#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, subprocess _home = os.environ["HOME"] _res_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "..", "Resources")) _lib_path = os.path.join(_res_path, "lib") _share_path = os.path.join(_res_path, "share") _pylib_path = os.path.join(_lib_path, "python2.6") _site_lib_path = os.path.join(_pylib_path, "site-packages") _gramps_path = os.path.join(_share_path, "gramps") _gramps_locale = os.path.join(_share_path, "locale") _conf_path = os.path.join(_res_path, "etc"); _gtk2_conf = os.path.join(_conf_path, "gtk-2.0") sys.path = [_gramps_path, os.path.join(_pylib_path, "lib-dynload"), os.path.join(_site_lib_path, "pyenchant-1.6.1-py2.6.egg"), os.path.join(_site_lib_path, "gtk-2.0"), _site_lib_path, _pylib_path] sys.prefix = _res_path os.environ["XDG_DATA_DIRS"]=_share_path os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"]=_lib_path os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]=_lib_path os.environ["GTK_PATH"] = _res_path os.environ["GTK2_RC_FILES"] = os.path.join(_gtk2_conf, "gtkrc") os.environ["GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE"]= os.path.join(_gtk2_conf, "immodules") os.environ["GDK_PIXBUF_LOADERS"] = os.path.join(_gtk2_conf, "gdk-pixbuf.loaders") os.environ["PANGO_RC_FILES"] = os.path.join(_conf_path, "pango", "pangorc") os.environ["GRAMPSDIR"] = _gramps_path os.environ["GRAMPSI18N"] = _gramps_locale os.environ["GRAMPSHOME"] = os.path.join(_home, "Library", "Application Support") LANG = "C" #Default defaults = "/usr/bin/defaults" _languages = "" _collation = "" _locale = "" _language = "" LC_COLLATE = "" try: _languages = subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-app", "Gramps", "AppleLanguages"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip("()\n").split(",\n") except: pass if not _languages: try: _languages = subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-g", "AppleLanguages"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip("()\n").split(",\n") except: pass for _lang in _languages: _lang=_lang.strip().strip('"').replace("-", "_", 1) if _lang == "cn_Hant": #Traditional; Gettext uses cn_TW _lang = "cn_TW" if _lang == "cn_Hans": #Simplified; Gettext uses cn_CN _lang = "cn_CN" _language = _lang if _lang.startswith("en"): #Gramps doesn't have explicit English translation, use C break if os.path.exists(os.path.join(_gramps_locale, _lang, "LC_MESSAGES", "gramps.mo")): LANG = _lang break elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(_gramps_locale, _lang[:2], "LC_MESSAGES", "gramps.mo")): LANG = _lang[:2] break try: _collation=subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-app", "Gramps", "AppleCollationOrder"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except: pass if not _collation: try: _collation=subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-g", "AppleCollationOrder"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except: pass if _collation: if LANG == "C" and not _language and os.path.exists(os.path.join(_gramps_locale, _collation, "LC_MESSAGES", "gramps.mo")): LANG = _collation LC_COLLATE = _collation if LANG == "C" and not _language: try: _locale=subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-app", "Gramps", "AppleLocale"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except: pass if not _locale: try: _locale=subprocess.Popen( [defaults, "read", "-g", "AppleLocale"], stderr=open("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except: pass if _locale: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(_gramps_locale, _locale[:5], "LC_MESSAGES", "gramps.mo")): LANG = _locale[:5] elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(_gramps_locale, _locale[:2], "LC_MESSAGES", "gramps.mo")): LANG = _locale[:2] os.environ["LANG"] = LANG if not _language: _language = LANG if LC_COLLATE: os.environ["LC_COLLATE"] = LC_COLLATE if _language == "C" or _language == "en": LC_ALL = "en_US" elif len(_language) == 2: LC_ALL = _language + "_" + _language.upper() #Because setlocale gets cranky #if it only has two letters else: LC_ALL = _language os.environ["LC_ALL"] = LC_ALL #Spell-checker dictionary support #LaunchServices sticks this argument on the front of argument #lists. It must make sense to somebody, but Gramps isn't that #somebody. for _arg in sys.argv: if _arg.startswith("-psn"): sys.argv.remove(_arg) import gramps