# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # "Support for dates" __author__ = "Donald N. Allingham" __version__ = "$Revision$" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from re import IGNORECASE, compile import string import time #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Calendar from intl import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calendar Mappings # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREGORIAN = 0 JULIAN = 1 HEBREW = 2 FRENCH = 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Month mappings # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _fmonth = [ unicode("Vendémiaire",'latin-1'), unicode("Brumaire",'latin-1'), unicode("Frimaire",'latin-1'), unicode("Nivôse",'latin-1'), unicode("Pluviôse",'latin-1'), unicode("Ventôse",'latin-1'), unicode("Germinal",'latin-1'), unicode("Floréal",'latin-1'), unicode("Prairial",'latin-1'), unicode("Messidor",'latin-1'), unicode("Thermidor",'latin-1'), unicode("Fructidor",'latin-1'), unicode("Extra",'latin-1'), ] _fmonth2num = { "vend" : 0, "brum" : 1, "frim" : 2, "nivo" : 3, "pluv" : 4, "vent" : 5, "germ" : 6, "flor" : 7, "prai" : 8, "mess" : 9, "ther" :10, "fruc" :11, "extr" : 12,"comp" :12, unicode("nivô",'latin-1') : 3 } _hmonth = [ "Tishri", "Heshvan", "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "AdarI", "AdarII", "Nisan", "Iyyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", ] _hmonth2num = { "tishri" : 0, "heshvan" : 1, "kislev" : 2, "tevet" : 3, "shevat" : 4, "adari" : 5, "adarii" : 6, "nisan" : 7, "iyyar" : 8, "sivan" : 9, "tammuz" :10, "av" : 11, "elul" : 12,"tsh" : 0, "csh" : 1, "ksl" : 2, "tvt" : 3, "shv" : 4, "adr" : 5, "ads" : 6, "nsn" : 7, "iyr" : 8, "svn" : 9, "tmz" : 10, "aav" :11, "ell" :12, } _mname = [ _("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"), _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"), _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December") ] _m2num = { string.lower(_mname[0][0:3]): 0, string.lower(_mname[1][0:3]): 1, string.lower(_mname[2][0:3]): 2, string.lower(_mname[3][0:3]): 3, string.lower(_mname[4][0:3]): 4, string.lower(_mname[5][0:3]): 5, string.lower(_mname[6][0:3]): 6, string.lower(_mname[7][0:3]): 7, string.lower(_mname[8][0:3]): 8, string.lower(_mname[9][0:3]): 9, string.lower(_mname[10][0:3]): 10, string.lower(_mname[11][0:3]): 11 } UNDEF = -999999 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Date class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Date: """ The core date handling class for GRAMPs. Supports partial dates, date ranges, and alternate calendars. """ formatCode = 0 entryCode = 0 Error = "Illegal Date" fstr = _("(from|between|bet|bet.)") tstr = _("(and|to|-)") fmt = compile("\s*%s\s+(.+)\s+%s\s+(.+)\s*$" % (fstr,tstr),IGNORECASE) def __init__(self,source=None): if source: self.start = SingleDate(source.start) if source.stop: self.stop = SingleDate(source.stop) else: self.stop = None self.range = source.range self.text = source.text self.calendar = source.calendar else: self.start = SingleDate() self.stop = None self.range = 0 self.text = "" self.calendar = GREGORIAN def get_calendar(self): return self.calendar def set_calendar(self,val): self.calendar = val self.start.convert_to(val) if self.stop: self.stop.convert_to(val) def get_start_date(self): return self.start def get_stop_date(self): if self.stop == None: self.stop = SingleDate() self.stop.calendar = self.calendar return self.stop def getLowYear(self): return self.start.getYear() def getHighYear(self): if self.stop == None: return self.start.getYear() else: return self.stop.getYear() def getYear(self): return self.start.year def getYearValid(self): return self.start.year != UNDEF def getMonth(self): if self.start.month == UNDEF: return UNDEF return self.start.month+1 def getMonthValid(self): return self.start.month != UNDEF def getDay(self): return self.start.day def getDayValid(self): return self.start.day != UNDEF def getValid(self): """ Returns true if any part of the date is valid""" return self.start.year != UNDEF or self.start.month != UNDEF or self.start.day != UNDEF def getIncomplete(self): return self.range == 0 and self.start.year == UNDEF or \ self.start.month == UNDEF or self.start.day == UNDEF def getStopYear(self): if self.stop == None: self.stop = SingleDate() self.stop.calendar = self.calendar return self.stop.year def getStopMonth(self): if self.stop == None: self.stop = SingleDate() self.stop.calendar = self.calendar return self.stop.month+1 def getStopDay(self): if self.stop == None: self.stop = SingleDate() self.stop.calendar = self.calendar return self.stop.day def getText(self): return self.text def greater_than(self,other): return compare_dates(self,other) > 0 def less_than(self,other): return compare_dates(self,other) < 0 def equal_to(self,other): return compare_dates(self,other) == 0 def set(self,text): match = Date.fmt.match(text) try: if match: matches = match.groups() self.start.set(matches[1]) if self.stop == None: self.stop = SingleDate() self.stop.calendar = self.calendar self.stop.set(matches[3]) self.range = 1 else: self.start.set(text) self.range = 0 except Date.Error: if text != "": self.range = -1 self.text = text def set_text(self,text): self.range = -1 self.text = text def set_range(self,val): self.range = val def get_fmt(self,func): if self.range == 0: return func(self.start) elif self.range == -1: return self.text else: d1 = func(self.start) d2 = func(self.stop) return _("from %(start_date)s to %(stop_date)s") % { 'start_date' : d1, 'stop_date' : d2 } def getDate(self): return self.get_fmt(SingleDate.getDate) def getQuoteDate(self): if self.calendar == GREGORIAN: return self.getGregorianQuoteDate() elif self.calendar == JULIAN: return self.get_quote_date(_mname,_("Julian")) elif self.calendar == HEBREW: return self.get_quote_date(_hmonth,_("Hebrew")) else: return self.get_quote_date(_fmonth,_("French")) def getGregorianQuoteDate(self): if self.range == 0: return _func(self.start) elif self.range == -1: if self.text: return '"%s"' % self.text else: return '' else: d1 = _func(self.start) d2 = _func(self.stop) return _("from %(start_date)s to %(stop_date)s") % { 'start_date' : d1, 'stop_date' : d2 } def get_quote_date(self,month_map,cal_str): if self.range == 0: return "%s (%s)" % (self.start.display_calendar(month_map),cal_str) elif self.range == -1: if self.text: return '"%s (%s)"' % (self.text,cal_str) else: return '' else: d1 = self.start.display_calendar(month_map) d2 = self.stop.display_calendar(month_map) return _("from %(start_date)s to %(stop_date)s (%(calendar)s)") % { 'start_date' : d1, 'stop_data' :d2, 'calendar' : cal_str} def isEmpty(self): s = self.start return s.year==UNDEF and s.month==UNDEF and s.day==UNDEF and not self.text def isValid(self): return self.range != -1 def isRange(self): return self.range == 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_format_code(code): global _func Date.formatCode = code _func = SingleDate.fmtFunc[code] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_format_code(): return Date.formatCode #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SingleDate: "Date handling" exact = 0 about = 1 before = 2 after = 3 emname =[ 'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC' ] em2num ={ "jan" : 0, "feb" : 1, "mar" : 2, "apr" : 3, "may" : 4, "jun" : 5, "jul" : 6, "aug" : 7, "sep" : 8, "oct" : 9, "nov" : 10,"dec" : 11 } m2v = { _("abt") : about , _("about") : about, _("abt.") : about, _("est") : about , _("est.") : about , _("circa") : about, _("around") : about, _("before") : before, _("bef") : before, _("bef.") : before, _("after") : after, _("aft.") : after, _("aft") : after, # And the untranslated versions for reading saved data from XML. "abt" : about, "about" : about, "bef" : before, "bef." : before, "aft." : after, "abt." : about, "est." : about, "est" : about, "after" : after, "before": before, "aft" : after, } modifiers = '(' + \ _("abt\.?") + '|' + \ _("about") + '|' + \ _("est\.?") + '|' + \ _("circa") + '|' + \ _("around") + '|' + \ _("before") + '|' + \ _("after") + '|' + \ _("aft\.?") + '|' + \ _("bef\.?") + \ '|abt|aft|after|before|bef)' start = "^\s*" + modifiers + "?\s*" fmt1 = compile(start+"(\S+)(\s+\d+\s*,)?\s*([?\d]+)?\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt2 = compile(start+"(\d+)\.?\s+(\S+)(\s+\d+)?\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt3 = compile(start+r"([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt7 = compile(start+r"([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt4 = compile(start+"(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt5 = compile(start+"(\d+)\s*$", IGNORECASE) fmt6 = compile(start+"(\S+)\s*$", IGNORECASE) def __init__(self,source=None): if source: self.month = source.month self.day = source.day self.year = source.year self.mode = source.mode self.calendar = source.calendar else: self.month = UNDEF self.day = UNDEF self.year = UNDEF self.mode = SingleDate.exact self.calendar = GREGORIAN def setMode(self,val): if not val: self.mode = SingleDate.exact else: try: self.mode = SingleDate.m2v[string.lower(val)] except KeyError: raise Date.Error,val def setMonth(self,val): if val > 14 or val < 0: self.month = UNDEF else: self.month = val - 1 def setMonthVal(self,s): try: val = int(s) self.month = val - 1 except: self.month = UNDEF def setDayVal(self,s): try: val = int(s) self.day = val except: self.day = UNDEF def setYearVal(self,s): try: val = int(s) self.year = val except: self.year = UNDEF def getMonth(self): if self.month == UNDEF: return UNDEF return self.month + 1 def getMonthValid(self): return self.month != UNDEF def setDay(self,val): self.day = val def getDay(self): return self.day def getDayValid(self): return self.day != UNDEF def setYear(self,val): self.year = val def getYear(self): return self.year def getYearValid(self): return self.year != UNDEF def getValid(self): """ Returns true if any part of the date is valid""" return self.year != UNDEF or self.month != UNDEF or self.day != UNDEF def setMonthStr(self,text): try: self.month = _m2num[string.lower(text[0:3])] except KeyError: self.setMonthStrEng(text) def setMonthStrEng(self,text): try: self.month = SingleDate.em2num[string.lower(text[0:3])] except KeyError: self.month = UNDEF raise Date.Error,text def getMonthStr(self): return _mname[self.month] def getIsoDate(self): if self.year == UNDEF: y = "????" else: y = "%04d" % self.year if self.month == UNDEF: if self.day == UNDEF: m = "" else: m = "-??" else: m = "-%02d" % (self.month+1) if self.day == UNDEF: d = '' else: d = "-%02d" % self.day return "%s%s%s" % (y,m,d) def _format1(self): if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF: return "" elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: retval = _mname[self.month] else: try: retval = "%s %d" % (_mname[self.month],self.year) except: retval = "**** %d %d %d ****" % (self.year,self.month,self.day) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) else: try: month = _mname[self.month] except: month = "" if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%s %d, ????" % (month,self.day) else: retval = "%s %d, %d" % (month,self.day,self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = _("about") + ' ' + retval elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = _("before") + ' ' + retval elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = _("after") + ' ' + retval return retval def _format2(self): if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : return "" elif self.month != UNDEF and self.month != UNDEF: month = _mname[self.month] if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%s %d, ????" % (string.upper(month[0:3]),self.day) else: retval = "%s %d, %d" % (string.upper(month[0:3]),self.day,self.year) elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: month = _mname[self.month] retval = string.upper(month[0:3]) else: month = _mname[self.month] retval = "%s %d" % (string.upper(month[0:3]),self.year) else: retval = str(self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("abt"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("before"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("after"),retval) return retval def _format3(self): if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : return "" elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: month = _mname[self.month] retval = string.upper(month[0:3]) else: month = _mname[self.month] retval = "%s %d" % (string.upper(month[0:3]),self.year) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) else: month = _mname[self.month] if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%d %s ????" % (self.day,string.upper(month[0:3])) else: retval = "%d %s %d" % (self.day,string.upper(month[0:3]),self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("ABOUT"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("BEFORE"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("AFTER"),retval) return retval def _format10(self): if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : return "" elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: retval = _mname[self.month] else: month = _mname[self.month] retval = "%s %d" % (month,self.year) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) else: month = _mname[self.month] if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%d. %s ????" % (self.day,month) else: retval = "%d. %s %d" % (self.day,month,self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("ABOUT"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("BEFORE"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("AFTER"),retval) return retval def _get_mmddyyyy(self,sep): if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : return "" elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s??%s??" % (self.month+1,sep,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s??%s%04d" % (self.month+1,sep,sep,self.year) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = "??%s%02d%s%04d" % (sep,self.day,sep,self.year) else: if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s????" % (self.month+1,sep,self.day,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%04d" % (self.month+1,sep,self.day,sep,self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("ABOUT"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("BEFORE"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("AFTER"),retval) return retval def _get_yyyymmdd(self,sep): retval = "" if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : pass elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: retval = "????%s%02d%s??" % (sep,self.month+1,sep) else: retval = "%04d%s%02d" % (self.year,sep,self.month+1) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = "%04d%s??%s%02d" % (self.year,sep,sep,self.day) else: if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "????%s%02d%s%02d" % (sep,self.month+1,sep,self.day) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%02d" % (self.year,sep,self.month+1,sep,self.day) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("ABOUT"),retval) if self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("BEFORE"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("AFTER"),retval) return retval def _format4(self): return self._get_mmddyyyy("/") def _format5(self): return self._get_mmddyyyy("-") def _format8(self): return self._get_mmddyyyy(".") def _get_ddmmyyyy(self,sep): retval = "" if self.month == UNDEF and self.day == UNDEF and self.year == UNDEF : pass elif self.day == UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: retval = str(self.year) elif self.year == UNDEF: retval = "??%s%02d%s??" % (sep,self.month+1,sep) else: retval = "??%s%02d%s%04d" % (sep,self.month+1,sep,self.year) elif self.month == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s??%s%04d" % (self.day,sep,sep,self.year) else: if self.year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s????" % (self.day,sep,self.month+1,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%04d" % (self.day,sep,self.month+1,sep,self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: retval = "%s %s" % (_("ABOUT"),retval) if self.mode == SingleDate.before: retval = "%s %s" % (_("BEFORE"),retval) elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: retval = "%s %s" % (_("AFTER"),retval) return retval def _format6(self): return self._get_ddmmyyyy("/") def _format7(self): return self._get_ddmmyyyy("-") def _format9(self): return self._get_ddmmyyyy(".") def _format11(self): return self._get_yyyymmdd("/") def _format12(self): return self._get_yyyymmdd("-") def _format13(self): return self._get_yyyymmdd(".") #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- fmtFunc = [ _format1, _format2, _format3, _format4, _format5, _format6, _format7, _format8, _format9, _format10, _format11, _format12, _format13] def display_calendar(self,month_map): d = '' if self.year==UNDEF: if self.month == UNDEF: d = "" elif self.day == UNDEF: d = month_map[self.month] else: d = "%02d %s" % (self.day,month_map[self.month]) elif self.month == UNDEF: d = str(self.year) elif self.day == UNDEF: d = "%s %d" % (month_map[self.month],self.year) else: d = "%02d %s %d" % (self.day,month_map[self.month],self.year) if self.mode == SingleDate.about: d = _("about") + ' ' + d elif self.mode == SingleDate.before: d = _("before") + ' ' + d elif self.mode == SingleDate.after: d = _("after") + ' ' + d return d def getDate(self): if self.calendar == GREGORIAN: return _func(self) elif self.calendar == JULIAN: return self.display_calendar(_mname) elif self.calendar == HEBREW: return self.display_calendar(_hmonth) else: return self.display_calendar(_fmonth) def setIsoDate(self,v): data = string.split(v) if len(data) > 1: self.setMode(data[0]) v = data[1] vals = string.split(v,'-') self.setYearVal(vals[0]) if len(vals) > 1: self.setMonthVal(vals[1]) if len(vals) > 2: self.setDayVal(vals[2]) def getModeVal(self): return self.mode def setModeVal(self,val): self.mode = val def set(self,text): if self.calendar == GREGORIAN: self.set_gregorian(text) elif self.calendar == JULIAN: self.set_calendar(text,_m2num,3) elif self.calendar == HEBREW: self.set_calendar(text,_hmonth2num,0) else: self.set_calendar(text,_fmonth2num,4) def set_calendar(self,text,month_map,l): match = SingleDate.fmt2.match(text) if match: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) monthstr = unicode(matches[2]).lower() if l == 0: mon = monthstr else: mon = monthstr[0:l] self.setYear(int(matches[3])) if month_map.has_key(mon): self.setMonth(month_map[mon]+1) else: self.setMonth(UNDEF) self.setDay(int(matches[1])) return match = SingleDate.fmt3.match(text) if match: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.setYearVal(matches[3]) self.setMonthVal(matches[2]) self.setDayVal(matches[1]) return match = SingleDate.fmt4.match(text) if match: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) if l == 0: mon = string.lower(matches[1]) else: mon = string.lower(matches[1])[0:l] self.setYearVal(matches[2]) self.setMonthStr(mon) self.day = UNDEF return match = SingleDate.fmt5.match(text) if match: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.setYearVal(matches[1]) self.month = UNDEF self.day = UNDEF return self.year = UNDEF self.month = UNDEF self.day = UNDEF def set_gregorian(self,text): match = SingleDate.fmt2.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.setMonthStr(matches[2]) self.day = int(matches[1]) if len(matches) == 4 and matches[3] != None: self.setYearVal(matches[3]) else: self.year = UNDEF return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt5.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.month = UNDEF self.day = UNDEF self.year = int(matches[1]) return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt7.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) if Date.entryCode == 2: self.setMonthVal(matches[2]) self.setYearVal(matches[1]) else: self.setMonthVal(matches[1]) self.setYearVal(matches[2]) if self.getMonth() > 13: raise Date.Error return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt3.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) if Date.entryCode == 0: self.setMonthVal(matches[1]) self.setDayVal(matches[2]) self.setYearVal(matches[3]) elif Date.entryCode == 1: self.setMonthVal(matches[2]) self.setDayVal(matches[1]) self.setYearVal(matches[3]) else: self.setMonthVal(matches[2]) self.setDayVal(matches[3]) self.setYearVal(matches[1]) return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt1.match(text) if match != None: (mode,mon,day,year) = match.groups() self.setMode(mode) self.setMonthStr(mon) if day: self.setDayVal(int(string.replace(day,',',''))) else: self.day = UNDEF self.setYearVal(year) return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt4.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.setMonthStr(matches[1]) self.day = UNDEF if len(matches) == 4: self.setYearVal(matches[3]) return 1 match = SingleDate.fmt6.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() self.setMode(matches[0]) self.setMonthVal(matches[1]) self.day = UNDEF self.year = UNDEF return 1 raise Date.Error,text def get_sdn(self): if self.year == UNDEF: return 0 if self.month == UNDEF: month = 1 else: month = self.month + 1 if self.day == UNDEF: day = 1 else: day = self.day if self.calendar == GREGORIAN: sdn = Calendar.gregorian_to_sdn(self.year,month,day) elif self.calendar == FRENCH: sdn = Calendar.french_to_sdn(self.year,month,day) if self.calendar == HEBREW: sdn = Calendar.jewish_to_sdn(self.year,month,day) if self.calendar == JULIAN: sdn = Calendar.julian_to_sdn(self.year,month,day) return sdn def convert_to(self,val): if val == GREGORIAN: self.convert_calendar(Calendar.sdn_to_gregorian,val) elif val == JULIAN: self.convert_calendar(Calendar.sdn_to_julian,val) elif val == HEBREW: self.convert_calendar(Calendar.sdn_to_jewish,val) else: self.convert_calendar(Calendar.sdn_to_french,val) def convert_calendar(self,func,mode): sdn = self.get_sdn() (y,m,d) = func(sdn) self.calendar = mode if y == 0 and m == 0 and d == 0: self.year = UNDEF self.month = UNDEF self.day = UNDEF else: self.year = y self.month = m-1 self.day = d #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def not_too_old(date): time_struct = time.localtime(time.time()) current_year = time_struct[0] if date.year != UNDEF and current_year - date.year > 110: return 0 return 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compare_dates(f,s): if f.calendar != s.calendar: return 1 if f.range == -1 and s.range == -1: return cmp(f.text,s.text) if f.range == -1 or s.range == -1: return -1 first = f.get_start_date() second = s.get_start_date() if first.year != second.year: return cmp(first.year,second.year) elif first.month != second.month: return cmp(first.month,second.month) elif f.range != 1: return cmp(first.day,second.day) else: first = f.get_stop_date() second = s.get_stop_date() if first.year != second.year: return cmp(first.year,second.year) elif first.month != second.month: return cmp(first.month,second.month) else: return cmp(first.day,second.day) _func = SingleDate.fmtFunc[0]