#! /usr/bin/env python3 # # update_po - a gramps tool to update translations # # Copyright (C) 2006-2006 Kees Bakker # Copyright (C) 2006 Brian Matherly # Copyright (C) 2008 Stephen George # Copyright (C) 2012 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # """ update_po.py for Gramps translations. Examples: python update_po.py -t Tests if 'gettext' and 'python' are well configured. python update_po.py -h Calls help and command line interface. python update_po.py -p Generates a new template/catalog (gramps.pot). python update_po.py -m de.po Merges 'de.po' file with 'gramps.pot'. python update_po.py -k de.po Checks 'de.po' file, tests to compile and generates a textual resume. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser # Windows OS if sys.platform == 'win32': # GetText Win 32 obtained from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gettext.htm # ....\gettext\bin\msgmerge.exe needs to be on the path msgmergeCmd = os.path.join('C:', 'Program Files(x86)', 'gettext', 'bin', 'msgmerge.exe') msgfmtCmd = os.path.join('C:', 'Program Files(x86)', 'gettext', 'bin', 'msgfmt.exe') msgattribCmd = os.path.join('C:', 'Program Files(x86)', 'gettext', 'bin', 'msgattrib.exe') xgettextCmd = os.path.join('C:', 'Program Files(x86)', 'gettext', 'bin', 'xgettext.exe') pythonCmd = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin', 'python.exe') # Others OS elif sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2', 'darwin', 'cygwin']: msgmergeCmd = 'msgmerge' msgfmtCmd = 'msgfmt' msgattribCmd = 'msgattrib' xgettextCmd = 'xgettext' pythonCmd = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin', 'python3') else: print("Found platform %s, OS %s" % (sys.platform, os.name)) print ("Update PO ERROR: unknown system, don't know msgmerge, ... commands") sys.exit(0) # List of available languages, useful for grouped actions # need files with po extension LANG = [file for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith('.po')] # add a special 'all' argument (for 'check' and 'merge' arguments) LANG.append("all") # visual polish on the languages list LANG.sort() def tests(): """ Testing installed programs. We made tests (-t flag) by displaying versions of tools if properly installed. Cannot run all commands without 'gettext' and 'python'. """ try: print ("\n====='msgmerge'=(merge our translation)================\n") os.system('''%(program)s -V''' % {'program': msgmergeCmd}) except: print ('Please, install %(program)s for updating your translation' % {'program': msgmergeCmd}) try: print ("\n==='msgfmt'=(format our translation for installation)==\n") os.system('''%(program)s -V''' % {'program': msgfmtCmd}) except: print ('Please, install %(program)s for checking your translation' % {'program': msgfmtCmd}) try: print ("\n===='msgattrib'==(list groups of messages)=============\n") os.system('''%(program)s -V''' % {'program': msgattribCmd}) except: print ('Please, install %(program)s for listing groups of messages' % {'program': msgattribCmd}) try: print("\n===='xgettext' =(generate a new template)==============\n") os.system('''%(program)s -V''' % {'program': xgettextCmd}) except: print ('Please, install %(program)s for generating a new template' % {'program': xgettextCmd}) try: print("\n=================='python'=============================\n") os.system('''%(program)s -V''' % {'program': pythonCmd}) except: print ('Please, install python') def TipsParse(filename, mark): """ Experimental alternative to 'intltool-extract' for 'tips.xml'. """ from xml.etree import ElementTree tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tips> <_tip number="1"> <b>Working with Dates</b> <br/> A range of dates can be given by using the format "between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003". You can also indicate the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven different calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events Editor. </_tip> char *s = N_("<b>Working with Dates</b><br/>A range of dates can be given by using the format "between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003". You can also indicate the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven different calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events Editor."); gramps.pot: msgid "" "<b>Working with Dates</b><br/>A range of dates can be given by using the " "format "between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003". You can also " "indicate the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven " "different calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events " "Editor." ''' with open('../data/tips.xml.in.h', 'w') as tips: marklist = root.iter(mark) for key in marklist: tip = ElementTree.tostring(key, encoding="UTF-8", method="xml") if sys.version_info[0] < 3: tip = tip.replace("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>", "") tip = tip.replace('\n<_tip number="%(number)s">' % key.attrib, "") else: # python3 support tip = tip.decode("utf-8") tip = tip.replace('<_tip number="%(number)s">' % key.attrib, "") tip = tip.replace("<br />", "<br/>") #tip = tip.replace("\n</_tip>\n", "</_tip>\n") # special case tip 7 #tip = tip.replace("\n<b>", "<b>") # special case tip 18 tip = tip.replace("</_tip>\n\n", "") tip = tip.replace('"', '"') tips.write('char *s = N_("%s");\n' % tip) print ('Wrote ../data/tips.xml.in.h') root.clear() def HolidaysParse(filename, mark): """ Experimental alternative to 'intltool-extract' for 'holidays.xml'. """ from xml.etree import ElementTree tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() ellist = root.iter() ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> calendar> <country _name="Bulgaria"> .. <country _name="Jewish Holidays"> <date _name="Yom Kippur" value="> passover(y)" offset="172"/> char *s = N_("Bulgaria"); char *s = N_("Jewish Holidays"); char *s = N_("Yom Kippur"); gramps.pot: msgid "Bulgaria" msgid "Jewish Holidays" msgid "Yom Kippur" ''' with open('../data/holidays.xml.in.h', 'w') as holidays: for key in ellist: if key.attrib.get(mark): line = key.attrib string = line.items # mapping via the line dict (_name is the key) name = 'char *s = N_("%(_name)s");\n' % line holidays.write(name) print ('Wrote ../data/holidays.xml.in.h') root.clear() def XmlParse(filename, mark): """ Experimental alternative to 'intltool-extract' for 'file.xml.in'. """ from xml.etree import ElementTree tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info"> <mime-type type="application/x-gramps"> <_comment>Gramps database</_comment> <glob pattern="*.grdb"/> </mime-type> <mime-type type="application/x-gedcom"> <_comment>GEDCOM</_comment> <glob pattern="*.ged"/> <glob pattern="*.gedcom"/> <glob pattern="*.GED"/> <glob pattern="*.GEDCOM"/> msgid "Gramps database" msgid "GEDCOM" <description> <_p> Gramps is a free software project and community. We strive to produce a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and feature-complete for professional genealogists. </p> </description> ''' with open(filename + '.h', 'w') as head: for key in root.iter(): if key.tag == '{http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info}%s' % mark: comment = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % key.text head.write(comment) if key.tag == mark: #appdata comment = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % key.text head.write(comment) if root.tag == 'application': for key in root.iter(): if key.tag == mark: comment = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % key.text head.write(comment) print ('Wrote %s' % filename) root.clear() def DesktopParse(filename): """ Experimental alternative to 'intltool-extract' for 'gramps.desktop'. """ ''' [Desktop Entry] _Name=Gramps _GenericName=Genealogy System _X-GNOME-FullName=Gramps Genealogy System _Comment=Manage genealogical information, perform genealogical research and analysis msgid "Gramps" msgid "Genealogy System" msgid "Gramps Genealogy System" msgid "" "Manage genealogical information, perform genealogical research and analysis" ''' with open('../data/gramps.desktop.in.h', 'w') as desktop: with open(filename) as f: lines = [file.strip() for file in f] for line in lines: if line[0] == '_': for i in range(len(line)): if line[i] == '=': val = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % line[i+1:len(line)] desktop.write(val) print ('Wrote ../data/gramps.desktop.in.h') def KeyParse(filename, mark): """ Experimental alternative to 'intltool-extract' for 'gramps.keys'. """ ''' application/x-gramps-xml: _description=Gramps XML database default_action_type=application short_list_application_ids=gramps short_list_application_ids_for_novice_user_level=gramps short_list_application_ids_for_intermediate_user_level=gramps short_list_application_ids_for_advanced_user_level=gramps category=Documents/Genealogy icon-filename=/usr/share/gramps/gramps.png open=gramps %f application/x-gedcom: _description=GEDCOM default_action_type=application msgid "Gramps XML database" msgid "GEDCOM" ''' with open('../data/gramps.keys.in.h', 'w') as key: with open(filename) as f: lines = [file for file in f] temp = [] for line in lines: for i in range(len(line)): if line[i:i+12] == mark: temp.append(line.strip()) for t in temp: for i in range(len(t)): if t[i] == '=': val = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % t[i+1:len(t)] key.write(val) print ('Wrote ../data/gramps.keys.in.h') def main(): """ The utility for handling translation stuff. What is need by Gramps, nothing more. """ parser = ArgumentParser( description='This program generates a new template and ' 'also provides some common features.', ) parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", action="store_true", dest="test", default=True, help="test if 'python' and 'gettext' are properly installed") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xml", action="store_true", dest="xml", default=False, help="extract messages from xml based file formats") parser.add_argument("-g", "--glade", action="store_true", dest="glade", default=False, help="extract messages from glade file format only") parser.add_argument("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", dest="clean", default=False, help="remove created files") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pot", action="store_true", dest="catalog", default=False, help="create a new catalog") update = parser.add_argument_group('Update', 'Maintenance around translations') # need at least one argument (sv.po, de.po, etc ...) # lang.po files maintenance update.add_argument("-m", dest="merge", choices=LANG, help="merge lang.po files with last catalog") update.add_argument("-k", dest="check", choices=LANG, help="check lang.po files") # testing stage trans = parser.add_argument_group('Translation', 'Display content of translations file') # need one argument (eg, de.po) trans.add_argument("-u", dest="untranslated", choices=[file for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith('.po')], help="list untranslated messages") trans.add_argument("-f", dest="fuzzy", choices=[file for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith('.po')], help="list fuzzy messages") args = parser.parse_args() namespace, extra = parser.parse_known_args() if args.test: tests() if args.xml: extract_xml() if args.glade: create_filesfile() extract_glade() if os.path.isfile('tmpfiles'): os.unlink('tmpfiles') if args.catalog: retrieve() if args.clean: clean() if args.merge: #retrieve() windows os? if sys.argv[2:] == ['all']: sys.argv[2:] = LANG merge(sys.argv[2:]) if args.check: #retrieve() windows os? if sys.argv[2:] == ['all']: sys.argv[2:] = LANG check(sys.argv[2:]) if args.untranslated: untranslated(sys.argv[2:]) if args.fuzzy: fuzzy(sys.argv[2:]) def create_filesfile(): """ Create a file with all files that we should translate. These are all python files not in POTFILES.skip added with those in POTFILES.in """ dir = os.getcwd() topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, '..', 'gramps')) lentopdir = len(topdir) with open('POTFILES.in') as f: infiles = dict(['../' + file.strip(), None] for file in f if file.strip() and not file[0]=='#') with open('POTFILES.skip') as f: notinfiles = dict(['../' + file.strip(), None] for file in f if file and not file[0]=='#') for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(topdir): root, subdir = os.path.split(dirpath) if subdir.startswith("."): #don't continue in this dir dirnames[:] = [] continue for dirname in dirnames: # Skip hidden and system directories: if dirname.startswith(".") or dirname in ["po", "locale"]: dirnames.remove(dirname) #add the files which are python or glade files # if the directory does not exist or is a link, do nothing if not os.path.isdir(dirpath) or os.path.islink(dirpath): continue for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): name = os.path.split(filename)[1] if name.endswith('.py') or name.endswith('.glade'): full_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) #Skip the file if in POTFILES.skip if full_filename[lentopdir:] in notinfiles: infiles['../gramps' + full_filename[lentopdir:]] = None #now we write out all the files in form ../gramps/filename with open('tmpfiles', 'w') as f: for file in sorted(infiles.keys()): f.write(file) f.write('\n') def listing(name, extensionlist): """ List files according to extensions. Parsing from a textual file (gramps) is faster and easy for maintenance. Like POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip """ with open('tmpfiles') as f: files = [file.strip() for file in f if file and not file[0]=='#'] with open(name, 'w') as temp: for entry in files: for ext in extensionlist: if entry.endswith(ext): temp.write(entry) temp.write('\n') break def headers(): """ Look at existing C file format headers. Generated by 'intltool-extract' but want to get rid of this dependency (perl, just a set of tools). """ headers = [] # in.h; extract_xml if os.path.isfile('''../data/tips.xml.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/tips.xml.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''../data/holidays.xml.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/holidays.xml.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''../data/gramps.xml.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/gramps.xml.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''../data/gramps.desktop.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/gramps.desktop.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''../data/gramps.keys.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/gramps.keys.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in.h'''): headers.append('''../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in.h''') if os.path.isfile('''gtklist.h'''): headers.append('''gtklist.h''') return headers def extract_xml(): """ Extract translation strings from XML based, keys, mime and desktop files. Own XML files parsing and custom translation marks. """ HolidaysParse('../data/holidays.xml.in', '_name') TipsParse('../data/tips.xml.in', '_tip') XmlParse('../data/gramps.xml.in', '_comment') XmlParse('../data/gramps.appdata.xml.in', '_p') DesktopParse('../data/gramps.desktop.in') KeyParse('../data/gramps.keys.in', '_description') def create_template(): """ Create a new file for template, if it does not exist. """ with open('gramps.pot', 'w') as template: pass def extract_glade(): """ Extract messages from a temp file with all .glade """ if not os.path.isfile('gramps.pot'): create_template() listing('glade.txt', ['.glade']) os.system('''%(xgettext)s -F --add-comments -j -L Glade ''' '''--from-code=UTF-8 -o gramps.pot --files-from=glade.txt''' % {'xgettext': xgettextCmd} ) def extract_gtkbuilder(): """ Temp workaround for xgettext bug (< gettext 0.18.3) https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?29216 See bug reports #6595, #5621 """ from xml.etree import ElementTree ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <interface> <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 --> <object class="GtkListStore" id="model1"> <columns> <!-- column-name gchararray --> <column type="gchararray"/> </columns> <data> <row> <col id="0" translatable="yes">All rules must apply</col> </row> <row> <col id="0" translatable="yes">At least one rule must apply</col> </row> <row> <col id="0" translatable="yes">Exactly one rule must apply</col> </row> </data> </object> msgid "All rules must apply" msgid "At least one rule must apply" msgid "Exactly one rule must apply" ''' files = ['../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade', '../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade'] with open('gtklist.h', 'w') as temp: for filename in files: tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() for line in root.iter(): att = line.attrib if att == {'id': '0', 'translatable': 'yes'}: col = 'char *s = N_("%s");\n' % line.text temp.write(col) root.clear() print ('Wrote gtklist.h') def retrieve(): """ Extract messages from all files used by Gramps (python, glade, xml) """ extract_xml() extract_gtkbuilder() create_template() create_filesfile() listing('python.txt', ['.py', '.py.in']) # additional keywords must always be kept in sync with those in genpot.sh os.system('''%(xgettext)s -F -c -j --directory=./ -d gramps ''' '''-L Python -o gramps.pot --files-from=python.txt ''' '''--debug --keyword=_ --keyword=ngettext ''' '''--keyword=_T_ --keyword=trans_text ''' '''--keyword=sgettext --from-code=UTF-8''' % {'xgettext': xgettextCmd} ) extract_glade() # C format header (.h extension) for h in headers(): print ('xgettext for %s' % h) os.system('''%(xgettext)s -F --add-comments -j -o gramps.pot ''' '''--keyword=N_ --from-code=UTF-8 %(head)s''' % {'xgettext': xgettextCmd, 'head': h} ) clean() def clean(): """ Remove created files (C format headers, temp listings) """ for h in headers(): if os.path.isfile(h): os.unlink(h) print ('Remove %(head)s' % {'head': h}) if os.path.isfile('python.txt'): os.unlink('python.txt') print ("Remove 'python.txt'") if os.path.isfile('glade.txt'): os.unlink('glade.txt') print ("Remove 'glade.txt'") if os.path.isfile('tmpfiles'): os.unlink('tmpfiles') print ("Remove 'tmpfiles'") def merge(args): """ Merge messages with 'gramps.pot' """ for arg in args: if arg == 'all': continue print ('Merge %(lang)s with current template' % {'lang': arg}) os.system('''%(msgmerge)s -U %(lang)s gramps.pot''' \ % {'msgmerge': msgmergeCmd, 'lang': arg}) print ("Updated file: '%(lang)s'." % {'lang': arg}) def check(args): """ Check the translation file """ for arg in args: if arg == 'all': continue print ("Checked file: '%(lang.po)s'. See '%(txt)s.txt'." \ % {'lang.po': arg, 'txt': arg[:-3]}) os.system('''%(python)s ./check_po -s %(lang.po)s > %(lang)s.txt''' \ % {'python': pythonCmd, 'lang.po': arg, 'lang': arg[:-3]}) os.system('''%(msgfmt)s -c -v %(lang.po)s''' % {'msgfmt': msgfmtCmd, 'lang.po': arg}) def untranslated(arg): """ List untranslated messages """ os.system('''%(msgattrib)s --untranslated %(lang.po)s''' % {'msgattrib': msgattribCmd, 'lang.po': arg[0]}) def fuzzy(arg): """ List fuzzy messages """ os.system('''%(msgattrib)s --only-fuzzy --no-obsolete %(lang.po)s''' % {'msgattrib': msgattribCmd, 'lang.po': arg[0]}) if __name__ == "__main__": main()