{ "changeEmailTitle": "Change E‑mail", "changeEmailDescription": "To change current account E‑mail you must first verify that you own the current address and then confirm the new one.", "currentAccountEmail": "Current account E‑mail address:", "pressButtonToStart": "Press the button below to send a message with the code for E‑mail change initialization.", "enterInitializationCode": "The E‑mail with an initialization code for E‑mail change procedure was sent to {email}. Please enter the code into the field below:", "enterNewEmail": "Then provide your new E‑mail address, that you want to use with this account. You will be mailed with confirmation code.", "finalizationCodeWasSentToEmail": "The E‑mail change confirmation code was sent to {email}.", "enterFinalizationCode": "In order to confirm your new E‑mail, please enter the code received into the field below:", "newEmailPlaceholder": "Enter new E‑mail", "codePlaceholder": "Paste the code here", "sendEmailButton": "Send E‑mail", "changeEmailButton": "Change E‑mail", "alreadyReceivedCode": "Already received code" }