# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk.glade import gnome #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const import Utils import GrampsCfg import ImageSelect import ListModel from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EditSource: def __init__(self,source,db,parent_window=None,func=None): self.source = source self.db = db self.callback = func self.path = db.getSavePath() self.not_loaded = 1 self.ref_not_loaded = 1 self.top_window = gtk.glade.XML(const.gladeFile,"sourceEditor","gramps") self.top = self.top_window.get_widget("sourceEditor") Utils.set_titles(self.top,self.top_window.get_widget('title'), _('Source Editor')) plwidget = self.top_window.get_widget("iconlist") self.gallery = ImageSelect.Gallery(source, self.path, plwidget, db, self, self.top) self.author = self.top_window.get_widget("author") self.pubinfo = self.top_window.get_widget("pubinfo") self.note = self.top_window.get_widget("source_note") self.notes_buffer = self.note.get_buffer() self.gallery_label = self.top_window.get_widget("gallerySourceEditor") self.refs_label = self.top_window.get_widget("refsSourceEditor") self.notes_label = self.top_window.get_widget("notesSourceEditor") self.refinfo = self.top_window.get_widget("refinfo") self.title = self.top_window.get_widget("source_title") self.title.set_text(source.getTitle()) self.author.set_text(source.getAuthor()) self.pubinfo.set_text(source.getPubInfo()) self.notes_buffer.set_text(source.getNote()) self.top_window.signal_autoconnect({ "on_switch_page" : self.on_switch_page, "on_addphoto_clicked" : self.gallery.on_add_photo_clicked, "on_deletephoto_clicked" : self.gallery.on_delete_photo_clicked, "on_edit_properties_clicked": self.gallery.popup_change_description, "on_sourceEditor_help_clicked" : self.on_help_clicked, }) if self.source.getId() == "": self.top_window.get_widget("edit_photo").set_sensitive(0) self.top_window.get_widget("delete_photo").set_sensitive(0) if parent_window: self.top.set_transient_for(parent_window) self.display_references() self.top.show() self.val = self.top.run() if self.val == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.on_source_apply_clicked() self.top.destroy() def on_help_clicked(self,obj): """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual""" gnome.help_display('gramps-manual','adv-src') self.val = self.top.run() def close(self,obj): self.gallery.close() self.top.destroy() def display_references(self): p_event_list = [] p_attr_list = [] p_addr_list = [] p_name_list = [] m_list = [] f_event_list = [] f_attr_list = [] p_list = [] for key in self.db.getPlaceKeys(): p = self.db.getPlace(key) name = p.get_title() for sref in p.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: p_list.append(name) for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): p = self.db.getPerson(key) name = GrampsCfg.nameof(p) for v in p.getEventList() + [p.getBirth(), p.getDeath()]: for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: p_event_list.append((name,v.getName())) for v in p.getAttributeList(): for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: p_attr_list.append((name,v.getType())) for v in p.getAlternateNames() + [p.getPrimaryName()]: for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: p_name_list.append((name,v.getName())) for v in p.getAddressList(): for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: p_addr_list.append((name,v.getStreet())) for p in self.db.getObjectMap().values(): name = p.getDescription() for sref in p.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: m_list.append(name) for p in self.db.getFamilyMap().values(): f = p.getFather() m = p.getMother() if f and m: name = _("%(father)s and %(mother)s") % { "father" : GrampsCfg.nameof(f), "mother" : GrampsCfg.nameof(m)} elif f: name = GrampsCfg.nameof(f) else: name = GrampsCfg.nameof(m) for v in p.getEventList(): for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: f_event_list.append((name,v.getName())) for v in p.getAttributeList(): for sref in v.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() == self.source: f_attr_list.append((name,v.getType())) slist = self.top_window.get_widget('slist') titles = [(_('Source Type'),0,150),(_('Object'),1,150),(_('Value'),2,150)] self.model = ListModel.ListModel(slist,titles) any = 0 if len(p_event_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in p_event_list: self.model.add([_("Individual Events"),p[0], const.display_pevent(p[1])]) if len(p_attr_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in p_attr_list: self.model.add([_("Individual Attributes"),p[0], const.display_pattr(p[1])]) if len(p_name_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in p_name_list: self.model.add([_("Individual Names"),p[0],p[1]]) if len(f_event_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in f_event_list: self.model.add([_("Family Events"),p[0], const.display_fevent(p[1])]) if len(f_attr_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in f_event_list: self.model.add([_("Family Attributes"),p[0], const.display_fattr(p[1])]) if len(m_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in m_list: self.model.add([_("Media Objects"),p,'']) if len(p_list) > 0: any = 1 for p in p_list: self.model.add([_("Places"),p,'']) if any: Utils.bold_label(self.refs_label) else: Utils.unbold_label(self.refs_label) self.ref_not_loaded = 0 def on_source_apply_clicked(self): title = self.title.get_text() author = self.author.get_text() pubinfo = self.pubinfo.get_text() note = self.notes_buffer.get_text(self.notes_buffer.get_start_iter(), self.notes_buffer.get_end_iter(),gtk.FALSE) if author != self.source.getAuthor(): self.source.setAuthor(author) Utils.modified() if title != self.source.getTitle(): self.source.setTitle(title) Utils.modified() if pubinfo != self.source.getPubInfo(): self.source.setPubInfo(pubinfo) Utils.modified() if note != self.source.getNote(): self.source.setNote(note) Utils.modified() self.close(None) if self.callback: self.callback(self.source) def on_switch_page(self,obj,a,page): if page == 2 and self.not_loaded: self.not_loaded = 0 self.gallery.load_images() elif page == 3 and self.ref_not_loaded: self.ref_not_loaded = 0 self.display_references() text = self.notes_buffer.get_text(self.notes_buffer.get_start_iter(), self.notes_buffer.get_end_iter(),gtk.FALSE) if text: Utils.bold_label(self.notes_label) else: Utils.unbold_label(self.notes_label) class DelSrcQuery: def __init__(self,source,db,update): self.source = source self.db = db self.update = update def delete_source(self,object): m = 0 l = [] for sref in object.getSourceRefList(): if sref.getBase() != self.source: l.append(sref) else: m = 1 if m: object.setSourceRefList(l) def query_response(self): self.db.removeSource(self.source.getId()) Utils.modified() for key in self.db.getPersonKeys(): p = self.db.getPerson(key) for v in p.getEventList() + [p.getBirth(), p.getDeath()]: self.delete_source(v) for v in p.getAttributeList(): self.delete_source(v) for v in p.getAlternateNames() + [p.getPrimaryName()]: self.delete_source(v) for v in p.getAddressList(): self.delete_source(v) for p in self.db.getFamilyMap().values(): for v in p.getEventList(): self.delete_source(v) for v in p.getAttributeList(): self.delete_source(v) for p in self.db.getObjectMap().values(): self.delete_source(p) for key in self.db.getPlaceKeys(): self.delete_source(self.db.getPlace(key)) self.update(0)