# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # 2008-2009 Benny Malengier # 2009 Gary Burton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const import config from BasicUtils import name_displayer from _EditSecondary import EditSecondary from gen.lib import NoteType from DisplayTabs import GrampsTab,SourceEmbedList,NoteTab from gui.widgets import (MonitoredEntry, MonitoredMenu, MonitoredDate, MonitoredDataType, PrivacyButton) from glade import Glade #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Classes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GeneralNameTab(GrampsTab): """ This class provides the tabpage of the general name tab """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name, widget): """ @param dbstate: The database state. Contains a reference to the database, along with other state information. The GrampsTab uses this to access the database and to pass to and created child windows (such as edit dialogs). @type dbstate: DbState @param uistate: The UI state. Used primarily to pass to any created subwindows. @type uistate: DisplayState @param track: The window tracking mechanism used to manage windows. This is only used to pass to generted child windows. @type track: list @param name: Notebook label name @type name: str/unicode @param widget: widget to be shown in the tab @type widge: gtk widget """ GrampsTab.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name) eventbox = gtk.EventBox() eventbox.add(widget) self.pack_start(eventbox) self._set_label(show_image=False) widget.connect('key_press_event', self.key_pressed) self.show_all() def is_empty(self): """ Override base class """ return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EditName class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EditName(EditSecondary): def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name, callback): EditSecondary.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, name, callback) def _local_init(self): self.width_key = 'interface.name-width' self.height_key = 'interface.name-height' self.top = Glade() self.set_window(self.top.toplevel, self.top.get_object("title"), _("Name Editor")) tblgnam = self.top.get_object('table23') notebook = self.top.get_object('notebook') #recreate start page as GrampsTab notebook.remove_page(0) self.gennam = GeneralNameTab(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, _('_General'), tblgnam) self.original_group_as = self.obj.get_group_as() self.original_group_set = not (self.original_group_as == '') srn = self.obj.get_surname() self._get_global_grouping(srn) self.group_over = self.top.get_object('group_over') self.group_over.connect('toggled',self.on_group_over_toggled) self.group_over.set_sensitive(not self.db.readonly) self.toggle_dirty = False def _post_init(self): """if there is override, set the override toggle active """ if self.original_group_set or self.global_group_set : self.group_over.set_active(True) def _connect_signals(self): self.define_cancel_button(self.top.get_object('button119')) self.define_help_button(self.top.get_object('button131')) self.define_ok_button(self.top.get_object('button118'),self.save) def _setup_fields(self): self.group_as = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("group_as"), self.obj.set_group_as, self.obj.get_group_as, self.db.readonly) if not self.original_group_set: if self.global_group_set : self.group_as.force_value(self.global_group_as) else : self.group_as.force_value(self.obj.get_surname()) format_list = [(name, number) for (number, name,fmt_str,act) in name_displayer.get_name_format(also_default=True)] self.sort_as = MonitoredMenu( self.top.get_object('sort_as'), self.obj.set_sort_as, self.obj.get_sort_as, format_list, self.db.readonly) self.display_as = MonitoredMenu( self.top.get_object('display_as'), self.obj.set_display_as, self.obj.get_display_as, format_list, self.db.readonly) self.given_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("alt_given"), self.obj.set_first_name, self.obj.get_first_name, self.db.readonly) self.call_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("call"), self.obj.set_call_name, self.obj.get_call_name, self.db.readonly) self.title_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("alt_title"), self.obj.set_title, self.obj.get_title, self.db.readonly) self.suffix_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("alt_suffix"), self.obj.set_suffix, self.obj.get_suffix, self.db.readonly) self.patronymic_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("patronymic"), self.obj.set_patronymic, self.obj.get_patronymic, self.db.readonly) self.surname_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("alt_surname"), self.obj.set_surname, self.obj.get_surname, self.db.readonly, autolist=self.db.get_surname_list(), changed=self.update_group_as) self.prefix_field = MonitoredEntry( self.top.get_object("alt_prefix"), self.obj.set_surname_prefix, self.obj.get_surname_prefix, self.db.readonly) self.date = MonitoredDate( self.top.get_object("date_entry"), self.top.get_object("date_stat"), self.obj.get_date_object(), self.uistate, self.track, self.db.readonly) self.obj_combo = MonitoredDataType( self.top.get_object("name_type"), self.obj.set_type, self.obj.get_type, self.db.readonly, self.db.get_name_types(), ) self.privacy = PrivacyButton( self.top.get_object("priv"), self.obj, self.db.readonly) def _create_tabbed_pages(self): notebook = self.top.get_object("notebook") self._add_tab(notebook, self.gennam) self.srcref_list = self._add_tab( notebook, SourceEmbedList(self.dbstate,self.uistate,self.track,self.obj)) self.note_tab = self._add_tab( notebook, NoteTab(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, self.obj.get_note_list(), notetype=NoteType.PERSONNAME)) self._setup_notebook_tabs( notebook) def _get_global_grouping(self, srn): """ we need info on the global grouping of the surname on init, and on change of surname """ self.global_group_as = self.db.get_name_group_mapping(srn) if srn == self.global_group_as: self.global_group_as = None self.global_group_set = False else: self.global_group_set = True def build_menu_names(self, name): if name: ntext = name_displayer.display_name(name) submenu_label = '%s: %s' % (_('Name'), ntext) else: submenu_label = _('New Name') menu_label = _('Name Editor') return (menu_label,submenu_label) def update_group_as(self, obj): """Callback if surname changes on GUI If overwrite is not set, we change the group name too """ name = self.obj.get_surname() if not self.group_over.get_active(): self.group_as.force_value(name) #new surname, so perhaps now a different grouping? self._get_global_grouping(name) if not self.group_over.get_active() and self.global_group_set : self.group_over.set_active(True) self.group_as.enable(True) self.toggle_dirty = True self.group_as.force_value(self.global_group_as) elif self.group_over.get_active() and self.toggle_dirty: #changing surname caused active group_over in past, change # group_over as we type if self.global_group_set : self.group_as.force_value(self.global_group_as) else: self.toggle_dirty = False self.group_as.force_value(name) self.group_over.set_active(False) self.group_as.enable(False) def on_group_over_toggled(self, obj): """ group over changes, if activated, enable edit, if unactivated, go back to surname. """ self.toggle_dirty = False #enable group as box self.group_as.enable(obj.get_active()) if not obj.get_active(): surname = self.obj.get_surname() self.group_as.set_text(surname) def save(self,*obj): """Save the name setting. All is ok, except grouping. We need to consider: 1/ global set, not local set --> unset (ask if global unset) 2/ global set, local set --> unset (only local unset!) 3/ not global set, local set or not global set, not local set --> unset 4/ not local set, not global set or not local set, global set --> set val (ask global or local) 5/ local set, not global set --> set (change local) 6/ local set, global set --> set (set to global if possible) """ closeit = True surname = self.obj.get_surname() group_as= self.obj.get_group_as() grouping_active = self.group_over.get_active() if not grouping_active : #user wants to group with surname if self.global_group_set and not self.original_group_set : #warn that group will revert to surname from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog2 q = QuestionDialog2( _("Break global name grouping?"), _("All people with the name of %(surname)s will no longer " "be grouped with the name of %(group_name)s." ) % { 'surname' : surname, 'group_name':group_as}, _("Continue"), _("Return to Name Editor")) val = q.run() if val: #delete the grouping link on database self.db.set_name_group_mapping(surname, None) self.obj.set_group_as("") else : closeit = False elif self.global_group_set and self.original_group_set: #we change it only back to surname locally, so store group_as # Note: if all surnames are locally changed to surname, we # should actually unsed the global group here .... pass else : #global group not set, don't set local group too: self.obj.set_group_as("") else: #user wants to override surname, see what he wants if not self.original_group_set : #if changed, ask if this has to happen for the entire group, #this might be creation of group link, or change of group link if self.global_group_as != group_as: from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog2 q = QuestionDialog2( _("Group all people with the same name?"), _("You have the choice of grouping all people with the " "name of %(surname)s with the name of %(group_name)s, or " "just mapping this particular name." ) % { 'surname' : surname, 'group_name':group_as}, _("Group all"), _("Group this name only")) val = q.run() if val: if group_as == surname : self.db.set_name_group_mapping(surname, None) else: self.db.set_name_group_mapping(surname, group_as) self.obj.set_group_as("") else: if self.global_group_set : #allow smith to Dummy, but one person still Smith self.obj.set_group_as(group_as) elif group_as == surname : self.obj.set_group_as("") else: self.obj.set_group_as(group_as) else: #keep original value, no original group self.obj.set_group_as("") elif not self.global_group_set : #don't ask user, group was set locally before, #change it locally only if group_as == surname : #remove grouping self.obj.set_group_as("") else: pass else: #locally set group and global group set if group_as == self.global_group_as : #unset local group, go with global one self.obj.set_group_as("") else : #local set is different from global, keep it like that pass if closeit: if self.callback: self.callback(self.obj) self.close()