# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Bruce J. DeGrasse # Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Generate files/Detailed Ancestral Report" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Gnome/GTK modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import RelLib import Report import BaseDoc import ReportOptions import const import ReportUtils from DateHandler import displayer as _dd from NameDisplay import displayer as _nd EMPTY_ENTRY = "_____________" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DetAncestorReport(Report.Report): def __init__(self,database,person,options_class): """ Creates the DetAncestorReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance person - currently selected person options_class - instance of the Options class for this report This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. gen - Maximum number of generations to include. pagebgg - Whether to include page breaks between generations. firstName - Whether to use first names instead of pronouns. fullDate - Whether to use full dates instead of just year. listChildren - Whether to list children. includeNotes - Whether to include notes. blankPlace - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________. blankDate - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________. calcAgeFlag - Whether to compute age. dupPerson - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors (e.g. when distant cousins mary). childRef - Whether to add descendant references in child list. addImages - Whether to include images. """ Report.Report.__init__(self,database,person,options_class) self.map = {} (self.max_generations,self.pgbrk) \ = options_class.get_report_generations() self.firstName = options_class.handler.options_dict['firstnameiop'] self.fullDate = options_class.handler.options_dict['fulldates'] self.listChildren = options_class.handler.options_dict['listc'] self.includeNotes = options_class.handler.options_dict['incnotes'] self.blankPlace = options_class.handler.options_dict['repplace'] self.blankDate = options_class.handler.options_dict['repdate'] self.calcAgeFlag = options_class.handler.options_dict['computeage'] self.dupPerson = options_class.handler.options_dict['omitda'] self.childRef = options_class.handler.options_dict['desref'] self.addImages = options_class.handler.options_dict['incphotos'] self.gen_handles = {} self.prev_gen_hanldes= {} if self.blankDate: self.EMPTY_DATE = EMPTY_ENTRY else: self.EMPTY_DATE = "" if self.blankPlace: self.EMPTY_PLACE = EMPTY_ENTRY else: self.EMPTY_PLACE = "" def apply_filter(self,person_handle,index): if (not person_handle) or (index >= 2**self.max_generations): return self.map[index] = person_handle person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle() if family_handle: family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) self.apply_filter(family.get_father_handle(),index*2) self.apply_filter(family.get_mother_handle(),(index*2)+1) def write_report(self): self.apply_filter(self.start_person.get_handle(),1) name = self.start_person.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-Title") title = _("Detailed Ancestral Report for %s") % name self.doc.write_text(title) self.doc.end_paragraph() keys = self.map.keys() keys.sort() generation = 0 need_header = 1 for key in keys : if generation == 0 or key >= 2**generation: if self.pgbrk and generation > 0: self.doc.page_break() self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-Generation") t = _("%s Generation") % DetAncestorReport.gen[generation+1] self.doc.write_text(t) self.doc.end_paragraph() generation = generation + 1 if self.childRef: self.prev_gen_hanldes= self.gen_handles.copy() self.gen_handles.clear() person_handle = self.map[key] person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) self.gen_handles[person_handle]= key dupPerson = self.write_person(key) if dupPerson == 0: # Is this a duplicate ind record if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE and \ self.listChildren: for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) self.write_children(family) def write_person(self, key): """Output birth, death, parentage, marriage and notes information """ person_handle = self.map[key] person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if self.addImages: ReportUtils.insert_images(self.database,self.doc,person) self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-First-Entry","%s." % str(key)) name = _nd.display(person) if self.firstName: firstName = person.get_primary_name().get_first_name() elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: firstName = _("He") else: firstName = _("She") self.doc.start_bold() self.doc.write_text(name) self.doc.end_bold() if self.dupPerson: # Check for duplicate record (result of distant cousins marrying) keys = self.map.keys() keys.sort() for dkey in keys: if dkey >= key: break if self.map[key] == self.map[dkey]: self.doc.write_text(_("%(name)s is the same person as [%(id_str)s].") % { 'name' : '', 'id_str' : str(dkey) }) self.doc.end_paragraph() return 1 # Duplicate person # Check birth record birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle() if birth_handle: text = ReportUtils.born_str(self.database,person,"", self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) if person.get_death_handle(): age,units = self.calc_age(person) text = ReportUtils.died_str(self.database,person,firstName, self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE,age,units) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) text = ReportUtils.buried_str(self.database,person,firstName, self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) self.write_parents(person, firstName) self.write_marriage(person) self.doc.end_paragraph() if key == 1: self.write_mate(person) if person.get_note() != "" and self.includeNotes: self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-NoteHeader") self.doc.start_bold() self.doc.write_text(_("Notes for %(name)s" % { 'name': name } )) self.doc.end_bold() self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.write_note(person.get_note(),person.get_note_format(),"DAR-Entry") return 0 # Not duplicate person def write_parents(self, person, firstName): family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle() if family_handle: family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if mother_handle: mother = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) mother_name = mother.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() else: mother_name = "" if father_handle: father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) father_name = father.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() else: father_name = "" text = ReportUtils.child_str(person,firstName, father_name,mother_name, bool(person.get_death_handle())) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) def write_marriage(self, person): """ Output marriage sentence. """ is_first = True for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_handle = ReportUtils.find_spouse(person,family) spouse = self.database.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) marriage_event = ReportUtils.find_marriage(self.database,family) text = "" if marriage_event: text = ReportUtils.married_str(self.database,person,spouse, marriage_event,None, self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE, is_first) else: text = ReportUtils.married_rel_str(self.database,person,family, is_first) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) is_first = False def write_children(self, family): """ List children Statement formats: Child of MOTHER and FATHER is: Children of MOTHER and FATHER are: NAME Born: DATE PLACE Died: DATE PLACE f NAME Born: DATE PLACE Died: DATE e NAME Born: DATE PLACE Died: PLACE d NAME Born: DATE PLACE c NAME Born: DATE Died: DATE PLACE b NAME Born: DATE Died: DATE a NAME Born: DATE Died: PLACE 9 NAME Born: DATE 8 NAME Born: PLACE Died: DATE PLACE 7 NAME Born: PLACE Died: DATE 6 NAME Born: PLACE Died: PLACE 5 NAME Born: PLACE 4 NAME Died: DATE 2 NAME Died: DATE PLACE 3 NAME Died: PLACE 1 NAME 0 """ num_children = len(family.get_child_handle_list()) if num_children > 0: self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-ChildTitle") mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if mother_handle: mother_obj = self.database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) mother = mother_obj.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() else: mother = _("unknown") father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if father_handle: father_obj = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) father = father_obj.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() else: father = _("unknown") self.doc.start_bold() if num_children == 1: self.doc.write_text(_("Child of %s and %s is:") % (mother, father)) else: self.doc.write_text(_("Children of %s and %s are:") % (mother, father)) self.doc.end_bold() self.doc.end_paragraph() for child_handle in family.get_child_handle_list(): self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-ChildList") child = self.database.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) name = child.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() birth_handle = child.get_birth_handle() death_handle = child.get_death_handle() if self.childRef: if self.prev_gen_hanldes.get(child_handle) != None: name= "[" + str(self.prev_gen_hanldes.get(child_handle)) + "] "+ name if birth_handle: birth = self.database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle) else: birth = None if death_handle: death = self.database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle) else: death = None if birth and birth.get_date(): if birth.get_place_handle(): bplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(birth.get_place_handle()).get_title() if death and death.get_date(): if death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s %s Died: %s %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), bplace, death.get_date(), dplace)) # f else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s %s Died: %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), bplace, death.get_date())) # e elif death and death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s %s Died: %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), bplace, dplace)) # d else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), bplace)) # c else: if death and death.get_date(): if death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), death.get_date(), \ dplace)) # b else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), death.get_date())) # a elif death and death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date(), dplace)) # 9 else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s") % \ (name, birth.get_date())) # 8 else: if birth and birth.get_place_handle(): bplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(birth.get_place_handle()).get_title() if death and death.get_date(): if death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s %s") % \ (name, bplace, \ death.get_date(), dplace)) # 7 else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s") % \ (name, bplace, death.get_date())) # 6 elif death and death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s Died: %s") % \ (name, bplace, dplace)) # 5 else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Born: %s") % \ (name, bplace)) # 4 else: if death and death.get_date(): if death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Died: %s %s") % \ (name, death.get_date(), dplace)) # 3 else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Died: %s") % \ (name, death.get_date())) # 2 elif death and death.get_place_handle(): dplace = self.database.get_place_from_handle(death.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.doc.write_text(_("- %s Died: %s") % \ (name, dplace)) # 1 else: self.doc.write_text(_("- %s") % name) # 0 self.doc.end_paragraph() def write_mate(self, mate): """Output birth, death, parentage, marriage and notes information """ famList = mate.get_family_handle_list() if len(famList) > 0: for fam_id in famList: fam = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fam_id) person= "" if mate.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if fam.get_mother_handle(): ind_id= fam.get_mother_handle() ind = self.database.get_person_from_handle(ind_id) person = ind.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() firstName = ind.get_primary_name().get_first_name() heshe = _("She") else: heshe= _("He") if fam.get_father_handle(): ind_id = fam.get_father_handle() ind = self.database.get_person_from_handle(ind_id) person = ind.get_primary_name().get_regular_name() firstName = ind.get_primary_name().get_first_name() if person: if self.addImages: ReportUtils.insert_images(self.database,self.doc,ind) self.doc.start_paragraph("DAR-Entry") if not self.firstName: firstName = heshe self.doc.write_text(person) text = ReportUtils.born_str(self.database,ind,"", self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) age,units = self.calc_age(ind) text = ReportUtils.died_str(self.database,ind,heshe, self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE,age,units) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) text = ReportUtils.buried_str(self.database,ind,heshe, self.EMPTY_DATE,self.EMPTY_PLACE) if text: self.doc.write_text(text) self.write_parents(ind, firstName) self.doc.end_paragraph() if self.listChildren \ and mate.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: self.write_children(fam) def calc_age(self, ind): """ Calulate age. Returns a tuple (age,units) where units is an integer representing time units: no age info: 0 years: 1 months: 2 days: 3 """ age = 0 units = 0 if not self.calcAgeFlag: return (age,units) birth_handle = ind.get_birth_handle() if birth_handle: birth = self.database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle).get_date_object() birth_year_valid = birth.get_year_valid() else: birth_year_valid = None death_handle = ind.get_death_handle() if death_handle: death = self.database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle).get_date_object() death_year_valid = death.get_year_valid() else: death_year_valid = None if birth_year_valid and death_year_valid: age = death.get_year() - birth.get_year() units = 1 # year if birth.get_month_valid() and death.get_month_valid(): if birth.get_month() > death.get_month(): age = age -1 if birth.get_day_valid() and death.get_day_valid(): if birth.get_month() == death.get_month() and birth.get_day() > death.get_day(): age = age -1 if age == 0: age = death.get_month() - birth.get_month() # calc age in months if birth.get_day() > death.get_day(): age = age - 1 units = 2 # month if age == 0: age = death.get-day() + 31 - birth.get_day() # calc age in days units = 3 # day return (age,units) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DetAncestorOptions(ReportOptions.ReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self,name,person_id=None): ReportOptions.ReportOptions.__init__(self,name,person_id) def set_new_options(self): # Options specific for this report self.options_dict = { 'firstnameiop' : 0, 'fulldates' : 1, 'listc' : 1, 'incnotes' : 1, 'repplace' : 0, 'repdate' : 0, 'computeage' : 1, 'omitda' : 1, 'desref' : 1, 'incphotos' : 0, } self.options_help = { 'firstnameiop' : ("=0/1","Whether to use first names instead of pronouns", ["Do not use first names","Use first names"], True), 'fulldates' : ("=0/1","Whether to use full dates instead of just year.", ["Do not use full dates","Use full dates"], True), 'listc' : ("=0/1","Whether to list children.", ["Do not list children","List children"], True), 'incnotes' : ("=0/1","Whether to include notes.", ["Do not include notes","Include notes"], True), 'repplace' : ("=0/1","Whether to replace missing Places with blanks.", ["Do not replace missing Places","Replace missing Places"], True), 'repdate' : ("=0/1","Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks.", ["Do not replace missing Dates","Replace missing Dates"], True), 'computeage' : ("=0/1","Whether to compute age.", ["Do not compute age","Compute age"], True), 'omitda' : ("=0/1","Whether to omit duplicate ancestors.", ["Do not omit duplicates","Omit duplicates"], True), 'desref' : ("=0/1","Whether to add descendant references in child list.", ["Do not add references","Add references"], True), 'incphotos' : ("=0/1","Whether to include images.", ["Do not include images","Include images"], True), } def enable_options(self): # Semi-common options that should be enabled for this report self.enable_dict = { 'gen' : 10, 'pagebbg' : 0, } def make_default_style(self,default_style): """Make the default output style for the Detailed Ancestral Report""" font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=16,bold=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(1) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_description(_('The style used for the title of the page.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-Title",para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=14,italic=1) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(2) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_description(_('The style used for the generation header.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-Generation",para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=10,italic=0, bold=0) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) #para.set_header_level(3) para.set_left_margin(1.0) # in centimeters para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_description(_('The style used for the children list title.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-ChildTitle",para) font = BaseDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=9) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set(first_indent=0.0,lmargin=1.0,pad=0.25) para.set_description(_('The style used for the children list.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-ChildList",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(first_indent=0.0,lmargin=0.0,pad=0.25) default_style.add_style("DAR-NoteHeader",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(first_indent=0.5,lmargin=1.0,pad=0.25) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-Entry",para) para = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set(first_indent=-1.0,lmargin=1.0,pad=0.25) para.set_description(_('The style used for the first personal entry.')) default_style.add_style("DAR-First-Entry",para) def add_user_options(self,dialog): """ Override the base class add_user_options task to add a menu that allows the user to select the sort method. """ # Pronoun instead of first name self.first_name_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Use first names instead of pronouns")) self.first_name_option.set_active(self.options_dict['firstnameiop']) # Full date usage self.full_date_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Use full dates instead of only the year")) self.full_date_option.set_active(self.options_dict['fulldates']) # Children List self.list_children_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("List children")) self.list_children_option.set_active(self.options_dict['listc']) # Print notes self.include_notes_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Include notes")) self.include_notes_option.set_active(self.options_dict['incnotes']) # Replace missing Place with ___________ self.place_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Replace Place with ______")) self.place_option.set_active(self.options_dict['repplace']) # Replace missing dates with __________ self.date_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Replace Dates with ______")) self.date_option.set_active(self.options_dict['repdate']) # Add "Died at the age of NN" in text self.age_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Compute age")) self.age_option.set_active(self.options_dict['computeage']) # Omit duplicate persons, occurs when distant cousins marry self.dupPersons_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Omit duplicate ancestors")) self.dupPersons_option.set_active(self.options_dict['omitda']) #Add descendant reference in child list self.childRef_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Add descendant reference in child list")) self.childRef_option.set_active(self.options_dict['desref']) #Add photo/image reference self.image_option = gtk.CheckButton(_("Include Photo/Images from Gallery")) self.image_option.set_active(self.options_dict['incphotos']) # Add new options. The first argument is the tab name for grouping options. # if you want to put everyting in the generic "Options" category, use # self.add_option(text,widget) instead of self.add_frame_option(category,text,widget) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.first_name_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.full_date_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.list_children_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.include_notes_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.place_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.date_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.age_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.dupPersons_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.childRef_option) dialog.add_frame_option(_('Content'),'',self.image_option) def parse_user_options(self,dialog): """ Parses the custom options that we have added. """ self.options_dict['firstnameiop'] = int(self.first_name_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['fulldates'] = int(self.full_date_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['listc'] = int(self.list_children_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['incnotes'] = int(self.include_notes_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['repplace'] = int(self.place_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['repdate'] = int(self.date_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['computeage'] = int(self.age_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['omitda'] = int(self.dupPersons_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['desref'] = int(self.childRef_option.get_active()) self.options_dict['incphotos'] = int(self.image_option.get_active()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from PluginMgr import register_report register_report( name = 'det_ancestor_report', category = const.CATEGORY_TEXT, report_class = DetAncestorReport, options_class = DetAncestorOptions, modes = Report.MODE_GUI | Report.MODE_BKI | Report.MODE_CLI, translated_name = _("Detailed Ancestral Report"), status=(_("Beta")), description= _("Produces a detailed ancestral report"), author_name="Bruce DeGrasse", author_email="bdegrasse1@attbi.com" )