import AuthFlow from 'services/authFlow/AuthFlow'; import AbstractState from 'services/authFlow/AbstractState'; // TODO: navigate and state switching describe('AuthFlow', () => { let flow; let actions; beforeEach(() => { actions = {test: sinon.stub()}; actions.test.returns('passed'); flow = new AuthFlow(actions); }); it('throws when no actions provided', () => { expect(() => new AuthFlow()).to.throw('AuthFlow requires an actions object'); }); it('should not allow to mutate actions', () => { expect(() => = 'bar').to.throw(/readonly/); expect(() => flow.actions.test = 'hacked').to.throw(/readonly/); }); describe('#setState', () => { it('should change state', () => { const state = new AbstractState(); flow.setState(state); expect(flow.state); }); it('should call `enter` on new state and pass reference to itself', () => { const state = new AbstractState(); const spy = sinon.spy(state, 'enter'); flow.setState(state); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, flow); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it('should call `leave` on previous state if any', () => { const state1 = new AbstractState(); const state2 = new AbstractState(); const spy1 = sinon.spy(state1, 'leave'); const spy2 = sinon.spy(state2, 'leave'); flow.setState(state1); flow.setState(state2); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy1, flow); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy1); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy2); }); it('should throw if no state', () => { expect(() => flow.setState()).to.throw('State is required'); }); }); describe('#run', () => { let store; beforeEach(() => { store = { getState() {}, dispatch: sinon.stub() }; flow.setStore(store); }); it('should dispatch an action', () => {'test'); sinon.assert.calledOnce(store.dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(store.dispatch, 'passed'); }); it('should dispatch an action with payload given', () => {'test', 'arg'); sinon.assert.calledOnce(actions.test); sinon.assert.calledWith(actions.test, 'arg'); }); it('should return action dispatch result', () => { const expected = 'dispatch called'; store.dispatch.returns(expected); expect('test')); }); it('throws when running unexisted action', () => { expect(() =>'123')).to.throw('Action 123 does not exists'); }); }); describe('#goBack', () => { it('should call goBack on state passing itself as argument', () => { const state = new AbstractState(); sinon.stub(state, 'goBack'); flow.setState(state); flow.goBack(); sinon.assert.calledOnce(state.goBack); sinon.assert.calledWith(state.goBack, flow); }); }); describe('#resolve', () => { it('should call resolve on state passing itself and payload as arguments', () => { const state = new AbstractState(); sinon.stub(state, 'resolve'); flow.setState(state); const expectedPayload = {foo: 'bar'}; flow.resolve(expectedPayload); sinon.assert.calledOnce(state.resolve); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(state.resolve, flow, expectedPayload); }); }); describe('#reject', () => { it('should call reject on state passing itself and payload as arguments', () => { const state = new AbstractState(); sinon.stub(state, 'reject'); flow.setState(state); const expectedPayload = {foo: 'bar'}; flow.reject(expectedPayload); sinon.assert.calledOnce(state.reject); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(state.reject, flow, expectedPayload); }); }); });