import 'app/polyfills'; import 'react-hot-loader'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { factory as userFactory } from 'app/components/user/factory'; import authFlow from 'app/services/authFlow'; import storeFactory from 'app/storeFactory'; import bsodFactory from 'app/components/ui/bsod/factory'; import loader from 'app/services/loader'; import logger from 'app/services/logger'; import font from 'app/services/font'; import history, { browserHistory } from 'app/services/history'; import i18n from 'app/services/i18n'; import { loadScript, debounce } from 'app/functions'; import App from './App'; const win: { [key: string]: any } = window as any; history.init(); logger.init({ sentryCdn: (window as any).SENTRY_CDN as string, }); const store = storeFactory(); bsodFactory(store, () => loader.hide()); authFlow.setStore(store); Promise.all([ userFactory(store), font.load(['Roboto', 'Roboto Condensed']), i18n.ensureIntl(), // ensure, that intl is polyfilled before any rendering ]).then(() => { ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('app'), ); initAnalytics(); }); const trackPageView = debounce(_trackPageView); function initAnalytics() { if (! { const ga: { [key: string]: any; (...args: any[]): void; } = function(...args) { // eslint-disable-next-line id-length (ga.q = ga.q || []).push(args); }; = ga; ga.l =; // eslint-disable-line if (win.GA_ID) { // when GA is not available, we will continue to push into array // for debug purposes // Catch to prevent "unhandled rejection" error loadScript( '', ).catch(() => {}); } ga('create', win.GA_ID, 'auto'); trackPageView(location); browserHistory.listen(trackPageView); } } function _trackPageView(location) { const { ga } = win; ga('set', 'page', location.pathname +; ga('send', 'pageview'); } /* global process: false */ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // some shortcuts for testing on localhost win.testOAuth = (loginHint = '') => (location.href = `/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&${loginHint}`); win.testOAuthPermissions = () => (location.href = '/oauth2/v1/tlauncher?client_id=tlauncher&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080&response_type=code&scope=account_info,account_email'); win.testOAuthPromptAccount = () => (location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&'); win.testOAuthPromptPermissions = (loginHint = '') => (location.href = `/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&${loginHint}`); win.testOAuthPromptAll = () => (location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&,consent'); win.testOAuthStatic = () => (location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&redirect_uri=static_page_with_code&response_type=code&scope=account_info%2Caccount_email'); win.testOAuthStaticCode = () => (location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&redirect_uri=static_page&response_type=code&scope=account_info%2Caccount_email'); }