/* eslint @typescript-eslint/camelcase: off */ import sinon from 'sinon'; import OAuthState from 'app/services/authFlow/OAuthState'; import CompleteState from 'app/services/authFlow/CompleteState'; import { bootstrap, expectState, expectRun } from './helpers'; describe('OAuthState', () => { let state; let context; let mock; beforeEach(() => { state = new OAuthState(); const data = bootstrap(); context = data.context; mock = data.mock; }); afterEach(() => { mock.verify(); }); describe('#enter', () => { it('should run oAuthValidate', () => { const query = { client_id: 'client_id', redirect_uri: 'redirect_uri', response_type: 'response_type', description: 'description', scope: 'scope1 scope2', prompt: 'none', login_hint: '1', state: 'state', }; context.getRequest.returns({ query: new URLSearchParams(query), params: {}, }); expectRun( mock, 'oAuthValidate', sinon.match({ clientId: query.client_id, redirectUrl: query.redirect_uri, responseType: query.response_type, description: query.description, scope: query.scope, prompt: query.prompt, loginHint: query.login_hint, state: query.state, }), ).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should support clientId through route params', () => { const clientId = 'client_id'; const query = { redirect_uri: 'redirect_uri', response_type: 'response_type', scope: 'scope1 scope2', state: 'state', }; context.getRequest.returns({ query: new URLSearchParams(query), params: { clientId }, }); expectRun( mock, 'oAuthValidate', sinon.match({ clientId, redirectUrl: query.redirect_uri, responseType: query.response_type, scope: query.scope, state: query.state, }), ).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should give preference to client_id from query', () => { const clientId = 'wrong_id'; const query = { client_id: 'client_id', redirect_uri: 'redirect_uri', response_type: 'response_type', scope: 'scope1 scope2', state: 'state', }; context.getRequest.returns({ query: new URLSearchParams(query), params: { clientId }, }); expectRun( mock, 'oAuthValidate', sinon.match({ clientId: query.client_id, redirectUrl: query.redirect_uri, responseType: query.response_type, scope: query.scope, state: query.state, }), ).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should replace commas with spaces in scope param', () => { const query = { client_id: 'client_id', redirect_uri: 'redirect_uri', response_type: 'response_type', scope: 'scope1,scope2,scope3', state: 'state', }; context.getRequest.returns({ query: new URLSearchParams(query), }); expectRun( mock, 'oAuthValidate', sinon.match({ clientId: query.client_id, redirectUrl: query.redirect_uri, responseType: query.response_type, scope: 'scope1 scope2 scope3', state: query.state, }), ).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to complete state on success', () => { const promise = Promise.resolve(); context.getRequest.returns({ query: new URLSearchParams(), params: {} }); mock.expects('run').returns(promise); expectState(mock, CompleteState); state.enter(context); return promise; }); }); });