# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Written by Alex Roitman # $Id$ "Media Manager tool" #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GNOME/GTK modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import GrampsDisplay import Assistant import Errors from RelLib import MediaObject from BasicUtils import UpdateCallback from PluginUtils import Tool, register_tool #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is an Assistant implementation to guide the user # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MediaMan(Tool.Tool): def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, options_class, name, callback=None): Tool.Tool.__init__(self, dbstate, options_class, name) self.uistate = uistate self.callback = uistate.pulse_progressbar self.build_batch_ops() self.batch_settings = None self.settings_page = None try: self.w = Assistant.Assistant(uistate,self.__class__,self.complete, _("Media Manager")) except Errors.WindowActiveError: return self.welcome_page = self.w.add_text_page(_('GRAMPS Media Manager'), self.get_info_text()) self.selection_page = self.w.add_page(_('Selecting operation'), self.build_selection_page()) self.confirm_page = self.w.add_text_page('','') self.conclusion_page = self.w.add_text_page('','') self.w.connect('before-page-next',self.on_before_page_next) self.w.show() def complete(self): pass def on_before_page_next(self,obj,page,data=None): if page == self.selection_page: self.build_settings_page() elif page == self.settings_page: self.build_confirmation() elif page == self.confirm_page: success = self.run() self.build_conclusion(success) def get_info_text(self): return _("This tool allows batch operations on media objects " "stored in GRAMPS. " "An important distinction must be made between a GRAMPS " "media object and its file.\n\n" "The GRAMPS media object is a collection of data about " "the media object file: its filename and/or path, its " "description, its ID, notes, source references, etc. " "These data do not include the file itself.\n\n" "The files containing image, sound, video, etc, exist " "separately on your hard drive. These files are " "not managed by GRAMPS and are not included in the GRAMPS " "database. " "The GRAMPS database only stores the path and file names.\n\n" "This tool allows you to only modify the records within " "your GRAMPS database. If you want to move or rename " "the files then you need to do it on your own, outside of " "GRAMPS. Then you can adjust the paths using this tool so " "that the media objects store the correct file locations.") def build_selection_page(self): """ Build a page with the radio buttons for every available batch op. """ self.batch_op_buttons = [] box = gtk.VBox() box.set_spacing(12) table = gtk.Table(2*len(self.batch_ops),2) table.set_row_spacings(6) table.set_col_spacings(6) tip = gtk.Tooltips() group = None for ix in range(len(self.batch_ops)): title = self.batch_ops[ix].title description= self.batch_ops[ix].description button = gtk.RadioButton(group,title) if not group: group = button self.batch_op_buttons.append(button) table.attach(button,0,2,2*ix,2*ix+1,yoptions=0) tip.set_tip(button,description) box.add(table) return box def on_help_clicked(self,obj): """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual""" GrampsDisplay.help('tools-util-other') def build_batch_ops(self): self.batch_ops = [] batches_to_use = [ PathChange, Convert2Abs, Convert2Rel, ] for batch_class in batches_to_use: self.batch_ops.append(batch_class(self.db,self.callback)) def get_selected_op_index(self): """ Query the selection radiobuttons and return the index number of the selected batch op. """ for ix in range(len(self.batch_op_buttons)): button = self.batch_op_buttons[ix] if button.get_active(): return ix else: return 0 def build_settings_page(self): """ Build an extra page with the settings specific for the chosen batch-op. If there's already an entry for this batch-op then do nothing, otherwise add a page. If the chosen batch-op does not have settings then remove the settings page that is already there (from previous user passes through the assistant). """ ix = self.get_selected_op_index() config = self.batch_ops[ix].build_config() if config: if ix == self.batch_settings: return elif self.batch_settings: self.w.remove_page(self.settings_page) self.settings_page = None self.confirm_page -= 1 self.conclusion_page -= 1 self.batch_settings = None self.build_confirmation() title,box = config self.settings_page = self.w.insert_page(title,box, self.selection_page+1) self.confirm_page += 1 self.conclusion_page += 1 self.batch_settings = ix box.show_all() else: if self.batch_settings != None: self.w.remove_page(self.settings_page) self.settings_page = None self.confirm_page -= 1 self.conclusion_page -= 1 self.batch_settings = None self.build_confirmation() def build_confirmation(self): """ Build the confirmation page. This should query the selected settings and present the summary of the proposed action, as well as the list of affected paths. """ ix = self.get_selected_op_index() confirm_text = self.batch_ops[ix].build_confirm_text() path_list = self.batch_ops[ix].build_path_list() box = gtk.VBox() box.set_spacing(12) box.set_border_width(12) label1 = gtk.Label(confirm_text) label1.set_line_wrap(True) label1.set_use_markup(True) label1.set_alignment(0,0.5) box.pack_start(label1,expand=False) scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) tree = gtk.TreeView() model = gtk.ListStore(str) tree.set_model(model) tree_view_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Affected path'), gtk.CellRendererText(),text=0) tree_view_column.set_sort_column_id(0) tree.append_column(tree_view_column) for path in path_list: model.append(row=[path]) scrolled_window.add(tree) box.pack_start(scrolled_window,expand=True,fill=True) label3 = gtk.Label(_('Press OK to proceed, Cancel to abort, ' 'or Back to revisit your options.')) box.pack_start(label3,expand=False) box.show_all() self.w.remove_page(self.confirm_page) self.confirm_page = self.w.insert_page(_('Final confirmation'), box,self.confirm_page) def run(self): """ Run selected batch op with selected settings. """ ix = self.get_selected_op_index() self.pre_run() success = self.batch_ops[ix].run_tool() self.post_run() return success def pre_run(self): self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1) self.w.set_busy_cursor(1) self.uistate.progress.show() def post_run(self): self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0) self.w.set_busy_cursor(0) self.uistate.progress.hide() def build_conclusion(self,success): if success: conclusion_title = _('Operation succesfully finished.') conclusion_text = _( 'The operation you requested has finished successfully. ' 'You may press OK button now to continue.') else: conclusion_title = _('Operation failed'), conclusion_text = _( 'There was an error while performing the requested ' 'operation. You may try starting the tool again.') self.w.remove_page(self.conclusion_page) self.conclusion_page = self.w.insert_text_page(conclusion_title, conclusion_text, self.conclusion_page) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # These are the actuall sub-tools (batch-ops) for use from Assistant # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class BatchOp(UpdateCallback): """ Base class for the sub-tools. """ title = 'Untitled operation' description = 'This operation needs to be described' def __init__(self,db,callback): UpdateCallback.__init__(self,callback) self.db = db self.prepared = False def build_config(self): """ This method should return either None (if the batch op requires no settings to run) or a tuple (title,box) for the settings page. """ return None def build_confirm_text(self): """ This method should return either None (if the batch op requires no confirmation) or a string with the confirmation text. """ text = _( 'The following action is to be performed:\n\n' 'Operation:\t%s') % self.title.replace('_','') return text def build_path_list(self): """ This method returns a list of the path names that would be affected by the batch op. Typically it would rely on prepare() to do the actual job, but it does not have to be that way. """ self.prepare() return self.path_list def run_tool(self): """ This method runs the batch op, taking care of database signals and transactions before and after the running. Should not be overridden without good reasons. """ self._pre_run() success = self._run() self._post_run() return success def _pre_run(self): """ Low-level method for starting transaction and disabling signals. Should not be overridden without good reasons. """ self.trans = self.db.transaction_begin("",batch=True) self.db.disable_signals() def _post_run(self): """ Low-level method for committing transaction and enabling signals. Should not be overridden without good reasons. """ self.db.transaction_commit(self.trans,self.title) self.db.enable_signals() self.db.request_rebuild() def _run(self): """ This method is the beef of the tool. Needs to be overridden in the subclass. """ print "This method needs to be written." print "Running BatchOp tool... done." return True def prepare(self): """ This method should prepare the tool for the actual run. Typically this involves going over media objects and selecting the ones that will be affected by the batch op. This method should set self.prepared to True, to indicate that it has already ran. """ self.handle_list = [] self.path_list = [] self._prepare() self.prepared = True def _prepare(self): print "This method needs to be written." print "Preparing BatchOp tool... done." pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simple op to replace substrings in the paths #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PathChange(BatchOp): title = _('Replace _substrings in the path') description = _('This tool allows replacing specified substring in the ' 'path of media objects with another substring. ' 'This can be useful when you move your media files ' 'from one directory to another') def build_config(self): title = _("Replace substring settings") box = gtk.VBox() box.set_spacing(12) table = gtk.Table(2,2) table.set_row_spacings(6) table.set_col_spacings(6) self.from_entry = gtk.Entry() table.attach(self.from_entry,1,2,0,1,yoptions=0) from_label = gtk.Label(_('_Replace:')) from_label.set_use_underline(True) from_label.set_alignment(0,0.5) from_label.set_mnemonic_widget(self.from_entry) table.attach(from_label,0,1,0,1,xoptions=0,yoptions=0) self.to_entry = gtk.Entry() table.attach(self.to_entry,1,2,1,2,yoptions=0) to_label = gtk.Label(_('_With:')) to_label.set_use_underline(True) to_label.set_alignment(0,0.5) to_label.set_mnemonic_widget(self.to_entry) table.attach(to_label,0,1,1,2,xoptions=0,yoptions=0) box.add(table) return (title,box) def build_confirm_text(self): from_text = unicode(self.from_entry.get_text()) to_text = unicode(self.to_entry.get_text()) text = _( 'The following action is to be performed:\n\n' 'Operation:\t%s\nReplace:\t\t%s\nWith:\t\t%s' ) % (self.title.replace('_',''), from_text, to_text) return text def _prepare(self): from_text = unicode(self.from_entry.get_text()) cursor = self.db.get_media_cursor() self.set_total(self.db.get_number_of_media_objects()) item = cursor.first() while item: (handle,data) = item obj = MediaObject() obj.unserialize(data) if obj.get_path().find(from_text) != -1: self.handle_list.append(handle) self.path_list.append(obj.path) item = cursor.next() self.update() cursor.close() self.reset() self.prepared = True def _run(self): if not self.prepared: self.prepare() self.set_total(len(self.handle_list)) from_text = unicode(self.from_entry.get_text()) to_text = unicode(self.to_entry.get_text()) for handle in self.handle_list: obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) new_path = obj.get_path().replace(from_text,to_text) obj.set_path(new_path) self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans) self.update() return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #An op to convert relative paths to absolute #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Convert2Abs(BatchOp): title = _('Convert paths from relative to _absolute') description = _('This tool allows converting relative media paths ' 'to the absolute ones. An absolute path allows to ' 'fix the file location while moving the database.') def _prepare(self): cursor = self.db.get_media_cursor() self.set_total(self.db.get_number_of_media_objects()) item = cursor.first() while item: (handle,data) = item obj = MediaObject() obj.unserialize(data) if not os.path.isabs(obj.path): self.handle_list.append(handle) self.path_list.append(obj.path) item = cursor.next() self.update() cursor.close() self.reset() def _run(self): if not self.prepared: self.prepare() self.set_total(len(self.handle_list)) for handle in self.handle_list: obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) new_path = os.path.abspath(obj.path) obj.set_path(new_path) self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans) self.update() return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ #An op to convert absolute paths to relative #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Convert2Rel(BatchOp): title = _('Convert paths from absolute to r_elative') description = _('This tool allows converting absolute media paths ' 'to the relative ones. A relative path allows to ' 'tie the file location to that of the database.') def _prepare(self): cursor = self.db.get_media_cursor() self.set_total(self.db.get_number_of_media_objects()) item = cursor.first() while item: (handle,data) = item obj = MediaObject() obj.unserialize(data) if os.path.isabs(obj.path): self.handle_list.append(handle) self.path_list.append(obj.path) item = cursor.next() self.update() cursor.close() self.reset() def _run(self): if not self.prepared: self.prepare() self.set_total(len(self.handle_list)) db_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(self.db.full_name)) for handle in self.handle_list: obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) new_path = get_rel_path(db_dir,obj.path) obj.set_path(new_path) self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans) self.update() return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Helper functions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_rel_path(db_dir,obj_path): obj_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(obj_path)) obj_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(obj_path)) # Get the list of dirnames for each db_dir_list = [word for word in db_dir.split(os.path.sep) if word] obj_dir_list = [word for word in obj_dir.split(os.path.sep) if word] # The worst case scenario: nothing in common: # we would need to go ndirs up and then use the full obj path ndirs = len(db_dir_list) # Compare words in both lists for word_ix in range(min(len(db_dir_list),len(obj_dir_list))): # A common word reduces the trip by one '../' and one word if db_dir_list[word_ix] == obj_dir_list[word_ix]: ndirs -= 1 else: break up_from_db = '../'*ndirs obj_dir_rem = os.path.sep.join(obj_dir_list[len(db_dir_list)-ndirs:]) return os.path.join(up_from_db,obj_dir_rem,obj_name) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MediaManOptions(Tool.ToolOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self,name,person_id=None): Tool.ToolOptions.__init__(self,name,person_id) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- register_tool( name = 'mediaman', category = Tool.TOOL_UTILS, tool_class = MediaMan, options_class = MediaManOptions, modes = Tool.MODE_GUI, translated_name = _("Media manager"), status=(_("Beta")), author_name = "Alex Roitman", author_email = "shura@gramps-project.org", description=_("Manages batch operations on media files") )