/* * jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu 0.7.0 - A Color Picker Extension to jHtmlArea * Part of the jHtmlArea Project * Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Pietschmann * http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com * Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL) * http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com/license */ (function($) { if (jHtmlArea) { var oldForecolor = jHtmlArea.fn.forecolor; jHtmlArea.fn.forecolor = function(c) { if (c) { // If color is specified, then use the "default" method functionality oldForecolor.call(this, c); } else { // If no color is specified, then display color picker ui var that = this; var rng = this.getRange(); jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu($(".forecolor", this.toolbar), { colorChosen: function(color) { if ($.browser.msie) { rng.execCommand("ForeColor", false, color); } else { that.forecolor(color); } } }); } }; } var menu = window.jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu = function(ownerElement, options) { return new jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu.fn.init(ownerElement, options); }; menu.fn = menu.prototype = { jhtmlareacolorpickermenu: "0.7.0", init: function(ownerElement, options) { var opts = $.extend({}, menu.defaultOptions, options); var that = this; var owner = this.owner = $(ownerElement); var position = owner.position(); if (menu.instance) { menu.instance.hide(); } jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu.instance = this; var picker = this.picker = $("<div/>").css({ position: "absolute", left: position.left + opts.offsetLeft, top: position.top + owner.height() + opts.offsetTop, "z-index": opts["z-index"] }).addClass("jHtmlAreaColorPickerMenu"); for (var i = 0; i < opts.colors.length; i++) { var c = opts.colors[i]; $("<div/>").css("background-color", c).appendTo(picker).click( (function(color) { return function() { if (opts.colorChosen) { opts.colorChosen.call(this, color); } that.hide(); }; })(c) ); } $("<div/>").html("<div></div>Automatic").addClass("automatic").appendTo(picker).click( function() { if (opts.colorChosen) { opts.colorChosen.call(this, null); } that.hide(); } ); var autoHide = false; picker.appendTo(owner.parent()). show(). mouseout(function() { autoHide = true; that.currentTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { if (autoHide === true) { that.hide(); } }, 1000); }). mouseover(function() { if (that.currentTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(that.currentTimeout); that.currentTimeout = null; } autoHide = false; }); }, hide: function() { this.picker.hide(); this.picker.remove(); } }; menu.fn.init.prototype = menu.fn; menu.defaultOptions = { "z-index": 0, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0, colors: [ "#ffffff", "#cccccc", "#c0c0c0", "#999999", "#666666", "#333333", "#000000", "#ffcccc", "#ff6666", "#ff0000", "#cc0000", "#990000", "#660000", "#330000", "#ffcc99", "#ff9966", "#ff9900", "#ff6600", "#cc6600", "#993300", "#663300", "#ffff99", "#ffff66", "#ffcc66", "#ffcc33", "#cc9933", "#996633", "#663333", "#ffffcc", "#ffff33", "#ffff00", "#ffcc00", "#999900", "#666600", "#333300", "#99ff99", "#66ff99", "#33ff33", "#33cc00", "#009900", "#006600", "#003300", "#99FFFF", "#33FFFF", "#66CCCC", "#00CCCC", "#339999", "#336666", "#003333", "#CCFFFF", "#66FFFF", "#33CCFF", "#3366FF", "#3333FF", "#000099", "#000066", "#CCCCFF", "#9999FF", "#6666CC", "#6633FF", "#6600CC", "#333399", "#330099", "#FFCCFF", "#FF99FF", "#CC66CC", "#CC33CC", "#993399", "#663366", "#330033" ], colorChosen: null }; })(jQuery);