import 'polyfills'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider as ReduxProvider } from 'react-redux'; import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router'; import webFont from 'webfontloader'; import { factory as userFactory } from 'components/user/factory'; import { IntlProvider } from 'components/i18n'; import routesFactory from 'routes'; import storeFactory from 'storeFactory'; import bsodFactory from 'components/ui/bsod/factory'; import loader from 'services/loader'; import logger from 'services/logger'; logger.init({ sentryCdn: window.sentryCdn }); const store = storeFactory(); bsodFactory(store, stopLoading); const fontLoadingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => webFont.load({ classes: false, active: resolve, inactive: resolve, // TODO: may be we should track such cases timeout: 2000, custom: { families: ['Roboto', 'Roboto Condensed'] } }) ); Promise.all([ userFactory(store), fontLoadingPromise ]) .then(() => { ReactDOM.render( { restoreScroll(); stopLoading(); }}> {routesFactory(store)} , document.getElementById('app') ); }); function stopLoading() { loader.hide(); } import scrollTo from 'components/ui/scrollTo'; const SCROLL_ANCHOR_OFFSET = 80; // 50 + 30 (header height + some spacing) /** * Scrolls to page's top or #anchor link, if any */ function restoreScroll() { const {hash} = location; // Push onto callback queue so it runs after the DOM is updated setTimeout(() => { const id = hash.replace('#', ''); const el = id ? document.getElementById(id) : null; const viewPort = document.body; if (!viewPort) { console.log('Can not find viewPort element'); // eslint-disable-line return; } let y = 0; if (el) { const {scrollTop} = viewPort; const {top} = el.getBoundingClientRect(); y = scrollTop + top - SCROLL_ANCHOR_OFFSET; } scrollTo(y, viewPort); }, 200); } browserHistory.listen(trackPageView); function trackPageView(location) { const ga =; if (!ga) { return; } ga('set', 'page', location.pathname +; ga('send', 'pageview'); } /* global process: false */ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // some shortcuts for testing on localhost window.testOAuth = (loginHint = '') => location.href = `/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&${loginHint}`; window.testOAuthPromptAccount = () => location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&'; window.testOAuthPromptPermissions = (loginHint = '') => location.href = `/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&${loginHint}`; window.testOAuthPromptAll = () => location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&,consent'; window.testOAuthStatic = () => location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&redirect_uri=static_page_with_code&response_type=code&scope=account_info%2Caccount_email'; window.testOAuthStaticCode = () => location.href = '/oauth2/v1/ely?client_id=ely&redirect_uri=static_page&response_type=code&scope=account_info%2Caccount_email'; // expose Perf window.Perf = require('react-addons-perf'); }