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UNSTABLE package for testing.

This webapp, is a web-based application that runs in your browser, and requires a server.

Many Gramps users would like to collaborate or share their genealogy data on the web. The main focus of this Gramps-based webapp is collaboration, allow users to easily move their genealogy data to the web to be seen, and edited with proper login and permissions, in a live, collaborative environment.

A prototype is on-line at http://gramps-connect.org/

Requires Django (version 1.7 supported until October 2015) (version 1.8 LTS supported until April 2018) ( https://www.djangoproject.com/ )


  • 'gramps-webapp' packages are in progress...

For Testing only.

See https://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps-Connect for more details.

Some commands

$ cd /usr/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/gramps/webapp $ python manage.py help $ sudo make

Initialize Gramps Django site


  • update: grampsdb/fixtures/initial_data.json $(PYTHON) manage.py syncdb --noinput $(PYTHON) manage.py createsuperuser --username=admin --email=bugs@gramps-project.org $(PYTHON) manage.py createsuperuser --username=admin1 --email=bugs@gramps-project.org

  • grampsdb/fixtures/initial_data.json: init.py mkdir -p grampsdb/fixtures $(PYTHON) init.py > grampsdb/fixtures/initial_data.json

  • init_gramps: $(PYTHON) init_gramps.py # clear primary and secondary tables

  • run: $(PYTHON) manage.py runserver

  • sql: $(PYTHON) manage.py sqlall > gramps-sql.sql

  • dump: echo ".dump" | sqlite3 sqlite.db > gramps-data.sql

  • load: sqlite3 sqlite.db < gramps-data.sql

  • superusers: $(PYTHON) manage.py createsuperuser --username=admin --email=bugs@gramps-project.org $(PYTHON) manage.py createsuperuser --username=admin1 --email=bugs@gramps-project.org

  • backup: $(PYTHON) manage.py dumpdata > backup.json

  • restore: empty $(PYTHON) manage.py loaddata backup.json

  • initial_data: $(PYTHON) manage.py loaddata grampsdb/fixtures/initial_data.json

  • docs: mkdir -p docs $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Person,Family,Source,Event,Repository,Place,Media,Note -o docs/primary-tables.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Note -o docs/note-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Media -o docs/media-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Place -o docs/place-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Repository -o docs/repository-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Event -o docs/event-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Source -o docs/source-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Family -o docs/family-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Person -o docs/person-table.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -o docs/all-tables.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Attribute,Datamap,Name,Lds,Tag,Address,Location,Url -o docs/secondary-tables.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Person,Family,Source,Event,Repository,Place,Media,Note,Attribute,Datamap,Name,Lds,Tag,Address,Location,Url -o docs/prim-sec-tables.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Person,Family,Source,Event,Repository,Place,Media,Note,Attribute,Datamap,Name,Lds,Tag,Address,Location,Url -o docs/prim-sec-tables.png $(PYTHON) graph_models grampsdb -i Person,Family,Source,Event,Repository,Place,Media,Note,Attribute,Datamap,Name,Lds,Tag,Address,Location,Url,NoteRef,SourceRef,EventRef,RepositoryRef,PersonRef,ChildRef,MediaRef -o docs/prim-sec-ref-tables.png

  • make-empty: echo ".dump" | sqlite3 sqlite.db > empty.sql

  • empty: rm -f sqlite.db sqlite3 sqlite.db < empty.sql

  • example: rm -f sqlite.db sqlite3 sqlite.db < example.sql

  • clean: rm -f sqlite.db rm -f *~ *.pyc *.pyo rm -f grampsdb/fixtures/initial_data.json