:95
msgid "Restore a gramplet"
msgstr "Restaŭru gramplet'on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:100
msgid "Add a new event"
msgstr "Aldonu novan eventon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:101
msgid "Edit the selected event"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan eventon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:102
msgid "Delete the selected event"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan eventon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:103
msgid "Merge the selected events"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:211
msgid "Event Filter Editor"
msgstr "Eventfiltrila redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:263
msgid "Cannot merge event objects."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi eventobjektojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:264
msgid ""
"Exactly two events must be selected to perform a merge. A second object can "
"be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired "
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du eventojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"eventontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita evento."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:83
msgid "Marriage Date"
msgstr "Geedziĝdato"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:97
msgid "Add a new family"
msgstr "Aldonu novan familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:98
msgid "Edit the selected family"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:99
msgid "Delete the selected family"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:100
msgid "Merge the selected families"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn familiojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:200
msgid "Family Filter Editor"
msgstr "Familifiltrila redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:205
msgid "Make Father Active Person"
msgstr "Igu patron aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:207
msgid "Make Mother Active Person"
msgstr "Igu patrinon aktiva persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete Family"
msgstr "Elektu familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Family [%s]"
msgstr "Familio de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:297
msgid "Cannot merge families."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi familiojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:298
msgid ""
"Exactly two families must be selected to perform a merge. A second family "
"can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the "
"desired family."
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du familiojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"familiontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita familio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:168
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:166
msgid "Print or save the Fan Chart View"
msgstr "Printu aŭ konservu la vidon de la ventumila grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:278
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:276
msgid "Text Font"
msgstr "Tekstotiparo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:282
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:280
msgid "Gender colors"
msgstr "Seksokoloroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:283
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:281
msgid "Generation based gradient"
msgstr "Kolortransiro bazita sur generacio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:284
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:282
msgid "Age (0-100) based gradient"
msgstr "Kolortransiro bazita sur aĝo (0-100)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:286
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:284
msgid "Single main (filter) color"
msgstr "Unuopa ĉefa (filtrila) koloro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:287
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:285
msgid "Time period based gradient"
msgstr "Kolortransiro bazita sur tempoperiodo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:288
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:286
msgid "White"
msgstr "Blanka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:289
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:287
msgid "Color scheme classic report"
msgstr "Klasika kolorskemo de raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:290
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:288
msgid "Color scheme classic view"
msgstr "Klasika kolorskemo de vido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:299
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:297
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fono"

#. colors, stored as hex values
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:306
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:303
msgid "Start gradient/Main color"
msgstr "Komenca kolortransiro/Ĉefa koloro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:308
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:305
msgid "End gradient/2nd color"
msgstr "Fina kolortransiro/2a koloro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:310
msgid "Color for duplicates"
msgstr "Koloro por duoblaĵoj"

#. form of the fan
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:313
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:308
msgid "Fan chart type"
msgstr "Ventumilgrafikaĵa tipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:315
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:310
msgid "Full Circle"
msgstr "Tutcirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:316
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:310
msgid "Half Circle"
msgstr "Duoncirkla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:317
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:311
msgid "Quadrant"
msgstr "Kvadranto"

#. algo for the fan angle distribution
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:320
msgid "Fan chart distribution"
msgstr "Distribuo de ventumilaj grafikaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:323
msgid "Homogeneous children distribution"
msgstr "Homogena gefildistribuo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:325
msgid "Size  proportional to number of descendants"
msgstr "Grando proporcia al praida nombro"

#. options we don't show on the dialog
#. #configdialog.add_checkbox(table,
#. #        _('Allow radial text'),
#. #        ??, 'interface.fanview-radialtext')
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:329
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:323
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2036
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1697
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Aspekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:502
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:511
msgid "No preview available"
msgstr "Neniu antaŭrigardo disponebla"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:316
msgid "Show children ring"
msgstr "Montru gefilringon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:140
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:149
msgid "Have they been able to meet?"
msgstr "Ĉu ili povis renkontiĝi?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:171
msgid "GeoClose"
msgstr "GeoClose"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:221
#, python-format
msgid "Reference : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )"
msgstr "Referenco : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:226
#, python-format
msgid "The other : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )"
msgstr "La alia : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:231
msgid "The other person is unknown"
msgstr "La alia persono estas nekonata"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:237
msgid "You must choose one reference person."
msgstr "Oni devas elekti unu referencpersonon."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:238
msgid ""
"Go to the person view and select the people you want to compare. Return to "
"this view and use the history."
msgstr ""
"Iru al la person-vido kaj elektu la personojn kiujn oni volas kompari. "
"Revenu al ĉi tiu vido kaj uzu la historion."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:287
msgid "reference _Person"
msgstr "referenc_persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:288
msgid "Select the person which is the reference for life ways"
msgstr "Elektu la personon kiu estas la referenco por la vivlokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:303
msgid "Select the person which will be our reference."
msgstr "Elektu la personon kiu estos nia referenco."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:397
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:457
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:211
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:293
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:331
#, python-format
msgid "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s"
msgstr "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:551
msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference person"
msgstr "Elektu kaj metu legosignon al nova referencpersono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:574
msgid ""
"The meeting zone probability radius.\n"
"The colored zone is approximative.\n"
"The meeting zone is only shown for the reference person.\n"
"The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n"
"The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n"
"The value is in tenth of degree."
msgstr ""
"La radio de la zono de la ebla renkontiĝo.\n"
"La kolorigita zono estas proksimuma.\n"
"La renkontiĝzono estas montrita nur por la referencita persono.\n"
"La valoro9 signifas ĉirkaŭ 42 mejloj aŭ 67 km.\n"
"La valoro 1 sifnicas ĉirkaŭ 4.6 mejloj aŭ 7,5 km.\n"
"La valoro estas en dekonoj de grado."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:585
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:728
msgid "The selection parameters"
msgstr "La elektoparametroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:119
msgid "Events places map"
msgstr "Mapo de eventlokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:141
msgid "GeoEvents"
msgstr "GeoEvento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:252
msgid "incomplete or unreferenced event ?"
msgstr "ĉu nekompleta aŭ nereferencita evento ?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:336
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:368
msgid "Bookmark this event"
msgstr "Metu legosignon al ĉi tiu evento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:385
msgid "Show all events"
msgstr "Montru ĉiujn eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:389
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:394
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:379
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:384
msgid "Centering on Place"
msgstr "Encentrigas lokon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:138
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:131
msgid "Have these two families been able to meet?"
msgstr "Ĉu ĉi tiuj du familioj povis renkontiĝi?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:169
msgid "GeoFamClose"
msgstr "GeoFamClose"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:206
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:280
#, python-format
msgid "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s and %(mother)s"
msgstr "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s kaj %(mother)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:251
#, python-format
msgid "Family reference : %s"
msgstr "Familireferenco : %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:253
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:255
#, python-format
msgid "The other family : %s"
msgstr "La alia familio : %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:260
msgid "You must choose one reference family."
msgstr "Oni devas elekti unu referencfamilion."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:261
msgid ""
"Go to the family view and select the families you want to compare. Return to "
"this view and use the history."
msgstr ""
"Iru al la famili-vido kaj elektu la familiojn kiujn oni volas kompari. "
"Revenu al ĉi tiu vido kaj uzu la historion."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:277
msgid "reference _Family"
msgstr "referenc_familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:278
msgid "Select the family which is the reference for life ways"
msgstr "Elektu la familion kiu estas la referenco por la vivlokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:556
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:325
#, python-format
msgid "Father : %(id)s : %(name)s"
msgstr "Patro : %(id)s : %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:562
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:332
#, python-format
msgid "Mother : %(id)s : %(name)s"
msgstr "Patrino : %(id)s : %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:572
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:343
#, python-format
msgid "Child : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s"
msgstr "Fil(in)o : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:580
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:352
#, python-format
msgid "Person : %(id)s %(name)s has no family."
msgstr "Persono : %(id)s %(name)s ne havas familion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:694
msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference family"
msgstr "Elektu kaj metu legosignon al nova referencfamilio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:717
msgid ""
"The meeting zone probability radius.\n"
"The colored zone is approximative.\n"
"The meeting zone is only shown for the reference family.\n"
"The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n"
"The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n"
"The value is in tenth of degree."
msgstr ""
"La radio de la zono de la ebla renkontiĝo.\n"
"La kolorigita zono estas proksimuma.\n"
"La renkontiĝzono estas montrita nur por la referencita familio.\n"
"La valoro9 signifas ĉirkaŭ 42 mejloj aŭ 67 km.\n"
"La valoro 1 sifnicas ĉirkaŭ 4.6 mejloj aŭ 7,5 km.\n"
"La valoro estas en dekonoj de grado."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:119
msgid "Family places map"
msgstr "Mapo de famililokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:140
msgid "GeoFamily"
msgstr "GeoFamilio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:307
#, python-format
msgid "Family places for %s"
msgstr "Famililokoj por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:49
#, python-format
msgid "OsmGpsMap module not loaded. OsmGpsMap must be >= 0.8. yours is %s"
msgstr ""
"OsmGpsMap-modulo neŝargita. OsmGpsMap devas esti >= 0.8. la via estas %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:69
msgid "OsmGpsMap module not loaded."
msgstr "OsmGpsMap-modulo neŝargita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:70
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Geography functionality will not be available.\n"
"To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_osmgps_url)s"
msgstr ""
"La geografia funkcio ne estos disponebla.\n"
"Por kunmeti ĝin por Gramps vidu http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:78
msgid "All known places for one Person"
msgstr "Ĉiuj konataj lokoj por unu persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:79
msgid "A view showing the places visited by one person during his life."
msgstr "Vido kiu montras la lokojn vizitataj de unu persono dum sia vivo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:87
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:104
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:123
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:141
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:159
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:175
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:192
msgid "Geography"
msgstr "Geografio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:95
msgid "All known places for one Family"
msgstr "Ĉiuj konataj lokoj por unu familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:96
msgid "A view showing the places visited by one family during all their life."
msgstr ""
"Vido kiu montras la lokojn vizitataj de unu familio dum la vivo de siaj anoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:112
msgid "Every residence or move for a person and any descendants"
msgstr "Ĉiuj rezidejo aŭ translokiĝoj por unu persono kaj liaj praidoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:113
msgid ""
"A view showing all the places visited by all persons during their life.\n"
"This is for a person and any descendant.\n"
"You can see the dates corresponding to the period."
msgstr ""
"Vido kiu montras ĉiujn lokojn vizititajn de ĉiuj personoj dum sia vivo.\n"
"Tio estas por persono kaj liaj posteuloj.\n"
"Oni povas vidi la datojn kongruajn kun la periodo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:132
msgid ""
"A view showing the places visited by all family's members during their life: "
"have these two people been able to meet?"
msgstr ""
"Viddo kiu montras la lokojn vizititajn de ĉiuj familianoj dum siaj vivoj: ĉu "
"povis ĉi tiuj du personoj renkontiĝi?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:150
msgid ""
"A view showing the places visited by two persons during their life: have "
"these two people been able to meet?"
msgstr ""
"Vido kiu montras la lokojn vizititajn de du personoj dum siaj vivoj: ĉu "
"povis ĉi tiuj du personoj renkontiĝi?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:167
msgid "All known Places"
msgstr "Ĉiuj konataj lokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:168
msgid "A view showing all places of the database."
msgstr "Vido kiu montras ĉiujn lokojn de la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:183
msgid "All places related to Events"
msgstr "Ĉiuj lokoj rilataj al eventoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:184
msgid "A view showing all the event places of the database."
msgstr "Vido kiu montras ĉiujn eventlokojn de la datumbazo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:142
msgid "Descendance of the active person."
msgstr "Praidaro de aktiva persono."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:172
msgid "GeoMoves"
msgstr "GeoMoves"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:469
#, python-format
msgid "All descendance for %s"
msgstr "Ĉiuj praidoj de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:608
msgid "Bookmark this person"
msgstr "Metu legosignon al ĉi tiu persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:642
msgid "The maximum number of generations.\n"
msgstr "La maksimuma nombro de generacioj.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:649
msgid "Time in milliseconds between drawing two generations.\n"
msgstr "Tempo en milisekundoj inter la desegnado de du generacioj.\n"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:655
msgid "The parameters for moves"
msgstr "La parametroj por translokiĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:150
msgid "Person places map"
msgstr "Mapo de la personlokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:171
msgid "GeoPerson"
msgstr "GeoPersono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:311
#, python-format
msgid "Person places for %s"
msgstr "Personlokoj por %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:506
msgid "Animate"
msgstr "Movo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:529
msgid "Animation speed in milliseconds (big value means slower)"
msgstr "Movrapido en milisekundoj (granda valoro signifas pli malrapida)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:536
msgid "How many steps between two markers when we are on large move ?"
msgstr "Kiom da paŝoj inter du markiloj en granda movo?"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:543
msgid ""
"The minimum latitude/longitude to select large move.\n"
"The value is in tenth of degree."
msgstr ""
"La minimuma latitudo/longitudo por elekti grandan movon.\n"
"La valoroj estas en dekonoj de grado."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:550
msgid "The animation parameters"
msgstr "La movparametroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:119
msgid "Places map"
msgstr "Mapo de lokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:141
msgid "GeoPlaces"
msgstr "GeoLokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:288
msgid "The place name in the status bar is disabled."
msgstr "La lokonomo en la stata breto estas malebligita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:293
#, python-format
msgid "The maximum number of places is reached (%d)."
msgstr "Oni atingis la maksimuman nombron de lokoj (%d)."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:296
msgid "Some information are missing."
msgstr "Mankas kelkaj informoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:298
msgid "Please, use filtering to reduce this number."
msgstr "Bv uzi la filtrilon por malgrandigi ĉi tiun nombron."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:300
msgid "You can modify this value in the geography option."
msgstr "Oni povas modifi ĉi tiun valoron en la geografia opcio."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:302
msgid "In this case, it may take time to show all markers."
msgstr "En ĉi tiu kazo, povus bezoni iom da tempo por montri ĉiun markilojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:334
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:358
msgid "Bookmark this place"
msgstr "Metu legosignon al ĉi tiu loko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:375
msgid "Show all places"
msgstr "Montru ĉiujn lokojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:114
msgid "Edit the selected media object"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:115
msgid "Delete the selected media object"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan aŭdvidean objekton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:116
msgid "Merge the selected media objects"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn aŭdvideajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:209
msgid "Media Filter Editor"
msgstr "Redaktilo de aŭdvidaĵfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:212
msgid "View in the default viewer"
msgstr "Montru per defaŭlta vidigilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:216
msgid "Open the folder containing the media file"
msgstr "Malfermu la dosierujon entenanta la aŭdvidaĵan dosieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:350
msgid "Cannot merge media objects."
msgstr "Ne eblis kunfandi aŭdvideajn objektojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:351
msgid ""
"Exactly two media objects must be selected to perform a merge. A second "
"object can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the "
"desired object."
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du aŭdvideajn objektojn. Eblas elekti "
"duan objektontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita "

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:95
msgid "Delete the selected note"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan noton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:96
msgid "Merge the selected notes"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:199
msgid "Note Filter Editor"
msgstr "Redaktilo de notfiltrilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:241
msgid "Cannot merge notes."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi notojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:242
msgid ""
"Exactly two notes must be selected to perform a merge. A second note can be "
"selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired note."
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du notojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"notontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita noto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:81
msgid "short for born|b."
msgstr "n."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:82
msgid "short for died|d."
msgstr "m."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:83
msgid "short for baptized|bap."
msgstr "bap."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:84
msgid "short for christened|chr."
msgstr "bap."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:85
msgid "short for buried|bur."
msgstr "fun."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:86
msgid "short for cremated|crem."
msgstr "krem."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1111
msgid "Jump to child..."
msgstr "Iru al fil(in)o..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1124
msgid "Jump to father"
msgstr "Iru al patro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1137
msgid "Jump to mother"
msgstr "Iru al patrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1497
msgid "A person was found to be his/her own ancestor."
msgstr "Oni trovis personon kiu estas sia propra paraulo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1540
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pre_vious"
msgstr "Antaŭa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1541
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "Posta"

#. Mouse scroll direction setting.
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1568
msgid "Mouse scroll direction"
msgstr "Musa rulumdirekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1572
msgid "Top <-> Bottom"
msgstr "Supren <-> Malsupren"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1580
msgid "Left <-> Right"
msgstr "Dekstren <-> Maldekstren"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1817
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:410
msgid "Add New Parents..."
msgstr "Aldonu novajn gepatrojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1877
msgid "Family Menu"
msgstr "Familimenuo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2009
msgid "Show images"
msgstr "Montru bildojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2012
msgid "Show marriage data"
msgstr "Montru geedziĝdatumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2015
msgid "Show unknown people"
msgstr "Montru nekonatajn personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2018
msgid "Tree style"
msgstr "Arbostilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2020
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Ordinara"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2021
msgid "Compact"
msgstr "Maletendita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2022
msgid "Expanded"
msgstr "Etendita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2025
msgid "Tree direction"
msgstr "Arbodirekto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2032
msgid "Tree size"
msgstr "Arbogrando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/personlistview.py:54
msgid "Person View"
msgstr "Personvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:66
msgid "People Tree View"
msgstr "Person-arbvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placelistview.py:51
msgid "Place View"
msgstr "Lokvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:55
msgid "Place Tree View"
msgstr "Lok-arbvido"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:70
msgid "Expand this Entire Group"
msgstr "Etendu la tutan grupon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:72
msgid "Collapse this Entire Group"
msgstr "Maletendu la tutan grupon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:396
msgid "_Reorder"
msgstr "_Reordigu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:397
msgid "Change order of parents and families"
msgstr "Ŝanĝu ordono de gepatroj kaj familioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:402
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Redaktu..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:403
msgid "Edit the active person"
msgstr "Redaktu la aktivan personon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:405 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:407
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:796
msgid "Add a new family with person as parent"
msgstr "Aldonu novan familion kun persono kiel gepatro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:406
msgid "Add Partner..."
msgstr "Aldonu partneron..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:409 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:411
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:790
msgid "Add a new set of parents"
msgstr "Aldonu novan paron de gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:413 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:417
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:791
msgid "Add person as child to an existing family"
msgstr "Aldonu personon kiel fil(in)on de ekzistanta familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:416
msgid "Add Existing Parents..."
msgstr "Aldonu ekzistantajn gepatrojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:628
msgid "Alive"
msgstr "Vivanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:695 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:722
#, python-format
msgid "%(date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr "%(date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:792
msgid "Edit parents"
msgstr "Redaktu gepatrojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:793
msgid "Reorder parents"
msgstr "Reordigu gepatrojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:794
msgid "Remove person as child of these parents"
msgstr "Forigu personon kiel fil(in)on de ĉi tiuj gepatroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:800
msgid "Remove person as parent in this family"
msgstr "Forigu la personon kiel gepatron en ĉi tiu familio"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:860 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:916
msgid " ({number_of} sibling)"
msgid_plural " ({number_of} siblings)"
msgstr[0] " ({number_of} frat(in)o)"
msgstr[1] " ({number_of} frat(in)oj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:867 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:923
msgid " (1 brother)"
msgstr " (1 frato)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:869 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:925
msgid " (1 sister)"
msgstr " (1 fratino)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:871 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:927
msgid " (1 sibling)"
msgstr " (1 fratino)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:873 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:929
msgid " (only child)"
msgstr " (nur fil(in)o)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:943
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1440
msgid "Add new child to family"
msgstr "Aldonu novan fil(in)on al familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:947
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1444
msgid "Add existing child to family"
msgstr "Aldonu ekzistantan fil(in)on al familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1225
#, python-format
msgid "%(birthabbrev)s %(birthdate)s, %(deathabbrev)s %(deathdate)s"
msgstr "%(birthabbrev)s %(birthdate)s, %(deathabbrev)s %(deathdate)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1232
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1234
#, python-format
msgid "%(event)s %(date)s"
msgstr "%(event)s %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1295
#, python-format
msgid "Relationship type: %s"
msgstr "Parencec-tipo: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1333
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_type)s: %(date)s in %(place)s"
msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s en %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1337
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_type)s: %(date)s"
msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1341
#, python-format
msgid "%(event_type)s: %(place)s"
msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(place)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1352
msgid "Broken family detected"
msgstr "Detektita difektita familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1353
msgid "Please run the Check and Repair Database tool"
msgstr "Bv startigi datumbazan Kontrol- kaj Ripar-ilon"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1375
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1422
msgid " ({number_of} child)"
msgid_plural " ({number_of} children)"
msgstr[0] " ({number_of} fil(in)o)"
msgstr[1] " ({number_of} fil(in)oj)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1379
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1426
msgid " (no children)"
msgstr " (neniu fil(in)o)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1686
msgid "Use shading"
msgstr "Uzu kolorhelecon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1689
msgid "Display edit buttons"
msgstr "Montru redaktobutonojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1691
msgid "View links as website links"
msgstr "Montru ligilojn kiel interretajn ligilojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1708
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Montru detalojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1711
msgid "Show Siblings"
msgstr "Montru gefratojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:88
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "Hejma URL"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:96
msgid "Search URL"
msgstr "Serĉu URL'on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:112
msgid "Add a new repository"
msgstr "Aldonu novan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:114
msgid "Delete the selected repository"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan deponejon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:115
msgid "Merge the selected repositories"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitajn deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:150
msgid "Repository Filter Editor"
msgstr "Deponejfiltrila redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:245
msgid "Cannot merge repositories."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:246
msgid ""
"Exactly two repositories must be selected to perform a merge. A second "
"repository can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on "
"the desired repository."
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du deponejojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"deponejontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita "

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:99
msgid "Edit the selected source"
msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan fonton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:100
msgid "Delete the selected source"
msgstr "Forigu la elektitan fonton"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:101
msgid "Merge the selected sources"
msgstr "Kunfandu la elektitajn fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:136
msgid "Source Filter Editor"
msgstr "Fontfiltrila redaktilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:229
msgid "Cannot merge sources."
msgstr "Ne eblas kunfandi fontojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:230
msgid ""
"Exactly two sources must be selected to perform a merge. A second source can "
"be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired "
msgstr ""
"Por kunfandi necesas elekti ekzakte du fontojn. Eblas elekti duan "
"fontontenante premita la Stir-klavon dum elektoklako de la celita fonto."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:36
msgid "The view showing all the events"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn eventojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:51
msgid "The view showing all families"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn familiojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:66
msgid "The view showing Gramplets"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras Gramplet'ojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:81
msgid "The view showing all the media objects"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn aŭdvideajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:96
msgid "The view showing all the notes"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn notojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:111
msgid "The view showing all relationships of the selected person"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn parencecojn de la elektita persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:126
msgid "The view showing an ancestor pedigree of the selected person"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras praulan devenon de la elektita persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:133
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:142
#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:157
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Grafikaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:143
msgid "A view showing parents through a fanchart"
msgstr "Vido kiu montras gepatrojn per ventumila grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:158
msgid "Showing descendants through a fanchart"
msgstr "Montras praidojn per ventumila grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:171
msgid "Grouped People"
msgstr "Grupigitaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:172
msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree grouped per family name"
msgstr ""
"La vido kiu montras ĉiujn personojn en la genealogia arbo grupigitajn per "

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:189
msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree in a flat list"
msgstr ""
"La vido kiu montras ĉiujn personojn en la genealogia arbo en plata listo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:206
msgid "The view showing all the places of the Family Tree"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn lokojn en la genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:221
msgid "Place Tree"
msgstr "Lokoarbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:222
msgid "A view displaying places in a tree format."
msgstr "Vido montranta lokojn en arboformo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:237
msgid "The view showing all the repositories"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn deponejojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:252
msgid "The view showing all the sources"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn fontojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:268
msgid "The view showing all the citations"
msgstr "La vido kiu montras ĉiujn citaĵojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:282
msgid "Citation Tree"
msgstr "Citaĵoarbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:283
msgid "A view displaying citations and sources in a tree format."
msgstr "Vido montranta citaĵojn en arboformo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:374
msgid "Gramps&nbsp;ID"
msgstr "Gramps&nbsp;ID"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:380
msgid "Church Parish"
msgstr "Paroko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:385
msgid "Postal Code"
msgstr "Poŝtkodo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:388
msgid "State/ Province"
msgstr "Ŝtato/Distrikto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:393
msgid "Alternate Locations"
msgstr "Alternativaj lokoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:395
msgid "<absent>"
msgstr "<mankanta>"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1598
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s on "
msgstr ""
"Kreita de <a href = \"%(homepage)s\">Gramps</a> %(version)s je %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1616
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%(http_break)sCreated for %(subject_url)s"
msgstr "Kreita por %(author)s"

#. Begin Navigation Menu--
#. is the style sheet either Basic-Blue or Visually Impaired,
#. and menu layout is Drop Down?
#. Basic Blue style sheet with navigation menus
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1722
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:64
msgid "Basic-Blue"
msgstr "Bazblua"

#. Visually Impaired style sheet with its navigation menus
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1723
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:96
msgid "Visually Impaired"
msgstr "Vidnekapablulo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1754
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1904
msgid "Html|Home"
msgstr "Hejmo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1757
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1801
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1804
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1863
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3913
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3958
msgid "Surnames"
msgstr "Familinomoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1764
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1880
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4810
msgid "Thumbnails"
msgstr "Miniaturoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1765
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1886
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4987
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8224
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Elŝuto"

#. Add xml, doctype, meta and stylesheets
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1766
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1824
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1887
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6730
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6824
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Adreslibro"

#. add contact column
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1767
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1893
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1923
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5091
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontakto"

#. add section title
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2230
msgid "Narrative"
msgstr "Rakonta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2245
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6761
msgid "Web Links"
msgstr "Retligiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2292
msgid " [Click to Go]"
msgstr " [Alklaku por iri]"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2315
msgid "Latter-Day Saints/ LDS Ordinance"
msgstr "EJKSLT-ceremonio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2342
msgid "Source References"
msgstr "Fontreferencoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2447
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5577
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5838
msgid "Family Map"
msgstr "Famili-mapo"

#. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2883
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the "
"surname of %s. Selecting the person&#8217;s name will take you to that "
"person&#8217;s individual page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj individuoj en la datumbazo kun "
"familinomo %s. Elektante la nomon de la persono oni aliros la "
"individuanpaĝon de la persono."

#. Name Column
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2900
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5238
msgid "Given Name"
msgstr "Antaŭnomo"

#. set progress bar pass for Repositories
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3044
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3323
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3608
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4152
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4367
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5181
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6569
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7186
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7192
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7612
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7655
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7672
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7713
msgid "Narrated Web Site Report"
msgstr "Rakonta Reteja raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3045
msgid "Creating family pages..."
msgstr "Kreas famili-paĝojn..."

#. Families list page message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3066
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the families/ relationships in the "
"database, sorted by their family name/ surname. Clicking on a person&#8217;s "
"name will take you to their family/ relationship&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj familioj/parencecoj en la datumbazo, "
"ordigitaj laŭ iliaj familinomoj. Alklakante nomon de persono oni aliros la "
"paĝon de familio/parenceco."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3110
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3373
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3660
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3952
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Letero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3149
msgid "Families beginning with letter "
msgstr "Familiojn komenciĝantaj per litero "

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3324
msgid "Creating place pages"
msgstr "Kreas lok-paĝojn"

#. place list page message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3347
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the places in the database, sorted by "
"their title. Clicking on a place&#8217;s title will take you to that "
"place&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj lokoj en la datumbazo, ordigitaj laŭ "
"titolo. Alklakante loktitolon oni aliros tiun lokopaĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3374
msgid "Place Name | Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3413
#, python-format
msgid "Places beginning with letter %s"
msgstr "Lokoj komenciĝantaj per litero %s"

#. section title
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3525
msgid "Place Map"
msgstr "Lokmapo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3609
msgid "Creating event pages"
msgstr "Kreas event-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3635
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the events in the database, sorted by "
"their type and date (if one is present). Clicking on an event&#8217;s Gramps "
"ID will open a page for that event."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj eventoj en a datumbazo, ordigitaj "
"laŭtipo kaj dato (se ekzistanta). Alklakante Gramps-ID'on de evento oni "
"malfermos paĝon por tiu evento."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3717
#, python-format
msgid "Event types beginning with letter %s"
msgstr "Eventotipoj komenciĝantaj per litero %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3916
msgid "Surnames by person count"
msgstr "Familinomoj por persontotalo"

#. page message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3923
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a "
"link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj familinomoj en la datumbazo. La alklako "
"de ligilo portos al listo de individuoj kun la sama familinomo en la "

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:3965
msgid "Number of People"
msgstr "Nombro de personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4010
#, python-format
msgid "Surnames beginning with letter %s"
msgstr "Familinomoj komenciĝantaj per litero  %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4079
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:532
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Hejmo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4153
msgid "Creating source pages"
msgstr "Kreas font-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4193
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the sources in the database, sorted by "
"their title. Clicking on a source&#8217;s title will take you to that "
"source&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj fontoj en la datumbazo ordigitan laŭ "
"iliaj titoloj. La alklako de fontotitolo portos al tiu fontopaĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4210
msgid "Source Name|Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4293
msgid "Publication information"
msgstr "Publikaĵaj informoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4368
msgid "Creating media pages"
msgstr "Kreas aŭdvidaĵajn paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4405
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the media objects in the database, sorted "
"by their title. Clicking on the title will take you to that media "
"object&#8217;s page.  If you see media size dimensions above an image, click "
"on the image to see the full sized version.  "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj aŭdvideaj objektoj en la datumbazo, "
"ordigitan laŭ iliaj titoloj. La alklako de titolo portos al tiu "
"aŭdvideobjekta paĝo. Se oni vidas la aŭdvidaĵajn grandojn sur bildo, per "
"alklako sur la bildo oni vidos la plengrandan version."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4429
msgid "Media | Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4431
msgid "Mime Type"
msgstr "Mime-tipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4540
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Antaŭa"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4541
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"%(strong1_start)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s of %(strong2_start)s"
msgstr ""
"<strong id = \"GalleryCurrent\">%(page_number)d</strong> el<strong id = "

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4552
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Posta"

#. missing media error message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4555
msgid "The file has been moved or deleted."
msgstr "La dosiero estis movita aŭ forigita."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4695
msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Dosiertipo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4778
msgid "Missing media object:"
msgstr "Aŭdvidea objekto mankanta:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4815
msgid ""
"This page displays a indexed list of all the media objects in this "
"database.  It is sorted by media title.  There is an index of all the media "
"objects in this database.  Clicking on a thumbnail will take you to that "
"image&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo montras indeksitan liston de ĉiuj aŭdvideaj objektoj en la "
"datumbazo. Ĝi estas ordigita laŭ aŭdvidaĵa titolo. Ekzistas indekso de ĉiuj "
"aŭdvideaj objektoj de ĉi tiu datumbazo. La alklako de miniaturo portos al la "
"paĝo de la bildo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4834
msgid "Thumbnail Preview"
msgstr "Miniatur-antaŭrigardo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:4993
msgid ""
"This page is for the user/ creator of this Family Tree/ Narrative website to "
"share a couple of files with you regarding their family.  If there are any "
"files listed below, clicking on them will allow you to download them. The "
"download page and files have the same copyright as the remainder of these "
"web pages."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo estas por la uzanto/kreinto de ĉi tiu Genealogia Arbo/Rakonta "
"retejon por kunhavigi kelkajn dosierojn de sia familio. Se estas kelkaj "
"dosieroj listigitaj ĉi-malsupre, alklakante ilin permesos ilian elŝuton. La "
"elŝutpaĝo kaj la dosieroj havas saman kopirajton kiel la cetero de ĉi tiuj "

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5018
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5020
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Laste modifita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5182
msgid "Creating individual pages"
msgstr "Kreas person-paĝojn"

#. Individual List page message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5214
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted "
"by their last names. Selecting the person&#8217;s name will take you to that "
"person&#8217;s individual page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj individuoj en la datumbazo, ordigitan "
"laŭ iliaj familinomoj. La alklako de personnomo portos al la individua paĝo "
"de la persono mem."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5283
#, python-format
msgid "Surnames %(surname)s beginning with letter %(letter)s"
msgstr "Familinomoj %(surname)s komenciĝantajn per litero %(letter)s"

#. add page title
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5702
#, python-format
msgid "Tracking %s"
msgstr "Ŝanĝospurado %s"

#. page description
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5706
msgid ""
"This map page represents that person and any descendants with all of their "
"event/ places. If you place your mouse over the marker it will display the "
"place name. The markers and the Reference list are sorted in date order (if "
"any?). Clicking on a place&#8217;s name in the Reference section will take "
"you to that place&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo reprezentas tiun personon kaj liajn praidojn kun ĉiuj iliaj "
"eventoj/lokoj. Se oni movas la muso super la markilo ĝi montors la loknomon. "
"La markiloj kaj la referencolisto estas ordigitaj laŭ dato (se ekzistanta). "
"La alklako de la loknomo en la Referenca sekcio portos al la paĝo de la loko."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5776
msgid "Drop Markers"
msgstr "Falmarkiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:5796
msgid "Place Title"
msgstr "Loktitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6204
msgid "Call Name"
msgstr "Voknomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6220
msgid "Nick Name"
msgstr "Neformala nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6258
msgid "Age at Death"
msgstr "Aĝo je morto"

#. Stepfather may not always be quite right (for example, it may
#. actually be StepFather-in-law), but it is too expensive to
#. calculate out the correct relationship using the Relationship
#. Calculator
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6349
msgid "Stepfather"
msgstr "Duonpatro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6359
msgid "Stepmother"
msgstr "Duonpatrino"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6383
msgid "Not siblings"
msgstr "Ne gefratoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6444
msgid "Relation to main person"
msgstr "Parenceco al la ĉefa persono"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6446
msgid "Relation within this family (if not by birth)"
msgstr "Rilato kun ĉi tiu familio (se ne pro nasko)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6570
msgid "Creating repository pages"
msgstr "Kreas deponej-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6602
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the repositories in the database, sorted "
"by their title. Clicking on a repositories&#8217;s title will take you to "
"that repositories&#8217;s page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj deponejo en la datumbazo, ordigitan laŭ "
"iliaj titoloj. La alklako de deponeja titolo portos al la paĝo de la "
"deponejo mem."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6619
msgid "Repository |Name"
msgstr "Nomo"

#. Address Book Page message
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6737
msgid ""
"This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted "
"by their surname, with one of the following: Address, Residence, or Web "
"Links. Selecting the person&#8217;s name will take you to their individual "
"Address Book page."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu paĝo entenas indekson de ĉiuj individuoj en la datumbazo, ordigitan "
"laŭ iliaj familinomoj kun unu el la sekvaj: Adreso, rezidejo aŭ Retligiloj. "
"La alklako de la personnomo portos al la individua Adreslibra paĝo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6758
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Kompleta nomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6989
#, python-format
msgid "Neither %(current)s nor %(parent)s are directories"
msgstr "Nek %(current)s nek %(parent)s estas dosierujoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:6998
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7003
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7016
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7021
#, python-format
msgid "Could not create the directory: %s"
msgstr "Ne eblis krei la dosierujon: %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7027
msgid "Invalid file name"
msgstr "Nevalida dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7028
msgid "The archive file must be a file, not a directory"
msgstr "La arkiva dosiero devas esti dosiero, ne dosierujo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7150
#, python-format
msgid "ID=%(grampsid)s, path=%(dir)s"
msgstr "ID=%(grampsid)s, vojo=%(dir)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7155
msgid "Missing media objects:"
msgstr "Mankantaj aŭdvideaj objektoj:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7187
msgid "Applying Person Filter..."
msgstr "Aplikas personfiltrilon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7193
msgid "Constructing list of other objects..."
msgstr "Konstruas liston de aliaj objektoj..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7400
#, python-format
msgid "Family of %(husband)s and %(spouse)s"
msgstr "Familio de %(husband)s kaj %(spouse)s"

#. Only the name of the husband is known
#. Only the name of the wife is known
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7405
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7409
#, python-format
msgid "Family of %s"
msgstr "Familio de %s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7613
msgid "Creating GENDEX file"
msgstr "Kreas GENDEX-dosieron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7656
msgid "Creating surname pages"
msgstr "Kreas famili-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7673
msgid "Creating thumbnail preview page..."
msgstr "Kreas miniatur-antaŭrigardan paĝon..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7714
msgid "Creating address book pages ..."
msgstr "Kreas adreslibrajn-paĝojn ..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7994
msgid "Store web pages in .tar.gz archive"
msgstr "Konservu retpaĝojn en arkivo .tar.gz"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:7996
msgid "Whether to store the web pages in an archive file"
msgstr "Ĉu konservi la retpaĝojn en arkiva dosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8003
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1322
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Celo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8006
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1325
msgid "The destination directory for the web files"
msgstr "La celdosierujo por la retdosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8012
msgid "My Family Tree"
msgstr "Mia genealogia arbo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8012
msgid "Web site title"
msgstr "TTT-paĝtitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8013
msgid "The title of the web site"
msgstr "La titolo de la retejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8018
msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on web site"
msgstr "Elektu filtrilon por malmultigi la personojn aperontajn en la retejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8045
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1368
msgid "File extension"
msgstr "Dosiersufikso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8048
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1371
msgid "The extension to be used for the web files"
msgstr "La sufikso uzota por la interretdosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8051
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1374
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Kopirajto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8054
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1377
msgid "The copyright to be used for the web files"
msgstr "La kopirajto uzota por la retejaj dosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8057
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1383
msgid "StyleSheet"
msgstr "Stilfolio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8062
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1386
msgid "The stylesheet to be used for the web pages"
msgstr "La stilfolio uzota por la retpaĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8067
msgid "Horizontal -- Default"
msgstr "Horizontala -- Defaŭlta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8068
msgid "Vertical   -- Left Side"
msgstr "Verticala   -- Maldekstraflanka"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8069
msgid "Fade       -- WebKit Browsers Only"
msgstr "Dissolva       -- Nur foliumiloj WebKit"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8070
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8083
msgid "Drop-Down  -- WebKit Browsers Only"
msgstr "Kurtena  -- Nur foliumiloj WebKit"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8072
msgid "Navigation Menu Layout"
msgstr "Aspekto de la naviga menuo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8075
msgid "Choose which layout for the Navigation Menus."
msgstr "Elektu la aspekton por la Naviga Menuo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8082
msgid "Normal Outline Style"
msgstr "Normala konturstilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8086
msgid "Citation Referents Layout"
msgstr "Aspekto de citaĵoreferencantoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8090
msgid ""
"Determine the default layout for the Source Page's Citation Referents section"
msgstr ""
"Determinas la defaŭltan aspekton por la sekcio de la referencantoj de "
"fontpaĝaj citaĵoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8094
msgid "Include ancestor's tree"
msgstr "Inkluzivu praulan arbon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8095
msgid "Whether to include an ancestor graph on each individual page"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi praulan grafikaĵon sur ciu individua paĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8100
msgid "Graph generations"
msgstr "Generacioj en la grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8101
msgid "The number of generations to include in the ancestor graph"
msgstr "La nombro de generacioj inkluzivotaj en la praula grafikaĵo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8111
msgid "Page Generation"
msgstr "Paĝokreo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8114
msgid "Home page note"
msgstr "Hejmpaĝa noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8115
msgid "A note to be used on the home page"
msgstr "Noto uzota sur la hejmpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8118
msgid "Home page image"
msgstr "Hejmpaĝa bildo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8119
msgid "An image to be used on the home page"
msgstr "Bildo uzota sur la hejmpaĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8122
msgid "Introduction note"
msgstr "Enkonduka noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8123
msgid "A note to be used as the introduction"
msgstr "Noto uzota kiel enkonduko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8126
msgid "Introduction image"
msgstr "Enkonduka bildo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8127
msgid "An image to be used as the introduction"
msgstr "Bildo uzota kiel enkonduko"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8130
msgid "Publisher contact note"
msgstr "Kontaktnoto de publikiginto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8131
msgid ""
"A note to be used as the publisher contact.\n"
"If no publisher information is given,\n"
"no contact page will be created"
msgstr ""
"Noto uzota kiel kontakto de publikiginto.\n"
"Se ne estas informoj pri la publikiginto,\n"
"neniu kontaktpaĝo estos kreita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8137
msgid "Publisher contact image"
msgstr "Kontaktbildo de publikiginto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8138
msgid ""
"An image to be used as the publisher contact.\n"
"If no publisher information is given,\n"
"no contact page will be created"
msgstr ""
"Bildo uzota kiel kontakto de publikiginto.\n"
"Se ne estas informoj pri la publikiginto,\n"
"neniu kontaktpaĝo estos kreita"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8144
msgid "HTML user header"
msgstr "Propra HTML-paĝokapo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8145
msgid "A note to be used as the page header"
msgstr "Noto uzota kiel paĝa kaplinio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8148
msgid "HTML user footer"
msgstr "Propra HTML-paĝopiedo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8149
msgid "A note to be used as the page footer"
msgstr "Noto uzota kiel suba paĝotitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8152
msgid "Include images and media objects"
msgstr "Inkluzivu bildojn kaj aŭdvideajn objektojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8154
msgid "Whether to include a gallery of media objects"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi galerion de aŭdvideaj objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8160
msgid "Create and only use thumbnail- sized images"
msgstr "Kreu kaj uzu nur miniaturajn bildojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8162
msgid ""
"This option allows you to create only thumbnail images instead of the full-"
"sized images on the Media Page. This will allow you to have a much smaller "
"total upload size to your web hosting site."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu opcio permesas krei nur miniaturojn anstataŭ plengrandajn bildojn en "
"la Aŭdvidaĵa paĝo. Tio permesos alŝuti multe pli malgrandan kvanton da "
"bajtoj al via gastiga retejo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8169
msgid "Max width of initial image"
msgstr "Maks. grando de komenca bildo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8171
msgid ""
"This allows you to set the maximum width of the image shown on the media "
"page. Set to 0 for no limit."
msgstr ""
"Tio permesos agordi la maksimuman grandon de la montrota bildo sur la "
"aŭdvidaĵa paĝo. Agordu al 0 por senlima."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8175
msgid "Max height of initial image"
msgstr "Maks. alto de la komenca bildo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8177
msgid ""
"This allows you to set the maximum height of the image shown on the media "
"page. Set to 0 for no limit."
msgstr ""
"Tio permesos agordi la maksimuman alton de la montrota bildo sur la "
"aŭdvidaĵa paĝo. Agordu al 0 por senlima."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8183
msgid "Suppress Gramps ID"
msgstr "Forigu Gramps-ID'on"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8184
msgid "Whether to include the Gramps ID of objects"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi la Gramps-ID de objektoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8196
msgid "Living People"
msgstr "Vivantaj personoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8201
msgid "Include Last Name Only"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur familinomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8203
msgid "Include Full Name Only"
msgstr "Inkluzivu nur kompletan nomon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8206
msgid "How to handle living people"
msgstr "Kiel administri vivantajn personojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8210
msgid "Years from death to consider living"
msgstr "Jaroj depost morto por konsideri vivanta"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8212
msgid ""
"This allows you to restrict information on people who have not been dead for "
"very long"
msgstr ""
"Tio permesas malmultigi informojn pri personoj kiuj ne mortis de longa tempo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8227
msgid "Include download page"
msgstr "Inkluzivu elŝutpaĝon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8228
msgid "Whether to include a database download option"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi datumbazan elŝutopcion"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8232
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8242
msgid "Download Filename"
msgstr "Elŝut-dosiernomo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8234
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8244
msgid "File to be used for downloading of database"
msgstr "Dosiero uzota por la elŝuto de la datumbazo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8237
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8247
msgid "Description for download"
msgstr "Priskribo por elŝutado"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8238
msgid "Smith Family Tree"
msgstr "Genealogia Arbo de fam. Espero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8239
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8249
msgid "Give a description for this file."
msgstr "Donu priskribon pri ĉi tiu dosiero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8248
msgid "Johnson Family Tree"
msgstr "Genealogia Arbo de fam. Senespero"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8258
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1525
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Kromaj opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8261
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1527
msgid "Character set encoding"
msgstr "Signara kodoprezento"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8265
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1530
msgid "The encoding to be used for the web files"
msgstr "La kodoprezento uzota en la retdosieroj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8268
msgid "Include link to active person on every page"
msgstr "Inkudu ligon al aktiva persono sur ĉiu paĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8269
msgid "Include a link to the active person (if they have a webpage)"
msgstr "Inkudu ligon al la aktiva persono (se ili havas retpaĝon)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8272
msgid "Include a column for birth dates on the index pages"
msgstr "Inkudu kolumnon por naskiĝdatoj sur la indeksaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8273
msgid "Whether to include a birth column"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi naskiĝkolumnon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8276
msgid "Include a column for death dates on the index pages"
msgstr "Inkudu kolumnon por mortodatoj sur la indeksaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8277
msgid "Whether to include a death column"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi mortokolumnon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8280
msgid "Include a column for partners on the index pages"
msgstr "Inkudu kolumnon por partneroj sur la indeksaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8282
msgid "Whether to include a partners column"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi partnerkolumojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8285
msgid "Include a column for parents on the index pages"
msgstr "Inkudu kolumnon por gepatroj sur la indeksaj paĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8287
msgid "Whether to include a parents column"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi gepatrokolumnon"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8290
msgid "Include half and/ or step-siblings on the individual pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu duon- kaj/aŭ vic-gefratojn en la paĝoj de individuoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8292
msgid ""
"Whether to include half and/ or step-siblings with the parents and siblings"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi duon- kaj/aŭ vic-gefratojn kun gepatroj kaj gefratoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8296
msgid "Sort all children in birth order"
msgstr "Ordigu ĉiujn gefilojn laŭ naskiĝordo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8297
msgid "Whether to display children in birth order or in entry order?"
msgstr "Ĉu montri gefilojn laŭ naskiĝ- aŭ enig-ordo."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8300
msgid "Include family pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu famili-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8301
msgid "Whether or not to include family pages."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi aŭ ne famili-paĝojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8304
msgid "Include event pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu event-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8305
msgid "Add a complete events list and relevant pages or not"
msgstr "Aldoni au ne kompletan eventoliston kaj gravajn paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8308
msgid "Include repository pages"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi deponej-paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8309
msgid "Whether or not to include the Repository Pages."
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi aŭ ne deponejpaĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8312
msgid "Include GENDEX file (/gendex.txt)"
msgstr "Inkluzivu GENDEX-dosieron (/gendex.txt)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8313
msgid "Whether to include a GENDEX file or not"
msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi GENDEX-dosieron aŭ ne"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8316
msgid "Include address book pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu adreslibrajn paĝojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8317
msgid ""
"Whether or not to add Address Book pages,which can include e-mail and "
"website addresses and personal address/ residence events."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu aldoni aŭ ne paĝojn de Adreslibro, kiuj povas inkluzivi retadreson kaj "
"retejajn adresojn kaj personajn adresan/rezidejan eventojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8327
msgid "Place Map Options"
msgstr "Lokmapaj opcioj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8331
msgid "Google"
msgstr "Google"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8333
msgid "Map Service"
msgstr "Mapservo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8336
msgid "Choose your choice of map service for creating the Place Map Pages."
msgstr "Elektu la preferatan mapservon por krei la Lokmapajn paĝojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8341
msgid "Include Place map on Place Pages"
msgstr "Inkluzivu lokmapon en Lokpaĝoj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8342
msgid ""
"Whether to include a place map on the Place Pages, where Latitude/ Longitude "
"are available."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu inkluzivi lokmapon en Lokpaĝojn,kie Latitudo/Longitudo estas disponebla."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8347
msgid "Include Family Map Pages with all places shown on the map"
msgstr "Inkluzivu familimapajn paĝojn kun ĉiuj lokoj montritaj sur la mapo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8350
msgid ""
"Whether or not to add an individual page map showing all the places on this "
"page. This will allow you to see how your family traveled around the country."
msgstr ""
"Ĉu aldoni aŭ ne individuan paĝmapon montrantan ĉiujn lokojn sur ĉi tiu paĝo. "
"Tio permesos vidi kiel la familio vojaĝis tra la lando."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8358
msgid "Family Links"
msgstr "Famililigiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8359
msgid "Drop"
msgstr "Demetu"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8360
msgid "Markers"
msgstr "Markiloj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8361
msgid "Google/ FamilyMap Option"
msgstr "Google/ Familimapa Opcio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8364
msgid ""
"Select which option that you would like to have for the Google Maps Family "
"Map pages..."
msgstr "Elektu la opcion deziratan por la Google-mapo de familio Mappaĝoj..."

#. adding title to hyperlink menu for screen readers and braille writers
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:8824
#, python-format
msgid "Alphabet Menu: %s"
msgstr "Alfabeta menuo: %s"

#. _('translation')
#. Number of directory levels up to get to self.html_dir / root
#. Number of directory levels up to get to root
#. generate progress pass for "Year At A Glance"
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:304
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:837
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:899
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1079
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1084
msgid "Web Calendar Report"
msgstr "Retkalendara raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:305
#, python-format
msgid "Calculating Holidays for year %04d"
msgstr "Kalkulas la festojn por la jaro %04d"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:456
#, python-format
msgid ""
"the \"WebCal\" will be the potential-email Subject|Created for "
msgstr ""

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:464
#, python-format
msgid "Created for %(author)s"
msgstr "Kreita por %(author)s"

#. Add a link for year_glance() if requested
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:538
msgid "Year Glance"
msgstr "Resumita jaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:572
msgid "NarrativeWeb Home"
msgstr "Rakont-Retejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:574
msgid "Full year at a Glance"
msgstr "Kompeta jarkalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:838
msgid "Formatting months ..."
msgstr "Formatas monatojn..."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:900
msgid "Creating Year At A Glance calendar"
msgstr "Kreas jarkalendaron"

#. page title
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:905
#, python-format
msgid "%(year)d, At A Glance"
msgstr "%(year)d, Unuavide"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:919
msgid ""
"This calendar is meant to give you access to all your data at a glance "
"compressed into one page. Clicking on a date will take you to a page that "
"shows all the events for that date, if there are any.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu kalendaro estas celita por disponigi ĉiujn datumojn unuavide "
"kunpremitaj en unu paĝo. Alklako de dato portos ala paĝo montranta ĉiujn "
"eventojn por dato, se ekzistanta.\n"

#. page title
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:970
msgid "One Day Within A Year"
msgstr "Unu tago en unu jaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1182
#, python-format
msgid "%(spouse)s and %(person)s"
msgstr "%(spouse)s kaj %(person)s"

#. Display date as user set in preferences
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1199
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s on %(date)s"
msgstr ""
"Kreita de <a href = \"%(homepage)s\">Gramps</a> %(version)s je %(date)s"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1329
msgid "Calendar Title"
msgstr "Kalendartitolo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1329
msgid "My Family Calendar"
msgstr "Kalendaro de mia familio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1330
msgid "The title of the calendar"
msgstr "Titolo de la kalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1398
msgid "Create multiple year calendars"
msgstr "Kreu plurobljarajn kalendarojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1399
msgid "Whether to create Multiple year calendars or not."
msgstr "Ĉu krei aŭ ne plurobljarajn kalendarojn"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1403
msgid "Start Year for the Calendar(s)"
msgstr "Komencjaro por la kalendaro(j)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1405
msgid "Enter the starting year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000"
msgstr "Enigu la komencan jaron por la kalendaroj inter 1900-3000"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1409
msgid "End Year for the Calendar(s)"
msgstr "Finjaro por la kalendaro(j)"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1411
msgid "Enter the ending year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000."
msgstr "Enigu la finan jaron por la kalendaroj inter 1900-3000."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1428
msgid "Holidays will be included for the selected country"
msgstr "Oni inkluzivos la festojn por la elektita lando"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1451
msgid "Home link"
msgstr "Hejmligilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1452
msgid ""
"The link to be included to direct the user to the main page of the web site"
msgstr ""
"La ligilo inkluzivota por direkti la uzanto al la ĉefa paĝo de la retejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1468
msgid "Jan - Jun Notes"
msgstr "Notoj Jan - Jun"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1470
msgid "January Note"
msgstr "Januara noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1471
msgid "The note for the month of January"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Januaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1474
msgid "February Note"
msgstr "Februara noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1475
msgid "The note for the month of February"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Februaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1478
msgid "March Note"
msgstr "Marta noto:"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1479
msgid "The note for the month of March"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Marto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1482
msgid "April Note"
msgstr "Aprila noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1483
msgid "The note for the month of April"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Aprilo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1486
msgid "May Note"
msgstr "Maja noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1487
msgid "The note for the month of May"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Majo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1490
msgid "June Note"
msgstr "Junia noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1491
msgid "The note for the month of June"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Junio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1494
msgid "Jul - Dec Notes"
msgstr "Notoj Jul-Dec"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1496
msgid "July Note"
msgstr "Julia noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1497
msgid "The note for the month of July"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Julio"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1500
msgid "August Note"
msgstr "Aŭgusta noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1501
msgid "The note for the month of August"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Aŭgusto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1504
msgid "September Note"
msgstr "Septembra noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1505
msgid "The note for the month of September"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Septembro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1508
msgid "October Note"
msgstr "Oktobra noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1509
msgid "The note for the month of October"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Oktobro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1512
msgid "November Note"
msgstr "Novembra noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1513
msgid "The note for the month of November"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Novembro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1516
msgid "December Note"
msgstr "Decembra noto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1517
msgid "The note for the month of December"
msgstr "La notoj de la monato Decembro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1533
msgid "Create \"Year At A Glance\" Calendar"
msgstr "Kreu jarkalendaron"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1534
msgid "Whether to create A one-page mini calendar with dates highlighted"
msgstr "Ĉu krei unupaĝan jarkalendaron kun datoj markitaj"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1538
msgid "Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance calendar"
msgstr "Kreu unutagajn eventpaĝojn por jarkalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1540
msgid "Whether to create one day pages or not"
msgstr "Ĉu krei unutagajn paĝojn aŭ ne"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1543
msgid "Link to Narrated Web Report"
msgstr "Ligilo al rakonta Reteja raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1544
msgid "Whether to link data to web report or not"
msgstr "Ĉu ligi datumojn al rakonta Reteja raporto"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1550
msgid "Link prefix"
msgstr "Ligilprefikso"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1551
msgid "A Prefix on the links to take you to Narrated Web Report"
msgstr "Prefikso ĉe ligiloj por porti al Rakonta Reteja Raporto"

#. TRANSLATORS: expands to smth like "12 years old",
#. where "12 years" is already localized to your language
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1709
#, python-format
msgid "%s old"
msgstr "%s malnova"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1710
msgid "birth"
msgstr "Naskiĝo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1717
#, python-format
msgid "%(couple)s, <em>wedding</em>"
msgstr "%(couple)s, <em>geedziĝo</em>"

#. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1722
msgid "{couple}, {years} year anniversary"
msgid_plural "{couple}, {years} year anniversary"
msgstr[0] "{couple}, {years} datreveno"
msgstr[1] "{couple}, {years} datreveno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:31
msgid "Narrated Web Site"
msgstr "Rakonta Retejo"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:32
msgid "Produces web (HTML) pages for individuals, or a set of individuals"
msgstr "Kreas TTT(HTML)-paĝojn por personoj, aŭ grupo de personoj."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:55
msgid "Web Calendar"
msgstr "Retkalendaro"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:56
msgid "Produces web (HTML) calendars."
msgstr "Kreas retajn (HTML) kalendarojn."

#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "Webstuff"
msgstr "Ret-enteno"

#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:35
msgid "Provides a collection of resources for the web"
msgstr "Provizas kolekton de risursoj por la reto"

#. id, user selectable?, translated_name, option name, fullpath,
#. navigation target name, images, javascript
#. "default" is used as default
#. default style sheet in the options
#. Basic Ash style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:60
msgid "Basic-Ash"
msgstr "Baza-cindra"

#. Basic Cypress style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:68
msgid "Basic-Cypress"
msgstr "Baza-cipresa"

#. basic Lilac style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:72
msgid "Basic-Lilac"
msgstr "Baza-lila"

#. basic Peach style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:76
msgid "Basic-Peach"
msgstr "Baza-persika"

#. basic Spruce style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:80
msgid "Basic-Spruce"
msgstr "Baza-picea"

#. Mainz style sheet with its images
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:84
msgid "Mainz"
msgstr "Mainz"

#. Nebraska style sheet
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:92
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr "Nebrasko"

#. no style sheet option
#: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:153
msgid "No style sheet"
msgstr "Neniu stilfolio\t"

#: gtklist.h:2
msgid "ANSEL"
msgstr "ANSEL"

#: gtklist.h:3
msgid "ANSI (iso-8859-1)"
msgstr "ANSI (iso-8859-1)"

#: gtklist.h:4
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr "ASCII"

#: gtklist.h:5
msgid "UTF8"
msgstr "UTF8"

#: gtklist.h:6
msgid "All rules must apply"
msgstr "Apliku ĉiujn regulojn"

#: gtklist.h:7
msgid "At least one rule must apply"
msgstr "Apliku almenaŭ unu regulon"

#: gtklist.h:8
msgid "Exactly one rule must apply"
msgstr "Apliku ekzakte unu regulon"

#~ msgid "TRANSLATORS: Translate this to your name in your native language"
#~ msgstr "TRADUKANTOJ: Pier Luigi Cinquantini"

#~ msgid "==== Authors ====\n"
#~ msgstr "==== Autoroj ====\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "==== Contributors ====\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "==== Kontribuantoj ====\n"

#~ msgid "%s (copy, %s)"
#~ msgstr "%s (copy, %s)"

#~ msgid "Cannot save place"
#~ msgstr "Ne eblas konservi lokon"

#~ msgid "No data exists for this place. Please enter data or cancel the edit."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne ekzistas datumoj por ĉi tiu loko. Bv enigi datumojn aŭ rezigni pri "
#~ "redaktado."

#~ msgid "Cannot save location. Title not entered."
#~ msgstr "Ne eblas konservi la lokigon. Titolo ne enigita."

#~ msgid "You must enter a title before saving."
#~ msgstr "Oni devas enigi titolon antaŭ ol konservi."

#~ msgid "Place Name:"
#~ msgstr "Loknomo:"

#~ msgid "Cannot save place reference"
#~ msgstr "Ne eblas konservi lokreferencon"

#~ msgid "No place selected. Please select a place  or cancel the edit."
#~ msgstr "Neniu loko elektita. Bv elekti lokon aŭ rezigni pri redakto."

#~ msgid "First add a source using the buttons"
#~ msgstr "Unue aldonu fonton per la butonoj"

#~ msgid "ZIP/Postal code"
#~ msgstr "Poŝtkodo"

#~ msgid "Church parish"
#~ msgstr "Paroko"

#~ msgid "New"
#~ msgstr "Nova"

#~ msgid "_Add bookmark"
#~ msgstr "_Aldonu legosignon"

#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Agordu"

#~ msgid "Edit Date"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu daton"

#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Tiparo"

#~ msgid "Font Background Color"
#~ msgstr "Tipara fonkoloro"

#~ msgid "Gramplets"
#~ msgstr "Gramplet'oj"

#~ msgid "Public"
#~ msgstr "Publika"

#~ msgid "Merge"
#~ msgstr "Kunfandu"

#~ msgid "Add Parents"
#~ msgstr "Aldonu gepatrojn"

#~ msgid "Select Parents"
#~ msgstr "Elektu gepatrojn"

#~ msgid "Reports"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#~ msgid "Add Spouse"
#~ msgstr "Aldonu geedzon"

#~ msgid "Tools"
#~ msgstr "Iloj"

#~ msgid "Grouped List"
#~ msgstr "Grupigita listo"

#~ msgid "List"
#~ msgstr "Listo"

#~ msgid "Zoom In"
#~ msgstr "Zomu"

#~ msgid "Zoom Out"
#~ msgstr "Malzomu"

#~ msgid "Fit Width"
#~ msgstr "Alĝustigu larĝon"

#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Eksportu"

#~ msgid "Paragraph"
#~ msgstr "Alineo"

#~ msgid "Confirm every deletion?"
#~ msgstr "Ĉu konfirmi ĉiun forigon?"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  1. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_change_the_order_of_spouses.3F'>How do I "
#~ "change the order of spouses?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  1. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_change_the_order_of_spouses.3F'>Kiel "
#~ "modifi la ordon de la geedzojn?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  2. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_add_an_additional_spouse.3F'>How do I add "
#~ "an additional spouse?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  2. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_add_an_additional_spouse.3F'>Kiel aldoni "
#~ "kroman geezon?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  3. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_remove_a_spouse.3F'>How do I remove a "
#~ "spouse?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  3. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_remove_a_spouse.3F'>Kiel forigi geedzon?</"
#~ "a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  4. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_keep_backups.3F'>How do I make backups "
#~ "safely?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  4. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_I_keep_backups.3F'>Kiel senrpobleme fari "
#~ "sekurkopion?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  6. <a wiki='%s_-_Entering_and_Editing_Data:_Detailed_-"
#~ "_part_1#Editing_Information_About_Relationships'>How should information "
#~ "about marriages be entered?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  6. <a wiki='%s_-_Entering_and_Editing_Data:_Detailed_-"
#~ "_part_1#Editing_Information_About_Relationships'>Kiel oni devus enmeti "
#~ "informon pri la geedziĝoj?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  9. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_you_find_unused_media_objects.3F'>How do "
#~ "you find unused media objects?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  9. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#How_do_you_find_unused_media_objects.3F'>Kiel oni "
#~ "povas trovi neuzitajn aŭdvideajn objektojn?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ " 10. <a wiki='%s_-"
#~ "_FAQ#How_can_I_publish_web_sites_generated_by_GRAMPS.3F'>How can I make a "
#~ "website with Gramps and my tree?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " 10. <a wiki='%s_-"
#~ "_FAQ#How_can_I_publish_web_sites_generated_by_GRAMPS.3F'>Kiel oni povas "
#~ "krei retejon kun mia arbo per Gramps?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ " 11. <a href='http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?"
#~ "msg_id=21487967'>How do I record one's occupation?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " 11. <a href='http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?"
#~ "msg_id=21487967'>Kiel oni povas registri la profesion de iu?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ " 12. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#What_do_I_do_if_I_have_found_a_bug.3F'>What do I "
#~ "do if I have found a bug?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " 12. <a wiki='%s_-_FAQ#What_do_I_do_if_I_have_found_a_bug.3F'>Kion oni "
#~ "povas fari se oni rimarkas cimon?</a>\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ " 13. <a wiki='Portal:Using_GRAMPS'>Is there a manual for Gramps?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " 13. <a wiki='Portal:Using_GRAMPS'>Ĉu ekzistas manlibro pri Gramps?</a>\n"

#~ msgid " 15. <a wiki='Category:How_do_I...'>How do I ...?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr " 15. <a wiki='Category:How_do_I...'>Kiel oni ...?</a>\n"

#~ msgid " 16. <a wiki='How_you_can_help'>How can I help with Gramps?</a>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " 16. <a wiki='How_you_can_help' >Kiel oni povas kontribui al Gramps?</a>\n"

#~ msgid "http://gramps-project.org/"
#~ msgstr "http://gramps-project.org/"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Start_with_Genealogy"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Start_with_Genealogy"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_4.0_Wiki_Manual"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_4.0_Wiki_Manual"

#~ msgid "http://gramps-project.org/contact/"
#~ msgstr "http://gramps-project.org/contact/"

#~ msgid "Include private records"
#~ msgstr "Inkluzivu privatajn rikordojn"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Whether to include names, dates, and families that are marked as private."
#~ msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi nomojn, datojn kaj familiojn markitajn kiel privatajn."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Include the dates that the individual was born, got married and/or died "
#~ "in the graph labels."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Inkluzivu la datojn, kiam la persono naskiĝis, edz(in)iĝis kaj/aŭ mortis, "
#~ "en la grafikaĵaj etikedoj."

#~ msgid "Use place when no date"
#~ msgstr "Uzu lokon se mankas dato"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "When no birth, marriage, or death date is available, the correspondent "
#~ "place field will be used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Se mankas Naskiĝ-, Geedziĝ- aŭ Mortdatoj, oni uzos la respondan "
#~ "lokokampon."

#~ msgid "Include IDs"
#~ msgstr "Inkluzivu  ID'ojn"

#~ msgid "Include individual and family IDs."
#~ msgstr "Inkluzivu personojn kaj familiajn ID'ojn"

#~ msgid "SUBM (Submitter): @%s@"
#~ msgstr "SUBM (Transendanto): @%s@"

#~ msgid "Invalid line %d in GEDCOM file."
#~ msgstr "Nevalida linio %d en GEDCOM-dosiero."

#~ msgid "%(name)s [%(gid)s]"
#~ msgstr "%(name)s [%(gid)s]"

#~ msgid "Include private data"
#~ msgstr "Inkluzivu privatajn datumojn"

#~ msgid "Webkit module not loaded."
#~ msgstr "Modulo Webkit ne ŝargita."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Webkit module not loaded. Embedded web page viewing will not be "
#~ "available. Use your package manager to install gir1.2-webkit-3.0"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Modulo Webkit ne ŝargita. La montro de la enkorpigita retpaĝo ne estos "
#~ "disponebla. Uzu vian pakaĵadministrilon por instali gir1.2-webkit-3.0"

#~ msgid "Html View"
#~ msgstr "Html-vido"

#~ msgid "A view showing html pages embedded in Gramps"
#~ msgstr "Vido kiu montras html-paĝojn enkorpigitajn en Gramps"

#~ msgid "Web"
#~ msgstr "Reto"

#~ msgid "HtmlView"
#~ msgstr "Html-vido"

#~ msgid "Go to the previous page in the history"
#~ msgstr "Iru al la antaŭa paĝo en la historio"

#~ msgid "Go to the next page in the history"
#~ msgstr "Iru al la posta paĝo en la historio"

#~ msgid "_Refresh"
#~ msgstr "A_ktualigu"

#~ msgid "Stop and reload the page."
#~ msgstr "Haltu kaj reŝargu la paĝon."

#~ msgid "Start page for the Html View"
#~ msgstr "Komencpaĝo por la html-vido"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Type a webpage address at the top, and hit the execute button to load a "
#~ "webpage in this page\n"
#~ "<br>\n"
#~ "For example: <b>http://gramps-project.org</p>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tajpu retpaĝan adreson supre, kaj puŝu la startbutonon por ŝargi la "
#~ "retpaĝon en ĉi tiu paĝo\n"
#~ "<br>\n"
#~ "Ekzemple: <b>http://gramps-project.org</p>"

#~ msgid "<br />Created for <a href = \"%(url)s\">%(name)s</a>"
#~ msgstr "<br />Kreita por <a href = \"%(url)s\">%(name)s</a>"

#~ msgid "Whether to include private objects"
#~ msgstr "Ĉu inkluzivi privatajn objektojn"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Created for <a href=\"mailto:%(email)s?subject=WebCal\">%(author)s</a>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kreita por <a href=\"mailto:%(email)s?subject=WebCal\">%(author)s</a>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Generated by <a href=\"http://gramps-project.org\">Gramps</a> on %(date)s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kreita de <a href=\"http://gramps-project.org\">Gramps</a> je %(date)s"

#~ msgid "Source: Publication"
#~ msgstr "Fonto: Publikigo"

#~ msgid "Source: Note"
#~ msgstr "Fonto: Noto"

#~ msgid "Citation: ID"
#~ msgstr "Citaĵo: ID"

#~ msgid "Citation: Volume/Page"
#~ msgstr "Citaĵo: Volumo/Paĝo"

#~ msgid "Citation: Date"
#~ msgstr "Citaĵo: Dato"

#~ msgid "Citation: Note"
#~ msgstr "Citaĵo:Noto "

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(gramps_id)"
#~ "s. This value is already used by '%(prim_object)s'. Please enter a "
#~ "different ID or leave blank to get the next available ID value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Oni provis uzi la ekzistantan Gramps_id kun la valoro %(gramps_id)s. Ĉi "
#~ "tiu valoro estas jam uzata de '%(prim_object)s'. Bv enigi malsaman ID'on "
#~ "aŭ lasi malplenan por akiri la postan disponeblan ID-valoron."

#~ msgid "Top level place"
#~ msgstr "Supernivela loko"

#~ msgid "..."
#~ msgstr "..."

#~ msgid "Python Evaluation"
#~ msgstr "Piton-taksado"

#~ msgid "Gramplet allowing the evaluation of python code"
#~ msgstr "Gramplet por permesi la taksadon de pitonkodo"

#~ msgid "Uncollected Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nekolektitaj objektoj"

#~ msgid "Gramplet showing uncollected objects"
#~ msgstr "Gramplet por montri nekolektitajn objektojn"

#~ msgid "Sweden - Holidays"
#~ msgstr "Svedio - Festotagoj"

#~ msgid "(%(x)d,%(y)d)"
#~ msgstr "(%(x)d,%(y)d)"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Regular expression:"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Citations having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Citations with <Id> matching regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Events having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Events with <Id> matching regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Families having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media objects having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Notes with <Id> matching regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "People having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "People with <Id> matching regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "People matching the <regex_name>"
#~ msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj nomoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches people's names with a specified regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Ekstraktas la personon kun specifa (nekompleta) nomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Places having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Places with <Id> matching regular expression"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj kongruantaj kun regulo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Repositories having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sources having notes containing <regular expression>"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d month"
#~ msgid_plural "%d months"
#~ msgstr[0] "Alia"
#~ msgstr[1] "Alia"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unknown father"
#~ msgstr "Nekonata sekso por %s.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unknown mother"
#~ msgstr "Nekonata sekso por %s.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "death event without date"
#~ msgstr "Personoj kun idoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Chinese"
#~ msgstr "Atestanto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Brazil"
#~ msgstr "Entombigo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Portugal"
#~ msgstr "Vertikala"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create and add a new data entry"
#~ msgstr "Kreas novan fonton"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove the existing data entry"
#~ msgstr "Fontredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit the selected data entry"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu la elektitan eventon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move the selected data entry upwards"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan eventon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move the selected data entry downwards"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan eventon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Data"
#~ msgstr "Dato"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Events father"
#~ msgstr "_Eventotipo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Events mother"
#~ msgstr "_Eventotipo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Personal Events"
#~ msgstr "Person-evento:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Location"
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#~ msgid "<b>Preview</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Antaŭrigardo</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Citation information</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Parenceco</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Ĝenerala</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Shared source information</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Informoj pri la esploranto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>_Type</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Tipara fasono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Date</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Morto</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Father</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Patro</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Mother</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Patrino</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Referenced Region</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Informoj pri la esploranto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<i>Family Names     </i>"
#~ msgstr "_Familinom-dedukto:"

#~ msgid "<b>Note</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Noto</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Image</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Bildo</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Preferred Name </b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Preferata nomo</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Count_ry:"
#~ msgstr "Lando:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Location</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Informoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Source 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fontoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Source 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fontoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Title selection</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fontoelekto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Event 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Evento</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Event 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Evento</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Family 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Nomoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Family 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Nomoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Object 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fontoelekto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Object 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fontoelekto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Note 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Noto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Note 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Noto</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Person 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Viroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Person 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Viroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Place 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Lokoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Place 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Lokoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Location:"
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Repository 1</b>"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Repository 2</b>"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Family relationships</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Parencecoj</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Options</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Opcioj</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Definition</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Difino</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Description</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Priskribo</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Values</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Valoroj</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Grando</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Color</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Koloro</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Background color</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Fono</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Borders</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Randoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d Person"
#~ msgid_plural "%d People"
#~ msgstr[0] "Aldonu personon"
#~ msgstr[1] "Aldonu personon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error Opening File"
#~ msgstr "Eraro legante %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove selected items?"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan eventon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<Countries>"
#~ msgstr "Lando"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<States>"
#~ msgstr "Ŝtato"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<Counties>"
#~ msgstr "Daŭrigu redaktadon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<Places>"
#~ msgstr "Lokoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<no name>"
#~ msgstr "Antaŭnomo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Active person: <b>%s</b>"
#~ msgstr "Nevalida persono"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No Active Person selected."
#~ msgstr "Neniu regulo elektita"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing active person's attributes"
#~ msgstr "Havas la person-atributon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d children"
#~ msgstr "Aldonu gefilojn"

#~ msgid "<b>Status</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Stato</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "%d matches.\n"
#~ msgstr "Alia"

#~ msgid "Individual Facts"
#~ msgstr "Person-faktoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s in %s. "
#~ msgstr "%s kaj %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d event record was modified."
#~ msgid_plural "%d event records were modified."
#~ msgstr[0] "Estis modifita 1 eventoregistro"
#~ msgstr[1] "Estis modifita 1 eventoregistro"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d person was referenced but not found\n"
#~ msgid_plural "%d persons were referenced, but not found\n"
#~ msgstr[0] "Oni referencis al 1 plurmedia objekto, sed ĝi ne estis trovita\n"
#~ msgstr[1] "Oni referencis al 1 plurmedia objekto, sed ĝi ne estis trovita\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(quantity)d media object was referenced, but not found\n"
#~ msgid_plural "%(quantity)d media objects were referenced, but not found\n"
#~ msgstr[0] "Oni referencis al 1 plurmedia objekto, sed ĝi ne estis trovita\n"
#~ msgstr[1] "Oni referencis al 1 plurmedia objekto, sed ĝi ne estis trovita\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "manual|Interactive_Descendant_Browser..."
#~ msgstr "Interaktiva praidara foliumilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Descendant Browser tool"
#~ msgstr "Praidara foliumilo"

#~ msgid "<b>Evaluation Window</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Taksofenestro</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Output Window</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Eligofenestro</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Error Window</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Erarofenestro</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Uncollected Objects</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Nekolektitaj objektoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Uncollected Objects Tool"
#~ msgstr "<b>Nekolektitaj objektoj</b>"

#~ msgid "Close Window"
#~ msgstr "Fermu la fenestron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "manual|Generate_SoundEx_codes"
#~ msgstr "Kreu SoundEx-kodojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Interactive Descendant Browser"
#~ msgstr "Interaktiva praidara foliumilo"

#~ msgid "Provides a browsable hierarchy based on the active person"
#~ msgstr "Provizas foliumeblan hierarkion bazitan sur la aktiva persono"

#~ msgid "Generates SoundEx codes for names"
#~ msgstr "Kreas SoundEx-kodojn por nomoj"

#~ msgid "<b>Women</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Virinoj</b>"

#~ msgid "<b>Men</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Viroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>Families</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Nomoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Title or Page"
#~ msgstr "Titolpaĝo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Places places map"
#~ msgstr "Lokredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " (%d sibling)"
#~ msgid_plural " (%d siblings)"
#~ msgstr[0] "Montru familinodojn"
#~ msgstr[1] "Montru familinodojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " (%d child)"
#~ msgid_plural " (%d children)"
#~ msgstr[0] "Aldonu gefilojn"
#~ msgstr[1] "Aldonu gefilojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data Map"
#~ msgstr "Dato"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family tree"
#~ msgstr "Indekso de la genealogia arbo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Need to upgrade database!"
#~ msgstr "Reiru al la aktuala datumbazo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Need to upgrade BSDDB database!"
#~ msgstr "Reiru al la aktuala datumbazo"

#~ msgid "Timeline Graph for %s"
#~ msgstr "Templinia grafikaĵo por %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Father Age"
#~ msgstr "Patra familinomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mother Age"
#~ msgstr "Patrino"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " (%(value)s)"
#~ msgstr "%(event_name)s: %(date)s%(endnotes)s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "window2"
#~ msgstr "Fermu la fenestron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "window1"
#~ msgstr "Fermu la fenestron"

#~ msgid "State/Province:"
#~ msgstr "Ŝtato/Distrikto:"

#~ msgid "ZIP/Postal code:"
#~ msgstr "Poŝtkodo:"

#~ msgid "Phone:"
#~ msgstr "Telefono:"

#~ msgid "Email:"
#~ msgstr "Retpoŝto:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Save File"
#~ msgstr "_Elektu dosieron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sources in repository"
#~ msgstr "Fontredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a spouse, "
#~ msgstr "Geedzo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not make database directory: "
#~ msgstr "Ne eblis krei la dosierujon: %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramps: Import database"
#~ msgstr "Kreu datumbazon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Object Filters"
#~ msgstr "Plurmediaj objektoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s and %s (%s)"
#~ msgstr "%s kaj %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Colour"
#~ msgstr "Lando"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 1 of 5"
#~ msgstr "_Raportu eraron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 2 of 5"
#~ msgstr "_Raportu eraron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 3 of 5"
#~ msgstr "_Raportu eraron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 4 of 5"
#~ msgstr "_Raportu eraron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 5 of 5"
#~ msgstr "_Raportu eraron"

#~ msgid "Book List"
#~ msgstr "Librolisto"

#~ msgid "Book Report"
#~ msgstr "Libroraporto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Produces a book containing several reports."
#~ msgstr "Kreas libron entenantan diversajn raportojn."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Thumbnail"
#~ msgstr "Publikaĵaj informoj:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select an image to begin..."
#~ msgstr "Elektu plurmedian objekton"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Path Update"
#~ msgstr "Mortodato"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Object Title"
#~ msgstr "Plurmediaj objektoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "media Title: "
#~ msgstr "<b>Kalendaroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "General Data"
#~ msgstr "Ĝenerala"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Description: "
#~ msgstr "Priskribo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Artist: "
#~ msgstr "Aŭtoro"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copyright: "
#~ msgstr "_Kopirajto:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Original: "
#~ msgstr "Nomoj de la persono"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Latitude :"
#~ msgstr "L_atitudo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Longitude :"
#~ msgstr "_Longitudo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Altitude :"
#~ msgstr "L_atitudo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Bad Date/Time"
#~ msgstr "Dato"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Title Update"
#~ msgstr "Sistema filtrilredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Object Date Created"
#~ msgstr "Ne inkludu registrojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet for generic notes"
#~ msgstr "Generacioj"

#~ msgid "Individuals with incomplete names"
#~ msgstr "Personoj kun nekompletaj nomoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Enter text"
#~ msgstr "Inversigu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet View"
#~ msgstr "Kompleta"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Kreu datumbazon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(quantity)d invalid event reference was removed\n"
#~ msgid_plural "%(quantity)d invalid event references were removed\n"
#~ msgstr[0] "Estis modifita 1 eventoregistro"
#~ msgstr[1] "Estis modifita 1 eventoregistro"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selecting operation"
#~ msgstr "Elektu dosieron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Ancestry"
#~ msgstr "Prauloj de %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s %s"
#~ msgstr "%s kaj %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Event View"
#~ msgstr "Eventokomparo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family View"
#~ msgstr "_Famili-rigardo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media View"
#~ msgstr "_Plurmedia objekto:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Note View"
#~ msgstr "Notoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Relationship View"
#~ msgstr "_Parenceco:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pedigree View"
#~ msgstr "Genealogio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person Tree View"
#~ msgstr "_Konservu Referencon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Repository View"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Source View"
#~ msgstr "Fonto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Source Reference: %s"
#~ msgstr "Fontreferenca elekto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media |Gallery"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu notojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media | Gallery"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu notojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Partner 1"
#~ msgstr "Partneroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Partner 2"
#~ msgstr "Partneroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person(s)"
#~ msgstr "Persono"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid " and "
#~ msgstr "kaj li"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Referenced Sources"
#~ msgstr "<b>Referencoj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Every object"
#~ msgstr "Ĉiu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches every object in the database"
#~ msgstr "Ekstraktas ĉiujn personojn en la datumbazo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object with <Id>"
#~ msgstr "Personoj kun idoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches objects with a specified Gramps ID"
#~ msgstr "Ekstraktas la personon kun specifa GRAMPS-ID'o"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches objects whose records contain text matching a substring"
#~ msgstr "Nomoj entenantaj subĉenon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects marked private"
#~ msgstr "Ne inkludu registrojn markitajn kiel privatajn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches objects that are indicated as private"
#~ msgstr "Ekstraktas personojn kiuj estas prauloj de specifa persono"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "- default -"
#~ msgstr "defaŭlta"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "<b>phpGedView import</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Sekso</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Username:"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "phpGedView import"
#~ msgstr "Kreu raportojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Source ref"
#~ msgstr "Fonto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Belarusian"
#~ msgstr "Persa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Kashubian"
#~ msgstr "Edzo"

#~ msgid "Persian"
#~ msgstr "Persa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Faroese"
#~ msgstr "Varto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Frisian"
#~ msgstr "Persa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hindi"
#~ msgstr "Trovu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Armenian"
#~ msgstr "Plurmediaĵoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Interlingua"
#~ msgstr "Inversigu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Kurdi"
#~ msgstr "KWord"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Latin"
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Latvian"
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Malagasy"
#~ msgstr "Maskloj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Maori"
#~ msgstr "Marto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Marathi"
#~ msgstr "Edz(in)iĝinta"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Malay"
#~ msgstr "Masklo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Maltese"
#~ msgstr "Maskloj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Chichewa"
#~ msgstr "Dosiero:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sardinian"
#~ msgstr "Ordenado"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tamil"
#~ msgstr "Familio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tetum"
#~ msgstr "Teksto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet %s updated"
#~ msgstr "Grafikaj raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Note %(ind)d - Type: %(type)s"
#~ msgstr "%(date)s en %(place)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GeoView"
#~ msgstr "Rigardo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Baptism:"
#~ msgstr "Bapto"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Burial:"
#~ msgstr "Entombigo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Modify Source"
#~ msgstr "Aldonu fonton"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove the existing source"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan geedzon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move the selected source upwards"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan filtrilon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Move the selected source downwards"
#~ msgstr "Forigu la elektitan filtrilon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Sources"
#~ msgstr "Fontoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Selection Options"
#~ msgstr "Elektu dosieron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Building People View"
#~ msgstr "Kunfandu personojn"

#~ msgid "Not Applicable"
#~ msgstr "Neaplikebla"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Include Marriage information"
#~ msgstr "Inkludu fontinformojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "One page report"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Include a personal note"
#~ msgstr "Ekskludu fon_tojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a personal note"
#~ msgstr "ALdonu novan personon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whether spouses can have a different format."
#~ msgstr "Inkludu la notojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Place Details Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Preview Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Genealogio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person Residence Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Genealogio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person Attributes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Event Attributes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family Attributes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Attributes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Ne estis elektita la defaŭlta hejmpersono."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Event Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familioj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Place Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Source Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Repository Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Notes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a person"
#~ msgstr "<b>Gepatroj de la aktiva persono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Event Sources Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for an event"
#~ msgstr "<b>Gepatroj de la aktiva persono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family Sources Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Redaktu personon - GRAMPS"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a family"
#~ msgstr "<b>Gepatroj de la aktiva persono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Place Sources Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a place"
#~ msgstr "<b>Gepatroj de la aktiva persono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Sources Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Genealogio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a media object"
#~ msgstr "<b>Gepatroj de la aktiva persono</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Person Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Filtrilnomo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familifiltriloj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Source Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Filtrilnomo:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Place Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Lokredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Media Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Sistema filtrilredaktilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Note Filter Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Filtrilo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Age Stats Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Attributes Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Calendar Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "<b>Kalendaroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Fan Chart Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "<b>Kalendaroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Given Name Cloud Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Pedigree Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Genealogio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Plugin Manager Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "<b>Kalendaroj</b>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Quick View Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Regulnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Relatives Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Parencecografikaĵo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Surname Cloud Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Top Surnames Gramplet"
#~ msgstr "Familinomo, Antaŭnomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Keywords"
#~ msgstr "Raportoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s - %s."
#~ msgstr "%s kaj %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(mother)s and %(father)s"
#~ msgstr "%(patro)s kaj %(patrino)s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The maximum number of children to include."
#~ msgstr "Maksimuma nombro de idoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Writing family lines"
#~ msgstr "Montru familinodojn"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "  Tag %(name)s\n"
#~ msgstr "  Li edzinigis %(name)s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the "
#~ "age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the "
#~ "age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)"
#~ "d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)"
#~ "d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d "
#~ "months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age "
#~ "of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age "
#~ "of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)"
#~ "d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)"
#~ "d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d "
#~ "years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d "
#~ "months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s en %(death_place)s"
#~ "%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(female_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis la %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(female_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of "
#~ "%(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(female_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d "
#~ "years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(male_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tro maljuna: %(female_name)s naskita %(byear)d, mortinta %(dyear)d, je la "
#~ "aĝo de %(ageatdeath)d.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d "
#~ "years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis en %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis en %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis en %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s mortis en %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlo: %(male_name)s mortis fraŭlo, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Maljuna kaj fraŭlino: %(female_name)s mortis fraŭlino, je la aĝo de "
#~ "%(ageatdeath)d jaroj.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d jaroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d jaroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "He died at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died at the age of %(age)d years."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d jaroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "She died at the age of %(age)d months."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died (age %(age)d years)."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d jaroj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Died (age %(age)d months)."
#~ msgstr " je la aĝo de %d monatoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The current page/the last page."
#~ msgstr "La familinomo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The number of years before the first event date"
#~ msgstr "La stilo uzota por la suba paĝotitolo."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Zoom"
#~ msgstr "de"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Link Place"
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Person"
#~ msgstr "_Persono:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Event"
#~ msgstr "Evento"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "List of places without coordinates"
#~ msgstr "Limigu la datojn ĝis la nura jaro"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No location."
#~ msgstr "Loko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s : birth place."
#~ msgstr "Naskiĝloko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "birth place."
#~ msgstr "Naskiĝloko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s : death place."
#~ msgstr "Mortoloko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "death place."
#~ msgstr "Mortoloko"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Id : %s"
#~ msgstr "-%s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Geographic View"
#~ msgstr "Grafikaĵoj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show Person"
#~ msgstr "Nova persono"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show Family"
#~ msgstr "Familio"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "html|Home"
#~ msgstr "_Hejmo"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Matches sources with particular parameters"
#~ msgstr "Ekstraktas la personon kiu havas apartan parencecon"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Family:"
#~ msgstr "_Familio:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Bottom:"
#~ msgstr "_Malsupra"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Left:"
#~ msgstr "Ma_ldekstra:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Right:"
#~ msgstr "D_ekstra:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Top:"
#~ msgstr "_Supra"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "State/County:"
#~ msgstr "Urbo/Distrikto:"