# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Export to GEDCOM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard Python Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import string import time import re #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GNOME/GTK modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk import gtk.glade import gnome #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RelLib import GenericFilter import const import Utils import Date import GedcomInfo import Errors import ansel_utf8 from gettext import gettext as _ from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog _title_string = _("Export to GEDCOM") def keep_utf8(s): return s def iso8859(s): return s.encode('iso-8859-1') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calendar month names # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _hmonth = [ "", "ELUL", "TSH", "CSH", "KSL", "TVT", "SHV", "ADR", "ADS", "NSN", "IYR", "SVN", "TMZ", "AAV", "ELL" ] _fmonth = [ "", "VEND", "BRUM", "FRIM", "NIVO", "PLUV", "VENT", "GERM", "FLOR", "PRAI", "MESS", "THER", "FRUC", "COMP"] _month = [ "", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" ] _calmap = { Date.CAL_HEBREW : (_hmonth, '@#HEBREW@'), Date.CAL_FRENCH : (_fmonth, '@#FRENCH R@'), Date.CAL_JULIAN : (_month, '@#JULIAN@'), } _caldef = { Date.MOD_ABOUT : "ABT", Date.MOD_BEFORE : "BEF", Date.MOD_AFTER : "AFT", } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _get_int = re.compile('([0-9]+)') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_familys_sources(db,family_handle,slist,private): family = db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) for event_handle in family.get_event_list(): if event_handle: event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if private and event.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in event.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase): slist[sbase] = 1 for attr in family.get_attribute_list(): if private and attr.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in attr.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase.get_handle()): slist[sbase.get_handle()] = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_persons_sources(db,person,slist,private): elist = person.get_event_list()[:] elist.append(person.get_birth_handle()) elist.append(person.get_death_handle()) for event_handle in elist: if event_handle: event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if private and event.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in event.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase): slist[sbase] = 1 for event in person.get_address_list(): if private and event.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in event.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase): slist[sbase] = 1 for event in person.get_attribute_list(): if private and event.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in event.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase): slist[sbase] = 1 for name in person.get_alternate_names() + [person.get_primary_name()]: if private and name.get_privacy(): continue for source_ref in name.get_source_references(): sbase = source_ref.get_base_handle() if sbase != None and not slist.has_key(sbase): slist[sbase] = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addr_append(text,data): if data: return "%s, %s" % (text,data) else: return text #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sortById(first,second): fid = first.get_handle() sid = second.get_handle() if fid == sid: return 0 elif fid < sid: return -1 else: return 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sort_by_gramps_id(first,second): fid = first.get_gramps_id() sid = second.get_gramps_id() if fid == sid: return 0 elif fid < sid: return -1 else: return 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_date(subdate,calendar,mode): retval = "" (day,mon,year,sl) = subdate (mmap,prefix) = _calmap.get(calendar,(_month,"")) if day == 0: try: if mon == 0: retval = '%d' % year elif year == 0: retval = '(%s)' % mmap[mon] else: retval = "%s %d" % (mmap[mon],year) except IndexError: print "Month index error - %d" % mon retval = '%d' % year elif mon == 0: retval = '%d' % year else: try: month = mmap[mon] if year == 0: retval = "(%d %s)" % (day,month) else: retval = "%d %s %d" % (day,month,year) except IndexError: print "Month index error - %d" % mon retval = str(year) if prefix: retval = "%s %s" % (prefix, retval) if _caldef.has_key(mode): retval = "%s %s" % (_caldef[mode],retval) return retval #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fmtline(text,limit,level,endl): new_text = [] while len(text) > limit: new_text.append(text[0:limit-1]) text = text[limit:] if len(text) > 0: new_text.append(text) app = "%s%d CONC " % (endl,level+1) return string.join(new_text,app) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def writeData(database,person): try: GedcomWriter(database,person) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GedcomWriterOptionBox: """ Create a VBox with the option widgets and define methods to retrieve the options. """ def __init__(self,person): self.person = person def get_option_box(self): self.restrict = 1 self.private = 1 self.cnvtxt = ansel_utf8.utf8_to_ansel self.adopt = GedcomInfo.ADOPT_EVENT glade_file = "%s/gedcomexport.glade" % os.path.dirname(__file__) if not os.path.isfile(glade_file): glade_file = "plugins/gedcomexport.glade" self.topDialog = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"gedcomExport","gramps") self.topDialog.signal_autoconnect({ "gnu_free" : self.gnu_free, "standard_copyright" : self.standard_copyright, "no_copyright" : self.no_copyright, "ansel" : self.ansel, "ansi" : self.ansi, "unicode" : self.uncd, "on_restrict_toggled": self.on_restrict_toggled, }) filter_obj = self.topDialog.get_widget("filter") self.copy = 0 all = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() all.set_name(_("Entire Database")) all.add_rule(GenericFilter.Everyone([])) des = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() des.set_name(_("Descendants of %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) des.add_rule(GenericFilter.IsDescendantOf([self.person.get_handle(),1])) ans = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() ans.set_name(_("Ancestors of %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) ans.add_rule(GenericFilter.IsAncestorOf([self.person.get_handle(),1])) com = GenericFilter.GenericFilter() com.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) com.add_rule(GenericFilter.HasCommonAncestorWith([self.person.get_handle()])) self.filter_menu = GenericFilter.build_filter_menu([all,des,ans,com]) filter_obj.set_menu(self.filter_menu) gedmap = GedcomInfo.GedcomInfoDB() target_obj = self.topDialog.get_widget("target") myMenu = gtk.Menu() for name in gedmap.get_name_list(): menuitem = gtk.MenuItem(name) myMenu.append(menuitem) data = gedmap.get_description(name) menuitem.set_data("data",data) menuitem.show() target_obj.set_menu(myMenu) self.target_menu = myMenu the_box = self.topDialog.get_widget('vbox1') the_parent = self.topDialog.get_widget('dialog-vbox1') the_parent.remove(the_box) self.topDialog.get_widget("gedcomExport").destroy() return the_box def gnu_free(self,obj): self.copy = 1 def standard_copyright(self,obj): self.copy = 0 def no_copyright(self,obj): self.copy = 2 def ansel(self,obj): self.cnvtxt = ansel_utf8.utf8_to_ansel def uncd(self,obj): self.cnvtxt = keep_utf8 def ansi(self,obj): self.cnvtxt = iso8859 def on_restrict_toggled(self,restrict): active = restrict.get_active () map (lambda x: x.set_sensitive (active), [self.topDialog.get_widget("living"), self.topDialog.get_widget("notes"), self.topDialog.get_widget("sources")]) def parse_options(self): self.restrict = self.topDialog.get_widget("restrict").get_active() self.living = (self.restrict and self.topDialog.get_widget("living").get_active()) self.exclnotes = (self.restrict and self.topDialog.get_widget("notes").get_active()) self.exclsrcs = (self.restrict and self.topDialog.get_widget("sources").get_active()) self.private = self.topDialog.get_widget("private").get_active() self.cfilter = self.filter_menu.get_active().get_data("filter") act_tgt = self.target_menu.get_active() self.target_ged = act_tgt.get_data("data") self.images = self.topDialog.get_widget ("images").get_active () if self.images: images_path = self.topDialog.get_widget ("images_path") self.images_path = unicode(images_path.get_text ()) else: self.images_path = "" self.dest = self.target_ged.get_dest() self.adopt = self.target_ged.get_adopt() self.conc = self.target_ged.get_conc() self.altname = self.target_ged.get_alt_name() self.cal = self.target_ged.get_alt_calendar() self.obje = self.target_ged.get_obje() self.resi = self.target_ged.get_resi() self.prefix = self.target_ged.get_prefix() self.source_refs = self.target_ged.get_source_refs() self.nl = self.cnvtxt(self.target_ged.get_endl()) # glade_file = "%s/gedcomexport.glade" % os.path.dirname(__file__) # # self.exprogress = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file,"exportprogress","gramps") # self.exprogress.signal_autoconnect({ # "on_close_clicked" : Utils.destroy_passed_object # }) # # Utils.set_titles(self.exprogress.get_widget('exportprogress'), # self.exprogress.get_widget('title'), # _('GEDCOM export')) # # self.fbar = self.exprogress.get_widget("fbar") # self.pbar = self.exprogress.get_widget("pbar") # self.sbar = self.exprogress.get_widget("sbar") # self.progress = self.exprogress.get_widget('exportprogress') # # closebtn = self.exprogress.get_widget("close") # closebtn.connect("clicked",Utils.destroy_passed_object) # closebtn.set_sensitive(0) # # self.export_data(name) # closebtn.set_sensitive(1) class GedcomWriter: def __init__(self,database,person,cl=0,filename="",option_box=None): self.db = database self.person = person self.option_box = option_box self.cl = cl self.filename = filename self.plist = {} self.slist = {} self.flist = {} self.fidval = 0 self.fidmap = {} self.sidval = 0 self.sidmap = {} if not option_box: self.cl_setup() else: self.option_box.parse_options() self.restrict = self.option_box.restrict self.living = self.option_box.living self.exclnotes = self.option_box.exclnotes self.exclsrcs = self.option_box.exclsrcs self.private = self.option_box.private self.copy = self.option_box.copy self.images = self.option_box.images self.images_path = self.option_box.images_path self.target_ged = self.option_box.target_ged self.dest = self.option_box.dest self.adopt = self.option_box.adopt self.conc = self.option_box.conc self.altname = self.option_box.altname self.cal = self.option_box.cal self.obje = self.option_box.obje self.resi = self.option_box.resi self.prefix = self.option_box.prefix self.source_refs = self.option_box.source_refs self.cnvtxt = self.option_box.cnvtxt self.nl = self.option_box.nl if self.option_box.cfilter == None: for p in self.db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False): self.plist[p] = 1 else: try: for p in self.option_box.cfilter.apply(self.db, self.db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False)): self.plist[p] = 1 except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) return self.flist = {} self.slist = {} for key in self.plist.keys(): p = self.db.get_person_from_handle(key) add_persons_sources(self.db,p,self.slist,self.option_box.private) for family_handle in p.get_family_handle_list(): add_familys_sources(self.db,family_handle,self.slist,self.option_box.private) self.flist[family_handle] = 1 def cl_setup(self): self.restrict = 0 self.private = 0 self.copy = 0 self.images = 0 for p in self.db.get_person_handles(sort_handles=False): self.plist[p] = 1 gedmap = GedcomInfo.GedcomInfoDB() self.target_ged = gedmap.standard self.dest = self.target_ged.get_dest() self.adopt = self.target_ged.get_adopt() self.conc = self.target_ged.get_conc() self.altname = self.target_ged.get_alt_name() self.cal = self.target_ged.get_alt_calendar() self.obje = self.target_ged.get_obje() self.resi = self.target_ged.get_resi() self.prefix = self.target_ged.get_prefix() self.source_refs = self.target_ged.get_source_refs() self.cnvtxt = keep_utf8 self.nl = self.cnvtxt(self.target_ged.get_endl()) self.flist = {} self.slist = {} for key in self.plist.keys(): p = self.db.get_person_from_handle(key) add_persons_sources(self.db,p,self.slist,self.private) for family_handle in p.get_family_handle_list(): add_familys_sources(self.db,family_handle,self.slist,self.private) self.flist[family_handle] = 1 def writeln(self,text): self.g.write('%s%s' % (text,self.nl)) def export_data(self,filename): self.dirname = os.path.dirname (filename) try: self.g = open(filename,"w") except IOError,msg: msg2 = _("Could not create %s") % filename ErrorDialog(msg2,str(msg)) # self.progress.destroy() return 0 except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create %s") % filename) # self.progress.destroy() return 0 date = time.ctime(time.time()).split() self.writeln("0 HEAD") self.writeln("1 SOUR GRAMPS") self.writeln("2 VERS %s" % const.version) self.writeln("2 NAME GRAMPS") if self.dest: self.writeln("1 DEST %s" % self.dest) self.writeln("1 DATE %s %s %s" % (date[2],date[1].upper(),date[4])) if self.cnvtxt == ansel_utf8.utf8_to_ansel: self.writeln("1 CHAR ANSEL") elif self.cnvtxt == iso8859: self.writeln("1 CHAR ANSI") else: self.writeln("1 CHAR UTF-8") self.writeln("1 SUBM @SUBM@") self.writeln("1 FILE %s" % filename) self.write_copy() self.writeln("1 GEDC") self.writeln("2 VERS 5.5") self.writeln('2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED') self.gnu_fdl() self.writeln("0 @SUBM@ SUBM") owner = self.db.get_researcher() if owner.get_name(): self.writeln("1 NAME %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_name())) else: self.writeln('1 NAME Not Provided') if owner.get_address(): cnt = 0 self.writeln("1 ADDR %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_address())) if owner.get_city(): self.writeln("2 CONT %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_city())) cnt = 1 if owner.get_state(): self.writeln("2 CONT %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_state())) cnt = 1 if owner.get_postal_code(): self.writeln("2 CONT %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_postal_code())) cnt = 1 if owner.get_country(): self.writeln("2 CONT %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_country())) cnt = 1 if cnt == 0: self.writeln('2 CONT Not Provided') if owner.get_phone(): self.writeln("1 PHON %s" % self.cnvtxt(owner.get_phone())) else: self.writeln('1 ADDR Not Provided') self.writeln('2 CONT Not Provided') pkeys = self.plist.keys() sorted = [] for key in pkeys: person = self.db.get_person_from_handle (key) tuple = (person.get_gramps_id (), person) sorted.append (tuple) sorted.sort() nump = float(len(self.plist)) index = 0.0 for (gramps_id, person) in sorted: self.write_person(person) index = index + 1 #if index%100 == 0 and not self.cl: # self.pbar.set_fraction(index/nump) # while(gtk.events_pending()): # gtk.mainiteration() # if not self.cl: # self.pbar.set_fraction(1.0) self.write_families() if self.source_refs: self.write_sources() #else: # if not self.cl: # self.sbar.set_fraction(1.0) self.writeln("0 TRLR") self.g.close() return 1 def write_copy(self): import time t = time.localtime(time.time()) y = t[0] if self.copy == 0: o = self.db.get_researcher().get_name() self.writeln('1 COPR Copyright (c) %d %s.' % (y,o)) elif self.copy == 1: o = self.db.get_researcher().get_name() self.writeln('1 COPR Copyright (c) %d %s. See additional copyright NOTE below.' % (y,o)) def gnu_fdl(self): import time if self.copy != 1: return t = time.localtime(time.time()) y = t[0] o = self.db.get_researcher().get_name() self.writeln('1 NOTE Copyright (c) %d %s.' % (y,o)) try: f = open(const.fdl,"r") for line in f.readlines(): self.g.write('2 CONT %s' % line) f.close() except: pass def write_families(self): nump = float(len(self.flist)) index = 0.0 sorted = [] for family_handle in self.flist.keys (): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) tuple = (self.fid (family_handle), family_handle, family) sorted.append (tuple) sorted.sort () for (gramps_id, family_handle, family) in sorted: father_alive = mother_alive = 0 self.writeln("0 @%s@ FAM" % gramps_id) self.frefn(family_handle) person_handle = family.get_father_handle() if person_handle != None and self.plist.has_key(person_handle): person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) gramps_id = person.get_gramps_id() self.writeln("1 HUSB @%s@" % gramps_id) father_alive = person.probably_alive(self.db) person_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if person_handle != None and self.plist.has_key(person_handle): person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) gramps_id = person.get_gramps_id() self.writeln("1 WIFE @%s@" % gramps_id) mother_alive = person.probably_alive(self.db) if not self.restrict or ( not father_alive and not mother_alive ): self.write_ord("SLGS",family.get_lds_sealing(),1,const.lds_ssealing) for event_handle in family.get_event_list(): event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if self.private and event.get_privacy(): continue name = event.get_name() val = "" if const.familyConstantEvents.has_key(name): val = const.familyConstantEvents[name] if val == "": val = self.target_ged.gramps2tag(name) if val: self.writeln("1 %s %s" % (self.cnvtxt(val), self.cnvtxt(event.get_description()))) else: self.writeln("1 EVEN %s" % self.cnvtxt(event.get_description())) self.writeln("2 TYPE %s" % self.cnvtxt(name)) self.dump_event_stats(event) for person_handle in family.get_child_handle_list(): if not self.plist.has_key(person_handle): continue person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) self.writeln("1 CHIL @%s@" % person.get_gramps_id()) if self.adopt == GedcomInfo.ADOPT_FTW: if person.get_main_parents_family_handle() == family.get_handle(): self.writeln('2 _FREL Natural') self.writeln('2 _MREL Natural') else: for f in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): if f[0] == family.get_handle(): self.writeln('2 _FREL %s' % f[2]) self.writeln('2 _MREL %s' % f[1]) break if self.adopt == GedcomInfo.ADOPT_LEGACY: for f in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): if f[0] == family.get_handle(): self.writeln('2 _STAT %s' % f[2]) break self.write_change(1,family.get_change_time()) # index = index + 1 # if index % 100 == 0 and not self.cl: # self.fbar.set_fraction(index/nump) # while(gtk.events_pending()): # gtk.mainiteration() #if not self.cl: # self.fbar.set_fraction(1.0) def write_sources(self): nump = float(len(self.slist)) index = 0.0 sorted = [] for key in self.slist.keys(): source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(key) tuple = (self.sid (source.get_gramps_id ()), source) sorted.append (tuple) sorted.sort () for (source_id, source) in sorted: self.writeln("0 @%s@ SOUR" % source_id) if source.get_title(): self.writeln("1 TITL %s" % fmtline(self.cnvtxt(source.get_title()),248,1,self.nl)) if source.get_author(): self.writeln("1 AUTH %s" % self.cnvtxt(source.get_author())) if source.get_publication_info(): self.writeln("1 PUBL %s" % self.cnvtxt(source.get_publication_info())) if source.get_abbreviation(): self.writeln("1 ABBR %s" % self.cnvtxt(source.get_abbreviation())) if source.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",1,self.cnvtxt(source.get_note())) index = index + 1 self.write_change(1,source.get_change_time()) # if index % 100 == 0 and not self.cl: # self.sbar.set_fraction(index/nump) # while(gtk.events_pending()): # gtk.mainiteration() # if not self.cl: # self.sbar.set_fraction(1.0) def write_person(self,person): self.writeln("0 @%s@ INDI" % person.get_gramps_id()) restricted = self.restrict and person.probably_alive (self.db) self.prefn(person) primaryname = person.get_primary_name () if restricted and self.living: primaryname = RelLib.Name (primaryname) primaryname.set_first_name ("Living") nickname = "" else: primaryname = person.get_primary_name () nickname = person.get_nick_name () if restricted and self.exclnotes: primaryname = RelLib.Name (primaryname) primaryname.set_note ('') if restricted and self.exclsrcs: primaryname = RelLib.Name (primaryname) primaryname.set_source_reference_list ([]) self.write_person_name(primaryname, nickname) if (self.altname == GedcomInfo.ALT_NAME_STD and not (restricted and self.living)): for name in person.get_alternate_names(): self.write_person_name(name,"") if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.male: self.writeln("1 SEX M") elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.female: self.writeln("1 SEX F") if not restricted: birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle() birth = self.db.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle) if birth_handle and not (self.private and birth.get_privacy()): if not birth.get_date_object().is_empty() or birth.get_place_handle(): self.writeln("1 BIRT") self.dump_event_stats(birth) death_handle = person.get_death_handle() death = self.db.get_event_from_handle(death_handle) if death_handle and not (self.private and death.get_privacy()): if not death.get_date_object().is_empty() or death.get_place_handle(): self.writeln("1 DEAT") self.dump_event_stats(death) ad = 0 self.write_ord("BAPL",person.get_lds_baptism(),1,const.lds_baptism) self.write_ord("ENDL",person.get_lds_endowment(),1,const.lds_baptism) self.write_ord("SLGC",person.get_lds_sealing(),1,const.lds_csealing) for event_handle in person.get_event_list(): event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if self.private and event.get_privacy(): continue name = event.get_name() val = "" if const.personalConstantEvents.has_key(name): val = const.personalConstantEvents[name] if val == "": val = self.target_ged.gramps2tag(name) if self.adopt == GedcomInfo.ADOPT_EVENT and val == "ADOP": ad = 1 self.writeln('1 ADOP') fam = None for f in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): mrel = f[1].lower() frel = f[2].lower() if mrel=="adopted" or frel=="adopted": fam = f[0] break if fam: self.writeln('2 FAMC @%s@' % self.fid(fam.get_gramps_id())) if mrel == frel: self.writeln('3 ADOP BOTH') elif mrel == "adopted": self.writeln('3 ADOP WIFE') else: self.writeln('3 ADOP HUSB') elif val : self.writeln("1 %s %s" % (self.cnvtxt(val),\ self.cnvtxt(event.get_description()))) else: self.writeln("1 EVEN %s" % self.cnvtxt(event.get_description())) self.writeln("2 TYPE %s" % self.cnvtxt(event.get_name())) self.dump_event_stats(event) if self.adopt == GedcomInfo.ADOPT_EVENT and ad == 0 and len(person.get_parent_family_handle_list()) != 0: self.writeln('1 ADOP') fam = None for f in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): mrel = f[1].lower() frel = f[2].lower() if mrel=="adopted" or frel=="adopted": fam = f[0] break if fam: self.writeln('2 FAMC @%s@' % self.fid(fam.get_gramps_id())) if mrel == frel: self.writeln('3 ADOP BOTH') elif mrel == "adopted": self.writeln('3 ADOP WIFE') else: self.writeln('3 ADOP HUSB') for attr in person.get_attribute_list(): if self.private and attr.get_privacy(): continue name = attr.get_type() if name in ["AFN", "RFN", "_UID"]: self.writeln("1 %s %s" % ( name, attr.get_value())) continue if const.personalConstantAttributes.has_key(name): val = const.personalConstantAttributes[name] else: val = "" if val : self.writeln("1 %s" % val) else: self.writeln("1 EVEN") self.writeln("2 TYPE %s" % self.cnvtxt(name)) self.writeln("2 PLAC %s" % string.replace(self.cnvtxt(attr.get_value()),'\r',' ')) if attr.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",2,self.cnvtxt(attr.get_note())) for srcref in attr.get_source_references(): self.write_source_ref(2,srcref) for addr in person.get_address_list(): if self.private and addr.get_privacy(): continue self.writeln("1 RESI") self.print_date("2 DATE",addr.get_date_object()) if self.resi == 0: self.write_long_text("ADDR",2,self.cnvtxt(addr.get_street())) if addr.get_city(): self.writeln("3 CITY %s" % self.cnvtxt(addr.get_city())) if addr.get_state(): self.writeln("3 STAE %s" % self.cnvtxt(addr.get_state())) if addr.get_postal_code(): self.writeln("3 POST %s" % self.cnvtxt(addr.get_postal_code())) if addr.get_country(): self.writeln("3 CTRY %s" % self.cnvtxt(addr.get_country())) if addr.get_phone(): self.writeln("2 PHON %s" % self.cnvtxt(addr.get_phone())) else: text = addr.get_street() text = addr_append(text,addr.get_city()) text = addr_append(text,addr.get_state()) text = addr_append(text,addr.get_postal_code()) text = addr_append(text,addr.get_country()) text = addr_append(text,addr.get_phone()) if text: self.writeln("2 PLAC %s" % string.replace(self.cnvtxt(text),'\r',' ')) if addr.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",2,self.cnvtxt(addr.get_note())) for srcref in addr.get_source_references(): self.write_source_ref(2,srcref) if self.images: photos = person.get_media_list () else: photos = [] for photo in photos: photo_obj_id = photo.get_reference_handle() photo_obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(photo_obj_id) if photo_obj and photo_obj.get_mime_type() == "image/jpeg": path = photo_obj.get_path () if not os.path.isfile(path): continue self.writeln('1 OBJE') self.writeln('2 FORM jpeg') dirname = os.path.join (self.dirname, self.images_path) basename = os.path.basename (path) self.writeln('2 FILE %s' % os.path.join(self.images_path, basename)) try: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir (dirname) except: continue dest = os.path.join (dirname, basename) try: os.link (path, dest) except OSError, e: file (dest, "wb").writelines (file (path, "rb").xreadlines ()) for family in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): if self.flist.has_key(family[0]): self.writeln("1 FAMC @%s@" % self.fid(family[0])) if self.adopt == GedcomInfo.ADOPT_PEDI: if family[1].lower() == "adopted": self.writeln("2 PEDI Adopted") for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): if family_handle != None and self.flist.has_key(family_handle): self.writeln("1 FAMS @%s@" % self.fid(family_handle)) if not restricted: if self.obje: for url in person.get_url_list(): self.writeln('1 OBJE') self.writeln('2 FORM URL') if url.get_description(): self.writeln('2 TITL %s' % url.get_description()) if url.get_path(): self.writeln('2 FILE %s' % url.get_path()) if not restricted or not self.exclnotes: if person.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",1,self.cnvtxt(person.get_note())) self.write_change(1,person.get_change_time()) def write_change(self,level,timeval): tval = time.localtime(timeval) self.writeln('%d CHAN' % level) time_val = time.localtime(timeval) self.writeln('%d DATE %d %s %d' % (level + 1,time_val[2], _month[time_val[1]],time_val[0])) self.writeln('%d TIME %02d:%02d:%02d' % (level + 2,time_val[3], time_val[4],time_val[5])) def write_long_text(self,tag,level,note): if self.conc == GedcomInfo.CONC_OK: self.write_conc_ok(tag,level,note) else: self.write_conc_broken(tag,level,note) def write_conc_ok(self,tag,level,note): prefix = "%d %s" % (level,tag) textlines = note.split('\n') if len(note) == 0: self.writeln(prefix) else: for line in textlines: ll = len(line) while ll > 0: brkpt = 70 if ll > brkpt: while (ll > brkpt and line[brkpt] in string.whitespace): brkpt = brkpt+1 if ll == brkpt: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line)) line = '' break else: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line[0:brkpt+1])) line = line[brkpt+1:] else: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line)) line = "" if len(line) > 0: prefix = "%d CONC" % (level+1) else: prefix = "%d CONT" % (level+1) ll = len(line) def write_conc_broken(self,tag,level,note): prefix = "%d %s" % (level,tag) textlines = note.split('\n') if len(note) == 0: self.writeln(prefix) else: for line in textlines: ll = len(line) while ll > 0: brkpt = 70 if ll > brkpt: while (ll > brkpt and line[brkpt] not in string.whitespace): brkpt = brkpt+1 if ll == brkpt: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line)) line = '' break else: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line[0:brkpt+1])) line = line[brkpt+1:] else: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,line)) line = "" if len(line) > 0: prefix = "%d CONC" % (level+1) else: prefix = "%d CONT" % (level+1) ll = len(line) def dump_event_stats(self,event): dateobj = event.get_date_object() self.print_date("2 DATE",dateobj) if event.get_place_handle(): place_name = self.db.get_place_from_handle(event.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.writeln("2 PLAC %s" % string.replace(self.cnvtxt(place_name),'\r',' ')) if event.get_cause(): self.writeln("2 CAUS %s" % self.cnvtxt(event.get_cause())) if event.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",2,self.cnvtxt(event.get_note())) for srcref in event.get_source_references(): self.write_source_ref(2,srcref) def write_ord(self,name,ord,index,statlist): if ord == None: return self.writeln('%d %s' % (index,name)) self.print_date("%d DATE" % (index + 1), ord.get_date_object()) if ord.get_family_handle(): self.writeln('%d FAMC @%s@' % (index+1,self.fid(ord.get_family_handle().get_gramps_id()))) if ord.get_temple(): self.writeln('%d TEMP %s' % (index+1,ord.get_temple())) if ord.get_place_handle(): place_name = self.db.get_place_from_handle(ord.get_place_handle()).get_title() self.writeln("2 PLAC %s" % string.replace(self.cnvtxt(place_name),'\r',' ')) if ord.get_status() != 0: self.writeln("2 STAT %s" % self.cnvtxt(statlist[ord.get_status()])) if ord.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",index+1,self.cnvtxt(ord.get_note())) for srcref in ord.get_source_references(): self.write_source_ref(index+1,srcref) def print_date(self,prefix,date): start = date.get_start_date() val = date.get_text() if val: self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,self.cnvtxt(val))) elif not date.is_empty (): cal = date.get_calendar() mod = date.get_modifier() if date.get_modifier() == Date.MOD_SPAN: val = "FROM %s TO %s" % (make_date(start,cal,mod), make_date(date.get_stop_date(),cal,mod)) elif date.get_modifier() == Date.MOD_RANGE: val = "BET %s AND %s" % (make_date(start,cal,mod), make_date(date.get_stop_date(),cal,mod)) else: val = make_date(start,cal,mod) self.writeln("%s %s" % (prefix,val)) def write_person_name(self,name,nick): firstName = self.cnvtxt(name.get_first_name()) surName = self.cnvtxt(name.get_surname()) surName = surName.replace('/','?') surPref = self.cnvtxt(name.get_surname_prefix()) surPref = surPref.replace('/','?') suffix = self.cnvtxt(name.get_suffix()) title = self.cnvtxt(name.get_title()) if suffix == "": if surPref == "": self.writeln("1 NAME %s/%s/" % (firstName,surName)) else: self.writeln("1 NAME %s/%s %s/" % (firstName,surPref,surName)) else: if surPref == "": self.writeln("1 NAME %s/%s/%s" % (firstName,surName,suffix)) else: self.writeln("1 NAME %s/%s %s/%s" % (firstName,surPref,surName,suffix)) if name.get_first_name(): self.writeln("2 GIVN %s" % firstName) if self.prefix: if surPref: self.writeln('2 SPFX %s' % surPref) if surName: self.writeln("2 SURN %s" % surName) else: if surPref: self.writeln("2 SURN %s %s" % (surPref,surName)) elif surName: self.writeln("2 SURN %s" % surName) if name.get_suffix(): self.writeln("2 NSFX %s" % suffix) if name.get_title(): self.writeln("2 NPFX %s" % title) if nick: self.writeln('2 NICK %s' % nick) if name.get_note(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",2,self.cnvtxt(name.get_note())) for srcref in name.get_source_references(): self.write_source_ref(2,srcref) def write_source_ref(self,level,ref): if ref.get_base_handle() == None: return if self.source_refs: self.writeln("%d SOUR @%s@" % (level,self.sid(ref.get_base_handle()))) if ref.get_page() != "": self.write_long_text("PAGE",level+1,self.cnvtxt(ref.get_page())) ref_text = ref.get_text() if ref_text != "" or not ref.get_date().is_empty(): self.writeln('%d DATA' % (level+1)) if ref_text != "": self.write_long_text("TEXT",level+2,self.cnvtxt(ref_text)) pfx = "%d DATE" % (level+2) self.print_date(pfx,ref.get_date()) else: # We put title, page, and date on the SOUR line. # Not using CONC and CONT because GeneWeb does not support these. # TEXT and NOTE will be ignored by GeneWeb, but we can't # output paragaphs in SOUR without CONT. sbase = ref.get_base_handle() if sbase and sbase.get_title(): txt = sbase.get_title() + ". " else: txt = "" if ref.get_page(): txt = txt + ref.get_page() + ". " self.g.write("%d SOUR %s" % (level,self.cnvtxt(txt))) if not ref.get_date().is_empty(): self.print_date("", ref.get_date()) else: self.writeln("") if ref.get_text(): ref_text = ref.get_text() self.write_long_text("TEXT",level+1,self.cnvtxt(ref_text)) if ref.get_comments(): self.write_long_text("NOTE",level+1,self.cnvtxt(ref.get_comments())) def fid(self,id): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle (id) return family.get_gramps_id () def prefn(self,person): match = _get_int.search(person.get_gramps_id()) if match: self.writeln('1 REFN %d' % int(match.groups()[0])) def frefn(self,family_handle): match = _get_int.search(family_handle) if match: self.writeln('1 REFN %d' % int(match.groups()[0])) def sid(self,id): if self.sidmap.has_key(id): return self.sidmap[id] else: val = "S%05d" % self.sidval self.sidval = self.sidval + 1 self.sidmap[id] = val return val #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exportData(database,filename,person,option_box): ret = 0 try: gw = GedcomWriter(database,person,0,filename,option_box) ret = gw.export_data(filename) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _title = _('GE_DCOM 5.5') _description = _('GEDCOM is used to transfer data between genealogy programs. ' 'Most genealogy software will accept a GEDCOM file as input. ') #option_box = GedcomWriterOptionBox() _config = (_('GEDCOM export options'),GedcomWriterOptionBox) _filename = 'ged' from Plugins import register_export register_export(exportData,_title,_description,_config,_filename)