variables: NODE_IMAGE: node:12-alpine NODE_E2E_IMAGE: circleci/node:12-buster-browsers DEPLOY_IMAGE: docksal/ssh-agent:1.3 # To cache both npm modules and Cypress binary we use environment variables # to point at the folders we can list as paths in "cache" job settings YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cache/yarn" CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cache/cypress" stages: - prepare - test - build - deploy # GitLab don't support bash syntax in the "variables" definitions, # so we use a custom step to define all necessary environment variables .defineVars: &defineVars |- export VERSION="${CI_COMMIT_TAG:-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}}" .installSentry: &installSentry |- apk add curl curl -sL | bash .setupSSH: &setupSSH |- mkdir ~/.ssh echo -e "Host *\n StrictHostKeyChecking no\n" > ~/.ssh/config eval $(ssh-agent -s) echo "$SSH_DEPLOY_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - ################### # Steps to extend # ################### .yarnCache: cache: key: yarn-cache paths: - node_modules - packages/*/node_modules - tests-e2e/node_modules # Keep this node_modules because it's one of workspaces policy: pull .yarnE2ECache: cache: key: yarn-e2e-cache paths: - cache/cypress - node_modules - packages/*/node_modules - tests-e2e/node_modules policy: pull ################# # Prepare stage # ################# Yarn: stage: prepare image: $NODE_IMAGE extends: - .yarnCache cache: policy: pull-push variables: CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY: 0 # Don't install binary to increase caching performance between jobs before_script: - apk add git script: - yarn install --frozen-lockfile Yarn E2E: stage: prepare image: $NODE_E2E_IMAGE extends: - .yarnE2ECache cache: policy: pull-push script: - yarn install --frozen-lockfile only: refs: - master ################# # Testing stage # ################# Lint: stage: test image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Yarn extends: - .yarnCache script: - yarn lint:check TypeScript: stage: test image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Yarn extends: - .yarnCache script: - yarn ts:check Jest: stage: test image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Yarn extends: - .yarnCache script: - yarn test Crowdin: stage: test image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Yarn extends: - .yarnCache script: - yarn i18n:extract - yarn i18n:push - yarn i18n:pull artifacts: name: "i18n for $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - packages/app/i18n/*.json - packages/app/i18n/index.js expire_in: 1 week Cypress: stage: test image: $NODE_E2E_IMAGE needs: - Yarn E2E extends: - .yarnE2ECache variables: # Sentry's DSN is provided for build step from repository configuration, # but it's not necessary to send any logs reports during E2E testing SENTRY_DSN: "" script: - yarn start & - yarn wait-on http://localhost:8080 - > yarn --cwd tests-e2e test:ci --record --browser chrome --parallel parallel: 4 timeout: 20m allow_failure: true only: refs: - master ############### # Build stage # ############### Build: stage: build image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Lint - TypeScript - Jest - Crowdin extends: - .yarnCache before_script: - *defineVars script: - yarn build # Remove unneeded files - rm -rf build/* # Move all source maps to its own directory - mkdir -p source-maps - cd build - find . -name '*' | cpio -pdm ../source-maps/ - rm -rf * - find . -name '*.js' | cpio -pdm ../source-maps/ - cd .. artifacts: name: "Production build for $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - build - source-maps expire_in: 1 week Storybook: stage: build image: $NODE_IMAGE needs: - Yarn - Crowdin extends: - .yarnCache script: - yarn sb:build --quiet artifacts: name: "Storybook for $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - storybook-static expire_in: 1 day ################ # Deploy stage # ################ .deployJob: stage: deploy image: $DEPLOY_IMAGE needs: - Build before_script: - *defineVars - *installSentry - *setupSSH - apk add rsync script: # Send release to the Sentry - sentry-cli releases new $VERSION - sentry-cli releases set-commits --commit "elyby/accounts-frontend@${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" $VERSION - sentry-cli releases files $VERSION upload-sourcemaps source-maps - rsync -v -a -r --delete-after -e "ssh -J -p 722" build/ "root@${VM_HOST_NAME}:${VM_DEPLOY_PATH}" # Finalize Sentry's release - sentry-cli releases deploys $VERSION new -e $CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME - sentry-cli releases finalize $VERSION Deploy dev: extends: - .deployJob environment: name: Development variables: VM_HOST_NAME: playground.ely.local VM_DEPLOY_PATH: /srv/ only: refs: - master Deploy prod: extends: - .deployJob stage: deploy environment: name: Production variables: VM_HOST_NAME: accounts.ely.local VM_DEPLOY_PATH: /srv/frontend rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master"' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[deploy\]/' when: on_success - when: manual