{ "creatingApplication": "Creating an application", "website": "Web site", "minecraftServer": "Minecraft server", "toDisplayRegistrationFormChooseType": "To display registration form for a new application choose necessary type.", "applicationName": "Application name:", "appDescriptionWillBeAlsoVisibleOnOauthPage": "Application's description will be displayed at the authorization page too. It isn't a required field. In authorization process the value may be overridden.", "description": "Description:", "websiteLinkWillBeUsedAsAdditionalId": "Site's link is optional, but it can be used as an additional identifier of the application.", "websiteLink": "Website link:", "redirectUriLimitsAllowableBaseAddress": "Redirection URI (redirectUri) determines a base address, that user will be allowed to be redirected to after authorization. In order to improve security it's better to use the whole path instead of just a domain name. For example: https://example.com/oauth/ely.", "redirectUri": "Redirect URI:", "createApplication": "Create application", "serverName": "Server name:", "ipAddressIsOptionButPreferable": "IP address is optional, but is very preferable. It might become handy in case of we suddenly decide to play on your server with the entire band (=", "serverIp": "Server IP:", "youCanAlsoSpecifyServerSite": "You also can specify either server's site URL or its community in a social network.", "updatingApplication": "Updating an application", "updateApplication": "Update application" }